Preparation Kot Bayun for cats and dogs: instructions for use, reviews

Among soothing herbal remedies, Kot Bayun for dogs from ]VEDA[/anchor] occupies one of the first places. The herbs in the tablets have a gentle effect on the animal’s psyche, help correct behavior and reduce the aggressiveness of dogs of any age and breed. Kot Bayun for puppies from 10 months and adult dogs is available in the form of round white tablets, in a plastic bottle of 50 pcs. and in the form of a light brown liquid in a glass vial. During storage, the liquid separates and becomes transparent on top. Stir before use. The pills are odorless and do not have a pronounced herbal taste.

The drug contains natural ingredients:

  • dry hawthorn berries;
  • peppermint extract;
  • catnip herb extract;
  • lemon balm infusion;
  • meadowsweet color;
  • St. John's wort;
  • swamp grass;
  • dry thyme;
  • nettle leaves;
  • peony color dry.

Additional components in the medicine include lactose, calcium, water and potato starch.

Storing tablets for dogs is permissible in a closed bottle at temperatures up to + 25 degrees in a dark place. Shelf life – 3 years from the date of production.

Composition of the drug

The drug "Cat Bayun" contains only herbal and auxiliary non-toxic components, due to which the sedative does not have cumulative properties (does not accumulate in the body and does not cause signs of poisoning).

The composition of the drug is carefully selected and formed in the required proportions, taking into account the effect of herbs on the dog’s body; the raw materials undergo radiobiological control, are sterilized and packaged in appropriate containers depending on the form of release.

The main components are plant components:

  • oregano;
  • sweet clover;
  • valerian;
  • hawthorn;
  • hop;
  • motherwort;
  • peppermint;
  • ivy-shaped budra;
  • catnip;
  • Melissa;
  • meadowsweet;
  • St. John's wort;
  • thyme;
  • swamp grass;
  • hill solyanka;
  • nettle;
  • evasive peony.

The auxiliary raw material, produced in liquid form, is distilled water; starch, calcium stearate and lactose are added to the tablets.

Effect of the drug

The main clinical manifestations of behavioral disorders in dogs in various stressful situations are: nervousness, excessive licking, barking, cramping abdominal pain, fearfulness.

The drug "Cat Bayun" has the following pharmacological properties:

  • sedative effect necessary to relieve nervousness;
  • analgesic and antispasmodic effect, which is very important for spastic pain that occurs due to stress;
  • anxiolytic properties that help reduce feelings of fear.

When it enters the dog’s body, the nervous system is balanced, making it easier for the animal to endure stressful situations in the future.

Personal prevention measures

When working with the drug Kot Bayun® infusion, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medications. After finishing work, wash your hands with warm water and soap.

In case of accidental contact of the drug with the skin or mucous membranes of the eyes, they must be rinsed with plenty of water. People with hypersensitivity to its components should avoid direct contact with this drug. If allergic reactions occur or if the drug accidentally enters the human body, you should immediately contact a medical facility (bring with you the instructions for use of the drug or the label).

Storage conditions

The drug "Cat Bayun", intended for oral use in dogs, is available in the form of infusion and tablets. Both types of the drug are packaged in a cardboard box along with instructions. To ensure the proper effect in dogs, when using it, it is necessary to comply with the storage conditions of the herbal preparation.

It is recommended to store the herbal infusion and tablets in their original packaging away from food and feed in a dry place, excluding direct sunlight.

The herbal preparation retains its pharmacological properties well at temperatures from 0°C to 25°C; under such conditions, the drug can be stored for 1 year from the date of manufacture. After the expiration date, the drug must be disposed of; it is unacceptable to treat a pet with an expired drug.


Most often, for dog owners who are concerned about various disorders, experts primarily recommend drugs from the group of antidepressants. This refers to serotonin reuptake inhibitors. They are prescribed to eliminate pathological conditions such as:

  • fear of loneliness;
  • aggression;
  • anxiety states;
  • panic disorders.

Although you need to understand that with the help of these drugs it will not be possible to eliminate acute panic attacks. The expected therapeutic effect occurs only with prolonged and systematic use. These drugs are considered the safest for dogs, although in some individuals they can cause certain gastrointestinal disorders. Among the drugs in this group, the following have proven themselves to be effective:

  • "Prozac";
  • "Solax";
  • "Fontex";
  • "Ladosse".



Release forms

"Cat Bayun" has two forms of release: infusion and tablets. The liquid and solid versions of the drug are intended for oral use in pets only. A specialist decides which form to choose for a particular breed of dog after consultation with a veterinarian.

The liquid preparation "Cat Bayun" can have colors from light yellow to dark brown; during storage, a small amount of cloudy sediment may form. The liquid has a characteristic pleasant herbal odor.

After sterilization, the infusion is packaged in glass bottles of 10 and 16 ml, closed with rubber stoppers and aluminum caps. Bottles of 2 or 3 pieces are packaged in cardboard boxes along with instructions, a dispenser syringe or a dropper cap.

The tablet form of the drug "Cat Bayun" has a biconvex specific shape; the color ranges from white to light yellow with inclusions and slight marbling.

Tablets weighing 0.2 g, 50 pieces each, are packaged in plastic jars with special lids that have a first-opening control. Packaging of 50 pieces in plastic food bags is acceptable. Cellophane or plastic containers with tablets are placed in a cardboard package along with the instructions for the drug.

Regardless of the form of the medicinal product, the manufacturer’s data with the address and trademark must be indicated on the original cardboard box. must indicate on the cardboard box the storage conditions of the medicine, expiration date and date of manufacture. The drug can be trusted only if there are inscriptions on the package confirming the quality of the sedative: “For animals”, “Sterile”, “Raw materials have passed radiobiological control”.

Reviews about the medicine


Evgenia, Lipetsk:

“I bought a Caucasian Shepherd puppy, a girl. Before the first heat, everything was fine, but suddenly Alice began to rush at everyone, bark and show aggression at the slightest provocation. But this is a large and strong dog, I had to turn to the veterinarian for help.

It was recommended to take Kot Bayun as a sedative. Within 1 week, the dog became calmer and stopped growling when asked to carry out a command.”

Oleg, Perm:

“Cowardice is not typical for Yorkshire dogs, but for some reason the dog began to be frightened by sharp sounds and hysterical during fireworks or during a thunderstorm. The veterinarian said that the cause could be a sudden fright in the absence of the owner.

I was prescribed to take Kot Bayun. Despite the name, the medicine is also suitable for dogs. We took it according to the instructions for a month: take it for a week, take a week, break. It helps, the dog began to react calmer, at least to shooting on TV and fireworks.”


Marina Viktorovna, Moscow:

“The drug has been released recently, but has already proven itself well. Some dog owners note low effectiveness, but I rather consider this to be errors in its use: skipping a dose or only a 1-week course.

Like any herbal medicine, Kot Bayun requires systematic and long-term use (at least 1 month, 2 courses of 7 days with breaks), then the effect will be pronounced and permanent.”

Anna Dmitrievna, Bologoe:

“As a specialist, I think Kot Bayun is a good and safe sedative. It acts gently, without reducing the dog’s activity, but makes the pets more balanced and calm. Not only people suffer from stress, and not only do herbal infusions help them.

The main thing in the use of herbal medicine is systematicity. The medicine requires compliance with the prescribed treatment regimens, then the effect will be.”

Indications for use

The drug is often prescribed to relieve nervousness, aggression, and fearfulness in dogs in various situations or physiological conditions. Sometimes the drug is used to prepare a pet for a stressful situation: long-term transportation, exhibitions or competitions, prolonged absence of the owner.

Instructions for use of the drug "Cat Bayun"

According to the instructions for use of the drug "Cat Bayun", the drug is indicated for the correction of behavioral disorders in dogs, starting from 10 months of age after puberty. The drug is administered to animals only orally, regardless of the release form. For small dogs it is preferable to use drops; large breeds swallow the tablet form quite easily.

Before using the liquid infusion for the first time, you need to uncork the glass bottle, put a dropper cap on its neck and measure out the required amount of the drug according to the dosage for dogs into a regular teaspoon. The herbal liquid is drunk from a spoon or added to a bowl of drinking water. The bottle with the dropper cap on can be stored in the refrigerator for a week, warming the drug at room temperature before use. Before each use and dosing of drops, shake the glass bottle thoroughly.

The tableted drug "Cat Bayun" can be given to dogs in crushed form or in tablet form. The medicine, crushed into powder, is mixed into the animal’s food or added to its favorite treat. If the dog refuses to take the tablets or powder on its own, you can place the tablet on the root of the animal's tongue and close the mouth, controlling swallowing.

Is it possible?

The medicine Kot Bayun is safe and is made from plant materials. Herbs with a sedative effect gently calm the pet’s nervous system and make it more balanced. The drug has a cumulative effect: with 1 or several courses, the effect of the drug on behavior becomes more pronounced.

Before the exhibition

Thanks to a number of herbs included in the medicine Kot Bayun, the remedy also has a short-term effect, quickly calming the animal before the expected nervous stress (travel, exhibition, etc.).

When used in the correct dosage, the product does not cause apathy or drowsiness, and the pet will remain active during an exhibition or show.

In other cases

If a pet marks territory or damages furniture and things due to increased anxiety, Kot Bayun helps to correct the dog’s behavior: taking courses normalizes the functioning of the nervous system in 1-2 months, and with further treatment the dog’s behavior stabilizes and nervousness disappears.

The medicine is also given to female dogs during estrus, for spasms and compulsive licking. You can start the course a few days before the heat, and then continue treatment until it ends, following the rules for taking the drug.

In addition, the drug is indicated for the following conditions:

  • excessive anxiety during false pregnancy;
  • fear of sharp sounds, noise, people;
  • aggression towards the owner during the period of establishing dominance, due to excitement or fear;
  • coprophagia;
  • constant barking in the apartment, hyperactivity.

Side effects

The herbal preparation "Cat Bayun" is a low-hazard product that, if properly stored and dosed, has virtually no side effects. If a dog is hypersensitive to one of the medicinal components, it may experience the following symptoms:

  • skin rashes;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • dyspnea;
  • itching;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth.

If side effects occur, you must immediately stop taking the drug and consult a specialist.


The drug is non-toxic and safe when taken according to instructions

However, to protect people and animals from possible overdose, standard precautions should be followed. There is also a danger that the cat will scratch the owner’s hands during the reception.

  1. It is imperative to wash your hands after handling animals.
  2. Do not allow the drug to come into contact with food that a person will consume.
  3. Store in the refrigerator and ensure childproof protection.
  4. If the drug is given directly into the pet's mouth, then you should protect your hands and face. It is advisable to wrap the animal’s paws with a rag and carry out the procedure with a partner.

There is no danger in case of accidental use by a person. But in the case of a sufficiently large dosage, you must consult a specialist, taking the packaging of the product with you.


“Cat Bayun” is one of the most common means for correcting behavior disorders in dogs due to its natural composition, mild action and lack of side effects.

Worthy analogues of herbal medicine are:

  • Da-ba Relax Plus is a herbal sedative consisting of extracts of valerian, lemon balm and motherwort, available in tablet form.
  • Hormone Balancer Flower Essence Drops is a herbal preparation in the form of drops containing flower essences, most often used to regulate sexual behavior disorders.
  • Fitex is a sedative medicine in the form of drops, made from plant components: valerian, motherwort, common hop and Baikal skullcap. It has a pronounced sedative, antispasmodic and anxiolytic effect.
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