Dosage of Otodectin for dogs, as well as rules for using the medicine

Some veterinarians consider Otodectin an ideal antiparasitic agent for dogs. Instructions for use, dosage, reviews - all this creates the reputation of this drug. But relying on authoritative opinion when choosing a pet’s treatment trajectory is not enough. You need to independently study the features of the drug.

It's worth starting with a complete definition. Otodectin, according to the instructions included with it, is a complex antiparasitic medication used in veterinary practice. It is used both in the treatment of nematodes and in the fight against arachnoentomosis. However, even this is not the end of the list of indications and features.

Release form, composition components

Otodectin is a veterinary drug available in the form of a solution for injection under the skin. It is bottled in glass bottles with a volume of approximately five and ten milliliters. They are closed with aluminum foil and special plastic plugs. This is what ensures the absolute sterility of this medicine against parasites.

Instructions for use of Otodectin for dogs also describe the composition of this anthelmintic. The main component is an extract from the waste products of the soil fungus Streptomyces avermitilis called Ivermectin. It also contains dechlorinated purified water, which provides a liquid consistency to the drug.

Pharmacological action of Otodectin for dogs

Regardless of the dosage, Otodectin for dogs has a uniform list of pharmacological actions. All of them are determined by the chemical composition of this injection, and not only the main but also secondary components play a role. So, the effects of Otodectin are as follows:

  1. Blocking nerve impulses, relieving pain.
  2. Impact on the muscle cells of the parasitic organism by increasing the flow of chlorine ions in the blood.
  3. Provocation of paralysis and subsequent death of an internal or external parasite.
  4. Removal of insects and nematodes along with urine, bile, milk and feces for two weeks.
  5. A relaxing effect that allows you to quickly fight the disease caused by parasites.

Can it be used?

The action of the drug is aimed at the muscle and nerve cells of parasites - worms, scabies mites, lice, lice. As a result of such exposure, paralysis of harmful individuals occurs, leading to their death. Otodectin eliminates not only adult parasites, but also their larvae.

The medicine is prescribed for psoroptosis, sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis, demodicosis, otodecosis, nematodosis, trichodectosis and other diseases caused by ectoparasites.

Indications and restrictions for use

Indications for the use of Otodectin are determined exclusively by a veterinarian. This is due to the fact that incorrect dosage or untimely inclusion of the drug in the course of therapy can only harm the sick dog. But the most common reasons for prescribing this drug are:

  • roundworm infestations;
  • skin scabies mites;
  • lice and lice;
  • damage by larvae of worms or other nematodes;
  • the need for seasonal parasite prevention.

There are also restrictions on the use of Otodectin. Firstly, it is not prescribed to some breeds, for example, Groenendaels, Shelties, Border Collies, Bobtails and other closely related dogs. This is because these dogs regularly exhibit serious adverse reactions when using this veterinary drug.

Secondly, injections are not given to emaciated or seriously ill dogs, those who have undergone chemotherapy or recent surgery. The use of Otodectin in the last weeks of pregnancy and after childbirth is not recommended. Also, injections are not given to puppies under two months of age inclusive.

Pros and cons compared to other means

The antiparasitic drug Otodectin has a number of advantages compared to other drugs:

  • a wide spectrum of action allows it to be used in cases where a cat is infected with several parasites at once;
  • medicine is used to control internal or external pests;
  • the effect is on both larvae and adults;
  • a short course of treatment is required (1-2 injections are enough).

The disadvantages include the presence of only one form of medication - when working with solutions, it is quite difficult to measure the required dosage. Some owners are afraid or do not know how to give injections to their pets, so they either take their cats to veterinary clinics for procedures, or look for other remedies in tablets and mixtures.

Otodectin is not suitable for prophylaxis; it can only be given if there is a confirmed parasitic infestation - therefore, before starting the course, you must be examined by a veterinarian

It is also important to note that Otodectin is poorly tolerated by kittens. Although the instructions indicate an age limit of 2 months, many breeders note in reviews that even six-month-old babies react negatively to the medicine, so it is still better to give it to adult, strong cats.

Table: comparison of Otodectin analogues

Name and manufacturerShape and volumeIvermectin dosageIndicationsContraindicationsSide effectsapproximate price
Farmectin veterinary (Syria)Solution 50 ml10 mgTreatment and prevention of animals from invasive diseases caused by nematodes and ticks.
  • hypersensitivity to ivermectin;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 3 months
Not marked.78–85 rub.
Acaromectin (Russia)Spray 25 ml0.1 mgTreatment of demodicosis, notoedrosis, sarcoptic mange, otodectosis, entomosis caused by lice, fleas or lice-eaters.
  • allergy to ivermectin;
  • weakness due to infectious diseases;
  • open wounds
  • increased saliva production;
  • muscle tremors;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • weakness and apathy
110–120 rub.
Ivermek (Russia)Solution 50 ml10 mgPrescribed to animals for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for arachnoentomosis and nematodosis.
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 3 months
  • depressed state;
  • tremor;
  • increased salivation;
  • refusal of food;
  • loose stool.
RUR 188–190
Novomek (Russia)Solution 10 ml10 mgFor parasitic diseases of animals (lice, bloodsuckers, causative agents of gadfly diseases, sarcoptoidosis, wolfharthiasis and helminthiases caused by nematodes).
  • allergy to ivermectin;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 3 months
At recommended doses it does not cause.720–730 rub.

Photo gallery: analogue drugs

Farmectin contains 10 mg ivermectin

Ivermec should not be used during pregnancy.

The use of Novomek according to the instructions does not cause side effects

Acaromectin is available in spray form

Instructions for use of the drug Otodectin for dogs

Otodectin is used for subcutaneous administration; no preliminary procedures or diets are required. The injection is given using a disposable syringe with a short and thin needle. It should be injected into the forearm or near the shoulder joint. The dosage is calculated individually: per kilogram of the dog’s live weight there should be about 0.2 milliliters of the product. The injection schedule deserves special mention. One injection is enough to remove simple or weak parasites. But when treating complex cases, you will need a second injection after nine days.

It is also important to describe the rules for using the drug: it is valid for no more than three years from the date of release. Store it in a cool place, away from sunlight or heating devices. To avoid accidents, it is necessary to store the product not near food, household chemicals or human medicines. You should also keep the ampoules away from children and pets, as an overdose can lead to serious complications.


One of the important conditions for effective treatment of cats against parasites is the exact dosage of the drug when injected. At a veterinary clinic, a doctor can calculate it depending on the animal’s body weight.

At home, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Pets weighing less than 1 kg can be administered no more than 0.2 ml of Otodectin at a time.
  2. For animals with a body weight between 1-3 kg, 0.6 ml per 1 injection is sufficient.
  3. Cats that weigh 3-5 kg ​​are administered 1 ml at a time.
  4. For pets whose weight exceeds 10 kg, the recommended dose of Otodectin is 2 ml per 1 injection.

Precautionary measures

For treatment to be successful, you must remember to take precautions. So, during the injection, all hygiene and antiseptic standards should be observed, that is, use sterile syringes and do not withdraw the medicine if the bottle is damaged. You cannot use the drug even if its color or consistency has changed, for example, due to violation of storage terms or standards. An Otodectin ampoule unsuitable for use must be disposed of in accordance with Sanpin standards. There are other rules:

  1. While using Otodectin, you should not eat, drink, or use tobacco products.
  2. The procedure should be carried out wearing sterile disposable gloves.
  3. Do not use the drug for other purposes.
  4. Before inserting the needle under the skin, you need to treat the selected area with an alcohol wipe.
  5. If an anthelmintic comes into contact with human skin or mucous membranes, thorough rinsing is required.

Are there any side effects from taking the medicine?

In most cases, Otodectin injections are well tolerated by dogs. But doctors, along with the manufacturer itself, advise testing in advance for allergies to the components of the product. If they are negative, you can safely use Otodectin, but if they are positive, you should choose a different drug. And then side effects will definitely be avoided.

In exceptional situations, the dog may experience nausea, seizures, and even less often, complications associated with liver function. All this requires timely symptomatic therapy. Induration at the injection site is noticeably more common. It resolves on its own within a few days.

Drug price

The cost of Otodectin directly depends on the dosage chosen. The average price for five milliliters is approximately 62 rubles, and for ten milliliters - about 119 rubles. The benefit from buying a large bottle is not too great, but you will definitely save at least a little. It is also important to note that when ordering Otodectin in online stores, it is much more profitable than buying in real veterinary pharmacies or in stores at clinics. And it’s quite difficult to find them there: this antiparasitic drug is not sold very often in real retail outlets.


If you look for reviews of this drug on the Internet, you will notice that the majority of animal owners who used it were satisfied. They note its effectiveness, affordable cost, as well as its prevalence - it can be easily purchased at any veterinary pharmacy. It is used by both cat owners and dog owners. Most often, the product is used for complex treatment against worms and fleas, as well as for the treatment of such common diseases as otodectosis and demodicosis. Only a few of those who used the product noted that their pets experienced side effects from the drug.

Please note that this drug can only be used after consultation with a veterinarian!

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