Frontline Nexgard for dogs: chewable tablets for fleas and ticks


The main active ingredient is afoxolaner (2.27%). The substance belongs to the group of isoxazolines, which have been used in the synthesis of drugs all over the world for more than 60 years.

Manufacturers presented the drug in the form of a tablet, which is happily eaten by animals. To create a dosage form, the composition included:

  • corn starch - 25%;
  • processed, purified soy protein - 20%;
  • aromatic substances creating the taste of beef - 20%;
  • additives for structuring (macrogol, povidone, glycerol, potassium srbate) - 17.73%

Indications for use

The drug is recommended as a prophylactic against a possible attack:

  • fleas (Ctenocephalides fel., Ctenoceph. c);
  • ticks (Dermacentor var., Derm. reticul., Ixodes ricin., Ixod. scap., Rhipiceph. sang., Ambl. american., Haemaph. long.)

Working at the molecular level, afoxolaner is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood. By binding to plasma proteins, it reaches its maximum concentration within 2 hours. Absorption is not affected by feeding the animal.

The drug can be given either alone or with food. But there is no need for the latter, since even the most fastidious animals eat medicinal bait with pleasure.

Penetrating into every cell, the working base settles on the GABA-dependent receptors of arthropods and suppresses reactions associated with the addition of chlorine ions, which leads to an increase in the electrical potential at the very first touches to the skin and blood of the animal.

Frontline NexgarD for dogs 4-10 kg, 3 tablets pack


on the use of Frontline Nexgard for the treatment and prevention of ectoparasitic diseases in dogs


Frontline NexgarD tablets for oral use contain 2.27% afoxolaner as the active ingredient, as well as excipients.

In appearance, the drug is tablets from light pink to dark pink with reddish-brown inclusions of round or rectangular shape. Frontline NexgarD is produced packaged in 3 or 6 tablets in blisters made of polyvinyl chloride and aluminum foil on a paper base, packaged individually in a cardboard box along with instructions for use.


Frontline NexgarD is an insectoacaricidal drug with systemic action.

Afoxolaner, which is part of the drug, is an insectoacaricide of the isoxazoline group. The mechanism of action of afoxolaner is to block GABA-dependent arthropod receptors, hyperexcite neurons, disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of parasites.

Frontline NexgarD is active against fleas Ctenocephalides felis, Ctenocephalides canis, as well as ixodid ticks Dermacentor variabilis, Dermacentor reticulatus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Ixodes scapularis, Ixodes ricinus, Ixodes holocyclus, Haemaphysalis longicornis, Amblyomma americanum.

After oral administration of the drug, afoxolaner is easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and reaches the systemic circulation, the maximum plasma concentration is observed 2-4 hours after administration, bioavailability is 74%. Afoxolaner is slowly metabolized to form hydroxylated compounds and is excreted from the body mainly in bile and slightly in urine. The half-life of afoxolaner is 14 days.

The effect of the drug on fleas begins 30 minutes after administration; a single use of the drug ensures the destruction of fleas and ticks on an animal within 6 and 48 hours, respectively; prevents re-infection for 4 weeks. The death of fleas occurs before laying eggs, which prevents contamination of premises by eggs and larvae.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Frontline NexgarD is a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses it does not have teratogenic, embryotoxic, mutagenic properties, and does not have a local irritant effect.


Frontline NexgarD is prescribed to dogs for the treatment and prevention of aphanipterosis, in the complex therapy of allergic dermatitis caused by fleas, as well as acarosis caused by ixodid ticks.


Frontline NexgarD is administered to dogs individually orally once at a minimum dose of 2.5 mg of afoxolaner per 1 kg of animal weight in accordance with the table:

Dog weight (kg) Tablet weight (g) Dose of active substance (mg/tablet)
2-4 0,5 11,3
4,1-10 1,25 28,3
10,1-25 3,0 68,0
25,1-50 6,0 136,0

When using the drug in dogs weighing more than 50 kg, a combination of tablets should be used at the rate of 2.5 mg of afoxolaner per 1 kg of weight. Breaking tablets is not allowed.

Frontline Nexgard has an attractive aroma and taste and, as a rule, is readily eaten by dogs; otherwise, the drug is fed mixed with food. Make sure that the dog has completely swallowed the required dose of the drug.

Repeated treatments during the season of greatest ectoparasite activity are carried out monthly.

Violations of the drug use regimen should be avoided, as this may lead to a decrease in its effectiveness. If the next treatment is missed, the use of the drug should be resumed at the same dose and according to the same regimen.


When using the drug in accordance with these instructions, side effects and complications in animals, as a rule, are not observed. With an overdose or long-term use of the drug, a decrease in appetite and spontaneously disappearing skin changes (erythema, peeling) are possible; rarely - vomiting, diarrhea and drowsiness. If your dog vomits within the first two hours after taking Frontline NexgarD, it is recommended to make sure that the vomiting has stopped and give the drug again at the same dose.


Contraindications for use are increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug, severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys. The drug should not be used by patients with infectious diseases and weakened animals, puppies under 8 weeks of age and/or weighing less than 2 kg, as well as animals of other species. Frontline NexGard is not intended for use in food producing animals.

Pregnant and lactating bitches, if necessary, use Frontline NexgarD under the supervision of a doctor.


No peculiarities of action were identified during the first use of the drug and when it was discontinued.

With the simultaneous use of Frontline NexgarD with anthelmintic drugs, antibiotics, vaccines, glucocorticoids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), no adverse reactions or decreased effectiveness of the drug were detected.

Personal prevention measures

Smoking, drinking and eating are prohibited during work. After handling the medicine, you should wash your hands with soap.

People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should avoid direct contact with the drug. In case of allergic reactions or if Frontline NexgarD accidentally enters the human body, you should immediately contact a medical facility, having with you the label or instructions for use of the drug.

It is prohibited to use empty medicinal product packaging for household purposes; it is placed in a plastic bag and disposed of with household waste.


Store in sealed manufacturer's packaging, separate from food and feed, in a dry place, protected from light, inaccessible to children and animals, at a temperature from 0°C to 30°C. The shelf life of the medicinal product, subject to storage conditions, is 24 months from the date of manufacture. It is prohibited to use the medicinal product after the expiration date. Unused medicinal product is disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.

Instructions for use

The manufacturer claims, and dog breeders confirm the data that one tablet can ensure that the animal is “clean” from insects for five weeks.

In winter there is no need to use the drug (if there are no fleas). But with the onset of warm spring days, when the tick begins its life activity in the animal’s walking areas, care should be taken to apply it.

Whatever the size of the dog, the manufacturer took care of its health. For the convenience of the owner, the packaging was painted in a different color for each weight category.

  • 2-4 kg - orange packaging, 11.3 active ingredients per tablet, round in shape, brown in color;
  • 4-10 kg - blue packaging, 28.3 mg, respectively, square in shape;
  • 10-25 kg - fuchsia, 68 mg, rectangular tablet;
  • 25-50 kg - terracotta, 136 mg, shape - rectangular;
  • Above 50 kg - a combination of the above. The calculation is carried out at a dosage of 2.5 mg per kilogram of live weight of the animal.

The manufacturer takes care of puppies from 2 months and dogs from 2 kilograms. You should not break a small tablet into 2 or 4 parts and try to protect your pocket pet up to 2 kg. Before products hit the market, they undergo multiple laboratory and clinical studies.

It was not difficult for the manufacturer to add filler to the tablet and “dispense” it for miniature breeds. However, he did not do this, and there were probably reasons for this.

Other tick and flea products from Frontline

The range of tick and flea products from the Front Line brand also includes:

  • drops for external use (Spot On, Frontline Combo);
  • sprays (Frontline Spray).

The active substance in these preparations is fipronil, a hazard class 3 insecticide that paralyzes insects and leads to their death.

The Frontline line of products is also represented by drops and sprays

Drops can be used on puppies over 2 months of age, lactating and pregnant dogs. It is not advisable to use them for puppies weighing less than 1 kg, sick or weakened animals. Most often, drops are applied to the animal’s withers, but to increase efficiency, it is advisable to use drops at several points along the dog’s spine (choosing those so that the dog cannot reach and lick). After treatment, the death of insects occurs within 24 hours, subsequent protection against ticks lasts 5 weeks, against fleas - 12 weeks.

The spray can be used even by babies aged 2 days. However, it is better to consult a veterinarian before use. Contraindicated in sick and weak dogs. It is not recommended to bathe the animal two days before and after treatment. Protection against ticks reaches 3-5 weeks, against fleas - 2-3 months.

Frontline spray may not be suitable for animals with thick and long hair, as it may be difficult to dose correctly, which can lead to either an overdose or a small amount of active ingredient to kill insects.


Clinical studies conducted when testing the drug did not reveal any special reactions from the dog’s body. However, each representative of the animal world has its own individual sensitivity and intolerance to one or another drug.

Particular care and observation should be taken when initially feeding the tablet.

The drug must not be used:

  • sick animals;
  • those who have had acute forms of disease and chronic ones in remission;
  • weakened and stressed;
  • animals of other species;
  • puppies up to 2 months;
  • dogs up to 2 kg in weight.

Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication for use. It is advisable to consult a doctor before use.


The market for highly effective drugs is constantly changing. Among the analogues, you can consider the following drugs:

Nexguard Spectra

In addition to afloxolaner, the composition includes the anthelmintic drug milbemycin oxime. The drug is also available in chewable tablets and successfully fights roundworms that cause toxocariasis and hookworm.


Nexgard Spectra is prescribed by veterinarians for the preventive treatment of animals and treatment of:

  • gastrointestinal helminthiasis;
  • acarosis (diseases caused by itch mites);
  • flea dermatitis.

The drug reliably protects your pet from bites of ixodid ticks and other ectoparasites that carry dangerous microorganisms, including Dirofilaria immitis. The insecticidal effect begins quickly - within half an hour after the dog chews and swallows the tablet. Fleas die after 6 hours, ticks die within 24 hours, while the drug retains its effect for a month.

Advantages of oral insecticide application:

  • you can bathe your pet, and the rain will not wash away the drug, which is located inside the body and is not applied to the skin;
  • there is no danger that the animal will lick the toxic medicine;
  • can be used for animals with skin diseases.

Important! Simultaneously treating dogs for both external and internal parasites at once will save time and relieve your pet from unnecessary stress.

Due to the presence of substances in the drug that are active against intestinal parasites, NexgarD Spectra is used for helminthiases. It is effective against:

  • toxocara;
  • hookworm;
  • roundworms and other helminths.
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