Why do professionals recommend clicker training: the principle and disadvantages of the method. Types of clickers, price

More and more often on the street you can meet people who train dogs with a small clicking box in their hands - a clicker. It was first used by behavioral biologist Karen Pryor in her work with dolphins. She is the founder of this method in dog training. The clicker helps point the pet to the correct action, speeds up and facilitates the learning process. But first things first.

Dog ready for clicker training

Training a dog using a clicker

Clicker training is a stress-free technique that allows for greater learning success.
In modern training, this method is considered the most effective. The clicker opens up new possibilities and allows you to most accurately practice the execution of both circus tricks and basic commands.

Clicker training for dogs is based on the conditioned reflex mechanism, which was studied by the outstanding Russian academician I.P. Pavlov. Absolutely everyone is familiar with the results of his research, but if you have forgotten the principle of developing a conditioned reflex , let us remind you:

As you might have guessed, in our case the signal will be “click” , and salivation will be replaced by a joyful state of anticipation.

Basic rules for using a clicker

Be sure to read the rules to understand how to use a dog clicker:

  • Do not start teaching commands using a clicker if the dog has not yet developed a conditioned reflex.
  • The click must be used to confirm the dog's correct actions during the desired behavior to avoid the formation of incorrect connections, and to non-violently communicate to the dog what it is about.
  • A dog clicker should not be used to attract or recall the dog's attention.
  • Desired behavior details must be reinforced with a “click.” After this, the dog receives its reward. Thus, the dog’s own behavioral suggestions can also bring success to the dog.
  • If you want to achieve outstanding results, increase the quantity and improve the quality of treats . This is considered a "jackpot" for the dog.
  • The dog must periodically have the opportunity to receive a jackpot. This will further spur her on. The jackpot is awarded only when the dog has made a significant breakthrough in the exercise.
  • Often, after a click, the dog runs up to get a treat . This is completely normal - the “click” ends the exercise and should be confirmed.
  • Unwanted behavior should not attract your attention . The training is free of penalties. No "click" spells failure for sensitive dogs doing intensive clicker training. Therefore, it is always better to divide the exercise into several small parts so that the dog more often has confirmation in the form of a clicker signal.
  • Dog clicker training is not command-oriented. Its goal is to form and consolidate the desired type of behavior. Only when the dog reliably displays the desired behavior are individual commands or signals introduced. This is a big advantage compared to conventional training, since in this case the dog always associates the signal with the optimal achievement.
  • Once a specific behavior is brought under the command's control in such an exercise, the clicker is no longer needed .

Same sound and no emotion

It’s strange to hear that a monotonous click is clearer to the dog than a vocal marker. Of course, the intonation changes, but this will not confuse the dog. Living side by side with people, tailed animals have learned to detect the slightest changes in a person’s emotional background and respond to them.

The dog carefully watches the trainer, automatically reading posture, gestures, facial expressions, smell, timbre of voice, clothing. This provides much more information than a click.

A dog that is rewarded with a verbal marker easily learns to work not only for food, but also for emotion. He hears from the intonation: the owner is pleased and maybe he will treat him. A dog raised on a clicker knows that a click will be followed by food. Well, then the owner will praise you.

There is a danger in this: the pet can be taken away by intruders. It is enough to lure him with a treat and cheer him up with a click when he begins to approach. It turns out that the dog will leave with the stranger with the approval of the owner.

Basic Clicker Functions

The dog training device was invented many years ago by trainer Karen Pryor. It is a box the size of a matchbox, inside of which there is a button or a metal plate. By pressing on it, the clicker makes a characteristic sound - a click. The principle of operation of the device is to encourage the correct behavior of the dog at the moment of its commission, helping the animal to better remember commands. Thus, the dog understands why it is being praised. This allows animals and humans to interact, understanding each other without words.

The clicker is used to teach small puppies and adults standard commands, good manners, as well as to prepare for hunting, participation in circus acts, sports competitions or exhibitions. Today, this is the most effective and safe method of raising a dog without the use of punishments that traumatize the animal’s psyche. The sound of the device is so weak that only a dog can hear it. The device does not emit ultrasonic waves or infrared radiation.

Where and how to find a good option

They can be found anywhere. For example, at pet markets or pet stores. There you will find a large selection of different colors and shapes. Most visited pet stores:

  • "Zooworld "Phoenix"
  • "Zooexpress"
  • "Beethoven."

If you want to save money, you can scour the sites. The choice is just as wide, and the prices are slightly lower. Such sites are:

  • bestgav.narod.ru,
  • povodok.ru,
  • roszoomag.ru.

You will have to pay for delivery.

Types of clickers

There are two types of dog training devices: push-button and plate-based. Each is effective and convenient to use in its own way.

Clicker with plate

The plate device is of a classic type, inexpensive and primitive in design. It is a plastic box with a metal plate inside. Operated by thumb. This is its small disadvantage, i.e. You cannot force the device to work with another finger, which is not always convenient. The advantage of such clinker is that it produces a distinct sound that the dog can hear even in street conditions with increased volume.

Clicker with button

The push-button version is more advanced and convenient. You can press the clicker button with any finger, the edge of your palm, or even your foot. Additionally, the device is equipped with a soft spring bracelet, which is attached from below. With its help, the clicker is hung on the owner’s wrist or bag, which allows it to be used when necessary. A quiet sound suggests training at home or in not very busy public gardens. On noisy streets, the dog may not hear the signal given to it.

In addition to the described types of clinker, there are also options with a retractable pointer - target. They make classes more varied and make it easier for the dog to understand commands. Such devices are used mainly by professional dog handlers to prepare animals for exhibitions.

Is it possible to make a clicker with your own hands?

You can make the device yourself at home. This doesn't require any special talent. You just need to find a small object that will produce a characteristic click.

For these purposes, you can use a baby food cap, a piezo lighter element, or a ballpoint pen with a button. However, if the product breaks, you will subsequently have to look for it with the same sound.

Proper use of a dog training device will help you achieve the desired result faster. A special mutual understanding will arise between the animal and the owner; the dog will independently guess what they want from it.

Clicker for dogs, how to use during training

To achieve good results in training, you need to know how to use a dog clicker correctly. There are some rules for its use.

  • Training should be frequent, but not very long. It is better to exercise with your dog daily for 20 minutes than 1-2 times a week for an hour. Short intervals between training allow the animal to better assimilate and remember commands.
  • It is better to start training with simple commands, for example, “Sit” or “Give me a paw”, gradually increasing the level of complexity.
  • The command must always be accompanied by a voice. Communicate clearly and loudly about everything you want from your dog.
  • The clicker itself is not a method of reward, so before training you should stock up on a handful of some kind of treat. You can also show your dog that he is doing everything right by stroking or scratching.
  • It is optimal to train an animal using “sweets” when the dog is hungry, otherwise he may not respond to food and the training will not be effective.
  • It is better to conduct initial training in a quiet place so that the animal is not distracted by extraneous sounds and learns to understand the principle of operation of a clicker for dogs. This way she develops a conditioned reflex, and subsequent training will be easier.
  • One reward should correspond to one click of the device. It is better to elicit additional approval through food or affection.
  • Proper training eliminates scolding the dog for its incorrect behavior. It is better to focus on her positive actions, even small ones, than to shout at her for her misstep. Clicking the device after the dog does something good will show that you are pleased with its behavior and, conversely, the absence of a click, for example, when it barks loudly, will indicate your disapproval.

How should the owner use the device? Schematically, the entire training using a clicker for dog training looks like this:

  • a command is given by voice;
  • correct execution by the dog;
  • clicker click;
  • encouragement

Only this sequence should be observed during each training session.

Why is a clicker more effective than words of encouragement?

Of course, the sound can be replaced with a suitable word. For a dog, this means the same thing as pressing. However, it is better not to use verbal encouragement for novice trainers. Dogs are very sensitive to the human voice. But a person says the same word of encouragement differently each time. Changing intonation, speed, tone and volume. So the animal perceives this word differently. At some point, this may sound like something completely unfamiliar to him.

Why you need a clicker for a dog is easy to understand. He always makes the same sound. So it is much easier for a dog to get used to this constant sound than a word that a person says.

Benefits of a clicker for dog training

Training dogs is not an easy task, and if the owner does not have patience and restraint, it is better to leave it to professionals from the kennel club.

A clicker can minimize negative emotions during training. The intonation of a human voice can change and confuse a dog, while the sound of a clicker remains unique and constant. Training is much faster.

The sound of the device differs from the street noise surrounding the dog during a walk. Using a click as a signal will provoke pleasant emotions and joyful anticipation in the animal.

Thanks to its small size, the clicker is very convenient to carry. Put the device in your pocket and conduct a training session anywhere and at any convenient time.

The main advantages of a clicker for training include:

  • translating human commands into dog language. Sometimes an animal’s disobedience is not due to its bad character, but to a lack of understanding of what is wanted from it. There are two ways out of this situation: find an experienced instructor or learn to interact with an animal without nerves. A clicker will solve the problem and help your pet understand your commands immediately;
  • learning rate. The dog immediately understands whether its owner is happy or not. This allows you to quickly acquire a reflex to voiced commands and carry them out correctly;
  • better memorability. The dog itself comes to what it needs to do and takes the initiative. The skills acquired in this way work much more reliably than those acquired by the standard method of training.

As you can see, the device has a lot of advantages. The only problem that the owner may encounter is choosing the necessary device from a wide variety of models.

When to enter a voice command

You don't have to carry your dog clicker with you all the time. After the action is mastered, the dog will perform it without a special sound signal, upon a voice command. Use a treat or affection as a reward.

Before you can enter a voice command, you need to click to complete the action. And only after that introduce voice accompaniment. First, the animal must understand that it is being rewarded for following the “sit” command. Then the understanding comes that she will receive a reward only if she follows the voice command “sit.”

Review of popular models of clicker training for dogs

Today, manufacturers of dog products produce a large selection of clickers of various types, price categories and functionality.

  • Trixie offers plate and button clickers. The former are characterized by volume control, a uniform frequency of sound, which helps the dog distinguish it from extraneous noise. For ease of wearing, the device is equipped with a nylon cord. The push-button device has a loud sound, clearly distinguishable both indoors and outdoors. It does not frighten the animal and is suitable for puppies and sensitive animals. The spring bracelet allows you to hang the clicker on your hand. Each type of Trixie clicker comes with detailed training instructions. Color options allow you to choose the device to suit your individual taste.
  • American DeLuxe clickers help to clearly record moments of good behavior in a dog’s mind. Thanks to this, the learning speed is increased by half. The device is made of polymer - an environmentally friendly and safe material. The clicker has an ergonomic shape, it is easy to hold in your hands, and the convenient location of the button eliminates mistakes when pressing it. The device is equipped with a convenient spring bracelet. Suitable for home and professional training.
  • Click-R. A compact and convenient device will help teach your dog the necessary commands and skills. Beautiful design and ergonomically comfortable shape make clickers from Clik-R in demand among professionals and amateur dog breeders. For ease of use, the device is attached to your finger or wrist using a special strap.

By purchasing a clicker for dogs, you can significantly facilitate the learning process, making training a joyful event for both the animal and its owner.

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