The smallest dogs in the world: the stories of Toody and Millie

Pocket dogs are the smallest breeds that exist in the world. Many people adore them because they remain cute throughout their lives, reminiscent of puppies. If you're a fan of fur babies and are thinking about purchasing one, the list below will help you decide on your next family member.

Future owners of a miniature pet should know that pocket dogs and toy breeds are not the same thing; the first ones are always smaller in size.

There is a lot of controversy regarding this type of dog. The AKC (American Kennel Club), for example, does not identify (or register) such a group of breeds. The smallest individuals from the litter of animals of the decorative category (also called toy or toy) become pocket animals. In this regard, many consider such animals not as a separate species, but as unhealthy representatives of the litter. This is one reason why some veterinarians advise avoiding purchasing pocket dogs.

Pocket pets weigh less than representatives of the decorative group, so technically, any of these animals with smaller sizes can be classified in the category under discussion. Most breeders adhere to the following standards: the weight of the baby should not exceed 1.8 kg, and the height at the withers should not exceed 43.2 cm.

Only 6 breeds correspond to the above parameters. In our article you can get to know these cute creatures better, and also learn about pseudo-pocket dogs.

Medium breeds

Their height reaches 40-55 cm at the withers, weight – 11-25 kg. Decide which breed of dog to choose for your child from the average pets. The photo shows how sweet and kind they are.

Russian Spaniel

Tireless play partner. It has so much energy that the most active person is more likely to get tired than a four-legged friend

It is important for him to be trained, taught, and not just given attention during games. Very attached to the owner. The Russian Spaniel has well-developed intuition and protective qualities; he will immediately recognize a person with bad intentions and will protect his owner.

The Russian Spaniel has well-developed intuition and protective qualities; it will immediately recognize a person with bad intentions and will protect its owner.

Shetland Sheepdog, Sheltie

He loves to be the center of attention. He treats the little ones carefully, feels like their guardian, nanny. When a stranger approaches, it will bark loudly to notify its owners of possible danger. The Sheltie can play for hours. Feels great in a large family. Suitable for living in houses with private territory, large apartments.


Active, open, love games. They are not used to dominating their owner; they often choose the youngest in the house as their leader. Beagles need systematic training and walks in the fresh air. They are perfect for runners; they will go for runs with them over any distance.

Siberian Husky

They do not tolerate living within four walls well; they need space and regular activities. They will be happy to carry you in a sled in winter. They need training and long walks in nature. Not suitable for homebodies.

Huskies are friendly, not guard dogs. They are happy with any person.

Miniature Schnauzer

Active with a reserved disposition. Although he is playful, he is not intrusive. If the owner does not have time to play, the miniature will not pester, but will settle down next to him or will follow him. They enjoy playing with everyone, regardless of age, and at the same time protect them. They are suspicious of strangers and, if necessary, will rush to protect the owner and household members.

English bulldog

Friendly, strongly attached to the owner, difficult to tolerate long separations. The bulldog gets along with kids, is ready to play and play pranks with them, but not for long. His energy reserve will last him an hour and a half, and then he needs rest. Therefore, dog experts recommend getting English bulldogs for a daughter or son who is already 10-12 years old.

Welsh Corgi

Some of the most life-loving, friendly pets. They are equally attached to all family members. They love to play, are ready for many hours of active games, but at the same time they are able to lie at the feet of the owner for hours while he works or studies. Welsh Corgis are very careful with their little ones and tolerate their pranks without any aggression.

They practically do not bark, but they like to howl.

Border Collie

Needs regular training and is very active. If she is not given proper attention, due to excess energy she can go crazy: constantly run around the house, ram walls. Enjoy spending hours outside. It should not be started for children who are too young. The ideal age of the owner is 10-12 years

A person should pay attention to the border collie every day: train it, care for its coat, walk it for 1-2 hours


Playful, strongly attached to the owner. It is better to take them with you on trips than to leave them in pet hotels, as they get very stressed. Ideal for children over 10 years old. They do not have enough patience for the pranks of too young household members. They love active games. Dog handlers say that representatives of this breed have a cat-like disposition, they are willful, and do not always easily agree to training.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

In England, these pets are called nannies because they love to take care of babies. They can even rock a newborn and get angry with parents if the baby cries. This is a guard dog. If you want your son or daughter to become its owner, it is better that they are old enough to carry out thoughtful training.

Rabbit dachshund

Dwarf dachshunds, also called rabbit dachshunds, have three coat varieties: smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. All of them are united by a healthy, stress-resistant nervous system. The dog is absolutely not aggressive, but at the same time brave and cautious.

Representatives of the breed do not tolerate rudeness and pressure; competent dog handlers take this into account when drawing up an individual training plan. Another striking feature of rabbit dachshunds is their overly developed sense of ownership.

Moreover, this manifests itself not only in relation to the beloved owner, but also toys, sleeping place

The owner of a rabbit dachshund must develop such qualities as affection, attention, patience, consistency

The dog will defend its right to make independent decisions, which from the outside may look like an unwillingness to be trained. Having received the owner's permission, dachshunds are happy to play with other dogs and get to know their owners.


One of the oldest breeds on the planet, its history dates back to the 8th century BC. Snow-white dogs with thick hair got their name in honor of the island of Malta. In ancient times, Maltese puppies were considered an expensive gift along with precious metals and stones and were an indicator of status and wealth.

Currently, the Maltese is a favorite of many due to its ideal character. They are affectionate and friendly towards children and animals, easy to train, love games and walks, and will be excellent companions for anyone. Height at the withers is 20-25 cm, weight is within three kilograms. Difficulty in grooming due to the presence of long hair, which must be combed regularly.

Japanese Chin

"Japanese Chin"

As a longtime companion of the Japanese royal family, these royalty are cute, fluffy lap dogs. Dogs of the Japanese Chin breed came to Japan from China, and for a long time only representatives of the nobility could have such a pocket dog and they were a certain status symbol. They are attached to their owner and find separation difficult. The average weight of the Japanese Chin is about 4 kg (ranges from 1.4 to 6.8 kg), and the height at the withers is 20-27 cm. Because of their short face, they can snore, wheeze, and even grunt, but unlike others small breeds (for example, Chihuahua), they very rarely bark, which can be a plus when choosing this decorative dog. The only downside to this breed may be that you will have to deal with the fact that they will always have better hair than you!

Italian Greyhound

Small greyhounds, the ancestors of Italian Greyhounds, lived during the time of the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt; at the beginning of the 5th century they became venerable favorites in Ancient Rome. But the peak of the breed’s popularity occurred during the Renaissance, Italian greyhounds were depicted on famous paintings, and later the dogs became inhabitants of imperial courts, but the classic type was created only at the beginning of the 20th century.

This is the shortest greyhound, whose height is 32-38 cm, and its weight does not exceed 5 kg. The Italian Greyhound is very active and needs long walks and runs every day. The little greyhound has well-developed vision, thanks to which it is perfectly oriented in space and pursues prey. She has a slightly eccentric nature and is prone to injury to her limbs due to their fragility.

A dog listed in the Guinness Book of Records

Today, the world's smallest dog is officially considered a Chihuahua named Miracle Milly, who lives in Puerto Rico with her owner Vanessa Semler. Her height is 9.5 cm, weight is 400 g. It was entered into the Guinness Book of Records in 2014.

In 2014, Miracle Millie was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest dog in the world.

Millie practically doesn’t go for walks, and if she does go outside, it’s only in the arms of her owner. She is so fragile that her tiny legs can break from any awkward movement.

Video: Millie the dog and her personal best

Tudi is not only the tiniest dog in the world, but a sea of ​​positivity, affection and love.

Smart little dogs with great abilities

Koren introduced 21 breeds into this group, including 4 small ones. In 85% of cases, dogs complete tasks without delay from the first command, which indicates a high level of obedience. To master a new skill, they need 5–15 repetitions, depending on the complexity of the task. Training does not require unlimited patience and solid experience. A beginner can handle training a pet.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke and Cardigan

These are 2 similar, but independent herding breeds. They were bred in neighboring counties of Wales, separated by a chain of mountains. They did not cross with each other, but were separated in 1934. Externally, Welsh Corgis are squat, strong dogs with an elongated body and short legs. The height at the withers is approximately the same - from 25 to 31 cm, but cardigans look a little more massive and heavier.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Both breeds are highly trainable. On Koren's scale, Pembrokes are ranked 1st in the group of dogs with excellent abilities and 11th overall, while Cardigans complete the list at 26th.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan.

Corgis remember commands quickly and for a long time. Cardigans are calmer, can concentrate, and work better for a treat. Open, sociable Pembrokes are more likely to expect praise and approval.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is the favorite breed of Queen Elizabeth II of England. She received her first dog as a gift for her 18th birthday. Since then, she has bred 14 generations of Pembrokes and kept 30 dogs. In 2013, for the first time in Russia, Welsh Corgis were hired to work for the police. A dog named Red passed the certification of search dogs in Nizhny Novgorod, he has his own page on Instagram. And since 2016, Welsh Corgis have been hired by the Moscow police.

Red Welsh Corgi in service.

Miniature Schnauzer

This is the smallest service dog in the world. The breed first appeared in Germany. The prefix “zwerg” in German breeds is translated as “dwarf” or “gnome”. The height of mini schnauzers does not exceed 35 cm, but they feel like big, serious dogs. A distinctive feature is a long beard with a mustache.

Mini schnauzer.

Miniature Schnauzers are versatile dogs, quick-witted and quick-witted. According to the owners, they can be taught anything. They quickly master the general training course and circus tricks, jumping over barriers and fetching objects, search and security skills.

In training and in everyday life, the independent thinking of miniature schnauzers is taken into account. In non-standard situations, they choose their own course of behavior and sometimes behave unpredictably. Ease of learning has a downside. Miniature Schnauzers from an early age become skilled manipulators and persistently achieve their goals.


The breed was bred in the Netherlands and Belgium in the 14th century. Back then, short, hardy dogs were universal helpers for farmers. They skillfully herded small livestock and poultry, vigilantly guarded houses, and deftly caught rodents. The height of the Schipperke is not limited by the standard, the average height is from 25 cm in females to 33 cm in males.

Schipperke puppy

Schipperkes have earned a reputation as loyal, intelligent companions with a strong watchdog instinct. They cannot live idle, like all working dogs. To release energy, you need long active walks for 2 hours a day and intellectual exercises.

Schipperkes are in 15th place in Koren's overall ranking.

Schipperkes make obedient, smart students if you build training on positive reinforcement and avoid monotonous repetitions.

Pomeranian Spitz

This is a miniature subgroup of German Spitz dogs with a height of 16–22 cm. Pomeranians were bred as decorative companion dogs, so they quickly adapt to a new home and adapt to the lifestyle of the owner and family.

On the Koren scale, Pomeranians are ranked 23rd.

Reviews from owners about Pomeranians are contradictory. In the breed there are both smart people and stubborn slow-witted people, which are difficult for even a patient trainer with experience to cope with.

The learning ability of an adult Spitz depends on upbringing in the first year of life and mental stability. Puppies understand that they are becoming objects of love and skillfully use this. Obeying the guard instinct, Pomeranians tend to bark at the slightest rustle. It takes time to break this habit.

See also: Review of dog breeds with blue eyes.


The short-haired Chihuahua girl Miracle Milly is recognized as the smallest dog in height, and she became the record holder three times. Milly was born at the end of 2011 in the family of Vanessa Semler. She lived in the city of Dorado on the northern coast of Puerto Rico.

In the first month after birth, she weighed 28 grams, fit in a tablespoon. Contrary to the doctors' predictions, she survived, turned out to be completely healthy and received the title of “the smallest puppy in the world.”

In February 2013, the owner measured and recorded the height of the matured pet - 9 cm 6 mm. Then she weighed 576 grams. And in 2014, Millie was included in the Guinness Book and received a certificate of the smallest dog in the world in terms of height at the withers. As of 2022, no one has yet managed to surpass this record.

According to the owner, the pet sleeps in a crib and eats only home-cooked food. She is used to the attention of passers-by on the street and knows how to pose for the camera. Loves to take pictures and play with the big neighbor's dog.

Millie with the neighbor's dog.

In 2022, Korean geneticists suggested that Vanessa clone the animal in order to understand the reasons for the phenomenon of short stature. As a result, as many as 49 copies appeared, and Millie was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the third time as the dog with the most clones. Vanessa took 12 copies of the pet with her, the rest remained in the Soaam laboratory.


When you see this dog for the first time, you won’t immediately understand who is in front of you: a shaggy monkey or an imp? Their unusually funny appearance has made Affenpinschers the favorites of many. But experts do not advise bringing this breed into a family where the children have not reached adolescence - like other pinschers, it is difficult for them to get along with small children.

The breed requires daily active walking, the duration of which should be at least 2 hours a day, an hour in the morning and in the evening. The Affenpinscher needs to be combed 2-3 times a week, and any remaining food from the beard should be washed out daily. The services of a groomer are not necessary for this breed, but many owners periodically trim the coat. Affenpinschers hardly shed - this is a definite plus of the breed.

Food for small breeds of dogs, including Affenpinscher, must be balanced. A veterinarian will help you choose a natural diet, but if you decide to feed your Affenpinscher with ready-made dry food, then give preference to premium brands.

Pomeranian Spitz

The breed appeared on the Baltic coast, in Pomerania - hence the name. The breed was developed at the end of the 19th century, but at that time the exterior of the representatives was somewhat different from the modern one. The weight of the first Spitz was about 15 kg, so compared to modern little ones weighing 3.5 kg, they looked like real giants.

But both then and now these dogs are distinguished by thick and very fluffy hair, thanks to which the cutie Spitz looks like fur balls on thin legs. The three most common colors today are white, blue and different variations of red from dark to light. The Spitz, like other types of small dog breeds with long hair, requires careful grooming.

The wool needs not only to be combed, but also to resort to special care products: shampoos, conditioners, balms and sprays. Be prepared that in the summer you will have to turn to a groomer for a quality haircut, otherwise your dog will be very hot. Spitz have a loyal, sociable character. But it is better for this breed not to communicate with small children - Spitz themselves are like children: noisy, quarrelsome fidgets.


Dogs whose weight does not exceed 10 kg are suitable for small apartments and will not cause inconvenience when traveling due to their compact size.

Bichon Frize

This unusual small dog with snow-white curly fur is distinguished by its playful character, extraordinary courage and activity. The Bichon Frize loves regular and long walks, and its coat requires careful care.

Jack Russell Terrier

A charming, funny and perpetual motion Jack Russell Terrier with a memorable appearance from the movie “The Mask” will not let you get bored. Suitable only for active people who are willing to be accompanied by a pet around the clock.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Like something straight out of a magazine cover, with its silky coat and piercing eyes, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will be a good friend for families with children of any age. They cannot be alone for a long time, they are completely dependent on the attention of their owners and love tactile contact.


A funny appearance and a complete lack of aggression is what distinguishes these kids. A pug as a friend is suitable for calm people and homebodies; he will happily lounge with his owner on the sofa and will not cause problems in caring for him.


A charming girl with a doll-like appearance and a constant need for human attention will become the favorite of all household members. The good-natured Maltese is wary of strangers and requires careful grooming.

Pomeranian Spitz

Fluffies with a clear voice are loved by many families around the world. The Pomeranian Spitz is cheerful and playful, loves to spend time with its owner. In the absence of education, he tries to dominate and becomes a bully.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Nice fluffy funny dogs with short legs, all of them are Welsh Corgi-Pembroke. Everyone who has these guys in their home is incredibly happy people, and the dog becomes so attached to its person that it simply does not give him a pass and wants to be with him 24 hours a day, know all the news and be in the center of events. If you think that fun, active games are not for them, then this is not so. Despite their short legs, they run quite briskly.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Unlike its closest brother, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is a very affectionate, calm, phlegmatic and good-natured breed, will never offend anyone, and can easily win any heart with its sweet appearance, trusting eyes and boundless good nature.

Boston Terrier

A small, funny, good-natured pet that can make any two-person laugh no worse than even the funniest clown in the big top circus. This friendly fidget is ready to please his household 24 hours a day, to give them his positive energy, joy, emotions, and so on, not only to his owners, but to all people and other living beings. For the Boston Terrier, the more company, the better; he loves people very much and needs selfless reciprocity from them.

Lhasa apso

Very important representatives of their breed, upon invitation, are ready to play with members of the household, but they have special feelings only for one of their owners. Despite all its shortcomings, the Lhasa Apso still deserves its place in the ranking of kind dogs, because the Apso is very cute with silky hair, a lover of car trips and expensive shopping.

Japanese Spitz

Quite a rare breed that appeared in our country recently. For all their cute looks, these little white furballs have a strong Japanese character. With zealous zeal it will easily bark at another dog that is significantly larger in size. He is friendly with owners and guests. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to resist his cute appearance, snow-white fur and thin, characteristic voice.


This is the smallest dog in our selection, which absolutely does not tolerate neglect. In any situation, a Chihuahua will easily scan a person’s intentions in order to take any retaliatory action. If you love your dog very much, she will respond in kind and even more, and will begin to be jealous of her other passion. To summarize, we can say that this is the only dog ​​that has no equal in its efficiency, charm and overall dimensions.


Well, who doesn’t know these world-famous unusual short-legged friends. They are quite stubborn, stubborn, disobedient, real burrow hunters. Dachshunds are also cute and have big, kind hearts. This is one of the best companion breeds, ready to take part in a fun event at any second.

English cocker spaniel

"English Cocker Spaniel"

These spaniels weigh a little more than their popular American counterparts, but their cheerful personalities win over families just as easily. Like all British aristocrats, the English Cocker Spaniel carries itself with unprecedented dignity, but once you take him outside and start playing with him, his cheerful character and lively temperament with a constantly wagging tail will bring many positive moments and will force you to explore all around with this happy “tourist”! Without a doubt, he will become an excellent friend and devoted companion to your family. The height of the English Cocker Spaniel at the withers is about 40 cm, and its weight is 14 kg.

Small breeds

Among the small ones there are those that are ideal for living next to children. Due to the size and the possibility of injuring four-legged animals, you need to take into account that they should be owned by those over 8 years old. Choose which dog is best to buy for your child from small breeds.

Yorkshire Terrier

Sociable, very sensitive to people's moods. Ideal for apartment living as long as he has enough toys and is trained. Wherein:

Yorkies are easily injured; falling from the sofa can lead to broken paws; You need to pay attention to brushing your teeth.

A daughter or son will have something to watch out for if parents choose a Yorkshire terrier as the best dog for children.


A loyal four-legged dog that is suitable for living in an apartment. Spitz dogs are recognized as one of the smartest dogs. They easily adapt to the owner’s mood and are ready to play for hours

What to pay attention to:

  • daily hair care - although they are cut, this can lead to alopecia - hair loss; regular brushing will replace the need to completely cut off the animal’s hair;
  • teeth cleaning;
  • active walks.

You can start training an animal from 5 months.


Active, needs the company of the owner, requires attention. A true companion who loves to play. Due to its excessive attachment to people, it is suitable for unsociable children. The Maltese dog does not tolerate long separation from a person and begins to suffer from anxiety.


Excellent companions for a son or daughter if they are over 8 years old, but these animals do not always have the patience for the antics of younger ones. Moderately active: they can lie on the couch for half a day without requiring anyone to play with them. The Pekingese's disadvantages include stubbornness, but they are very brave animals with good hearing and exhibit protective qualities. Apartment life suits them.

Shih Tzu

They do not tolerate loneliness - they always need company. Playful, active - long walks and daily training are suitable for them. When purchasing a Shih Tzu, you need to pay a lot of attention to the condition of its coat. This is an ideal small breed for living in an apartment.

Toy poodle

A miniature friend for children in the apartment. Playful and affectionate animals. They need training because they have a huge amount of energy. Makes an ideal gaming companion. Has protective qualities

When purchasing, please note that toy poodles need to be taught to be brushed from an early age - this will greatly simplify your life in the future.


A good dog for children and apartments. The most active, energetic ones are under three years of age. They are not the type that can entertain their owners for hours; they need breaks and quiet rest on the couch. Pugs have a slightly stubborn character and become very attached to people. They require minimal grooming but shed all year round.

French Bulldog

The animal cannot stand loneliness; a day spent in an empty apartment is stressful. The dog can play for hours. Loves to nurse and protect newborns up to one year old. Features of the French:

  • do not tolerate extreme cold and heat;
  • need careful selection of diet due to allergies;
  • snore.

French Bulldog - for active people living in an apartment.

Chinese Crested

She is not prone to dominance, so she will become a calm, obedient friend. She can play for hours, but leaving her alone with children under three years old is not worth it, since the crested ones can easily be injured. Peculiarities:

  • do not shed;
  • suitable for apartment living;
  • cannot tolerate prolonged loneliness;
  • difficult to adapt to cold climates.

The Crested is a companion that needs companionship.

King Charles Spaniel

The basic rule for keeping this animal is to provide daily walks with activities. The King Charles Spaniel is very patient, so it is adopted with newborns. He quickly becomes attached to his owners, loves to be the center of attention, but loneliness is stressful for him.


A distinctive feature of the breed is the shape of the ears, which resemble the open wings of a butterfly.
These small dogs are known for their excellent intelligence and ability to accept training. Like most small dogs, Papillons do not like to be left alone. If you are forced to leave him alone with you, then try to provide him with a variety of toys: rubber balls, vein bones.

Papillons should never be overfed. This breed is prone to obesity, which can lead to major health problems. In an adult Papillon, the ribs can be felt; if not, this is a reason to reconsider the diet.

Playing between a Papillon and a child is possible, but must be supervised by adults. The dog perceives the child as an equal, so he may bite if he is offended. Early socialization is important for the breed, because an untrained Papillon can behave aggressively when it grows up.

Why should you get a small dog?

There are several reasons why people have decorative dogs in their homes. Firstly, larger breeds of dogs require a professional approach to training and education, and secondly, the reclusive lifestyle of some people makes it possible not to let their pet go outside. Thirdly, some people get such dogs, looking at their acquaintances, friends or neighbors.

Depending on their size, dog breeds are divided into 2 classes. First class, includes 3 categories:

  • Toys have no more than 28 cm at the withers, and an average weight of about 2 kilograms.
  • Dwarfs are characterized by a height at the withers of about 35 cm and a weight of up to 5 kilograms.
  • Small dogs grow up to 45 cm and weigh up to 10 kilograms.
  • The second class includes 2 categories of dogs:
  • Small dogs with a height at the withers of 30 to 40 cm and a weight of 5 to 10 kilograms.
  • Very small dogs with a height at the withers of up to 30 cm and a weight of up to 5 kilograms.


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No. 8. Bichon Frize

Top 10 smallest dog breeds in the world. Bichon Frize.

With a maximum height of 28 cm, they have considerable weight - from 4.5 to 9 kg. Bichon Frize, translated from French, means “curly dog,” which is quite true. Their white curly coat is a distinctive feature of this breed. Puppies can be cream or pale yellow in color, but by the time they reach puberty, the coat becomes pure white.

Such cute pets get along well with small children and other animals, and even avoid conflicts with cats. Of course, you need to understand that you will have to devote a lot of time to regularly caring for the thick white coat.


Petit Brabançon

Small dogs are often more sensitive than their larger dogs. Likewise, the Petit Brabançon is a very emotional dog.

Small (height up to 20 cm, weight up to 6 kg), but strong dog. On the Petit Brabançon's face you can see reflections of feelings - from sadness to joy. The dog is playful and not vindictive. Curious, but obedient, easily learns commands.

Pomeranian Spitz

The Spitz barks very loudly. This dog is incredibly sociable and needs constant attention.

A fluffy little dog of the Pomeranian Spitz breed (height - no more than 22 cm, weight - 3.5 kg), whose ancestors were large, hardy dogs, has a brave heart. Independent, prone to dominance. Needs communication. Frequent bathing is contraindicated for Spitz dogs. It is “related” to such breeds as the German Spitz and Wolfspitz.

Australian Silky Terrier

Small dogs can also help their owners, so the Australian Silky Terrier is an excellent hunter

A working dog, despite its small size (height up to 26 cm, weight up to 6.5 kg), it is a hunter and helper on the farm. Brave, hardworking and loyal dog. The Australian Silky Terrier requires early socialization. Every 3 months, the dog’s fur is trimmed or a furminator is used.

Yorkshire Terrier

This is the dog that most often appears at social events, with the unrivaled signature Yorkie haircut.

The Yorkshire Terrier's height does not exceed 23 cm, and its weight is 3.1 kg, but this does not at all prevent it from feeling like Napoleon or, at least, a large dog. The Yorkshire Terrier is intelligent, independent and hardworking, and is a hunter by nature.

The terrier's coat is easy to care for; some owners even simply shave it off with a dog clipper during the warm season. Owners also love to take their pet to grooming, where he gets very beautiful haircuts.

Russian toy

Miniature toy terrier sunbathing

This is the smallest terrier in the world - its height ranges between 20 and 26 cm, and its weight does not even reach 3 kg. The Russian toy is hardy, extremely devoted to his owner, and adores children. The dog has a balanced and calm character and is easy to train. Toy does not need constant walking, but if this happens, it is worth using a dog harness.

Scottish Terrier

An elegant Scot can be a good hunter

The unusual elegant appearance is combined with the charming character of the Scot. The small dog (height 25 – 28, weight 8.5 – 10.5) hides enormous strength and energy. The Scottish Terrier is a wonderful hunting dog with a keen mind and an open soul. The terrier's coat practically does not shed.

toy poodle

The poodle loves to flatter his owner, he is a wonderful conversationalist and companion

The French Toy Poodle has a small height (24 – 28 cm) and weight (6 – 8 kg). This friendly creature has guard qualities. Like its older brother the miniature poodle, the toy poodle loves its owner and is a wonderful companion. The dog's coat needs regular washing.

Lhasa apso

Small dogs with long and beautiful hair, like apsos, are frequent guests at various exhibitions

At the withers, the Apso barely reaches 25 cm, and its weight does not cross the line of 7 kg. Apso is hardy and independent; he shows patience and even friendliness towards children. It becomes attached to the owner, becomes his friend and protector. The dog is brushed daily.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus love attention very much, they sense a person’s mood and adapt to it

Small dogs of the Shih Tzu breed (height does not exceed 27 cm, and weight ranges between 4.5 and 8 kg) have a lion-like character: from the outside they may seem arrogant. In fact, Shih Tzus simply love attention, they sense a person’s mood and adapt to it. Careful grooming is important

King Charles Spaniel

The Royal Spaniel simply dotes on his owner

Graceful and free, the King Charles Spaniel (height - 30 - 33 cm, weight - 5 - 8 kg) is sociable and loves to be the center of attention. For a smart dog, the owner is the most important thing in life; he also loves children. Wool does not require complex care.


Cute dogs were originally bred to please others with their appearance. These pets are usually quite compact in size, so even in adulthood they make a touching and defenseless impression, making a person want to take care of, protect and pamper them.

Because of their penetrating gaze, the most notorious mischief-makers usually get away with any pranks for which larger and more serious dogs would certainly receive their punishment. However, among the cuties there are also large dogs - usually a smile never leaves their faces, so when looking at them, it is simply impossible not to smile back.

Cute pets are usually cute, well-groomed, and have a kind, open expression on their faces. Character and temperament traits are dominated by openness, friendliness and playfulness; animals are distinguished by loyalty. Usually, cute dogs are not prone to displays of aggression - anger and attack can only become a reaction to cruel treatment.

Of course, the assessment of “cute” is largely subjective, since every person has his own idea of ​​​​charm and tenderness. However, the dogs we'll be looking at are the ones most often showered with compliments on walks and are the center of attention wherever they go.


Perhaps, among all the representatives of mini-dogs, this one is the smallest. A handy baby can accompany you everywhere, you just need to use a variety of carriers for small breed dogs. The Chihuahua will happily walk short distances, but soon its tender paws will get tired and you will have to take the baby in your arms.

But it's not that simple. These babies have a complex character and a hot disposition. A Chihuahua will obey one owner unquestioningly; the rest of the family is not an authority for him. Typical representatives of the breed are playful, stubborn and very touchy.

You will have to put a lot of effort into not blushing at your pet's behavior. Please note that a small family member may be jealous of “his” person for all the “secondary” ones. Especially to children.

Chihuahuas master the litter tray and diaper well, so walks with them boil down to the need to breathe some air and run around a little, to burn off some energy. If the weather is not conducive to walks, then you can completely refuse them. When it's cold outside, use dog clothes to prevent your pet from catching a cold.

Bichon Frize

A typical representative of “toy dogs”. The breed is very beautiful and unusual. She has white curly fur that thickly covers her entire body, including her muzzle. You can give your Bichon Frize a special charm with the help of appropriate haircuts.

Their bright appearance has led to the use of these animals in show business. They are filmed in films, photographed on posters and calendars, used in exhibitions, etc. By the way, many society ladies prefer to have a Bichon Frize just for the latter purpose.

The small weight of the dog, about 2.5 kg, makes it easier to carry it by hand. Getting along with this animal is very easy. By nature it is good-natured and cheerful. The dog almost never shows aggression.

Yorkshire Terrier

Infinitely positive dogs were bred in the Scottish county of Yorkshire. The ancestors of the breed were supposedly small rodent and fox hunters. There is still debate about the origin of Yorkshire terriers. The level of intelligence is considered high, but the pet should be trained from childhood. The Yorkie is not easy to train due to its stubbornness and restlessness, but it is sensitive to the mood and stern voice of its owner. Loving dogs cannot stand loneliness; as a rule, even after a short separation (or for no reason at all) they give their owners multiple kisses.

Not embarrassed by their modest size, Yorkies are ready to bravely defend their owner at any moment, regardless of the size of the enemy. Your pet's beautiful long hair needs good care; there are many different options for fashionable haircuts for Yorkies.

Height 18-20 cm, weight up to 3 kg.

Simple wire cutters

The most primitive device is very similar to ordinary scissors. Only one of its cutting surfaces is equipped with a small notch with a sharp edge. Using such a device is easy, provided you have some skill and experience. For young dogs, nail trimming is always stressful. They do not want to sit quietly, they strive to tear the paw out of the owner’s hands and in every possible way complicate the process. So will not recommend such a gadget to novice dog breeders. The risk of causing serious physical injury to your pet is too great. Well, for experienced owners who have used similar tools more than once, nothing better can be desired. Cheap and very effective.

Cost – 35 – 72 rubles.

More advanced versions of hand cutters offer expanded functionality.

Although their main part, in the old fashioned way, is based on two cutting surfaces. Service additions imply only human convenience. Models with rounded ends, a container for cut claws and lighting have proven themselves very well. The fact is that some dogs have the habit of looking for clipped ends on the floor and eating them. Sharp, bent cuttings can damage the stomach wall and cause bleeding. A small “waste collection” effectively solves this problem.

Price – 636 rub.

Another gadget from the line of simple nippers has comfortable ergonomic handles that allow you to securely hold the tool while trimming nails.

This is important when the animal gets nervous and breaks out.

We pay attention to one more detail - the expansion spring. It fixes the cutting surfaces in the open state, which makes the operation somewhat easier.

Otherwise, the functions of the device duplicate all the features of its predecessors. To properly shorten claws, you must have the skill and achieve unquestioning obedience from your dog or cat.

Cost – 229.93 rubles.

General description: who are they and who are they suitable for?

Pocket dogs are called dogs whose height does not exceed 20 cm at the withers, and whose weight ranges from 600 to 2,000 g.

Despite the common name, the concept of “pocket dogs” does not exist. This is a common marketing ploy. This is what people call dogs the size of a cat.

In the official classification they are included in the group of small dog breeds or toy breeds. Their height is up to 28 cm, and their weight is up to 12 kg.

Another thing is fashion trends and the desire of unscrupulous breeders to make money. They specially select and crossbreed the smallest individuals. And they sell them 2–3 times more expensive than standard puppies.

This selective breeding leads to numerous health problems. Among them:

  • genetic disorders;
  • fragile skeleton;
  • poor metabolism;
  • underdevelopment of organs;
  • problems with bite due to too small jaws;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • short life expectancy.

However, miniature dogs are very popular. This is partly due to fashion. Future owners are tempted by the thought of “going out” with a little charmer who will sit in their arms all evening and receive compliments.

Dwarf dogs have other advantages:

  • no need for a long walk;
  • get along well with pets;
  • eat little;
  • does not require a lot of storage space;
  • It is convenient to travel with a tiny pet.

As a rule, pocket dogs are owned by people living in small apartments and the elderly. These are wonderful companions. But they are not suitable for busy careerists and families with children under 10 years old: mini-dogs require a lot of attention, and a child can accidentally harm a fragile pet.

There is another reason why dwarf dogs should not be adopted for children. Such pets have an easily excitable nervous system.

The factor is aggravated by insufficient or completely absent education - usually the owners believe that a very small pet is not dangerous and does not require training.

As a result, the dog may respond with aggression to childish pranks and games.

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