Chinese dog breeds (with photos and names)

Chinese people love dogs very much and take great pleasure in making these faithful friends who bring real happiness to the home. Walking along the streets of Chinese cities, you can always meet residents walking their pets in their pajamas.

In big cities you can rarely see mongrels; these are mostly elite dogs that are dressed and shod, and have ultra-modern collars on their necks.

But not only in China, all over the world people get dogs, because they are not only a guard, but also a devoted friend, as well as a family member.


These dogs are the most popular Chinese dog breed in the world, and a few hundred years ago, owning such a dog was the prerogative of the Chinese imperial family, moreover, these dogs were considered the reincarnation of Buddha.

Pekingese have a complex character ; in the house they consider themselves the only leader and master; they are not at all suitable for families with children, as they do not tolerate rivals.

Due to the peculiar structure of the skull, they have difficulty breathing, so their sleep is accompanied by snoring, and the respiratory organs themselves are the weakest point in the dog’s body, these dogs also do not tolerate heat and cold well, they should not overheat during physical activity.

Full description: Pekingese

Whippet Care

The Whippet is an easy dog ​​to care for. Due to its short coat, it does not require frequent bathing or brushing. Its coat is naturally soft and suitable for people with allergies. In addition, the Whippet does not have the characteristic odor that many other breeds suffer from. Lenka passes almost unnoticed in spring and autumn. Whippets should be brushed no more than once a week with a mitt brush made of natural soft bristles. A hard brush can damage the dog's skin, because it is almost not protected by hair. Combing with a whippet is needed not so much for removing dead hair, but for massage. It ensures proper blood flow in the animal’s body.

You should wash your whippet as rarely as possible, about once every three months or as needed. Shampoo should be used for short-haired or hairless breeds of dogs to minimize trauma to the whippet's skin. Frequent bathing causes irritation or allergies. After washing, the dog should be dried with a towel or even a hairdryer so that the dog does not catch a cold.

Whippets should not be allowed to sit in a draft. You need to rinse, clean and dry your ears well so that no diseases arise in them. In winter, when the likelihood of catching a cold is especially high, you need to use dry shampoo or special wet towels; the wool is well combed with a soft comb.

A whippet's eyes should be examined regularly for discharge. Healthy eyes have no redness and shine, the corners are always clean. You can wipe your eyes with a cotton pad moistened with clean water. They can also be wiped with chamomile decoction to avoid possible infections. Since the eyes are the weak point of whippets, at the slightest sign of illness it is worth contacting a veterinarian.

Whippets are dressed in overalls for walks, especially if the weather is cold or wet. But dogs tolerate heat well. You need to walk twice a day - in the mornings and evenings. In the city it is better to walk on a leash, since the breed is curious and energetic, and the dog can mistake any moving object for prey.

Breed overview

Dogs of the East are fluffy, downy, teddy bear-like, folded, hairless creatures of special appearance, which are divided into 3 types. Each type implies a specific breed and breeding from it (not to be confused with individual species bred for meat). And the first special species: Pekingese.

Pekingese - care tips and training ideas

And these dogs have two divisions: Japanese and Chinese. The former are distinguished by their coat and behavior (they were raised as wayward, court puppies), while the latter are famous for their appearance (very small nose, large eyes, high tear production) and loyalty in any situation.

Chinese Pekingese bear little resemblance to the Chinese Crested dog in the photo, which is often mistakenly depicted as the wrong breed. These are small creatures, more like a bundle of goodness, behaving like the true embodiment of love, and their presence in the house will not add smell or accidental mistakes - the breed is easy to learn and quickly understands a raised hand.

REFERENCE! The long-term raising of furry companions in dynasties led to the fact that the raising of their own pets fell on close subjects of the emperors. Decorative cute dogs have gone through the entire history of China and captured it inside (and outside) with their own uniqueness. If you ask: which Chinese dog is like a miniature element of tenderness in the house, then the answer will remain the same: any. REFERENCE!

Chow-chow - true to reviews

The Internet is full of information about this breed. Someone writes that this cute dog is only ready for meat, and someone claims that the dog only gets used to the strongest member of the family (most often a man), and it does not accept other people in life. Chinese Chow Chow dog puppies are under the influence of their mother from early childhood, and she is always raised in the following way (genetic setting): to protect the family and children at all costs. But, unlike the same Akita, the Chow Chow will never babysit children. A dog of this breed will be able to keep an eye on it and stay nearby, but the baby’s crying or howling will never disturb the sleeping Chow.

REFERENCE! Do not forget that every dog ​​is the pupil of its owner. The way you make a puppy as a child determines the way he will grow up. Surrounded by affection, care and love, the puppy will grow up spoiled. But teach your dog to raise your hand, caress, sometimes shout and walk on a schedule, and the animal will greet you at the doorway with a smile (especially if it is an Akita). REFERENCE!

Chinese Crested Dog - it's time to buy him an apartment

It is not for nothing that this breed is considered the most domestic - they sleep a lot, eat little, and love to be at home. It is common for them to relieve themselves in the litter box, and to walk only for the sake of some fictitious sociality inherent in all dogs.

From the first days the puppy's body is smooth, like skin. The head, ears, paws and the entire length of the tail are equipped with tassels, and “equipped” is the right word. These tassels help them navigate in space. It is not for nothing that it is believed that the Chinese Crested Powder Dog is the most devoted oriental animal, following its owner everywhere. It often happens that a dog gets lost in space (even though it lives only in an apartment/house), and sniffs out the territory, looking for the smell of its brushes.

REFERENCE! If you decide to buy a Chinese dog, then carefully check the pedigree, find out from the owners everything about the puppy’s parents. The genetics remain in any case, but some advantages may have been lost. When choosing a Pekingese, it is worth remembering that the breed was in the “imprisonment” of the emperors for a long time, and throughout this time it became unpretentious and willful. While the Chinese Crested will follow you everywhere and reproach you with a look if you leave for work. REFERENCE!

A little about the history of the breed

The Shih Tzu dog breed has an interesting history, which is still completely unknown. Scientists and historians have put forward a hypothesis that the Shih Tzu breed originates in Tibet. Manuscripts and engravings from the 15th and 16th centuries depict small dogs that look very similar to her. A wonderful legend told by Buddhists says that Buddha was accompanied on all his travels by a small creature - a dog, which, in case of danger, turned into a lion and protected the traveler. Buddhists believed that that dog was of the Shih Tzu breed, for this reason it was given all kinds of honors.

There is also another unconfirmed hypothesis about the European origin of this breed, which states that it came to Tibet from Byzantium. Modern breeders testify that it appeared as a result of crossing other breeds, for example, the Pekingese with the Tibetan Mountain Dog.

It is difficult to judge how reliable this statement is, especially if you take into account that the DNA of this animal differs quite a bit from the DNA of a wild wolf. This means that there was no trace of any selection.

The most reliable facts about the existence of the Shih Tzu breed appeared in the mid-17th century. It was during that period that the Tibetan Dalai Lama gave the Chinese emperor several dogs of this breed. The Chinese ruler loved them so much that they began to be considered a symbol of power. They were given great honors; each dog had its own servants. Exporting this animal outside of China was strictly punishable.

In the first half of the 20th century, these small creatures appeared in Europe. There are several opinions on how exactly they got there. Some say that the Shih Tzu dog was given as a gift to the Norwegian ambassador, while others claim that this breed was simply brought by ship to the UK in order to make money.

Character traits

The description of the breed must begin with character. It is the character that is the most interesting feature of the Shih Tzu. These little dogs are very loyal and affectionate creatures. They have the amazing ability to understand what the owner needs. They will run and jump with great joy, playing ball in the park, or lie curled up in a cozy little ball next to their owner and watch TV. They do not show aggression even towards strangers; they become attached to their owners tightly and for a long time.

By their nature, Shih Tzu dogs are very independent and proud, they remember insults for a long time, so the attitude towards them should be reverent and affectionate. But they shouldn’t indulge in everything either, otherwise they will quickly feel like the sole masters of the house and it can be quite difficult, if not impossible, to prove the opposite.

Despite their light and cheerful disposition, these creatures have remarkable courage, indestructible psyche and sheepish stubbornness.

That is why they are always the first to recklessly rush to protect their owner. They love to live in large families and are happy to share their attention among all its members. For Shih Tzu dogs, all people living under one roof are masters.

Shih Tzu dogs get along very easily with small children; they can be true friends for teenagers, and a source of communication and positivity for older people. Shih Tzu puppies are active and playful, they do not see the difference between an adult and a child, and are ready to play as much as they want and with anyone. But when the puppy grows into an adult, it becomes more sedate and calm.

Intellectual level

Dogs of this breed have a very high level of intelligence, which, coupled with stubbornness and strong character, makes them truly unsurpassed guards. In their intelligence, they surpass even Papillon, the unsurpassed Champion in mental abilities.

It is a big misconception on the part of the owners to believe that the glamorous Shih Tzu dog is not capable of anything. These animals are incredibly attentive, they are easy to learn and even have a sense of humor.

Shih Tzus are easy to train and learn, and in childhood and adolescence perceive it as a game. If you let the upbringing of this dog take its course, it can grow up to be very willful, with a difficult character, and will bother everyone with causeless and loud barking, as well as noisy behavior. But if you start raising your pet in time, you can be sure that he will definitely grow up to be a good helper and a loyal friend.

You need to start training your Shih Tzu already in childhood, but it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced dog handlers. The teacher must strictly dominate, but at the same time be balanced, consistent and fair. There should be no attempt to break the dog’s firmness and psyche; it senses the right mentor and goes to meet him halfway.

Shih Tzu dogs understand human speech very well, so they quickly respond to it, remembering commands with lightning speed. But you shouldn’t expect them to perform circus acts; they are too proud for that. In addition, the Shih Tzu, whose character is similar to many watchdog breeds, is certainly not one, although he has almost all the skills of a watchdog. These dogs are friends and companions, and this is what you should focus on when training.

Physical activity and walking

Although dogs of this breed are not prone to obesity, a sedentary lifestyle and excess diet can cause the appearance of a thick layer of fat under the skin. Excess weight negatively affects the cardiovascular system of these fragile animals. Therefore, you should walk them every day, let them jog, and play outdoor games. This is all the more important because Shih Tzus are very active and cheerful dogs.

With a sedentary lifestyle, they accumulate a huge amount of unspent energy, which requires release. Therefore, walks in the fresh air are the best way to help a small pet not waste away in indoor conditions.

We must not forget that dogs of this breed can be quite sensitive to heat and cold, so in summer it is better to take walks in the morning or evening, when there is no scorching sun. In winter, it is better to minimize them. During walks, Shih Tzu dogs can climb to heights and jump from there. This should not be allowed under any circumstances; jumping from great heights can damage the spine.


Shih Tzu dogs are distinguished by very good health and are considered long-livers in their environment. It's time to answer another frequently asked question - how long do Shih Tzus live? Of course, it’s impossible to answer unequivocally and accurately. The longevity of your pet directly depends on care and compliance with feeding rules.

On average, the life expectancy of a Shih Tzu is usually at least 15 years, but if you carefully care for and feed the dog properly, you can be sure that it will live at least 20 years, or even more. Moreover, we are not talking about painful decrepitude, on the contrary. This is exactly the case when a small dog becomes an old puppy. So, if you are asked how many years Shih Tzus live, feel free to answer – up to 20 years!

The eyes are a rather vulnerable area of ​​a Shih Tzu dog and therefore require daily care. They need to be wiped with cotton pads soaked in a weak solution of furatsilin. The ears are also the weak point of this dog due to the fact that it has long hair. It covers the ear opening, making it difficult for air to get inside. Sometimes the hair gets tangled and clogs the ear canal, which often leads to inflammation. To prevent this from happening, regrown hair should be trimmed with scissors and the auricle should be washed every few days and then wiped dry.

Strong teeth and gums are also an integral part of a healthy Shih Tzu. If you have problems with your teeth and your gums become inflamed, you should seek help from a veterinarian. It is also necessary to carefully monitor the animal’s diet and weight. If it is obvious that he is gaining weight and becoming lethargic, you should change your diet and add physical activity.

Size and weight

In general, the Shih Tzu standard is not so strict. I will not go into a long and tedious description of the various exact standards. There will be another, special article about this. I will tell you only about the most essential norms.

  • The height of an adult should be between 23 – 28 cm
  • The Shih Tzu's weight should be between 4.5 and 8.5 kg.

The Shih Tzu is small in size. As a rule, dogs that are too small or, conversely, too large are discarded. If your pet has just such a non-standard size, do not despair. This doesn't mean he's bad at all. Surely he fully possesses all the virtues inherent in the breed, which means he will be a good friend to you.

Be sure to weigh your dog periodically. Even adult Shih Tzus are prone to overeating. Unless his weight is normal, changes must be made to both the amount of food and its composition.

Chow chow

These dogs were popular both in the imperial family and among ordinary Chinese. A distinctive feature of these dogs is their blue tongue , and in some Chinese regions these dogs are considered edible. They have a leonine appearance and royal calm.

These dogs have an unusual character, they are leaders by nature and not everyone will be able to find a common language with them, but if this happens, the dog will feel the mood of the owner and have a hard time experiencing family conflicts. This is the only dog ​​breed whose diet should not contain meat; it should be replaced with fermented milk products.

Full description: Chow Chow

Popular dog breed in China

On the streets of China today you can see dogs of different breeds. But there are also those that are most popular in the country:

  1. Miniature Poodle. This breed is very loved by the Chinese. More than half of all dogs in China are poodles.
  2. Spitz. The fluffy and active baby is very popular in China. They move their short legs impressively. Owners often dress their Spitz dogs in fashionable clothes. They are incredibly cute and funny.
  3. Husky. This breed has conquered not only the Chinese, but the whole world. Huskies are amazing dogs with an angelic look and a noble character.
  4. Labrador. This breed is very popular among Chinese residents. They are kind and friendly.
  5. Chihuahua. Grandmothers and glamorous ladies in China often choose this breed of small dog. They love affection, attention and care very much.


They can live 10-12 years . The length of life depends on its quality. They have excellent health, but there are a number of diseases inherent in them. Among them: cancer, problems with the digestive system and musculoskeletal system, cataracts, corneal dystrophy, joint dysplasia, growth hormone deficiency, epilepsy, pericardium, pyoderma, dermatitis.

Unfortunately, the list is not short and these are real diseases that are most often inherent in the breed. But if you take proper care of your dog and undergo all necessary examinations on time, then no problems should arise.

It is also recommended to purchase puppies from nurseries, as they only sell healthy pets. Although these diseases are predominantly not hereditary, puppies may already have some of them at birth.

Feeding rules

Every pet must be provided with the food it needs. In the case of feeding the Pekingese, you can choose 2 nutrition strategies - commercial and natural. Let's look at each one separately.

  • Feeding a commercial diet, that is, dry or wet food. The best option. Modern ready-made food contains all the elements that a dog’s body needs. Fortunately, modern manufacturers produce separate diets for large and small breeds.
  • Natural feeding. Involves the dog eating human food. In other words, she feeds from the table, that is, she eats everything that her owners eat. This food option has both advantages and disadvantages. There are more of the latter.

Almost all modern breeders agree that eating pet dog food is the best nutrition option for him. This strategy minimizes the animal’s risk of getting sick. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dosage.

For a medium-sized Pekingese, the norm is to consume 300 grams of food per day. It is better to divide this amount into 2 doses, that is, give him 150 grams of the prepared diet twice a day.

It is not recommended to combine commercial and natural feeding, since the animal’s body must get used to one product and successfully absorb its nutrients.

Shar Pei

Researchers believe that Shar-Peis are related to short-haired Chow Chows because their tongues have a bluish tint. These dogs are smart, majestic, and love to take care of children. In China, Shar Peis are used to rehabilitate children with mental disorders.

Their “wrinkled” faces do not leave anyone indifferent, but do not be misled; these dogs are very brave and are ready to protect their owner at the cost of their own lives. In a family they choose one owner, and they even tend to be jealous of other family members.

Unfortunately, this is one of the most difficult dog breeds to care for; they are prone to a large number of genetic diseases.

Full description: Shar Pei

How to choose a puppy

Pekingese are a fairly popular breed, so even nurseries can be unofficial, but in order to get a high-quality healthy puppy, you need to contact only trusted services.

Healthy puppies will be playful, active and clean . They should not have obvious pathologies or deviations from the standard. The price depends on the status of the pet; a dog without a pedigree will cost 8,000 rubles , and a show-class pet suitable for exhibitions will cost 30,000 rubles.

The Pekingese is a great option for older people or single busy people. They do not need active walking or specialized training. One way or another, any dog ​​needs care and attention, so before buying a puppy you need to make sure you are willing and able to spend time on your pet.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

Training and education

Very trainable, quite versatile, with good guarding qualities and excellent instincts, distrustful of strangers, suitable both for service and sports, and as a companion to experienced people. It is better to start training as soon as the puppy moves to you - first at home, then after all vaccinations, classes with an experienced instructor are recommended.

  • The direction of training must be chosen based on the puppy’s temperament and inclinations. Socialization begins as early as possible, periodically visiting crowded places with the dog, introducing them to transport, various noises and giving the opportunity to communicate and play with their own kind.

When choosing the gender of a Chinese Shepherd, it is important to take into account that males have a tougher character and are prone to fights with their relatives; this requires more attention from the owner to education.


The cost of the puppy will depend on the breed type and origin, and ranges from 500 to 2000 euros, not including delivery, if the dog is purchased from local Chinese kennels. In Russia and neighboring countries, the Chinese Shepherd is very rare and is not popular.

When buying a puppy, you should be sure to conclude a sales contract in English and ask the breeders for confirmation of origin and pictures of the parents for joint dysplasia.

Export from the country is possible one month after rabies vaccination with a full set of accompanying veterinary documents and an export permit.

How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

You can buy a Shih Tzu puppy in any nursery in the country. In some cities there are special nurseries for this breed. Buying a Shih Tzu at a train station or secondhand will, of course, be cheaper, but in this case it is necessary to show the dog to a veterinarian. It may turn out that the puppy is sick with something or does not fit the breed standard at all.

The price for Shih Tzu dogs varies from 10 to 150 thousand rubles . The price is influenced by such factors as the presence of a puppy card (metrics), the origin of the puppy (if the parents are titled champions, the price soars by 40-50 thousand), its further capabilities and prospects for participation in exhibitions.

On average, a Shih Tzu puppy not purchased for exhibitions can be purchased for 9-15 thousand rubles. A puppy with an excellent pedigree and ideal parameters - for 60-150 thousand.

Chinese Crested Dog

This breed of dog has a very unusual appearance - absolutely smooth skin on the dog’s body and a sheaf of long hair on the forehead, tip of the tail and paws. This breed was bred specifically to catch rats on Chinese ships.

Crested dogs do not tolerate loneliness and have a hard time with a change of owner, they are completely non-aggressive and not suspicious of strangers, and live wonderfully in the same territory with other dogs and cats. The crested dog is very playful and active; it needs long games in the fresh air.

Full description: Chinese Crested Dog

Breed standard and description

Height at withers: 26-28 cm.

Weight: from 4.5 to 8-8.2 kg. The ideal weight is around 4.5-7 kg.

Color: Any coloring is acceptable; in spotted colors, a white mark on the forehead and a white tip of the tail are desirable. The muzzle should be free of spots.

Coat : A straight, slightly harsh coat covers a soft, dense undercoat. Shih Tzus have long bangs, which are recommended to be tied back to prevent eye diseases.

Body Construction: This breed has a fairly strong, muscular build, although this is not visible under the fur. The head is of medium size, proportional to the body, the tail is raised high, almost adjacent to the back, the legs are short, with strong bones and developed muscles.


The ideal conditions for keeping a pet would be a spacious enclosure with a warm kennel or a closed local area with the ability to hide in an equipped kennel. Keeping the dog in a spacious house or apartment is also suitable, but in this case you will need to walk the dog regularly twice a day.

Important! You need to walk your dog for at least 2-3 hours every day, and preferably more. Otherwise, damage to the animal owner's property may be caused.

Feeding is another important aspect of keeping a pet. Due to the large admixture of wild wolf blood, animals of this breed are not adapted to balanced dry food. It is better to use natural feeding with meat and protein products. Nutrition must be competent and balanced so that the pet receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

The Chinese German Shepherd is a separate breed, recognized in the country in 1988. They are noticeably different from their purebred relatives, but at the same time they have many similar traits.


Dogs have special features and the first is the eyes of the Pekingese. This is the most painful place. By structure, they have a bulging shape with a bare upper eyelid, therefore they are not protected from six and dust and require specific care.

The head is large in comparison with the overall size. In this case, the width of the skull is greater than the length. The frontal part is wide. The muzzle is short and in structure resembles a bulldog shape.

The lips are black in color, the lower one completely hides the tongue and teeth, which are small and tightly set. The nose is only black.

The ears are small and covered with hair. The neck is short. The body is rectangular in shape. The chest part is voluminous with sloping ribs. The groin is tightened. The tail is of medium thickness when raised.

The hind and front legs are stable with good joints. The hind legs with developed thigh muscles are lighter than the front legs. Shoulders and elbows are parallel and directed back. The wrists of the front paws are at a slight angle to the surface, and the hands of the hind paws are straight.

A prerequisite is the presence of a lush mane up to the shoulders and backcombing on the paws, tail and ears, which should not hide the structure of the silhouette. The fur is thick and can be of any color.

  • The most popular dog names in alphabetical order with recommendations

  • Shar Pei - history of the breed, character traits, care and possible problems + 87 photos

  • American Bulldog - history of the breed, appearance, specifics and characteristics, care (100 photos + video)

Japanese Chin

Despite their name, these dogs were bred specifically for the Chinese imperial house and were subsequently presented by Tibetan monks to the Emperor of Japan. Despite the mischievous look, chinas are very secretive and cold, they demand respect and admiration. The Japanese Chin does not tolerate loneliness and is prone to jealousy.

Chins get very lost in unfamiliar surroundings, so it is better not to leave them alone so that the dog feels the support of its owner.

Full description: Japanese Chin

Shih Tzu

These dogs are of Tibetan origin, their name translates as “lion cub”. It is unknown from which breeds the Shih Tzu originated; according to legend, these dogs were given to the Chinese Emperor by the Dalai Lama, which is why for many years these dogs were bred only in the imperial family.

The Shih Tzu's coat differs from other dogs in its luxury and silkiness, and the hair on the head resembles chrysanthemum petals.

Shih Tzus are very positive dogs, they never bite, and express their protest with loud barks. They belong to long-lived ornamental breeds, the average life expectancy is 14-17 years .

Full description: Shih Tzu

What the owners say

They say that happiness cannot be bought. This is probably what those who have never had a Shih Tzu puppy think so. Reviews from owners speak volumes about this.

Oksana Volozhanina, 28 years old, Voronezh

I have always been quite calm about domestic animals. Of course, in our house, almost like everyone else, there lived cats and cats, once even a dog visited. It was a Toy terrier girl. Her younger brother brought her from the street, but then her owners were found. I felt absolutely nothing towards all our pets; my mother loved them. But when I got married, it turned out that my husband loves dogs very much and always dreamed of having a dog no smaller than a German shepherd.

After much debate, it was decided to get a dog, but a small one. We searched on message boards on the Internet, found a suitable option and went to get acquainted. The baby Shih Tzu was about 5 months old and his name was Hector. So we got a new family member.

To say that I was touched looking at him would be an understatement. I became attached to him with all my soul and heart, I never thought that I would love an animal so much. My husband also dotes on him, and what’s more, he’s a small, soft little bundle, very affectionate and loving. It seems to me that boundless love for their owners is the main characteristic of the Shih Tzu breed.

He is completely unpretentious in food, eats everything we give him, but most of all he loves boiled fish, tomatoes and cottage cheese. Without persuasion or whims, he eats the vitamins offered to him. With all his gluttony, my Hector will never pick up anything lying on the road. He loves to go outside, but if my husband and I are late at work, he either waits patiently for us or goes to his litter box in the toilet. If you have any doubts about whether to get a Shih Tzu dog, feel free to decide, this is a wonderful, affectionate and loyal creature.

Sergey Vladimirov, 33 years old, art. Starotitorovka, Krasnodar region

Hello! I want to share my experience as a Shih Tzu owner. This dog has been my wife's dream for over 8 years. When the child was born and while he was growing, it was decided to postpone the purchase of a dog until later. When my son grew up a little, they were afraid that dog hair would cause an allergy.

I read on the Internet about the Shih Tzu breed that its fur does not cause an allergic reaction and this predetermined the decision. We went to the nursery and adopted a three-month-old puppy.

The wife was happy and the son too. He christened our pet Puppy, and we kept that name. I would like to note right away that the Shih Tzu has a very friendly and good-natured disposition. Baby Doll immediately made friends with all the cats and dogs near the entrance, including those that were several times larger than him. He is very happy when we come home from work, and my son from school starts barking and gets under our feet. He understands strict intonations in his voice very well, so you just have to strictly say “Pops” and he immediately calms down.

In general, I don’t see any particular problems with keeping this dog at home. He eats everything and is not picky at all. Of course, this breed is not suitable for those who are bothered by daily brushing and frequent bathing; the Shih Tzu is generally not for lazy owners. The son and wife do this in turns, and with great pleasure. So it's up to you.

Andrey Sudakov, 38 years old, Syzran, Samara region

I bought this dog as a gift for my beloved wife. Personally, I liked the Affenpinscher better, but she really wanted a Shih Tzu. We went to the nursery and purchased a 4 month old puppy with a long pedigree. It cost us a pretty penny, but I have never regretted this purchase.

I somehow immediately became attached to this baby, and my wife was generally euphoric. Before purchasing, we read a lot of information about the character and habits of this animal. It was written there that Shih Tzu dogs are very affectionate, which I absolutely did not observe in our pet. He looked more like a spoiled, wayward child; this furball had, let's say, the same character. Absolutely everything was bought for him, from toys to special food, shampoos and conditioners.

In general, this toy cost us quite a lot. But despite this, we love him with all our hearts. With his spontaneity and cheerfulness, he brings bright colors into our work-wracked lives. He became my wife and I’s first child, and even though he is not very affectionate, he charges us with his fun and it is impossible to look at him without smiling. When our daughter was born 2 years later, they became best friends. My daughter didn’t need toys; they could play with Timka for hours.

To be honest, if it weren’t for my wife, I wouldn’t have bought this dog. This is very troublesome for me, and it costs money. But if she’s happy, then I’m happy too, and our Shih Tzu is a full-fledged member of the family.

Tatyana Vasilyeva, 34 years old, Tyumen

Such a wonderful miracle, a Shih Tzu dog was given to my sister for her anniversary several years ago. By the way, my sister is a lonely person and was very happy about this gift, but... She has her own business, so she came home late, often went on business trips, and her little pet began to feel very sad.

My sister felt sorry for her (it's a girl, Felicia), and she asked me to take care of her. I brought this shaggy little thing into my family with great joy. I have two children who were very happy with this gift. The husband was initially skeptical about the new family member, but gradually his dissatisfaction melted away.

Little Felicia has become my children's best friend, she is very friendly, cheerful and playful. What I really like about her is that she is completely unobtrusive, calm, sensitive to the mood and doesn’t get in her way. Of course, as a dog of an unusual breed, it requires special care, in particular this concerns its long coat. After bathing, we blow-dry Felicia every time, then comb her with a comb. After these procedures, our princess's fur is straight, shiny and beautiful.

Felicia has been living with us for 3 years, we all love her very much, she has become a full-fledged member of our family. At first I fed only special food, but then I realized that she is not at all picky about food. Along with us, he can eat chicken, fish, and milk without feeling any discomfort. Shih Tzus are beautiful creatures, full of affection and love for their owners.

Lhasa apso

The breed has a thousand-year history, its homeland is the mountains of Tibet, the strong legs of these dogs miraculously climbed mountains, and a good coat protects them from cold and heat.

Apso are extremely distrustful of strangers, sense danger from afar, and in difficult situations can make their own decisions.

It is not easy to train such a dog; due to their suspiciousness and independent nature, it is very difficult to find a common language with them. Obedience can only be achieved by acting persistently, but very gently; it is very important to establish clear discipline.

The coat of the Lhasa Apso is an indicator of proper nutrition; if the diet is incorrect, the coat immediately becomes dull and falls out.

Full description: Lhasa Apso


One of the oldest Chinese breeds on the planet. There are many sculptures of the dog in the tombs of ancient emperors. Chongqing people idolize their master, but they treat strangers with great caution. It is better not to keep such a dog with other dogs, and they generally hate cats. They treat children well; they can be safely left with even the smallest children.

Their diet should not consist of dry food, only natural products. Life expectancy is 19-20 years .

What to feed?

Due to the natural origin of the breed, its representatives should be fed only natural food. The animal's diet must include turkey, beef, chicken and lamb, as well as heart, liver, kidneys, tripe and other offal. Moreover, the share of meat should be at least 50% of the total volume, and the second half of the diet should consist of buckwheat, rice or pearl barley.

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Vegetables should also be on the menu. Moreover, they can be given both raw and baked. The most beneficial for the dog's body are spinach and lettuce leaves, pumpkin, cabbage, beets and zucchini. Twice a week you can give lean fish, pre-cooked and cleaned of large bones, and eggs.

Of course, you can’t offer whole milk, but fermented milk products will come in very handy. The dog will happily eat cottage cheese mixed with raw yolk and hard cheese. The animal can sometimes be pampered with dried pork and beef ears, trachea and chewing bones made from pressed veins. Under no circumstances should you feed your dog peas, beans, potatoes, corn, pickles, smoked meats, as well as bread, sweets and baked goods.

As for the frequency of meals, puppies need to be fed 5-6 times a day. For an adult animal, 2 meals a day will be enough. Bone meal, fish oil, vitamins and minerals should be given as a food supplement.

Origin story

The Chinese "German" phenotype has appeared quite recently. The fact is that in the 60s and 70s of the last century in China, dogs became a real luxury. They were recognized as a class symbol, which is why most breeds became on the verge of extinction.

However, in the last decade the situation has changed for the better. Purebred German Shepherds began to be imported from Germany to Yunnan Province. Breeders from the Middle Kingdom are actively crossing “Germans” with Chinese Molossians and wolfdogs.

The result is a fairly large representative of the breed, which has all the characteristic features of a real German Shepherd. They are actively used in the army and in the police service, and are also kept as pets.

Tibetan mastiff

The dogs are very strong and powerful in build. Mastiffs are very calm and silent animals, they have a very intelligent, philosophical look.

Tibetan Mastiffs are a little phlegmatic and never push themselves with games. Psychological maturation ends only by the age of four. They love children very much and treat them with care, as if they were their own puppies. It is difficult to raise them, since they are stubborn, they need to be treated like little children, and obedience is stimulated with treats.

Despite their impressive size, these dogs eat little and are not picky about food, the main thing is that they have round-the-clock access to water.

Full description: Tibetan Mastiff


There are 2 types of German Shepherds in China. They are completely different in appearance, although a certain similarity can be seen in them, because their ancestors are still the same German shepherds.

There are two types of “Germans” recognized in the PRC:

  • Kunming (a light and nimble dog that perfectly shows its working qualities, has a light frame with a fairly high height at the withers, about 65 cm, the dog weighs about 35 - 37 kg, by color they distinguish between saddle-backed, zoned and almost black pets);

  • German Shepherd of Chinese breeding (large animals with a massive head, their weight can reach 70 kg; there is a version that in their blood, in addition to the base from German shepherds, there are impurities from the Tibetan mastiff).

Important! The first variety shows itself well in operational and rescue activities, the second variety is an excellent guard, somewhat slow, but no less formidable.


In appearance, the Chinese-bred shepherd resembles a “German” crossed with a mastiff. It has a large head, a shorter muzzle with a non-pointed nose, a powerful and wide chest, and stronger paws. The animal is slightly heavier than its purebred relatives, and slower. However, its large size and intimidating appearance make it possible to effectively use it as a security guard.

From the usual shepherd dogs, the dog has erect ears, in most cases a sable-colored coat with a dense undercoat. The tail is saber-shaped and droops down. The back and croup are wide, powerful, the angles are sharp and pronounced.


Shepherd puppies bred in China differ little from purebred “German” babies. Almost all of them are born almost black in color and in the first month they are almost no different in size and power from their relatives from Germany.

A little later, the babies acquire angular outlines of the muzzle, the head and body become powerful, and the clear outlines of mastiffs, whose blood is mixed with this breed, become visible. The color of the coat becomes black by 2-3 months and subsequently remains virtually unchanged.


Pekingese reach sexual maturity at 7-10 months , but it is recommended to breed only at the 20th month of life. Then the Bitch will begin her third heat. Otherwise, she will not be able to bear, and most importantly, give birth to a puppy, because these dogs have a fairly large head. Doctors often resort to caesarean section.

Before mating, both dogs must be examined for pathologies, checked for diseases and cleaned of internal and external parasites. The girl should show primary signs of readiness: light spotting, swelling of the loop and playful behavior.

The girl is brought to the dog’s territory, the animals are given 10-15 minutes to sniff and get to know each other. If everything went well, the female will allow the cage to be mounted. Usually the act lasts 5-7 minutes , and the lock - 15-20 . At this time, the bitch is supported under the belly and is not allowed to sit down, and the dog is sent into the noose. Repeated mating is carried out after 2 days.

Taiwanese dog

This is a multifunctional breed of working dog. For a long time the breed existed in a semi-wild state, many times it was on the verge of destruction, but each time it was restored.

There are three height varieties of dogs: 30cm, 40cm, 50cm, the latter being the most popular.

These dogs are very energetic and can show aggression towards strangers, but in the event of a stressful situation, their psyche suffers greatly and they need several days to recover.

Despite their high intelligence, it is difficult to train these dogs; they are too independent and stubborn, they can openly ignore the owner’s commands. However, if a common language was found, then the dog will be a true friend.

Full description: Taiwanese dog

Tibetan Spaniel

These dogs can become both guard dogs and companion dogs. Spaniels are completely non-aggressive, and love their family very much, but they are wary of strangers.

Unfortunately, this breed has a genetic predisposition to discopathy and allergic dermatitis, so you need to be very careful when preparing your diet.

During training, the main thing is to show patience and perseverance; if you show physical force to the dog, then trust will be lost forever.

Full description: Tibetan Spaniel

Owner reviews

Shih Tzu: description of the breed, reviews from breeders of this dog rarely contain a negative connotation. Here are some of them:

  • Excellent breed, we don’t regret choosing it! Grooming is not difficult, because only show dogs grow such long hair, and we trim ours. We have a girl, very affectionate and sociable.
  • Very beautiful dog, best friend! The whole family loves her.
  • There can never be too many Shih Tzus in the house, I have two of them, beautiful and understanding.

Shih Tzu: description of the breed, character and reviews involuntarily delight. Looking at this dog, at its proud gait and arrogant appearance, you willy-nilly believe in legends. According to one of them, she accompanied Buddha during his wanderings and turned into a lion in case of danger.

Additionally, we suggest you watch a video about the Shih Tzu dog breed:

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