Milbemax for kittens, cats and dogs: instructions for use, reviews

Release form and composition

Milbemax tablets are produced by Elanco. Previously, the medicine was produced by Novartis, which in 2015 became a subsidiary of Elanco.

There are two types: regular capsules and chicken-flavored chewable tablets.

Regular tablets are round, white, with a longitudinal line for division. Available in 2 pieces per pack. They are produced in two forms:

  • for puppies and decorative breeds: with a dosage of praziquantel 25 mg and milbemycin 2.5 mg in each tablet, cost an average of 330 rubles;
  • for adult dogs: each capsule contains 125 mg of praziquantel and 12.5 mg of milbemycin, the average price is 515 rubles per package of 2 tablets.

Chewable tablets are produced in the form of brown plates, packaged in packs of 4 pieces. They are also produced in two dosages:

  • for kittens and small breeds weighing 1-5 kg: dosage – 2.5 mg of milbemycin and 25 mg of praziquantel, sold for 780 rubles;
  • for adult dogs weighing more than 5 kg: each plate contains 12.5 mg of milbemycin and 125 mg of praziquantel, the average cost is 1150 rubles.

Regular and chewable tablets contain the same active ingredients in the same dosages. The only difference is the taste of the chicken. At the same time, the price of the two forms of the drug differs by 2 times. Although most pets are more willing to eat the plates, some still refuse. Therefore, it is better to save money, take simple tablets and force-feed them to the dog or along with a treat.

Indications for use

Milbemax tablets for dogs are prescribed for the prevention of helminth infection and the treatment of helminth infestations. They help against the following types of parasites:

  • cestodes: dipylidiosis, bovine and pork tapeworms, echinococci, mesocestoidosis;
  • nematodes: hookworm, toxocara, trichocephalus.

The drug also reduces the severity and reduces the risk of infection with crenosomosis, angiostrongylosis (French heartworm), and dirofilariasis.

On the topic: worms in dogs, how often should a dog be wormed.


Milbemax is recommended by veterinarians for regular deworming, as well as before vaccination. Due to the high effect that the drug has, it is used to treat helminthic infestations caused by:

  • roundworms;
  • nematodes;
  • cestodes;
  • tapeworms.

The medicine acts quickly and has a prolonged effect. Within three days, the animal’s body will get rid of worms. It is enough to carry out deworming once a quarter so that parasites no longer bother your pet.

How it works

The anthelmintic Milbemax is a complex antiparasitic drug. Its effect on nematodes and cestodes simultaneously is achieved by combining two active ingredients:

  • milbemycin oxime: affects larval and adult individuals, increases the permeability of parasite cell membranes to calcium ions, which leads to damage to the nerves and muscles of nematodes, their further paralysis and death;
  • praziquantel: has a detrimental effect on nematodes and cestodes, the substance destroys the membrane of the worms and causes their death.

Both components are rapidly absorbed (the maximum concentration in the blood plasma is reached in 1-4 hours) and are excreted in 2 days along with urine.

Instructions for use and dosage

The medication is taken based on the minimum dosage: 0.5 mg of milbemycin and 5 mg of praziquantel per kg of weight.

Milbemax for puppies and decorative breeds is given as follows:

  • half a tablet for pets weighing 0.5-1 kg;
  • 1 plate for dogs weighing 1-5 kg;
  • 2 capsules for dogs weighing 5-10 kg.

Milbemax for adult dogs weighing more than 5 kg is used as follows:

  • 1 tablet for pets weighing 5-25 kg;
  • 2 capsules for animals weighing 25-50 kg;
  • 3 plates for dogs weighing 50-75 kg.

The drug is fed at the first morning feeding with a small amount of food or forcefully placed on the root of the tongue. No preliminary preparation is needed - the dog is fed as usual, no laxatives are given.

For prevention, an anthelmintic is given every month from early spring to late autumn. If the dog has already become infected with worms, the medicine is used twice with an interval of 14 days. When affected by heartworms, the medication is used four times, with a one-week break between doses.

Contraindications and side effects

Milbemax is a generally safe drug that rarely causes negative reactions (classified as hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). However, keep the following points in mind:

  • the drug is dangerous for fish and bees;
  • the drug should not be used in sick, exhausted, or convalescent dogs;
  • the medication is prohibited for dogs with kidney and liver failure;
  • Do not use anthelmintic in animals with hypersensitivity to milbemycin or praziquantel;
  • Milbemycin oxime in the composition belongs to macrocyclic lactones - substances of this group are dangerous for collie, sheltie, bobtail and their crossbreeds;
  • the variety for puppies is not given to kittens up to 2 weeks old and weighing less than 0.5 kg;
  • Tablets for adult dogs should not be fed to pets weighing less than 5 kg.

Most dogs tolerate the anthelmintic well. But with increased sensitivity or overdose, the following are possible:

  • depressed state - low mobility, refusal to play, eat, walk;
  • hypersalivation;
  • lack of coordination;
  • muscle tremors;
  • allergic reactions – itching, skin hyperemia;
  • digestive disorders.

If the pet develops at least one sign, the drug is discontinued. As a rule, treatment is not necessary - negative reactions go away on their own within 24 hours. If this does not happen, contact your veterinarian: he will prescribe symptomatic therapy.

In what cases is Milbemax not prescribed?

Treatment with Milbemax is contraindicated in dogs that have impaired kidney and liver function. In addition, if your pet is intolerant to any components of the medication, it should not be given either.

Attention: deworming is not carried out on animals that are weakened after illness, are exhausted, or have an infectious disease in the acute stage.

If the dog is expecting offspring or feeding newborns, the use of the drug is permissible in consultation with the veterinarian. In addition, it is not recommended to give small dogs tablets for adult animals, since the distribution of active ingredients in the tablet may be uneven. Puppies whose body weight is less than 500 g are not given medicine.

Analogues of the drug

Analogs can be selected from similar drugs listed in the table below. All of them are similar to Milbemax in the presence of praziquantel. The difference is in the content of the second active substance.

NameWhat is the differenceaverage cost
HelmimaxThe best analogue based on moxidectin. It is superior to Milbemax in terms of safety. Available for adult dogs and puppies in 3 forms: for small, medium and large breeds. 330-420 rub. depending on the type
KanikquantelAn additional active ingredient is fenbendazole. Wider spectrum of action - affects not only cestodes and nematodes, but also trematodes. Greater variety of forms (by weight, tablets, gel). 120 rub.
MilprazoneA complete analogue of Milbemax: it contains the same active ingredients in the same dosages. The only difference is that there are no flavored chewable tablets. 330 rub.
ProfenderIt is distinguished by the presence of emodepside. Not suitable for puppies under 3 months and weighing less than 1 kg. 625 rub.
Febtal ComboAdditional active ingredient is albendazole. Available in the form of tablets and suspension. There are forms for puppies of different breeds. Prohibited for kittens up to 3 weeks old. 115 rub.
TrontsilThe composition is enhanced with pyrantel and febantel (the latter is not present in tablets for puppies). The drug has a wider spectrum of action; it affects all phases of development of flatworms and tapeworms. However, it is prohibited for pregnant bitches. 245 rub.
Cestal PlusWider spectrum of action, because in addition to prazinquatel, it contains fenbendazole and pyrantel. However, it is not suitable for animals weighing less than 2 kg. 125 rub.
Dehinel PlusHelps against more worms due to the simultaneous presence of febantel, pyrantel and praziquantel. It has a variety of dosages by weight, making it easier to choose the right form for large breeds. 240 rub.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How long does the drug last and does it need to be given again?

Give twice with an interval of 10-14 days. Its effect lasts up to 3 months. However, during the insect summer season (spring-summer-autumn), treatment is carried out monthly.

Is it necessary to feed the tablet along with food or can it be given on an empty stomach?

It is not necessary to administer the drug with food. But it’s easier to give medicine with food - you can disguise it in minced meat, cottage cheese, cheese. If you think that the dog will smell the capsule and spit it out, forcefully apply it to the root of the tongue.

Can Milbemax be given to pregnant dogs?

The anthelmintic is approved for use in pregnant and lactating bitches. However, due to their special condition, treatment is carried out on the recommendation of a veterinarian and under his supervision.

Feedback from cat owners

My review will be devoted to the anthelmintic drug Milbemax. Quite recently, purely by chance, a cat appeared in our house, which was dirty, skinny and flea-ridden. After going through a bunch of information, I chose the low-toxic, modern and effective drug Milbemax. Having calculated the dosage, I bought one tablet for adult cats. For my pet weighing 2.7 kg, half a tablet is enough. Manufacturers claim that the medicine is beef-flavored. But my cat refused to take the pill herself, so I had to force-feed the medicine.

Having read various reviews that after taking such medications, worms begin to crawl out of literally all the cracks, I was very worried about my Manyunya. But the cat just crawled under the sofa and fell asleep. She recovered only in the evening, and then she ate and drank for the first time. She had no stool that day. By and large, she went to the toilet for the first time only after 24 hours. I didn't find any worms. In a week I will give the second half of the tablet so as not to give the parasites any chance. Although, maybe my cat doesn’t have them, although it’s hard to believe. I liked the medicine because the animal does not need to be given a laxative beforehand or put on a starvation diet.


For our kittens we use only Milbemax. We give it once every six months along with food. The kitten eats the tablet without any problems. The tests after taking them are always clear. We donate them even before Milbemax - there are almost always worms. The drug really works! The size of the tablets is very convenient. They are very small, so our pets eat them with food and don’t even notice. After taking this remedy, the stomach does not hurt, there is no foam, and the animal does not scream, as after other anthelmintic drugs. I also want to say that if you don’t see worms in your pet’s stool, this does not mean that they don’t exist.


I have heard for a long time that Milbemax is a good anthelmintic drug. But its price always scared me away. And yet, I decided to buy it, because our old cat was not feeling well after Canikquantel and Cestal Ket. After taking these medications, the young cats were fine, but Anisius lost his appetite and vomited.

I paid as much as 750 rubles for two Milbemax tablets! Anisiy took one tablet, and barely fed the second one along with canned food to my other cat, who is very wayward. Zhulka ate the medicine and didn’t notice, although he always left other pills on the plate. The tablets are small, so they are very convenient to give to animals. After taking them, my cats showed no signs of intoxication. The only negative is that the drug is very expensive.



Milbemax for dogs is one of the best anthelmintics. In my practice, I have rarely encountered side effects after taking this medication, and all of them were associated with the individual characteristics of the animal: diseases, hypersensitivity, etc.

But Milbemax is not unique. It has worthy analogues. It can be replaced with Milprazone - the composition and dosages of both drugs are identical, but the cost differs significantly.

"Gelmimax" and "Kaniquantel" are considered safer - they extremely rarely lead to complications. But if you have a collie or a related breed, take “Febtal” (only the regular one, not “Combo”), “Troncil” or “Dehinel Plus”.

Read more: Small dog breeds

Reviews from veterinarians

Worm infestations are always a serious problem for animal health, so taking oral antiparasitic medications is mandatory. Veterinarians believe that Milbemax for dogs as an anthelmintic is safe for pets and is highly effective. They note that the medicine is excellent as a preventive measure and as a treatment, but they warn that first of all the owner must study all the contraindications and take into account the weight and dimensions of his pet.

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