How to toilet train a dachshund: an overview of the most effective method and when to start

The dachshund is a small dog with short legs, a long body and a sharp muzzle. The breed is also divided into several types.

The dog is very smart, playful and independent.

She understands her owner very well, but is sometimes difficult to train.

The reason is a wayward and independent character, as well as stubbornness.

However, if you manage to find an approach to her, you will not find a more devoted and cheerful friend.

Is it possible to train a dachshund to relieve itself in a certain place?

Definitely yes. And not only is it possible, but it is also necessary.

If your puppy is no longer 2, but more than 4 months old, but you have not advanced one step in toilet training, look for the reason only in yourself .

A small puppy that finds itself in its owner’s house does not have the slightest idea about the rules of behavior and where to go to the toilet. And, naturally, he will do it wherever he wants.

However, there are other reasons. One of them is lack of attention. By peeing anywhere, the dog expresses its dissatisfaction and tries to attract attention.

If your pet is already an adult and toilet trained, but at the same time begins to relieve himself on the floor, most likely he has problems with the urinary system.

Another reason is stress, perhaps the pet was scared or very offended by the owner.

Welcome home!

It's always exciting to welcome a new four-legged friend into your family. Puppies are very funny. It can be interesting to watch them: how they get to know other pets, how they sniff a new place, how they gradually become bolder. But teaching them the rules of behavior in the house can cause a lot of trouble. It may be tempting to leave everything as is, that is, not attach importance to training your pet. But this is a surefire way to end up with dirty carpets and wet shoes. When you're researching how to train a puppy, it's best to follow some simple rules as explained by experts to make the process smooth and stress-free for your little four-legged pet.

When should you train a puppy?

As soon as a small puppy appears in your home, begin toilet training immediately . But remember, you won’t be able to do this right away.

You will need time, patience and calm. The most favorable age for toilet training a dachshund is 3-5 months.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The most effective way to accustom a puppy to a diaper is a method focused on the needs and preferences of the pet itself. The more harmonious the process is, the better. What does this include? Choosing the right place for the toilet. Correctly chosen time for planting (usually after eating and sleeping). Encouragement if successful. If all the bleeders are there, then you will very quickly teach the dog to the diaper.”


A puppy is much like a baby being weaned out of diapers and potty trained. You need to be patient and be prepared for the fact that sometimes he will miss. Arm yourself with paper towels, odor removers or a special cleaner, and a lot of love for your pet. Then learning good habits will become less difficult and stressful for everyone.

How to choose a place?

In order to choose the right place for your dachshund’s toilet, several factors should be taken into account.:

  1. Square. The tray should easily fit into the space allocated to it and the puppy should be comfortable there.
  2. The place must be suitable in size for the dog. After all, before relieving itself, the puppy spins around, selecting a suitable position.
  3. If necessary, get two trays and place them in your “favorite” places. Watch for a while and you will understand which place suits the dog best.
  4. Try to make the place for the tray secluded and at the same time easily accessible for the baby.
  5. The tray should not be near food bowls.
  6. If there is a cat in the house, their trays should not be placed in the same place, as the smell of the cat can irritate the puppy.

The place for the dog toilet should be convenient, first of all, for the pet, and not for the owners.

Which is better - a tray or a diaper?

It's more a matter of preference. But, like the tray, the diaper has its advantages.

Benefits of the diaper:

  1. The diaper is always convenient, compact, and can protect the floor covering.
  2. You can always take it with you if you go on a trip.
  3. It is completely safe to use.
  4. The diaper always absorbs odors and prevents them from spreading throughout the apartment.
  5. It does not grow fungi and harmful microorganisms.

Advantages of the tray:

  1. More aesthetically pleasing than a diaper.
  2. It can be equipped with a social post (so that the dog can mark the territory), filler or grass cover.
  3. The tray can last a very long time.
  4. The tray does not require daily washing.
  5. Having a tray, you can put a diaper on the bottom. And this will be a combined option that has many advantages.

Dog training methods

Experienced dog breeders will highlight several methods for training a dog to use a tray.

The most effective ones:

  1. Reward and punishment . This technique should be used for a puppy no younger than 4 months, since only by this age does the baby become able to control his excretory system. First, show your puppy the litter box and let him know that this is the place where he should relieve himself. Watch the puppy, as soon as he wants to do his job, take him to the tray and wait until he “does it”, then reward him. This procedure should be repeated for about a month. In the second month, you can turn on the punishment system. Scold your pet every time he defecates in the wrong place.
  2. “Adjustment” for the pet . This method involves constant observation and attention from the owner. Buy several litter trays and place them in places where your puppy usually relieves himself. In this case, the dog has a choice. At the same time, scold her if she does this on the floor. Reduce the number of trays over time. Eventually there should only be one left.
  3. Training using an aviary . Build a small enclosure in your apartment. You can do this yourself or buy it in a store. But remember - the enclosure must be spacious enough. It should fit: a tray, a sleeping place and a bowl of food and drink. Show your dog the place where he should defecate. Let the puppy stay in the crate most of the time until he learns to go to the litter box. Be sure to reward him for his success.
  4. Use of smells . This method is different from the previous ones. In this case, in order to wean the dog from defecating anywhere, special products with a pungent odor are used. Before this, the pet is shown a tray and explained what needs to be done. At the same time, the puppy’s “favorite” places are sprayed with a special spray. Thus, a double effect is obtained: on the one hand there is a tray, and on the other there is an unpleasant odor coming from “forbidden” places.

Without nerves and screaming

A growing dog is not yet able to understand the cause-and-effect relationship between individual events. Having done her “wet things”, and after a while hearing the owner’s dissatisfaction, it would not even occur to her to think that she was to blame.

The dachshund once again doubts the health of the owner, thereby admitting his guilt. The four-legged stubborn man will react to a raised tone and further accusations like this: “Eh, unfortunately, the owner is sick and every day his condition is only getting worse.” It is unlikely that a devoted dachshund would think so, but that is exactly what the situation looks like.

Remember, you won’t be able to ask a small puppy to go to the same place. The most favorable period for training is from the 3rd to the 5th month of life. At this time, the dachshund will quickly become toilet trained, and you will spend a minimum of nerves and effort.

The most effective method

The most effective method of training a dog to use a litter box is an individual and comprehensive approach. After all, each pet has its own character, temperament and inclinations. All this must be taken into account.

Observe the dog and see what places it chooses for its toilet (in this situation, the pet is guided by instincts) . This is where you place the tray. At first there may be several trays.

Now it’s worth observing which litter box the dog uses most often. This will be your pet's favorite place.

Gradually remove other trays.


Place your baby in the tray every time he eats, sleeps, spins around in one place, or sits down.

Over time, you will understand what behavior is typical for your baby if he wants to go to the toilet.

If your dog makes a puddle on the floor, wipe it up with a diaper and put it in the tray.

Every time you reward your dog when he urinates in the tray, don’t skimp on praise and attention.

Also, forget about the sequence of actions, remember - all manipulations should be done daily, several times a day.

All these techniques together give quick results, so they can be called the most effective technique. However, actions may vary depending on the situation.

How to get used to a diaper?

Diaper training your puppy won't be a difficult task if you follow a few rules.

What to do:

  1. Choose a suitable place and place the diaper there.
  2. If your dog insists on relieving itself elsewhere, use a special detergent with a repellent scent.
  3. Try to constantly monitor the puppy. As soon as he decides to sit in the wrong place, immediately take him to the diaper.
  4. Use a reward and punishment system.
  5. If your pet stubbornly refuses to comply with your request, then there are two options for solving the problem. First, place the diaper in the place where the dog defecates most often. Second, place the pet in a closed space (for example, in an enclosure) along with a diaper. Keep your pet in the crate most of the time until he understands what is expected of him.

And most importantly, if the puppy really understands why he is praised and given a treat, this is already 90% of success.

How to toilet train outdoors?

After the quarantine period has passed (2-3 weeks after vaccinations ), you can begin to accustom your pet to the street . Start toilet training right away.

The child should learn as early as possible that he should go to the toilet outside.

To make this process painless, follow a few simple rules:

  1. Watch your puppy carefully and try to take him outside before he does his business. This usually occurs after sleep or after eating.
  2. Take your puppy outside every time he starts actively searching for something or whining.
  3. Try to go for walks at the same time every day.
  4. Walks should be regular and daily.
  5. Be sure to walk your puppy in the morning, this will make it easier to train him to use the toilet outside.
  6. If the dog has not yet understood what is required of it, stay outside until it goes to the toilet on its own, and then praise it and give it a treat.
  7. Try to find a walking buddy for the puppy, maybe a clear example will help him.

Schedule after six months

For puppies from six months of age, a different regime is required. Experts recommend sticking to the following schedule until the dog is one year old.

  • 6:00 – walk/food/water.
  • 8:00 – walk.
  • 10:00 – walk/water.
  • 14:00 – walk/water.
  • 18:00 – walk/feed. At the same time, the last water of the day.
  • 22:00 – walk.
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