The drug "Pratel" for dogs: instructions for use, composition and reviews

Properties of the veterinary drug

What is the medicine "Pratel" (for dogs)? Instructions for use, reviews report that this is a combined anthelmintic drug. It has a wide range of cestocidal and nematicidal effects on all phases of development of tape and round helminths, which parasitize not only dogs, but also cats.

The principle of action of the active components that make up the drug is based on the process of inhibition of fumarate reductase, as well as disruption of energy metabolism and persistent depolarization of the cellular muscles of the helminth. This effect causes paralysis, subsequent death of the parasite and its removal from the animal’s gastrointestinal tract.


Pratel should not be given to an animal under the following conditions:

  • allergy/individual sensitivity to components;
  • the first half of pregnancy, its last stages;
  • lactation;
  • excessive exhaustion;
  • infectious diseases, recovery from them;
  • postoperative rehabilitation;
  • liver/kidney dysfunction;
  • less than six weeks old;
  • use of other deworming agents.

If an animal becomes allergic to Pratel, it is necessary not only to immediately stop using it, but also to conduct a course of desensitizing treatment.

If you are allergic to Pratel, you should stop using it and contact your veterinarian.

Features of the medicine

Why is Pratel so effective for dogs? The instructions and reviews claim that it owes its properties to the main substances included in its composition.

Praziquantel has a detrimental effect on tapeworms, including cestodes. First, it promotes muscle excitation, leading to spastic paralysis, followed by vacuolization of the cell membranes of the helminth, and then allows intestinal enzymes to negatively affect the parasite.

When taken orally, praziquantel is absorbed fairly quickly from the intestine. It is well distributed in all tissues and organs. This substance is excreted in metabolized form along with urine.

What role does pyrantel play in the Pratel drug for dogs? The instructions state that this component is active against nematodes (gastrointestinal). It is a neuromuscular ganglion blocker that causes spastic paralysis of the muscle tissue of roundworms, as well as persistent depolarization.

Pyrantel embonate is partially absorbed in the intestinal tract and excreted along with feces within two days.


Andrey, veterinarian, Rostov-on-Don:

“Pratel is an effective drug from a foreign manufacturer. The active components (pyrantel and praziquantel) are active against most helminths that parasitize the intestines.

Animals tolerate the medicine well, side effects are observed only when the therapeutic norm is exceeded. I prescribe the medication regardless of the stage of helminthiasis - it destroys not only mature worms and their larvae, but also penetrates into already laid eggs.

It is most convenient to mix the tablet with food. An individually selected dose of the drug can be crushed, dissolved in water and the suspension injected into the animal’s mouth. A single application is enough for all parasites to die and leave the dog’s body. The medicine is completely safe, the price is reasonable.”

Valentina, 46 years old, Novorossiysk:

“I carry out deworming every 3 months. The dog is a large breed, I carefully monitor its diet. A week ago, the pet broke off its leash and ran away. I found a dog near a garbage container, rummaging through the garbage.

Later it turned out that the dog had managed to eat something - after 3 days characteristic signs of helminthiasis appeared. The dog began to “ride” on the carpet, and parasite eggs were found in the feces. The usual drug did not save me from infection, so I had to choose another one.

The veterinarian advised me to purchase Pratel, an anti-worm drug that is produced in Slovenia. I found out the dog’s weight in advance and gave 4 tablets once (for 38 kg). The animal’s well-being improved almost immediately – 2 hours after taking the tablets the dog ate. I’m happy with the result, a good product at an affordable price.”

Is it dangerous?

In terms of the degree of impact on a living organism, the drug "Pratel" is classified as a low-hazard drug (hazard class 4). If used strictly as prescribed by a veterinarian, it does not have teratogenic, embryotoxic or sensitizing effects. According to expert reviews, this medication is quite well tolerated by different animals.

Composition and expiration date

The anthelmintic drug Pratel goes on sale in the form of yellowish biconvex tablets. There is a mark on one side, the edges are slightly beveled. The active ingredients are praziquantel and pyrantel. Additives:

  • croscarmellose;
  • silica;
  • vegetable starch (corn);
  • sodium saccharin;
  • microcellulose.

After the expiration date, the medication cannot be used for its intended purpose. Opened packages should be stored in a place safe for pets and children. Exposure to direct sunlight is unacceptable, so Pratel is often kept in a closet. Shelf life – no more than 36 months.

Medication "Pratel" for dogs: instructions for use

The price of this product is approximately 270-450 rubles. It should be used only as indicated, after consultation with a veterinarian.

The tablets are given to dogs once, in crushed form, along with food. Also, the medicine can be forcibly administered to the animal (placed on the root of the tongue).

The dosage of this drug depends on the dog’s weight:

  • up to 2 kg of weight - 0.25 tablets;
  • 2-5 kg ​​of weight - 0.5 tablets;
  • 5-10 kg weight - 1 pc.;
  • 10-20 kg weight - 2 pcs.;
  • 20-30 kg weight - 3 pcs.;
  • 30-40 kg weight - 4 pcs.;
  • 40-50 kg weight - 5 pcs.

This remedy can be prescribed to puppies only from the 6th week of life. It should be noted that before deworming, the use of laxatives or a fasting diet is not required.

For therapeutic purposes, this medication is given to animals once, and for preventive purposes - once a quarter. Also, the drug can be prescribed before vaccination and 4 weeks before mating (in a therapeutic dosage).

Pregnant females are given Pratel only in the last third of pregnancy, and lactating females - 3 weeks after birth and only under the supervision of a veterinarian.

If you miss the next deworming, it must be done as quickly as possible in the same dose.

Indications for use and mechanism of action

Praziquantel paralyzes the tapeworm, regardless of its stage of development, killing it, after which it helps remove the parasite from the gastrointestinal tract.

Pyrantel destroys the cell membranes of roundworms, preventing the parasites from multiplying and killing them. It is excreted in feces within a day or two.

Pratel can be used to treat and prevent dogs of any size and age, with the exception of the very young.

If your dog has a chronic illness, consult your veterinarian before use.

Indications include treatment as well as prevention:

  • nematodes;
  • cestodiasis;
  • mixed invasions.

Protel is also given to the animal in a therapeutic dose a couple of weeks before vaccination, as well as 14-28 days before mating.

Pratel can be given to an animal before vaccination and mating.

Side actions

What negative reactions can the Pratel medication for dogs cause? The instructions for use state that when using this product in recommended dosages and according to indications, no side effects or complications are observed.

If the animal has hypersensitivity to the drug substances, an allergic reaction may develop.


1. Pratel for dogs: pharmacological effects 2. Dosage and methods of administration 3. Cost of Pratel in veterinary pharmacies 4. Contraindications and side effects

A broad-spectrum drug is used to prevent helminthiasis. It is also prescribed by a veterinarian in case of diseases associated with the presence of tapeworms or annelids in the animal’s body. The advantage of the medication is the presence of marks for dividing one tablet into four parts, this helps to measure the correct dosage for puppies and small breed pets.

Pratel for worms is available only in tablets. The dragees have a light yellowish tint. Production is carried out by European companies. The medicine has been assigned safety level 4. This indicates the following advantages:

  • The deworming drug is non-toxic and does not have a harmful effect on the dog’s liver.
  • Treatment without a veterinarian's prescription is allowed, but you should carefully monitor the dosage and general condition of the pet.
  • The medicine Pratel does not cause lethargy, depression or addiction.

A modern anthelmintic drug is used for both dogs and felines. Less often it is used for farm animals, poultry or cattle.

Reviews from cat owners about the drug Pratel

Victoria: This anthelmintic drug was recommended to me by my friend, since she is a cat lover, and therefore uses it constantly. I first noticed parasites on my two-year-old cat Sonya. I was afraid to give her the whole tablet (as the manufacturer recommends), so I only gave her half. I know that praziquantel is toxic, so I didn’t risk the health of my pet. The medicine helped and now my cat feels good. A package of 10 tablets is inexpensive; I bought it at a local veterinary pharmacy for 390 rubles.

Elizaveta: All owners of four-legged pets should undergo a course of deworming approximately once every 3-4 months. Of course, I knew about this, but I rarely did it. As a result, my cat got worms somewhere. I had to seek help from a veterinary clinic; the doctor pointed out my carelessness. After this, he prescribed Pratel, as well as dietary nutrition, since my cat weighs 8 kg at 3.5 years old, and this is considered obese. Within a week, the pet began to run and lead an active lifestyle. And after a month and a half, he weighed less than 6 kilograms, and I think this is a very good result. The anthelmintic did not cause any adverse reactions, I recommend it, it does its job perfectly!

Oleg: I have been using this product for about 2 years. It’s the best thing for prevention, because the price doesn’t bite, and the drug works one hundred percent. My pets tolerate the effects of active ingredients normally. I usually make Pratel powder and then mix it with the pate. Seals eat it very quickly, and this way they don’t have to be tormented by shoving a bitter pill into their mouths.

Features of use during pregnancy

Despite the relatively high safety of the helminthic "Pratel", use by pregnant females who have not reached the last third of pregnancy is not recommended. When the female reaches the last stage of pregnancy, the dose is administered in a single therapeutic dosage according to the achieved body weight.

For lactating females, the drug should be taken no earlier than 2-3 weeks after birth. The characteristics of the female’s body during gestation and in the first week after birth provide for special control over possible changes or complications.

special instructions

The minimal negative impact of Pratel on the body classifies it as a safe drug. It does not have a negative effect on embryonic development and offspring in the last stages of gestation, and also does not require an increase in the threshold of sensitivity to components in case of allergic reactions.

Find out how to prevent worms in dogs.

Side effects and contraindications

When using the drug within the dose limits and taking into account the weight of the animal, no complications or side effects were observed.

Important! Veterinarians do not recommend deworming more than 3 times a year, as this can cause excessive “sterility” of the dog’s intestinal microflora, and subsequently dysbacteriosis.

As a side effect, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug may occur. However, there is no drug correction for hypersensitivity that affects the body. Necessary actions include proper nutrition, unhindered access to water and complete rest for the pet.

Contraindications to taking Pratel deworming tablets for dogs are diagnosed liver and kidney diseases. Also, its effect is poorly tolerated:

  • puppies under 6 months of age;
  • females in gestation periods 1 and 2;
  • emaciated dogs;
  • sick or recovering pets.

If the above conditions are present in an animal, the use of Pratel is not recommended.

Personal prevention measures

Hygiene rules provide for the following actions when in contact with medicine and a pet:

  • prudent avoidance of close contact with an infected animal;
  • prudent avoidance of proximity to food intended for human consumption;
  • Thorough hand washing using soap or antiseptic before and after taking the medicine.

Important! In the first days after deworming, the dog’s feces contain the maximum number of worms, so timely cleaning and careful hygiene will help avoid recurrence of infection.

There are no measures for disposal of drugs that have exceeded their expiration date.

Cost and comparison with analogues

Pratel can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy, and you can also order home delivery via the Internet. A package of 10 tablets usually costs no more than 400 rubles. Depending on the region, the price may vary by 30-50 rubles, both up and down.

For your beloved pets

NameTypeManufacturerPackingActive ingredientsPrice


Russia6 pieces of 120 and 200 mg
Bottles of 6 and 7 ml

Syringes 6 and 7 ml



140 rub.
150 rub.

180 rub.

Russia2 pieces of 60 and 200 mg
Vials of 15 ml
145 rub.
210 rub.
Germany2 and 6 pieces 250 mg
each Vials 15 ml
Pirontel embonate
295 rub.
340 rub.
MilbemaxPillsFrance2 pieces 150 mg eachMilbemycin520 rub.

Reasons to use

"Pratel" for dogs can be used for the following purposes: prevention or treatment of helminthiases. The purpose for which it is used depends on the presence of parasites in the pet’s body. This determines the frequency of taking the pills and the dosage.

Now let's find out what helminths Pratel works on. Its spectrum of action extends to parasites of 2 classes:

  1. Nematodes (roundworms).
  2. Cestodes (tapeworms).

Representatives of the nematode class cause such common diseases as ascariasis, trichinosis, and toxocariasis. Helminths from the class of cestodes are the causative agents of taeniasis, taeniarchinosis, diphyllobothriasis, and echinococcosis.

Thus, it is not necessary to know which parasite is in the dog's body. There is also no need to take several anthelmintic drugs at once (this increases the toxic effect on the body). "Pratel" has a wide spectrum of action and destroys most of the most common helminths.

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