Do Huskies shed a lot? — Tips and actions to take

The Siberian Husky has a double coat: a soft undercoat is protected by a hard outer coat. The outer coat has water-repellent properties, and the undercoat retains heat. The coat is designed in such a way that the animal can withstand the cold without harm to its health, living outside all year round.

Despite the thick coat, the Siberian Husky is distinguished by its absence of odor, because the coat has self-cleaning properties. Therefore, representatives of the breed do not need frequent bathing, which causes an unpleasant odor. It is enough to bathe your pet 1-2 times a year, otherwise skin problems may arise. After all, natural oils are washed off, which contribute to the self-cleaning of dirt from the cover.

How to distinguish a husky puppy from a husky?

Table: comparison of the exteriors of the Siberian Husky and the West Siberian Laika

Color and coatBlack to white with markings all over the body. The coat is thick, short, with a soft and dense undercoat. The coat is dense and straight, with a thick undercoat. Color can be white, zone-gray, red, black or brown

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Why do Siberian Huskies shed so much?

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“Who doesn’t love Siberian Huskies? Everyone loves Siberian Huskies!” This is the headline in one of the British publications that once caught the eye of the author of these lines. And it’s hard to argue: these lively, energetic and endlessly cute dogs have the magical gift of inspiring sympathy at first sight. Huskies are also loved by city residents - every year you notice more and more “Siberians” in courtyards, parks and dog parks. This is one side of the coin. And the other is that there are more and more announcements about the transfer of adult huskies “to good hands”; more and more of these animals end up in shelters and temporary detention centers. Why do you think?

We at have repeatedly raised this problem - we provide a link to one of the latest publications. The author received a lot of feedback, mainly from readers who were seriously thinking about buying a puppy of this breed. There is only one question - is everything really that bad? No, not bad at all! And huskies are really incredibly good! They just don’t feel comfortable living in a big and noisy city. Their element is nature, countryside spaces, meadows, fields. Dogs are characterized by a high level of activity, require attention, they need to be occupied with work and entertainment. Where are the residents of megacities who are always in a hurry and busy with everything in the world at the same time! But this is still not the biggest problem. Finally, you can rearrange your schedule, force yourself to devote more time to your pet, etc. The main problem associated with keeping a Husky is the coat. A lot of wool, a lot. It will fill your entire apartment. All your office and weekend suits will be covered in fur. And even the most powerful and modern vacuum cleaners will not help.

Features of the coat of Siberian Huskies. Dogs are adapted to life in the harshest climates and extreme temperatures. Nature itself took care of the survival of these dogs, providing them with a magnificent, incredibly dense and thick coat. It is truly “impenetrable” - it consists of two layers. Particularly noteworthy is the soft, fluffy and very dense undercoat, which, in turn, is covered with a layer of long, slightly straighter, harsh and coarse fur.

You will be surprised, but husky fur is unique! It allows the dog to maintain normal body temperature both in extreme cold and in the summer heat. Yes, when the thermometer is over thirty, the dog is hot and not entirely comfortable. Many compassionate owners, deciding to help their pets, begin to cut them almost bald in the summer. And they primarily do a disservice - since it is the dense and thick coat that helps dogs maintain normal thermoregulation.

How the Siberian Husky's fur grows. Unlike dogs of many other breeds, it is not cyclical, but stable and even throughout the year! Due to this circumstance, the density of the coat always remains the same, plus or minus (in summer, however, the coat is slightly less dense than in the winter months). But you won’t be able to tell from the outside – for you, the husky will remain furry even at the very zenith of summer!

How do Huskies shed? It is logical to assume: if fur grows all year round, it is also renewed all year round! This is why huskies shed consistently and a lot. Just call your pet and pet it! And you will probably have scraps of faded wool in your hands. The peak of shedding occurs, however, at the change of seasons - before the onset of winter and summer. Especially in the summer - then your apartment will literally drown in wool in just two weeks. Exactly when seasonal molting will reach its climax is difficult to predict. It all depends on the outside temperature. Are the first truly warm days here? Get ready! It's May, but it's still March-like cold? A wise husky will definitely wait for “real” warmth!

What to do? We again appeal to citizens interested in huskies. Have you changed your mind yet? Great! You understand that you will have to care for your pet on a regular (daily) basis. Be sure to thoroughly comb your dog during periods of active shedding - even twice a day! Don't let your dog go - she's uncomfortable with so much shed hair.

You only need a special tool that allows you to get to the undercoat. Do not limit yourself to “half measures”; do not brush along the sides and the outer layer of the coat. Complete cleaning only!

Remember - many townspeople also complain about the strong, characteristic smell of a dog emanating from huskies. How to fight? Daily care and bathing. Bathe your husky approximately once every six weeks (set the exact frequency yourself). Bathing will help at least partially solve the problem of odor and tufts of fur everywhere. But there are pitfalls here too. The “increased hairiness” of a husky can interfere with bathing in a regular bath. Probably, some owners are doing the right thing, who regularly use the appropriate services of grooming salons.


Factors influencing the molting process

If your dog has no problems with excessive hair loss, but suddenly you notice that he has started to shed a lot, then analyze what could have contributed to this. Unscheduled shedding can begin as a result of the following factors:

  • parasites, in particular the lice eater. This insect lives in the hair follicle and feeds on the epidermis. It is very difficult to detect and makes diagnosis difficult. If a dog is infected with a hairworm, and treatment is not started in time, then the animal will soon become completely bald. As a preventive measure, regularly examine your pet for bites and swelling. Some parasites leave black particles on the skin. If there is a black coating on the ears, this may indicate the presence of ear mites;
  • skin diseases. Eczema may appear on your dog's body due to frequent washing. The undercoat does not have time to dry well, which provokes the appearance of this serious illness. Another reason why a dog sheds is dermatitis. This is due to poor quality or incorrectly selected hygiene products;
  • allergy. You can notice it not only by the hair falling out. The animal experiences redness and watery eyes, nasal discharge, and anxiety. The causes of allergies are different: pollen, dust, new food, synthetic bedding, etc.;
  • stress. Animals, like people, are capable of experiencing stressful situations. This could be street fights, cursing of the owner, longing for the owner, injury, illness, etc. On nerves, shedding is insignificant and goes away quickly.

Diseases and vaccinations

With good heredity, the health of a husky is not a cause for concern. True, each subspecies has its own weak points: eyes, ears, diseases of the larynx, problems with the coat. The first vaccinations must be given by the breeder. Further, it is better to entrust the concern about the choice of vaccine and timing of vaccinations to the veterinarian.

Despite their frost resistance, huskies can catch a cold. Their thick coat takes a long time to dry after bathing. You should not let your dog go outside until the fur is completely dry. Another problem is the summer heat. Your pet should always have access to water and it is better to limit its activity for a while.

Most health problems arise from lack of physical activity and obesity.


Older or heavier dogs may be predisposed to bedsores when their elbows or other bony parts of the body regularly come into contact with hard surfaces. Over time, constant pressure leads to thickening of the skin, hair loss and calluses.

If calluses crack, bleed, or become infected, treatment may include moisturizers, antibiotics, or the use of retainers. You can prevent bedsores and calluses by providing your dog with soft bedding.

What kind of nutrition is needed?

Regardless of whether the animal eats natural food or store-bought food, during the seasonal shedding period it is necessary to add more nutrients to the diet. Healthy fats will significantly speed up the growth of new healthy hair. But it is better to avoid sweet treats in the spring and autumn months. Fans of natural food should focus on meat (temporarily abandoning offal), and those who prefer to feed their animals store-bought food should purchase a mixture containing a large amount of protein.

But, despite the fact that a protein-based diet is easier to digest and brings more benefits to the animal’s body, we must not forget about additional nutrients. Store-bought food usually contains the optimal ratio of vitamins, minerals and other important microelements. Maintaining a balance when feeding a pet naturally is much more difficult. In this case, special nutritional supplements and pharmacy vitamins (Beaphar “Vit Total”, Polidex “Super Wool”) will help out. As evidenced by reviews from veterinarians and dog owners, the above complexes help stop “protracted” shedding. Some note an acceleration of the growth of dense guard hairs in areas of the skin that have become bald as a result of chemotherapy, dermatitis, and Cushing's disease.

If the owner categorically does not accept pharmaceutical additives, then it is recommended to introduce foods rich in Omega fatty acids into the dog’s diet: fish oil, seafood, eggs. Of course, such a diet is not cheap, but in the end you will notice that the pet has dense, shiny fur, and the skin has become soft and even moisturized. In addition, fatty acids will help prevent infection with seasonal infections, slow down the growth of bacteria, and protect the animal’s body from the action of various pathogens.

We must not forget about regular checks of the pet’s health at the veterinary clinic. Only a veterinarian will be able to determine whether shedding is normal, and also to identify the disease that provoked abnormal hair loss at an early stage.

Cushing's disease

Hair loss in dogs can also be caused by hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing's disease, a condition caused by overproduction of the hormone cortisol. Medicines and sometimes surgery are available to treat Cushing's disease, also known as Cushing's syndrome.

Cushing's disease is most common in dogs 6 years of age and older. Other signs of Cushing's disease include frequent eating, drinking and urination, shortness of breath, and a pot-bellied appearance. If you notice any of these signs, take your dog to the vet.

Hormonal reasons

They are determined by uniform molting and a number of indirect signs.

  1. Excess cortisol. The dog drinks a lot of water and gains weight. There is a relapse of infectious diseases and frequent urges to relieve oneself.
  2. Puberty period.
  3. Excess estrogen. Females lose hair around the genitals, and the foreskin of males swells.
  4. Lack of estrogen as a consequence of sterilization. Hair growth around the vulva and then throughout the body slows down.
  5. Lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. The coat becomes dry, brittle and falls out. Bald spots form across the body. The dog gets sick more often, becomes lethargic, and gains weight.

These alarm bells indicate the need to urgently contact a veterinarian. Self-medication with an unknown diagnosis will lead to a sharp deterioration in the animal’s health.


There are some "hairless" dogs, such as the Chinese Crested and the Mexican Hairless, but some dogs are more prone to hair loss than others. Hairless patches on the outer ear, chest, belly, hips, or lower neck can appear in Greyhounds, Beagles, Chihuahuas, Dachshunds, and Italian Greyhounds, usually after the first year of life.

Most owners learn to live with it as treatment options are limited. Always check to see if your veterinarian has ruled out other causes of hair loss.

Friend, athlete and just handsome

A well-groomed and well-mannered husky is the pride of the owner. To achieve such a result, you need unlimited patience, love and respect for the dog, rigor and discipline. The “technical” side of care usually does not cause problems if true friendship develops between the dog and the person.

Huskies always choose the family member with the strongest character as their leader. At the same time, a completely different person can feed them, care for them, and take them for walks. Dogs intuitively sense a leader. Sometimes owners are puzzled by the choice of pet, but the “four-legged psychic” is never wrong. The chosen leader will easily achieve obedience and submission if he treats the animal with respect.

Features of nutrition during molting

Perhaps the answer to the question “Why does a dog shed a lot?” lies precisely in its power supply system. To make the renewal process faster, adjust your pet’s diet. It is desirable that it contains natural products, more protein, which is found in meat and offal. They can be given both raw and cooked.

The dog’s diet should contain fats, including fish fat, cereals and vegetables, legumes, yeast, containing all the vitamins and minerals necessary during the molting period. Among dry foods, Hills, Royal Canin, Eukanuba, Belcando, etc. have proven themselves well.

Vitamins that an animal needs during the period of fur renewal:

  • biotin - synthesizes collagen fibers, regulates protein and fat metabolism;
  • calciferol - helps to better absorb calcium;
  • ascorbic acid - strengthens blood vessels, improving the nutrition of follicles;
  • tocopherol - improves the condition of the epidermis;
  • Niacin - prevents dermatitis and prevents the skin from drying out.

Biotin - vitamins taken during molting

By supporting the dog's body with vitamins, you can achieve good condition of the coat, it will become soft and silky, and shedding will pass quickly and with the least emotional loss.

Raising and training a dog

Education begins from the first day the baby appears in the house. Khasenysh is immediately placed in a tray covered with a diaper and is not released (with persuasion, affection, but not force or screaming) until the puppy goes to the toilet. For this, the Khasenysh is sure to be praised and treated. The diaper is not changed so that the characteristic smell remains.

The baby gradually remembers his nickname (a short name is easier to remember), masters basic commands, learns to go to the toilet on the street, and stay close to his owner. From about six months you can start training with a dog handler. Training a dog on your own is not easy. Mistakes and gaps in education will cost you dearly in the future.

What is undercoat?

The undercoat is the soft inner coat of the Husky in cold weather to protect them from the cold.

Huskies shed depending on the time of year. During the colder months, dogs shed their summer coats and grow thick, warm coats to protect themselves from cold weather.

When winter ends, dogs shed their heavy, warm coats to replace them with fine, light coats. This pattern of shedding fur and growing new ones continues throughout the dog's life.

Huskies follow an exact pattern with a slight difference, that is, the type of coat. Huskies have thick fur, also called a double coat.

What to feed a puppy and an adult dog?

When caring for a husky, feeding becomes a stumbling block. If left unchecked, pets eat everything all the time, quickly gain weight, become clumsy and get sick. Puppies are fed 5-6 times a day at first, and after 3-4 months - no more than 4 times. By six months the number of feedings is reduced to 2-3, only two remain per year, and after that the dog will have enough once a day.

Hasyats can be given:

  • dairy products;
  • meat, fish;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables.

Raw cartilage, bones, offal and eggs are added to the diet of an adult dog. You cannot feed your pet with leftovers from the owner’s table - human food is too fatty and contains a lot of harmful chemicals (preservatives, dyes, flavoring additives).

Huskies are prohibited:

  • pork, lamb;
  • smoked, spicy foods;
  • butter;
  • River fish;
  • sweets (all, including the so-called low-fat ones);
  • grapes and raisins;
  • any canned food, except special dog food.

You can feed with natural products or prepared foods (dry mixtures, canned food). But it is strictly forbidden to mix these two types of feeding.

Natural nutrition

Tasty, healthy, but very troublesome and expensive. Huskies need to be cooked separately; human diet is not suitable for her. Products must be fresh and of high quality. For example, store-bought chicken loaded with preservatives can cause allergies.

Dry food

Simple, fast, but not very useful. And not too cheap. Low-quality food is not suitable for Huskies - they contain many unnecessary and sometimes harmful components. Ready-made food must be premium. With this regime, the pet needs to drink a lot so as not to get dehydrated.

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