Castration of dogs. Pros, cons and at what age can you do it?

The sexual instinct of dogs is a natural physiological mechanism required for procreation. When keeping a pet at home, there is not always a need to regularly produce offspring. At the same time, hormones continue to be produced, which leads to a change in the animal’s behavior - it becomes aggressive, does not obey the owner, and marks its territory.

In addition, the risk of diseases of the reproductive system increases, since the organ continues to function without fulfilling its functions. A modern method of correcting sexual behavior is castration and sterilization of dogs. From the article you will learn when surgery is required and how to properly prepare for it.

Castration or sterilization

In veterinary medicine, two main methods of surgical restriction of sexual behavior are used - sterilization and castration. Both methods have differences in the procedure and result. Specifics of operations:

  1. Sterilization. This is a violation of the reproductive ability of a dog with preservation of the genitals. In females, the fallopian tubes are ligated, in males the spermatic ducts are ligated (vasectomy). The animal continues to produce hormones and retains sexual desire. The possibility of mating remains, but there will be no offspring.
  2. Castration. A radical surgical operation during which the dog's reproductive organs are removed. After the procedure, hormone production stops completely and sexual behavior stops.

Regardless of the method of correction of sexual behavior, it will not be possible to obtain offspring. This is important to consider if you decide to castrate or neuter a dog with a show history, good conformation and breed characteristics.


Unlike the female, in whom sexual arousal occurs several times a year and lasts a short time, the male is always ready for mating. Among the indications for emasculation are the following:

  1. Cryptorchidism and other hereditary defects that prevent male dogs from participating in purebred breeding.
  2. Increased work abilities. A male dog used as a guide, mount or hunting dog is not distracted by individuals of the opposite sex and concentrates on performing his duties.
  3. Prostatitis, cystic formations, tumors on the reproductive organs.
  4. Behavior correction. If a male dog is noticed to have involuntary ejaculations, constant erections, or excessive aggressiveness, he should be neutered.

What is castration

This is a surgical procedure during which the reproductive organs of an animal are removed. In males - testicles and testes, in females - the uterus and ovaries. The procedure is performed under full anesthesia; if sensitivity is low, local anesthesia is also added. The operation requires an incision in the abdominal cavity, but modern methods allow for minimal intervention.

Surgery is a serious burden on the animal’s cardiovascular system. There are a number of contraindications that need to be taken into account before surgery. Castration of a dog should only be carried out in a veterinary clinic, where there is the possibility of urgent rehabilitation of the dog if problems arise.


Preparation for surgery consists of the following steps:

  1. Clinical examination. The male must be healthy.
  2. Laboratory diagnostics. For teenagers, a standard blood test is sufficient.

The dog's blood is taken for analysis.
For adult weakened males, in addition to this, it is necessary to undergo the following procedures:

  1. Biochemistry of blood.
  2. Urine tests.
  3. X-ray of the thorax (chest chamber).
  4. ECG.
  5. Deworming – 2–3 weeks.
  6. Immunization. Antibody production lasts 14 days. Therefore, the vaccine is given 4 weeks before the expected castration.
  7. Wash with anti-flea shampoo and antiseptics the previous day.
  8. Starvation diet. 4 hours before the operation, the male dog is stopped drinking. Anesthetics cause regurgitation in dogs. Vomit enters the lungs, which is life-threatening.

Before general anesthesia, premedication is performed to prevent complications, the technique of which varies in different clinics.

Pros and cons of the operation

More and more owners are deciding to have their animals castrated. This method has a number of advantages:

  • the ability to reproduce is lost, there is no need to provide offspring;
  • the dog’s behavior changes, it becomes more obedient and calm;
  • the operation affects the quality and length of life - the risk of developing diseases of the reproductive organs and oncology is reduced.

Despite the pronounced benefits, there are also disadvantages. The main ones:

  • the operation is performed under anesthesia, which is a serious burden on the body;
  • the dog is at risk of developing physiological disorders of the urinary system, for example, developing incontinence;
  • the risk of sarcoma and obesity increases.

Castration is not a universal method of correcting animal behavior. Aggression, anxiety, and other problems may persist after surgery. When working with difficult dogs, a combination of training, education and medical intervention is recommended.

Good and bad

However, castration has both good sides and certain disadvantages. So, what are the pros and cons of neutering dogs?

It must be said that operated pets, regardless of gender:

  • become much more acceptable for living in an apartment;
  • dogs show calmness, do not get involved in fights, show less aggression and do not mark territory;
  • gradually lose passion for members of the opposite sex;
  • they are no longer interested in disappearances and runs away from home;
  • as they age, they become less susceptible to cancer;
  • get rid of the possibility of picking up genital infections.

In addition, castration helps to increase your pet's appetite and promote good sleep. He becomes playful and good-natured.

But you need to know that such an operation does not affect the character of the four-legged friend, it only slightly corrects it. Fundamental transformations can only be achieved through training and training. And it happens that sedateness comes to dogs only in old age.

Some people mistakenly claim that this technique leads to a decrease in the dog’s guarding abilities. This opinion is wrong. When your dog has excellent guarding abilities, he will not lose them after castration.

Although there are many disadvantages associated with such an operation. The most important thing is that the hormonal balance is disrupted, which may not have a negative imprint on the pet’s body. Therefore, neutered dogs may experience conditions such as:

  • hypothyroidism - a decrease in thyroid function and the level of hormones that it produces;
  • bone cancer - statistics have proven that it appears mainly in dogs that have been subjected to such manipulation;
  • obesity is the result of an increase in appetite in those who have undergone such surgery, and, in turn, contributes to the occurrence of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, and this is already serious.

In addition, elderly dogs that have previously undergone resection of their reproductive organs may exhibit behavioral abnormalities.

Important ! When your pet is phlegmatic by nature, after surgery it may become even more withdrawn and inactive. In this case, you should pay more attention to him, try to get him to move, encourage him to play.

A lack of testosterone will inevitably affect the animal’s coat over time - the hairs will become softer. This surgical intervention is performed under general anesthesia. Dogs tolerate it more difficult than humans. Therefore, it is important to calculate the correct dose of anesthesia. If it is small, then it will not be enough until the end of the operating process, and if it is too high, it can cause cardiac arrest in the animal.

Consequences of castration of male dogs

Separately, it should be said about castration of males. They mostly think about this when their hormones are playing. They disappear for several days, looking for a mate, get into fights with their own kind, whine, howl. This period is dangerous for the pet due to increased injuries; what’s even worse, it may end up under the wheels of a car.

In such cases, the dog should pay special attention and understand the reasons for this behavior and the possibilities of training. After all, castration is always an irreversible process, and therefore requires a thoughtful approach. This is exactly the case when you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of castration of male dogs.

It is important to decide for what purposes this surgical intervention will be performed. Is it really necessary and what are its consequences?

When a dog is constantly “bleeding”, he is engaged in marking the territory, disappears from the house, makes cages, reveals aggression towards his relatives or members of your family, such an operation is indicated. This will improve his behavior and calm him down. You should know that if such “cuts” of your pet are not based on hormonal surges, then castration will not help solve the problem. Here we should do more of the educational process.

But if we don’t talk about behavioral changes, then such surgical intervention remains an effective way to prevent many animal diseases based on hormonal activity. In addition, this procedure is indicated for diseases of the genital area - it will help the male dog recover.

Important! The advantage of myths about the dangers of castration of dogs is invented by their owners. Thus, it is argued that such pets reduce their working abilities. As a counterbalance to this - excellent work in husky teams in the North. They are not inferior in their activity to the leader of the pack.

Age of dog for castration

The specific period for the operation depends on the breed and health of the animal. It is recommended to castrate a dog only after puberty. In small animals (up to 10 kg) this occurs at the age of 5-8 months, in medium and large breeds - 8-10 months, in giants - up to 1.5-2 years.

However, sterilization and castration for medical reasons are prescribed regardless of the age of the animal. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian in advance and undergo the necessary diagnostics.

Positive and negative sides of castration

Positive aspects of castration:

  • calm behavior of the pet, the animal becomes more obedient;
  • absence of a surge of hormones and inappropriate behavior;
  • the dog will not run away from the owner to pursue a female in heat;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • absence of offspring unnecessary for the owner;
  • prevention of cancer and other diseases;
  • prevention of the occurrence of inflammatory diseases and infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • According to statistics, the life expectancy of a castrated animal is longer than an uncastrated one.

Uncontrollable behavior associated with a dog's sexual desire is much easier to correct in a neutered animal. It happens that due to the lack of hormone production, the dog’s inappropriate behavior disappears on its own. In this case, no correction is required.

Negative aspects of castration:

One of the main disadvantages of this operation is anesthesia. Moreover, animals recover from anesthesia much more difficultly than people. Before undergoing surgery, you should consult your veterinarian. Each case is individual, so the doctor makes the decision. For some dogs, especially older ones, castration may be contraindicated.

There is a myth that neutered dogs may be predisposed to hypothyroidism and bone cancer. These diseases occur due to an imbalance of thyroid hormones. In fact, this myth has no scientific basis. Hypothyroidism and bone cancer can affect both neutered and non-neutered animals to the same extent.

Contraindications for castration

Even before castration begins, the animal is examined for any restrictions to the procedure. The operation is contraindicated under the following factors:

  • inappropriate age (dogs too young and too old);
  • chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular system;
  • loss of appetite, digestion and other signs of gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • allergy to the drug for induction of anesthesia;
  • less than 3 weeks have passed since the last vaccination;
  • weakened state after a recent illness.

Before the procedure, the animal must be completely healthy, without severe symptoms of any diseases or infections.

Is it worth castrating at home?

Most veterinary centers offer. The procedure is not very complicated; the doctor can take everything necessary with him to the call.

Preparatory measures for this method of surgery are the same as for castration in the clinic. A preliminary examination of the animal and consultation with a doctor are mandatory. Next, we will talk about the features of preparing for the procedure, its pros and cons, to make it easier for you to make a decision.

Features of preparation:

  1. You need to prepare a clean room at home. It is best to clean the bathroom with disinfectants - complete sterility does not need to be achieved.
  2. A table is installed in this room for the surgeon to work. Its surface is disinfected.


  • Contact with other animals is excluded. This is more difficult to achieve in the clinic.
  • The pet is calmer in a familiar environment. There is no stress that the dog gets when traveling to the clinic.
  • The postoperative period is easier in familiar home conditions.
  • There is no need to waste time and money traveling to the clinic.
  • The doctor arrives at a time that is convenient for you.


  • At home, there is no opportunity or necessary equipment to carry out resuscitation measures.
  • It is impossible to achieve complete sterility.
  • The cost of in-home surgeries may be higher.



  • Moscow and St. Petersburg - from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles.
  • Regions of Russia – from 2500 to 6000 rubles.


  • Kyiv – from 450 to 1850 UAH.
  • Regions of Ukraine – from 350 to 800 UAH.

How to prepare a dog for castration

The specifics of preparation depend on the age and health of the dog. For mature animals without chronic diseases, special preparation is not required. The pet should stop feeding 10-12 hours before the procedure; a good walk is required immediately before the operation. It is recommended to purchase in advance everything necessary for care after surgery - napkins, a carrier, a collar and an antiseptic solution for treating sutures.

For dogs over 5 years old, diagnostic tests are prescribed before castration to identify contraindications and the degree of risk of anesthesia. As a rule, a general and biochemical blood test, echocardiography and ECG are performed.

How is the operation performed?

The implementation of castration differs depending on the chosen method and the sex of the animal. Even before signing consent for medical procedures, you should familiarize yourself with the specifics of the operation; the choice of proper care for your pet depends on this.

Castration of a male dog

Before the operation begins, the dog is put under general anesthesia; the choice of drug depends on the clinic and the weight of the animal. After falling into deep sleep, the hair on the lower abdomen is shaved and the surface of the skin is treated with an antiseptic. Two small incisions are made on the skin through which the testes are removed. After this, the incisions are disinfected, sutured with absorbable sutures and covered with a bandage.

The duration of the operation is no more than 20 minutes. The sutures normally heal within 3-5 days; suture removal is not required. Complete rehabilitation takes up to 4 weeks.

Castration of a bitch

Surgery on female dogs takes longer, is more complex and carries a risk of bleeding. Before the procedure begins, the animal is put under anesthesia and the fur on its belly is shaved. An incision is made to remove the ovaries and uterus, after which the wound is treated and a double suture is applied.

Castration of female dogs is an abdominal operation that should only be performed in a veterinary clinic. Total duration from 30 minutes.

Care after castration

If the dog is already recovering from anesthesia, it can be taken home. A still lethargic animal must be placed on a diaper, since in the first few hours the urethra is relaxed and urinary incontinence is observed. It is advisable to transport your pet in a special carrier where he can lie down and relax. At home, it is recommended to avoid guests and loud noises - for the first time after the procedure, the dog needs a comfortable and calm environment.

In the first hours, the animal needs to be given something to drink and cannot be fed - it is still difficult for the dog to swallow, and vomiting is possible after anesthesia. 12 hours after the operation, you can briefly go outside for a few minutes so that your pet can relieve itself. After 4 hours, a small portion of food can be offered, but loss of appetite in dogs is observed within 1-2 days after surgery. In the first few days, be sure to monitor the condition of the stitches - treat them with an antiseptic, put a collar on the animal so that the pet does not lick the wound.

Clinical examination before surgery

Healthy animals with normal appetite and no digestive disorders are allowed for the procedure. Castration of a dog is considered preventive, which does not exclude a preliminary examination and the preparation of contraindications and recommendations that will have to be taken into account during the surgical intervention and subsequent recovery. If a male dog has diseases that require treatment, castration may be postponed until the contraindication is eliminated.

If the veterinarian suspects the presence of a disease, the dog may need a laboratory test of blood, urine, and ECG.

Before castration, the dog should take an anthelmintic and have all the necessary vaccinations. As a result of the intervention, the immune system will be somewhat weakened, so the body must be guaranteed to be protected from dangerous pathogens. Deworming and vaccinations are mandatory requirements before the procedure.

Activities before anesthesia

Immediately before castration, the animal requires fasting for 8-10 hours. This is due to the fact that the dog has a gag reflex and in a state of artificial sleep can simply choke on vomit. The pet's stomach should be empty.

Limit your dog's access to water for at least 3 hours. Predators are able to go without food for 3-4 days. Even if your pet is not accustomed to food shortages and restrictions, there will be no harm to him. Also, on an empty stomach, the animal tolerates anesthesia more easily and wakes up more easily after it.

The choice of medications is made based on the examination and the patient’s well-being. The doctor selects the dosage of drugs directly for muscle relaxants and anesthesia. Some reduce stress, relax the muscles of the whole body, while others depress the nervous system, causing artificial sleep.

Drugs are administered to dogs in 3 ways:

  • Intramuscularly - the most common method;
  • Intravenous anesthesia is suitable for large male dogs that have no problems finding veins;
  • Inhalation – if the first two methods are not possible.

The administration of painkillers can be combined: for example, inhalation is used first, then drip systems are installed.

Modern anesthesia medications are gentle and eliminate side effects. The pet easily recovers from anesthesia and does not experience long-term discomfort.

Complications after surgery

Postoperative complications arise from non-compliance with the procedure technology and poor quality care for the pet in the first days. Possible problems:

  1. Bleeding. It is observed when there is a surgeon’s error or blood clotting pathologies. If internal bleeding develops, the animal is highly likely to die. It can be identified by anemia, rapid breathing and pale mucous membranes. The dog is shaking and pounding violently. Local external bleeding is not dangerous, but consultation with a doctor is recommended.
  2. Scrotal swelling. If the eggs are swollen, there is no need to be afraid - this is a normal reaction to surgical trauma. Usually appears 2-4 days after surgery, swelling should not be accompanied by pain and inflammation.
  3. Inflammation of the sutures. Occurs when the wound is treated incorrectly or the rules of caring for the dog are not followed. It starts when dirt or infection gets into the incision site. May be accompanied by skin redness, swelling and rash. A doctor's consultation is required.
  4. Getting infected. More often it occurs if the wound is treated poorly or the stitches are licked. May lead to purulent and bloody discharge and require antibiotic therapy.

Some individuals, after castration, experience metabolic disorders, the appearance of excess weight and obesity. To prevent and combat this problem, you should normalize your diet and choose special food for castrated and sterilized animals. If your dog begins to pee at home after surgery, it is recommended that you contact your veterinarian.

Which dogs do doctors recommend neutering?

These are aggressive breeds that do not follow commands, rush at dogs, people, and their owners are ready to take more desperate steps in the form of euthanasia.
Service and hunting breeds that are not valuable for breeding and castration will improve their service qualities.

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Dogs with genetically transmitted diseases: hip dysplasia, cardiomyopathy, hemivertebra and many others, characteristic of each dog breed. Castration will allow you to develop a healthier breed over time and not cause trouble to future owners.

At the same time, you should not castrate a dog just so that it becomes more obedient, more affectionate and falls in love with a drunk neighbor. This will not make any sense when reproduction is not in the first place. Dogs are pack animals, and the most dexterous and strong ones can reproduce in a pack, the rest have their own functions. They should not be confused with cats, which are solitary by nature and the craving for the fair feline sex overshadows other desires.

On average, by 9 months, males will be sexually mature and you can think about castration.

Other castration methods

In addition to radical surgery, veterinary medicine uses reversible methods for correcting sexual behavior - sterilization, chemical castration. In the first method, the fallopian tubes or seminal ducts (in males) are ligated. This method is recommended when it is necessary to correct the dog’s behavior or prevent diseases of the reproductive organs, but maintain sexual function.

Chemical castration is less common. During the procedure, a drug is injected into the body to prevent the production of sex hormones. Infertility appears after 3-4 weeks, the result lasts up to 1 year. The most well-known means for chemical castration is Suprelorin, but in Russia it is practically not used due to its high price and inaccessibility.

Veterinarian advice

Veterinarians agree that castration has a positive effect on a dog’s life expectancy and improves its behavior. Helpful Tips:

  • The operation should not be performed before 6 months; you need to wait until puberty begins and get all the necessary vaccinations;
  • It is best to choose absorbable threads - no need to remove sutures, making caring for your pet easier;
  • The dog should not be bathed or washed before the stitches are removed;
  • Sterilization of a pregnant bitch is allowed if this is associated with a threat to the life of the animal or puppies;
  • castrated dogs need training and information load; surgery will not make the animal obedient.

In bitches, the uterus is sometimes left in the body. This is dangerous due to subsequent inflammation and the development of pyometra. Even before the operation begins, you need to discuss all aspects of abdominal surgery with your doctor.

Is it possible to castrate puppies at a younger age?

Abroad, puppies are subject to castration starting from three months. Our veterinarians believe that such an early operation can negatively affect the development of the dog’s internal organs and its appearance. But if we rely on data from foreign doctors, we can conclude that early castration does not harm the animal’s condition. The main thing is to properly care for your dog during the postoperative period and use high-quality medications. Then there will be no negative consequences.

In the West, the castration procedure is performed on all mongrel dogs. This measure has made it possible over the past fifteen years to control animal reproduction and minimize the number of stray dogs.

Owner reviews

Maria U.:

“For a long time we didn’t dare to sterilize our dog. As a result, she lasted until she was 7 years old, when inflammation of the prostate began, and the operation was performed as an emergency. Next time we will try not to make such a mistake."

Gennady K.:

“I have a dog trained to hunt. My wife insisted on castration because the dog constantly leaves marks during walks. Recovery took up to 1 month, after which working abilities did not deteriorate.”

Frequently asked questions from dog owners

Will a dog stop marking after castration?

In most cases, castration should help. However, some dogs may continue to mark territory if it is an established habit.

How does a dog's behavior change after castration?

Yes, the animal becomes calmer and less likely to express aggression and disobedience.

How long to wear a collar after castration of a dog?

The collar should be worn until the stitches are removed or dissolved. It takes up to 7 to 12 days.

Why does a dog continue to get excited after castration?

As a rule, signs of arousal and sexual activity are actively observed in the first 1-3 months after surgery. This behavior is due to the fact that hormones remain in the blood and there is a fixed pattern of behavior.

When can you walk your dog after castration?

You can go for a walk 1-2 days after the operation. You should pay attention to the condition of the wound and stitches, and the dog’s well-being. High activity is not recommended for 2-3 weeks.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Castration is the removal of reproductive organs, sterilization is a reversible impairment of the ability to reproduce.
  2. The operation is required to prevent diseases of the reproductive system and correct behavior.
  3. Castration of female dogs takes longer and requires an incision in the abdominal cavity. For males, the procedure takes no more than 20 minutes.
  4. Complete recovery of the body takes 1-2 months. In the first 2 weeks, proper care for your pet is required.

How do you feel about dog castration? Share your opinion in the comments to the article.

About castration of a male dog: pros and cons, what age to choose, is it possible not to have surgery

Should a male dog be neutered or not? This is where many dog ​​owners have a negative answer. They assure that there is no point in taking risks by placing an animal under a surgeon’s scalpel. Why subject a dog to such tests by depriving him of a masculine sign, aka:

  • not a female and not capable of bearing offspring;
  • does not mark the apartment, which makes it different from cats.

Owners of females have to worry about the condition of the uterus and mammary glands, but owners of male dogs seem to have nothing to worry about, and they are not eager to visit a veterinary surgical specialist. But in vain. In some cases, it is necessary to castrate a dog for therapeutic reasons.

Let's find out why veterinary surgeons have to deprive your male dog of his male “household”. And this is not because of the thirst for profit of doctors. With regard to the well-being of the pet, castration of a male dog is characterized by both pros and cons. Only after an independent and thoughtful analysis of all the pros and cons will you be able to, with a clear conscience, come to a decision on carrying out the procedure of castration of the dog and choosing its age for this operation.

Some owners continue to worry that as a result their neutered dog will turn into an “inferior” asexual creature, and other dogs will begin to treat their relatives with contempt. The reason for these conclusions is the humanization of animals, which we all commit to a greater or lesser extent.

It would be nice to know the difference between castrated and non-castrated males. And there is only one thing: the level of testosterone in the blood. This indicator creates both positive and negative in such a procedure.

What we'll talk about here:

1.Six reasons to castrate a male dog.

  • Aggression towards other dogs decreases.
  • Indoor tagging stops.
  • Overexcitement goes away.
  • There is no desire to escape.
  • There is no threat of infection during accidental mating.
  • Performance characteristics are improved.

2. About medical indications: three cases of need to sterilize.

  • About oncology.
  • About prostatitis.
  • About a perineal hernia.

3.About the need for cryptorchid surgery.

4. At what age are males castrated?

5. About the disadvantages of sterilization.

  • About the possibility of obesity.
  • Why are operations unsafe?
  • What complications may follow?

6. Results. For or against?

Six reasons to castrate a male dog

After castration, the pet’s behavioral manifestations change in a positive way. There are many conversations and discussions about the importance of a competent approach to education, but only a few owners attend dog training courses. Inexperienced dog breeders who want to gain company and friendship from their dog, and turn it into a beloved family member, should consider the need for castration as a matter of priority.

1.1. Reduces aggression towards other dogs

Owners of fertile dogs sometimes have to shout to another dog owner from afar - who's with you, girl? Boy? Please stay away from us. And it’s true: castration is recommended if the dog is inclined to start fights with its relatives. This is important if two dogs live in the same area and are in a constant state of showdown.

But it must be taken into account that after the operation other manifestations of aggressiveness will not change in any way. If your dog has a habit of growling at family members or biting strangers, castration will not cure this. The cause of aggression is often not the desire for dominance. On the contrary, aggressiveness hides anxiety, stress, fear, and unsuccessful socialization. Dog handlers, not veterinary surgeons, specialize in solving behavioral problems.

1.2. Indoor tagging stops

Owners of small dogs often encounter the problem of marks. Up to 6 months of age, puppies constantly pee in the house due to emotionality or cannot bear to go outside. A little later, without allowing people to come to their senses and feel relief, the pet reaches puberty. And the young male dog gains strength in purposefully marking with urine places that are important to him in the house. Sometimes shoes, bags, curtains, beds are targeted.

And this is not surprising - this is how nature manifests itself. Watching a dog on the street, you can notice an interest in tree trunks, poles, tires of parked cars: all these are objects of study, after which follows the significant process of lifting his leg - it seems there is nothing to urinate on, but at least a couple of drops should fall!

It is precisely because of the need to continue the race that the need for marking territories arises. Castration eliminates the problem, including among the most seasoned pussies. You just need to wait for changes in hormonal components - a couple of months after the procedure.

1.3. Overexcitement goes away

Hypersexuality should not be discussed in relation to all dogs. But among the male dogs there are those who have nothing else in their minds but the cage. Such dogs can attach themselves to their owner’s feet and to someone else. The owner may find simulated intercourse with a stuffed teddy bear funny, but it should not be ridiculed. Due to the increased content of sex hormones, both the mental and physical condition of the male dog suffer.

After sterilization, the symptoms of an obsessive neurotic state will quickly disappear, the animal has a chance to calm down, when it can take a walk, play with the owner, and communicate with fellow tribesmen.

It is necessary to castrate a male when keeping him in the same house with fertile females.

1.4. No desire to escape

The problem for those who own intact dogs is the presence of a predisposition to escape. Smelling the scent of a female in heat, the pet digs under the dacha fence or breaks the leash during a walk.

By becoming a participant in “dog weddings,” your pet is in danger of getting lost. Males have to get into fights, they can be run over by a car, they can eat harmful or poisoned food in the trash. The owners will never understand the reason for the dog’s non-return: maybe he was picked up by new owners, or he could have died, and how did this happen?

Among non-castrated animals, cases of escapes and losses occur many times more.

1.5. There is no threat of infection during accidental matings

Dogs are not susceptible to infectious diseases transmitted through sexual contact. But there are two frightening features. The case concerns venereal (transmissible) sarcoma, an exclusive disease found among canines. This malignant formation is transmitted through sexual intercourse. The appearance of sarcoma on the genital organ can be indicated by blood appearing after emptying the bladder. Here you need to treat with chemotherapy. If time is lost, the tumor may metastasize.

Another danger is infection with brucellosis. Not very long ago, this disease was rarely recorded among dogs; it applied to cows, goats, and sheep. But over time, dogs with brucellosis often began to be identified. In male dogs, signs of the disease are inflamed testicles and joint lesions. It is impossible to completely cure the animal; it is recommended to castrate and treat with shocking course doses of antibiotics. As a result of crazy matings with stray dogs, infection occurs.

1.6. Improved performance

If your dog lives with you as more than just a pet, he needs to be neutered so that he can concentrate for work. Without this procedure, the dog will not be allowed to work as a guide dog. It is not uncommon to perform operations among hunting dogs: this will in no way weaken the sense of smell and the mood for hunting. There are also indications for surgery for dogs running in sleds.

About medical indications: three cases of need to sterilize

Opponents of sterilization argue their position by the fact that the body does not contain anything unnecessary. This is true. But in nature, canines live up to 6-8 years of age. And pets are much larger, up to 10-16 years old. And during their lifetime, most of them develop diseases of the seminal glands. The only cure and the only prevention is castration.

2.1. About oncology

Testicular tumors are traditional for older males over 7-8 years of age. There are several types of testicular tumors:

1. Sertolioma

The growth is formed by Sertoli cells. It produces estrogens - female sex hormones. This “feminization” is distinguished by the following manifestations:

  • symmetrical baldness on the sides, neck, armpits; but the animal does not itch, there are no inflamed areas or scratches;
  • the skin becomes thinner and darker;
  • the dog can attract the sexual attention of other males, but is not active in the presence of a female in heat;
  • a decrease in the genital organ is observed, sagging of the skin of the prepuce is recorded.

The tricky thing about cancer is that the testicle does not always enlarge. Not every veterinarian will be able to prove to the owner that surgery and the following histological analyzes of the removed organ are necessary. In such situations, you can prove it by performing an ultrasound of the testicles and determining the hormonal level.

2. Seminoma

This formation occurs on the epithelium of the vas deferens. The typical age of appearance of the neoplasm is ten years. The growth may appear benign; metastases develop infrequently. But the size is growing at an accelerated pace, and quick surgical help is needed.

3. Leydigoma

With such growth, testosterone production increases to a hurricane level. As a result, the prostate grows and a bubble appears near the anus. Leydig cell formation can be either benign (adenoma) or malignant (adenocarcinoma).

2.2. About prostatitis

Prostatitis is diagnosed in unsterilized males after 5-7 years of age. Benign prostate tumors in dogs are often overlooked. And with advanced prostatitis, difficulties appear in the process of urination and defecation. If you have a prostate infection, the urine contains purulent or bloody inclusions. A stable frequency of mating will prevent stagnation in the prostate, but mating cannot be ensured for life.

Treatment of prostate adenoma or bacterial prostatitis is carried out by surgical or chemical castration. A decrease in testosterone leads to almost complete atrophy of the organ within 3 months after the procedure.

The greatest threat comes from prostate adenocarcinoma, a malignant tumor. It is almost impossible to treat here. Not every veterinary surgeon can remove the prostate completely and then reconstruct the urethra. But even such a labor-intensive operation does not guarantee protection against the development of metastases.

2.3. About perineal hernia

If the owner does not act in a situation of constant enlargement of the prostate, a perineal hernia develops. The huge gland puts pressure on the intestines. To defecate, the animal has to push hard. Then the weakened muscles of the perineum have a way out - to crawl away, and the organs of the pelvic cavity - to fall into the subcutaneous hernial sac, which takes the form of a large tumor near the anus. In the hernia you can find the prostate, bladder, and intestinal loops. If any organ is pinched, the dog faces death.

In the process of repairing a perineal hernia, surgeons must also perform castration to eliminate the original cause of the disease.

About the need for cryptorchid surgery

Often, owners ask to remove only the undescended testicle, leaving the other one. Supposedly this is a sign of masculinity. But mating is contraindicated for males! And the operation must be performed by removing both testes!

The abdominal cavity is 3-4°C warmer than the scrotum (so that sperm can form correctly). With stable overheating of the testis, it is at risk of malignant tumor formation. In an ordinary dog, seminoma is detected at approximately 10 years of age, in cryptorchid - at 5-6 years of age.

If the testicle is located not in the groin, but in the abdominal cavity, the risk increases significantly. The owner does not notice changes in the size of the testis, and metastases develop. In addition, the testis may twist. A sharp pain syndrome appears, the cause of which the veterinarian may not be able to identify.

On the territory of Russia, procedures for lowering the testis into the scrotum and fixing it in it are illegal. Cryptorhams require castration , and this will not interfere with the dog’s long, fulfilling life.

At what age are males castrated?

There is no specific age for the procedure. Important conditions: young age, state of health, up-to-date vaccinations, absence of parasites, good physical indicators.

Since the second vaccination is given to a puppy at three months of age and later, castration should not be done before 4 months. Yes, in the Russian Federation they do not welcome early sterilization. At 4–6 months, teeth are replaced and bones grow rapidly. The owners are not yet bothered by sexual behavior.

Therefore, the appropriate age for castration is 7–12 months. The testicles are tiny, so the stitch will be small and heal well. For mini dogs, at the same time, under the same anesthesia, baby teeth that have not changed by this time can be removed.

Males at 1.5–4 years of age are often brought in for castration. By this time, the prospects of becoming a producer and the need to correct behavior have already been determined. There are no upper age limits. Elderly male dogs undergo surgery for medical reasons.

Abdominal cryptorchids are advised to be castrated early. The owners seem to intend to perform an ultrasound scan of the “hidden” testicle every six months, but they often do not do this. And by the age of 4, the risk of cancer increases. Why such a risk?

With both testes descended into the scrotum, from the age of 4-5 years, a male dog needs to have an ultrasound scan of the prostate. And the procedure for castrating a dog is indicated when congestive prostatitis is first diagnosed.

About the disadvantages of sterilization

If people had a guarantee of the positive consequences of surgery, it would be done more often. Sterilization of dogs does not have a negative effect. But there is something to think about.

5.1. About the possibility of obesity

After the operation, the formation of the male sex hormone (testosterone) is reduced - a strong fat burner, metabolism accelerator and driver of muscle development, not fat. As a result, the animal's susceptibility to obesity increases. In addition, the dog ceases to be interested in bitches and refuses food. He doesn’t watch someone else’s home for days, where the “lady of his heart” lives.

You can often find plump, uncastrated male dogs. And much more often – slender, active dogs that have undergone sterilization. And there is no secret in this: fat is not formed from nothing! You just need to feed your pet rationally so that the operation does not affect its weight.

The reason for the obesity of castrated males is the same as for fertile ones. People feel sorry for the dog, they feed the dog treats, don’t play with it, don’t take it for walks.

5.2. Why are operations unsafe?

Do not believe your veterinarian's claims that castration is completely safe. The procedure uses general anesthesia, which is already risky. Errors in the process also occur: bleeding may begin if the clamp comes off the vessel.

Dogs with poor blood clotting are at risk. Hereditary diseases can lead to significant blood loss. If the breed is considered at risk (Bernese Mountain Dogs), it is necessary to undergo genetic testing before surgery.

The dog is first examined and examined. For young male dogs the following is provided:

  • ECG;
  • clinical blood test;
  • blood clotting analysis.

For older animals, the list can be supplemented by a doctor:

  • ECHO of the heart (this is not a replacement for an ECG);
  • blood test for biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys, prostate.

The dangers of anesthesia are increased for brachycephalics.

The owner should be aware of the existence of operational risks - not for fear, but for proper preparation and smart choice of doctor.

There are no single contraindications to castration. If the owner refers to the pet's age, this is not a reason to refuse surgery. If castration is necessary for medical reasons, and the animal has serious heart or kidney failure, Suprelorin is used, a chip containing hormones injected under the skin to block the functioning of the testes.

5.3. What complications may follow?

Castration is not an abdominal procedure (unless the dog is a ventral cryptorchid). There are almost no consequences, except for the most common problems:

  • suture inflammation, dehiscence;
  • severe swelling of the scrotum.

They are always caused by poor operating techniques or improper care during recovery.

Results. For or against?

The positive impact of castration on the health and behavioral characteristics of a male dog is undeniable. The benefit for people is in improving the working qualities of the animal, be it search, hunting, companion, or harness. The animal is guaranteed a calm, contented life as an “eternal puppy.”

And the facts are stubborn, it is difficult to contradict them - sterilized animals have a longer period of existence compared to fertile ones. As an addition to what has been said, let us remember the problem of “overreproduction” of the countless number of stray, stray, and abandoned dogs. Yes, it is definitely necessary to castrate males who are not breeding breeders.

But we must not forget about the individual approach. In each situation, it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian in whom you have confidence regarding the positive and negative aspects of the dog castration procedure. By way of clarification: if you own a Molosser dog with a loose structure, whose average life expectancy does not exceed 8-9 years, and whose character is phlegmatic, would a veterinarian advise castrating such a dog for prevention? No. Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, Bordeaux dogs, among others. If your active dog is a decorative breed, then definitely yes, it is recommended that the dog be sterilized before marks appear in the home and difficulties with behavior appear. For other situations, you should have your own clear understanding of the purpose of sterilizing your pet.

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