Irish Terrier: the pros and cons of the dog, the nuances of keeping

Almost every person has a desire to have a pet. If you need a cheerful and active companion, then breeders recommend choosing a representative from distant Ireland. The Irish Terrier is a cheerful and active breed. His irrepressible energy is perfectly combined with extreme devotion to his owner.

Classic representative of the breed

Breed characteristics

Short description
Conditions of detention:Apartment, country housing
Color:Wheat (from light golden to deep red)
Wool length:Medium length, up to 12.7 cm (except puppies)
Adult dog size:The height of males is from 46 to 48 cm at the withers, weight is from 18 to 20.5 kg.
Females are somewhat lower and lighter; the standard does not provide specific parameters.
Average life expectancy:12-16 years old
Walk:2 times a day, for a long time
Physical activity needs:Moderate level
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group No. 3 Terriers Section No. 1 Large and medium terriers
Puppy price:25,000-50,000 rub.
Pet class – 25-29,000 rubles.

Breeding class – 30-35,000 rubles.

Show class – 36-50,000 rubles.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (Whiten Terrier)
Activityin the house3
on the street4
Dominationin family2
over dogs2.8
Defending your territoryfrom people2.5
from dogs2.8
Sociabilityin family4.8
with strangers4.2
with dogs4.3
Concentrationin family1.7
in front of strangers1.9
with dogs1.8
Aggressivenessin family1.3
to strangers1.7
to the dogs2.2
to cats2.4
Family behaviorcalmness3.7
demand for affection3.7
excessive barking2.2
behavioral breakdowns2.1
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.5
over 4 years old3.8
Institutional usewatchman3.8

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Airedale Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer (Standard Schnauzer), Miniature Schnauzer (Dwarf Schnauzer), Lakeland Terrier.

The photographs show what these terriers look like:

History of the origin of the species

The history of the development of the breed goes back more than 2 centuries, but it is impossible to establish for certain when and from whom the first representatives of the species originated, and which dogs were used for selection. This is due to the fact that breeding was carried out by Irish farmers, who paid less attention to external characteristics, but to working qualities.

Animals were needed to exterminate rodents, hunt otters and badgers, and also help owners in grazing livestock. Until recently, mandatory testing of the working characteristics of dogs was carried out during its breed assessment.

The first documented mention of wheaten terriers dates back to the 17th century, where they were described as “soft-haired” dogs. Animals are almost not represented in the history of literature, because... were considered pets for the lower class, not worthy of the attention of the nobility.

The breed, formerly called the Highend, is believed to be related to the Irish Wolfhound and local terrier varieties, although this has not been scientifically proven. Natural selection led to the appearance of dogs of very different conformations, and although at the end of the 19th century. animals of this species began to participate in exhibitions; they did not have common external features. In addition, up to the 20th century. Irish terriers were not divided into separate breeds.

During the First World War, dogs were used as signalmen and also to help the wounded. The number of livestock decreased slightly after this event, as well as the separation of the more popular Irish breed. However, through the efforts of enthusiasts, wheaten terriers were resurrected.

The breed was officially recognized by the Irish Kennel Club in 1937 and received its own name. After 2 decades, it was registered by the IFF, after which it began to spread throughout the world. In Russia, the first representatives of the “wheat farmers” appeared in the early 2000s.

History of the breed

The homeland of the wheaten terrier is Ireland.

Irish soft coated wheaten terrier belongs to the group of Irish dogs. They are believed to have a common ancestor. The breeds closest to the Wheaten are the Irish Terrier and the Kerry Blue Terrier.

There is no exact information about the date of origin of this species. There are suggestions that it appeared much earlier than other types of terriers. This is indicated by references in books (from the seventeenth century) about beautiful dogs with wavy wheaten hair.

If the Irish Terrier was purposefully bred as a pet for aristocrats, then the Wheaten Terrier is the result of folk selection. Initially, it was kept exclusively in the homes of the poor, peasants, and people with average incomes.

With its friendly disposition, loyalty, endurance and courage, the wheatener soon earned universal popularity. With equal zeal, he could please the cheerful disposition of the owners in a rich house and help the peasants herd livestock and hunt rodents.

In the nineteenth century, the popularity and number of representatives of the breed were at the highest level. But at the beginning of the century, the wheaten dog performed at exhibitions under the same name “Irish Terrier” along with the Kerry Blue and the Irish Terrier.

The Irish Wheaten Terrier received official recognition in its homeland in 1937. The FCI recognized this breed twenty years later.

Now the Irish Wheaten Terrier is popular among terrier lovers around the world. There are a large number of nurseries engaged in breeding purebred wheaten.

If in ancient times the breed was used as a rodent hunter, watchman and shepherd, then in the modern world the wheaten terrier is a family dog, companion, and also an assistant for psychological therapy.

Distinctive features

Dogs of this type must meet the requirements of the FCI standard, which provides the following parameters:

  • The head has a flat skull of moderate width, not coarse. The stop is clearly visible. The muzzle is approximately equal in length to the skull. Cheekbones are poorly developed.
  • The bite is scissors, although a straight bite is acceptable. The jaws are strong with large teeth.
  • The nose is large and always black.
  • The eyes are a rich dark brown shade. They are of medium size, not flat, but not convex either.
  • The neck is strong, of normal length, and not “damp”.
  • The ears are small in size, go up, and at the level of the skull line they bend down and straight. They should not “fly” when moving, they should lie tightly.
  • The tail can be natural or docked to a third of its length. Usually raised, but not carried over the back.
  • The body is approximately square in shape, with a strong and straight back, and a shortened lumbar area. The sternum is voluminous, with rounded ribs.
  • The legs are straight, with developed bones and muscles. The angles of the knee joints and scapula are well defined. The hocks are not turned out and not high. The paws are small with dark claws.
  • The coat of adult animals is soft, but not fluffy like that of a poodle, of medium length, covering the muzzle. It has a characteristic large curl or wave, and is devoid of undercoat (except for the inner area of ​​the auricle). It is acceptable to exhibit dogs after trimming or in their natural state.

In the first case, the natural length of the fur is left above the eyes, in the area of ​​the mustache and beard, on the limbs, and lightly removed along the body, emphasizing the silhouette. The neck, chest, skull and tail are cut short. The color allows all shades of wheat, the inside of the ear can be darker. The texture, length and color of the coat are finally formed at 18-24 months.

Appearance Standards

Wheaten Terriers are medium-sized dogs. Height at the withers in males is on average 46-49 cm, weight 18-20 kg. Bitches are smaller; their size and weight are not limited by the standard. On average they weigh 13-16 kg, height at the withers is up to 46 cm.


The head is elongated, the skull is flat. The muzzle is moderately elongated, not narrowed, and is equal in length to the skull. The stop is clearly defined, the cheekbones are flat. The bridge of the nose is straight, the nostrils are wide. The eyes are small and dark brown in color. The ears are triangular and medium in size. Set wide, standing on cartilage, tips hanging down, pressed against cheekbones.


The neck is of medium length, straight, the scruff is not noticeable. The body is compact, almost square. The chest is voluminous, the back is straight, the lower back is shortened. The tail is set high. It is customary to dock it at 1/3 of the length. The dog keeps its tail raised vertically or with a slightly curved tip, and does not throw it over its back.


The limbs are muscular, smooth, and proportional in length to the body. The shoulder blades and knees are well defined. The paws are compact. Dewclaws are removed.

Coat and color

Unlike other terriers, the Whitney's coat is soft, silky, and shiny. The length of the hair is up to 13 cm. On the muzzle it forms a bang, beard and mustache, like other terriers, and feathers on the legs. The coat is thick, lies tightly to the body, falling in beautiful waves, but does not fluff. There is no undercoat.

The color is wheat of varying degrees of saturation, uniform, without spots. Colors from light golden to red are allowed. The final length and color of the coat are formed only by 1.5-2 years.

Photos complement the description of the appearance of these dogs:

Photo of an adult dog

How to buy a wheaten terrier puppy

To buy a purebred puppy, you need to find a professional breeder. Despite the fact that the breed is not very common, there are nurseries in Russia. There are especially many of them in Moscow. The price of a dog of this breed is 30-40 thousand rubles.

When purchasing, you must study the documents. The breeder must show the pedigrees of the parents, veterinary certificates, and puppy cards. It is recommended to get to know the mother and the living conditions of the animals.

Wheaten Terrier puppies are different from adult dogs. They have short, velvety fur that is dark red or gray in color and may have a black mask on their muzzle. A healthy baby should be active, not cowardly or aggressive. He should not have discharge from the eyes, unpleasant odor, dandruff or bald spots on his coat.

The photo shows what the puppies look like:

The video complements the description of the breed:

Video: Wheaten Terrier

Video: About the dog breed - Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

The Irish Wheaten Terrier is a good-natured, cheerful dog. Suitable for active owners, families with children over 6 years old. She is smart, easy to train, and can perform various tricks. Thanks to its luxurious, unusual fur, this beautiful pet will attract admiring glances from others.

Photos of puppies

Reviews from dog owners

Despite all the advantages of the breed, the owners talk about the difficulties of upbringing and training:

  • Alexandra : “The dog is a real red little devil, that’s what they call it in its homeland. And this is the honest truth. Such a pet is active, persistent, with a strong nervous system, but also aggressive and noisy. We took the dog for specific purposes: exhibitions, sports. He copes well with tasks: he quickly understands commands and listens. In addition, she is in good health and has no problems caring for her pet. But not without its drawbacks. There are many “non-standard” individuals among the individuals; they do not like other animals and eat poorly.”
  • Anna : “This breed is not for everyone. The owner must be confident in his abilities and desire to raise the terrier. You cannot take a dog just as a pet without planning to work with it. The dog will become angry and uncontrollable.”
  • Olga : “It’s difficult to find contact and a common language with a dog. But if the owner succeeds, he will receive a faithful friend, a dog - a golden mean. Dogs rarely bark, love children, are smart, loyal.”

Before purchasing an Irish Terrier puppy, it is important to think about the financial and time options. All household members should be interested in raising a pet. Otherwise, keeping a dog will become unbearable.

4.5 / 5 ( 2 voices)

Features of character and behavior

The Irish Wheaten is an active, hardy and very affectionate animal. He is not aggressive and is devoted to his owner and his family.


  • It is worth noting the animal’s orientation towards the owner and his loved ones. The dog always strives to get approval, to be close, to play and to accompany the owner in all endeavors.
  • The terrier gets along with children, obeys their commands, and does not show aggression.
  • The energetic nature of dogs makes them wonderful companions for kids when playing pranks.
  • In general, we can say that representatives of the breed are focused on communicating with people in principle. They have a positive attitude towards guests and passers-by, they love to be petted and communicated.
  • “Wheaties” have a hard time withstanding loneliness, so they will not appreciate being kept in an enclosure.
  • For all their energy, they are one of the calmest terriers.
  • They are unobtrusive, do not fight with their brothers without reason, and can get along with other animals. In addition, the Irish are smart, quickly learn “etiquette” and behave well at home and on walks.


  1. Despite the sympathy for children, it is not recommended to have such a pet if the baby is too young. An active and cheerful animal can accidentally hit or knock over a child.
  2. In addition, all dogs of this species jump high and love to do this, especially when meeting members of the owner’s family or friends. As a result, they can stain a person, scratch them or knock them over. Therefore, it is worth weaning the Irish from this habit from a young age.
  3. Dogs of this breed need active walking, so you should not deprive them of an outburst of energy. Otherwise, they may make a mess in the house or bark loudly. They also like to dig up flower beds, which is unlikely to please the neighbors.
  4. Given the tendency to create tunnels and jumps, you will have to secure the site of a country house with a high fence, with pillars and sections going underground.
  5. Like all terriers, the Irish have hunting instincts, so they can run after the “prey” during a walk or attack a small pet.
  6. They will also always fearlessly react to attacks from other dogs, especially those of their own gender. The stubbornness characteristic of terriers is present in them, but not so pronounced.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Irish Wheaten Terrier is always ready for an active pastime, so the ideal owner for him would be an equally active person.

If you are too busy at work or like to spend your free time exclusively at home, sitting in front of the TV, you are better off paying attention to another, calmer breed.

A list of the main pros and cons of the breed will help you understand whether the Wheaten is suitable for you as a pet.

The main advantages of the wheaten terrier:

1. Unique coat color, beautiful appearance. 2. Suitable for apartment maintenance. 3. Friendly disposition. 4. Gets along with children. 5. Devotion. 6. Intelligence and intelligence.

Care and maintenance

A fairly long cover creates some difficulties in care. However, such wool allows you not to freeze in winter and avoid warm clothes while walking.

  • The structure of the ears requires attention, especially during the summer and peak tick activity. They need to be inspected daily, because... Accumulating earwax and sweat in the absence of ventilation often cause inflammation.
  • The eyes are less likely to cause problems, so it is enough to monitor them once a week and, if necessary, wipe them from dirt.
  • Every month you need to pay attention to the claws , trimming the overgrown tips.

The breed is predisposed to certain diseases, so periodic monitoring by a veterinarian and nutritional monitoring are required.


Representatives of the breed are not prone to excess weight, but are prone to allergies and reactions to protein. “Wheaties” can be fed with both natural food and professional products.

Regardless of what your pet eats, you should pay attention to hypoallergenic ingredients and avoid eggs, chicken, cereals, bread and potatoes.

All new products should be introduced gradually and the pet’s condition should be monitored.

With a natural diet, you can give your dog lean meat (for example, lamb), offal, and turkey. The menu should also include porridges - rice, buckwheat, etc. It is advisable to add herbs, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. In the absence of allergies, you can please your pet with boiled sea fish without bones and eggs.

You should avoid spicy and fried foods, sweets, especially chocolate, bones, and spices. Also, don't add too much salt. It is recommended to feed the dog vitamins that are beneficial for proper growth and condition of the coat.

Among professional brands, you should choose premium, super-premium products, always from manufacturers with a good reputation. It is advisable to buy hypoallergenic foods. There is no need to add vitamins, because... they are already included in the feed.

  • Adult terriers (from 10 months) are given food twice a day.
  • Babies need more frequent meals and smaller portions.
  • After a puppy appears in the family, which usually occurs at two months of age, it should be fed 5 times a day.
  • After a couple of months, the number of meals is reduced to 4, and by six months to 3.

We recommend that you read a detailed article on the topic: “How and what to feed a dog: types and characteristics of nutrition.”


Irish Wheaten Terriers are prone to certain diseases, which you can read about later in the article.


To protect your pet from infections, it is necessary to vaccinate it in a timely manner. The first procedure is carried out at 8 weeks, repeated, to strengthen immunity, at 12. Adult dogs are vaccinated only once a year. Among the diseases that vaccination can protect against are:

  • parovirus enteritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • plague;
  • coronavirus;
  • leptospirosis;
  • rabies;
  • trichophytosis;
  • parainfluenza

7 days before the vaccination, regardless of the age of the wheaten terrier, deworming is carried out. Children are quarantined after each procedure. During these 2 weeks you cannot walk outside, and the owner should carefully monitor the puppy’s condition; if his health worsens, he should consult a specialist.

Important article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about dog vaccinations.”


Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers have some health problems, although they live a long time. Among the main diseases are:

  1. Ectopic ureters. Congenital problem with uncertain mode of inheritance. As a result of intrauterine development, ureters are formed that exit in the wrong place, causing urine to periodically leak. Conditions are also created for the development of infections. More often observed in females.
  2. Addison's disease. A problem associated with improper functioning of the adrenal glands and insufficient production of cortisol. Symptoms vary and may disappear and reappear after a few months.
  3. Retinal atrophy. A genetic problem leads to loss of retinal receptors and blindness.
  4. Nephropathy, renal dysplasia. A genetic or congenital disease in which there is a constant worsening of the structural disorder of the kidney tissue. As a result, chronic organ failure is formed.
  5. Cancer diseases.
  6. Cataract. Violation of the transparency of the lens, externally manifested in a cloudy gray-blue surface. Leads to permanent vision loss.
  7. Skin asthenia (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome). Tissue dysplasia resulting from low collagen content. A rare disease that negatively affects the condition of the skin, ligaments, and connective structures.
  8. Amyloidosis. It is observed infrequently and is associated with the fact that an abnormal protein is deposited in the internal organs, making it unable to perform functions.
  9. Protein-losing enteropathy. An acquired problem, as a result of which this plasma element is constantly lost due to increased permeability of the walls of the blood vessels of the mucous membrane.
  10. Skin diseases. Dermatitis, scratching, itching, etc. may appear.

In addition, soft-haired dogs often have an allergic reaction to food and household components. Dogs have difficulty tolerating anesthesia and medications in general.


Dogs are quite active, so they need long walks . Walking calmly along the alley will not bring any benefit. Animals need to run, jump, deliver a ball or frisbee. Dogs can be trained to hunt, because... They have well-developed working instincts. Some terriers engage in agility and other dog sports.

It should be taken into account that representatives of the breed are prone to running after “game”. Therefore, it is necessary to walk on a leash, or first take a training course and master the basic commands.


The coat of Irish Terriers is single-layered and has no undercoat, so shedding is weakly expressed.

The outer hair needs frequent combing, it is better to do this daily to avoid the formation of tangles. At the same time, it is undesirable to bathe your pet frequently; constant procedures using shampoo and hair dryer lead to damage to the hair structure.

For the same reason, it is not recommended to keep the animal in an enclosure, or often take it out into nature. Subsequent coat care will create many difficulties. Trimming and haircuts are acceptable for both pets and exhibition representatives. For the latter category of dogs, he must meet the standard requirements.

Irish Terrier - reviews

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Hello, dear readers of my short story! I read a lot of reviews here about dogs of different breeds and did not find a single review about the Irish Terrier. I would like to correct this injustice, as the Irish truly deserve to be known. The breed is not so popular in Russia, for example, in our city of a million there are about five of them.

I, like many others, dreamed of a dog since childhood, but my parents were against it. I spent my entire childhood surrounded by cats) And so, six months ago, while walking around the city with a young man, our attention was drawn to a miniature pinscher sitting near the store and patiently waiting for the owner. Here the old dream of adopting a dog came to life, so to speak. We spent a long time surfing the Internet, studying the pros and cons of various breeds; we wanted a smart, medium-sized dog. While looking through the sales advertisements, we caught our eye on two red-haired mischief-makers. That's when we first learned about this breed. We were happy with everything about the Irish's character, except that we were confused by their characteristic feature - aggressiveness towards other dogs. During live communication, we fell in love with them even more; they greeted us as if we were their best friends) The choice of two puppies was clear. Jack (that’s what we named our redhead) not only greeted us with joyful hugs, but also did not leave us a single step while we asked about the characteristics of the breed.

So, Jack moved into our house; at that time he was already almost 4 months old. And the first difficulty we encountered was that he stubbornly did not want to go to the toilet in a certain place, all my efforts were in vain, he even made puddles on the bed... By seven months he had almost stopped messing up the house. Another problem - on the street he “vacuumed” everything that caught his eye, we tried long and hard, although we are still trying to wean him from this bad habit. Now, I must say, he does this much less often, but still, he gets used to taking a lying bone or piece of bread into his mouth.

Now our mischievous boy is 10 months old, now by nature he is absolutely kind to everyone, both to people and to dogs of all breeds. They say they are big fighters, I don’t know how our Irishman’s character will change as he grows, but for now, any dog ​​causes him a storm of unbridled fun. At home, he completely adapts to the mood of the owner. You read a book, sit at the computer, Jack is sleeping next to him, but if you do something more interesting for him, his nose is right there) At any moment he is ready to jump up and join the game. Walking in the fresh air is a great joy for him, they say the Irish hate rain and walks in the rain, but this is definitely not about our Jack. He is ready to walk anytime, anywhere, at any time of the year and in any weather. Jack loves children and is ready to play with them endlessly.

During the six months that he lived with us, we became very attached to him. He is a full-fledged member of our little family.

Here is such a bearded little devil)

Marina Keil

I have kept Irish dogs since 1991, always only females. I didn't have any other breeds. It’s strange to read in reviews that they’re pugnacious, on their own, with average intelligence, and don’t train... Guys, this is called “it didn’t work out.” Well, it’s not your breed, that’s all. And these dogs’ intelligence is fine, and they fight no more than others, and are trained perfectly. Not only that, they love it! And proof of this is that many of our dogs engage in agility, coursing, dancing, and classical types of training. They pass both OKD and ZKS. I’ve been doing ring training with both of my current bitches, 6 and 2 years old, since they were three months old – no problems at all. The youngest one underwent OKD - no difficulties arose. There were no difficulties with toilet training either. The eldest mastered this “wisdom” by the age of 4 months, and the youngest learned to ask by looking at the eldest by 2.5 months. Apart from them, two cats live in the apartment - no problem. Dogs of all sizes and breeds regularly live for several days - no problem. The only “problem” is that they are too smart.

Most importantly, these dogs listen and HEAR their owner. Only now you need to try and become for them the very owner who is worth listening to...

winged seeds


Little wool, little smell, medium size and weight


Additional costs for trimming (grooming)

After my girl left for the rainbow, I began to look for a dog of a different breed. I have already been the happy owner of a female Rottweiler twice. (My review of the Rottweiler breed) However, now life circumstances required me to choose a dog of a more mobile size. So I began to look for a medium-sized working breed. I read and reviewed many breeds, and the appearance of the Irish Terrier captivated me. Despite the fact that the breed was bred as a hunting breed, reviews all stated in unison that the breed could already be considered a service breed. You will not find them on the list of the smartest dogs only because the famous classification is not designed for hunters. Such breeds are also called creative. This is a dog with great intelligence. The puppy will immediately demonstrate it to you. But then it turns out that for his personal reasons, and partly precisely because of his intelligence, he can hide this intelligence. Let's call it stubbornness. Don't despair, don't get angry, don't be upset. You will succeed if you can offer your pet something exciting, not boring. Well, when the reflexes are fixed, everything will become easier. Why get an Irish Terrier: - a dog for an active lifestyle; - you can train yourself to run with a bicycle; — you can play sports with your dog; - a medium dog, neither big nor small, 15 kg with a height of 50 cm. You can easily use public transport, pick it up on the escalator in the metro; - at the same time, has a decent jaw with powerful teeth and courage, will be able to stand up for itself; - has a stable psyche. Advantages of the Irish Terrier: - smart; - barks a little; — unpretentious in food, excellent appetite; — the fur hardly sheds (only if you don’t trim it during the process). With proper care there is almost no hair in the house; — there is no bright dog smell inherent in huskies and shepherd dogs; — the animal is very trusting, kind and positive. Peculiarities of behavior: - very active, requires good walking. Now I walk for at least an hour 2 times a day. Plus, I try to go to the park more often (at least once a week) so that the animal can run freely without a leash. In general, you need to give a young dog an outlet for energy; - independence and self-sufficiency. They say it's a terrier trait. Manifests itself in imperfect execution of commands. The fact is that the presence of the owner in the immediate vicinity is not necessary. That is, he is not afraid to “quickly get around the corner.” However, it is too early for me to judge this. And although everyone tells me that this cannot be changed, I am working on it. Disadvantages: - In all descriptions you will find the possibility of so-called zoo aggression. This means conflict with others like you. Now my dog ​​is 19 months old. Even before he was a year old, he began trying to become an arrogant male, a threat to all shepherd dogs. I diligently extinguish this moment. And I really hope for success. He only shows aggression towards large dogs. Previously, I could not tolerate aggression in my direction. He immediately went on the defensive, and even on the offensive. Now it often passes by discreetly, but not yet ideally. — Grooming, at first, will definitely require financial expenses. What is trimming: this is the so-called artificial molting. A person (when you learn, you can do it yourself) plucks the hair, already ready for this. It doesn’t hurt the dog at all, but it’s tiring, because it’s simply boring to stand still for a long time. Trimming is done at least 2 times a year, but after two or three months the animal begins to rub against furniture and your legs, trying to remove mature hair and partly succeeds. That's why I'm now learning how to trim so I can do it more often. I would really like to debunk some myths: 1. The dog does not shed. Sheds. There is little wool, but it is there. If you trim at least once every 2 months, it will be very little. If trimming is done less often, six will begin to crumble. Although not as abundantly as that of the same Rottweiler. 2. Healthy breed. This phrase may mislead that the dog will not get sick. It will be like any living creature. 3. Brave breed. So far, his courage comes down to his willingness to fight large males of other breeds. In relation to humans, my animal is quite timid. But while he is young, I will wait to draw conclusions. 4. Unpretentious breed. I wouldn't say that. — It turned out that the Irish do not have undercoat. This means that our winters are a little frosty for them. Well, I had to get clothes for the severe frost (below -10). “Besides, the animal turned out to be a clean eater and doesn’t like dirt and rain.” This trait runs in the family and is very strange to me. In very rainy weather, overalls also help. - Well, during winter walks quite a lot of snow sticks to the wool. In the summer, we collect seeds and burrs in the forest for our beard and paws. — Tartar (not plaque) also requires special attention. I have to brush the beast's teeth. (This is not my first dog, and until now I have never felt such a need to care for a dog.) I would like to advise: Find a competent instructor. Precisely a specialist in terriers. We didn't get lucky right away. At first we trained in a group with service dogs and lost significantly with the same approach. This dog does not need an overbearing owner, but a bosom friend with whom it is delicious and interesting. But what is interesting and what is not, he himself will explain to you. You may have different ideas about this. A puppy's interests generally change as they grow and mature. I don’t even know who to address this review to: experienced dog lovers or beginners. Probably still to the experienced ones. Beginners, in addition to the agreed upon points, still need to learn a lot regarding dog care, feeding, vaccinations and protection from insects, and so on. But in fact, I am delighted with my dog, and I wish everyone the same emotions. He is smart, kind, easy-going with his people, a very positive animal. He regularly walks me in the park, for which I am also very grateful to him.



Healthy, low price, inexpensive maintenance, smart, excellent companion, easy to train


Very active and not everyone is ready for such an energizer

I got an Irish Terrier almost 2 years ago. I bought it at the amateur dog breeding club in Yekaterinburg. Why the Irish Terrier? One day I saw a photo of a dog on the Internet. The photo was taken in a studio, but the dog attracted me with its appearance. Average height, strong muscular body, hard and bright red fur, beard, ears hanging down in a triangle. They are similar to Airedales, but are shorter and do not have such columns of hair on their paws. So I started looking for what kind of breed it was. It turned out that this is an Irish terrier. Then the search for nurseries in the Sverdlovsk region began. Now that you have bought your own apartment, you can now get a second dog. The dream, which had already found an advertisement on Avito, demanded its implementation. Thus, in August 2016 I got a magnificent Irish Terrier female. The dogs are wonderful. They were once bred to protect farm lands; some sources mention that this breed herded horses, and their main purpose was boar hunting. The height of the dogs is 47 cm + - a few centimeters, hard hair (does not shed, it needs to be trimmed as the hair grows), they have only a red color (from light red to deep dark), small white spots are allowed on the chest and tips of the paws. It is now forbidden to dock the tail (previously the tip was docked by 1/4). The paw pads, claws, nose, eye rims are black, the eyes are only dark. By nature, these are very active dogs that require respectful treatment. That is, drill in training may not help; there were cases when the dog refused to do anything at all, no matter how much they fought with it later. It is convenient to live with them in the city, these dogs are not aggressive towards people, have a strong nervous system, and are not afraid of loud sounds, shots, fireworks. Males love to compete, so it is better to correct this reaction with a competent specialist. In bitches this reaction can also occur, but much less frequently. Excellent walking dogs, always kept in the owner’s field of vision, burdock (not counting the beard) and other problematic grass do not stick to the coat. They overcome long distances and high barriers with ease. House. As mentioned earlier, dogs of this breed do not shed, so there will be almost no hair at home. They have a period of time when the wool is considered to be “ripe”, this is the time when the wool has matured to the point where it needs to be plucked. Before I was a year old, I trained my puppy to stay in a crate while no one was home. Therefore, Red learned to sleep peacefully while no one was home, not to bark at noise in the entrance, to stay calm at home alone. Barks at a knock or doorbell, or at the opening of a doorbell. This barking lasts about 30 seconds, so the neighbors are not inconvenienced. At home, the dog mostly sleeps, behaves decently, and began doing its business outside from the first walk. Complete accustoming to the street, if the exact regime is followed, can already be in half a year. Very smart dogs. On walks, it’s best not just to run around, but also to learn something new or just do something new so that they don’t have to invent something to do for themselves. Health. The breed has never been very popular. Therefore, there is no mass breeding, in comparison with popular breeds (AST, German Shepherd, etc.). This is a fairly healthy breed. There is a breed disease called hyperkeratosis, it is associated with the paw pads, they begin to crack and the dog experiences pain, it cannot calmly step on its paws, etc. This disease is genetic, so it is recommended that the parents of the litters take this test before breeding dogs, now it is also carried out in the Russian Zoogen laboratory. Training. First of all, this is a terrier, a hunter. The main task of the hunter is to track, catch up, grab and hold the prey. Therefore, these dogs are excellent for working with the nose, for working on the scent (PSS, sampling things, searching for special substances, searching for explosives). Catch, grab and hold - this is perfect for agility and Frisbee dog. High speed, maneuverability, strong grip. In terms of obedience, these dogs have difficulty due to the fact that their excitation process is much faster than the inhibition process. Therefore, if you want a balanced dog, you need to devote a lot of time to developing rapid switching from one state to another. Dogs get along well with other animals. I currently have 4 dogs and 3 cats; there are cases when Irish terriers live in the same house with birds. They love children very much. Because children are always cheerful, they try to do something, they play, great emotions emanate from them, and Irish terriers are the same and therefore are very drawn to children. I feed Prof.'s dog. "About Plan" food. I buy a package of 18 kg through breeders for 3500 rubles. enough for 3 months. I bought a puppy for 15,000 rubles. Video:

Olga Star

Our first dog. Pros: cheerful, loves children, silent_ does not bother neighbors with barking or other sounds, barks only when the bell rings and then only a little. Loves people. With self-esteem - does not fawn, and does not establish himself at the expense of the weak. mind - unknown in the pack. Strong nervous system - not shy, not aggressive. Not a licker; if you scratch her back very well, she can then lick her hand in gratitude, but she never licked her face. She has a little fur, since she doesn’t shed susceptible - trimmed. Very beautiful, I have never seen a more beautiful dog. Intelligence, average, does not surprise me in any way. Agile, active, but not like a Fox, in moderation. Disadvantages - in puppyhood, he tests you, trying to establish leadership, maybe. He does everything forbidden, looking you in the eyes and without a break. No amount of shouting and spanking helped us. Of course, the first five times you can make fun of this, but by the tenth you lose your temper , and the puppy is quite in control of himself. Again, the dog is the first, maybe there are ways to quickly prove to the dog its subordinate position, but our relationship improved after the first heat in 7-8 months. It was quite touching when our Rosie, I got it from, I don’t remember where , a man's sock, brought it to my kitchen and put it on the table, near the plate. She gave the spoils, so to speak, to the leader. Now she is 2 years old, everything is fine with us, there are no problems except for the emerging disloyalty to her fellow tribesmen. There was damage from puppyhood, but insignificant - wallpaper in the hallway and in the kitchen, chair legs (they were old), a few phone chargers, a couple more wires for household appliances, a lot of socks, one shoes. In general, she slept while you were at work and didn’t misbehave, but if If you stayed longer than usual, you have yourself to blame. I recommend it especially to active, energetic, non-lazy people with character. Although I’m quite pleased with it.


The Irish Terrier is a difficult dog, so difficult that it even evokes a slightly mystical feeling. You begin to believe in reincarnation... Establishing emotional contact with him is not easy, but if you succeed, you will have a true friend, brave, proud, daring, honest, and at the same time infinitely gentle and sensitive

This dog understands its owner not at a glance, but at a glance. And he can easily explain to you what he wants. You just need to be more attentive, and you will begin to understand his gestures, facial expressions and the various sounds that he makes. He sometimes copies the intonation of human speech, and so the words “let’s go”, “let me” are unambiguously guessed...

But, of course, there is a problem - the dog does not like other dogs of the same sex, and he shows this dislike unambiguously and passionately. However, passion is his leading quality. He passionately protects the house, passionately protects his territory, plays passionately, passionately loves his owners...

As for training, if you have established contact with the dog, everything goes easily. He learns tricks through play. But if there is not enough mutual understanding, it will not be easy. This dog does not tolerate lies, injustice, or a weak owner. Strong does not mean rude, by no means. Being rude to an Irishman will lead to complete failure for the trainer. Strong - self-confident... Just like the Irish Terrier himself. A much larger dog cannot resist his onslaught. Even if he is silent, the eyes of the Irish terrier are full of fire and challenge, which not everyone can accept... It was not easy for me to instill in my Irishman a peaceful perception of other males

And it must be said that the lightness and beauty of IT movements is mesmerizing. He has a beautiful, proud head carriage and graceful paws. Each pose of the dog is very elegant, his gait combines lightness and confidence. Either he doesn’t seem to touch the ground, or the ground seems to tremble under his paws. He is very light, agile, jumping and strong

Beautiful dog...

This is love and pride for life


I really want to write about this breed, so that people know the characteristics of these dogs, are ready and aware of their *strengths*. Dogs of this breed are pugnacious, males, as a rule, want to *punch the face* of all strangers without exception, females are more loyal, but nevertheless they are also quite aggressive towards females. I repeat, they may be more selective, they can *be friends* with someone. A terrier is a self-sufficient and independent dog, so the dog most likely will not seek special affection and contact with the owner. An ordinary walk with a dog, especially if the owner is an amateur and doesn’t do much with the dog, is constantly with his nose in the ground. Hence the problem of picking it up from the ground. This problem is difficult to solve, or even not at all, depending on how much patience and experience the owner has. Often these dogs are not play or food eaters, that is, they play poorly and eat poorly, which means there are problems with motivation and training + the dog is not very interested in interacting with humans. Wool. These are wire-haired dogs and need trimming. Trimming is difficult, difficult and expensive, but if you don’t pluck, everything around is coated with fur all year round. Training. These dogs are trained, of course, but as a rule you won’t grab stars from the sky. Now, unfortunately, this is a dog show and nothing more. They quickly get tired mentally, it’s better to do small approaches and not very often, that is, you still have to try to build a balance and timing of training + often it’s not easy to find motivation. And even a well-trained and prepared dog cannot be relied upon. I believe that for the average person this dog is difficult to train, but for a professional and athlete it is useless, since the result is not worth the effort expended. I advise you to think 100 times before adopting it, especially if this is your first dog, so that after 1.5 years you don’t have to think about how to get rid of it.


To breed Irish Terriers, you need to wait 2 years, when the maturation of the body is complete. Future parents can find each other through a kennel club or directly by agreement of the owners.

Dogs must have pedigree and show scores sufficient to participate in breeding. Only such representatives will be able to pass on all their advantages to their offspring. It is also necessary to check the availability of vaccinations according to age and the timeliness of treatment against helminths.

The pre-event meeting is held on neutral ground where the Irish can meet and play. After this, you need to move to the area that the male considers his. Mating is carried out in this territory, and then repeated at intervals of 1-2 days.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”


The average life expectancy of an Irish Wheaten Terrier is 13-14 years .

It is important to undergo annual preventive examinations at a veterinary clinic, deworming, vaccination and treatment against fleas and ticks.

The owner of a wheat dog should familiarize himself with the list of diseases to which his pet is predisposed:

  • Addison's disease is a pathological process that develops in the endocrine system.
  • Protein-losing nephropathy.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Protein-losing enteropathy.
  • Allergies – allergic reactions to shampoo and other wheat care products are more common.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases - intestinal inflammation, diarrhea.
  • Kidney dysplasia is a very severe pathology associated with a violation of the functional division of organ cells. With this pathology, the kidneys lose their ability to filter blood and synthesize urine.
  • Atopic dermatitis is a genetically determined itchy inflammation of the skin associated with the formation of IgE antibodies.
  • Babesiosis is caused by blood parasites; without timely treatment, a terrier can die within a few days.

Key points in training

The Irish Soft Coated Terrier is a very smart animal. They learn easily and quickly understand what is wanted from them. Along with this, they are stubborn and cunning. They may pretend that they do not know what the owner means, turn away or ignore commands. It is important to consistently and persistently demand that tasks be completed, otherwise the dog will continue to act within the chosen strategy.

The use of force should not be allowed, as the dog will be offended and refuse to act. The ideal option is a game or reinforcement with a treat. It is possible to carry out training in hunting disciplines, but it will not be possible to instill protective guard skills due to the good nature of the dog.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Personality of Wheaten Terriers

Wheaten Terriers are ideal family dogs. They have an easy, peaceful character, they are loyal and affectionate. They get very bored being alone and need constant communication with a person. They become attached to all family members, but choose one owner, whom they obey better. The following character traits can be noted:

  • good-natured;
  • sociable;
  • fearless;
  • cheerful;
  • wayward;
  • cunning;
  • stubborn;
  • independent.

The Whitens love children and enjoy playing and frolicking with them. But this is not a nanny; the breed is not suitable for children under 5 years old. These dogs are not very patient and cannot tolerate rough treatment, although they will never bite a child.

Despite the fact that wheaten terriers were previously used for protection, they are not good watchdogs. They have no aggression towards humans, even towards strangers. But they are quite aggressive towards animals. Therefore, keeping this dog in the same house with cats, birds or rodents will not work - he will perceive pets as prey. Whitney often comes into conflict with other dogs, as he is prone to dominance.

Education and training

Like all terriers, wheaten terriers are very intelligent and quick-witted. If you take into account the peculiarities of their character, they are easy to train and can even obey a child. Dog handlers recommend following these rules:

  • these pets are restless and active, so classes should be short and varied;
  • It’s better to build training in a playful way;
  • you need to show patience and perseverance - these dogs tend to dominate;
  • they can be cunning, shirk their activities and try to manipulate the owner - you cannot give in to them;
  • you cannot be rude, shout or hit the dog;
  • The best reward for following commands is a treat.

The Wheaten Terrier needs to be trained from an early age. First, they are taught a nickname, a place, a toilet, and rules of behavior. You can teach your dog basic commands on your own. After 6-8 months, it is recommended to take a course of OKD under the guidance of a dog handler. It should be taken into account that Whitan jumps high and can jump on people. This needs to be weaned off from puppyhood. You can also play sports with representatives of this breed. They are good at learning tricks.

Photos of Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers:

How to choose a puppy

  • When choosing a pet, you should contact professional breeders. Only the offspring of an animal that has a document of origin and has been assessed by an expert at exhibitions will be guaranteed to correspond to the breed. When purchasing an unregistered puppy, you cannot be sure what kind of puppy it will grow into.
  • In addition to the documents of the parents and the baby, the future owner must familiarize himself with their veterinary passports. It is advisable to observe the puppy’s mother or father, because he will be similar to them in appearance and behavior. It wouldn’t hurt to ask to see photos and results of the babies’ achievements from previous litters.

It should be noted that the length and texture of the fur of a young Irishman does not correspond to the condition of an adult animal.

  • The color is usually darker, maybe even gray. There is also a black mask and a stripe along the spine. All these signs will change with age and will finally form after 1.5-2 years.
  • A young animal should not show timidity or aggression. He actively makes contact, is not afraid of loud sounds and sudden movements, and allows himself to be stroked. The character and behavior of the future pet can be seen by watching it play with its brothers and sisters.

The Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is an excellent family pet. He is friendly, trainable, well-behaved, and also has a good appearance. However, it is worth noting that the behavior traditional for the breed is, among other things, the result of upbringing and active walks.

Training and education

Terriers are very smart dogs, and the Irishman is no exception. It is not difficult to train and educate him if you take into account his character traits and know the rules of training.

The Wheaten Terrier is very active and restless; it responds reluctantly to boring, monotonous training. Because of his activity, it is difficult for him to focus his attention on a single subject.

Based on the above, the owner must show patience and persistence. But at the same time, plan training lessons partly in a playful way.

It is recommended to carry out training and repetition of learned commands outside the city, in nature. The training itself is successful at special training grounds under the guidance of an experienced dog handler.

During training, you should not be rude to your pet. Use taste rewards, then you are more likely to achieve positive results.

At home, teach your terrier the simplest commands and rules of behavior in the house. Then, be sure to complete the OKD course with your pet; for representatives of this breed it is extremely important.

It is worth noting that the wheaten terrier performs well in sports competitions and agility. They can be taught circus tricks.

Interesting Facts

  • The coat of the wheaten terrier goes through several stages in the process of growing up; it blooms, finally forming only by 20-30 months.
  • A pack of Irish wheaten terriers can even withstand wolves. That is why in ancient times these brave dogs were called "poor man's wolfhounds."
  • Unlike other types of terriers, the wheaten terrier does not have the habit of barking long and loudly.
  • The Wheaten Terrier does not tolerate boring monotony, so it loves to create fuss around, feeling comfortable in movement.
  • Maureen Holmes (a breeder from Ireland) was the first to cut wheaten terriers; her initiative was met with hostility by many connoisseurs of the natural beauty of wheaten terriers.
  • Most of all, American owners like to give decorative haircuts to wheaten terriers. In Ireland and England they prefer the natural look of luxurious wool from wheat.
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