Stress in dogs in different situations: how to recognize and eliminate a nervous disorder

People who are at least a little familiar with animal psychology know that dogs are not only about raw instincts; they are also well aware of the signs of stress in a dog. Can an animal that lacks rational functioning experience stress? Dogs, just like people, tend to be sad, happy, afraid and surprised. It is these character traits that attract us. But every coin has two sides. A pet reacts to: odors, extraneous noises, actions, various objects and much more.

This is important to know

Where there is room for emotions, there is a huge risk of getting a great emotional shock. The owner is able to help his faithful friend cope with a difficult situation. There are several options for solving the problem:

  • Get rid of the irritant that causes the dog’s negative reaction.
  • Help the dog adapt to the existing subject of increased excitability.

A physical condition such as stress has a negative impact on almost all body systems. It not only activates and helps to survive, it can also destroy.

Stress has a negative impact on almost all body systems. If an animal is in this state for a long time, its protective functions of the body decrease, the adrenal cortex enlarges, the thymus gland decreases in size, and small vessels burst in the housing and communal services. The general condition worsens, the body’s defense reactions to various types of infections decrease, and chronic diseases worsen.


Beginning dog breeders have no idea whether dogs' nails are cut on their dewclaws. A haircut is necessary. The dewclaws are located at a great distance relative to the ground; the ability of the claws to grind down naturally is not observed. If you start the growth of claws, the likelihood of your pet getting injured will increase - as a result of the long claw on the dewclaw catching on some object. A pet can completely lose the claws on its dewclaws, causing unpleasant blood loss, pain and possible blood poisoning.

Manifestation of stress in a dog

Stress can be temporary. An example of this is the following circumstances:

  • the pet was in a crowded place for some time;
  • loud sounds: thunder, explosion of firecrackers, fireworks, etc.;
  • insufficient amount for sleep;
  • boredom, loneliness, loss of a beloved owner;
  • the dog had to be subjected to medical or other not very pleasant procedures.

The behavior of the animal in this case will differ in the following characteristic features:

  • lethargy
  • low activity
  • food refusal
  • refusal to carry out his usual commands or carry them out with great reluctance.

If the pet has been in unusual conditions for a long time or has experienced prolonged exposure to an irritant, then a chronic form of stress may occur. The reason for this condition may be a change in the usual place of residence, the appearance of another pet in the house, or new owners. In this case, the animal will experience more obvious symptoms:

  • the dog eats little and does it reluctantly;
  • the dog lies motionless for a long time;
  • constantly licks its paw or tail at the base until bald spots form;
  • obvious manifestations of disobedience (gnaws things, furniture, shits in inappropriate places). This is how the animal tries to attract attention to itself;
  • in some cases the dog may be overly aggressive.

In a stressed state, a dog can be both highly agitated and calmly calm. There are no uniform standards for clinical signs in dogs. Each individual experiences this differently. If a dog's nervous system is constantly tense, he will have behavioral problems and may even experience neurosis. With frequent and prolonged emotional stress, diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin and allergic diseases appear or worsen.

Dogs are conservative creatures. They do not like any changes in their lives, especially in adulthood.

Increased shedding

In adults, this process occurs seasonally, and in puppies - during puberty. If your pet sheds all year round or loses a lot of hair when it shakes itself off or gets up from its bed, visit a veterinarian. This is the first and most common sign of stress. It can also indicate skin diseases, allergies, immune disorders, and liver function.

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Common situations that cause stress in animals

As for most irritants, everything is more or less clear. But there are times when a pet reacts unusually to completely ordinary things, namely: the sound of rain on the roof or glass, a trip out of town, a change in leash. A dog may suddenly develop a fear of something – a phobia. You will have to contact a zoopsychologist with this problem.

But stress can also be triggered by more trivial circumstances:

  1. Visiting a groomer or getting a haircut at home. It's not that bad here. Your pet can be trained to get a haircut. To do this, you need to periodically turn on the clipper or cut your pet’s hair yourself. Before the procedure, you can give the animal plant-based sedatives.
  2. The dog reacts inappropriately to traveling in a car. In this case, you need to encourage the dog so that he does not have negative emotions before the trip.
  3. A change of owner can cause severe anxiety and even shock. This situation is very difficult. This will require a lot of patience and immeasurable love, and such a feeling as pity in this case will be inappropriate. The pet will experience an urgent need for a good attitude from the new owner and for communication with other friendly dogs that will bring him out of his blues. If you approach the situation adequately, your dog’s life will quickly return to normal.
  4. Stress due to moving. Dogs don't like their lives to change dramatically. The dog should move to a new place with old, familiar things. During this period, you should not change her diet, daily routine, etc. For some time, the dog can spoil things and mark the territory, but to prevent the situation from getting worse, it is undesirable to punish the animal. One gesture or a stern look will be enough to express dissatisfaction with the behavior of your faithful friend.

Unusual behavior

The most common signs of stress in a dog are sudden restlessness and damage to surrounding objects. Active attempts to gnaw the legs of a sofa or chair, pick at the upholstery, or tear the tablecloth off the table indicate nervous shock. Less often, the animal bites itself or licks itself until it loses hair in certain areas. Even the calmest pet can behave this way.

This often happens when the animal is left alone for a long time. Unusual behavior becomes a way to attract the attention of the owners. Observe in what situation the dog begins to spoil everything: near other animals, with a lack of activity, lack of communication with humans.

How to relieve stress in a dog

There are several ways to relieve your pet from stress. But you need to give preference to the most effective method in your opinion. How do you know what works best? The answer to this question can be seen in the dog's reaction.

  1. Occupational therapy. It is necessary to increase physical activity for your pet. Take longer walks, play sports with the dog, train him, make him run a lot. These activities will help bring the dog out of a protracted crisis. You must act with the approval of your pet, you must constantly communicate with him and be sure to encourage all his actions.
  2. Introducing novelty into a dog's life. All sorts of positive emotions should be involved. His new cheerful friends, toys, and various delicacies will help change the animal’s condition for the better. This will distract the dog, and he will gradually forget about what was bothering him.

Valence vs arousal

According to Beerda, many of the behaviors we interpret as stress are just signs of arousal. Therefore, it is important to consider emotional value (valence) when interpreting behavior.

Arousal represents the degree of activation of the central nervous system. For example, during sleep the level of arousal is low. However, in situations involving fear or sexual arousal, the arousal is strong. Therefore, a dangerous animal or potential reproductive partner will produce a similar level of arousal. However, what distinguishes these situations is valence, i.e. the value of these sensations. While fear is perceived as negative by most people, sexual arousal is likely to produce positive emotions in most people. Thus, valence denotes the emotional orientation of a sensation. In the figure below you can see the relationship between arousal and valence.

Taking mild sedatives

In the current situation, it is very important to help your faithful friend survive the upcoming serious experience. Sedatives from a home first aid kit are contraindicated for dogs, because the substance can have the opposite effect on the dog’s body.

Drops or tablets will not solve the problem, they will only delay it for a while. Most likely, long-term therapy will be needed. You can reduce agitation and correct psychogenic behavior disorders with the help of foot drops - stress for dogs. This is a combination sedative drug for oral use. The main active ingredient in its composition is phenibut, a tranquilizer.

Drops are dripped onto a small amount of treat and given forcibly into the cheek pouch or placed on the root of the tongue. It is necessary to take into account the weight of the pet, the degree of its excitement, and also take into account the type of nervous activity.

For dogs, the dose is 2 drops of the composition per 1 kg of dog weight. The course of treatment is from 15 to 20 days. If necessary, the course can be extended to 4 weeks. For preventive purposes, foot stress drops are used 2-4 days before the start of the event and a few more days after it ends.

The drug should not be given to puppies under 1 year of age, as well as lactating females and dogs with the following diseases: diabetes mellitus, cancer, diseases of the genitourinary system and liver diseases. According to its characteristics, the product is one of the safest for use for pets.

Sedatives for dogs are classified as follows:

  • by degree of effectiveness
  • by biochemical composition
  • by mechanism of action.

Veterinary pharmacies sell chemical sedatives for dogs and combination drugs. Constant use of foot stress medications for dogs can negatively affect their health.

Herbal stop – stress preparations

Herbal stop-stress medications also have an effect. This list includes:

  1. Cat Bayun - can be used not only for cats, but also for dogs of various breeds. If the dog is under severe stress, the medicine must be given to the animal on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day.
  2. Fitex is an effective herbal preparation. Four-legged pets are given it 3 times a day at the rate of 1 drop per 1 kg of weight.
  3. Hormone Balancer Flower Essence is an effective sedative.
  4. Jerob B—Calm Dietary Supplement – ​​sedative tincture. Dose for dogs – 1 teaspoon per 4.5 kg of dog’s body weight.
  5. Fospasim - suitable for relieving stress in dogs of all breeds and age groups.

Synthetic pheromones

If herbs do not help, pheromones can be used to combat stress. These are chemical substances that can be used to establish communication between individuals of the same species. To calm dogs, a synthetic analogue of pheromone is used, which is released by a nursing bitch 4-5 days after giving birth. It has a relaxing and calming effect on small puppies and adult dogs.

In veterinary pharmacies, pheromones are sold in the form of sprays and aerosols. There are also collars on sale that are treated with a special scent. You can bring your dog’s psycho-emotional state back to normal with the help of herbs that have a sedative effect. This list includes:

  • valerian
  • motherwort
  • mint
  • oldflower
  • Baikal skullcap.

Valerian is considered the most effective. To normalize the dog’s emotional state, he is given valerian from 5 to 20 drops (depending on the pet’s body weight) for several days.

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Required Tools

To carry out a thorough and accurate trimming of a pet's claws, purchase special tools and related products.

  1. It is unacceptable to begin the procedure without having a hemostatic agent on hand. It is acceptable to take flour or baby powder. It is not difficult to touch a nerve or blood vessel; stock up on a hemostatic agent for this case.
  2. It is recommended to give your dog a nail file to file his nails. A file can easily remove nicks and irregularities resulting from cutting. As a rule, nail scissors do not always leave a nice, even nail; often the cut site needs to be modified with a special nail file.
  3. Buy a nail clipper. These are special scissors, sold in pet stores. Today, nail clippers come in a variety of sizes and shapes. There are two varieties: scissors and guillotine. You should not try to cut the claws with typical scissors; the tool will not do the job.
  4. It is recommended to acquire a special first aid kit containing hydrogen peroxide, a styptic pencil, and cotton pads.
  5. Lots of patience. Cutting dog nails is only slightly less scandalous than cutting children's nails. Moreover, it is possible to explain to children or promise a reward; dogs often defend themselves to the last.

It's best to have a professional trim your dog's nails with a nail clipper. Even with the highest degree of accuracy, the procedure will still cause discomfort and pain to the pet.

It is necessary to accustom one to trimming claws from puppyhood; during this period, it is necessary to carry out the procedure so carefully and painlessly that the pet does not develop a fear of manipulation. A thoughtful approach and attentiveness will save the dog owner from difficulties with trimming nails in the future.

Loss of appetite

In a lethargic state, your pet may lose its appetite. You should be concerned if he stops going near water or loses weight quickly. This is a symptom not only of stress, but also of anorexia and endocrine diseases. If food refusal is accompanied by stool upset, take your pet to the veterinarian.

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Why do you need to cut your Pekingese haircut?

The luxurious fluffy “coat” sets the Pekingese apart from other types of small breeds. The Pekingese dog's coat is long, hard, and combined with a soft undercoat, which saves the animal from the winter cold.

However, Pekingese fur requires regular care. The pet must be combed daily with a slicker brush and a comb with long teeth. Otherwise, the wool rolls into tangles, becomes tangled and loses its appearance. If the owner does not have time to care for the dog’s skin, a simple solution is possible - a haircut.

There are other compelling arguments in favor of grooming the Pekingese:

  • in thick fluffy “clothes” it is difficult for a Pekingese dog to endure the hot summer;
  • in damp rainy weather, a “beautiful outfit” quickly gets dirty;
  • during tick season, it is easier to pick up dangerous insects on long hair;
  • in an older dog, the quality of the coat deteriorates, so a haircut is necessary to maintain an attractive and neat appearance;
  • A trimmed pet is easier to care for.

Professional groomers do not recommend cutting Pekingese hair very short. Be sure to leave the fur at least 2 cm long.

It is important to know! Dogs participating in exhibitions do not have their fur shortened; for the Pekingese, an unusual “fur coat” is the calling card of the breed.


This is the correct name for what is commonly called simply stress. Not a mobilizing mechanism, but a destructive syndrome. It develops when stress is superimposed on one another and lasts for a long time without receiving a release. This is a bad kind of stress that depletes the nervous system. This is exactly what we are talking about today. But it would seem, what could have such an effect on a pet? After all, his life is carefree, he doesn’t need to hunt or look for shelter from bad weather. The person gives everything you need. In fact, the animal has enough reasons to worry.


If the pet’s character is calm, non-conflicting, and does not raise its voice again, sudden outbursts of aggression towards humans or other animals are a possible symptom of stress or illness. Loud barking even during short contact with the dog, attempts to attack, a fearful posture with flattened ears and an alarmed muzzle should alert the owner. This is often how short-term stress manifests itself.

Take your pet to the vet to determine the cause of the aggressive behavior. If these are all symptoms of stress in your dog, you will need to do more than just rule out the source. The animal is given classes to teach it how to control anxiety and anger.


After unsuccessful attempts with Benadryl or melatonin, some veterinarians recommend Acepromazine. Now, this is a much more potent drug, but with higher potency there is an increased chance of side effects . This drug can cause what is called a paradoxical reaction, which means that it causes the opposite of what the drug is intended to do. In this case, instead of relieving anxiety, your dog may become hyperactive and even aggressive!

The importance of haircut

The importance of cutting dog nails is difficult to overestimate.

If the nails are not trimmed in time, the growths easily penetrate the skin, causing wounds and infection. Paws with wounds end up in a dirty puddle, in a trash heap, on the ground. An ingrown toenail can cause serious discomfort to your dog, causing constant pain. If the claw has not yet grown into the skin, the paw is not able to function normally, clench and unclench as it should. Improperly growing nails lead to lameness and skeletal disorders in dogs.

Uncut nails, even without growing into the paw, begin to greatly disturb the pet and the owner. Delay is costly for the owner - it is impossible to trim an ingrown toenail on your own due to the pet’s resistance; few people have veterinary knowledge that can help heal a wound on the paw without consequences. Calculating the time to trim your dog's nails is easy. As soon as the claws click and click on the floor, it’s time to trim. By the way, an additional reason for the need to trim claws is indicated. Because of the distinct knocking, the house can easily recognize that the dog has decided to eat or drink some water in the middle of the night.

General anesthesia

In severe cases, the dog may need to be placed under general anesthesia for grooming. Of course, this is done at the veterinarian's office. This is often done in cases of overly fussy dogs, or when there may be pain or a need for the dog to remain still for long periods of time. An upset dog or cat full of painful mats may be better off being placed under itself rather than being forced to remain motionless and in pain for some time.

Rule out the disease

All of the listed symptoms of stress in a dog may indicate problems with digestion, the nervous or endocrine system, and metabolic processes. If you cannot calm your pet and his behavior does not return to normal within 24 hours, go to the vet. Make sure to do this when your dog is often stressed. Especially if vomiting, ulcers, skin wounds, exhaustion, and pus in the eyes are observed. The condition can lead to exhaustion, decreased immunity, infections, and chronic pathologies.


Irritation or itching after a haircut can occur for various reasons. Some of them are physiological, but there are factors of another kind. For example, the great stress that some animals experience during grooming. Some people are afraid of the buzzing machine, and some people react poorly to strangers, and the grooming procedure becomes very scary for them. From severe nervous overstrain, rashes may appear on the skin within a few hours, causing significant discomfort.

In addition, a new hairstyle may simply be unusual for a pet; such a short coat causes a constant desire to itch, which leads to negative consequences.

Other reasons can be determined as follows:

  • Hygienic products used for grooming. A haircut is never performed separately; with the right approach, a whole range of measures follows in turn, including washing, drying, cleaning ears, trimming nails, etc. During these manipulations, various products and solutions are used, the components of which can cause allergies. An increased risk is present when the pet is sent to a new groomer with a previously untested set of hygiene products and cutting techniques.
  • Reaction to the touch of leather and alloy of clipper blades. This is especially common in breeds with sensitive and irritated skin. As a rule, the shorter the hairstyle, the more likely it is to experience itching after visiting the groomer.
  • The frequency of the procedure is too rare. If procedures are carried out extremely rarely, then the skin is not fully adapted to them. With periodic visits to a specialist, skin immunity and resistance to irritation increases.
  • Formation of large tangles that grow in representatives of certain breeds. For high-quality grooming, such tangles must be disassembled and combed, during which additional microtraumas occur.
  • Insufficient treatment of an instrument that is reusable and may contain germs and skin particles from other animals served by the master.

In general, a haircut is a normal procedure, after which there should be no negative consequences if everything is done with the required frequency and in compliance with the rules.

Haircut frequency

The frequency of nail trimming is directly related to the natural conditions of the pet’s place of residence. If your pet walks and frolics on a paved surface every day, you will rarely need to think about how to properly cut your dog’s nails. Living a pet in rural areas, where hard surfaces are rare, will require owners to regularly trim their dog's nails.

Delaying a haircut is accompanied by a number of inconveniences:

  • Causing bodily harm to a person, especially children.
  • Injuring yourself while scratching.
  • Damage to floor coverings and carpets.
  • Damage to furniture.
  • Deterioration of the pet's health, including skeletal deformation or blood poisoning.

The need for nail trimming is easy to determine due to the appearance of an irritating knocking sound on the floor when the dog moves. If the floor in the house is covered with a soft covering, it is impossible to hear the clattering sound; haircuts are done at least once a month.


A few veterinarians who do not feel comfortable prescribing certain medications or do not feel they are necessary may decide to try an easier medication first. One drug of choice is often simple Benadryl. Benadryl, also known as "Diphenhydramine" is an over-the-counter antihistamine. It is mainly used for allergies and motion sickness. When this drug is prescribed for anxiety, its use is based on the drug's ability to cause sedation and lethargy. If you've taken Benadryl before, you may be aware of its "drowsy" effect, which causes drowsiness. That's why when you take this drug, he says you shouldn't take it while "driving or operating heavy machinery."

What is cat grooming?

Grooming is a set of procedures aimed at bringing the surface of a cat’s body into hygienic and cosmetic order.

In other words, this is a haircut - a process during which excess, too long hair is removed from the animal.

Professional grooming is performed by a specialist who uses specially selected tools for this purpose, such as:

  • Hair cutters for cats;
  • Massage brushes for grooming;
  • Combs;
  • Special hair dryers for styling animal hair;
  • Rotary machines;
  • Puffers;
  • Furminators;
  • Stripping knives;
  • Wool rake;
  • Thinning scissors;
  • Nail clippers.

In almost every city there is a huge number of special salons that offer professional grooming services for any breed of cat.

Furminator for removing excess hair

Some breeders, in order to save money, learn grooming themselves by reading special literature and attending relevant courses.

Experience and epigenetics play an important role

In addition to context, experience and resulting epigenetic changes have a major influence on the stress response.

For example, people who grew up poor and were exposed to chronic stress during childhood have altered reactions and emotions to stressors.

In an experiment on rats, it was found that maternal behavior affects the expression of cotizol receptors. The offspring of rats that were nurturing mothers have been shown to increase the expression of glucocorticoid receptors and the sensitivity of the glucocorticoid feedback loop, thereby decreasing the expression of hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone. This leads to a decrease in the reaction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and less anxiety in comparison with animals raised by females in conditions of poor care for the offspring.

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