“Senya, take care of your hand”: how to safely separate fighting dogs?

Why do dogs fight

A fight between animals can arise for any reason, the owner’s task is to prevent it.
There are many reasons why dogs fight. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that aggressive, poorly trained and unsocialized dogs are the first to start a fight. It is worth considering the main reasons leading to a fight:

  • Feeling of fear. Yes, it is fierce fear that makes an animal rush at its relatives. The reason for this is a sense of self-preservation. It may seem to a person that the dog feels a threat out of nowhere, but he is able to rush into battle due to the fact that the other animal is larger in size, for example, if it is a white Alabai, a shepherd dog, a Labrador or other large breeds, or he simply had to I like its smell.
  • Competition for territory. Dogs are territorial animals that, thanks to their developed protective instincts, are able to defend to the death the meters that “belong” to them. They do not always consider an apartment or the area adjacent to the house to be their territory; sometimes their usual walking routes become their territory. Having felt an encroachment from another animal on their object, they are able to attack it without hesitation.
  • The struggle for leadership. Dogs are pack animals, and, as you know, in a pack all places are distributed - this is how nature intended it. A real war can begin between pets for a leadership position. Fights are also possible among several dogs living in the same house. So, for example, one four-legged friend may get used to the fact that the owner pays more attention to him than others, and as soon as he feels that the owner pays more care to another animal, a reason for a fight will arise immediately.
  • Instinct of procreation. If two male dogs discover a pregnant female while walking, a mortal battle will break out between them.
  • Individual intolerance. Just like people, dogs can develop personal hostility towards each other for no reason. This trait is especially noticeable in pets who were adopted from a shelter, because they worry that the owner’s love will go to another, and he will turn out to be unnecessary. In this situation, if the owner cannot cope on his own, a canine specialist and an animal psychologist can help.

Important! Even if the owner raises his pet correctly, this is unlikely to protect him from a fight with an aggressive and poorly behaved relative.

Treats, toys, the instinct to protect territory - all this leads to fierce fights between dogs

How to make dogs friends

It's a familiar situation - two people try to introduce their pets, but it ends in a dog fight and general chaos. This can happen when different people start living together, start dating, or even when a new pet is added to the pack. This does not always have to happen, unless one or more dogs are in the "red" zone (requiring the help of a professional trainer), you can take steps to prevent or resolve the problem.

How to introduce dogs correctly

One big mistake people make when trying to introduce dogs from different packs or bringing a new member into the pack is they simply bring both animals into one of the dogs' territory and hope they get along. Maybe they'll get along, maybe they won't. By bringing a new dog into another's territory, you risk causing an aggressive or defensive reaction in the owner dog. It all depends on the energy of the newcomer, which can be completely submissive or fearful, or maybe retaliatory-aggressive. Whether you are bringing a new dog into the pack or moving in with another person with a dog, the procedure is the same - all dogs should meet on neutral territory and go on a long walk together before coming home. The owners enter the house first, then the dogs that live in the house, and then the new dog. This way, you give the dogs the opportunity to become a united pack on a walk, and then the dogs who previously lived in the house bring the newcomer into the house. Simply letting an unfamiliar dog into your home is considered trespassing. The method described above imitates the invitation of old dogs to a new family member into the house.

What to do if dogs fight

Seeing that communication turns into an open fight, many owners begin to panic and, wanting to separate the fighters, make many mistakes. So, what to do if the dogs get into a fight:

  • You must not grab your own or someone else's dog by the collar. Of course, such a desire may be the first impulse, but in this case there is a risk of being bitten. The dog, unwittingly, obeying instinct, will twist and bite the person’s hand.
  • The owner should not use physical force against a dog that is not his own in order to protect his four-legged friend. Otherwise, such an animal may become angrier and it is not a fact that it will not switch its attention to the person who raised his hand to him.
  • If possible, they should be doused with water. This method is the simplest - it will stop the attacking instinct and the animals will immediately forget about their aggression.
  • Scare with a sharp and loud sound. In this case, you can knock loud objects against each other or use a sound horn. If you don’t have such items at hand, you can clap your hands loudly or shout. A similar sound will produce the same effect as water.
  • Throw on a blanket. Some pets, when they do not see their opponent, stop fighting.

Important! After you manage to separate the favorites, they need to be kept away from each other for some time in order to stop a new attempt to come together in battle.

How to separate fighting dogs if you can't separate them?

If angry fighting dogs fight, the fight becomes extremely dangerous. It is not the size of the dog that is important in a fight, but the strength of its grip. For example, a pit bull dog fight often ends in the death of the enemy. The owners cannot release his jaws in time. Also, the fox terrier, jagd terrier, and American bulldog do not make interceptions, but cling with a “death grip” (hanging on the enemy).

Therefore, you must know how to act in such a situation.

Quickly capture the fighting dogs. Take the jacket and use it to hold the attacking dog's head. Then your task is to unclench her jaws. A wooden wedge (stack) is suitable for this. This is a special item for dog fighting. You are unlikely to have one. So grab any thick stick. Put it in your mouth and unclench your teeth. Hold the dog by the withers with one hand, and wield the stick with the other. To make it more comfortable, hold the dogs between your legs.

You can also take a piece of a branch and try to shove it down the dog's throat. If the dog has a gag reflex, it will open its jaws on its own.

The second owner at this moment must prevent the second dog from biting. To do this, he blocks her jaws with a stick. This must be done, since the dog may bite the first one while you unclench its jaws.

When the aggressor unclenches his jaws in an attempt to intercept, immediately separate the fighters. Hold them by their hind legs. Don't let them get hooked again.

Dog fights on the street: Photos

"Rules" of a dog fight

No matter how strange it may be, dogs have their own rules that they follow when fighting. So, basically, males get into fights with males, and females with females. Of course, this rule does not always apply, but still a fight between a dog and a bitch is rather an exception to the rule.

However, when meeting pets for the first time, owners need to be prepared for any outcome of events. That is why, at first, animals should be kept on leashes and only after they get used to each other, should they be allowed to run freely, but at the same time be constantly kept in sight.

As a rule, a dog and a bitch fight quite rarely; most often, same-sex relatives enter into battle

Reasons for the fight

Dogs get into fights for a variety of reasons, most of which are rooted in natural canine instincts. And there are certain situations that can turn even the friendliest dog into a fierce fighter.

  1. Many fights are territorial, such as when a strange dog comes into your yard.
  2. The desire to protect people in your pack, food or any valuable property may provoke your dog to attack another dog.
  3. Overstimulation and what may have started out as friendly play can go too far and a fight may break out.
  4. Redirected aggression is common among dogs that are usually friendly or live together. When one dog can't get what it wants or becomes too frustrated, it may attack its best friend simply because it is the closest target. This can happen in a fenced yard where the intruder cannot reach the dog on the other side, but can, for example, reach his canine family member.
  5. Sometimes dogs just don't get along. There may be something about another dog that an aggressive dog might not like, whether it's the dog's personality, smell, or something else.

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Wheelbarrow technology

The wheelbarrow technique can only be used if two people are involved. So, you will need to quickly grab each of the dogs by the hind limbs and pull them apart, as if a person is driving a wheelbarrow along the ground.

Of course, dogs can try to free themselves and, for this purpose, try to wriggle out and bite a person, so the latter should take this fact into account and be careful when trying to pull them apart.

Important! When using the wheelbarrow technique, you should not grab animals by the shins - this is dangerous.

The wheelbarrow technique allows you to quickly separate pets

Personal safety precautions first

Sometimes you still need to intervene in a fight, especially when one of the participants is your own pet. The worst idea that can come to mind is to stand between the fighters or try to drag the pet away by holding it by the collar (neck). Don’t forget the main thing: when a dog is “wound up,” then its nerves (if it’s appropriate to put it that way) are wound up to the limit, and aggression will inevitably be redirected in your direction. Working alone is also highly undesirable; it is better to call someone for help. Try to quickly grab the dog's butt (back legs) and pull it (them) away. In the most extreme cases, when dogs are rolling on the ground in one heap, the situation requires immediate intervention and solution, seize the opportunity, place your foot on the chest of one of the dogs and apply gentle pressure. This technique will help when there is nowhere to wait for help. We warn you: intervening in a conflict when it is in the “hot” phase is fraught with serious injury. Without sufficient experience, it is still better not to do this.

How to Avoid Dog Fights

Trying to prevent dogs from fighting is easier than trying to separate animals that are already fighting. To do this, you should follow a number of rules outlined below.

Rivalry should not be encouraged. Conflict can even occur over treats and toys. Some pets are ready to defend to the last what belongs to them, while others are happy to share it. The owner needs to know the character traits of his pet in order to prevent a fight if another dog is nearby. That is why it is worth removing treats and toys when he plays with other relatives.

It is necessary to teach your pet to play carefully. It is necessary to raise an animal from puppyhood, because it is worth remembering that responsibility for its behavior lies with the owner. In addition, timely educational measures can wean him from doing what is prohibited. You need to praise your four-legged friend when he behaves well, and when he shows signs of aggression, remove him from other animals with whom he plays and leave him alone until he calms down.

It is important to teach your four-legged friend to respond to the owner’s call. It is important to teach the dog to immediately come when the owner calls, then this will help avoid a number of conflict situations. This method must be practiced from puppyhood, when the pet is in the presence of other relatives.

It's easier to prevent a fight than to separate dogs

Compliance with the rules provides a number of advantages, but there are also tips that, by adopting them, the owner will be able to protect his pet from fighting. Namely:

  • If another dog appears in the apartment, then for several weeks it is better to keep him separately to give the “old” four-legged pet the opportunity to get used to the new addition and avoid fights between them for territory. You can practice playing together or sleeping in the same room to give them a chance to get used to each other.
  • On a walk, it is worth observing the dog when it plays with others - this will prevent a fight.
  • You should take a stun gun with you on a walk, but use it only if all possible measures have been tried to separate the fighters. It is best to make short flashes near the fighters, since this sound usually causes fear.
  • On the street, a pet prone to aggression should be kept on a leash and let off only if there are no other animals nearby.

Important! After seeing how dogs fight, it is important for owners to remain calm, because otherwise they can make many serious mistakes.

When separating dogs, you should remember your own safety

Dog fight on a walk

Dog fights on the street, while walking, how to avoid it.

This article will also talk about intraspecific aggression. We will look at the problem of “strange dogs” and relationships with them while walking.

There is a problem that deserves special attention. This is “tight leash aggression.”

While walking your dog, you may notice a difference in the dog's behavior. On a leash and without it. A dog on a leash with its owner, as a rule, is clearly bolder, more confident and aggressive. Especially if the leash is tight. Without a leash - quite the opposite. This phenomenon is called tight-leash aggression.

There are two different explanations for this phenomenon.

  1. A tight leash prevents the dog from demonstrating friendly postures and gestures. This leads to the fact that the opposing dog immediately perceives the dog on a leash as an aggressor. As a result, a dog fight may be provoked.
  2. The dog feels in the “safety zone” precisely due to the tension of the leash. This increases her confidence, stimulates protective instincts and intraspecific aggression. Feeling the owner's closeness, she may believe that he is also involved in the situation. On her side. That means THERE ARE TWO, an advantage. You can “together” try to “show Kuzka’s mother” to a stranger.

Usually in such cases the enemy either retreats or may start a fight. After all, the other dog does not understand that your pet is limited by a leash. And your dog knows very well that he cannot run away on a leash. This means there is only one way out - defense “to the last.” Therefore, if a dog fight begins, it will be fierce and irreconcilable.

What to do in such a situation?

  1. It is not advisable for dogs to meet for the first time ON LEAS.
  2. If an unfamiliar dog is running towards you without a leash, there are 2 options. Either let your dog off the leash completely or loosen the tension. Let it sag to the ground.
  3. Move 1.5 - 2 meters away from your dog. Don't look dogs in the eyes - this provokes aggression. You should not scream, wave your arms or grab your dog, dragging him away. Otherwise, the conflict is highly likely to worsen.

The owner of the other dog should do the same if he is present.

Of course, this is not a guarantee that a dog fight will not start, and that you will not have to separate the fighting. But the chances of this will be significantly reduced. More often, after growling and sniffing, such dogs disperse to the sides.

What if you foresee the development of a fight with a high probability, and with a sad outcome for your pet? Then you need to be careful in advance and prevent dangerous proximity and aggressive contact. That is, if you don’t want trouble, look around carefully and leave on time.

There are a few more points.

It is worth making sure that the owner of someone else’s dog does not object to your pets meeting and communicating. It is possible that he already had some unpleasant experience. And he knows what to expect from his dog.

Let's say some aggressive little thing is rushing towards your dog with a menacing bark and growl. Loosen the leash and give your dog freedom of gestures and postures. There will be only one result - the conflict will fade away along with the distance between the dogs. And there won't be a dog fight.

If the dogs are approximately equal in size, the stranger is not excited and does not vocalize. But his tension is noticeable; he approaches you carefully, but steadily. The tail is raised, the ears are pressed forward, it growls quietly and does not take its eyes off your pet - get ready to attack.

In some cases, before the attack, there is a short-term freeze (up to 5 seconds). After this, the dogs will almost inevitably mate. But these are the last seconds when the hosts can use the run-up. In this case, you should call your pet along with you. You should not pull the leash; it is better to make a couple of sharp jerks. And immediately run away. The method is effective when used correctly.

What to do if a dog fight does occur.

Your peace of mind and confidence.

Panic in such a situation is your first enemy. Hasty fussing, screaming, kicking, slapping and pulling on the leash will not stop the fight. This requires cool action. Even though a dog fight is always scary. Therefore, if you try to separate fighters with your bare hands, the result will be disastrous. Most likely, you will be bitten by one dog or even all the fighting ones. After all, at this moment their excitement is off the charts. They don't watch where they stick their fangs. And then there’s your stress. Rest assured, his share as a result of your actions will certainly be transferred to the fighters. And it will only increase aggression.

It is precisely such actions that, for example, stimulate fighting dogs to fight. They shout at them, wave their arms, encourage them, incite them, pull on the leash and then abruptly let them go. By the way, such dogs, well trained to fight, may come your way. It’s scary to even imagine what will happen when you go to break up a fight with such a dog. Therefore, your own safety is very important. Just like your actions, which should not increase the aggression of fighting dogs.

How to properly separate fighting dogs?

The most effective is when two owners separate at the same time. To do this, they need to grab the dogs firmly by the hind legs or tail. And pulling in different directions, try to pull them apart. To prevent an excited dog from biting at this moment, it can be thrown to the ground. In the direction away from you, so that the landing would be on her back or at least on her side. In this case, you need to, without hesitation, use those seconds while the dog is trying to stand on its paws. And grab her by the collar, fasten the leash, loudly give a prohibiting command. “You can’t” or “ugh”, depending on which one the dog knows. Thus, we gain control over our pet and we can take him away to the side.

But at the same time, coordinated actions of both owners are important, then the dog fight can quickly stop. And it will be possible to start treating wounds and preventing infection.

If you separate dogs alone.

In this case, separating the dogs is much more difficult. You need to determine either which dog is already winning, or which is simply more aggressive. Grab it by the paws and tail. And drag it to any suitable place where the dog can be locked or tied up. If it works out, of course. But the dog can struggle so hard that you realize that you can’t hold him back. Then you can try to throw it away from you onto your back or side. If you manage to fix this aggressor and limit his movements, you can deal with another dog. In a word, the technique is the same, but here you have to act according to the situation.

If the dog can be forced to unclench its teeth, you can give a prohibiting command with a sharp, loud shout. Provided that the dog is familiar with this command and it is effective. Therefore, training your pet's obedience in advance can play a positive role.

It is also acceptable to use available remote tools, such as a mop, blanket, or bucket of water. At the same time, you need to take into account their lower efficiency, but their role in increasing your safety.

If you can't get the dogs away.

Even with two people, it's not always easy. But there is a way to help force the dog to unclench its jaws. To do this, you need to very sensitively pinch it (squeeze, squeeze) in the groin area (behind the genitals). The dog switches its attention and can unclench its jaws.

It is also recommended to quickly make a tightening loop from the leash and throw it on the dog’s hind leg. This will make it safer to pull a very vigorously struggling dog to a possible tethering point. Such a loop should not be placed around the animal’s neck.

What not to do.

  1. Do not rush between fighting dogs and do not try to pull them apart by their collars.
  2. Do not try to open your jaws with your hands. Instinct will kick in and you will inevitably get hurt.
  3. If a dog fight is just looming, do not rush towards your pet with shouts and commands. You will only speed up the start of the fight by provoking the enemy to attack your dog. A fight may not start, as usually someone will retreat.
  4. Don't put yourself in danger by trying to separate stray dogs fighting over food or territory! This could end tragically for you.

If you do get bitten.

It happens that the aggressor stuck his fangs into you and froze, growling and not letting go. Do not provoke him into further bites! Yes, it is VERY difficult - but someday it may even save your life. What to do? First of all, don’t twitch, try not to move. Usually the dog in such a situation lets go of the opponent, and if it does not see any further threat to itself, it moves away. You just need to try to endure the pain while remaining still. Grabbing the dog and unclenching its teeth means risking that the dog will bite you again. Any screams, screams, commands, tears, snot and squeals will not help you here, they will only make it worse. In general, it is best to stop making all sorts of sounds. Or then try to imitate the whining of a puppy. If you manage to portray it in a similar way, there is a good chance that the dog may change its anger to mercy.

After the situation has been resolved, measures should be taken to prevent infection - treat the bites. You can treat with an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. And be sure to consult a doctor. You may need a rabies vaccination.

About castration.

The effectiveness of this measure is often insufficient. The positive effect is achieved in approximately 60%. This is explained by the consolidation of behavioral aggressive skills before surgery. Despite the fact that situations that previously caused aggression, as a rule, have not disappeared.

And one last thing. It should always be remembered that dog fighting can be prevented. Therefore, never let your guard down while walking.

Dog handler Yagovitina Yu.A.

What not to do

Having seen that your pet has entered into a fight with another animal, you absolutely must not panic, scream or climb between them to separate them. During a fight, the animal’s nervous system is in an excited state, and the pet cannot understand who exactly is pulling it away from the enemy, so without meaning to, it can plunge its fang into the hand of its owner.

The situation becomes much more serious if a stranger’s dog bites a person who is separating him, because subsequently he will have to go to the emergency room, since there is simply no reliable information about his vaccinations. She can be furious, and then death will become a serious threat to her opponent.

The situation becomes dangerous when representatives of fighting breeds fight - they will try to win even when they themselves are wounded. Hitting and screaming at excited animals is not only useless, but also dangerous. This behavior will lead to even more anger.

Don't panic if dogs are fighting, the main thing is to maintain composure

There can be absolutely any reason for a dog fight, the main thing is that if the situation gets worse, try to take all measures to avoid a fight.

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