Spotted dogs: breeds with names and photographs


These are quite ancient dogs with an unclear history. According to one version, they appeared in Ancient Egypt and from there they came to Europe. According to another theory, their homeland is the Croatian province of Dalmatia, after which they got their name. They were brought to the territory of the USSR in the 80s of the 20th century and quickly gained popularity among local breeders. In 1991, on the initiative of S.V. Petrakov, a club for lovers of this breed was created.

Dalmatians are spotted dogs of medium size. Depending on the sex, the height of an adult is 54-62 cm with a weight of 24-32 kg. The elongated head with a straight bridge of the nose, strong jaws and a moderately pronounced nose has dark, round eyes and thin, hanging ears. A strong, proportionally built body with a flat back, a voluminous chest and a slightly sloping croup is covered with short, stiff white hair with evenly distributed, clearly defined spots of brown or black.

Dalmatians are cheerful, good-natured animals that are easy to train. They are very emotional, sensitive and touchy. These dogs need constant communication with people. Lack of attention turns them into closed, indifferent animals.

Nicknames for girls

If your pet is chocolate, you can give her a nickname:

  • Sable;
  • Godiva;
  • Cashew nuts;
  • Brandy;
  • Tawnee;
  • A penny;
  • Natmeg;
  • Amaretto;
  • Raven;
  • Heidi;
  • Amber;
  • Dusty;
  • Canela;
  • Tuscany;
  • Mabel;
  • Henna;
  • Sienna;
  • Brunett;
  • Sandy;
  • Amber.

Baby Canela:

English Setter

Great Britain is considered the homeland of these graceful spotted dogs. There are still many unclear points in the history of their origin. Experts still argue to this day about who exactly the representatives of this breed came from. According to one version, their ancestors were primitive spaniels brought from the British Isles.

English setters are not too tall, strongly built dogs. Depending on the sex, the maximum height of an adult is 65-69 cm. On an oval, high-set head with a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle and slightly drooping jowls, there are expressive eyes and hanging ears adjacent to the cheekbones. The graceful body of a typical setter is covered with thick, silky, slightly wavy, white coat with multiple spots. There are featherings on the ears, sternum, belly, inner thighs and hind legs. And the animal’s tail is decorated with a luxurious pendant.

English setters are spotted dogs, the photo of which cannot convey all their nobility and grace. They are very calm, affectionate, smart and sociable. These energetic and hardy dogs are highly trainable and are capable of proving themselves in hunting in different areas. They get along well with children and cope well with the role of a companion.

Marbled Dane

Despite the enormous popularity of these animals, there are many blank spots in the history of their origin. According to one version, they were bred from Asian fighting dogs that came to Europe along with nomads. According to another theory, their ancestors include Old English bulldogs and wild boar hunting dogs. To lighten the skeleton, the blood of greyhounds was infused into them.

Marbled Great Danes are large spotted dogs, the minimum height of which starts at 72 cm. On a large, harmonious head with a non-pointed muzzle, there are expressive almond-shaped eyes and high-set hanging ears, which can be cropped in puppyhood. The impressive body, square or slightly elongated, is covered with short, smooth, shiny white fur with ragged black spots, the arrangement reminiscent of a marble pattern. In addition, the standard allows for the existence of gray animals with dark markings.

Marbled Danes are a breed of large spotted dogs with a friendly, even-tempered and reasonable disposition. They are not prone to displaying causeless aggression and are easy to train. If properly trained, they make good guards and devoted companions.

From a genetic point of view

Breeders have long determined how the color and pattern on the fur of animals is formed. It's all about genes, among which there are those responsible for the color and structure of the coat. By mixing in various combinations, genes form color.

Genetics of colors

Coloring genes:

  1. Gen S. The most important component of the genetic chain. Thanks to this gene, the body is able to synthesize all “wool” colors. “C” itself is colorless. Its absence in the body is a sure path to albinism. However, even without this gene, the body is able to color the nose and iris. For some breeds, the C gene is a sign of a “purebred” color. These are Spitz dogs, white bull terriers and some types of huskies.
  2. Gen A. Distributes color throughout the hair. It can provoke a solid color, decorate the animal in “sable” or “agouti” tones.
  3. Gen V. “Black” gene, which colors the fur in dark colors. For the Giant Schnauzer and Newfoundland - a must. Other breeds may receive inclusions of the B gene in the form of tan marks or zonal coloring.
  4. Gene D. Responsible for the saturation of black color. When weakened, the gene lightens the coat and gives it blue tints. This also affects the viability of the animal. A Toy Terrier or Doberman born with recessive D develops a blue coat, but rarely lives to an advanced age. When dominant, the gene colors the pet deeply dark and promotes the development of the correct form of melanocytes - pigmenting cells.
  5. Gene E. Harmoniously distributes yellow, brown and black colors. Can “create” a tri-colored dog or a single color, eliminating unnecessary shades.
  6. Gene G. It can be called the “gray” gene, since it begins to lighten the hairs as the animal ages. Often a dog is born with a blue color and gradually changes the shade of its coat.
  7. Gen M. Marble color. In addition to the spotted harlequin pattern, the M gene in a homozygous state leads to congenital anomalies of the fetus. “M” is often classified as a modified color, since the basic tone may become lighter with age.

Main color genes

In addition to the genes described, there are other components of colors. Experienced breeders can read a puppy's genetic formula and determine its future appearance.

For example, ABCDEgmStr is a pet with black fur:

  • the first letter “A” indicates a continuous distribution of color throughout the hair;
  • the second - B - indicates the presence of black pigment;
  • C indicates complete coloring;
  • D indicates increased color;
  • E - black color distributed throughout the body;
  • g—the color will not fade with age;
  • m - the color will not be arklequin;
  • S - there will be no white points on the fur;
  • the penultimate two letters indicate the absence of specks or roan color;
  • the last icon is w - white color will not predominate.

Video - Genetics of dog color


Germany is considered the homeland of these animals, and among their ancestors are the pointers brought there from France, Flanders and Spain. German breeders began to infuse them with the blood of pointers and local dogs used for feeding prey.

Shorthaired Pointers are a hunting breed of spotted dogs with a harmonious body, noble posture and well-defined sexual dimorphism. The average height of these animals is 60-65 cm. On a dry head with a long wide muzzle and strong jaws covered with tight lips, there are dark brown eyes and high-set, flat, drooping ears. The slightly elongated body with a strong back and a flat topline is covered with short, coarse, hard coat of a spotted color. Most often, white or dark marks or specks are scattered on a brown background.

Shorthaired Pointers are flexible, friendly and peace-loving dogs, distrustful of strangers. They love to bark and are not too willing to bother with children. They are not at all playful and will not bother their owners, persistently demanding attention.

Foreign nicknames

Let's see how the words “chocolate” and “brown” sound in different languages ​​of the world:

  • Barna is Hungarian.
  • Brown is German.
  • Brun - French.
  • Castaño is Portuguese.
  • Kahawa is Swahili.
  • Kahvi is Finnish.
  • Connell - Maltese.
  • Kopi is Indonesian.
  • Marrone is Italian.
  • Rudas is Lithuanian.

In the photo - Marrone:


Great Britain is considered the homeland of these animals. According to one version, their ancestors were ancient Roman short hounds. According to another theory, they originated from Celtic dogs. Translated from English, the name of the spotted dog breed, a photo of which will be presented below, means “hound”.

Beagles are small animals that visually resemble foxhounds. Depending on the sex, the height of an adult varies between 33-38 cm, and the weight is 8-16 kg. On a powerful, rough head with a blunt, filled muzzle and moderately pronounced jowls, there are almond-shaped eyes surrounded by close-fitting eyelids. The entire body of a standard representative of this breed is covered with thick, dense wool of two or three colors. Most often, red, red, chocolate or black markings are evenly scattered on the main white background.

Beagles are friendly animals with a well-developed hunting instinct. They are absolutely unsuitable for the role of a security guard and do not show aggression or distrust towards strangers.

Nicknames for boys

You can call your chocolate dog this name:

  • Bir;
  • Hanei;
  • Snickers;
  • Faun;
  • Pretzel;
  • Acorn;
  • Peanut;
  • Scone;
  • Nib;
  • Maple;
  • Bambino;
  • Kit Kat;
  • Nestlé;
  • Teak;
  • Latte;
  • Pebbles;
  • Cupcake;
  • Guinness;
  • Tanner;
  • Murphy;
  • Cedar;
  • Reese;
  • Bru;
  • Scotch;
  • Bronson;
  • Roscoe;
  • Wonka;
  • Grizzly;
  • Klondike;
  • Meatloaf;
  • Rocky;
  • Teddy;
  • Duncan;
  • Bailey;
  • Bruno;
  • Gravy;
  • Dunkin;
  • Chewbacca.

Named Wonka:

Basset Hound

These short-legged spotted dogs with long ears were bred in Europe in the middle of the 14th century. They were originally used for hunting small game. But today they have turned into good companions, adapted to life in urban conditions.

Bassets are medium-sized dogs, whose height reaches 33-38 cm and weighs 23-29 kg. The well-proportioned, folded head has dark, diamond-shaped eyes and long, drooping ears. The squat, short-legged body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with dense thick hair of different colors. The most common species are white with black or fawn markings.

Bassets are aristocratic, kind-hearted dogs with high intelligence and a well-developed sense of smell. They are endowed with a peaceful, affectionate disposition and a sonorous voice.

Pros and cons of black dogs

If we consider the advantages of a dog with black coat color, the following facts are noted.

Among the shortcomings, dog handlers draw the attention of owners to the following phenomena:

Sometimes a small white spot is allowed. An indicator of “purity” for selective selection is the pronounced color of the lips, eyelids and often the mouth.

Nowadays the market offers special cosmetics that help make hair strong, strong, and give it a beautiful shine. Last but not least is proper feeding, which helps to enhance the nutrition of the hair follicle.

English pointer

Those who are not hearing for the first time the name of a spotted dog bred to search for game will be interested to know about the history of its origin. English Pointers are direct descendants of dogs that came to Great Britain from continental Europe. The imported stock was actively crossed with local breeds. Greyhounds, Bloodhounds and Foxhounds played an important role in the formation of modern pointers.

Representatives of this breed cannot boast of impressive parameters. The height of an adult dog is 61-69 cm, and its weight does not exceed 30 kg. The Pointer's moderately elongated body is covered with short, dense hair of tricolor, black, brown, red or yellow piebald.

These animals are endowed with an energetic disposition. They are very attached to their owners and get along well with children. In the presence of strangers, Pointers demonstrate politeness and aloofness.

Cool nicknames

Cheerful, fighting, restless, tireless and active puppies need appropriate names:

  • Acorn;
  • Brown Beer;
  • Ursula;
  • Chestnut;
  • Chewie;
  • Hector;
  • Teak;
  • Mudd;
  • Topaz;
  • Umber;
  • Teddy Beer;
  • Marron;
  • Brun;
  • Pepsi;
  • Cola.

This is what Hector looks like:

Brazilian Terrier

This is one of the youngest breeds. Its homeland is Brazil, and among its ancestors are Foxes and other smaller terriers.

This spotted dog, whose photograph and name many of you first became acquainted with thanks to today’s material, grows to 33-40 cm at the withers and weighs no more than 10 kg. It is easily recognized by its narrow chest, docked tail, flat triangular skull and short, close-lying coat.

Brazilian Terriers are endowed with an active, cheerful disposition. They are extremely temperamental, smart, cheerful and alert. These animals love to play and dig deep holes. They need strict and consistent training. Otherwise, these dogs turn into independent and disobedient stubborn people.


“The dog that doesn’t bark” is the second name of this unique breed. The short-haired individual has smooth, well-defined muscles. The height at the withers of an adult dog can reach a maximum of 43 cm. Representatives of the Basenji have: long legs, large erect ears and a tail curled into a ring. The folds on the forehead, which are well pronounced in Basenji puppies, give a special seriousness to the look.

There are only six colors of the Basenji breed. One of the most popular is the brown color with white accents, which can appear on the dog’s belly, paws, tail or face.

Australian Shepherd

Paradoxically, the homeland of these animals is America. Their ancestors were Basque Shepherds brought to the United States from Australia. In addition, Aussies have the blood of collies, Bernese Mountain Dogs and Pyrenees in their veins.

Australian Shepherds are medium-sized dogs. Their height does not exceed 58 cm at the withers, and their weight is no more than 32 kg. They have a flexible, well-balanced body and beautiful almond-shaped eyes. The Aussie's powerful, short-muzzled head has small, semi-erect ears. The entire body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with moderately long and relatively coarse hair of various colors.

Australian Shepherds are spotted dogs with a friendly and sociable disposition. They are easy to train and get along well with children. At the same time, they are distrustful of strangers, but do not require mandatory socialization.

Black dog breeds

10 minutes to read

Black dog breeds stand out among their fellows with their mystical black color, which attracts the attention of others and brings good luck to the dog's owner. In addition, black dogs are very practical - they are easier to care for after a walk, and black hair is not noticeable on upholstered furniture.

If you like black, check out our selection. We have prepared a list of black dog breeds in alphabetical order with a brief description of the main characteristics and living conditions.


The little black imp surprises with his mischievous character and inexhaustible positive energy. Affens are called “monkey pinscher”, and these are not just words. This is how you can describe the character of this charismatic native of Germany. And his little funny face is very similar to that of a monkey. The Affenpinscher is particularly curious and good-natured. At the same time, the Affen is a very loyal dog that is ready to fearlessly protect its family if necessary.

English coonhound

Despite the name of the breed, its homeland is not Great Britain. It was bred by American breeders back in the 17th century. These animals received official recognition in 1905 and since then have been actively used for hunting.

English Coonhounds are slender and graceful spotted dogs with well-developed muscles. Depending on the sex, the height of an adult varies between 53-69 cm and a weight of 18-30 kg. The large elongated head has very soft floppy ears and beautiful dark eyes. The harmonious body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with short, moderately hard and shiny white hair with red spots or specks. In addition, the standard allows for the existence of black-and-white and tri-colored individuals.

English Coonhounds are active dogs that need regular long walks. They have a highly developed hunting instinct. Therefore, they should not be let off the leash in crowded places or near busy roads.

How to choose a puppy

To get a pet of a certain color, the owner must pay attention to the puppy's parents. The cub will definitely inherit the appearance of one or two ancestors, so it must be taken into account. For example, if a silver tint to the coat is undesirable, then it is better not to buy a puppy from such a parent. A dog's appearance can change with age. This is how modified colors manifest themselves.

Of course, his appearance is unlikely to affect his love for his pet. However, it is important to choose the color carefully if the dog is to continue its purebred lineage.

The puppy's coat color depends on the coat color of the parents.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, breeders have drawn up several rules to help “predict” the future appearance of the pet:

Puppy appearanceForecast for the future
The cub has a hard coat structureAn adult dog will have short hair
Fur fluffed up like cotton woolIn the future - unclear color lines, dull fur, lack of shine
Subtle waves in the hair structureOver time, a pale silver teak will appear
Silky "plumage"The puppy will have a uniform color and correct fur structure

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

These little dogs have a very long history. At one time, they lived in the houses of the aristocratic nobility and were used for bird hunting.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are small animals whose height does not exceed 33 cm and weighs no more than 8.2 kg. On the harmonious round head with a wide forehead and a smoothed occipital protuberance, there are huge expressive eyes and long ears covered with decorative hair. The strong, square body with a developed chest is completely covered with a soft, silky coat of two or three colors.

Cute nicknames

The cutest pets and pets have the following names:

  • Rolo;
  • Bambi;
  • Tootsie;
  • Caramel;
  • Beans;
  • Marsik;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Nougat;
  • Donat;
  • Fondue;
  • Bagel;
  • Muffin;
  • Pancake;
  • Biscuit;
  • Pecan;
  • Klove;
  • Cookies;
  • Dulce;
  • Merlot;
  • Bayard;
  • Downhill;
  • Haryaksh;
  • A Clark;
  • Brunel;
  • Toblerone;
  • Brina;
  • Como;
  • Tiramisu;
  • Kionna;
  • Sorrell;
  • Bayarde;
  • Donovan;
  • Kapila.

Photo of Tira(misu):

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