Beef kaltyk: what is it and how to cook it correctly?

What it is

When slaughtering animals, there are different types of body parts. By-products are divided into:

  • trachea;
  • kaltyk;
  • kidneys, liver;
  • spleen, lungs;
  • stomach;
  • head;
  • limbs;
  • brains, heart;
  • udder and other incidental body parts.

Based on the presence of microelements in the composition of the repeated product, they are divided into the first and second groups. Kaltyk is a section of the trachea, which is a collection of several animal organs.

After removal of the thyroid gland, as well as its tissues, it takes the form of cartilaginous rings with small pieces of meat. They belong to the second category of offal.


The availability of nutrients depends on the remaining meat trimmings on the cartilage product. Contents of elements:

  • water – 72.3%;
  • protein – 15.6%;
  • fat – 6%;
  • nitrogen-free substances – 2.9%.

It is a source of collagen and elastane, which promotes the development and strengthening of ligaments and tendons, and the full formation of teeth. Due to its composition and low calorie content, it can be purchased for dogs without restrictions.


This by-product is used to feed dogs and puppies due to its high content of useful elements, as well as its low cost.

It is not recommended to give it to animals in its raw form, as there is a risk of stomach problems. The puppy can only eat pre-boiled food, gradually reducing the cooking time and getting used to the raw product.

Dogs need to cook it with vegetables and rice to improve and benefit the digestion of food, as well as assimilation.

Sometimes they are stuffed with a filling consisting of carbohydrates and fiber. How much to give to an animal depends on individual digestive functions.


Veterinarians recommend using dried kaltyk. This form retains all nutrients. Is an excellent treat for animals.

It is good to use during teething and jaw formation. You can purchase it in specialized zoological stores.

Before use, it is necessary to cut off the harmful element - the thyroid gland. Thoroughly remove mucus and impurities from the larynx. Rinse with water and cook. Cooking time is at least two to three hours.

Housewives prepare beef kaltyk for various dishes. Use it for:

  • stuffing with vegetables, meat, lard;
  • making soups;
  • aspic;
  • cold snacks.

Residents of the Caucasus attach special importance to offal. They prefer to use this product for boiling, as well as preparing the national dish - khash. Contains:

Cooking time is 6 hours. Sometimes legs, head, tail are added. This hot soup is served with vodka. Fried foods are also prepared.

Part of the trachea should always be welded. After this, they are cut into rings, fried with the addition of onions, carrots and other vegetables as desired.

Stuffed ones are prepared using:

Cereals and offal are boiled until tender. The vegetables are fried, the yolk and cereal are added. Stuff kaltyk with filling. Place on a baking sheet and top with sauce made from cheese, cream and egg whites.

Place in the oven until cooked. Some cooks use borscht to prepare it. They also use it as an appetizer, pre-marinating it in spices and special sauces.

You can purchase the offal in supermarkets or in stores where delivery is carried out from meat processing plants. Packed in plastic bags.

Kaltyk is quite a budget option for feeding animals. It consists of cartilage tissue and a meat layer and contains nutritional elements.


To feed dogs, I use animal parts such as liver, lungs, and heart. This time the store didn't have them.

The seller advised me to buy a kaltyk, while praising that all breeders buy it and are happy.

In the photo you can see what they look like. But no one explained that you need to rinse your throat and cleanse the thyroid gland. After the dog ate, it began to whine, constantly lie down, and look sick.

I had to take him to the veterinary clinic. It turned out that the mucus caused her gastrointestinal tract to become inflamed and cause her pain. The treatment was long. I don’t take risks anymore and feed what has been tested.

Evgenia, veterinarian

I recommend offal for food only in boiled or dried form. They require a long cooking period to prepare. When used raw, they cause significant harm to the animal's digestion.

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Muscle meat.

Traditionally, everything except pork is used to feed dogs and puppies. An excellent dietary product for feeding sucklings is nutria meat. But, any meat, except pork, can, in principle, be used for this if it is of high quality, fresh and finely ground. However, veal is not as rich in its properties as, for example, young beef.

As for feeding adult and young dogs, teenage puppies, I believe that feeding lean pork is possible, and sometimes necessary, if the dog needs to build muscle (substance), has healthy digestion and an active lifestyle (long walks, training , trainings), and even in winter. I emphasize that pork should not have a layer of fat! However, if your dog sleeps for ten hours while waiting for you from work, and if he is also well-fed, then you should not use pork. This type of meat is given, so to speak, according to indications - only if you achieve a specific goal. When offering pork to your dog, be careful and follow these rules:

  • do not feed it to the puppy until three or four months of age
  • always cook it
  • don't feed fatty meat
  • teach in small doses, be very careful in this
  • When feeding pork, provide your dog with exercise

All other types of muscle meat do not require such restrictions. Naturally, we feed the dog meat, not bones! A good owner's dog eats meat pulp, and the owner cooks soup from the bones. Cartilage, the shoulder blade part, which again consists of cartilage, tails - of course, you can offer your pet as a long-lasting delicacy that trains teeth, provides a certain amount of useful substances and distracts from atrocities in the absence of the owner. You can feed meat on the vertebral or neck bones, this is relatively safe if the bones are large enough, your dog does not chew on them greedily, and there is no risk of him swallowing too large a piece. But still, I would be better off excluding meat on the bone treats altogether.

Raw muscle meat without any veins, films, or fat is the basis for preparing scrapers for suckling puppies.

The peritoneum is suitable if the fat is removed. Let's get it raw.

The spleen is one of the most insidious. In its raw form, it often causes upset. The spleen can play a bad joke, even if you boil it thoroughly!


These are dried or dried products that have retained all the beneficial substances and have natural flavors and aromas. Compared to raw or cooked options, dried foods have many advantages:

  • subject to all preparation conditions, they are safe and healthy;
  • convenient to store;
  • can be transported and taken on the road;
  • used for treats or rewards in training.

Pet stores and online stores mainly sell dried varieties of bovine by-products.

Cooking at home

It is quite difficult to do this at home. If you make the slightest mistake, the product can be spoiled, which increases the risk of poisoning your pet. But some owners still experiment and dry fibers that are not too dense, such as chicken offal, in ovens.

How often to give offal to a dog, in what quantity?

There are two approaches to feeding offal. You can choose the method that is more convenient for you. By-products are either given in small quantities every day or fed 2-3 times a week.

In any case, by-products in a dog’s diet should account for about 10% of the protein and fat requirements. Up to 15% if we are talking about the heart or scar. The key to success is variety; many owners give their pets “a little of everything.”

Remember that parenchymal organs (liver, kidneys, spleen, lungs) have a laxative effect.

The most valuable by-products for dogs

The value of offal for dogs largely depends on its protein content. Some of them can almost completely replace muscle meat. In addition, some offal is a real concentrate of vitamins. Let's take a closer look at each product.

Tripe (beef/lamb)

The rumen is the first and largest of the three forestomachs of ruminants. Its wall is muscular, and the inside is covered with a huge amount of villi. Stores sell peeled, white tripe. But dog lovers prefer to give their pets unpurified, black. It is traditionally considered a "source of enzymes and microorganisms."

Uncleaned scar: dark-colored villi

Now you can throw stones at me, but I'm going to debunk this myth. The rumen does not contain any enzymes or digestive juices at all. Enzymes are produced by the pancreas and, to a lesser extent, by the abomasum, the true stomach. In the rumen, digestion occurs due to a huge colony of microorganisms. About these bacteria. They are extremely useful for cows, but rather useless for dogs. In the acidic environment of the stomach of predators, these microorganisms (assuming they survived the journey from the slaughterhouse to the counter and freezer) simply die and are digested.

So yes, you can give your dog peeled tripe. And even (oh God, the barfists will curse me now) boil it. It will still be a fairly valuable source of protein, albeit without any magical properties.

Be careful: under the guise of tripe, lesser-known proventriculi of ruminants - a mesh and a book - are often sold

If you are convinced of the benefits of raw black tripe, here are a couple of tips:

In any case, it is the smell, which is unpleasant to humans, that makes tripe so attractive to dogs. It is even sold dried in powder form, as a flavoring for dry or natural food to whet your pet's appetite.

Beef/chicken/turkey liver

Liver is a special by-product. It should not be taken as a meat substitute, but as a therapeutic vitamin supplement. In small quantities it is incredibly useful, in large quantities it is truly dangerous.

You can give dogs both raw and boiled liver, depending on what kind of food system you have chosen for your pet.

Raw beef liver can cause diarrhea and be a source of worms.

Beef liver is easy to find in stores


It will take 5-6 hours to prepare the dish.

Composition of ingredients

To prepare jellied meat you will need:

  • 4 kaltyks;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • Bay leaf;
  • pepper in the form of peas.

Step-by-step cooking process

Step-by-step preparation scheme:

  1. First, you need to rinse the kaltyki in cold water, clean them of glands, mucus, and blood, put them in a saucepan, add cold water, put them on maximum heat, boil them, remove any foam that appears, reduce the heat to low and cook the offal for 3-4 hours.
  2. Next, wash the carrots, remove the peel using a vegetable peeler, remove the peel from the onions and add them to the pan along with the bay leaf 1 hour before the end of cooking.
  3. Then you need to remove the kaltyks from the pan, cut the meat from the bones, put it on a plate, remove the husks from the garlic, pass through a press or finely chop with a kitchen knife, add to the meat and mix.
  4. Now you can cut the carrots into circles, put the meat mixed with garlic into the mold, decorate with chopped carrots on top, pour in the meat broth, after straining it, cool, cover the mold with the contents with cling film and place in the refrigerator until it cools completely.


Before preparing most dishes, it is recommended to clean and boil pork or beef tripe. Even bleached offal purchased in vacuum packaging must be thawed, inspected and washed. When buying tripe from villagers, it is often possible to purchase an uncleaned or slightly washed stomach. Unprocessed beef tripe requires washing and cleaning procedures.

How to prepare beef tripe for cooking?

To prevent the dish from acquiring a disgusting smell, you need to know how to clean the tripe from mucus and stomach contents. First, cut off all the fat from the outside. Then the scar is turned inside out so that the inner side with villi or mesh is on the outside. All the mucous membrane needs to be cleaned off. To do this, the stomach is placed on a board and scraped with a blunt knife in one direction.

During the cleaning process, the scar is washed several times, then continued to be scraped until it acquires a creaky surface without mucus and a light shade. The product is washed and rinsed several times. You can soak it for 3-4 hours in water and vinegar (make a 3% solution) to remove any remaining odor. After this, rub the surface with coarse salt and rinse thoroughly after 30 minutes.

How long should you cook beef tripe?

The prepared tripe must be properly prepared for further culinary processing. The length of time to cook offal depends on its variety and the age of the animal:

Boiling begins by pouring cold water and quickly bringing to a boil. The first water is drained, the pan is filled with a new one and the offal is cooked for the specified time with spices and salt to taste. The boiling should not be strong, otherwise you will have to add boiling water.

How to cook tripe?

Different peoples have developed their own ways of preparing the stomachs of livestock. It is used as a casing, stuffed with minced meat or porridge, or made into stews by adding sour cream or tomato sauce. Pieces of boiled tripe can simply be fried in fat. Despite the unusual taste of this meat, dishes made from it are tasty and satisfying. Tripe goes well with boiled potatoes, rice, and buckwheat porridge.

By-products that should be given with caution

Although all parts of the carcass are considered edible for dogs, some by-products are best excluded from the diet or given in minimal quantities.

Beef udder

The mammary gland consists mainly of connective tissue and fat. A “dairy” udder is considered a little less fatty, but it is not easy to buy; most often “dry” udders are sold on the shelves. It is considered a difficult product to digest. High fat content puts a strain on the dog’s pancreas and liver; some animals experience diarrhea after feeding the udder.

Beef udder, cut into pieces

The udder contains very little protein. It cannot replace meat, so it is introduced only as an additive to the main diet and not often. The udder is given raw or boiled for an hour. The fatty broth that is formed in this case is not used for feeding.

Beef brains

Beef brains are not easy to find commercially, but dog lovers love to use them to add variety to their diet. This product is 80% water and 10% fat. Brains contain a lot of cholesterol, so they are fed no more than once a week, in small quantities. Raw brains have a slimy consistency, so it is more convenient to serve them boiled.


The role of the spleen in the body can be described as a “graveyard” of red blood cells. This organ serves as a source of iron, which promotes hematopoiesis. The spleen contains many vitamins, minerals and a high percentage of protein. However, it is included in the list of “dangerous” offal, since it often causes digestive upset - diarrhea, sometimes black (digested blood becomes black).


Lung tissue consists of many alveoli-vesicles and connective tissue. In terms of nutritional value, this is the most empty product for dogs. If you give it to a dog in its pure form, the stomach is highly likely to react by vomiting. Lungs are given in small quantities and in combination with other offal or meat. You can completely give up lungs in your diet.

Beef lung. Its main advantage is low cost

I see the only benefit from this offal in its low calorie content. You can dry the lung into small pieces and use it as a treat. Many dogs love these treats.

RECIPE: Boil the lung for 20 minutes, cut into pieces and dry in the oven at 60 o for 4-8 hours, depending on the desired consistency.

Instead of an oven, you can use a professional dryer


Lamb or bovine testes are a delicacy, both for animals and for people. They can be sold either shelled or peeled. They contain a lot of vitamins and microelements. The testes deteriorate quickly, so you need to be more careful when purchasing. Fresh eggs are pale pink, elastic, and almost odorless. Although the testes are rich in protein, they are also high in fat, making the delicacy very high in calories.

Dogs readily eat this offal, but there is a caveat: the testes contain a huge amount of testosterone. To prevent the sex hormone from affecting the behavior and health of the dog, the testes are fed occasionally and in limited quantities. Heat treatment destroys the hormone, so boiled testes can be given without fear, in an amount of approximately 10% of the total diet.


Beef tongue: how long and how to cook it
To make pork lung dishes tasty and healthy, it is important to choose a high-quality offal. To do this, it is important to take into account a number of recommendations described below.

  1. If possible, you should give preference to the lungs of young animals.
  2. You need to carefully inspect the product before purchasing. High-quality lung visually looks uniform in color. You should not buy an offal that has a questionable texture or color. The presence of stains is unacceptable - even a small dark formation may indicate spoilage of the product.
  3. It is best to purchase a lung that is free of dirt, tissue and blood clots.
  4. You should not buy frozen product. The ideal solution is to choose chilled lung. To buy a high-quality offal, you should put pressure on it. The dent left after touching indicates that the lung is not fresh.
  5. High-quality and fresh lung does not have unusual odors.

Pork lung can be bought for future use. It can be stored for no more than 2 days at a temperature of 6 to 8 degrees. In addition, the offal can be placed in the freezer. At temperatures down to -20 degrees, it can be stored for up to 5 months without losing its beneficial properties.

To learn how to cook pork lungs with vegetables, watch the following video.

In a frying pan

Cooking time will be 35 minutes.

Composition of ingredients

Ingredients to prepare:

  • 600 g frozen pork chops;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 2 tsp. dry spices;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • 1/2 tsp. regular salt.

Step-by-step cooking process

Pork kaltyk (cooking recipes diversify the diet) is prepared in a frying pan as follows:

  1. First you need to take out the frozen kaltyki, defrost them, leaving them at room temperature, then wash them in cold water, remove moisture using a dry towel, cut them in half, clean them of all excess, rub them with dry spices and regular salt.
  2. Then you need to grease them with mayonnaise on each side, place them in a deep bowl, cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
  3. Next, you need to pour sunflower oil into a deep frying pan, put it on the fire, heat it up, remove the kaltyki from the refrigerator, put them in hot oil and fry for about 6-7 minutes. over high heat, turning over.
  4. Now you can close the pan with a lid, reduce the heat to low and cook the kaltyki for 10 minutes. After this time, you need to open the lid, turn them over and fry for another 5 minutes. under the lid over low heat.
  5. At the end, the kaltyki should be placed on a plate, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs, topped with a side dish and served.

Homemade recipes

It is easy to prepare many simple dishes from tripe at home if you prepare boiled tripe in advance. It can be stored for 1-2 days in the refrigerator. When frozen, boiled offal is stored for about 1 month, without losing its taste when defrosted.

Baked in sour cream

For baking, it is better to choose good, rustic, non-acidic sour cream: it will not curdle, and the dish will turn out appetizing and tasty. Boil the stomach in advance.

Fry onion half rings in oil until transparent. Add strips of chopped tripe and flour, bring everything until golden. Then add sour cream, spices and salt, heat a little over low heat and place in a preheated oven for 10 minutes. Remove, sprinkle with cheese shavings and bake a little more to melt the cheese.

Country-style or Warsaw-style flasks

A hearty soup is made from prepared but not boiled tripe. The following ingredients are needed:

Beef tripe is boiled separately for about 1 hour. Cut it into convenient strips or pieces. Cut the tail into portions. Cook for about 3 hours. Cut celery and carrots into cubes, sauté onions and vegetables in oil, then mix with flour. Place the roast into the broth. Salt and add spices.

Braised tripe

Quick preparation takes about 30 minutes.

Chop the onion and gizzard. Fry in fat until golden brown for 15-20 minutes. Add tomato paste and dilute it with water to the desired thickness. Simmer for another 10-15 minutes, add salt, pepper and garlic.

Traditional with mushrooms

Sauté 1-2 onions and 1 medium carrot in oil. Cut the prepared gizzards (about 1 kg) into strips and add to the vegetables. Coarsely chop 300 g of champignons and place in the same pan. Simmer covered for about 10 minutes.

Holiday roll

A cold tripe appetizer would also be appropriate on a holiday table. Prepare what you need:

Spread the scar layer with the fleecy part facing up. Rub with mustard and salt, sprinkle with pepper, squeeze in the garlic and spread the grated carrots in an even layer. Roll tightly, tucking the edges inward. Tie with strong thread and cook over high heat until boiling (about 10 minutes). Drain the water, then put it back to boil in a new one for 4-5 hours at a minimum boil. About 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add onion, salt, and bay leaf to the broth.

Remove the threads from the finished snack and cut it into slices 1 cm thick.

In red sauce

Italian red sauce complements the taste of the offal well. For preparation take:

Bring the tomato sauce to a boil in a saucepan, add sugar and add the tripe cut into strips. Simmer on low heat for about 1 hour. At the end of the process, add basil, garlic and onions fried in olive oil. Before serving, you can sprinkle with grated cheese. Serve with baguette croutons.

Stewed tripe

You can cook offal deliciously using sour cream. The pre-boiled stomach is cut into strips or pieces and fried with onions. Then add non-acidic fatty sour cream to the saucepan, add salt and pepper. Extinguishing continues for 20-30 minutes. You can add your favorite spices to the sauce: garlic, dill, marjoram.

Trip roll

The snack roll can be prepared according to another recipe. For the filling you will need:

Boil the tripe in a large layer (about 1 kg). Place with the fleecy side up and sprinkle with chopped vegetables and spices. Roll into a tight roll and wrap in film, leaving the ends open. Pour in 1 liter of broth (you can use the one you used to cook the tripe). The product is slowly boiled for 40-60 minutes, cooled and cut into layers 1 cm thick.


Is kaltyk good for dogs?

At the butcher shop where I usually buy food for my dog, I was once advised to use kaltyk instead of tripe. The seller said that many dog ​​lovers buy it and the dogs eat it. And it costs less than tripe. I took a piece to try. My dog ​​ate a little and didn't eat any more. So they threw it away. What is kaltyk? Is it as good for dogs as tripe?

Very good previous answer.

From personal experience I can say that my dogs were reluctant to eat the larynx. I had the impression that it was not just a matter of taste, but of chewing the cartilage itself. It is poorly crushed into small pieces by a dog's teeth, springs in the mouth, gets stuck in the throat and is hard to swallow.

I feed my dog ​​exactly kaltyk mixed with tripe. He likes it. Plus it's good for your dog's health. You just need to cook it right. And there will be a result :)

I sometimes give my dog ​​a kaltyk, there is no fat in it and there is a little meat, and he chews the cartilage with pleasure, although veterinarians are not particularly fond of them

As a rule, larynx is used as a natural nutritional supplement because it contains a lot of calcium, which is especially beneficial for the teeth of young animals. It needs to be fed about once every two weeks; if the dog refuses to eat, it can be crushed in soup.

There is nothing bad about it, of course. And sometimes you can give it, but there is also little special value, neither meat nor bone, the energy value is not great.

Yes, I often bought a kaltyk for my bitch. This was a tasty morsel for her. She chewed him with great pleasure.

If the dog has a healthy stomach, then it can be fed, but only as an addition to a balanced diet and, of course, preferably from proven livestock.

I don’t even know what kaltyk is, I’ll have to Google it =)

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Per 100 g of this by-product there are 148 kcal, which is approximately 8.8% of the daily requirement. The share of proteins reaches 13.1 g or 17.2% of the daily requirement. But 12 g of fat helps cover up to 20% of the daily requirement. There are no carbohydrates in kaltyk, and there is also no dietary fiber or water in it.

Cartilage by-product is rich in collagen, calcium and elastin. These substances help improve health:

  • ligaments;
  • joints;
  • skin.

There is a positive effect of kaltyk on the condition of dog teeth. For the young part of the livestock it is an interesting toy. At the same time - also a reward. Veterinarians advise preparing kaltyk cut lengthwise. It also needs to be washed.


To prepare saltison with kaltyk you will need about 4 hours of free time. The number of components will be enough to prepare 10 servings of saltison.

Composition of ingredients

The following product set is required:

  • 700 g pork skin;
  • 2 pork kaltyks;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 120 g onion;
  • 2 tsp. ground pepper;
  • 2 tsp. table salt;
  • 1 tsp. chopped coriander;
  • 10 cloves of garlic.

Step-by-step cooking process

You can prepare saltison with pork kaltyk according to the following scheme:

  1. First you need to wash the kaltyks along with the skin. It is better to wash the kaltyks inside the throat hole with a toothbrush. The washed offal can be placed in a saucepan, filled with water and placed over high heat. When the water boils, you will need to cook the ingredients for at least 3 hours.
  2. In the meantime, you need to prepare the vegetables, the onion and garlic cloves can be peeled, the carrots can be washed in water and peeled using a vegetable peeler. Onions and carrots need to be cut into small cubes. After 2.5 hours, put bay leaves into the pan and add chopped vegetables.
  3. Next, you can remove the kaltyki from the water and cool them, placing them on a plate. The skin should be placed on another plate along with the cooked onions and carrots. You will need to remove all the meat from the kaltyks and transfer it to the skin. You will need to press the garlic cloves into the offal through a press, add salt and ground pepper and mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Then you need to take a plastic bag and cover the bottom and sides of the pan, put the final mass into the bag, wrap and tie the top of the bag, put a plate on top that is smaller in diameter than the pan and place a 3 liter jar on top, filling it with water.
  • Saltison must be kept under load in a cool place for 7 - 8 hours, after which it will be ready.

Types of by-products for feeding dogs

When getting a dog, every owner first of all solves the problem of choosing future food.

Most dog owners choose natural food, considering it more suitable and safe. However, when making such a decision and transferring your pet to natural meat feeding, you should take into account the list of necessary substances, vitamins and elements that should be included in the diet of a healthy dog ​​every day in order to maintain shape and vitality. That is why the presence of various offal products in the weekly menu is mandatory.

Various offal include a whole list of elements necessary for life, but each type has its own characteristics and norms of use, which should not be violated so as not to harm the health of the pet.

Permitted species

When introducing animal components into the menu, remember that they are only part of the required meat nutrition and cannot completely replace muscle meat. The puppy should be allowed to try as many different types of food as possible so that he can choose what he likes and suits. At the same time, you should not mix for the first time, since it will not be possible to accurately determine what caused the trouble if the stomach does not accept the new ingredient.


One of the most common ingredients, undoubtedly useful, but also has its limitations. Essentially, the liver is the main filter of the body; any toxin that gets inside passes through it, without being retained, but destroyed. According to statistics, even muscle tissue contains more toxins than a healthy liver.

Recommended by-products

Now let's take a closer look at what by-products can be given to a dog, and what benefits they bring to the animal's body. I will not describe in detail all the beneficial properties of tripe. Quite a lot has been written about this. I would just like to note that almost all offal is saturated with valuable microelements, the content of which in muscle meat is an order of magnitude lower.


In its structure, the heart is most similar to muscle meat. However, it is much denser and heavier than the first, and it contains twice as much collagen, elastin and protein.

The heart is given both boiled and raw. You can include beef, pork, lamb or chicken hearts in your pet's diet (if you are not allergic to chicken products).


The rumen is the most valuable part of the herbivore's stomach, rich in protein, enzymes and beneficial bacteria that help digest plant foods. Enzymes neutralize and remove toxins from the blood, strengthen the immune system and generally support the functioning of the barbosik’s gastrointestinal tract.

But, despite the specific smell, to put it mildly, it is the unpeeled raw tripe that is most valued.

Although some four-legged owners find the smell of tripe disgusting, almost all dogs simply fall into ecstasy from this offal and adore dishes made from tripe.


The kidneys contain vitamin D and a huge amount of fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and coat of the four-legged animal.

Kidneys can be fed either raw or boiled. But, before giving the dog raw offal, it is recommended to soak the kidneys in cool water for about 30 minutes.


The liver acts as a kind of filter through which toxins enter the body.

The amount of liver should not exceed more than 5% of the pet’s total meat diet. But these numbers have nothing to do with the filtering function. All passing toxins do not settle in the liver, but are successfully neutralized.

The percentage of recommended dosage is due to the fact that the liver contains a huge amount of fat-soluble vitamin A, which can trigger the formation of stones. In addition, an excess of the product can lead to digestive upset.

Liver is rich in iron, folic acid, vitamins A, B and D:

  • Iron improves blood composition, maintains hemoglobin and sugar levels.
  • Vitamin A has a positive effect on reproductive functions.
  • Folic acid, vitamins B and D strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Liver is most beneficial for growing puppies and lactating bitches. It can be given to dogs either boiled or raw. Raw liver contains much more nutrients. However, if your pet is on a raw food diet, in order to avoid infection with helminth larvae, which are sometimes found in the liver, it is better to buy the product from a trusted manufacturer and freeze it for at least three days before feeding it.


    The structure of the spleen is something between muscle meat and liver. Like the liver, the spleen is rich in protein, iron and amino acids.

    But, just as in the case of liver, it is advisable to feed your pet with it in limited quantities and in boiled form. Excessive amounts of this by-product can lead to loose, black stools.


    Lung is a rather controversial by-product. There are not as many benefits in it as from any other tripe. There is little useful protein in the lung. But there are plenty of connective fibers in it, as a result of which the product is poorly absorbed.

    You cannot feed your dog this by-product alone. This can lead to permanent gastrointestinal disorders.

    But this type of offal should not be completely excluded. The lung is rich in microelements that improve the functioning of the brain, heart and blood vessels. In addition, light is a low-calorie dietary product.

    It is better to introduce lung into a dog’s diet in boiled form and in combination with other meat ingredients. But a natural treat for dogs, made from light, will greatly please your pet and is perfect as a reward during training.

    Just like the lung, the beef udder contains a lot of connective fibers. The udder is quite fat. Therefore, to avoid loose stools, the amount of product in the diet must be controlled.

    The udder is rich in vitamins that help increase endurance and intensively build muscle mass. The milk udder is especially useful. It has less fat.

    It is recommended to give udder to pregnant dogs and puppies from the age of three months, in strictly limited quantities, after removing excess fat. The udder is well digestible and helps to gain weight too quickly, which can be dangerous for a growing body.

    Bovine testes

    Testes are considered a canine delicacy. Bovine and lamb testes are useful for puppies, as they contain magnesium, iodine, potassium, calcium and other valuable mineral components. Testes are an excellent source of hormones and easily digestible protein, and are recommended for feeding to male dogs before mating.

    If mating is not planned, this by-product should be given to male dogs with caution. Too much can cause overstimulation.

    Beef brains

    Like most organ meats, brains are extremely beneficial for dogs. However, they should be consumed no more than once a week.


    • heart – saturates with vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, coenzyme Q;
    • tripe – has a full range of vitamins and enzymes that improve digestion;
    • kidneys – contain zinc and phosphorus;
    • liver – rich in vitamins A and B, folic, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, biotin, choline, iron, and other substances;
    • the spleen is an iron-containing organ with a high content of amino acids;
    • udder – rich in vitamins, but high fat content imposes restrictions on consumption;
    • testes – well digestible, supports hormonal levels;
    • brains – nourishes the body with lipids and choline, an indispensable product for exhausted animals, which promotes rapid recovery;
    • Callas, tracheas, tails, ears, legs are the richest source of collagen and elastin, calcium and phosphorus.

    Beef offal, from which you should not expect much benefit, is light. Their low calorie content is the only advantage. You can give them well-cooked and crushed, since the large amount of connective tissue does not allow them to be quickly and well absorbed.

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