Castration of dogs. Pros, cons and at what age can you do it?

Professional breeders of the breed Labrador carry out their activities outside of concepts castration/sterilization. But the canine community does not live by breeding alone: ​​for most owners of this retriever subspecies, the issue of castration (removal of the ovaries) is very relevant. In addition to the fact that this is the most effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancy, it is a significant factor in life support, a very effective parameter that improves the health and disposition of charming and cheerful dogs. Let's look at the problem in more detail.

What is castration in a dog?

Let us immediately make a reservation that this operation does not apply to abdominal surgery, and is done to ensure that there are no offspring, as well as for health reasons. For example, the indication may be various illnesses, difficult births or injuries. For an experienced veterinarian this is a routine procedure.

And it rarely leads to serious complications. However, this is a surgical procedure, so there are some risks. Most often, the development of infection is possible due to non-sterile processing.

That is why it is recommended to operate only in reliable clinics. There, the future patient will be thoroughly examined, and you will be told in detail how to prepare, what the pros and cons are, and what to do after.

The most common method is to remove the testes in males and the uterus in females. The procedure is not very long and takes place under general anesthesia. There is no need to insist on local anesthesia; a frightened dog will break free and interfere with the doctors. First you need to find out what type of anesthesia is safe for your dog.

the seam after castration of dogs in small breeds. But for large individuals, additional procedures are possible (for example, cutting off the scrotum). Therefore, self-absorbing sutures are applied. Then an inconspicuous scar will remain.

Is it worth castrating a male dog?

At a veterinary clinic, a qualified specialist will give an opinion on whether it is worth castrating a male dog.

Indications for surgery:

  1. Excessive sexual arousal and associated behavioral abnormalities.
  2. If a sterilized male continues to experience agitation and suffer from this, it is recommended to undergo castration.
  3. Genetic pathologies in purebred dogs. For example, hip dysplasia, cleft palate, cryptorchidism. In cryptorchid males, 1 or both testes are descended into the scrotum. Such males are not allowed for breeding.
  4. Testicular neoplasia, orchitis, testicular torsion in a dog.
  5. To find out the level of testosterone in the blood, you can take a hormone test at a veterinary clinic. If testosterone levels exceed the norm, this threatens the development of diseases of the heart, thyroid gland, and kidneys. To reduce the level of sex hormones, castration is prescribed.
  6. It is worth castrating a male dog if he suffers from agitation. If the temperament is calm, then this question remains at the discretion of the veterinarian. There is no clear opinion whether it is worth castrating a male dog, even among dog handlers. Therefore, decide with your veterinarian whether there are indications for castration of your dog.

The fur around the genitals is cut and treated with iodine: photo.

Pros and cons of castration

Before deciding to take this step, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Castration of dogs, advantages:

  • Total disposal of unwanted puppies. Believe me, it is better to solve the problem radically than to place the kids in shelters or, even worse, to get rid of them.
  • The dog's unnecessary agitation and aggression disappear, and his mood is stable.
  • Dogs do not run away from their owners in search of a potential partner, and also do not fight over him.
  • Your pet listens better, the relationship becomes closer.
  • There are no unpleasant odors after the marks.
  • The risk of prostate disease and ovarian cancer is reduced.

Disadvantages of castration of dogs:

  • The dog is capable of gaining a lot of weight. But this can be controlled by walking more and eating less.
  • There may be some health issues: thyroid disease, oncology in the genitourinary system and blood vessels.
  • In old age, a dog may acquire dementia, or memory loss and disorientation in space.
  • The texture and growth of fur changes.
  • And a few words about the disadvantages of early castration: possible bone diseases (even cancer), urinary incontinence in old age, as well as the risk of a delayed infantile state of the dog. Simply put, an early neutered dog can behave like a stupid puppy all his life.

Sterilization deadline

The timing of surgery is determined based on the pet’s age and physiological health. The best time to stop reproductive functions is the start of puberty: females are castrated before the first castration (six to nine months of age), males at one and a half years. Each case is individual; there are no mandatory age limits or dogmas.

Timely sterilization of Labrador Retriever blocks the formation of dangerous mammary tumors. With males, everything is much more complicated: it is necessary to allow the male’s body to fully develop and at the same time be able to avoid the risks of stress and mental trauma.

Experts agree on one thing: early sterilization of male puppies provokes many risks:

  • complications of growth and development of the puppy’s body;
  • formations of pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • operational difficulties (difficult to dose anesthesia);

Early castration greatly increases the risk of abnormal development of the hip joints, leading to bone cancer. Reproductive hormones are a form factor in the formation of the skeleton and joint tissues. If the dog’s body is deprived of enzyme stimulation, the dog will grow poorly and lose appearance and disposition.

to the question “ at what age to castrate a Labrador ”: it is better to castrate a healthy overgrown Labrador than a young but sick teenage dog. Veterinary experts say: the basic indication for surgical intervention is the well-being (tone and behavioral reactions) of the pet, and not the age.

At what age can castration be done?

Veterinarians working in animal shelters are most often inclined to earlier castration. After all, it’s easier to place the puppies later. Therefore, in dog shelters they castrate after 2 months of age.

Breeders and dog breeders insist on a later date - from 14 months and older. This is explained by the fact that the body that has not suffered an injury develops more fully before a certain period, has better health and stronger bones. All are united in one thing - the operation must be carried out before the first mating.

Dogs that have not tasted sexual pleasures tolerate intervention more easily. age for castration of dogs has been conditionally chosen - 6-12 months. At later stages, the animal may still have instincts, and along with them unpleasant behavioral characteristics - a craving for sexual hunting and a desire to mark objects.

Postoperative complications

The operations in question are considered fairly simple . Therefore, complications most often arise only when the operation was performed in bad faith or incorrectly. Adverse reactions to anesthesia, hemorrhage, infection and inflammation may occur.

Pre-operative consultation is an extremely important step that should not be ignored. If this stage is ignored, the operation can have an extremely adverse effect on the body, since it was undesirable to carry out it.

How to prepare a dog for castration

Despite the fact that the operation of castration of dogs is considered ordinary, it is necessary to prepare for it.

  • Be treated for worms and fleas within 2-3 weeks.
  • A month before surgery, the puppy should already have had all the prescribed vaccinations.
  • Completely examine the dog, starting with a thorough examination and continuing with the necessary tests.
  • A few days before surgery, start giving sedatives.
  • Bathe the dog the day before the procedure with anti-flea shampoo, and also give a laxative.
  • They stop feeding approximately 12 hours, and stop drinking 4 hours before surgery.
  • Mandatory selection of the type of anesthesia based on individual health indicators.
  • If necessary, an ECG, cardiac ultrasound, and chest x-ray may be prescribed.

IMPORTANT! If the clinic did not tell you about all the points described above, do not agree to have an operation with them. Look for a more worthy place.

Summing up

Castration (sterilization) Labrador dogs is a useful and extremely necessary (in certain cases) surgical intervention. This procedure prolongs and greatly facilitates the life of a pet, relieving it of emotional stress and many serious illnesses. In any case, the final decision on the question “whether it is necessary and whether it is possible to castrate a Labrador ” should be made by a veterinarian for medical reasons.

Sources: /zdorove-retrivera/kastraciya-labradora.html

Caring for your dog after castration

After castration, the dog continues to be under anesthesia. And it’s better for her to be under observation at the clinic at that moment. The sufferer is placed on oilcloth - she may urinate involuntarily. Carefully monitor your heartbeat and breathing. After urine stops coming out, the patient is transferred to a dry, sterile cloth.

He must regain coordination of movements. You definitely need to be nearby at this time. It is impossible to give the dog water, much less feed it, immediately after coming out of the narcotic state. Consult your doctor about this. Your dog may not eat for another couple of days.

Finally you took the martyr home. Buy a large collar immediately after your dog is neutered to prevent him from licking the wound. It is a bit stiff, similar to old-fashioned starched Elizabethan collars, but hygiene is important.

Do not apply any bandages to the stitched area yourself; it will heal faster in the air. If the surface around the wound is slightly red and swollen, buy chlorhexidine at the pharmacy and treat the inflamed area. But it may happen that you need the help of a doctor:

  • When a dog refuses to eat for more than 2 days
  • When does the temperature persist for a day after surgery?
  • When he has rapid breathing and the color of the oral mucosa changes - it turns red or, on the contrary, turns white.

What is chemical castration of a dog?

Sometimes owners cannot immediately decide to cut off organs, so they are looking for a more gentle method. A few words about what chemical castration of dogs . These are several injections, or a lousy ampoule with medicine under the skin. The secreted drug prevents the increased production of hormones, and the dog does not show increased interest in the other sex.

This option also has both pros and cons. The first ones are quite obvious - there is no cutting or anesthesia, no stitches, and no recovery period, in addition, all the precious organs are in place, and if you stop the injections, the dog can soon become full-fledged again and ready for breeding.

In addition, the cost of chemocastration is less than surgery with all the preparation. In the West, this method is increasingly being used, citing the humaneness of the procedure. However, everything is not so rosy.

Like any medicine, these drugs may have side effects - deterioration of health, possible heart disease, diseases of internal organs, and in some cases, oncology.

Is it possible to castrate a dog at home?

Many clinics practice. The doctor brings everything necessary with him. All preparatory steps are the same as for the operation in the laboratory. But there are also some peculiarities.

  • It is necessary to prepare a clean room - for example, wash the bathroom with disinfectants.
  • There should be a doctor's table with a treated surface.

Positive aspects of home castration:

  • No contact with other animals
  • A familiar environment prevents the dog from getting too scared
  • After surgery, it is easier and more familiar for the dog to be at home
  • There are no travel costs, including loss of time.
  • The time of the operation can be adjusted whenever it is more convenient.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • There is no standard medical equipment, including resuscitation equipment, if needed.
  • There is no complete sterility.
  • The cost at home is higher than in the clinic.

How will a dog's behavior change after castration?

Every owner has a dream for his dog to be obedient, but not everyone receives a gift from the sky in the form of an “obedience hormone.” And you have to periodically run after the dog, losing your voice, in the evening your arms hurt from the leash, and your legs hurt from running.

In addition, sometimes you can get hurt from other people’s dogs, with whom your ill-mannered pet gets into trouble. And the smell of dog marks still lingers in the apartment, everything needs to be removed. That's when the thought of castration comes. And the possibility of the procedure no longer seems so scary.

Indeed, the behavior of dogs after castration , carried out at the right time, changes for the better. Your treasure will become calmer, aggression associated with hormonal explosions will disappear. Let's make a reservation that the operation will not get rid of other types of irritation - it is not the surgeon who will help you cure anxiety and stress, but a canine psychologist.

Bags, shoes, curtains, carpets, furniture - everything will lose the “wonderful” smell of dog secretion. The house will smell like it used to - fresh air. And there will be no more hyperactivity and running away to parties. You won’t have to look for your dog after participating in spontaneous “weddings.”

There will be no risk of infection from casual relationships. And the dog’s working qualities will only improve. He will direct all the emotions previously allocated to the sexual race towards his immediate responsibilities.

Sterilization of Labradors

If the owner of a Labrador does not plan to get offspring from his pets and does not want to burden himself with the worries associated with caring for the animal during estrus, pregnancy and childbirth, then it is better to sterilize the dog. The use of chemical contraceptives (contrasex) for a long period disrupts the hormonal status of the animal, which subsequently is fraught with the development of such pathologies as: ovarian cysts, glandular hyperplasia of the uterus, uterine tumors, and there are also frequent cases of hydrometra or pyometra. These pathologies can only be treated surgically. In addition, if an unsterilized animal has not been pregnant during its life, then in old age (6-8 years, depending on the type and breed of the animal) the possibility of developing pathologies associated with the reproductive organs also increases. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that sterilization of an animal in an early period of life significantly reduces the risk of mammary tumors, which in most cases are hormone-dependent in nature. During periods of sexual arousal, male Labrador Retrievers may experience attacks of aggression even towards well-known people and their owners. There may also be problems with the prostate gland. Sterilization reduces their libido and makes the animals manageable. To the question: how does the behavior of animals change after sterilization?

The price of castration

The cost of an operation in a clinic depends on the choice of anesthesia, the weight and age of the animal, the choice of all preparatory and postoperative procedures, and of course, on the status of the clinic. In addition, the location of the operation is taken into account - some call a veterinarian at home for this purpose.

Basically it ranges from 2.5 to 6 thousand rubles. But the price of dog castration , we repeat, even depends on the city where you live. It is also necessary to take into account the cost of travel and accommodation for the dog in the clinic after the operation.


Despite all the positive aspects of castration/sterilization, the operation is contraindicated in some cases:

  • Of course, you should not castrate animals that have breeding value. The reasons are probably clear to everyone.
  • It is not recommended to sterilize representatives of rare, endangered breeds. The reasons are also obvious.
  • Neutered men have a greater tendency to accumulate excess weight. If the breed itself is prone to obesity, things are bad. So, a neutered pug has every chance of becoming fat to such an extent that he will not be able to walk. And this is not an exaggeration!
  • Again, castrates (especially males) have an increased risk of developing urolithiasis. In this regard, sterilized animals need to be fed according to special diet plans. To do this, either use ready-made industrial feed for castrates, or create a diet based on the instructions of the veterinarian.
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