Why do dogs have their tail docked and at what age should it be done?

What kind of tail should that terrier have?


APPLICATION: Dog – companion.

Section 9. Continental Toy Spaniels and Russian Toy.

No operational tests.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: A small, elegant, high-legged dog with fine bones and lean muscles. Very harmonious and proportional. The sexual type is weakly expressed.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: - The length of the body is equal to the height of the dog at the withers. — The height at the elbow is slightly more than half the height at the withers. - The chest reaches the level of the elbows. — The muzzle is shorter than the skull.

BEHAVIOR/TEMPERAMENT: Active, very cheerful, not cowardly or angry. Always interested in the world, strong attachment to the owner.

HEAD: Small in relation to the body. Light, dry, wedge-shaped when viewed from above. Without a clearly prominent occipital protuberance.

Skull: High, but not too wide (the width at the cheekbones does not exceed the height of the skull), with a somewhat rounded forehead. The roundness should be well defined, but not exaggerated.

Transition from forehead to muzzle: Well defined, of medium depth.

Nose: Small, well developed, nostrils well opened. Black or matching color.

Muzzle: Dry, moderately pointed, gradually tapering towards the nose. Shorter in length than the skull: from 1/3 to 2/5 of the length of the head. The bridge of the nose is straight.

Lips: Thin, dry, tightly fitting, dark or matching color.

Jaws/Teeth: Scissor bite. A straight bite extending over 2-3 pairs of incisors is acceptable, but undesirable. The teeth are white and medium in size.

Cheekbones: Flat, poorly defined.

Eyes: Quite large, round, expressive, set wide and straight. As dark as possible. The eyelids are dark or to match the color, tightly fitting. The look is interested, smart, friendly, meaningful.

Ears: Large, thin, set high, erect, in the shape of a high isosceles triangle. The long-haired variety may have slightly floppy hair.

NECK: Long, dry, set high.

Topline: Slopes smoothly from the withers to the base of the tail.

Withers: Slightly pronounced.

Loin: Short, fairly muscular, slightly arched.

Chest: Reaches to the level of the elbows, in cross section in the shape of a slightly flattened oval.

Underline: Belly tucked, groins tucked in, underline beautifully curved.

TAIL: Medium length, saber- or crescent-shaped, without bends or thickenings. Moderately high set. It is advisable that when moving the tail does not fall below the level of the back, but also does not lie on the back. A docked tail is acceptable, leaving 2-4 vertebrae.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: When viewed from the front, parallel. When viewed from the side, the forearms are located under the body. The height at the elbow is slightly more than half the height at the withers.

Shoulders: Moderate length, moderately sloped.

Shoulders: Approximately equal in length to the shoulder blades. The angle of the shoulder-scapular joints is 100-110 degrees.

Elbows: Directed straight back.

Forearms: Long, straight.

Forefeet: Small, oval, toes tightly gathered in a ball, directed forward, claws black or matching color, elastic pads, black or matching color.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: When viewed from behind, straight and parallel, set slightly wider than the front ones. The angles of the stifles and hocks are moderately pronounced and are in balance with the angulations of the forelimbs. When viewed from the side, they are slightly set back.

Thighs: Moderate length, dry and well muscled.

Lower legs: Approximately equal in length to thighs.

Hocks: Moderately angulated.

Hocks: Set vertically, parallel to each other.

Hind feet: slightly narrower than the front feet, toes tightly gathered into a ball, directed forward, claws and pads black or matching color.

GAIT/MOVEMENT: Movement is free, straight, light, energetic, moderately sweeping. At the trot, a level topline is maintained, above which the withers rise slightly. When moving, the dog holds its head proudly and carries its tail quite high.

SKIN: Thin, tightly fitting to the body.

COAT: There are two varieties: smooth and longhaired.

* Smooth: the coat is short, close-lying, shiny, without undercoat or bald patches. * Long-haired: the body and neck are covered with moderately long (3 – 5 cm) straight or slightly wavy, close-lying hair. The hair on the head and front sides of the legs is short and close-lying. The back sides of the limbs and the tail are covered with developed decorative hair. The ears are covered with thick and long hair in the form of a fringe. In adult dogs, the fringe should completely cover the outer edges and tips of the ears. The fur on the body should not be tousled or plump.

COLOR: Black and tan, brown and tan, blue and tan, lilac and tan, red and black, red and blue, red, fawn, red and brown, red and lilac, cream. Nose to match color

WEIGHT: Males and females: up to 3 kg.

Most desirable: height 25 cm, weight 2.3 kg.

Any deviation from the above points shall be regarded as a defect. The seriousness of the defect should be proportional to its degree.

* Timid behavior. * Height less than 22 cm and more than 27 cm. * Stretched format, excessively convex lower back, sloping croup. * Absence of 1 or 2 incisors in the upper and/or lower jaw. * Semi-erect ears in the long-haired variety, unless this is caused by heavy hair. * Soft ears on the smooth-haired variety. * Weak lower jaw. * A narrow or heavy muzzle, as well as an upturned or downturned muzzle. * Turned elbows, markings. *Excessively straightened angles of the front and rear legs. * Excessively pronounced angles of the hind legs. * Low set tail, tail in a ring, spiral or lying on the back. * Slight baldness in the smooth-haired variety. * Excessively long, loose or slightly wavy hair on the body in the long-haired variety, tousled or puffy hair, lack of decorative hair on the tail. * Small white markings on chest and toes. * Excessively wide or blurred, as well as widespread or darkened markings.

DISQUALIFYING VICES: * Aggression or cowardice. * Any dog ​​clearly exhibiting physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified. * Overshot, straight bite on all incisors, underbite, jaw misalignment, absence of any canine or more than 2 incisors in any jaw. * The canines of the lower jaw rest against the gum or palate of the upper jaw. * Constantly visible tongue when mouth is closed. * Presence of a fontanelle in dogs older than 9 months. * Short legs. * Excessively voluminous, massive chest. * Semi-erect ears in the smooth-haired variety. * Drop ears in the long-haired variety. * In smooth-haired dogs there are very large amounts of receding hair (more than 25%), very soft, tousled hair on the body that does not adhere to the skin, or excessively long hair with pronounced feathering on the limbs and tail, signs of clipping. * In long-haired dogs there is a lack of decorative hair on the ears, signs of hair clipping on the body, and curliness. Semi-erect ears without decorative fur. * Creases or thickening on the tail. * White spots on the head, throat, on the limbs above the pasterns/tarsus, large white spots on the chest, the presence of brindle, as well as any color not specified in the standard. * Height more than 29 or less than 18 cm, weight more than 3 kg or less than 1.5 kg.

Note: Males must have two normal testes fully descended into the scrotum. Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs with pedigree conformation can be used for breeding


Education and training

There are no special methods for teaching basic commands for Russian Toy Terriers, so standard training techniques are used for them.
However, these dogs do not perceive the authoritarian style of influence well. The animal gets scared, withdraws into itself, or, on the contrary, tries to be cunning, which negatively affects the formation of its character. In general, representatives of this breed are not the most diligent students, so you should not hope for lightning-fast success in mastering commands. Of course, with enough patience and perseverance, toys can be taught all the necessary skills, it will just take a little more time to achieve the final result than, for example, when training shepherds. Puppies under the age of 6 months require especially reverent treatment: no matter how the pet annoys you with its pranks, punishment is not applied to it. If the puppy's poor performance during training causes irritation, it is better to postpone the training. However, you shouldn’t overindulge your pet’s whims either. As much as you might want to, don't let your dog sleep in your bed. Representatives of this breed have rather weak bones, for which even a simple jump from a bed can result in serious injury. And of course, don’t forget about the systematic rewards that help simplify the training process and quickly achieve your goals.

How to stop a Russian Toy Terrier from barking

Frantic barking is considered the main drawback of the breed. Toy terriers bark often and a lot, and the reasons for such “opera arias” can be the most insignificant. Do not try to calm an excited dog by stroking and gentle coaxing. A cunning pet will see this as encouragement and will try even harder. Painful techniques and surgical intervention are fraught with a negative impact on the already unstable psyche of the dog.

Usually barking is stopped with a command (“Ugh!”, “You can’t!”), pronounced in a stern tone. Sometimes the ban is accompanied by a light slap of the animal with a newspaper. In some cases, the ignoring method is used. When the dog starts barking, the owner deliberately distances himself and tries not to look at him. As a rule, not receiving outside support, they cancel the concert. The latter technique is considered alternative and energy-intensive, since it takes more time and nerves of the owner to develop the skill than when using a command technique. In addition, ignoring does not work in cases of older puppies that have not been raised before. Such animals are already accustomed to causing a commotion, so they are unlikely to monitor the owner’s behavior.

How to stop a Russian Toy from biting

From an excess of emotions, Russian toy terriers often bite their owners. Despite the fact that such injuries do not cause serious harm to health, you should not indulge your pet. You can wean your animal off a bad habit with a slight cry of “Ouch!”, signaling the infliction of pain. If the incident occurs during the game, stop the gameplay and leave your pet alone for a while so that he understands that he made a mistake. Do not hit the dog under any circumstances, this will only make things worse.

Russian toy terrier in winter clothes

Docking a toy terrier's tail.

The standard requiring docking of the toy terrier's tail causes many denials from veterinarians. Many dog ​​breeders and simply lovers of four-legged friends also have a negative attitude towards this issue. After all, if we consider the standard of the English Toy Terrier, then the presence of a tip is mandatory. But in the smooth-haired miniature toy and the Russian longhaired toy terrier, the tip must be docked. Although, some exhibitions (especially abroad) are already accepting dogs with appendages and giving high marks. So, as you can see, there is no consensus on this matter.

Cupping itself eliminates one single problem - creases in the extremity. But at the same time, a toy terrier without a tail becomes, as it were, a “goal” in the rings, since the luxurious flag appendage (like the Russian toy terriers) hides the shortcomings visible in standard “samples” of the decorative breed. The docking allows you to carefully examine the dog's croup and, if present, identify the elongation of the body and short legs. The judges' focus shifts to the shortcomings or lack thereof of your pet. And if your pet’s body has ideal proportions, then the cut off tip will only emphasize the beauty of the miniature dog.

Are there any indications?

Docking is done to avoid the creases that often accompany this breed. A long tail is also allowed by the exterior, but it must be curled into a sickle. If the species is different, the dog is no longer considered purebred. She is prohibited from participating in exhibitions and breeding.

Medical indications for tail docking in toys are rare. Surgery is only performed if the dog has had a serious injury, such as a fracture, and the animal cannot recover.

A long tail hides exterior flaws in the rear of the body, while a short tail exposes them. If your pet has imperfections that can be covered with a tail, it is better to leave it so as not to displease the judges at shows.

Does a Toy Terrier need to have its tail docked?

The answer to the question “Why do terriers have their tails docked?” lies in the breed standard. The requirements for a decorative dog state that the tail must be docked short, but an undocked tail is also permitted. Docked means that the animal is left with two or three tail vertebrae. Undocked – should be (preferably) sickle shaped and carried above the dorsal line. In case you were wondering, show judging determines the standard of an undocked toy terrier based on how the tip comes out when the croup is sloping. So, it should be where the hour hand is on the dial - in the interval from “half past twelve” to “half past two”. The need to hold an undocked appendage during a stationary trot can harm the dog's movements.

But! Let's once again divide our miniature toys into smooth-haired and long-haired, and talk about the Russian toy terrier. The long-haired dog has won the hearts of foreign dog breeders to such an extent that it was for this particular variety that they even began to prohibit docking the tails of terriers with beautiful fur. And our breeders, knowing the love of respected judges for tailed beauties and beauties, believe that there is no need to cut off the tails of terriers with long hair. As you can see, opinions differ.

How to place the ears?

Some breeders believe that after cropping the ears stand up on their own - this is a common misconception. In order for the ears to stand up correctly, they must be glued, following the recommendations of the breeder or supervising veterinarian.

A common reason that the ears do not stand up is creases, so before gluing you need to make sure that they really are there. To determine them, you need to squeeze the base of the auricle and palpate the entire surface as carefully as possible, slowly moving from the base upward.

The mechanism for correcting the situation depends on the location of the problem area. If the upper area is affected, then the situation will be corrected by taking special vitamins; if the scar tissue is located at the base or in the middle of the auricle, you need gluing. It is usually carried out using massive structures. It is advisable to carry out all manipulations under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian, since if the frame is installed incorrectly, at best, you risk getting a setup that does not meet breed standards, and at worst, a violation of the pet’s blood circulation.

When toy terriers have their tails docked.

You have decided to dock the puppy's tail, and are wondering when is the best time to dock the tail of the toy terrier. If you listen to the opinion of veterinarians about what day the tails of toy terriers are docked, it turns out that cutting off the tip literally after the birth of small dogs would be ideal. The first week after birth seems to be meant for this. The fact is that a newborn puppy does not experience pain during the circumcision procedure, since the nerve endings are just beginning to form. Yes, the puppy will squeak when docked, but this is more likely a reflexive reaction to the head-down position (circumcision is carried out by lifting the puppy and turning it upside down).

You can carry out the docking procedure yourself in the first week of a dog’s life. But if the puppy is older than a week, then entrust the cutting off of the end to a professional - a dog doctor. Only a specialist will correctly carry out the procedure, process and professionally sew up the docked tail of a toy terrier.

You can cut off a small appendage yourself by using one of two existing methods - circumcision and using an elastic band. Whatever docking method you choose, be sure to remove the puppies’ mother from the premises before performing this procedure.

The most important thing is to clearly measure the number of vertebrae that should be left. This is not entirely easy to do, but it is possible.

To shorten the tip using trimming, prepare the following items:

Disinfect scissors by either boiling them or wiping them with medical alcohol. Also treat your hands with alcohol. Take someone from your household (not children) or acquaintances as your assistant. The assistant will hold the puppies in his hands.

Having placed the puppy on the table, feel the required length of the tip, straightening the skin on the tail from the base to the very tip. With two fingers (thumb and forefinger), firmly hold the tip, and with a sharp movement, cut the tail with scissors. Then turn the baby over with his tummy up and treat the wound with alcohol and manganese crystals. Calm the puppy and observe him for a few minutes. The bleeding has stopped - send the puppy to an enclosure or playpen. If the blood continues to flow, then tightly pull the tip with a thread, which must be removed after two hours.

When cupping with an elastic band, gather the skin of the tip towards the base. And then wrap the elastic band around the desired spine and tie it in a tight knot. The baby spends about three days with this device, after which the dead part will fall off on its own. If you have clamped the elastic incorrectly, you can move it to another place at any time. It should be noted that this method is the most humane.

Don’t let the dog lick the tip too much, then in about ten days everything will heal.


At what age to dock

There are several opinions regarding when it is best to carry out this manipulation. There are 3 valid periods:

  • up to two weeks of age;
  • from 7 to 13 weeks;
  • from 3 months to six months.

Up to 2 weeks

During this period, those veterinarians advocate who believe that the procedure at this age is more humane, since the pain experienced by small puppies is not as strong as after leaving infancy. In addition, the puppies are still in close contact with their mother, which minimizes the healing period and reduces the risk of complications.

But at such an early age, blood vessels do not function as smoothly as later, so bleeding from a wound may continue longer. The disadvantages include the fact that at such early stages the animal has not fully formed all the proportions of the muzzle and body, so later the result may appear to be inconsistent with the main goals of docking.

From 7 to 13 weeks

At this stage of development, the puppy has not yet experienced residual hardening of the cartilaginous tissues, so they are softer and easier to excise. In addition, large scars do not form at the cut site, since the regenerative abilities of the tissues are high and healing occurs quite quickly.

From 3 months to six months

It happens that it is not possible to crop a dog’s tail and ears earlier. This may be prevented by health problems or other reasons. In this case, the procedure is postponed until a later date.

At this age, there is a risk that the wound surface will form a large scar or wrinkle during healing, and this will have a sharply negative impact on the pet’s appearance, jeopardizing the dog’s show potential.

If the operation is performed at this age, then the only option will be full anesthesia and subsequent suturing for a better cosmetic effect.

As the dog gets older, the risks of developing complications increase, which is extremely undesirable. The older the dog, the more important the veterinarian’s qualifications are.

Optimal timing

Most veterinarians say that it is best to crop ears before 13 weeks, but not earlier than 14 days from birth: this will ensure an ideal result.

As for such an operation on the caudal vertebrae, it must be performed within 3-10 days, since at this age the cartilaginous bones of the extension of the spine are most pliable, and pain is minimized.

Briefly about the operation

According to archival data, tail docking in dogs is a long-standing practice . Ancient peasants always cut off part of the tail of their shepherd dogs. They believed that such manipulation would protect the animal from diseases, in particular from rabies.

Hunting dogs had their tails cut off so that they could not be injured during a conflict with a predatory animal. This measure also made it possible to avoid injury from the underbrush while tracking a prey while hunting. Dogs that are burrowers were amputated so that they would not interfere with the animal’s progress through the narrow burrow. Here the meaning of the intervention is clear and justified. But is this consideration the key motive for the operation?

In fact, the point of docking was not only to ensure the safety of the animal, but also financial issues . In ancient England, a special tax was introduced on any dogs other than service dogs. Since it is mandatory for service dogs to have their tails docked, the tax-exempt owner was immediately visible. In order to save money, operations began to be performed on other dogs.

In those ancient times, it was believed that an undocked tail could only belong to a hunting dog, so poachers, in order to avoid responsibility, also cut the tails of their pets and thereby “blurred their eyes.”

Owners of sheep flocks always docked the tails of their shepherd dogs to protect the animal from injury in the event of a fight with a wolf, and this also helped to avoid lengthy combing of the fur from grass and debris. Such owners of shepherd dogs also did not pay tax. In the 18th century, the dog tax law was repealed, but the tradition remained and the appearance of some dog breeds was fixed in this form - with a docked tail.

Today in Europe it is prohibited to perform this operation only for cosmetic purposes. Only service dogs that are in service in:

In 2006, a law was passed stating that only a qualified specialist must dock a dog no later than five days after the puppy is born.


The tradition of docking dogs goes back to the times of Ancient Egypt. During archaeological excavations, frescoes and coins were discovered depicting dogs with cropped ears - these finds date back to the 5th century. BC e.

Cupping was also common in other countries. Thus, the famous traveler of that time, Pylos, in his chronicles, described the “barbaric custom” of the Romans - cutting off the tails and ears of dogs. The Romans believed that in this way they could protect their pets from rabies.

It is known that in the Middle Ages a tax was introduced on domestic dogs, the amount of which varied depending on the purpose and specialization of the animal. In order to distinguish how much a dog was valued at, their ears or tails were cut off, and it could also be both tails and ears.

At the end of the 90s of the last century, the “Convention on the Rights of Pet Animals” was adopted in Europe, which established a ban on cosmetic operations on dogs unless they are caused by medical necessity.

In Russia, this ban does not apply, so in our country the decision on docking remains at the discretion of the breeder.

Today, there is no consensus on the need to cut ears and tails among dog handlers - most of them are inclined to believe that this cruel operation is pointless. However, a fairly impressive group of experts argue that docking is part of a long-standing tradition that is designed to improve the appearance of the animal.

Where did the tradition of cutting off the tails and ears of dogs come from? In ancient times, dogs in most cases performed one or another duty - they guarded herds, guarded houses, protected their owner, or took part in fierce battles.

In the course of performing their functions, animals often found themselves injured, received bleeding lacerations, and it was the ears and tail that suffered more often than other parts of the dog’s body.

In order to avoid such injuries, people began to remove ears and part of the tail. Over the course of several centuries, this became such a habit that many began to consider this type of pet the norm.

Nowadays, dogs are mainly kept as companions, so docking is carried out at the request of the owner if he believes that in this way his four-legged friend will look more threatening, sharp and powerful.

In addition, there are a number of medical indications in which cupping becomes a necessary necessity, these include:

  • lacerations and other mechanical damage;
  • multiple inflammations and non-healing ulcers;
  • necrosis of all types;
  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms.

Like any surgical intervention, cupping has certain contraindications. In particular, circumcision is not performed on sick, weakened or recovering dogs. In addition, the reason for the ban may be the inappropriate return of a four-legged friend.

Cupping is carried out only in veterinary clinics, since all sterility requirements are met in the operating rooms, and the doctor has at hand all the tools necessary in case of unscheduled situations.

Intervention at home is allowed in exceptional cases and only by a professional veterinarian.

Keep in mind that the risk of complications after circumcision in a well-equipped hospital equipped with all the necessary medications is much lower than after a procedure performed in a homemade manner - the result of an intervention at home is quite difficult to predict.

What kind of tail should that terrier have?

From the breed standard Russian Toy Terrier

TAIL : Shortly docked (leaving 2-3 vertebrae), the dog carries it gaily upward.
An undocked tail is also acceptable, preferably crescent-shaped and carried no lower than the line of the back. Previously, according to the standard, a toy terrier had to have a docked tail. Currently, the Russian Toy breed is included in the international FCI system. In most foreign countries, participation in dog shows with docked tails is PROHIBITED. Therefore, Russian breeders who sell puppies to foreigners have stopped docking the tails of toy terriers. Russians also liked tailed Toys, so their tails are docked less and less often. In long-haired toy terriers

the tail is well dressed, often better than the ears and certainly adds charm to long-haired dogs. His ponytail suits the Russian Toy very well! It emphasizes the cheerful, cheerful disposition of our Russian breed, and how many emotions it can express with its tail cannot be described in words!!

Breed standard

The specific length of the tail is not specified in the breed's conformation. Usually only 2-3 vertebrae are left from the appendage. A toy terrier with a tail falls under other requirements. The appendage should be positioned in the shape of a sickle, but not cross the line of the back. If the dog participates in shows, it will be difficult for him to keep his tail in this position during a staged trot, which is why some owners decide to trim it.

The Toy Terrier is one of the smallest dog breeds, arousing everyone's admiration.

The most striking feature of the breed is its large, erect and high-set ears.

The toy terrier is smaller in size than a large domestic cat, it has a compact build and a cheerful disposition.

In addition, the dog is incredibly active, and such a pet does not require complex care.

The life expectancy of such a pet is 12-15 years, weight 1-3 kg, height at the withers 25-30 cm. The breed is predisposed to some diseases, however, it has relatively good health.

Age for tail docking in dogs

The ideal age for a puppy to undergo surgery is considered to be from three to 10 days old . This is the recommendation of all veterinarians in the country. Since in these few days complete ossification of the tail has not yet occurred and the pain during the operation is much less than if this operation is performed on an adult dog.

For small newborn puppies, docking is performed without the use of anesthesia and without stitches. But after the operation, the puppy's owner must be very careful that the baby's mother does not lick the wound, as this will prolong the healing period. If this does happen, then the baby must be isolated from the mother and brought in only at the time of feeding.

If the operation is performed after 10 days of the puppy’s life, it will be done under general anesthesia . The animal is placed on its stomach, its limbs are tied, and in this position it is very convenient for the doctor to perform any manipulations with the animal’s tail. The body is also secured with special straps, and a muzzle must be worn.

If the puppy is more than four weeks old, then during the operation a rubber tourniquet is applied to the tail, which prevents excessive bleeding.

Care and maintenance

Due to its charming appearance and tiny dimensions, the Russian Toy Terrier resembles a funny toy, which is difficult to perceive as a full-fledged adult animal.
Regulars of Instagram and themed photo shoots, these dogs are increasingly turning into a fashion accessory and living advertisement of their owner. Manufacturers of clothing for dogs also add to the artificial excitement by making entire collections of outfits and shoes for toys. However, experienced breeders do not recommend getting too carried away with fashion shows. It is enough to purchase several insulated overalls for your pet for the autumn-winter season. But “packing” a living creature into tight dresses, and even more so, into boots, is clearly unnecessary. Important: the characteristic trembling characteristic of representatives of the Russian Toy breed is not an indicator of hypothermia. Dogs usually tremble from excess emotions and overexcitement.


Don’t go to extremes and clean your pet’s ears every day. If there are no foreign objects or contaminants in the ear funnel, the hygienic procedure is carried out once a week, using boiled and cooled vegetable oil and a cotton pad, or cleaning lotion from a veterinary pharmacy. Once or twice a week, dogs have their teeth brushed with a special toothpaste or chalk powder with soda and lemon juice. Adult animals should have their nails trimmed once every 15-20 days. 10-day-old puppies also have their nail plates trimmed to prevent the cubs from injuring their mother.

The Russian Toy does not require the services of a breeder or daily brushing (with the exception of long-haired individuals). It is enough to regularly remove dirt from the coat with a cleaning mitten. Too frequent water treatments can dry out your pet's skin and cause bald spots, so experts recommend bathing Russian Toy Terriers once every six months. Puppies under 6 months of age are strictly prohibited from bathing.


There are three options for feeding Russian toys: “natural”, “drying” and a mixed diet. In the first case, the animal’s daily “menu” should include meat (preferably beef), fermented milk products (no more than 3% fat), sea fish fillet, cereal products, egg yolk, vegetables and fruits. Each dog’s “meal” should consist of 1/3 animal protein (meat, fish) and 2/3 cereals, vegetables and dairy products. The volume of each serving is based on 50-80 grams per kilogram of dog weight.

From time to time it is useful to treat your pet with rye crackers and vegetable oil in the amount of 1 teaspoon per day. A couple of times a month they give a clove of garlic, which works as an anthelmintic. Bread, smoked meats, bones, exotic fruits, egg whites and river fish are strictly prohibited.

In the case of dry food, preference is given to varieties that contain at least three types of cereals, vegetables, fruits and at least three animal proteins. Options with soy, yeast additives, wheat and corn are best avoided. Adults are given food twice a day, combining it with a vitamin-mineral complex selected by a veterinarian.


Russian toy terriers do not get used to the litter box right away, and sometimes they don’t get used to it at all, so often the only possible toilet option for a dog is a diaper (newspaper). Monitor your puppy closely during the first months of life. In particular, after sleeping, feeding and playing, be sure to put him in a diaper or in a tray to catch the moment when the baby is about to relieve himself. After each “puddle” made in the right place, the pet is supposed to be praised and treated. A fairly effective way is to place the dog in an enclosure with a tray, thus limiting its habitat. Usually the puppy quickly realizes that having a toilet next to his own bed is not a good idea, and uses the litter box.


Why is it not necessary to crop your ears?

Any attempt to change the shape of the Toy Terrier's ears is considered grounds for disqualifying the dog from the show.

Animals with cropped ears are not allowed to participate in the exhibition..

Tolkachev Andrey Mikhailovich

“I would like to debunk several myths about the benefits of ear cropping in toy terriers. Firstly, the information that dogs with cropped ears do not get otitis media is not true. Quite the contrary, cropped ears cannot protect the ear canal from infections and wind and parasites, and this is precisely what leads to otitis media. Even if your dog's ears do not want to go up, this is not a reason for such a procedure. Secondly, any dog ​​that has undergone docking will experience pain and stress, regardless of age. Thirdly, the entire civilized world has practically moved away from such methods, since this is a useless and meaningless practice. In most European countries, docking is prohibited.”

Advantages and disadvantages


Here we can only say one thing - if there are medical indications for cupping, then the procedure is necessary and useful. What could be the reason? Inflammation, suppuration, necrotic processes that are not amenable to drug treatment.

Only in these cases can cupping be justified and be able to bring real benefits . This is a last resort and the only advantage of ear cropping. After all, only this procedure in some cases can save the life of a pet.


The disadvantages include:

  • After ear cropping, all routes to international exhibitions will be closed for your pet.
  • The post-traumatic stress that the brace experiences, as well as the difficult postoperative period, will only bring her suffering, without any practical benefit.
  • Distortion of facial expressions. After all, any dog ​​with raised ears always looks aggressive and this prevents it from finding a common language with its relatives.

In most civilized countries, ear cropping is considered cruelty to animals and entails liability..

An exception is a procedure performed for medical reasons (injury, inflammation, etc.).

Description of methods for docking puppies

There is a claim that puppies do not feel pain because of their imperfect nervous system, but all kinds of studies refute this fact . After surgery, the puppy whines for a long time and cannot calm down. And the older the individual, the more difficult it is for her to endure this operation. Breeders must make a responsible decision and understand whether it is really worth putting their beloved pet through suffering.

The postoperative wound takes a long time to heal . And the entire period from the day of surgery until complete healing, the wound must be treated daily to prevent infection. When docking is performed in a specialized veterinary clinic, there are rarely cases of complications. Usually everything goes pretty smoothly.

Possible complications after surgery

Even if the operation was performed under anesthesia, the pain will not go away. Babies will squeak and cry. Some owners even complain that the puppy has lost his voice after docking his tail. This can happen if the dog has damaged ligaments from screaming.

Another problem is the occurrence of suppuration. If the amputation was carried out with non-sterile instruments or an antiseptic was not used to treat the sutures, then inflammation cannot be avoided. Difficult healing is also observed with active licking of wounds. The mother will instinctively treat the puppies, which should not be allowed.

With prolonged healing, scars can form, spoiling the appearance of the ponytail.

Scientists have proven the negative impact of tail docking on the general condition of the dog’s nervous system and sensitivity:

  1. Removing the tail vertebrae can impair a dog's motor skills;
  2. Due to the removal of the “counterweight,” the load on the pelvic region and hind limbs is incorrectly distributed, which leads to deformation of the paws and muscle atrophy;
  3. Dogs with docked tails are more likely to develop intervertebral hernias;
  4. Due to the operation, dogs may suffer from diseases of the urinary system;
  5. The absence of a tail in a dog is like the absence of a tongue in a person; relatives are less likely to come into contact with such a pet, because a bob-tailed dog is more difficult to understand;
  6. Statistically, pets with docked tails are more aggressive.

Experiments on rats have proven that overall sensitivity in animals with amputated tails is reduced.

Tail fracture

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and a suture is required. After 7-10 days, the suture is removed. During this week, it is advisable for the dog to wear a protective collar to prevent it from licking the seams. The wound usually heals very quickly.

You can leave the tip of the tail as is, it will not grow together very smoothly, it will look like a crease. But this does not stop the dog from living. Be sure to get a certificate from your veterinarian stating that the tail was indeed broken and is not a genetic defect. You can also attach an x-ray to the certificate. You will need these documents at the show to ensure your dog is not disqualified for having a broken tail.

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Care and maintenance

Why do dogs have their ears and tails docked
? There is no particular difference between caring for a boy and a girl toy terrier; gender differences can manifest themselves mainly in behavior.

To properly care for your toy terrier, you need to remember the following:

When going for a walk, you need to remember that due to its small size in winter, the dog will quickly freeze. So the owner will have to worry about purchasing clothes for his four-legged friend. In the summer, you should make sure that your pet does not overheat, give him something to drink and moisten him with water more often. Toy terriers do not need to be cut; it will be enough to go through the coat with a special soft brush. It is enough to bathe smooth-haired representatives of the breed once a month, and long-haired ones once every 2-3 weeks. If the owner wants the long coat to look well-groomed, he will have to brush his pet regularly, every few days, however, due to the dog’s parameters, this will not take much time. Shedding occurs twice a year, in spring and autumn; it happens that pets begin to shed profusely during periods of stress. It is necessary to trim the nails regularly, since the small weight of these little ones does not allow them to grind down on their own, as happens in large dogs. It is necessary to monitor your pet’s oral hygiene and regularly brush his teeth with a special brush and toothpaste. During the period of growing up, when the puppy’s milk teeth are replaced by molars, care must be taken to ensure that the teeth do not grow “in two rows”

If the molars have already grown, but the milk ones have not fallen out, then they are removed in a veterinary clinic. It is also important to monitor and regularly clean your pet’s ears to avoid otitis media. In addition, it is important to ensure regular and timely treatment against parasites and vaccination. Even if your dog rarely walks outside, there is a chance that it will become infected.

What to feed your dog

By 6 months, the period of active growth ends, but you should always monitor the feeding regimen.

It is recommended to feed puppies strictly according to the following regimen:

  • in the first 3 months they feed 5 times a day;
  • from 3 to 6 months - 3 times a day;
  • from 6 to 12 months, like adult dogs - 2 times a day, morning and evening.

The nutrition of both the puppy and the adult dog should be as balanced as possible:

  1. Meat should make up 30-40%; preference should be given to lean types. You can also periodically give meat by-products, seafood, and low-fat fish.
  2. Porridge (buckwheat or rice) should be present and account for 30-35%.
  3. Vegetables in the diet should make up at least 20-25% of the entire menu. Preference should be given to fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, etc.).

Sometimes you can pamper your pet with fresh berries and fruits, as well as fermented milk products, for example, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, all of which should be low in fat. To obtain fatty acids, sometimes you need to add a couple of drops of unrefined olive or sunflower oil to your food.

There are foods that cannot be given to a toy terrier, no matter how much he asks, these are:

  • sweets;
  • smoked meats;
  • spicy fatty fried food.

Since it is difficult to maintain an ideal balance with natural feeding, calcium, vitamins and other dietary supplements are periodically added to the food.

If it is more convenient for the owner to feed the dog with ready-made food, then it is worth giving preference to holistic food. Ready-made food already contains the vitamin balance, so nothing should be added.

The most popular holistic foods are the following:

  • Go!;
  • Innova Evo;
  • Pronature Holistic.

Possible diseases and their treatment

Like all toy dogs, toy terriers are susceptible to a number of genetic diseases:

  • cataract;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • dislocation (subluxation) of the knee;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • allergy.

Dog diseases depend on genetics. If the dog's parents or more distant ancestors are carriers of or suffer from any disease, the likelihood that the dog will get sick increases.

Since the toy terrier is a very small dog, you must strictly ensure that it does not jump from a height of more than half a meter, much less fall. Otherwise, a fracture of the legs or dislocation of the kneecap is possible.

The problem with small dogs is tartar, which causes early tooth loss.

It is very important not to overfeed your toy. Like all small breeds, they are prone to obesity, so there is a risk of not only getting a dog that is too fat, but also compromising its health.

Effect of docking surgery on a dog

Opponents of tail amputation give many arguments against the docking process, but for many breeders the conformation of a purebred dog is very important and they still lead them to this procedure.

Whether the intensity of the dog’s pain somehow changes in the future has not been determined or proven by science. But there are a few “buts”:

There are no scientifically proven facts about these problems, but, be that as it may, amputation cannot pass without a trace for the dog . Before performing this operation on a pet, the owner needs to think carefully about why this is necessary. If only for aesthetic reasons, then it’s probably not worth docking your beloved dog.

What is it for

The first reason the Ancient Romans docked dogs' tails was for safety. The smaller the body area of ​​a fighting dog, the more difficult it is to inflict wounds during a fight. So not only the tails of the gladiator dogs were cut, but also the ears.

Peasants in the Middle Ages performed docking on herding dogs. People believed that this procedure would protect against rabies. A little later, in the 18th century, in England, bushy tails were cut for shepherd dogs guarding herds. The shepherds believed that this would make it easier for the dogs to fight the wolves. In addition, they did not want to deal with hygiene procedures, pulling out garbage and branches from the wool.

Hunting dogs had their tails cut off to prevent them from clinging to trees and bushes while chasing wild animals. The procedure was especially useful for burrow hunters who encountered a predator underground in complete darkness.

But it wasn’t just the reasons for preserving the pet’s health that worried the breeders. Since the 18th century, there was a law in Europe according to which a tax was charged for any purebred non-working dog. A docked tail was a sign that the dog belonged to a police or security unit.

Now almost all of Europe has banned the amputation of tails for cosmetic purposes. The law allows circumcision only for service dogs that are registered with police, border, and rescue services.

In the CIS countries the situation is different; docking is still considered legal if required by the breed standard. The final decision still remains with the owner.

Stages of the procedure

When performing an operation without anesthesia, it is better for the owner to hold the pet with his hands so that he does not escape, and the veterinarian carries out all the manipulations without errors. The procedure follows the following scheme:

The whole process lasts no more than 5 minutes. You can call a veterinarian to your home and carry out the procedure in more comfortable conditions for the dog, especially if it has already grown up. The operation scheme is no different from the clinic conditions.

It is not recommended to dock the tail yourself, since only a person with a veterinary education will do everything correctly. If the cut line is inaccurate, the dog will have a flaw for life; no corrections are provided. It is even possible to be disqualified from competitions and prohibited from mating.

The price of the procedure at the vet. clinics

The price of the procedure will depend on the method of docking, the age of the animal, and the location of the operation. Calling a veterinarian to your home is always more expensive than visiting a clinic.

On average, docking costs owners 700-1200 rubles, but depending on the prestige and location of the veterinary hospital, the price may increase or decrease.

To carry out the operation, it is better to choose a veterinarian with experience and good reviews. Cheap is not always high quality.

When is the tail docked?

If a toy terrier's tail is docked for aesthetic reasons, this happens from the third to the seventh day after the puppy is born . In this case, neither anesthesia nor painkillers are used.

There are also no stitches. Often the procedure is performed by the breeder himself using scissors.

According to Russian standards, it is believed that a puppy at this age is not able to feel pain, does not experience stress, and wounds heal as quickly as possible after docking.

Complications after such relief are also extremely rare, according to Russian experts.

Advantages and disadvantages


The only plus is that in this case the dog will avoid injury . After all, this often happens in dogs of this breed due to excessive activity.


There are many more disadvantages to this procedure:

  • Injury. Most modern veterinarians believe that even a newborn puppy is capable of feeling pain and experiencing post-traumatic stress syndrome.
  • No matter what they say, a dog with an amputated tail can be considered emotionally disabled. Since the tail is an important organ with the help of which the animal expresses its feelings.
  • The disadvantages also include the phantom pain experienced by any living creature with an amputated part of the body. Moreover, this problem will accompany the pet throughout its life. In fact, such a dog is disabled.

How does the procedure take place and how long does recovery last?

If you decide to dock the tail of a toy terrier puppy, then it is better to perform the procedure on the third day after birth . Some breeders do this themselves.

If the tail is docked at a later age (over one week), then this should only be done in a veterinary hospital and only by a qualified specialist with a veterinary diploma.

Tail docking procedure:

There is another way to dock a toy terrier's tail. This can be done using an elastic band.

To do this, tie the elastic band in a very tight knot around the desired vertebra on the puppy's tail . After a few days, the dead part will fall off on its own due to the cessation of blood circulation.

If you notice that you tied the elastic in the wrong place, you can always move it. This method of docking is considered the most humane.

It should also be said that the most progressive breeders prefer to dock the tail on days 9-14 after birth . The procedure is performed in a clinic using local anesthesia.

After which the veterinarian stitches and treats the wound according to all the rules. Until the wound is completely healed, the animal is given painkillers. And after 10 days the stitches are removed.

How to choose the right time

If the puppy has congenital abnormalities in growth or development, the procedure is not performed. It is prohibited to dock the tail if the dog has become infected with an infectious, viral or fungal disease. A weakened immune system cannot cope with the consequences of surgery. It is advisable to postpone the procedure for a while if the pet is not eating well, shows apathy or aggression.

Toy terriers have their tails docked at the age of 3 to 7 days, when the structure of the spine is more like cartilage. The operation will not cause psychological or physical trauma to the puppy, although it will still hurt. The procedure is performed without anesthesia and no stitches are required, which reduces the risk of complications.

Adult dogs' tails are cut only for medical reasons. If you didn't do this while the puppy was small, then time was lost.

The operation will be serious, since adult dogs require anesthesia, and after it there is a high risk of complications. Not every veterinarian will agree to harm an animal at the whim of the owner, although theoretically such a procedure is possible.

Second way

We have already talked above about why cats and dogs need tails. At the very least, it decorates your pet. Therefore, if you do not want to injure your pet, you can safely refuse this procedure. Moreover, such animals today are easily allowed to be bred and participate in exhibitions. Yes, it’s a little unusual to see a Great Dane with long ears or a Rottweiler with a tail. But this is just a matter of habit.

So, the second way is to pull the tail with an elastic band. Usually after 5-7 days the tip dries out and falls off on its own because it is deprived of blood. It is believed that this is a more humane method. However, asking the dog what it feels will not work, so here the person is guided only by his own assumption.

Of course, at any age an animal experiences pain. Even for a small puppy, this operation is not as simple as one might think. But the older he gets, the harder it will be for him. Is it worth exposing your pet to this injury?


Functional load

But here's what zoologists pay attention to:

First of all, the tail has a communicative function. This is a means of communication with other animals, and since the dog lives with a person, it also lives with him. The second point is that the tail can serve as an assistant when moving. Beauty. Yes, in the animal world this fact is also of great importance.

During the mating season, males use it to attract the attention of females. Finally, it is simply an extension of the spine. Would you like to have several vertebrae removed?

It is already becoming clear why a dog needs a tail. Now let's look at why a person decided to deprive a pet of a legal organ.

Standards and appearance

Russian Toy Terriers are miniature, high-legged animals with expressive eyes and fragile bones. They have tiny dimensions and belong to the group of companion breeds. Toys grow until they are 6-9 months old. The breed standard strictly regulates the height and weight of an adult dog.

The upper limit of the body weight of a Russian Toy Terrier should not exceed 3 kg, and the size of a Toy Terrier varies between 19-28 cm.

Interesting! The minimum weight of a toy terrier was only 681 g. Its owner was included in the pages of the Guinness Book of Records.

Full characteristics of the breed are presented in the official Toy Terrier standard, registered with the FCI under number 352. According to this document, the dog must meet the following description:

  1. The head is small, wedge-shaped, with a well-defined stop, a dry, pointed muzzle and unpronounced cheekbones. The nose is small and shiny. The jaws are strong with a full set of teeth, covered with thin, dry, tightly fitting lips. The Russian Toy Terrier breed standard allows for the lack of 2 upper and lower incisors. Scissor bite.
  2. The eyes are round, wide-set, slightly protruding. They are dark colored and framed by tightly fitting eyelids.
  3. The ears are thin, set high, large, triangular with a well-open shell.
  4. The body is square in shape with a pronounced scruff, a strong straight back, a short convex loin, a rounded sloping croup and a tucked belly. The neck is long, slightly arched and without dewlap. The chest is deep, oval.
  5. Limbs are straight, thin, long. The feet are small, oval, with knitted toes, elastic pads and dark nails.
  6. The tail is sickle-shaped. When calm, it is kept at the level of the back line. When in motion it rises high. May be short docked.


The breed standard provides for several color options for the toy terrier. Acceptable colors include:

  • all variants are red;
  • black and tan;
  • blue and tan;
  • brown and tan;
  • red with chocolate tan;
  • red with lilac;
  • red and blue;
  • pale yellow;
  • cream.

The following colors are acceptable, but very undesirable:

  • black-and-white;
  • zonal;
  • lilac;
  • blue (gray);
  • brown (chocolate);
  • black.

Important! Dogs of the Russian Toy breed that are white, harlequin, piebald, spotted or brindle in color are subject to disqualification and are not allowed for breeding.

Rehabilitation period

The puppies are experiencing recovery after surgery calmly. Within a few hours after the procedure, the toy terrier stops being nervous and becomes active again. If the veterinarian has placed stitches, they must be treated with an antiseptic daily. Your puppy's bedding needs to be changed regularly to prevent infection.

It is advisable to isolate the mother from the puppy, as she will lick his wound, which contributes to infection. If your pet has not been anesthetized, no dietary changes are required. Otherwise, it is necessary to give food little by little and first in semi-liquid form.

There may be some complications after surgery. Adult dogs often experience bleeding, lumps and scars at the site where the tail is cut. The bleeding is stopped with veterinary powder or a pencil, but the scars will remain for life. If the wound is inflamed, there is likely an infection. For treatment you need to go to the clinic.

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