What does a black Pekingese look like: history of origin and distinctive features of pets

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

Dogs similar to modern black Pekingese appeared in ancient China more than two thousand years ago..

According to one of the legends about their origin, the Pekingese originated from the marriage of a lion and a monkey. Since the lion was too big, he went to Buddha and asked him to help.

Buddha listened to the request and reduced him to the size of a monkey. The Pekingese born from this union inherited a lush mane and majesty from the lion, and a clumsy gait, a characteristically shaped muzzle and rich facial expressions from the monkey.

Another legend relates black Pekingese to dragons . According to it, in ancient times, these reptiles committed offense before the Chinese emperor, and he issued a decree ordering their extermination.

And then the dragoness, who was expecting offspring, prayed to heaven that her children would receive fluffy fur, a sweet appearance, and at the same time courage and aristocracy.

The cubs that were born so charmed the court ladies, officials and even the Emperor of the Celestial Empire himself that they were allowed to live in the palace and protect the ruler and his family from evil spirits and unkind people.

For many centuries, the Pekingese did not leave the territory of China . Only in exceptional cases did emperors, as a sign of respect, give them to foreigners who had provided special services to the ruling dynasty.

These dogs came to Europe after 1860, after the Summer Imperial Palace in Beijing was captured by British soldiers. Having found five miraculously surviving Pekingese dogs in the women's quarters of the palace, the British sent them as a gift to Queen Victoria.


Along with standard-sized black Pekingese, miniature representatives of the breed were also bred in China in ancient times, which emperors wore in the wide sleeves of their ceremonial robes.

The purpose of these tiny dogs was to protect the sovereign: if someone tried to attack the emperor, the dwarf Pekingese would bite the attacker.

Currently, Black Pekingese are used as companion dogs and show dogs . And although dogs of this color are less popular than red or cream ones, they have their admirers.

Marriage or breed?

According to the breed standard, Pekingese are allowed to have any color except white, which is associated with albinism.

Therefore, black coat color cannot be considered a defect in the breed..

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Black Pekingese are leisurely, silent and calm dogs with a majestic appearance and proud bearing. They are independent and independent, but if they become attached to their owners, their devotion knows no bounds. The Pekingese is incredibly smart and quick-witted; he learns new commands quite quickly and understands well what his owner requires of him. But at the same time, not all people like the fact that their pets have their own point of view, which does not always coincide with the opinion of their owners. Black Pekingese prove to be good companions: they are able to adapt to the lifestyle of their owners, are quite obedient and are usually well behaved.”

Pekingese nurseries in Ukraine

  • Kharkiv
      "Diantes Sanches" / www.diantes-sanches.com / +38-067-920-43-64, , www.facebook.com/irina.gonchar1
  • "Roman s Nadezhdoy" / www.rsn.vodolaga.com / 096-718-90-10, 066-917-81-10
  • Dnieper
      “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​/ www.vals.altervista.org / +38-099-546-15-24, 068-410-19-24
  • «» / /
  • Vyshgorod (Kyiv region)
      "Julian Angel" / www.myjulianangel.jimdo.com / [email protected]
  • Lutsk
      “Eastern Dream” / www.pekinesiki.wix.com/vostochnaya-mechta / +38-050-337-97-13, 097-582-02-42

Character traits

Pekingese are brave dogs that, despite their small size, are ready to fight with an opponent significantly taller than them.

Upbringing is somewhat complicated by the fact that they consider themselves the center of the universe and demand from others respect and even respect for their person.

From the first day the pet appears in the house, the owner of a black Pekingese must let the puppy understand that the leader in the family is the owner, and therefore the dog must obey him.

Pekingese are best suited for a family consisting of adults or for a single person.

They can get along with children, but their royal arrogance will not allow them to tolerate the fact that the kids tease or annoy them. But they get along well with older children.

These dogs are self-sufficient and independent, and there are positive aspects to this: if left alone, the dog will not become mischievous, but will find peaceful entertainment.

Pekingese nurseries in Russia

Unfortunately, there are not very many nurseries involved in breeding this breed, but they will definitely be found in big cities and their suburbs.

Pekingese nurseries in Moscow

  1. "San Rey" / www.san-rey.ru / 495-434-12-62, 8-926-228-50-76
  2. “From the Jasmine Palace” / www.jasmin-palace.ru / 495-493-92-67, +7-926-324-91-45,
  3. "Sunrise Dragon" / www.pekingesedogs.ru / +7-915-366-87-73
  4. "Magri-Olifer" / www.magri-olifer.narod.ru / 499-240-4478, 8-903-163-20-31
  5. “Divine Flower” / www.pekines-fo.ru / 495-321-96-61, 8-916-875-42-91

Pekingese nurseries in St. Petersburg

  1. “Pappy Dream” / www.puppydream.bos.ru / 812-778-19-68, +7-905-272-10-71
  2. "Elitlain" / www.elitlain.com / +7-904-519-81-44, +7-921-657-92-68
  3. “Baltivskiy Kapriz” / www.lyudmila61.wixsite.com/baltiyskiy-kapriz / 8-965-054-00-16, 8-911-080-99-85
  4. “Ganko Saffi” / www.gsaffi.narod.ru / 8-812-755-89-43, [email protected]
  5. “Mirka” / www.mirka.narod.ru / 8-813-703-90-61, [email protected]

Pekingese nurseries in other cities of Russia

  • Novosibirsk
      “Savelina” / www.savelina-pekines.org / 913-710-10-93, 951-388-74-77
  • Belgorod
      “Rumar Capris” / www.rumarkapris.ru / +7-910-223-99-44, [email protected]
  • Krasnoyarsk
      "Siberian Crown" / www.kennel-korona.jimdo.com / 8-988-350-02-25
  • Cheboksary
      “Image Dream” / www.image-dream.ucoz.ru / 8-919-656-80-77, [email protected]
  • Chelyabinsk
      “White Sun” / www.kennel-solnce.ru /

Pekingese puppies from the Savelina kennel.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Beautiful and quite original appearance.
  • Calm, balanced disposition.
  • High intelligence and quick wit.
  • Good learning ability.
  • They don’t act out even if left alone for the whole day.
  • Small convenient size.
  • Suitable as pets for busy people.
  • They are incredibly loyal.


  • Arrogant and independent.
  • They can get into a fight with a larger and stronger opponent.
  • Not suitable for families with small children.
  • They like to put things in order and have their own outlook on life.
  • They need regular coat care. Predisposed to a number of specific diseases.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

The height of black Pekingese is 15-25 cm at the withers, and their weight is from 3 to 5.5 kg . In addition to the standard ones, there are also so-called “pocket” Pekingese, whose weight does not exceed 2.7 kg.

The head of these dogs is relatively large, with the width of the skull slightly exceeding its length.

The ears are small: the edge of the ear should not hang below the muzzle.

The eyes are round, dark, wide set, the muzzle is short and quite wide, the dog has a deep transverse fold on the bridge of the nose.

The lower jaw is moderately wide. The teeth are not large, it is desirable that they be in full set.

The nose, as well as the edging of the lips and eyelids should be exclusively black.

The body is rectangular in format, the paws are quite short, strong, and moderately wide set.

The neck is short, the withers are weakly defined, the back is level and moderately wide. The chest is quite voluminous, descending below the elbows.

The tail is set high, profusely pubescent, which makes it look like a fan . Carries thrown on its back or side.

The coat is moderately long and thick. It should form a mane on the neck and shoulders, as well as feathering on the ears, limbs and tail, but not hide the outline of the dog or be a hindrance during movement.

The color may be pure black, black with small white markings, or black and white . There are also black and tan or tri-colored Pekingese.

Life expectancy and what diseases are they susceptible to?

The average life expectancy is 12-15 years, however, with good care, dogs can live up to 18-20 years, and sometimes more.

Most of the ailments to which Pekingese are predisposed are related to their specific structure of the muzzle, head and body.

These include the following diseases:

  • Dislocation of the eyeball.
  • Turn of the century.
  • Cataract.
  • Keratitis.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy.
  • Congenital or acquired heart defects.
  • Deformation of intervertebral discs.
  • Perianal adenoma (found in males).
  • Respiratory diseases.

Pekingese do not tolerate heat well, and due to the fact that their muzzles are very shortened, these dogs can be predisposed to nosebleeds, which can occur for a variety of reasons..

Pekingese nurseries in Belarus

For the future owner of the Pikenes

Information for nurseries

If you know of a Pekingese nursery that is not on this list, write its details (country, city, name of the nursery and contacts) in the comments below, we will be happy to add it to our list.

Adding a nursery to the catalogue, premium and regular.

Please note that with premium placement, the link to your nursery’s website will be active, and there will also be an image. This guarantees that first of all the user will pay attention to your nursery.

On the pages of our website you will find information about dog breeds, treatment for diseases, care recommendations, reviews of ready-made food and feedback on them, as well as much other equally useful and interesting things!


Category | Choosing a puppy

Where is the best place to buy a Pekingese?

Published: March 06, 2009 Author: Pekingese Portal

This article will focus on tips for purchasing a long-awaited Pekingese puppy. It will help you decide what kind of dog you want next to you and will allow you to avoid disappointment from the fact that your puppy will grow up completely different from what you imagined.

Very often, people, having seen gorgeous Pekingese dogs in photographs on the Internet or in a magazine, dream of acquiring just such perfection: compact, with luxurious fur, with a wonderful character, calm, proudly walking down the street and not leaving any passerby indifferent. But, for some reason, they go to buy a puppy at the market, or according to the first ad they come across, and expect that their dog will grow up exactly the way they saw in that same photo on the Internet. Previously, on our forum, very often the owners of such “market” Pekingese asked the question: I bought a Pekingese, but for some reason he has no hair at all, his nose protrudes, a long body, high legs, a round small head and the last question to which they are looking for an answer – what breed is my dog? They sold him to me as a Pekingese! And what vitamins should be given so that he turns into the same one we saw in the photo?

Basic rules of care

The black spaniel's coat, despite its not very soft texture, requires daily brushing. If the owner does not want to devote too much time to caring for the pet’s coat, the Pekingese can be cut.


For dogs taking part in exhibitions, haircuts are not allowed.

Pekingese are bathed 4-5 times a year, and their nails are trimmed as they grow.

The dog's bulging eyes must be inspected daily and cleaned if dirt appears..

The ears should also be inspected every day and cleaned as needed.

Dental care includes daily checkups and periodic cleanings when plaque develops . During the puppy's growth period, it is also necessary to monitor the correct formation of the bite and, if any problems arise, contact a veterinarian.

Pekingese nurseries

Farshita Steam

The nursery carefully selects breeding dogs based on health and appearance. The quality of the kennel's dogs is noted by many Russian and foreign experts. The nursery helps the owner of the puppies for life, provides advice on health, nutrition and breeding activities.

Breeds: Pekingese


The breeding stock of the nursery consists of magnificent females and males from the best nurseries in the UK.

Breeds: Pekingese

A star named Pekingese

In the nursery you can purchase Pekingese puppies.

Breeds: Pekingese


The kennel's dog population has strong ties with many kennels in Russia and Europe.

Breeds: Pekingese

Divine flower

The nursery was registered by RKF in 1998. The nursery specializes in the following breeds: Pekingese, Chihuahua and Pomeranian.

Breeds: Pekingese, Spitz, Chihuahua

From Jasmine Palace

The nursery carefully and professionally monitors the health of their pets; the owners of our puppies can always count on advice and support.

Breeds: Pekingese

How to feed?

The black Pekingese should be fed with high quality and complete food. The owner can choose one of the diet options: natural feeding or ready-made dry food.

When feeding natural food, the Pekingese should receive enough protein foods of animal origin: meat, offal and fermented milk products, raw or boiled vegetables are also useful.

But you should give less porridge.

Ready-made dry food must be no lower than premium class and, in addition, correspond to the size, health and activity of the pet. The most suitable option is a ready-made diet specifically for Pekingese.

Dogs of this breed should not be overfed, as this may adversely affect the condition of their cardiovascular or respiratory systems or increase the risk of back injury.

How to choose?

You need to buy a black Pekingese only if it has documents of origin and a brand. At the same time, it is very important that the nursery or breeder from whom the dog is purchased pays attention not only to the exterior and exhibition achievements of its producers, but also to the health of the livestock received from them.

When choosing a black Pekingese, you need to take your time and watch the kids for a while . It is undesirable to adopt a puppy that shows signs of aggression or cowardice: such a dog will not become a reliable friend, and it will not turn out to be a winner of exhibitions either.

Preference should be given to a child who is moderately active and playful, and who shows a reserved interest in people.


The puppy must meet the standard requirements and be completely healthy.

Together with the baby, the breeder must also give the new owner a birth certificate and a veterinary passport, which indicates the dates of deworming and vaccinations..

Pekingese dog kennels

Below are the kennels where you can choose and buy a Pekingese dog or puppy.
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FROM THE JASMINE PALACE | Moscow breeding This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
MAGRI-OLIFER | Moscow pedigree breeding of Pekingese and Bernese Mountain Dogs This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
SAN RAY | Moscow breeding work This nursery is a MONOBREED The nursery has a websitePhysical address is indicatedRead more >>>
VEA-STAR | Moscow breeding work This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
NORTHERN DREAM | Moscow breeding work This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
COMEL | Moscow breeding of miniature breed dogs This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
DIVINE FLOWER | Moscow breeding of dogs of different breeds This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
ALKA | Moscow pedigree breeding of Pekingese and Dachshund dogs This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
NABAMBA | Moscow breeding of dogs of different breeds This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
SUNRISE DRAGON | Moscow breeding This nursery is a MONOBREED The nursery has a websitePhysical address is indicatedRead more >>>
DREAM DEELS | Moscow breeding This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
DOG SHOP | Moscow pedigree breeding of dogs of different breeds This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. The physical address is indicated.Read more >>>
GRAND PRIX | Moscow breeding of dogs of various breeds This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. Puppies for sale: 4Read more >>>
GREAT MIRACLE | Ivanovo breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
KOTMARIAN | Novorossiysk breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
MAJITSU | Railway breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
LEGACY | St. Petersburg breeding work This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
GOLDEN FROM LIFE | Moscow region breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
BOSS CONSULATE | Moscow breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
MEDANGENE | Nizhny Tagil breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
GRAND POPURI | Obninsk breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
PUPPYDREAM | St. Petersburg breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
WALTZ OF FLOWERS | Dnepropetrovsk breeding work This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
BEIJINGS | Donetsk breeding work This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
SAN-REY | Moscow breeding work This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
YEN SEN | Engels breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
SAVELINA | Novosibirsk breeding work This kennel is a MONOBREED kennel The kennel has a website Kennel dogs: 11Read more >>>
Breeder ZUBKOVA G.N. | Moscow breeding work This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
MA JI TSU | Zheleznodorozhny breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
GOLDEN MOON | Murmansk This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
NORTHERN PEARL | St. Petersburg Breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. Puppies for sale: 1Read more >>>
MOON VELVET | Ekaterinburg Pedigree breeding of Pekingese, Yorkshire terriers This nursery is a MONOBREEDRead more >>>
Star of Ascona | St. Petersburg Breeding and popularization of breeds This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
VGKS "League of Cynologists" | Volgograd Preservation and improvement of dog breeds. This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
Grand Popuri | Obninsk dog breeding This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
NARCIBI | Moscow breeding of Shih Tsu and Pekingese This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Simusi | St. Petersburg breeding, exhibition activities. This kennel is a MONOBREED Puppies for sale: 3 Kennel dogs: 7Read more >>>
Diantes Sanches | Kharkov pedigree breeding of Pekingese dogs This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
To your joy | Yoshkar-Ola This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
AYSINGIORO | Moscow breeding work and exhibition activities This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
| Stavropol breeding, exhibition activities This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. Puppies for sale: 1Read more >>>
Olir's Hoff | Nizhny Tagil Breeding and exhibition activities. This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Kaviris | Novosibirsk This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
Hatshepsut | Moscow breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. Puppies for sale: 1Read more >>>
Private multi-breed nursery | Vyshny Volochyok breeding This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Flower of Love LACH | Moscow Breeding. This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
“Eternal Love” (Pekingese, Shih Tzu, Yorkshire terriers ( | Nizhny Novgorod Breeding work on the above breedsThis nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
Diamonds of the Moscow Region | Municipal district of Bykovo village Ramensky district Breeding dogs of decorative breeds: Chihuahua, Toy Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Pekingese. This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
RUMAR CAPRICE | Russia, Belgorod; St. Petersburg breeding, exhibition activities This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
"SIBIRSKAYA KORONA" | Krasnoyarsk breeding This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
GRAND POPURI | OBNINSK breeding of decorative dogs This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
| Arkhangelsk This nursery is a MONOBREEDRead more >>>
Tibetan Miracle | Kherson decorative dog breeds This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Little lion cub | Crimea, Saki Pedigree breeding This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Desi Delight | Zarechny, Penza region breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Terra Hellen | Moscow cynology, genetics This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Evgraf | Aksai This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Image Dream | Cheboksary This kennel is a MONOBREED kennel The kennel has a website The physical address of the kennel dogs: 1Read more >>>
La palette | Lugansk This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
JULIAN ANGEL | Kyiv region, Vyshgorod This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
JAWAJA | Lugansk This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
White Sun | Chelyabinsk breeding work This kennel is a MONOBREED kennel The kennel has a website Kennel dogs: 5Read more >>>
SANTA FE DELUXE | Cheboksary breeding activity This kennel is a MONOBREED kennel. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 1 Kennel dogs: 2Read more >>>
RayaInt | Cairo Sales abroad This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
Royal Puppy | Moscow Breeding and sale of elite puppies This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
SWEET BUN | Izhevsk Dog breeding This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
ELITLAIN ​​| St. Petersburg breeding This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
BALTIYSKIY KAPRIZ | St. Petersburg Breeding This kennel is a MONOBREED The kennel has a websitePhysical address is indicatedPuppies for sale: 3 Kennel dogs: 3Read more >>>
CHINESE ROSE | Kharkov breeding and show This nursery is a MONOBREED The nursery has a website Kennel dogs: 1Read more >>>
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