Pyrantel: dosage for dogs in the form of a suspension or tablets, how to use

Various parasites lie in wait for animals at every turn. Not only stray dogs are infected, but also well-groomed pets. Parasitic worms affect dogs of any breed.

Pyrantel has proven itself to be an effective drug in the fight against helminthiasis. The drug does not have high toxicity, so it is sold without a prescription in any pharmacy.

What to do in such a situation? To get started, we recommend reading this article. This article describes in detail methods of controlling parasites. We also recommend that you consult a specialist. Read the article >>>

general description

Pyrantel is an anthelmintic drug based on the active substance of the same name. It is produced in the form of tablets and suspensions. The yellow tablets are round in shape. On one side there is a groove that allows you to divide the tablet into equal parts. They are packaged in blisters of 3 or 6 pieces. Pharmacies most often sell tablets containing 250 mg of active substance. In addition to the active ingredient, Pirantel tablets contain calcium stearate, starch, gelatin, talc and other auxiliary components that usually do not affect the animal’s body.

The suspension is a yellow mass. For packaging, bottles made of polymer materials are used. Typically their capacity is 15 ml. The concentration of the active substance is 50 mg per 1 ml of suspension. Among the excipients, the composition includes polysorbate 80, purified water, sucrose and other components. Since the medicine is intended for children, it must contain flavorings.

There are no special requirements for the storage of the anthelmintic drug. Although the storage location should be chosen away from food and feed, as it contains a toxic substance.

It is possible to defeat parasites!

Antiparasitic Complex® - Reliable and safe removal of parasites in 21 days!

  • The composition includes only natural ingredients;
  • Does not cause side effects;
  • Absolutely safe;
  • Protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin from parasites;
  • Removes waste products of parasites from the body.
  • Effectively destroys most types of helminths in 21 days.

There is now a preferential program for free packaging. Read expert opinion.

Read further:

Pyrantel for worms (suspension and tablets): instructions for use for children and adults

Pyrantel against parasites for adults and children: instructions, dosage, indications for use

Anti-worm suspension for children: description, instructions for use, contraindications

Pyrantel for pinworms: medicine in the form of tablets and suspensions, how to take

"Naftamon": instructions for use, contraindications and side effects

Pyrantel during pregnancy at various stages, use and reviews

Side effects

If you follow medical prescriptions and an individually selected dosage regimen, side effects rarely occur. Ailments (indigestion, photophobia, convulsions) are observed in animals that have absolute contraindications to the use of Pratel. These include:

  • individual intolerance to active or additional components;
  • pregnancy (first half);
  • pathologies of the liver and kidneys (including failure);
  • diseases of infectious etiology;
  • exhaustion.

If the therapeutic norm of the drug is exceeded independently, dogs experience allergic reactions, which are expressed in the form of frequent sneezing, dry cough, lacrimation, salivation, runny nose and itchy skin.

The animal needs to rinse the stomach, give enterosorbent and provide plenty of fluids. Antihistamines are prescribed by a veterinarian if the discomfort does not go away on its own after 48 hours.

Price and analogues

The average price of pyrantel in tablets is 20 rubles. The average price of the suspension is 40 rubles.

The average price for Moscow for 2022 has been announced. We are talking about a human pyrantel.

Pyrantel analogues include:

  1. Pratel. The main active ingredient is pyrantel embonate. Excipient: praziquantel.
  2. Drontal. The main active ingredient is pyrantel embonate.
  3. Milbemax. The main active ingredient is milbemycin oxime. Excipient: praziquantel.
  4. Dirofen. The main active ingredient is fenbendazole. Excipient: pyrantel pamoate.

Before you start treating and preventing your pet from helminths, consult a veterinarian.
Analogues are much more expensive. Why overpay if you can cure an animal with cheap pyrantel.

Only a veterinarian can examine an animal’s feces for the presence of worms and identify the type of parasites. He also prescribes medications. You should not attempt treatment on your own. This is dangerous for the animal.

Selection table for anthelmintics (anthelmintic drugs)

A drugNematodes (round)Cestodes (tape)Thematodes(flat)GiardiaCoccidia
Dehinel plus
Milpro dog
Nemozol (part pharmacy)
Stop coccid

Vote for the best drug

Operating principle

Pyrantel pamoate, which is the main active ingredient, acts on roundworms. The principle of action of the medication is based on the fact that it blocks the transmission of nerve impulses and interferes with the normal functioning of the muscular system.

Due to contractions of smooth muscles, parasites experience paralysis. The medicine has virtually no effect on tapeworms and single-celled parasites.

In other words, it has a limited spectrum of action, but effectively destroys the following types of parasites:

  • roundworms;
  • toxocara;
  • hookworms;
  • uncinaria, etc.

Pyrantel practically does not enter the bloodstream. For the most part, it is concentrated in the intestines, so it effectively affects helminths. The drug destroys sexually mature individuals and larvae, but its effect does not apply to eggs.

After taking the medicine, the helminths stop laying eggs, and therefore their spread stops. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent infection of other animals and people. This is especially true in situations where there are several pets or small children living in the house.

The medicine is fast acting. In the intestines, it begins to act immediately after ingestion. In the blood, the maximum concentration of pyrantel occurs after a couple of hours. It is excreted from the body mainly in feces and partially in urine.

Reviews from owners and veterinarians

Veterinarians consider this remedy to be quite effective, and often prescribe it even to small puppies. It should be taken into account that there is pyrantel intended for people, but experts do not recommend using it and insist that it is better to buy specialized veterinary drugs containing this active substance.

The owners also speak well of the drug. Judging by the reviews, after taking the drug, puppies remain active, and side effects do not appear. It is used for both treatment and prevention. When using the medication on an animal that is suddenly losing weight, it helps it quickly get rid of parasites and return to its normal shape.

How to calculate the dose for a dog

The drug Pirantel is available in two forms - suspension and tablets. Each individual tablet contains 0.25 mg of active ingredient. Average data show that dogs are prescribed 5 ml of Pirantel per 1 kilogram of weight. It is also worth considering the size of the breed. For example, for large breeds, a total of less than the specified amount per kilogram of the drug is allowed. If the dog is of small breeds, on the contrary, the volume of medicine per kilogram increases slightly.

Before treatment, it is important to determine the type of parasites that infect the dog. This can be done using stool tests in the laboratory.

For example, when affected by ascariasis and enterobiasis, a one-time dose of the drug is sufficient. In case of infection with several types of worms, the doctor may prescribe an increased dose of 10 ml per 1 kilogram of weight, as well as multiple doses. In this case, the medicine should be given at least 3 times.

So, most often, puppies weighing from one to two kilograms are prescribed 1 ml of liquid suspension. For those who weigh more than two kilograms - 2.5 ml. For adult dogs weighing from five to seven kilograms, 1 tablet of Pirantel is prescribed, containing 25 mg of the active substance. In the case of a different quantitative content of the active substance, the dose should be calculated according to proportion. For dogs weighing over seven kilograms, one and a half tablets are prescribed. And so on, according to the scheme.

It is best to give the drug during morning feeding. Before starting treatment for your pet, you should definitely study the instructions for the drug. In some cases, dosage data differs

If the recommended dose is doubled or tripled, it is important to adhere to it. In this way, the manufacturer often plays it safe if the final version of the drug contains a different amount of the active substance, reduced on purpose in order to save production

As a preventative measure, Pirantel is given once a year, preferably in the spring.

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The anthelmintic is sold in a regular human pharmacy. It comes in the form of yellow tablets or a suspension of the same shade.


Each Pyrantel tablet contains 250 mg of active ingredient. This dose is calculated for 50 kg of weight. For dogs of small and medium breeds, a veterinarian will help determine the required amount of medication.


The concentration of pyrantel pamoate in the liquid form of the anthelmintic is lower, so it is chosen in cases where it is difficult to separate the tablet for dosage accuracy or there are difficulties in taking the medication in tablet form in an animal.

Since the drug contains toxic components, an overdose can cause serious consequences. It is important to accurately calculate the required dose. To do this, you can use the table:

Dog's body weight, Number of tablets, pcs.

1 kg0.04
2 kg0.08
3 kg0.06
5 kg0.1
10 kg1 tablet
15 kg1.5 tablets

Quantity of suspension, ml

1 kg0.2
2 kg0.3
3 kg0.4
5 kg0.5
10 kg2 ml
15 kg3 ml

and further at the rate of 10 mg of active substance per 1 kg of animal body weight

The medicine in any form is given in the morning feeding: with food or after food. It is more difficult to force a dog to swallow a tablet, so the liquid form is often used for treatment. The sweet taste prompts your pet to think that he is being given a treat. In case of severe infection, repeat deworming after 10 days.

Important! Dogs weighing less than 1 kg should not be given Pirantel!


Anthelmintic drugs, in addition to the drug described, include:

  • Helminthox;
  • Nemocid;
  • Pyrantela pamoate.

All three of these drugs act on both mature and immature forms of worms. However, they are completely ineffective against parasite larvae and eggs.

Among other widely used anthelmintic drugs, the following analogues of Pyrantel can be distinguished:

  1. Biltricide. The active substance is praziquantel.
  2. Nemozol. The active ingredient is albendazole.
  3. Decaris. The active ingredient is levamisole.
  4. Piperazine. The active substance is piperazine adipate.
  5. Pyrvinium. The active ingredient is pyrvinia embonate.
  6. Telmox 100. Active ingredient: mebendazole.
  7. Mendamine. The active substance is carbendacim.

Reference! The listed analogues have a huge list of side effects indicated in the instructions, and also have some toxicity.

Purpose of the drug

The drug Pirantel is sold in almost any pharmacy. You can purchase it without a prescription due to the low toxicity of the drug itself. It is prescribed to combat parasites in dogs of almost any age, gender and breed. Only the dosage and dosage regimen will differ, which should be calculated by a veterinarian based on the physiological parameters of the animal and the degree of infection. It is also used in veterinary medicine to treat cats and horses.

Pyrantel has a paralytic effect. It affects parasites of various species, for example, hookworms, roundworms and uncinaria are susceptible to it. When used in dogs, the drug paralyzes the worm, causing it to be unable to attach well to the intestines, feed, and produce eggs. As a result, the parasite dies and is excreted naturally. This allows you not only to rid your pet of parasites, but also to quickly prevent infection of other animals or family members who come into contact with a sick dog. The action of the drug is divided into several stages. The first of them is getting into the muscle fiber of the worm, followed by a paralyzing effect, followed by complete immobilization and death.

In order to increase the effectiveness of Pirantel, veterinarians often advise combining it with other drugs of similar action. For example, when infected with tapeworms, it can be combined with praziquantel, and to combat whipworm - with febantel. Manufacturers combine Pyrantel with oxantel pamoate as part of new-fangled medications for animals that can fight intestinal nematodes.

The medicine is used for dogs of different age groups and genders. It does not harm older individuals. Depending on the dosage, it is even prescribed for the treatment of puppies. The only condition is that the animal must reach a weight of one kilogram.

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Reviews of pyrantel for dogs

Dog owners actively note the positive qualities of the drug, against the background of the virtual absence of adverse reactions, as well as the relatively low price. The medicine Pirantel is widely used both as a means of getting rid of existing parasites and as a prophylactic drug.

After taking Pirantel, there is an increase in the body weight of previously excessively emaciated dogs and an improvement in the level of activity . In general, the drug is noted as effective, safe and affordable.

This is interesting! Veterinarians, although they note the overall effectiveness of the drug, still advise, for safety reasons and correct dose calculation, to use specially developed drugs for animals, and not to skimp on the health of pets.

Such products, as a rule, are more convenient to use, calculate the dosage, and have a pleasant taste and aroma for the animal. It is also not recommended to take the drug without special tests showing the presence of exactly the type of parasites that this medicine fights. In any other case, the technique will not only be useless, but will also waste precious time, during which the parasites will freely multiply and poison the animal’s body.


Pyrantel is a targeted drug with minimal toxic effect. Consequently, it has a minimal number of contraindications, but they do exist. As stated above, it should not be given to animals less than 1 kilogram.

It should be used with extreme caution if there is insufficient function or disease of the kidneys and liver. Also, you cannot combine it with taking laxatives to “improve the effect”

Pyrantel interacts with other drugs in different ways, so if it is necessary to combine drugs for one reason or another, it is extremely important to consult an experienced veterinarian. The drug is not contraindicated during pregnancy or nursing puppies

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1. General description 2. Characteristics 3. Varieties 4. Side effects and prohibitions 5. Advantages and disadvantages 6. Analogues 7. Reviews

Some anthelmintic drugs that are used in routine medical practice have found successful use in veterinary medicine. Pyrantel is used for dogs no less often than for people. A low-toxic product will help you quickly get rid of internal parasites, but you can use it only after consulting a veterinarian.

When is the drug prescribed?

Pyrantel is prescribed by veterinarians to destroy the following types of helminths:

  • Toxocara canis, with a diagnosis of toxocariasis;
  • Uncinaria stenocephala, which causes the disease uncinariasis;
  • Ancylostoma caninum, with a diagnosis of hookworm;
  • Ascaris lumbricoides, which can cause ascariasis.

If, upon examination of the four-legged “patient,” the doctor diagnoses “anopocephalidosis,” the dose of the drug is increased. How much medication a pet is prescribed, despite the fact that Pirantel is considered a children's drug, is prescribed by the treating veterinarian, taking into account the age, weight and breed of the dog. In order for the treatment to give the desired result, the doctor prescribes vitamins and complex nutrition as an addition to the treatment composition.

Indications for use

The drug is effective against worms with a developed muscular system. Therefore, it only works on roundworms. It is powerless against simple parasites. This is explained by the fact that cellular parasites have no muscles, and nerve impulses do not pass through.

Pyrantel is used for the following diagnoses:

  • Toxocariasis - provoked by Toxocara canis.
  • Hookworm disease is caused by Ancylostoma caninum.
  • Uncinariasis is caused by Uncinaria stenocephala.
  • Ascariasis is infection with Ascaris lumbricoides.

For the treatment of anoplocephalidosis, the medicine is given in increased dosages. By the way, treatment must be comprehensive. Vitamins are prescribed simultaneously with taking anthelmintic drugs.

Composition and release form

The active principle is pyrantelapamoate.

The drug may contain various excipients, depending on the manufacturer: starch, gum arabic (gum arabic), methylparaben, gelatin, propylparaben, calcium gluconate, magnesium stearate, talc, colloidal silicon dioxide. As a rule, these substances are designed to bind the active principle and are used as a filler. Some of them, such as colloidal silicon dioxide, help to “capture” and remove toxins from the animal’s gastrointestinal tract while being gentle on the intestinal epithelium.

Three large groups of worms are called worms - trematodes, cestodes, nematodes

The drug is available in the form of yellow tablets, with a division line, uncoated, and a suspension, a yellow oily liquid with a specific odor. If you purchase a suspension of pyrantel at a medical pharmacy, then it is possible that there will be an aromatic additive, for example, apricot, which your animal may not like.

One tablet contains 250 mg of active ingredient.

Every five ml of suspension also contains 250 mg of active ingredient. During storage, the suspension may separate into layers, so shake it before use.

How to give

Even if your pet is very smart and understands its owner at a glance, you cannot explain to him that he needs to take any medicine for his own good. Especially if it doesn't have the best taste. Often, medications for dogs are added directly to food. It’s better if it’s your pet’s favorite treat, which he definitely won’t be able to refuse.

Sometimes the suspension is administered under the tongue using a special dispenser that comes with the drug.

If the animal strongly resists, then a syringe without a needle is often used, bringing it as close as possible to the root of the tongue and with a quick movement of the hand, squeeze the contents into the dog’s mouth in the required dose.

Can worms develop resistance to anthelmintics?

There are several proven cases of resistance: piperazine has stopped working. Over several decades, its therapeutic doses for dogs and cats have increased and merged with toxic ones. There are strains of hookworms resistant to pyrantel. For the most part, resistance is passed off as the known fact that drugs are not 100% effective, or other errors - diagnostics, drug selection. When the manufacturer, without blinking an eye, tells you about the resistance of helminths, about the need to alternate medications, as in the story about antibiotics, he is, to put it mildly, disingenuous. In horses and cattle, resistance to some drugs can indeed be a problem.

Is it possible to give for worms?

Worms are deadly organisms, and ignoring their presence in a pet’s body can be fatal. All types of dogs suffer from helminthiasis without exception. However, while an adult has a much better chance of coping with the threat, worms in puppies are a serious concern.

For prevention

Pyrantel is actively used in veterinary practice to combat worm infestations in many representatives of the animal world. It is one of the effective means for the prevention of helminthic infestations. Therefore, if necessary, pyrantel can be purchased at a pharmacy and treated for your pet.

The drug is almost not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, therefore it has low toxicity to the body and selectively affects the affected areas by parasites.

The active ingredient of the drug is pyrantel pamoate. The spread of helminth eggs into the surrounding area stops after the first oral administration of the drug by animals, which makes it possible to prevent infection of other animals, as well as people.

Pyrantel destroys only mature parasites and does not pose a danger to their eggs and larvae. In this regard, after a certain period of time (several weeks) after the therapy, it is recommended to repeat the medication in order to exclude the possibility of the infection persisting.

Treatment with this drug relieves pets of:

  • uncinarium;
  • roundworm;
  • oxyuride;
  • hookworm.

Reference! It has no effect on most tape parasites, and this drug is weakly active against whipworms. To treat some types of cestodes it can be used in high doses.

Pyrantel has a paralytic effect only on those types of helminths that are inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract of the animal. Typically, parasites that live there attach themselves to the intestinal walls using suction cups or hooks.

This property of the active substance eliminates the possibility of worms attaching to the intestinal walls. Because of this, the parasites remain in the intestinal lumen and are evacuated from the body with excrement.

Currently, there is a huge range of tablet forms and suspensions of anthelmintic drugs, which are successfully used to get rid of helminthic lesions. When using, the dosage of the drug is important, as well as the convenient form of administration.

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to weigh the pet in order to most accurately calculate the therapeutic dose. It is forbidden to give a dog high doses at a time in order to prevent adverse reactions from the body.

The release of a large number of dead parasites as a result of treatment indicates severe damage by helminthic infestations, so after 10 days it is recommended to repeat the therapy.

Types of helminths

Roundworms - Nematodes.

Very common worms, many types can be transmitted to humans. Usually inhabit the small intestine. But they can settle in the liver or lungs. These are the most tenacious multicellular parasites that are resistant to many treatment methods. Spread through feces and blood-sucking parasites.

Roundworms. Nematodes

Nematodes live in the animal’s body for up to 5-7 years, sometimes reaching large sizes. But many species can only be seen under a microscope.

Roundworms cause many serious diseases.

  • Ascariasis is the most common type of helminthiasis. It is caused by roundworms - roundworms about 8 cm in size. They live in the esophagus, intestines, liver, gall bladder of a person, from which a dog can become infected. Roundworms will parasitize the animal's body, but will not reproduce.
  • Toxocariasis is caused by Toxocara worms. They are larger in size than roundworms. Their larvae are spread by blood and can lodge in the lungs or heart. Eggs enter the body through meat, soil, and are spread on the fur of infected animals.
  • The most dangerous nematode is dirofilariasis . This disease is caused by large white worms, Dirofilaria immitis. They produce larvae called microfilariae, which are found in the blood. When a mosquito or other blood-sucking insect bites, they get to it. When such an infected insect bites a healthy dog, the larvae enter the dog's bloodstream. Heartworms settle under the skin, in the lungs and heart muscle.

Tapeworms - Cestodes

cestodes (tapeworms)

Cestodes are the largest, their length can reach 10 m. They are also called tapeworms for their specific appearance. Their body resembles a chain with many links or individual fragments. Any fragment can become a source of infection, as it contains many eggs. They are long and flat. Their mouthparts are equipped with suction cups with sharp hooks that dig into the walls of the internal organs. Infection occurs only through intermediate hosts: fish, meat, blood-sucking insects. Once in the dog's body, cestodes grow quickly. If they accumulate in large quantities, they can lead to intestinal blockage or rupture.

Tape parasites cause several diseases in dogs.

  • Diphyllobothriasis is caused by the parasite the broad tapeworm. The length of some individuals reaches 9-10 m. Lives in the intestines, sucks blood, causing anemia. It enters the dog's body through raw fish.
  • Dipilidiosis is caused by the cucumber tapeworm. The larvae look like cucumber seeds. The parasite grows up to one and a half meters. They enter the dog's body through blood-sucking insects (fleas, mosquitoes).
  • Echinococcosis is caused by a small helminth - Echinococcus. Its length is only 0.5 cm. The parasite settles in the intestines, severely damaging its walls. This quickly leads to the death of the dog. Infection occurs through raw meat and offal. Can be transmitted to humans.
  • Coenurosis is a rarer disease that causes brain damage. The larvae are transmitted through contaminated water, soil, and grass. They can be on the animal's fur, in the mouth. The larvae settle in muscle tissue, lungs, and abdominal cavity, and penetrate the brain.

Flatworms - Trematodes.

Trematodes are flukes; they attach themselves to vital organs. They feed on blood and lymph. These are flat worms that are small in size. Infection usually occurs through raw fish.

  • Opisthorchiasis develops when infected with a cat fluke. The helminth affects the liver and gall bladder of the animal, and can settle in the pancreas. Transmitted through raw water and fish.
  • Alariasis is caused by a small parasite up to 4 mm in size. It is called Alaria fluke. Transmitted through frogs and small crustaceans. Parasites settle in the lungs.
  • Paragonimiasis is caused by flukes up to one and a half centimeters in size. Transmitted through contaminated water.

Instructions for use and dosage

Before use, you must read the instructions and carefully calculate the dosage.

If the dose is not enough, the medicine will not work. In case of overdose, the animal may be poisoned!

If you use pyrantel tablets:

  1. Dosage for an adult cat is 5 mg per 1 kg of weight.
  2. Dosage for an adult dog is 5 mg if the animal weighs more than 2.5 kg. 10 mg is prescribed for a dog weighing up to 2.5 kg.
  3. For puppies weighing up to 2.5 kg, the dosage is 10 mg.
  4. For kittens weighing over 500 grams, the recommended dose of the drug is 3 mg.

If the puppy weighs less than 1 kg, you cannot give him medicine. If the kitten's weight is less than 500 grams, do not give the medicine.

The drug pyrantel, indications for use and contraindications

Dose for adult dogs

For adults, the medicine is given once. It is recommended to crush the tablets before this. The resulting powder is poured onto the root of the tongue. This is difficult, especially if the dog is a large breed. I have a German Shepherd, so I will share my experience.

The dog can be given any form of pyrantel or tablet or suspension

If the dog is obedient, you need to give it the command to sit. After the animal sits down, the command is given to show your teeth. With my left hand I take the dog under the lower jaw. I take the upper jaw with the thumb and ring fingers of my right hand. A spoon with medicine is held between the index and middle fingers of the right hand. I quickly pour the medicine onto the root of my tongue and close my jaws. I hold my jaws until the dog swallows the drug. She tries to resist and close her mouth. The main thing here is fast work of the right hand.

If possible, the procedure is carried out together. Someone is holding a dog, someone is giving it medicine.

The suspension is administered using a syringe without a needle. Carefully place the syringe head after the fourth premolar and inject the medication.

For adult cats

The cat can be wrapped in a blanket so that it does not resist. Or, fix it between your knees. With your left hand, take it by the scruff of the neck and tilt the cat’s head back. In this position she will open her mouth. Pour the medicine onto the root of the tongue and close the animal's mouth. Hold your jaws so as not to cover the cat's nose. Until he swallows the medicine.

The medicine can be mixed with food

The suspension is administered in the same way as it is administered to dogs.

Precautionary measures

Pyrantel should be given to a dog only after a veterinarian's prescription. Only tests previously carried out in laboratory conditions will help determine which type of parasite the animal is infected with, and therefore provide the most effective treatment. The veterinarian will also help you calculate the most accurate dosage and dosage regimen, based on the pet’s age, its actual and estimated breed weight, as well as the degree of parasitic influence, so to speak, the scale of the problem.

During treatment with Pyrantel, it is important for puppies to have constant access to water, since it is not uncommon for symptoms of dehydration to appear after taking the drug, which is especially detrimental for animals with low weight. Return to content

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Instructions for use


The dosage is calculated at 10 mg of pyrantel per kg of body weight for puppies and small dogs. If the animal's weight exceeds 2.5 kg, it is recommended to give 5-10 mg of the active substance per kg of the dog's weight. After treatment of the disease in a severe stage, re-therapy should be carried out ten days later.

Important! 5-10 mg per kilogram of animal weight is a generally accepted recommendation. However, in the instructions for veterinary drugs you can find dosages at which the active component is obtained several times more. This is most likely explained by the lower quality of the active component, since in the medicine it is present in the form of a salt, the concentration of which can be different, or simply errors in calculations for reinsurance

This is most likely explained by the lower quality of the active component, since it is present in the medicine in the form of a salt, the concentration of which may be different, or simply by errors in calculations for reinsurance.

Although the drug is considered quite safe, the puppy’s body is not yet strong, and incorrect dosages can harm it. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you consult your veterinarian first.

How to give tablets?

Doctors insist that before using the drug it is necessary to feed the animal. If it is difficult to administer a pure drug to a puppy, it can be added to any food, either in the form of a suspension or in the form of a tablet crushed to powder.

When using the drug in tablet form, it is best to place it under the animal's tongue, and then pick it up and scratch it under the neck. This will trigger the swallow reflex, which will help your puppy swallow the medicine quickly.

The drug has two main forms: tablets containing 0.25 g of the active ingredient, and suspensions of 20 ml. For diseases such as ascariasis and enterobiasis, it is enough to give the medicine once a day, regardless of the weight of the animal.

If many parasites are detected at the same time, the dosage may be increased. In this case, therapy should last at least three days. Also, the dosage should be increased in severe forms of a disease such as necatoriasis. It is optimal to give the medicine in the morning.

Children's suspension

It is better to administer the suspension to puppies into the mouth using a special syringe. The liquid is squeezed into the throat. This way the animal will receive the maximum of the active component.

It is worth considering that pyrantel has a detrimental effect only on sexually mature parasites, and does not affect their eggs and larvae. Therefore, having carried out treatment for the first time, after a certain period (about 2-3 weeks) it is better to repeat it and make sure that there are no worms. When treating severe stages of disease, a third course may be indicated.

Important! The drug has contraindications. These include pregnancy and feeding puppies, intolerance to components, chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as reduced activity of the animal’s liver.. The drug provokes side effects extremely rarely

The following may appear:

The drug causes side effects extremely rarely. The following may appear:

  • the appearance of itching and rash;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • temperature increase;
  • convulsions.

In practice, such phenomena occur in one dog out of a hundred.

From what age?

Deworming of puppies usually begins no earlier than 3-4 weeks after birth. But in practice, sometimes this can be done earlier.

Up to 1 month

Since Pyrantel is considered one of the safest drugs, it can also be used on small puppies as young as two weeks old. But at the same time, it is important to know what the salt of the active component is in a particular drug, so as not to confuse it with the dosage - at such an early age this can be dangerous.

From 2-3

Most often, it is not recommended to use the drug for puppies weighing less than 1 kg. As for age, it can be given to puppies up to a month old and at the age of 2-3 months. It is important to adhere to the correct dosage.

Limitations and side effects

The instructions indicate that Pirantel cannot be used if you are intolerant to the components. This statement also applies to dogs. If you have not previously used pyrantel-based medications, observe your pet’s reaction the first time you take it.

Other contraindications are liver and kidney failure. During pregnancy and lactation it is better to avoid using the drug. If there is a need to use medicine for females when bearing or feeding offspring, the use should be supervised by a doctor. Do not use the medication on puppies less than 3 weeks old and weighing less than 2.5 kg.

Note! It is strictly forbidden to combine the use of an anthelmintic with piperazine. Pyrantel can cause the following side effects in animals:

Pyrantel can cause the following side effects in animals:

  • stomach upset;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • arrhythmia;
  • fever;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • weakness;
  • refusal of food;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • allergic reactions, etc.

Similar symptoms can occur with an overdose. If the dose is exceeded, gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment will be required.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • sold in various veterinary stores in all cities;
  • does not have high toxicity for the patient;
  • effectively fights a wide range of pathologies;
  • one-time use;
  • long-term preservation of positive results;
  • convenient storage.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • possible allergic reactions to components;
  • prohibition of use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Not prescribed for dogs with low weight (up to one kilogram).

Side effects

Side effects include:

  1. Nausea. After using Piratel, the animal may vomit. The medicine should not be given repeatedly. It is better to do this after 7 - 10 days.
  2. Diarrhea. A single loose stool is not dangerous.
  3. Allergic skin redness. Most often, redness of the ears.
  4. Heart arythmy
  5. Impaired motor coordination
  6. Tremor (shaking) in the limbs

If any of the above side effects occur, your cat or dog should be taken to a veterinarian immediately.

In case of overdose, intoxication of the body is possible.

In case of overdose, be sure to show your pet to a specialist.

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