Contents of Alabai. What should be the size of the booth, what to feed, how much sleep and other questions

Alabai is the largest and oldest breed of dog. A strong, resilient and fearless animal has become man's best friend, a true protector.

This article will tell you how to properly care for your dog, how to feed it, and whether it can get sick. Find out what size the enclosure and booth should be, and whether a muzzle is needed. Does he get along with other dogs or cats when he becomes angry? Read on about all this and more.


Caring for Alabai is not difficult. But some features of the content are still worth knowing and taking into account.

In the apartment

The Central Asian Shepherd needs a spacious room. One-room and two-room apartments are not suitable. The dog will quickly lose activity and good physical shape in a cramped room. Excess weight will appear, which provokes various diseases.

The place for the dog to rest and sleep should be comfortable. It is better to take care of the absence of drafts and heating devices. This way, from an early age, the dog will get accustomed to a permanent sleeping place and will feel great.

On the street

Most often, alabai is purchased by owners of private and country houses. The dog is kept in an enclosure with a warm kennel and sufficient space for walking.

Here are some tips to help you properly arrange your outdoor living space:

  • choose only a dry place to build an enclosure;
  • the home should be well protected from wind and sunlight;
  • choose a spacious kennel so that the dog does not experience discomfort during sleep and rest;
  • the metal mesh must be durable, not rusty, and not have sharp elements.

The aviary and booth are made by the owner’s hands, or purchased in a special store.

How does it tolerate frost?

Alabais are hardy and cold-resistant animals. They tolerate severe frosts well. Dogs are able to withstand cold temperatures of -40 °C.

How long does he sleep?

The duration of sleep depends on the age of the Alabai. A puppy gets full rest 18-20 hours a day, and an adult pet 14-16 hours a day. Older animals sleep 17-18 hours.

Hygienic care for Alabai

Caring for a Central Asian Shepherd is not a labor-intensive process. If you vaccinate your dog in a timely manner, and also periodically examine its eyes and ears, it will not cause any special problems.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is coat care.

How Alabai live - swimming

Central Asian Shepherds rarely need to be washed. Frequent water procedures destroy the protective layer of the skin, which can lead to skin diseases.

It is enough to wash Alabaev living in an apartment once a month, on the street - twice a year during molting. The optimal water temperature is 37–39 ºС above zero.

In winter, it is useful to wipe Central Asian Shepherds with snow. In summer they are allowed to climb into bodies of water. However, upon returning home, it is better to shower your pet. River flora can provoke skin irritations, which often leads to wet eczema.

Important! When bathing, do not use shampoos intended for humans.


Twice a year, during molting, special care will be required. The dog is combed with a stiff brush twice a week to get rid of dead hair, and then combed again with a regular comb to tidy up the remaining fur.

The rest of the time, the dog is scratched as needed.

How Alabai live - eye care

The eyes of the Central Asian Shepherd are washed as dirt accumulates. For these purposes, strong tea leaves or chamomile infusion and a simple cotton pad are suitable.

If the eyes are red or there is pus coming out of them, you should take your pet to the vet.

Dental care

It is recommended to brush your Central Asian Shepherd's teeth a couple of times a month. For this purpose, special dog pastes and brushes are used. It is better to get used to this type of care right from puppyhood.

Important! This breed has a powerful jaw apparatus, so the pet is given raw vegetables and special bones from bovine veins to train its teeth.

Ear care

The ears are examined daily. This is especially true during the period of tick activation. Clean the ears as needed. Cotton swabs and hydrogen peroxide are suitable for care.

Nail care

It is necessary to trim the nails of a Central Asian Shepherd when it does not grind them down on its own. As a rule, this is typical for dogs in apartments who are not walked much.

You can tell that the nails are too long simply by the characteristic “clack” sound when the dog walks around the house. For cutting, purchase a special nail clipper for large breed dogs.

How to care?

Competent care is the key to excellent health and well-being of the Alabai. The following simple recommendations will help create comfortable living conditions for your pet.


It is better for the owner to install the enclosure at a distance of 10-15 m from the house. The area should have a slight slope so that in rainy weather water does not accumulate in the dog’s home. It is necessary to regularly clean the enclosure of foreign objects and particles.


The house shouldn't be cramped. It is better to build a wooden structure and insulate it from the inside. The roof is made sloping so that it is convenient for the Alabai to enter and exit the home. The litter should be regularly cleaned of dirt and wool, otherwise the appearance of parasites cannot be avoided.


This is a must-have accessory for walking. Alabai can be accustomed to wearing a muzzle at the age of three months. The attribute should not be tight or too loose.

Owner reviews

There is no clear division into 2 camps. Even opponents of apartment living admit that this is possible.


Many breeders refused me when they heard that the puppy was being purchased for an apartment. Despite the difficulties, the dream came true, and the dog moved in with me. Looking at this smart guy, it’s hard to imagine his life on a chain. The Asian is self-sufficient and invisible. We remember its impressive dimensions only when playing together with the cat. There is mutual understanding and respect with neighbors. I don’t see any compelling reasons for refusing to buy a country house.

According to reviews from the owners, if you keep an Alabai in an apartment, you need to take it for long walks in deserted places


The dog is attractive due to its loyalty, but willfulness can become a big problem. Without timely training, it is difficult to convince an Asian of his decision. Also, Alabai is more passive in an apartment, which can affect his health. I believe that a walk in nature away from large crowds of people is mandatory for a dog, so I take mine to forest parks and allow them to swim in forest lakes.


Next in the photo you can see what an Alabai’s enclosure should be like and the approximate dimensions of a dog house.

Central Asian Shepherd and household members

The Central Asian Shepherd is a loyal and friendly animal. However, you should know with whom the dog willingly gets along and with whom it will be at enmity.

How does he treat children?

The pet treats children as little masters. He is peaceful and calm. But it is important to consider the following tips in order to achieve harmony in the friendship of a child and an Alabai:

  1. Explain to the little man that you can’t pull or hit the dog;
  2. teach the dog to treat the child with due respect;
  3. Do not let your child walk with the shepherd on the street, otherwise it will result in unpleasant consequences.

Proper upbringing of a child and a dog will result in a strong friendship. Alabai will become the best guard for the little man.

How does one live with a cat in the same house?

The Central Asian Shepherd can get along with a cat in the same territory. The owner should pay equal attention to both pets. If a dog or cat is deprived of care, then hostility and even fights cannot be avoided.

With other dogs

As for the attitude towards other dog breeds, the Alabai is always friendly. He considers it his duty to protect and care for less powerful household members, as members of the same pack.

When does one become angry?

The character of the Central Asian dog is distinguished by restraint and gentleness. But Alabai does not like to be squeezed or pulled for no reason. This can make him very angry and he will become aggressive.

A good dog is a properly trained animal. It is very important to work with her, train and educate her. Otherwise, the dog’s behavior will become unpredictable and even dangerous. Alabai often attack their owner and surrounding people for unknown reasons.

Characteristics of the Alabai

Alabai puppy
Central Asian Shepherd puppies have a number of characteristics. First of all, it is worth noting that the Alabai breed has a calm, balanced type of puppy with high nervous activity. In addition, it has the following properties:

  • the small dog is agile and stable;
  • has uniform strength and balance of nervous processes;
  • thanks to genetics, Alabai puppies are calm and not fussy;
  • they have a long reaction to stimuli;
  • an adult dog has primitive herding-guard traits combined with pride and self-confidence;
  • give the impression of serious and arrogant animals;
  • in the process of being kept together, CAO puppies are able to form packs;
  • dogs have a good attitude towards all pets and family members;

Bitches are more mobile and dynamic than males.
Attention! When vagrancy and gathering manifest themselves, radical measures in education should be urgently taken.

Serious and arrogant bitch Alabai


A balanced diet is the key to a dog’s excellent well-being and health. If you feed an alabai with forbidden food, it will lose its activity and get sick.

How much does he eat per day?

The amount of food and the number of feedings depends on the age of the pet. Here are the main recommendations:

  • Feed cubs up to 3 months 6 times a day. A six-month-old puppy needs four feedings a day, and a one-year-old puppy needs three feedings a day.
  • Dogs over 1 year old should eat 2 times a day - morning and evening. Adults eat a lot. So the quantity of one serving reaches 2 kg. The dose of dry food is calculated individually, and strictly according to the instructions on the package.

We must not forget about the dog’s activity. Regular walks after meals will help maintain a normal weight for your pet. If the dog overeats and sleeps for a long time, he will become fat and weak.

Why doesn't he eat well?

Alabai refuses to eat for several reasons. Here are a few of the most common:

  1. The oral cavity is damaged. For example, there is a bone stuck in the teeth. You should carefully inspect the mouth and remove any fragments. Dental disease is also possible. In this case, the dog is taken to the veterinarian.
  2. The stomach contains foreign objects. The owner must immediately contact a specialist, otherwise the esophagus will be damaged or the item will cause a dangerous disease.
  3. Alabai contracted a viral or infectious disease.

Refusal to eat for 2 days is a reason to contact a veterinarian. The faster the better. Avoid forcing food to avoid causing even more serious harm to the dog’s body.

What to give?

The type of food depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of the owner. You can feed the alabai with dry food or natural food.

Dry food

Manufacturers produce a variety of dry dog ​​foods. Which one to choose is up to the owner to decide. Canned food and treats will help diversify your diet. But it is important to select food from only one manufacturer. The portion portion should not exceed one tenth.

Natural nutrition

Still, Alabai love fresh and tasty food. A correct and healthy diet includes the following products:

  • Raw meat.
  • Sea fish fillet. It is not recommended to feed your dog fish bones, tails and heads.
  • Milk, cottage cheese.
  • Offal.
  • Various cereals.
  • Vegetables.
  • Chicken eggs.

You can cook porridge with the addition of meat, fish fillet, and vegetables.

Eliminate the following ingredients from your diet:

  • Pork and poultry.
  • Sweet and spicy.
  • Smoked and fried.
  • Legumes and bones.

Food should be fresh and warmed to room temperature. Veterinarians recommend replacing 10% of natural food with dry food. This will not harm the dog, and the body will receive the missing microelements and macroelements.


Alabai boasts good health. But there are diseases to which the Central Asian Shepherd is suddenly exposed.


Here is a list of diseases common among Alabais:

  1. Joint problems. The considerable weight of the dog negatively affects the structure of the cartilage. Arthritis, arthrosis, dysplasia, and so on occur.
  2. Problems with the cardiovascular system. If the dog leads an inactive lifestyle, then the performance of the heart decreases and the elasticity of blood vessels is impaired.
  3. Excess weight and poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle are not good for your dog.

If the Alabai has become indifferent to the outside world and does not want to communicate with the owner, then you should immediately consult a veterinarian. The specialist will examine the pet and prescribe treatment. It is not recommended to select medications on your own, much less test traditional medicine on a dog.


Such diseases can occur due to a gene defect, or the owner’s neglect of the dog.

Here is the list:

  • Skin. For example, the Central Asian Shepherd dog suffers from ringworm and demodicosis. Infected from other animals, or due to living in poor conditions.
  • Genetic. These are infertility, diabetes and cryptorchidism. The treatment is long, and is selected only by a veterinarian.
  • Parvovirus enteritis. A contagious and practically untreatable viral disease. Very often the animal dies.

Self-medication is not encouraged. Otherwise, all attempts will lead to sad consequences.

Nose becomes swollen

A swollen nose indicates the presence of some disease. The reasons why a dog's nose swells can be different. Here are some of them:

  1. bite of a wasp, bee, mosquito or other insect;
  2. allergic reaction;
  3. runny nose;
  4. viral diseases;
  5. poor nutrition;
  6. immunity disorder.

A swollen nose is a cause for concern and a visit to the veterinarian. For example, a bee or wasp sting causes the dog to have trouble breathing. May be accompanied by swelling of the nasopharynx.

Alabai is a dog that requires increased attention and professional training. If the owner takes into account the recommendations of specialists and doctors, the dog will become a good and healthy protector of all family members. The Shepherd gets along easily with other pets, is unpretentious in food, but needs care.


It is important to create a diet that will allow you to raise a healthy and strong dog. It is unacceptable to overfeed animals. You need to provide your pet with enough fresh water.

Two thirds of the Alabai diet should consist of lean meat. The third part consists of cereals and vegetables. Add to food: fish, fruits, eggs, dairy products. Many Asian owners buy balanced food specifically for large dogs.

What not to feed: sweets, smoked meats, bakery products, tubular bones, pickles.

Don't feed your Asian Shepherd your food. From childhood, teach your diet. An unbalanced diet leads to diseases (diabetes, metabolic imbalance, etc.).

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