Prokolin (Pro-Kolin) for dogs: instructions for use

Composition of the drug

The multicomponent feed additive refers to both probiotics and prebiotics, which together effectively restore the microflora of the dog’s gastrointestinal tract.

Good to know! Probiotics consist of live bacteria involved in the digestion process, and prebiotics contain a nutrient substrate that stimulates the animal’s body to independently produce normal intestinal microflora.

Side effects

Let us remind you once again that Prokolin for dogs is as safe as possible. Therefore, it is not surprising that during the entire period of its clinical use, no side effects were identified. But this does not mean that “side effects” are completely excluded. There are different cases:

  • For example, some dogs (and not so rarely) have a congenital individual intolerance to soy components. And the composition, as we already wrote, contains soybean oil. If the dog is one of the “lucky” ones, then after taking the medicine his digestion will definitely not normalize, the diarrhea will become even worse, and vomiting may develop simultaneously.
  • In some cases, the same soy can be the cause of an allergy. It manifests itself in the form of red rashes on the skin and itchy skin.

All these problems are isolated. Symptoms of food intolerance and allergies disappear within a few hours (maximum - within a couple of days) after discontinuation of the drug; there is no need for veterinary intervention.

Composition of the drug Prokolin for dogs:

  • preplex – a prebiotic component, which is an optimal medium for the proliferation of microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Enterococcus faecium bacteria are live microorganisms responsible for the normal process of food digestion and preventing the development of pathogenic microflora: salmonella and E. coli;
  • soybean oil is a vegetable component that is a natural adsorbent of toxins;
  • kaolin is a white clay that stimulates the large intestine to absorb water, thereby thickening the stool;
  • natural beef flavoring, making it easier for dogs to consume the drug.

Optimal storage conditions

Since the main component of the probiotic is microflora that is extremely sensitive to the effects of the environment, the storage conditions recommended by the manufacturer and specialists must be followed exactly:

  • Storage temperature – from 4° to 14° Celsius. In general, the manufacturer himself recommends maintaining the temperature between 0° and 25°C, but practitioners agree that long-term storage at 25°C is extremely undesirable. Beneficial microflora die very quickly.
  • The storage location must be isolated from direct sunlight, since its ultraviolet radiation also does not have the best effect on Enterococcus faecium.
  • In addition, it is necessary to isolate the stored product from access by pets and children. Its excessive consumption can lead to serious digestive disorders (more precisely, to profuse diarrhea).

Effect of the drug

Dysbiosis of four-legged pets can develop even under the most comfortable living conditions and proper nutrition. You can understand that a family pet has dysbiosis by a very characteristic clinical picture:

  • diarrhea;
  • loss of appetite or complete refusal to feed;
  • hair loss;
  • weight loss.

Release forms

The food additive for dogs has a paste-like consistency for better administration into the animal’s oral cavity. There are 3 dosage forms: 15, 30 and 60 ml, so you can choose the volume of the medicine depending on the weight and size of your pet.

Regardless of the amount of probiotic in the package, all produced varieties have the same packaging - tubes with dispensers. They are packaged together with instructions in cardboard boxes of the appropriate size.

What is the price

The price of the ProKolin food additive for dogs depends on the volume of the tube:

  • 15 ml – 770-800 rub.;
  • 30 ml – 1000-1100 rubles;
  • 60 ml – 1300-1350 rub.

According to dog owners who have used Pro Kolin, the rather high cost is fully compensated by its high efficiency. The feed additive is sold in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. You can also buy it on the Internet.

You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here:

Oleg, Labrador owner:

“Our dog loves to pick up all sorts of nasty things on the street. It always ends the same way - severe stomach upset and vomiting. Before I learned about ProColin, such situations were real torment for the animal, since restoration of the digestive system took a long time. This food additive returns your pet to normal life after the first dose. An excellent remedy, but it is difficult to find it in our provincial town. Although I found a way out - I order the product from an online store.”

Irina, owner of Newfoundland:

“Our dog developed dysbiosis after antibiotics. We tried a lot of probiotics and other remedies, but it didn’t work. He was getting worse. The vet recommended Pro Kolin. My appetite returned on the second day, and my stools became thicker and half as frequent. Now I always keep a syringe with the product in my first aid kit. This is a real salvation for problems with the digestive system.”

Instructions for use of Prokolin

According to the instructions for use of Prokolin, the paste-like medicine is given on an empty stomach or before meals. It is acceptable to mix the probiotic with a small amount of food. If the pet refuses to independently consume the medicine with food, it is necessary to place a single amount of the drug on the root of the tongue and close the animal’s mouth until the paste is completely swallowed.

Prokolin, depending on the diagnosis, is prescribed for several days until the body is completely restored and the symptoms of diarrhea cease. Sometimes a veterinarian can prescribe a course of treatment lasting up to 2-3 weeks.


Given the high cost, not all pet owners can afford to purchase Prokolin. In addition, there is an allergic reaction to the drug. There are more budget-friendly analogues that can replace this product:

  1. Subtilis - powder for preparing a suspension or ready-made solution. Costs about 400 rubles. for 1 course of treatment. Contains lactic acid bacteria and lactic acid. Cons: does not contain prebiotics, does not help much with severe intoxication, does not affect appetite. In kittens it can cause intestinal colic and bloating.
  2. Bifitrilak MK is a powder containing bifidobacteria, prebiotics, lactobacilli, microelements and vitamins. Costs about 400 rubles. for 300 g of powder. Disadvantages: contains sugar, it is difficult to maintain the dosage due to the need to dilute the product.
  3. Enterol is a medicine that helps with diarrhea, does not remove toxins, and does not affect the animal’s appetite or weight. The therapeutic effect is achieved by inhibiting pathogenic microorganisms. Used for dysbiosis and infectious diarrhea. Practically ineffective for stress disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The cost of 30 tablets is about 500 rubles. Disadvantages: not used in pregnant women; allergic reactions and intestinal colic often occur.
  4. Florentin is available in the form of tablets for oral administration and ready-made paste. Effective for diarrhea caused by stress, dysbacteriosis, including after antibiotic therapy and treatment of helminthiases. The composition includes vitamins and microelements. Disadvantages: does not contain prebiotics, does not inhibit pathogenic flora, often causes allergies to the active ingredients, is expensive - you need to pay 800 rubles for 15 ml of paste.
  5. Vetelakt is a syrup for oral administration. Contains lactulose, lactose and galactose. Indications for use: diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, infectious intestinal diseases. Costs about 300 rubles. for 15 ml. Disadvantages: viscous consistency makes it difficult to swallow, vomiting often occurs after taking, does not contain pre- and probiotics. The biocenosis is restored mainly due to the death and evacuation of pathogenic microflora. Gives a weak effect.

Procoline is an effective remedy for normalizing the functioning of the digestive tract of cats. It has an effect against pathogenic pathogens and helps restore the physiological composition of intestinal bacteria. Quickly eliminates intoxication and is safe for use, including in pregnant and lactating cats and kittens.

Dosage of the drug

Veterinary probiotic for dogs can only be given to animals orally. The instructions indicate a single dosage of the drug, which is used 2-3 times during the day:

  • For puppies and small breed dogs, oral administration of 1-2 ml of the drug is indicated.
  • For large and giant pets, the one-time volume of Prokolin can be increased to 5-7 ml.

The dosage and duration of administration for a particular animal must be agreed with the attending physician.

Reviews from owners and veterinarians

Victoria, 34 years old, Murmansk: “I used Prokolin when the cat was weak after surgery and hardly ate. I drank according to the instructions: 2 times a day, 2 ml.

The smell of the additive is a little specific, but it is written that animals like it. Murka spat and choked, but slowly began to eat after 2 days. The stool returned to normal within a day. An expensive product, but effective. I will continue to use it."

Andrey, 47 years old, Vitebsk:

“The cat found and ate a dead mouse while out for a walk. On the second day, vomiting began. He vomited even from water, could not eat, moaned, and swearing. By evening I stopped getting up. I took him to the veterinarian's clinic. The doctor prescribed Prokolin. On the second day, Vaska started drinking water, then eating little by little, and by the end of the week he even gained weight. It’s an excellent drug, although it’s a little expensive.”

Zoya, 20 years old, Moscow: “I have a Maine Coon girl. She doesn't handle stress well, especially after moving, so she starts diarrhea. We are saved by Prokolin. The cat likes the smell of the drug and accepts it without much difficulty. It recovers quickly, almost after 2-3 days it returns to normal.

The only negative is the high price; the course requires almost 3 thousand rubles. But the main thing is that the supplement helps a lot.”

Olga, 40 years old, veterinarian:

“Cats often react with diarrhea to various changes in life. And street people have a great chance of being poisoned by some nasty thing. Procoline is a universal drug: it will stop diarrhea, increase strength, and normalize the flora in the intestines. I've been prescribing it for a long time. Both pregnant and lactating cats tolerate it well. It’s great for kittens too.”

Ivan, 32 years old, veterinarian: “Procoline is a good remedy for intestinal upset in cats. Helps with viral infections, poisonings and nervous breakdowns. For large animals, I always advise taking a large tube so that there is enough for the entire course, it’s more economical.

Prescribed to both pregnant cats and kittens, they all tolerate it well. During the entire practice of using it, I only observed a side effect once - the cat developed an allergy.”

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