The Miniature Schnauzer is the smallest working dog breed

A miniature schnauzer will be completely devoted to its owner, distrustful of all strangers, not aggressive and very active on walks. The animal is distinguished by its intelligence, obedience, and is amenable to any training. The dog has the same character as many other schnauzers, and despite its miniature appearance, it is not a decorative toy breed, but a devoted and faithful watchdog. The dog is trusted to guard the apartment, as his bark is very convincing. The character is balanced, intelligent and quick-witted.

Despite its tiny appearance, it is a first-class security guard. He will not let a stranger in and will immediately let the owners know that an uninvited guest is approaching the house.

History of the breed

Their ancestors were wire-haired pinschers, common among residents of rural areas of Germany. Only wealthy people with large houses that required protection could afford to keep such a pet. The practicality of the pet was important to them; no one worried about the appearance. The first schnauzers, like their ancestors, were used for:

  • yard security;
  • corral, livestock protection;
  • escorting carts with people and goods, especially to fairs and markets;
  • babysitting;
  • hunting.

Few people were involved in raising dogs; they were fed poorly. Therefore, only the smartest, most calculating, and strong survived. Such living conditions hardened the four-legged animals well from the weather; their thick fur protected them from rat bites, which were especially common in villages in southern Germany. All these strong character traits have been preserved in modern representatives of the breed. As a result of long work, schnauzers were bred in three sizes; their ancestors are pinschers, Wolfspitz, bulldogs, and some other dogs.

Schnauzer nicknames

The puppy you buy already has a name given to it by the breeder. First comes the kennel prefix, then the puppy's name. Just like in the good old days, the kennel names the puppies according to the letters of the alphabet. Under this name the puppy will be listed in the stud book at the RKF and exhibited at show events. In real life, you can name your dog whatever you want.

If you find it difficult to choose a nickname, call the puppy by the pet name given by the breeder. It already characterizes the dog in a certain way, and over time a nickname will definitely be found.


Schnauzers of all types differ from each other mainly in size. They all have a standard appearance, body features, and character. The general characteristics of the representatives of the breed are as follows:

  • height at withers 30-70 cm;
  • weight of mini schnauzers – 3-4 kg, large ones – 35-47 kg;
  • the wool is thick, hard;
  • especially long hair on the face, all varieties need trimming;
  • the muzzle is elongated, the forehead is flat;
  • semi-erect ears, they are often cropped;
  • medium-sized, oval-shaped eyes;
  • the body is square, the neck is dense and muscular;
  • paws are straight, strong;
  • The coat color is predominantly black; the Miniature Schnauzer can be partially or completely white.

It is difficult to confuse this breed with others; their striking appearance features make them stand out.


The character of all three varieties of Schnauzer is similar. They love to dominate; learning to accept the authority of the owner is always difficult. If the breeder is soft-hearted, does not know how to order or give commands, it will be difficult to cope with representatives of the breed, the pet will feel superior from the first minutes of being in the house. To overcome your wayward character, you must immediately show yours. It is also impossible to demonstrate force by forcing or humiliating a dog. The golden mean of schnauzer training methods is carrot and stick.

The dog is active and cheerful, so you will have to pay a lot of attention to it. Then the pet will get along well with the owner and other family members. In the absence of proper upbringing, the schnauzer will begin to demonstrate its stubbornness and other negative character traits.

Experts call schnauzers dogs with human intelligence. They are so smart that they can equally compete with their owner in intelligence, intuition, and prudence.

Miniature Schnauzer

A miniature schnauzer that stands out for its small size is called a miniature schnauzer. The height at the withers usually does not exceed 30 cm. This pet is not a dwarf, it can have more than just a decorative purpose. If you need a dog with whom you will never be bored, the miniature schnauzer will be exactly the option that will make you laugh every day.

In their homeland, Germany, representatives of this species are known as zwings or zwingers. They are among the TOP 20 most popular dogs.

Dog handlers call this type of schnauzer four-legged with a big heart, as they are incredibly devoted to their family. The activity of the animal, its desire to be the center of attention makes it a real member of the family. Zwingers get along well at home. Moving them outside, even into their own enclosure, becomes stressful. He perceives this as separation from his family.

Although its small size does not make the Miniature Schnauzer a guard dog, it, like other members of the breed, is suspicious of strangers. If he feels hostility towards a stranger, he will definitely inform the owner about it. Although he will not be able to grab onto the enemy, his loud barking and aggression make him a defender.

What to look for when choosing a puppy

If you are interested in a purebred puppy for exhibition or breeding, first of all you should make sure that it corresponds to the description of the Schnauzer breed presented by the FCI. As the dog matures, deviations from standard characteristics may appear that could not be predicted in puppyhood. It is impossible to insure against such a risk.

Schnauzer puppies

After checking for obvious defects in appearance, you should ask the breeder about the character of the animal. It is worth remembering what schnauzers are, all breeds - from domestic dwarf to large service ones - are distinguished by restraint and aristocracy. If the puppy is overly active, difficulties may arise with its further education. On the contrary, if the dog is too passive, this may indicate that it is fearful, which is also a deviation from the breed standards.

Important! It is recommended to take a purebred puppy only from a trusted, experienced breeder to avoid fraud.

Giant Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzer - Giant Schnauzer. His character and behavior are similar to those of a miniature schnauzer, but he exhibits more protective traits. Larger sizes make the dog capable of protecting the owner and his family in the event of a real threat. Dog breeders note that Risen is the embodiment of a giant-sized dog with elegance and intelligence. The height at the withers reaches 60-70 cm. Most large breeds are sloppy, they are not easy to care for, and they can be slobbery. Giant Schnauzers know how to hold their own in any situation. They eat carefully, although it can be difficult to do this from their height. They also don’t litter, don’t carry other people’s things, and don’t cause mischief.

A large family with small children has been ideal for Rizen since ancient times. Previously, they safely left a child on them. Today, few parents will leave their children alone at home with a dog, but with supervision, he can become an ideal nanny. It is not uncommon for Giant Schnauzers to pull a child out of the water and protect him from other dogs. The large size allows you to do this.

Cutting, trimming, and grooming a wirehair of this size is not easy. Caring for an animal on your own is almost impossible, so you shouldn’t rely on your own strength.

Miniature Schnauzer

The medium-sized representative of the breed is the Miniature Schnauzer. Its height at the withers is 45-50 cm. The height is not very different from the miniature schnauzer, but this small difference is enough for the dog’s muscles to be stronger. It was the mittels that became the basis for the breeding of smaller, larger varieties of schnauzers.

The Miniature Schnauzer is an ideal companion for its owner. It combines activity, devotion to the owner, his family, and wariness towards strangers. For this species, it is very important to engage in timely training, otherwise it will be impossible to even just go for a walk with it. His alertness will become excessive, the dog may begin to rush at other people.

A unique feature of the Miniature Schnauzer is its color. In 90% of the representatives of the variety, pepper and salt are found - when black and white colors are combined in one hair. A thick brown beard requires constant care so that the pet does not look unkempt.

Character of the smallest service dog

One of the advantages of the Schnauzer's character is its diplomatic attitude towards other animals. For example, he may be good with cats or other dogs. But as long as, again, it does not threaten the life of the owner. Nobility manifests itself at the moment when other dogs are offended. This situation can be observed on a walk among other relatives. In such cases, the miniatures do not even notice the size of their opponent - they will stand up for the offended person unconditionally. Despite their stern and strict appearance, miniatures are very caring and gentle. They get along well with children, becoming loyal friends and protectors for them. A Miniature Schnauzer can live with you even if someone in your household is allergic to dog hair.

But in describing the character of the miniature schnauzer there are not only advantages (of which the majority are), but also some disadvantages. For example, the curiosity of this breed can go beyond limits and cause a lot of trouble for the owner. Another drawback is wariness, which will not allow the dog to let anyone near its owner (even if it’s a good friend). These dogs are not owners, their instinct only kicks in, and the miniatures begin to protect the owner. The Miniature Schnauzer understands well where the owner’s boundaries are and where his are. You can initially define his role in the family, and he will behave accordingly. Schnauzers will easily understand you, but demand the same in return. They love equal relationships.


Keeping any type of schnauzer requires compliance with a minimum number of rules for caring for pets, but all of them require strict adherence. Unlike many breeds, representatives of this breed do not need weekly, but daily brushing. You also have to trim the face regularly, depending on the type of dog and its characteristics - at least once a month, maximum - every six months. It is necessary to comb your pet daily, preferably in the morning. To do this, use a metal comb; you need to run it along the growth of the fur. If tangles often form, your pet needs to be cut more often.

Inflammation of the hair follicle in Schnauzers is a common disease. It can often be prevented with regular, daily brushing. Otherwise they are considered a healthy breed.

It is important to follow the feeding rules recommended by the breeder or veterinarian. The daily intake is adjusted depending on weight. Puppies tend to beg, but overfeeding representatives of this breed is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to follow the principles of dietary nutrition, give only lean meat, and avoid fatty, smoked, and salty foods. Basic rules for eating:

  • liquid breakfast;
  • one meal a day is vegetable;
  • the second is meat;
  • meat should be low-fat varieties, preferably raw;
  • The adult feeds twice a day;
  • At least once a week, the diet should include fish, but only boneless, low-fat.

On average, schnauzers live 12-14 years; life expectancy and its quality largely depend on the owner’s compliance with the rules of caring for the pet.

Where to buy and price

Finding a schnauzer kennel is not difficult. These dogs are popular in Russia. Some of them specialize in breeding this breed exclusively, others in several. Often puppies are available for sale in kennels such as RusRastr, TRELS, Alpen Travel, ALTEGOS. The average cost of a puppy with documents is from 25,000 rubles. The more achievements the parents have, the more expensive the purchase will be.

The Schnauzer is a worldwide breed of dog, formerly known as the German dog. It includes three varieties, differing in size, absolutely similar in body features and character. The positive traits of the breed outweigh most of the disadvantages.

Owner reviews

The most common comments about this breed concern its perkiness and unique exterior. Thus, Elena Belykh, a user of the Russian Schnauzer Club forum, reports that there is a huge number of different clothes for this breed. In special stores you can find both comfortable winter clothes and just a beautiful outfit for participating in exhibitions or festive evenings.

The cost of an ordinary puppy without a rich pedigree is 10 thousand rubles , but for a show-class copy they can demand up to 50 thousand.


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