Reviews from owners about the husky: the pet's character traits and whether it is suitable for keeping in an apartment

Huskies are one of those dogs whose appearance cannot go unnoticed.
It is thanks to its beautiful exterior that many people want to get such a pet, but there is no need to rush.

Representatives of this breed have a rather complex character, so before buying a puppy you should read the description of the breed and reviews of the owners in order to have an idea of ​​the breed as a whole and evaluate your strengths.

Character and behavior

These dogs are distinguished by their peacefulness and friendliness. They enjoy the company of dogs, people, and the attention of their owner and family. However, like all northern breeds, they are prone to dominance, willfulness and stubbornness. Huskies prefer to be free, although they unquestioningly obey the owner who can prove his leadership.

Animals are very active and need constant training. If the pet does not splash out energy, then it becomes destructive. In the family they behave like perky family dogs, always ready to help. They treat their owner with trepidation and cannot tolerate long separations.

Is it possible to make pets friends?

A kitten and a dog are friends for life
If after the first acquaintance of the animals the situation is not left to chance, then it is quite possible to accustom a dog to a cat. Correct behavior of the owner and taking into account the characteristics of the pets will help establish friendly relations.

How quickly animals become friends depends not only on the owner, but also on the age at which the pets were taken into the family and began to be taught to peaceful coexistence.

Attitude towards children

Even in the far north, it was customary to get a Husky when a baby was born in the house. It was believed that every child should have a dog.

The animals not only served as working dogs. They were nannies, toys, hot water bottles. In severe frosts, all the pets were gathered in a room to keep the children warm.

Huskies treat children of different ages with trepidation, play with them, and take care of them. They will protect babies from danger. The dog is considered a family dog, so it is suitable even for couples with newborns . Any angry or aggressive behavior is not observed among representatives of the breed.

How do huskies treat children and cats?

For most dog lovers, the question of their relationship with children is relevant. Therefore, before you bring a husky into your home, it is useful to learn about how they relate to small children and other animals.

Husky attitude towards children

How this breed relates to children is best illustrated by stories about the Eskimos who bred this breed. The birth of a child among this people is a big event, since in the harsh northern conditions, pregnancy and the first years of a baby’s life are associated with various difficulties.

Eskimos use their beloved dogs as nannies and a source of warmth. They drive the entire pack into their home and place the child between the dogs. This is how the little Eskimo grows up, surrounded by warm and friendly Husky dogs. Of course, for modern people living in warm and cozy apartments, such excessive trust in dogs may seem strange, but this story clearly proves that children and huskies get along well with each other.

This breed is very welcoming and friendly towards all people; it is almost impossible to teach it commands to attack a person. It was bred for other purposes, so it is not at all aggressive. The breeders of this dog note the husky’s reverent attitude towards children; there are no known cases of husky aggression towards people and especially towards children.

Although we should not forget that the genetic characteristics of a particular breed certainly play a big role in shaping its attitude towards children, the upbringing of a particular dog also has a great influence. If the owner constantly sets a bad example for his husky by shouting loudly and physically punishing the child, then she may take this behavior as a basis.

A dog is a kind of reflection of its owner, so you should always remember this and behave accordingly, so as not to be surprised later why the dog began to treat your children badly.

They live like a cat and a dog

A husky and a cat can become good friends, or at least live in peace. To do this, it is advisable that they appear in your family at approximately the same time. There is an opinion that huskies are very hostile towards cats. The basis for this judgment was the fact that huskies are a pack animal that, in natural conditions, survives by killing weaker species for the sake of their survival.

If you don’t specifically train huskies to attack other animals, then your well-fed and well-groomed pet will not show aggression towards cats, so in this matter a lot depends on the owner. Although, of course, you should always remember that a cat is a weaker creature, and regulate the relationship between your pets so that everyone is happy and no one offends anyone.

The husky is naturally friendly, so whether she gets along with children and cats depends only on her upbringing, which the dog owner should do.


Sled dogs with incredibly beautiful blue eyes are popular today. They are adopted without thinking about the consequences, although it is a bit cramped for a dog in a city apartment.

Need for physical activity

Sled dogs need activity by default. Huskies require a minimum of three and a half hours of active walking per day. She needs to visit new places, explore routes and do physical work that requires endurance.

To throw out the husky's accumulated energy, harness the dog to a sled - it will be happy to give the kids rides.

Representatives of the breed tend to run away - they can break off a leash, break through a window glass or dig a hole under a fence. There are known cases when a husky ran away from its owner simply by smelling a herd of grazing sheep nearby and wanting to get to know them.

The duration of walking pregnant huskies should be at least 20 minutes, 4 times a day. Nursing bitches need to be walked three times a day - 2 times for 10 minutes and 1 time for 20-25 minutes.

Siberian Husky: character, description, photos, puppies, prices

Appearance care

Caring for a husky is easy - its coat is self-cleaning. Even after rolling around in the mud, the dog will look well-groomed and shiny. The Siberian beauty should be bathed no more than once a year, and brushed twice a year. To effectively remove undercoat, use a furminator - it combs out the fur perfectly, while cutting off stray hairs.

In addition to the fur, take care of your dog’s claws and paws - in winter, lubricate the pads with protective wax, and trim the claws with a nail clipper.


Husky is the only dog ​​that can eat fatty pork without harming its liver. If the diets of other breeds are based on a combination of proteins and carbohydrates, then the nutrition of a husky is based on a balance of fats and proteins. Decide what you will feed your dog - ready-made food or natural products. Choose food with the highest fat content possible. Do not believe the “premium class” labels and carefully study the components of the product.

By eating dry food, the dog deprives the body of fluids, so water should be available to it at any time of the day. If you notice that your husky doesn't drink much, feed it pellets soaked in water.

Natural food is of higher quality than sublimates.

However, you will have to consider a balanced diet of the following foods:

  • meat;
  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • carrot;
  • cucumber;
  • sea ​​fish.

Do not feed your dog bones or minced meat. Cut pork or beef into large pieces to ensure your Husky's digestion.

Puppies are fed according to a special regime, and after a year, huskies are completely transferred to “adult” food.

How to establish contact between pets

It is recommended to accustom animals to peaceful coexistence according to the following scheme:

  1. The cat and dog are kept in separate rooms for 2-3 days. This way, these neighbors will have time to get used to new smells and sounds.
  2. Before introducing the pets, they are fed - well-fed animals are less aggressive.
  3. For the first meeting, it is better to prepare a leash and muzzle, especially when introducing an adult dog to a small kitten.
  4. The pets are given time to slowly sniff each other.
  5. The dog growls, barks - it is necessary to give the command “fu” and demonstrate your displeasure with such behavior, and it is better to postpone further acquaintance for several days.
  6. Meetings are repeated throughout the week. Then the animals are allowed into one room without restraints, but even then it is recommended to stay close to them.
  7. For greater safety, the cat is placed in a carrier. A fence will help protect the animal from a large breed dog if it suddenly reacts aggressively to an introduction.

Joint walks and games help bring a cat and a dog closer together or reconcile them after a fight.

Relationship with the owner

A dog can have different relationships with its owner:

  • The most common and correct model is the leadership of the owner and the obedience of the pet. If the Husky understands that a person is a leader, then he will obey him. This can be achieved through long-term training.
  • Another acceptable model of relationships is fraternal. When the dog and the owner live and work on equal terms: they share food, bed, house, work together, performing their functions. Then the pet will consider the person an equal and obey him as a partner.

Two wrong parenting options: an idol dog and a rad dog. In the first case, the family exalts the pet over its own needs, which is why the Husky becomes uncontrollable. In the second, the animal is abused, which destroys its psyche.

Husky therapy for sick children

Canistherapy is used in therapy in the treatment of various diseases in humans. Dogs give us positive emotions, their devotion and love, and become faithful companions.

Husky therapy for sick children is used for:

Important! In the 20th century in the USA, the medical couple Corson developed a special program of psychotherapeutic rehabilitation with the help of dogs of different breeds.

Our little brothers help cope with loneliness and improve the psycho-emotional state of adults and children. Communicating with these amazing animals or caring for them, the feeling of uselessness and inferiority disappears. Dogs inspire the brightest feelings and emotions in our souls.

Canistherapy sessions with huskies were held several times in Moscow in Sokolniki Park. Visitors to correctional schools and boarding schools learned the history of sled dogs, rode sleds, created mascots and, of course, spent several unforgettable hours communicating with blue-eyed, shaggy “angels.”

Useful materials:

Children's guilt

Children love to jump, run, and play pranks. Until a certain age, people don’t understand how not to treat a dog. They often behave unceremoniously. They may hug you roughly or pull your tail incorrectly. Grab an ear, step on a paw, jump on its back. Take food, toys, distract from sleep. This causes discomfort for the dog.

Statistics show that 90% of bites occur due to the carelessness of children who incorrectly interpret facial expressions and do not read warning signals. Parents should monitor their child’s behavior towards the husky and prevent conflict from arising.

She even goes for walks with her new mom!

Today we will talk about cats and the Siberian Husky or how to establish their relationship in a common area in the same house or apartment. We will also consider animal psychology technologies that help to make friends with a husky cat, male cat or kitten and avoid unnecessary mutual aggression

Have you taken home a Siberian Husky puppy with his irrepressible temperament, and are you worried about how a kitten or an adult cat will react to him, or maybe you want to know how to make friends between a kitten and a dog of this breed that has been living in your house for a long time? Making friends with animals with such different behavioral psychology can be very difficult.

If you have a small husky puppy, then with his excessive playfulness he can turn the cat’s life into hell, so you will have to distract the puppy with games. Over time, he will stop approaching the cat. If it really bothers you, use the “fu” command. In general, the cat will soon learn to move around the entire house without touching the floor on which the playful beast husky runs.

By the way, be sure to take your husky for a walk and physically exhaust it before introducing it to the cat. She will be much calmer.

Aggression by a dog or husky puppy towards a cat should be punished. Severe punishment of the dog at the moment of attacking the animal is a necessary measure. That is, at the moment of aggression, you give the command “fu” and make a slap with your palm in the croup area. This means serious aggression.

If you think that your husky poses a serious threat to the kitten, then it is better not to get cats yet and get serious about raising and training the dog. As an option, consult a dog handler who will monitor the process of introducing the animals on site. As you understand, this option is the most convenient.

Video of cat and husky:

How do dogs get along with cats?

A husky can get along with cats only if they grow up together from childhood . They are even able to make friends. Otherwise, certain problems will arise, although with proper upbringing the dog will restrain its hunting instincts.

Due to the fact that dogs are pack animals, they are accustomed to living off their own feeding. Their habit of killing small animals for survival has still not been eliminated.

Behavior with other pets

All fur-bearing animals, birds, and livestock can become the object of sudden hunting. Huskies love to track game for food. Therefore, it is better not to keep this dog and other pets in the same house. If the dog lives on a farm, then all animals must be well fenced.

Owner reviews


Two years ago I persuaded my parents to get a husky before graduating from college. I've always wanted a wolf dog. After observing my dog ​​and my husky friends, I can say the following. Husky is a truly athletic dog: it requires a lot of attention and has irrepressible energy. However, we are lucky - Marcel is not capricious and more often overcomes the desire to get on the nerves of his family. He is very unpretentious in care, in the very first months he learned not to chew everything, go to the litter box, and then go outside. He enjoys playing with children, treats the neighbor's animals normally, and is often proudly calm. Now he participates in sled racing with me - the dog’s health and appearance have noticeably improved as a result.


Our Izy is just some kind of elephant cheetah: in the very first minutes of meeting the apartment, she demolished everything in her path. Now she is almost a year old. Everything that had previously fallen into her mouth never returned - in small pieces. Even our hands were damaged. Now the dog is calmer, but over the year we have gone through a lot: fuss over food, the toilet (the carpet is in the trash), furniture, floors, concerts for neighbors and unsuccessful attempts to teach Izzy to “guard.” But breaking off the leash and digging literally everywhere is still her strong point. Definitely a dog is not for everyone.


Prices depend on many factors, including the purpose of the purchase. The puppy receives a certain class, which is determined depending on appearance, behavioral characteristics and health status.

Category class:

  • Pets are companion dogs that will become family pets.
  • Breeding - such puppies will be able to participate in exhibition and sporting competitions.
  • The shows are true champions.

You should not buy huskies from private sellers, especially if the puppy is given away for free. The dog will probably be of dubious origin.

On average, the cost of Siberian huskies varies from 15,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on their purpose.

A dog in the most budget pet category will cost 15-25,000 rubles, show level puppies 60-100,000 rubles, and a breed can be purchased for 30-50,000 rubles.

Husky's attitude towards other animals

How compatible is the character of the Siberian dog with other animals? I assure you that the expression “they get along like a cat and a dog” is not a description that this breed corresponds to. However, not everything is so rosy - the breed has its own nuances.

So, the puppy will definitely perceive well, for example, the cat with whom he grew up next. Or an adult will respond favorably to an animal with which it appeared in the house at approximately the same time. This is certainly one of the advantages.

Are the descriptions of conflicts in which a husky and a cat participated a myth? I wouldn't say that. The fact is that this dog, although not suitable for hunting, has hunting impulses. And even a puppy. That is, he will not bring game to the owner. However, this does not mean that it will not haunt! This Chukchi dog can easily catch up with cats or other animals smaller than him, bite them, and sometimes even chew them to death. But, I repeat, 50% of character consists of upbringing. Therefore, if the puppy is initially weaned from such impulses and taken good care of him, unpleasant conflicts will be avoided.

Strangers and Huskies

Due to its excessive friendliness, the breed cannot serve as a guard or simply protect property. Huskies do not consider strangers dangerous because they are used to being in the company of people and helping them.

As puppies, dogs adore everyone they see. They strive to get to know the whole world. Adult pets become more reserved, a little indifferent to people, and can be wary. However, any traits of aggressive behavior are considered unacceptable for this breed. Cases of outbursts of anger are very rare.

Positive and negative character traits

Among the advantages are:

Of the minuses it is worth noting:

Achieving obedience using aggressive methods is extremely ineffective. A husky will perceive its owner as a leader only if the person gains his respect. A husky puppy is not the best solution for protecting your home and property, since it is devoid of aggression towards people and is non-conflicting.

Good or evil?

This is one of the few dog breeds whose representatives are absolutely not characterized by aggressive behavior.

Huskies are friendly towards everyone and will even prefer to make friends with strangers and strangers, which, in fact, makes them poor guards and watchmen..

A certain degree of aggression is possible only in relation to other people's cats, which these dogs perceive as objects of hunting, and neighboring dogs, to whom husky boys strive to demonstrate their superiority.

Husky cat

When Rosie the cat got to her new owners, she was on the verge of death. On the first night of its stay in its new home, the animal was actually in a state of lethargic sleep! But the owners did not give up, giving the unfortunate animal into the care of... a husky named Lilo. The kitten grew up, and since then Rosie, Lilo and two other huskies, Infinity and Miko, are inseparable friends, and their Instagram and YouTube channel have thousands of subscribers! But the thing is that Rosie adopted their dog habits from her friends and now leads and feels like a real husky (Rosie is not even afraid of water!).


Dog habits

Habits can be physiological, age-related or psychological:

  • So, for example, during the period of changing teeth, you can notice your pet’s desire to try everything “to the teeth.”
  • Another physiological bad habit is swallowing large pieces when receiving food . This is due to the fact that the animal tends to slow down its metabolism in order to stay full longer.
  • Age-related habits include eating feces, stones, and branches. During the period of active growth, the puppy needs many useful microelements. With their deficiency, the pet tries the surrounding objects, getting used to their consumption.
  • Another unpleasant feature is the tendency of male dogs to mark corners. This is due to the desire to show that the territory belongs to a certain pet. Simple education will help avoid this.
  • Huskies love to dig holes. They can make digs or simply destroy flowerbeds for fun. They like to wallow in the ground and snow, and dig through garbage. During puppyhood, dogs are considered especially destructive.
  • Despite the fact that the breed is classified as “quiet” (non-barking), one of the problems is howling. Most often, dogs whine out of boredom or to attract attention. This can be attributed to psychological habits.

Cat rescued by dogs

The cat was only three weeks old when she came into the care of the owner of two huskies. He says the little kitten they found, named Rosie, barely survived its first night in its new home. The baby could not stand firmly on her feet, she was constantly cold, and she was simply deprived of strength. Then the owner decided that he would call his husky Lilo. When the little kitten hugged the husky, he immediately warmed up! The dogs began to look after the little kitten as if they were their own puppy. Now the kitten is safe.

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The couple bought a house from the 70s. Their photos literally became iconic on the Internet.

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Cases like this, when animals begin to take care of other babies as if they were their own, are not uncommon in the wild. Husky dogs are very friendly and kind by nature, so it is not surprising that they took patronage over the small freezing and weakened kitten Rosie. Cubs, in our case Rosie the kitten, associate themselves with their big parents. Therefore, they behave exactly like their mom and dad, or try to imitate them in everything. Therefore, the little kitten tries to bark and is as fearless as any dog.

Who to choose - a boy or a girl?

When choosing between a dog and a bitch, you should know that their character and temperament have some differences.

Girls are more affectionate, obedient and flexible, they are easier to train . They have a softer and calmer character, but at the same time they are cunning and capable of many tricks to get what they want.

In addition, during estrus, the character and behavior of the pet may change, and its performance decreases.

Boys are calmer, more resilient and strong . They are not characterized by cunning, they are honest and straightforward, and tend to openly demonstrate their desire to be the leader of the “pack.”

Despite the friendly disposition inherent in the breed, they can show aggression towards foreign males in order to defend their leadership and superiority.

Advantages of the breed

The owner determines the merits for himself, because all dogs are individual and differ in character. The main advantages of the breed are highlighted:

  1. Friendliness, positivity, affability;
  2. Openness, sociability, contact;
  3. Good intellectual abilities;
  4. Good relationships with relatives;
  5. Huskies rarely bark;
  6. There is no specific dog smell;
  7. Not aggressive;
  8. Mobility (remain active until old age);
  9. Dogs do not need large amounts of food;
  10. Strong immunity, endurance to cold and work.

Disadvantages and difficulties

Breed disadvantages include:

  1. Stubbornness and willfulness (like all northern dogs, Huskies love freedom, although they are used to living side by side with humans);
  2. Tendency to dominate in the family (the breed is a sledding breed, its representatives have worked for centuries in a pack, where it is important to show leadership qualities in order to become a leader);
  3. Tendency to run away (vagrancy is one of the main disadvantages of northern hunting and sled dogs);
  4. Strong hunting instinct (any bird or small animal in the eyes of a Husky is prey);
  5. Intolerance of loneliness (the pet constantly needs human attention);
  6. Dogs love to dig and chew;
  7. The need for high physical activity;
  8. Twice heavy molting (in spring and autumn);
  9. The breed is not suitable for beginners and requires training;
  10. Not suitable for security.

Behavior in the house and apartment

Pets are fussy in enclosed spaces . They can get used to life in the city, but there should be plenty of indoor space. The activity of the breed can be considered a disadvantage, especially if walks are rare and short. The animal will run, chew and damage objects, and howl. This can be weaned off in childhood, although the basis of good behavior is regular physical activity.

Huskies can be annoying and demand attention. If the dog is often left alone, it will become sad, lose interest in life, or become completely uncontrollable.


When a cat and a dog are relaxed in each other's presence, we can assume that the acquaintance was successful. After this, try taking the leash off the dog and letting the pets go for walks together.

Even if the first stage is completed, you should not forget about safety measures and rules of living together. Aggression sometimes manifests itself unexpectedly from any side. The reason may be the problem of dividing territory, food, security, or fear of pain. Animals sense when they are being “bowed in” and will continue to behave inappropriately if action is not taken.


Most conflicts between pets arise due to food aggression. They actively defend their right to food and will seek primacy in this matter. I was able to eliminate this type of aggression by separating feeding areas.

You can feed animals in the same room, but in different areas. This way they will see that none of them is deprived of the owner’s care. Each pet should have its own bowl for food and water. It is best to feed at a certain time and remove the bowls after that so that the dog does not decide to eat his neighbor's food.


The struggle for territory is in second place on the list of conflicts. The struggle for a place near the owner can be especially fierce. Some pets love to take over their neighbor's bed, and this is not a problem if the animals get along well together. But more often the owner’s intervention is required, especially at first.

The pet cannot be the leader in the house; the owner always remains in charge. And if he stops territorial encroachments, then the animals will feel safe.

I recommend that you consider having your cat live at a higher elevation. Check out my article on how to make your own cat house. This is not difficult and will definitely not attract the dog, so the issue of territorial conflicts will be minimized.

Entertainment and communication

The dog receives more attention from the owner because it requires more care. A cat may feel a lack of affection, attention and entertainment, especially if there is another pet in the house.

A good way to make friends between a cat and a dog is to involve them in joint games where you will be in charge and can set the rules. Animals will see that they are treated equally, but no one should be offended.

When you have absolutely no energy to be active with your pets, try not to drive them away from you during passive rest. Proximity to the owner is very important for our four-legged friends, and if one does not receive enough attention, then conflicts on this basis are inevitable.

Behavior in the yard of a private house

If a Husky lives on the street, then he must be provided with the necessary conditions: a comfortable kennel or enclosure with a strong fence, a high fence, a place for running and active games.

Pets are accustomed to living in cold climates, so frosts will not frighten them, which cannot be said about heat. They like to wallow in the ground, snow, flower beds, and garbage. Therefore, it is worth protecting dangerous or expensive objects.

  • Dogs are overly curious and often run away by jumping over the fence. Plus, they love to dig. To protect your pet, the exit should be lined with hard tiles, and for digging, organize a special place with a mountain of sand or soft earth.
  • If livestock and poultry are kept nearby, the demarcation of the territory should be strong and high. These dogs mistake chickens and geese for prey. If they collide with a cow or horse, they may be trampled.
  • One way or another, Husky will like this kind of life, even in an enclosure. Because in free conditions they can frolic as much as they want. A pet living on the street also needs less stress.

How to make friends between an adult cat and a puppy

Adult cats often perceive puppies aggressively. To protect the new resident from the sharp claws of the old-timer, the animals are initially isolated in different rooms.

Then the cat will not scratch the curious, playful puppy, who will probably become excessively active.

It is recommended that animals have separate places for feeding and sleeping. The cat will quickly get bored with the puppy’s pestering and will want to retire. Therefore, the owner must regulate the time the pets communicate and limit it.

If personal boundaries are violated, the cat will hiss for a long time at the new neighbor. If the puppy does not climb into her bowls, bed and tray, she will quickly get used to his presence.

Behavior on the street

The dogs are very sociable, they love the company of their relatives, the puppies strive to sniff and play with everyone they meet. Males often run away when they smell a female. The owner must accustom the pet to the fact that it is always more interesting to be with a person. To do this, while playing with other animals, the owner needs to periodically call the puppy, give him treats, and concentrate his attention on communicating with the family.

In general, outdoor animals are active, playful and curious . They will not phlegmatically stroll around their owner; they need to study everything and get to know everyone. Huskies can chase cats and pigeons, although otherwise they react calmly to objects: they rarely bark and do not run after bicycles or cars.

During the winter season, pets love to play in the snow and even often sleep in snowdrifts. In the summer, they won’t refuse to swim in a pond or pool.

A family of three huskies raised a cat, and now the best friends have become Internet stars

In the American city of San Jose, three Siberian huskies adopted a kitten. All the world's media write about these unusual friends, and the page of the huskies Lilo, Infinity, Miko and the cat Rosie has become one of the most popular on Instagram.

The story of an animal family is a real story about an abandoned child with a happy ending. The three-month-old cat was suffering from exhaustion and, according to the owners, was “dying.”

The owners decided to take a risk and placed the foundling next to the leader of the husky pack - Lilo, who never had and never will have her own puppies. The dog immediately felt a kindred spirit in the kitten and began to take care of him - did not leave for a minute.

Husky Lilo, who never had children of her own, began to care for Rosie as her child.

Friendship, attention, warmth and care saved the cat’s life. Now she copies the behavior of the dogs that replaced her parents: she walks on a leash, plays with them on the street, sleeps and eats with the rest of the “pack.”

The owners say that Rosie has completely adopted some of the traits of her friends: for example, she is “fearless” and is not at all afraid of water.

“Rosie has become a full member of the pack,” ABCNews quotes one of the animal owners.

Currently, 143 thousand people are subscribed to the account where photographs of four best friends appear. In total, more than 800 photographs were published there, each of which evokes genuine affection.

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The main law in dealing with a dog is to learn to observe the signals of reconciliation. Warning signals attract attention: yawning, nose licking, slow movements. Often the dog may turn his back.

It is worth separating the child and the dog apart, especially in a cramped room. This is important at the very beginning of dating. Calm the baby and distract him with play. The voice should be relaxed. Try to create a calm atmosphere. If you can’t separate it further, you should create a partition from an object.


  • Go for the dog. It’s better to approach from the side (if you want to stroke it).
  • Be on top, pull the paws, head.
  • Scream.
  • Jump in front of the muzzle.

The game is unpredictable, any situation is possible. Parents should immediately stop playing and turn their child away. The dog will perceive this signal as a warning: “You did wrong.”

Features of walking without a leash

The breed is northern, bred for persistent hard work, transporting goods and people over long distances. Therefore, when going outside, the animal feels free. Huskies love to run a lot and for a long time, they are curious and rarely obedient, so they often get lost and run away. A weak and slow person will not be able to hold and later catch up with the dog. Many owners keep their pets off a leash to avoid such situations, although this breed needs free runs.

Very often, city authorities prohibit walking medium and large dogs without muzzles and leashes. In this case, the pet must be taken outside the populated area: to the river, to the landing, to the lake, avoiding public crowded places.

Dog handlers recommend teaching your Husky a leash from the first walks and not letting him go in urban environments until he is completely submissive, where the dog can get lost or get hit by a car. The animal needs to know all the commands and be able to carry them out under any conditions. Although this breed is difficult to train to obedience.

Husky habits

In fact, there are few of them and most habits are banal mistakes in education. But there are a few that are worth highlighting:

Digging is a passion for many huskies.

If you live outside the city, on your own property, then your day should begin with an inspection of the perimeter of the fence. Otherwise, next time you will encounter a second problem with this breed.

Huskies don’t care what they dig – a hole under a fence, a garden bed, a hole on a path – they enjoy the process itself, and city residents often encounter this on their walks.

If you have a few huskies in your dog walking area, the area will soon resemble a field after a bombing.

Unfortunately, in a city apartment, huskies can also engage in digging, masterfully opening up floors and lifting linoleum.

In this case, it is useless to scold them : it is better to give them more exercise during the walk and make an appointment with a dog handler.

Wandering - in general, a problem with almost all huskies, but with the condition of the gullibility and curiosity of the husky - sometimes it becomes simply a disaster.

, under any circumstances, self-walk this breed : firstly, it is illegal; secondly, it is deadly for a husky.

In general, in city conditions it is not recommended to let this dog off the leash for a long time; it is better to wait until the weekend and go out of town on vacation.

Although here you need to be extremely careful : huskies are not the breed that always runs side by side and looks into your mouth waiting for a command.

Stubbornness - this statement may be controversial - many Husky fans believe that this is not stubbornness, but independence.

In fact, no matter what you call this quality, the fact remains : huskies are not a breed for beginners. Its representatives are very smart and self-sufficient.

If you want quiet devotion, following you around and stability of behavior, get a German Shepherd or Retriever.

Huskies quickly get bored with monotonous commands: you will have to work hard to interest the dog.

And for any ban you have, the cunning one will have a lot of ways to get around it.

Do you want “something like a wolf”? See the huge list of husky mixes →

If you feel that a husky is your breed, don’t hesitate for a minute - go ahead and get a puppy!

Who is the breed not suitable for?

  • These pets are characterized by increased activity . They need to train a lot, walk, play. Therefore, Husky is not suitable for homebodies, sedentary people and elderly people.
  • In addition, dogs are strong and fast. In case of escape, an unhealthy person will not be able to catch up with an animal that has not been trained in commands.
  • Also, puppies need to be trained for a long time and persistently, accustoming them to the rules of behavior, walking and feeding regime . If the family is not prepared for the fact that at first the dog will not be obedient, neat and restrained, then getting a Husky is not recommended.

Even a teenager can work with representatives of the breed, because they learn quickly and easily. But the dog is best suited to an avid dog breeder who has already kept northern Laikas or similar pets. Although a beginner can practice his training skills with these doggies.

Compatibility of Husky and his owner

If you prefer to relax on the couch, you shouldn’t take a puppy of this breed - it won’t end well: it’s a very pity and a shame for a beautiful animal, for whom all life is movement, being walked around the house on a leash.

At the time of the highest popularity of the breed, when everyone rushed to get huskies for their stunning appearance, advertisements often said “I’ll give away a husky due to moving.” But the problem was that the owners were unprepared: people simply did not calculate the time and effort.


Huskies are dogs characterized by good health and good endurance. But, there are some diseases to which they may be susceptible. First of all, it is hip dysplasia. This is a fairly serious pathology that affects the health of the entire musculoskeletal system. Huskies, unable to move normally, have a hard time suffering from this disease. In some cases, only surgery can really help, although this is a last resort. Physiotherapeutic and drug treatment is most often prescribed.

Another group of problems that Huskies may encounter are ophthalmological diseases. Most often we are talking about progressive retinal atrophy and juvenile cataracts.

A cataract is a hardening of the pupil that interferes with normal vision. Juvenile cataracts usually develop in the breed before the age of 2 years. You can get rid of it surgically, although few pet owners agree to this. The main reasons: high risks of unsuccessful intervention and the high cost of the operation.

Retinal atrophy provokes dystrophic changes, which over time lead to complete blindness. Usually two eyes are affected. It is also noted that representatives of the Husky breed are prone to epilepsy.

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