"Tsamaks" for dogs: indications for use, instructions, reviews

Every breeder has encountered a problem, the essence of which lies in the difficulties associated with choosing medications for their beloved pet. This article will discuss Tsamax for dogs, a drug that has proven itself and has virtually no analogues. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to choose a remedy to treat a disease without consulting a veterinarian, which costs a lot of money.

Composition of the drug

The product includes:

  • Zeolite is a sorbent. The substance, which looks like a sponge, contains in its pores the most important microelements necessary for the animal. Removes waste and toxic substances from the body, as well as heavy metals, nitrates, mercury, phenols and radionuclides.
  • Substances containing sulfur activate the production of amino acids, regulate metabolic processes, ensuring the proper functioning of the entire body as a whole.

Tsamaks powder for dogs contains, in addition to the above components, antiseptic substances that help activate tissue repair processes, reduce the risk of the spread of purulent inflammation, and also ensure the antimicrobial activity of the drug.


Tsamax in powder or granular form can be mixed with wet or dry food immediately before feeding. Dosage recommendations are given by a veterinarian depending on the weight and breed of the dog, as well as the purpose of using the dietary supplement. The standard dose is 0.5 g per 1 kg of animal body weight. It should be given once a day for at least 3-4 weeks, but a specialist can adjust the dose or duration of the course, and if necessary, prescribe it again after 2 weeks.

Healthy animals are recommended to take a preventive course twice a year - in spring and autumn, using a feed additive for two weeks. As a prophylactic agent, Tsamax is prescribed in a dose of 0.3 g of the drug per 1 kg of animal weight. For ease of measurement, you should know that 1 teaspoon contains 7 g of the drug.


If the dog is reluctant to eat food with the additive, you can prepare a suspension from the powder with a small amount of water and forcefully inject it into the mouth using a syringe without a needle.

Indications for use

"Tsamaks" as a feed additive is used for:

  • Impaired kidney and liver function.
  • Disorders of mineral metabolism.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly of a non-infectious nature (diarrhea, enteritis, etc.).
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Prevention of psoroptosis, demodicosis, trichophytosis.
  • To restore the dog's immunity.

The powder is used for:

  • Inflammatory process of the external auditory canal.
  • Wounds, abrasions.
  • Naminah paw crumbs.
  • Eczema.
  • Interdigital cracks.
  • Inflammation.
  • Ostiofolliculitis.

In addition, powder is usually used to eliminate diaper rash in skin folds, neutralize unpleasant odors and dry out discharge.


Tsamax is not a medicine, it is a biologically active feed additive that can be used to increase immunity and restore the defenses of the animal's body after illness. The drug is recommended by veterinarians as an additional therapy for metabolic disorders, treatment of liver and kidney diseases, food and drug poisoning, other types of intoxication, allergic reactions to various types of irritants, including monotonous feeding of dry low-quality food.

The dietary supplement is an additional source of calcium, magnesium and potassium. In addition, she:

  • promotes rapid suppression of bacterial, viral and fungal infections;
  • regulates blood cholesterol levels;
  • helps flush out sand and stones from the kidneys;
  • acts as a sedative.

The drug is produced in two main forms - in granular form, which exhibits an active effect in the intestines, and in the form of a dust fraction - it is characterized by a rapid action and begins to work as soon as it enters the stomach. In case of poisoning, this type of drug is recommended.

Tsamax is recommended by veterinarians:

  • to increase the body's resistance against viral and bacterial infections;
  • as a prophylactic against urolithiasis;
  • to restore the coat after calcium-magnesium metabolism disorders and serious skin diseases.

Tsamax promotes wound healing, restoration of connective tissues and epithelium, thanks to which veterinarians include the drug as part of complex therapy during the rehabilitation of animals after surgery and injuries. The drug accelerates the normalization of liver and kidney functions after illness and the healing of ulcers. For skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema), fine powder is used externally to accelerate wound healing and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Tsamax with spirulina is produced for pregnant and lactating females. It supports the animal’s body and promotes the normal course of pregnancy, improves the quality of the offspring. The vitamin-mineral complex helps the dog recover faster after childbirth and increases the volume of milk produced.

For puppies, a preparation with seaweed is recommended, which supports all body functions during the period of active growth, normalizes mineral metabolism, improves bone formation and coat quality.

Instructions on how to use Tsamax

Before giving your dog any drug, you must carefully study the instructions, otherwise you can only seriously harm its health! Everything is calculated in great detail, and the ideal effect of the drug can only be achieved if its quantity is calculated by weight. It is also worth noting that for treatment in certain situations, doses may vary slightly, but the standard amount is half a gram per kilogram of animal weight.

If you do not have special scales, then you should calculate using a teaspoon, which holds about 7 grams. This way, of course, it will not be possible to make accurate calculations, but this is the best option. As for preventive use (yes, it is also possible), then in this situation it will be enough to count 0.3 grams of the drug per 1 kilogram of weight. Please note that the drug should be taken once a day, and it is advisable to take it at the same time.

Be sure to read the instructions for the drug itself, from it you can glean additional information that is necessary for your pet. Don't ignore even the little things! They are also important! Self-medication should continue for at least 3 weeks, but more often its duration is about a month.

It is also worth mentioning the use of powder. Remember that it must be applied strictly evenly to the damaged area. If you are planning to treat otitis media, then you need to prepare the ear canal and, strictly following the instructions in the instructions, pour the medicine inside.

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Operating principle of Tsamaks

As already described earlier, the main components of Tsamax for dogs are substances such as the mineral zeolite, which is contained in more than 90% of this medicine, as well as elemental sulfur. As for the structure of the product, it is worth comparing it with a simple sponge, the principle of which is to draw something inside. In this situation we are talking about some toxic substances that pose a particular danger to the dog. The drug is also capable of absorbing various heavy metals, as well as decay products of harmful microorganisms.

But Tsamaks also has another role, the essence of which is to perform the function of an ion exchanger, that is, to release beneficial substances while absorbing harmful ones. Thus, it is possible not only to protect the body, but also to significantly enrich it with minerals and other necessary compounds. As for sulfur, its role lies entirely in the synthesis of amino acids, which affect an important indicator - blood clotting. Sulfur also significantly activates the process of collagen production, while simultaneously strengthening the animal’s bone skeleton. It also affects the ligaments.

These compounds also have a unique complex effect, unique only to this drug. We are talking about the fact that the dog’s body begins to better resist various infections, and the exchange of microelements changes significantly, and only in a positive direction. The entire digestive system begins to perform its functions better. It is also worth noting the general changes affecting the coat and many internal organs, the functions of which return to normal.

Contraindications of the drug

It is also worth noting that Tsamax has no special contraindications for dogs, but it is still not recommended to start a course of treatment without the advice of a veterinarian. Don’t be alarmed if you notice changes after you start taking it; for example, many dog ​​owners begin to complain about loose stools, this is normal! Thus, the body reacts to the beginning of the cleansing.

As for the principle of action of the powder, it is prescribed only for external damage, for example, for wounds or deep abrasions. The product helps to resist suppuration and many other skin diseases, but do not forget to consult a specialist.

It is also worth noting the additional components of the medicine, which are created to help the body, as well as to improve its condition:

  • carbohydrates;
  • lipids;
  • unique additives;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins of groups C, E, B;
  • phytonutrients;
  • amino acids;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Is it possible to overdose?

Before the instructions regarding the drug Tsamax for dogs are discussed, it is worth discussing information about possible overdoses. Fortunately, it is completely absent. The fact is that during the entire period of using the drug, not a single case of an unfavorable outcome was identified. The manufacturer also did not report the possibility of any side effects resulting from an overdose of this medicine. And, as mentioned earlier, it is possible to state only one existing contraindication, the essence of which is the dog’s specific intolerance to a certain component, but such situations are almost impossible to predict in advance.

Reviews from owners and veterinarians

Irina, 34 years old, Yekaterinburg: “Excellent product. Within 2 weeks, the cat’s fur became shiny and silky. A pack of 100 g lasts for a long time.”

Alexander, 41 years old, veterinarian, Moscow: “A product without additives is a good help for pets with long hair: hair begins to grow better in combed areas.”

Marina, 54 years old, Novosibirsk: “My cat underwent a complex operation, and the doctor prescribed a food additive. Every day I dilute the required dose with liquid food. Only 4 days have passed, but my pet has already become more active.”

Semyon, 22 years old, animal clinic worker, Samara: “I recommend using the substance in powder form for burns and wounds. The medicine has a quick healing effect and is easy to apply.”

Analogs and price

This unique Russian-made drug has no analogues. The drug can be purchased in veterinary pharmacies in the form of powder or granules for dogs of different breeds. A 100-gram package of powder for puppies and dogs of small and medium breeds costs from 230 rubles.

For pets of large breeds, different types of Tsamax are offered - for young growing dogs and adult animals, as well as aging and weakened ones - in packages of 450 g. The cost of the drug ranges from 650-700 rubles.

Features Tsamaks wound-healing powder for animals, 50 g

Tsamaks powder has an adsorbing, regenerating, antimicrobial and deodorizing effect.
The therapeutic effect of the drug is achieved due to the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects of sulfur, as well as the sorption of pathogenic microflora and its toxins, released odors, drainage of released exudate and the regenerating effect of zeolite. According to the degree of impact on the body, Tsamaks powder, according to GOST 12.1.007, is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4), and does not have a skin irritant, sensitizing or resorptive-toxic effect.

Composition and expiration date

The drug consists of many useful substances:

  • zeolite;
  • sulfur;
  • magnesium;
  • gland;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium

The most important elements in the composition of the medicine are considered to be 2:

  1. Zeolite-clinoptilolite. It rids the animal’s body of harmful substances: absorbs heavy metals, mercury and nitrates.
  2. Elemental sulfur. Promotes energy production, increases blood clotting.

The shelf life of Tsamax is 1 - 2 years. Store the product in a dry, dark place, inaccessible to children and animals, at a temperature of 0°... +35°C.

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