Comparison of the German Shepherd and Husky, description of the breeds, what they have in common

It is difficult to talk about which dog breed is better and which is worse. They are all good in their own way, it all depends on the lifestyle and preferences of the future pet owner. Siberian Husky dogs are excellent companions and working and sled dogs. They are able to travel long distances without getting tired and carrying loads. German Shepherds are excellent guards, watchdogs, have shown themselves to be excellent operational workers, and are also wonderful companions.

Features of German Shepherds

"Germans" are considered a universal breed. They get along well in an apartment, even in families with small children, have excellent upbringing and training abilities, obey their owner unquestioningly, but at the same time can make their own decisions in emergency situations.

Important! It is no coincidence that German Shepherds are often used in the army and police. They are good search engines and guards.

A shepherd dog is ideal as a watchdog and a pet. This is a kind, understanding and faithful dog who will always be there without requiring unnecessary care. However, the future owner of such a dog should know that “Germans” need regular training and physical activity, otherwise the animal’s behavior will be far from perfect.

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Husky and German Shepherd are some of the most popular dog breeds. unique in its own way and can become a wonderful friend. But who should you choose: an energetic and willful descendant of wolves or a faithful, disciplined shepherd dog?

Comparison of "Germans" and Huskies

It is very difficult to compare these two completely different breeds. They are visually similar in size and body structure, but overall they are two different dogs, with absolutely polar thinking. When choosing a breed for yourself, it is better to focus on your own preferences and lifestyle. It is important to understand that each of the breeds requires a lot of attention and education.


The Siberian Husky is slightly shorter and lighter than the German Shepherd. Their height varies from 50 to 60 cm at the withers, depending on gender, and weight - from 15 to 28. “Germans” are taller, 60 – 65 cm at the withers and heavier – on average 30 – 40 kg.

As for the coat, Siberian Huskies have a very dense undercoat and a thick outer coat that is not too long. A distinctive feature of this breed is its eyes. Along with brown colors, blue, green, and harlequin are also acceptable.

“Germans also have thick hair, slightly longer than that of a husky, the undercoat is dense and lies close to the body. Eye color is always brown, other shades are a breed defect. The colors of wool allowed according to the standard are few.


“Germans” are very balanced, calm and reasonable. They obey their owner's commands well and are ready to carry out any assignment. Training is quite easy and relaxed. At the same time, the shepherd dog treats the family in which he lives with great love, but is wary of strangers.

Huskies are very rebellious by nature, they need a strong hand, a real “pack leader” for them to follow. At the same time, they are endowed with selfless love for all people, be it the owner or just a passerby on the street. Training is quite difficult, the dog resists in every possible way the restriction of its freedom.

Working ability

In this area, both breeds are first in their field. Shepherd dogs are almost universal; they are wonderful service dogs that are used in the army, police, customs and other departments. They calmly and judiciously do their work, without being distracted by extraneous matters.

Husky is an excellent sled dog. They are capable of pulling large loads and covering long distances in a short period of time. For a sports career, this is the best choice that a future owner of the breed can make.

Pet character

Shepskis are not characterized by aggression towards people, but due to their developed territorial instinct, they can be used as guard dogs. True, all these dogs can do is angrily bark at strangers who have invaded their territory.

You should not count on being able to train such dogs for protective guard service or turn them into bodyguard dogs..

At the same time, mestizos can be aggressive towards other animals, in particular towards cats and poultry, in which they see prey.

Due to the food aggression present in the Shepski and a highly developed sense of ownership, it is necessary from the first day the dog appears in the house to explain to everyone in the family and, first of all, to the children that it is impossible to disturb the dog when it eats or take away its toy.

With proper upbringing , shepherd-husky crosses make good companions . These dogs are smart, energetic and moderately affectionate. They love their owners in their own way, although their devotion cannot be compared with the selfless devotion of the German Shepherd.

Who to choose - “German” or Husky?

There is no clear answer to the question posed. These are two completely different breeds. In recent years, Siberian Huskies have adapted well to urban conditions and do not require mandatory kennel keeping. They can be kept perfectly in an apartment if you compensate for the lack of space with regular long walks, active games and training.

The Shepherd will become a reliable protector and companion in any family. She gets along well with family and other pets do not bother her. Shepherds also require increased attention, regular exercise and constant long walks on a schedule.

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Who are mestizos

From a scientific point of view, a mestizo is any dog ​​of a mixed breed. Such four-legged pets have genes from two or even more breeds, due to which they differ in many positive characteristics. Some breeders and owners of purebred dogs often unjustly underestimate or despise such half-breeds, but it is the mestizos that, as a rule, inherit the best qualities of health and temperament from their eminent and purebred ancestors.

This is interesting! Designer breeds, or mestizos, with striking characteristics and unusual appearance, have today gained incredible popularity among ordinary dog ​​breeders and some celebrities who seek to demonstrate their extravagance.

Mixed-breed puppies are most often sold at a more affordable price compared to purebred relatives . Such four-legged pets are able to quickly and easily adapt to almost any conditions of care and maintenance, and are distinguished by a strong nervous system and well-developed intelligence. Among other things, according to experts, mestizos have stronger immunity, and severe diseases characteristic of some breeds cannot be transmitted to such animals from their ancestors.

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What are both breeds for?

Good question - which is better, a husky or a German shepherd? There can only be one correct answer: each dog has its own advantages, and which one to choose depends only on what you are choosing it for.

Huskies come from the vast, snow-covered Siberia. In these harsh expanses, man was looking for devoted, trustworthy and resilient support. This support became the incomparably beautiful husky, in which the blood of a northern dog and a wolf flows.

From the very moment of its appearance, the breed was used in areas where heavy physical exertion was expected in difficult weather conditions, and found its purpose as a sled dog, which it did well for many years. And, despite the fact that the times of active use of the Siberian Husky as a sled dog have long passed, it still comes to the rescue where equipment cannot cope due to harsh weather conditions.

In addition, the breed continues to unite thousands of sledding enthusiasts around the world. Not many dog ​​breeds can boast the ability to run in a harness at speeds from 40 to 500 km (middle distance) and more than 500 km (long-distance racing).

A noble appearance, a proud stance and a good disposition, all this accurately describes the German Shepherd - it is a faithful comrade-in-arms and a brave defender. These dogs were able to express themselves most clearly during the hostilities of the First and Second World Wars. Rescue of the wounded, participation in search operations and reconnaissance, detection of mines. This is just a small list of situations in which these dogs provided invaluable assistance.

The wars are over, but in everyday life, German shepherds continue to help and save people’s lives. A tireless assistant, with high efficiency, a truly universal “soldier”. Guide, security guard, athlete, bloodhound and at the same time gets along well with children.

Buying a puppy, price

Shepski is exclusively referred to as a first-generation Husky-German Shepherd cross, or F1 hybrid, having 50% of the blood of a purebred Husky female and 50% of the blood of a purebred male German Shepherd. Thus, hybrids belonging to the second, third and subsequent generations are never considered as a Gerberian Shepsky, which must be taken into account when choosing a puppy.

The average cost of a four-legged pet depends on its appearance, age and gender, but most often starts from 10-15 thousand . When purchasing, be sure to make sure of the physical and mental health of the puppy you are purchasing.

Attitude to training

German Shepherd and Husky are breeds that are highly trainable. But you need to start from childhood.

Husky puppies are very stubborn, and the first stages of training are best spent simply walking with your pet. If the puppy resists and does not want to perform the action, you should force it to do it in any way. This way he will understand that he will still have to work and next time he will be less stubborn.

It is important for German Shepherd puppies to learn commands from childhood, starting with the simplest ones. For example, “sit”, “give me your paw” and others. It is better to start professional training with a general training course.

And in order for the puppy to learn the “place” command, it is necessary to determine for him a place where he will always rest. If it doesn’t lie where you want it, you will have to move it and at the same time repeat “place, place...”.

Before purchasing any puppy, you should weigh the pros and cons and analyze whether you can pay enough attention to it for normal development. A dog is an excellent pet for active people, it disciplines and can be an excellent helper.

The main thing to remember is that a dog is a big responsibility, and not just a friend and protector.

It is difficult to talk about which dog breed is better and which is worse. They are all good in their own way, it all depends on the lifestyle and preferences of the future pet owner. Siberian Husky dogs are excellent companions and working and sled dogs. They are able to travel long distances without getting tired and carrying loads. German Shepherds are excellent guards, watchdogs, have shown themselves to be excellent operational workers, and are also wonderful companions.

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