Dog grooming. Description, features, types and price of grooming

Grooming is a word that is incomprehensible to our ears. And yet, it has become firmly established in the lives of those who have a four-legged pet at home. You may not visit specialized salons with your pet, but, without knowing it, carry out procedures at home, which are called by this term. That is, cutting, combing, drying hair after bathing - all this can be classified as grooming. From the article you will learn: what is the essence of grooming, its types, and the main stages. We will try to find out where it is better to carry out the procedures so that they have the greatest effect and what means to use.

What is grooming?

Initially, the term defined the animal’s self-care for itself. In the modern world, the word has received a different interpretation, since man took upon himself all the main concerns for those whom he managed to tame. Thus, grooming can be defined as a set of caring activities. Moreover, many people strongly associate the term exclusively with caring for a dog’s coat. This is wrong.

It includes two types of procedures:

  • hygienic . This includes hair care, which consists of bathing, drying, combing, trimming and removing tangles. But at the same time, this also includes caring for the dog’s eyes, ears and teeth. Periodic hygiene is also part of grooming. Removing ticks that have already burrowed into the dog and treating wounds are a type of grooming;
  • aesthetic . From the name it becomes clear that the procedures are aimed at improving the dog’s appearance - curly hair cutting, teeth whitening, tattooing, exhibition preparation.

Dog owners should remember that grooming is necessary for everyone.

But to what extent and in what form is up to the owner to decide.

Description and features

In addition to haircuts, dog grooming includes the following procedures:

  • cleaning or rinsing the ears;
  • trimming claws, sharpening them and covering them with protective and decorative means, if desired;
  • washing the eyes with antiseptic agents;
  • clearing the sinuses;
  • washing with disinfectants and drying;
  • preventive treatment against the possibility of infection by parasites, ampoules are usually used on the withers;
  • cleansing the anal glands;
  • detangling wool if necessary;
  • teeth cleaning.

That is, the main feature and main difference of this procedure is that, once on the grooming table , the dog will receive a full range of care, in other words, grooming salons are similar to beauty salons and differ from a simple haircut procedure in the same way as a beauty salon from a hairdresser's .

In addition to the above procedures, which are always included in grooming, each salon also offers something else, for example, the use of dog grooming spray , which allows you to “maintain” the volume and shape of the animal’s “hairstyle” for a long time, by securing the roots of the guard hair in a certain position

Types of grooming

It would seem that everything is clear with care procedures. However, we can distinguish types of grooming:

  • hygienic – all measures that are necessary to maintain the health of the animal;
  • professional - this type is resorted to under certain circumstances: during preparation for an exhibition, creating an image for a photo shoot, etc. In this case, you cannot do without a professional; it is better if he works only with one or two breeds. Such specialists will be able to cut the dog’s hair, emphasizing its natural beauty and grace, and bleach the fur with special compounds without creating a danger to the pet’s health;
  • creative _ Most often, such a specialist is approached by those who want to create a unique and fashionable image for their dog.

If everything is clear with the frequency of hygienic grooming - such procedures are carried out at least once a week, then with a haircut the issue is complex. It depends on the condition of the coat, its length and tendency to form tangles. In this matter, it is better to trust a specialist who can select special equipment that you can use at home between trips to the salon.

What is included in comprehensive care?

Comprehensive pet care includes the following procedures:

  • cleansing the ears of dust, dirt and wax;
  • washing the eyes, removing secretions and traces of tear tracks using special solutions;
  • trimming and sharpening of claws, coating with protective agents;
  • bathing with special shampoos using balms, conditioners as necessary, drying;
  • combing wool, untangling tangles, removing debris and dead hairs;
  • doing hairstyles or haircuts;
  • cleaning the anal glands;
  • treatment for external parasites;
  • brushing teeth with veterinary paste.

How often?

The frequency of hygiene and aesthetic procedures depends on the breed. It is usually recommended to clean your eyes and ears 1-2 times a week. But some dogs need it more often. If the ears are long and droopy, there is a greater risk of developing inflammation. Brachycephalic breeds with bulging eyes need to be washed daily. Claws are trimmed as they grow. If your pet walks on the asphalt a lot, they wear down on their own and may only require filing.

Bathing most breeds is not recommended often - usually 2-4 times a year is sufficient. But show dogs are washed every month or even more often. Representatives of long-haired breeds will need brushing several times a week. And during molting - every day. For smooth-haired dogs, it is enough to go through the fur once a week with a brush or rubber mitt.

Salon or home conditions?

Many owners think about this question, giving themselves many reasons for and against. If you decide to use the services of a professional groomer, then you don’t have to go or go to the salon. In the modern world, a specialist can come directly to your home to “beautify” your dog in a familiar environment. But even having a groomer come home has its downsides:

  • Any dog ​​perceives its home as a territory that needs its protection. A stranger may cause a negative reaction;
  • in a home environment it is difficult to create the same workplace that a master has in a salon. This includes washing the dog in a special bath, and a convenient table for grooming with fixation of certain positions;
  • need for cleaning.

Of course, there remains the possibility of caring for the dog yourself. If a show career or a hair-to-hair look is not your dog's thing, you can cut it yourself. Well, regular grooming shouldn’t cause any problems at all. If cutting a haircut is difficult, visit the salon and watch how the hairdresser does it.

Salon grooming is distinguished by quality and convenience. In trusted places with an impeccable reputation, there are specialists who can persuade even the most intractable “client” to have their unloved nails trimmed. Of course, such professional services are not cheap.


Experts divide grooming for dogs into 4 main categories:

  1. Exhibition - requires professionalism, special skills and is carried out in specialized salons. Masters know all the features of a particular breed, they know how to highlight the advantages and hide the shortcomings of the animal. Not only the victory, but also the dog’s participation in the exhibition largely depends on grooming.
  2. Hygienic - a set of basic grooming procedures (trimming nails, trimming fur between paw pads, cleaning eyes, teeth, ears, bathing). It is carried out at least once every month.
  3. Creative - original haircut and coloring options for dogs. Recommended for pet owners who love everything unusual and extravagant. Not suitable for animals taking part in exhibitions and competitions.
  4. Home - includes procedures identical to those in the salon. Conducted at home, on your own. Helps save time and budget. However, to fully care for a pet, the owner will have to purchase a set of necessary tools, cosmetics and hygiene products, and undergo appropriate training.

Most procedures can be done for your pet at home.

Salon services are required when preparing an animal for important events, such as an exhibition, or if the owner does not know how to groom the pet, bathe it, or cannot, for various reasons, care for it on their own.

Most veterinarians, even when turning to professionals, recommend inviting them home.

A trip to the salon will become an additional stress factor for the animal. In a familiar environment, it will be much easier for the dog to get to know a stranger and trust him.

The disadvantages of home grooming include higher cost and the need for cleaning.

What do you need to groom dogs at home?

Even if you regularly visit the salon, you need to know the main points about home grooming. You should not overpay for hygienic care; being able to perform manipulations is the responsibility of the dog owner.

Grooming Tools

At home you need to have:

  • a comb with iron teeth, a slicker brush, a mitten with a silicone brush. The set of tools for combing depends on the pet's coat;
  • scissors of different sizes with blunt tips so as not to injure the dog;
  • high-quality sharp nail clipper, selected according to the diameter of the animal’s claws;
  • device for cutting tangles. This type of tangle cutter is also useful in cases where the dog picks up a burdock;
  • cotton pads, napkins and other material that will be on hand for treating eyes and ears;
  • specialized sprays and lotions for hygiene;
  • shampoo selected according to age, coat type and color. You can purchase dry shampoo or powder that allows you to clean your hair without water;
  • toothpaste and brush, tartar remover.

Such a set of tools and tools should be at hand. After all, a dog can become dirty at any moment of the day or night.

Useful video

Below you can watch an interesting video about grooming:

Recently, dog breeders increasingly prefer to carry out all pet care activities on their own, without the involvement of outside specialists. Such a desire is dictated, as a rule, not by economic feasibility, but by the difficulty of choosing an experienced and professional groomer . In this case, it is advisable to take special courses, observe the work of a competent specialist, and also purchase the entire list of necessary tools and hygiene products.

Types of haircuts

There are a huge number of dog breeds in the world, and types of haircuts have been developed designed to highlight the beauty and hide the dog’s shortcomings.

Types of haircuts:

  • trimming - even cutting of the coat over the dog's body;
  • stripping _ For breeds with hard coats that hardly shed. The “old” fur is plucked by a groomer. Stripping is carried out for schnauzers, terriers, huskies, etc.;
  • Rolling is a subtype of stripping. Feature: dying fur is removed not at once, but gradually. This type of haircut is carried out once every two weeks;
  • top note . Everyone knows a hairstyle with an elastic band or a hairpin, performed in the form of a ponytail on the head. A striking example is the Yorkshire Terrier;
  • thinning _ Creates smooth transitions between long and short hair. For example, this technique is used when preparing for a cocker spaniel exhibition.

Preparing for an exhibition will require the groomer to have knowledge, skills and tools. It is quite difficult to perform these types of haircuts at home.

Estimated cost of the service

The approximate cost of the event can vary significantly , depending on the experience and professional skills of the groomer, as well as the breed characteristics of the dog and the amount of work performed:

  • haircut – from 1100 to 6500 rubles;
  • swimming – from 1000 to 2500 rubles;
  • combing - from 900 to 1300 rubles;
  • removal of tangles from the ear area, muzzle and paws - from 800 to 1200 rubles;
  • haircut in the groin area - from 300 to 500 rubles;
  • ear cleaning – from 300 to 500 rubles;
  • nail trimming – from 200 to 500 rubles;
  • treatment of anal glands or prevention of paraproctitis - about 400-600 rubles.

A full range of preparing a dog for an exhibition, including SPA treatments, will cost the animal owner 1100-1400 rubles/hour .

Main stages of grooming

Care consists of several mandatory stages:

  1. Carefully comb the animal's fur. Everything that gets in the way is removed: tangles, dirt, old hairs, etc.
  2. A haircut. For a show dog, the type of haircut is selected according to the breed, styled according to the standard. For a pet with no prospects, any haircut can be performed.
  3. Hygienic treatment of eyes, ears and teeth.
  4. Nail trimming. Often this is the point that causes difficulties.
  5. Cleaning the anal glands.
  6. Water procedures. Washing the dog is done with special shampoos, without using human cosmetics.
  7. Dry thoroughly. At home they use a towel and a hairdryer, and in the salon there is a compressor.

How are dogs cut in salons?

In salons, dog grooming is carried out by groomers who have undergone special training. They take into account the body type of their four-legged clients in order to choose the most successful hairstyle for them. The procedure is carried out at a workplace equipped with all the necessary tools. This allows for a high-quality haircut and ensures maximum comfort for the four-legged client.

Dogs getting their hair cut in salons behave much more restrained, because they understand that they are on someone else's territory. In addition to learning the intricacies of creating a hairstyle, during their studies, future groomers are taught the basics of animal psychology, which helps them find an approach to each dog.

When to start grooming your pet

It is better to start grooming breeds with long hair, especially decorative ones, when they reach 3 months of age. If your dog develops tangles before this age, it’s worth starting even earlier. If the owner cannot cope with the task, it is better to contact the salon.

Painful combing of tangles at home can forever turn the dog away from such procedures.

It is better to start grooming and accustoming your puppy to it in a salon environment. If the owner does not have sufficient experience, cutting a baby's hair can result in injury, and cutting nails can result in blood poisoning.


How can grooming a dog be dangerous? Injuries. If the procedure is new to your pet, or you decide to do it yourself for the first time, there is a possibility of injuring the animal through careless actions. To prevent this from happening:

  • the dog must be well-walked, calm, and well-fed before the procedure;
  • you must be confident in your abilities and know exactly what result you want to achieve;
  • talk to your pet during the haircut calmly, affectionately, if necessary, stop for a while and offer him a treat;
  • do not try to cut off as much hair as possible in one movement, do it little by little, gradually reaching the desired length;
  • do not cut the hair too short - this can injure the dog with the tool or it will injure itself on the street (on dry branches, bushes, sharp objects).

Before the procedure, prepare the necessary emergency medications: hydrogen peroxide or any other antiseptic, a little sterile cotton wool or bandage. If you accidentally injure your dog, there is no reason to panic because everything you need will be at hand.

What dogs need grooming?

There are categories of dogs that need grooming:

  • pets participating in exhibitions;
  • dogs of decorative breeds, whose owners strive to give them an attractive appearance;
  • long-haired breeds whose hair is prone to matting and matting;
  • Wire-haired breeds whose coat requires trimming to ensure the shedding process.

But the usual hygiene procedures included in the concept of grooming are needed by all dogs without exception.

Private masters and salon grooming

Grooming for show-class dogs is recommended to be carried out in special and only well-established salons.

You can use the recommendations of experienced dog breeders and invite a specialist to your home , which will reduce the risk of stress for your dog.

An experienced master is able to competently provide all types of services, giving it a well-groomed appearance.

You need to pay attention to the tool the groomer uses.

A specialist’s arsenal must include:

  • nail clipper and nail file;
  • scissors with a set of blades of different shapes;
  • professional clipper and trimming machine;
  • tangle cutter;
  • a set of special combs;
  • hypoallergenic shampoos and conditioners suitable for caring for specific coat types;
  • antiseptic drugs and hemostatic agents.

On a note! Professionals are able to properly hold the animal during all procedures. Also, it is allowed to use a standard soft muzzle during hair cutting, treatment of claws, eyes and ears.

Who doesn't need to be cut?

Dogs can be divided into two categories based on coat type:

  • with undercoat – trimming and shaving;
  • without undercoat - it’s better to just comb it out.

Dogs with a special type of coat - an undercoat with guard hairs - do not need to be trimmed. Moreover, cutting or shaving the fur can lead to negative consequences: the pet will lose the protection of the skin, the development of follicular arrest - a slowdown in hair growth, leading to baldness. These dogs include: husky, Samoyed, Sheltie, Chow Chow, Labrador retriever, German shepherd, Malamute, Spitz, Maltese and others.

The best dog clippers

Andis AGC 2 Super

This perfection from the American manufacturer works almost silently, there is no vibration, 2 speeds allow you to better cut the main volume and wool in hard-to-reach and delicate places. The classic electric machine is convenient for beginners and professionals because it does not require disassembling the body and lubrication; all maintenance is aimed only at cleaning and lubricating the 1.5 mm blades themselves. The increased maximum speed (4500 rpm) handles any wool in any condition. Suitable for all breeds of dogs, cats, rabbits. You can cut people's hair. Quite reasonable in price.

Cons: none.


The brand is German, assembled in China, but there are no complaints about the quality. Sold on Aliexpress. Includes a lithium battery, 4 attachments and the rest of the standard set. The hybrid model (mains and battery) is easy to use, has a display, 3 speed modes. The knives are metal on one side and ceramic coated on the other. Knife adjustment 0.8 - 2 mm. The trimmer copes with tangles and different types of hair, does not heat up too much, and has low vibration and noise levels. Very affordable price.

Cons: vibration is noticeable, there are few statistics to evaluate durability.

Oster Grooming Kit

An excellent electric machine for home grooming. A brand from the USA (a well-known manufacturer of grooming products and small household appliances), assembled in China. Low-power vibration motor 12 W and 3000 rpm, suitable for working with small breeds, cats, hygienic grooming of dogs of any size. Best for soft wool, although it states that both dry and wet wool can be cut. The set includes 4 standard nozzles from 3 to 13 mm, a knife made of high-strength steel. The knife is made in the USA, so Chinese assembly should not be intimidating. It is adjustable from 0.8 to 2.4 mm. There is a noise reduction system. Quiet trimmer, minimal vibration, very ergonomic. The cord is 2.4 m. There is a disk with a training video.

Cons: little information and reviews for statistics.

Aesculap Akkurata

A German brand of machines that cut any type of wool. Weighs only 250 g, works from the mains and from a lithium-ion battery for almost 1.5 hours, and charges in about an hour. There is a charge indication. Aesculap Special knife made of high-strength steel with the ability to adjust 0.5 - 1.5 - 2.5 mm. The set includes 5 nozzles of standard German sizes (4, 8, 12, 16, 20 mm). The rotary motor is very powerful 5700 rpm, 20 W. A very durable trimmer, ergonomic and practical, because... It really takes any wool. In the reviews of the owners there are many photos where you can see how the machine removes even completely tangled “felt boots” from the shell of wool.

Cons: a little expensive.

Ziver 20.ZV.002

An excellent home workhorse. The power of the 15 W rotary motor can cope with different types of wool. The hybrid trimmer operates on both mains and battery power for about an hour. The battery base has a quick charge of 90 minutes and serves as storage for attachments. The ceramic knife is sharp, does not heat up, and is adjustable in height from 0.8 to 2 mm. Doesn't make much noise, smooth hum, almost doesn't vibrate. Comes complete with nozzles from 3 to 12 mm. Assembly China. Affordable price.

Cons: Batteries stop holding a charge over time.

Monella "DMR 617"

The country of the brand is Italy, which is immediately evident from the packaging - a stylish metal suitcase. Assembly China. Low-power rotary hybrid machine 12 W with a ceramic knife and standard attachments. Works both from the mains and from the battery. It certainly takes a very long time to charge compared to professional trimmers. There is a display indicating the charge level. The cord is long enough. Ideal for small decorative breeds, cats, even rabbits. Relatively quiet. The price of the machine is one trip to the groomer.

Cons: can hurt your skin, very long, almost 8-hour battery charging time.

Moser Fox 1170-0061

The famous German brand presents an affordable machine for home grooming of small, medium and large breeds with soft wool, and hygienic haircuts. The vibration 10 W motor with 6000 rpm works from a network. Perfectly sharpened knives in Germany made of high-strength stainless steel. Adjustable from 0.1 to 3 mm. Not noisy, but requires compliance with the operating mode so as not to overheat the engine. Plastic nozzles 4.5, 9, 14, 19 mm included. Weight 560 g. There is a loop for hanging.

Cons: noisy, cord length is only 2 m.

MasterGroom CiGi969

A powerful 15 W rotary hybrid trimmer works both from the mains and from a capacious battery for up to 2 hours. However, it takes a long time to charge, about 5-6 hours. Steel knife with ceramic edge. Adjustable from 0.8 to 2 mm. The set includes 2 nozzles with double-sided teeth of different sizes: 3+6 mm and 9+12 mm. Convenient to use as a wireless device. Doesn't make noise and doesn't hurt the skin. Affordable price. There is an indication of the charge level.

Cons: does not take wool with a large undercoat.

Thrive 808-3S

The Japanese brand uses innovative rotary motors and nanotechnology in the coating of steel knives. This model comes with a 3 mm high-strength steel knife with a unique sharpening system. Very powerful 30 W rotary motor with 3 speed settings: 1550, 1800 and 2100 rpm. These settings allow you to work with any type of coat and dogs of different sizes. Very comfortable, weight only 240 g. Does not make noise or vibrate. Long 3 m cord.

Cons: no attachments included.

Wahl 1247-0477 KM2 Speed

American brand. This is a powerful “beast”, not a trimmer: 45 W in a rotary motor with 2 speeds of 2400 and 3000 rpm. It works from the mains, the cord is 3 m, which is very convenient. Weight 520 g. Assembly in Hungary. The machine is an analogue of the popular Moser max 45, only more affordable. Steel knives 1.8 mm with excellent sharpening from the USA. The trimmer is suitable for professionals because... takes any wool. Very quiet. Any dog ​​and the most timid cat will not be afraid of noise.

Cons: the switch is in an unusual place on the back side, you need to buy additional attachments.


Those who are just planning to visit a grooming salon and have difficulties with their dog have a number of questions.

Is it possible to use anesthesia for grooming?

Yes, such a possibility exists. But performing the procedure under anesthesia will cause great harm to health: allergies, psychological problems, death. Therefore, experts advise using a sedative and a dog immobilization system. Suitable for large aggressive dogs.

Are there any special features of grooming a large dog?

Features are dictated by the size of the dog: a larger bath, more cosmetics, and more work from the groomer are needed. Of course, the cost of services for a canine giant will be higher.

What is the best towel to dry your dog?

The best option is microfiber. It very quickly absorbs water in large quantities, the structure allows you to wipe away dirt.

Is conditioner necessary for grooming?

Yes, hair treated with balm does not get dirty longer and dandruff is less likely to form. Relieves dryness and dermatitis.

Advice from professionals

Learning how to properly care for a pet is not difficult. Advice and recommendations from professionals will help you avoid mistakes.

  • Do not use tools or cosmetics intended for human use. Animal fur has a special structure; the skin is usually more sensitive.
  • Large dogs, as well as highly aggressive or restless animals, must be calmed before grooming. Medications may be used. And during the procedures it is advisable to immobilize them.
  • It is better to use microfiber towels for drying. They absorb moisture well. It is not advisable to dry long-haired pets with a towel - the fur may become tangled. It is better to dry them with a hairdryer while combing them.
  • It is advisable to use balms and conditioners when grooming. They protect against dry skin and tangling, and the coat does not get dirty longer.
  • Instead of brushing your teeth, you can give your pet special chewy treats or bones from veins.

Grooming is a comprehensive dog care that includes hygiene procedures and improvement of appearance. It can be carried out both in the salon and at home. A well-groomed animal looks attractive and feels better.

Medium breeds | COMPLEX

American Cocker Spaniel hairless up to 15 kg / over 15 kg2800 rub. / 3,000 rub.
English Cocker Spaniel haircut/house (over 17 kg + 200 RUR)RUB 2,700 / 3,300 rub.
King Charles Spaniel (express shedding + edging)RUR 2,400
Bessenji express sheddingRUB 2,750
BeagleRUB 2,750
English bulldogRUR 2,850
French bulldog (up to 13 kg.)RUR 2,500
CorgiRUB 2,700
West Highland Terrier domestic / trimmingRUB 2,600 / 3,800 rub.
Wolfspitz modelRUB 3,600
Jack Russell Terrier express shedding (up to 6 kg / from 6 kg)2,200 rub. / RUR 2,600
Domestic/model labradoodleRUB 3,100
Metis (11-15 kg.) express sheddingRUB 2,700
Metis (16-20 kg.) haircut / express sheddingRUB 2,900 / 3,000 rub.
Miniature Schnauzer haircut home / model / trimmingRUB 3,100 / 3,800 rub. / 4,700 rub.
Miniature domestic/model poodleRUB 2,800 / 3,200 rub.
Small poodle house/model haircutRUB 3,200 / 3,600 rub.
Shiba Inu express sheddingRUB 2,600
Sheltie express shedding up to 13 kg/from 13 kg.RUB 2,800 / RUR 3,100
Miniature Schnauzer home haircut/trimmingRUB 2,700 / RUR 3,900
Norwich Terrier home haircut/trimmingRUB 2,500 / 3,800 rub.

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