Bravecto for dogs - detailed instructions for the use of tablets and drops, review of drug analogues. US Health Inspection Agency Warning

The drug Bravecto is a new generation of insectoacaricides. The medication destroys ticks and fleas, and also prevents the dog from being reinfected with parasites. Official studies claim that the drug is highly effective and safe.

But is this really so? Moreover, there are many negative reviews about the drug. Let's figure it out together.

In the review: I looked at the pros and cons of Bravecto, indicated possible harm and side effects, the principle of action and features of use. At the end of the article you will find responses from real dog owners, a list of analogues and answers to your questions.

Description and composition

A few years ago, experienced dog breeders and dog handlers could not imagine that parasites living on fur and skin could disappear with medication. Bravecto is intended for oral administration and acts instantly.

The drug does not cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

The release form of Bravecto is due to the following reasons:

  • rapid adaptation to insect poisons;
  • searching for new formulas to treat parasitic infections when the dog needs treatment;
  • the need for a safe and long-term effect in the spring and summer, when the reproduction of blood-sucking fleas and ticks is especially dangerous.

Many of them are carriers of life-threatening diseases. For a pet, it is a real torment to experience pain from bites and unpleasant sensations from scratching.

This drug is a new class of isocasazolines. Refers to drugs that have insecticidal and acaricidal effects. Bravecto is safe and highly effective. The active ingredient is fluralener. Invented by Intervet under the strict supervision of MSD specialists with a global reputation as the best manufacturers of medicines for animals. The dog must be protected from the threat of being bitten.

Due to its ease of use, Bravecto showed excellent results in tests. This is not an “analogue”, but truly a revolution in the fight against parasites. The drug acts at the level of the circulatory system. This type of infection has never been treated with pills before.

Operating principle

Fluralaner is the main active insectoacaricide that kills ectoparasites that cause severe anxiety to pets and are carriers of many dangerous diseases.
Fluralaner blocks the main vital receptors of arthropods, disrupting the functioning of their nervous system and thus destroying them. "Bravecto" completely destroys ectoparasites that are on the animal's body

The drug is easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), penetrating the circulatory system, is concentrated to the maximum in the blood plasma on the first day and lasts up to twelve weeks. The drug is found in high levels in the liver, excretory organs, muscle and skin tissues. Excretion from the body occurs gradually through animal excrement (about 90%).

After the drug enters the dog’s body, fleas are destroyed within 8 hours before they lay eggs and within 12 hours, ticks that lived on the animal during this period are destroyed. In addition, the medication protects the body from re-infection with ectoparasites.

The tablets should be placed in the dog’s food so that their active substances are easier to digest and absorb.

While taking Bravecto, you should not take similar drugs that have the ability to bind to blood proteins. The drug has a strong effect on the kidneys, so a small amount is excreted through the urine. However, the drug is considered low-hazard (has a fourth hazard class), therefore, following the dosage regimen and dosage, it does not have a toxic or aggravating effect on the dog’s body.

If the dog refuses to take the drug on its own, then you should give the tablet wrapped in a piece of meat.

How does Bravecto work?

The action is based on the nervous paralysis of an insect that is “picked up” by a dog. At the beginning it seems to be active, but moves a little sluggishly. Within a few minutes, death occurs when attempting to make a percutaneous bite. The dog is protected from infection.

The mechanism is as follows.

  1. Braqueto, entering the gastrointestinal tract through the mouth, is absorbed into the blood.
  2. Interacts with plasma and its protein. Protection is guaranteed for 12 weeks against re-infestation.
  3. Bravecto's action begins after one hour. Finally, in the period from 7 to 12 hours, all parasitic insects die. The drug paralyzes the oral apparatus, the ability to secrete saliva and suck blood.

To start working with Bravecto, just take 1 tablet and then drink the course. The dog will not notice the treatment.

Attention! Preventive treatment can be extended throughout the year if no allergies are observed. There should be 4 dogs.


Bravecto tablets and drops are generally safe medications. In my practice, there were no negative reactions or sharp deterioration in the condition of animals after using the drugs.

However, numerous negative reviews cannot be ignored. Plus, the drug has a short period of clinical observation and research. And the control groups of dogs are small - about 30-40 animals.

Therefore, I usually prescribe analogues - Simparica or Frontline NexgarD Spectra. They are safer, help against more parasites, and the second drug is also effective against worms.

Plus, I think Bravecto is overpriced. For one tablet or pipette you will have to pay 1-1.5 thousand rubles. There are analogues that are 2-3 times cheaper and have fewer side effects.

Read more: Medium-sized dog breeds

In what form is it produced?

The drug Bravecto against ticks and fleas is available in tablet form depending on the breed and weight of the dog. The drug and its dosage are selected strictly individually.

There are 5 different forms in total, where the active ingredient is calculated. You need to be absolutely sure that an overdose will not happen. Each package contains instructions on how to use the medicine. The drug is packaged in a cardboard box. Bravecto tablets are in a metallized individual container.

To minimize the risks of taking Bravecto, in order to increase protective functions, the manufacturer has provided release features. The drug has properties when the dog does not notice that it is a drug.

  1. Comfortable conditions for swallowing. Bravecto tablets are round in shape, slightly rough or smooth, brown in color.
  2. Pleasant taste of Bravecto, reminiscent of a meat delicacy.
  3. Chewable form, when the dog may not notice the substitution of food for medicine.

For Bravecto buyers, there are dosage labels with images of different dog breeds, for example, pug, shepherd or Labrador.

Possible release forms

The product can be purchased not only in the form of tablets, but also as a solution. Each form has different types of release, which differ in the concentration of the active component and are presented in five different dosages. For small dogs weighing 4.6-10 kg, decorative 2-4.5 kg, medium 10-20 kg, large 21-40 kg, very large 41-56 kg.

Chewable tablets have an appetizing smell and taste of meat. They come in round shapes and are light or dark brown in color. Packed in blisters. One tablet is intended for one-time use. You cannot purchase a dosage for a large breed and divide it into portions for medium-sized ones. Used strictly for its intended purpose.

The solution is available in the form of a clear liquid, which may be colorless or have a yellow tint. The liquid is packaged in pipettes, which are also intended for single use.

Indications for use of the drug

Attention! Before use, consult a specialist.

The list of the most common parasites includes fleas that feed on epidermal cells. Even the healthiest dog, despite excellent care, can “pick up” parasites on a walk from the grass or other animals.

The tick is no less dangerous. During the breeding season, it is a carrier of a deadly disease. Treatment is expensive and sometimes leads to disastrous results. The dog experiences itching, discomfort, and discomfort. Scratching and scratches from bites appear on the skin.

A dog is vulnerable in the summer. Bravecto is prescribed by veterinarians or consultants in stores for diseases or pathologies of the following areas:

  • mite infestation;
  • scabies with itching;
  • skin inflammation due to flea dermatitis;
  • as a prevention of flea and tick infestation.

The drug Bravecto is easily combined with other medications, including drops on the withers, treatment with sprays, and washing with anti-flea shampoo.

Safety precautions when taking the drug

There are several basic rules when taking Bravecto:

  • strictly follow the instructions and select the correct dosage based on the pet’s body weight;
  • can be prescribed to dogs expecting offspring and during lactation, but only under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Personal safety measures:

  • avoid skin contact with the drug if there is an allergic reaction;
  • maintaining personal hygiene when handling any medications;
  • when using the drug, smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited;
  • Hand washing with a mild detergent after contact with the product.

When using the drug, you should use medical gloves

It is also mandatory to dispose of the drug packaging after use. Do not give to children and keep packaging out of their reach. If allergic reactions occur upon direct contact with the drug, seek medical help immediately.

Instructions for use and dosage

According to the manufacturer of Bravecto, the dose is based on weight. For 1 kg. accounts for 25-56 mg. active substance. You need to know the exact mass and calculate the required dosage.

Bravecto is available in different forms based on milligrams.

The table presents the basic data. The owner or veterinarian selects the best dose of Bravecto for its effects and safety.

Dog/weight, kgNumber of tablets, pcs.Drug/dose, mg
From 562Individually by a doctor

Side effects of chewable tablets against ticks

The main observed consequences of the use of drugs such as Bravecto, Nexgard and Simparica and Credelio are: tremors (trembling of the body, limbs, head), ataxia (impaired coordination of movements of various muscles) and neurological seizures and convulsions _ Vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, skin irritation and general lethargy are also quite common.

In general, the list of side effects is much wider. But most of them appear quite rarely. Moreover, you need to understand that this frequency depends on the marketing efforts of manufacturers and the prevalence of a particular drug. In addition, the problem is that it is very difficult to prove that, for example, Bravecto causes convulsions or tremors. And the only criterion here is mass participation. If enough owners or veterinarians note the same problem with a particular drug, then it begins to be considered a real problem.

Those who know medical terminology can familiarize themselves with the statistics of adverse reactions to the use of Bravecto and Nexgard. The results are very similar for both drugs:

FDA report on Bravecto side effects. [↗] FDA report on Nexgard side effects. [↗]

There are no reports yet for Simparica and Credelio, as these are new drugs. The latter was generally approved by the FDA only in 2022. But the FDA notes that because the active ingredients in these drugs are in the same chemical class, it is reasonable to expect them to have similar side effects.

How to give a dog a pill?

The best time for the dog to eat food is more than 20 minutes, which will ensure complete absorption.

The first way is to place Bravecto on the root of the tongue, gently pressing on both sides of the jaw joints. The dog will automatically open its mouth. Then she covers herself with one palm; she may refuse, but she must wait for the swallowing reflex. Not all pets like medications. The bravetco masquerades as food due to its smell.

The smell is designed to encourage the dog to chew the tablet.

The second option is to wrap a Bravecto tablet in a piece of meat or treat. The dog will not notice that it is being treated.

Attention! It is necessary to ensure that the drug actually entered the oral cavity, was swallowed by the pet, and did not get stuck in the mouth.

What's included

The trade name of the ectoparasiticide is Bravecto, the generic name is fluralaner.

Bravecto contains fluralaner, a systemic insectoacaricide. The medicine is produced for all breeds of different weight categories, therefore it has a different dosage of the active component.

Excipients of Bravecto tablets for dogs:

  • meat flavoring;
  • sucrose sweetener;
  • sodium salt of lauryl sulfuric acid;
  • disodium pamoate monohydrate;
  • magnesium salt and stearic acid;
  • food additive E951;
  • glycerol;
  • soybean oil;
  • macrogol (PEG);
  • food additive corn starch.

Manufacturer Brovekto – INTERVET GesmbH (Netherlands).

Mode of application

  1. To guarantee the use of Bravecto, there are a general number of recommendations.
  2. When purchasing, the dose is carefully selected. The drug is calculated based on weight.
  3. If necessary, the course is repeated 3 months after the initial dose.
  4. Avoid taking Bravecto on an empty stomach, as it negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Store the drug in a cool, dark place, excluding direct sunlight.
  6. Shelf life up to 2 years.
  7. It is recommended to give the drug both with food and separately. The decision is made by the veterinarian.

General recommendations

Since the drug is new and has recently appeared on the domestic veterinary market, some recommendations for its use will not be superfluous.

  • The product is designed to work for exactly 12 weeks.
  • After this time, if the dangerous season in terms of ticks is still in full swing or the likelihood of flea attacks is high, you can safely give the drug again.
  • For hunting breeds or when you frequently go outdoors with your pet, you can additionally treat the dog’s paws and belly with a spray, this will repel ixodid ticks and enhance the effect.
  • At the same time, after the dog has taken the drug, there is no need to additionally treat it with drops or put on a collar. There are no documented facts that such a measure in any way enhances the protective effect.
  • When the protective effect of the drug expires, then, if there is no urgent need to take it again, you can choose external agents against parasites for prevention.

For your information! In addition to all the benefits of internal protection for dogs from parasites, these tablets are not capable of causing allergic contact dermatitis, which is sometimes inherent in collars and drops. Convenience also lies in the absence of risks of poisoning for small children and aquarium fish, in contrast to external preventative agents against pests.

Contraindications and side effects

Manufacturers promise that Bravecto has no special prescriptions when taking it is strictly prohibited.

Officially, an overdose is considered to be exceeding 5 times the dosage limit. There are cases when the drug against fleas and ticks has a negative effect on small dogs.

  1. Uncontrollable repeated vomiting or diarrhea with blood.
  2. The dog refuses to eat.
  3. Unexplained thirst.
  4. The dog experiences skin dermatitis, itching, flaking and hair loss.

In very rare cases, the drug provokes the appearance of scabs on the skin of your beloved dog. The dog suffers, which is noticeable in its behavior and the quality of its coat.

Complicating the situation is the complete lack of an antidote. This is a drug that could instantly neutralize the effect of active substances on cells.

Carefully! You will have to wait 3 months for Bravecto to expire.

Why choose Bravecto

Bravecto tablets have a number of advantages over their analogues. Namely:

  • Sprays and shampoos against fleas and ticks cannot provide the animal with complete protection, as they leave unprotected areas. In contrast, Bravecto tablets spread throughout the body through the bloodstream and leave no “weak spots.”
  • Bravecto tablets begin to work almost immediately after use. The first results appear within four hours.
  • The use of tablets gives a long-term effect. The dog will be completely protected from parasites for four weeks. In this case, the animal can be safely bathed without fear of a decrease in the level of protection.
  • Unlike shampoos and sprays, the use of Bravecto tablets does not cause resistance in ticks.
  • The use of the drug eliminates the risk of re-infection with fleas, since they die before they have time to lay eggs.
  • The medicine is safe for use during pregnancy or while nursing puppies.
  • An overdose of Bravecto tablets does not cause critical conditions or any complications.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any medicine, the drug has its advantages and disadvantages.

  • does not deposit in the liver, does not destroy cells;
  • acts against decomedosis;
  • manufacturers believe that there are no side effects and the dog will not be harmed;
  • Bravecto does not affect the course of pregnancy, childbirth, or feeding.
  • the substance circulates in the blood, reaching all organs and systems of the dog, including the central nervous system;
  • the drug is widely used in European countries, but Bravecto has not yet been subject to official certification in Russia;
  • the drug is intended to kill insects that feed on blood;
  • there is a possibility of infection through transmission through the circulatory system.

Attention! According to veterinarians, Bravecto is not as safe as it might seem. The dog may be poisoned due to an allergy to the component.

Be careful: Bravecto!!!

Dear readers! In this material we will talk about a new drug against ticks. The administration of the portal loves dogs very much and wishes health to you and your pets, and that is why we offer this material for review. We have nothing to do with this drug and therefore do not advocate for its use or non-use.

Please read the opinion of the author of this article, not just the brochures and articles, and be prudent in the use of new drugs.

Write your opinions, reviews, facts in the comments to the article

In the European Union, they are collecting votes and signing a petition that will ban the production and sale of the anti-tick drug Bravecto. More than 5,000 cases of disease have been registered, of which about 300 are fatal!

At the moment, the following alarming facts are known about the drug:

— There is not a single actual antidote that can quickly relieve intoxication or the development of anaphylactic shock.

— In Europe, the drug has been known for a long time, but the license certificate was received relatively recently (they refused to register it for a very long time) and most veterinarians opposed this drug, after which it rushed onto the Russian market.

— Initially, the English-language instructions did not mention ixodid ticks, and only after a short study the annotation was changed.

— Before entering our market, the drug was studied for only 112 days.

— Many owners report vomiting after using it, blood and mucus in the urine. There are already reports of several cases of severe disease, especially among puppies and mini breeds. The data is available on the K-9 forum.

— “Bravecto” is a centrally acting drug and, unlike drops on the withers, does not accumulate in the subcutaneous tissues, but circulates throughout the bloodstream, reaching all organs and tissues. It does not repel ticks, but acts after a bite by binding to blood plasma protein. Part of the drug breaks down into metabolites that are excreted in feces and urine.

— There is no reliable data on side effects remote in time. The drug was tested in Canada, and in an area where ixodid ticks are practically not found.

— The effectiveness of “Bravekta” has been reliably confirmed only for ONE month, and not 3 as stated, these data were confirmed, among other things, by the drug development group, taking into account the characteristics of our climate, the state of forests and the procedure for treating hazardous areas. Simply put, in our Palestines, manufacturers are ready to confirm safety only within one month! Moreover, now even doctors themselves recommend combining this drug with drops and collars (see link No. 1).

— The drug is an insectoacaricide and has neither contact nor repellent properties. For it to start working, the tick must dig in, unlike drops based on propaxur and permethrin, which reduce the activity of the crawling tick and prevent it from digging in. Moreover, in addition to Babesia, ticks carry the risk of contracting Lyme disease (borreliosis) and the more ticks there are, the higher the risk of contracting this disease. The action of Bravekta begins 18 hours after the bite.

— The packaging of this drug entering the Russian Federation indicates the registration certificate of Kazakhstan!

It says on the packaging and in the instructions that it is part of MSD Animal Health. (LLC "Intervet" Address: Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district)

So, what happens, “Bravecto” was made in the Naro-Fominsk region? If this is so, then how can this explain the Kazakh registration and claims in Belarus?

Combined with the limited time and number of animal tests in our region, taking into account the inconsistencies in certification, the information on this drug is more than alarming. Thus, the drug “Bravecto” does not have Russian certification and was only declared for the right to sell in the Russian Federation, which is why the RosStandart badge is on the packaging. Manufacturers explain this as purely paperwork, but it took them several years to obtain certification in the European Union, and there were a lot of objections about the advisability of issuing them a certificate.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug "Bravecto"

1. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the degree of its binding to blood plasma proteins. The less the drug binds, the greater its effect.

2. Drugs are in the blood in two forms: bound and unbound.

3. It is the unbound portion of the drug that will have a therapeutic effect. Also, this part can be subjected to biotransformation and/or elimination. For example, the “bound portion” of the anticoagulant warfarin is 97%. This means that of all warfarin administered into the body, 97% is bound to blood proteins. The remaining 3% (unbound part) of the drug is active and can be excreted.

Protein binding may affect the half-life of drugs. The bound portion acts as a reservoir or depot from which the drug is slowly released as a free form. While the unbound portion is metabolized and/or excreted from the body, the bound portion will be released to maintain equilibrium.

4. Only unbound fractions of the drug are metabolized in the liver and other organs. The more the drug goes into free form, the more it is metabolized. Those. The linked part is not active. The release rate depends on the chemical formula, in this case for a critical drop in concentration - 12 weeks. The released substance is harmful to ticks and (babesia). Once release occurs, it is excreted unchanged from the body. The continuity of the process ensures the desired effect.

After studying the information on Bravecto, I decided for myself that I would not use it. Many questions arise to which there are no answers. The drug has no toxicology data and no pharmacokinetics.

I find the studies (after euthanasia of the subjects) of this drug incomplete and unreliable (the results given are convenient to the manufacturer). For example, upon autopsy 160 days after use, the liver was not tested for the substance (or was not tested at all). After the autopsy, the organ weights of dogs that received Bravecto and those that did not were compared, that’s all that was studied in this regard. (it’s funny considering that the weight of the substance in the tablet is 250-500 mg).

The conclusion that only 90% of the substance is excreted from the body (through the liver and kidneys) is just the manufacturer’s assumption. The calculations were made using a generalized formula from an outside source and are listed in the studies as “assumed.”

Bravecto has been on the market in Europe for several years, I found correspondence between users and a representative of the manufacturer. It must be said that all the answers are very streamlined, no specific data, just words.

Fluralaner (active ingredient) belongs to the isoxazoline group of drugs. This group includes many pesticides and herbicides, as well as insectoacaricidal preparations. Moreover, I read in one paper that this group of drugs has not yet been sufficiently studied.

I came across several dissertations on the synthesis of new drugs of this group. They have synthesized a bunch of them, but their properties have not yet been tested and are not known, they are only assumed.

Thus, this is still a very raw and little studied product.

When using it, there have already been cases of serious illnesses in dogs, even death!

Here are the reviews from the owners: (spelling and style preserved)

Review 1. "Do you want the truth? A month and a half ago, my husband’s parents and I gave this drug (Bravecto) to our dogs (Pomeranian Spitz). Our dog, apparently due to its size (large), tolerated taking this drug, although to this day it is lethargic, but overall nothing. But my parents’ dog has been on the verge for a month and a half! It’s good that they are doctors and take all possible measures to save the life of a pet dear to their hearts! But this takes them a lot of physical and moral strength.”

Review 2. “We succumbed to the veterinarian’s persuasion to give the dog this pill, the veterinarian assured that the pill was harmless (the dog was already old with kidney and liver problems). The effect appeared after 2 hours! Vomiting, the dog feels bad!! And now the dog has hardly eaten for a month and feels unwell, and the doctors don’t really know what to do! And they say that this SHOULD go away when the effect of the drug wears off (3 months!!!)! Take care of your furry ones, do not give such drugs to small, weakened and sick animals"

Review 3. “I made a terrible mistake, I used this drug on my favorite Pomeranian Spitz (the dog weighed 2200). Words cannot describe the horror! The result of use is reflux esophagitis, acute gastritis, acute pancreatitis in a dog. We have been fighting for the life of our pet for a month and a half! Treatment and examination of all of the above is much more expensive than the treatment of piroplasmosis! Reading admiring reviews about “Bravecto”, the question arises: the people who write this constantly use this drug (given the fact that this product appeared on the Russian market only 4 months ago), they have practical experience (given that the manufacturer monitored the experimental group for only 100 days, and no one knows what happened next), how much did they pay for such rave reviews??? Unfortunately, I learned all these details about the drug too late, when I had already fed my dog ​​this abomination!!! If you love your pet, take care of him, DO NOT GIVE HIM THIS POISON!!! »

In this regard, I urge owners to be more careful and not to rush into using this drug until enough time has passed and data on its effectiveness and, most importantly, safety for use in various animals, including weakened animals or those with chronic diseases, have been confirmed. We can talk about the absence of remote side effects, in the form of liver disease, kidney disease and cancer, no earlier than 5-6 years of successful use in the veterinary pharmaceutical market. So far there is no such data and no long-term systemic studies have been conducted!

I am often asked about a new anti-tick drug, Bravecto, and this is my opinion: I wouldn’t give that to my dog!

Flurolaner (the active ingredient of these tablets) belongs to the group of isoxozoles, it is a direct homologue of ibotenic acid and muscimol, a poison contained in fly agaric, which has a psychotropic, neurotoxic and general toxicological effect on the body, and can accumulate in tissues. The drug and the project itself are a pilot, pay attention to the empty instructions - there are no instructions about overdose, descriptions of side effects, except for the most vague and not dangerous, there is no antidote and instructions for use for chronics, this is due to the lack of long-term trials.

In fact, no one knows what will happen to the animal in 5-6 years. The flurolaner group is the strongest carcinogen! A drug, especially a systemic poison circulating in the blood and plasma, cannot be so harmless. By the way, they tried to create an analogue for people, but they could not prove safety comparable to the benefits.

All the studies were purely in theory, the tablet does not repel ticks, if there are 20, everyone will scream and the tick will not fall off quickly, its actual effect begins only after 12 hours, sometimes it may be too late. There are already known cases of penetration. The drug itself and all the actual studies were conducted on cattle - go to the original English-language website, you won’t find a word about dogs or ixodid ticks. With its help, they treated various allergies in cattle and tried to stop Lyme disease; there is no babeosis in these latitudes. We tested it for 112 days, examining the corpses of linear beagles, the histology is not informative and there is practically no data from different groups of animals, safety data are questionable, there are no long-term data.

Now there is active marketing of this drug, and our dogs become experimental models, doctors and stores are paid to promote it. I don't want to pay for this.

It is not suitable for everyone, even in this group Daria wrote about a dying pita puppy, then the girl wrote how the dog’s kidneys were failing in front of her. A French friend had stomach bleeding two hours later. The tablet should not be used on puppies, older dogs or chronic dogs. If it doesn't work, nothing can be done - there is no antidote. The data is so contradictory that in 2015 the EU refused to register flurolaner drops with the wording “the risk outweighs the benefit and there are no long-term forecasts.” All these are poisons and it seems to me better to choose those that do not enter the general bloodstream and internal organs. With such tablets, concomitant therapy and restrictions are clearly needed. I also didn’t like that she was being treated for demodicosis before it was allowed by the annotation. Essentially testing the raw drug on our animals.

If you choose between a hormone in the form of an ointment or a tablet, what will you choose? Think the same way if you would test a new untested drug on a child. For the time being, nothing will be noticeable, the liver will not make itself known for a very long time, but the poison will accumulate in the tissues, the liver will work under load, and sooner and later this will result in illness. But it will be difficult to prove the connection; everyone will blame it on food and the environment. In higher doses, Bravecto caused severe fetal abnormalities, everyone had problems with the liver and partly with the kidneys, the same can happen with long-term use. Removal by 90% unchanged has been proven in theory, the data is from someone else’s resource, the fact that the tick is not dangerous for 48 hours has not been proven, the data is outdated and does not take into account the hyperacute form. The reviews are not clear, there are deaths in the EU, the owner of the pita puppy is preparing to take the case to court. Do you think it's worth it?

I would prefer to wait 2-3 years, especially since there is no need to take the pill. By the way, even the manufacturers themselves are not confident in the 3 months of guaranteed protection; most likely the annotation will be changed to two. They can no longer deny the existing side effects, but for now everyone is blamed on dividing the pill, violating the instructions in the annotation, and even the lack of free access to water!

Not a single difficult question was answered during the webinar. So far all I hear is Buy! Buy it! They constantly write about the machinations of their competitors, and they themselves aggressively promote it at every turn. All their hints about a secret war with drop manufacturers have not been confirmed, but there are a lot of custom reviews written as carbon copies and I don’t think that the drop market will shake that much - most will prefer proven, safer and less expensive methods. A recent survey of different groups showed that only 15-20% chose Bravecto as their tick protection.

The rest is the owner’s decision and nothing more!

Health to the ponytails, with respect I. Vidus, 02/29/2016.



The medicine is positioned as a completely new drug, although there are already similar ones on the market.

Frontline Nexgard

Manufacturer: France. Belongs to the category of “chewable medicinal product” for oral administration. Available in 4 forms based on the dog's weight. Round, pleasant-tasting tablets with the smell of stewed beef contain the main substance afoxolaner, which leads to paralysis and death of the parasite. Price for 3 tablets in one package – from 1975 rubles.

Simparica drug

Manufacturer: USA. The drug is designed for dogs of different weights, starting from 1.3 kg and ending with release for large individuals up to 60 kg. In 6 different dosages. The active substance sarolaner is a derivative of the isoxaolin group, which actively acts against fleas and ticks of various types (sarcoptoid, demodectic and psoroptoid). It affects neuromuscular synapses, blocking neuromuscular transmitters and fibers, which leads to death. Cost from 1390 rub.

Advantix drug

Manufacturer: Germany. Drops against parasites for dogs of different breeds. It is applied to the withers of animals and actively protects against midges, mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks for monthly use in the spring, summer, and autumn. Two active ingredients (permethrin, imidacloprid) actively influence the possibility of reproduction and feeding of crawling and flying parasites. Unlike Broveko, the dog is protected from mosquitoes, midges, and mosquitoes. The cheapest price for the drug is from 575 rubles.

Frontline SpotOn has a similar impact.

Which of the following is the most effective? This is decided by the owner. Each dog has its own parameters, character, and characteristics.

Suspension for puppies

Puppies and small toy dogs often react negatively to deworming. Many types of active substances are contraindicated for them, others can provoke negative effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, loss of appetite.

The effects of tablets are not designed for the puppy’s fragile body

In addition, it can be difficult to give the tablet to a puppy even in crushed form. There is a high risk that an inexperienced dog will simply spit out the particles. An alternative solution is the Drontal Junior suspension.

Instructions for use

A suspension is ground solid particles in a liquid. It is packaged in 50 ml soft plastic bottles, packed in cardboard boxes and supplied with instructions. Before use, shake the contents vigorously so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. The dosage is calculated individually using the measuring syringe included in the kit.

The main difference between the Drontal suspension and tablets is the absence of praziquantel in the composition. The remaining active substances are contained in a reduced volume. 14.4 mg of pyrantel embonate and 15 mg of febantel are dissolved in 1 ml of medicinal syrup.

Suspension "Drontal Junior"

The medicine acts more gently than classic tablets; it is quickly absorbed into the intestinal walls without irritating them. The drug has a pale pink color and a pleasant sweetish taste. After administration, the residues are eliminated naturally without affecting the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

A suspension that is perfect for puppies up to six months old will be of little use to them as they grow up.

The suspension protects the animal’s body well from nematodes, their eggs and larvae. The optimal time for use is from 2 weeks to six months. Older puppies need comprehensive protection against other types of parasites, so the drug will have to be changed. You should not give the suspension to adult dogs; it will not have the desired effect. If your dog reacts negatively to praziquantel, you can choose a drug with another active substance of a similar effect.

Features of taking the suspension

The suspension must be used exactly according to the scheme - 1 ml per 1 kg of puppy weight. There is no need to prepare the body; it is better to give the drug in the morning, before the first feeding or together with it. Before use, shake the bottle well, then take the required dose with a syringe, checking the measuring scale. The liquid is added to the food and mixed.

When using a syringe, be careful - it is very easy to injure a puppy's mouth.

If the puppy does not eat his portion, you can inject the suspension directly into the mouth by inserting the tip of the syringe into the side of the mouth, between the chewing teeth. Next, the puppy’s head is raised and held until the dog swallows.

It is enough for a puppy to drink the suspension once a month to be protected from parasites

The first time the medicine is given to two-week-old puppies. For prevention, the baby is given a suspension once a month, during which time the growing organism will be reliably protected from nematodes. Against this background, the puppy receives vaccinations required by age. After six months, the dog is switched to other drugs (for example, Drontal or Drontal Plus), giving them every 3 months.

Reviews from veterinarians

Kirill, 28 years old

I have been prescribing Bravecto for several years. This is an excellent protection against the bites of blood-sucking insects, which has a long-lasting effect. Convenient, practical, but expensive. I am not embarrassed by the opinion that this drug should be stopped urgently. We are looking for the most comfortable options. It is important to calculate the dosage and monitor your pet. Then success will definitely be in our favor.

Semyon Davidovich, 55 years old

The drug from the so-called “new series” is a whim of owners who are focused on advertising. In the old fashioned way, I believe that a thorough examination of the dog after a walk, washing it, actively bathing it, and combing it is important. What is confusing about Bravecto is that the substance immediately enters the blood plasma, which means it spreads throughout the body. Where will it end up as a side effect? Unknown.

Pharmacological action of the drug

Bravecto anti-tick tablets for dogs, which have received rave reviews from consumers, are already known to contain fluralaner, which kills parasites. This anti-arthropod remedy works in the following way: it blocks GABA-dependent and glutamate-dependent receptors of blood-sucking insects. In addition, the drug leads to overexcitation of neurons and disruption of the transmission of nerve signals, as a result of which the parasite is paralyzed and dies.

After penetrating the animal’s intestines, the product is instantly absorbed and enters the circulatory system. If it is given along with food, this process will speed up. The drug reaches its maximum concentration in plasma on the first day of use, then the percentage begins to decrease. But it still continues to act and remains dangerous for parasites for almost 3 months, since the active substance of Bravecto tablets leaves the body very slowly, as a rule, with feces and urine.

After using the product, ticks that are already on the pet die after 12 hours, and fleas die after 8. Then for another three months it protects the dog from re-infection with parasites. To protect their dog from dangerous diseases transmitted by these insects, breeders often use drugs similar to Bravecto tablets. The considered remedy for blood-sucking insects, according to the degree of toxicity on the body, belongs to hazard class 4. In other words, it is a low-hazard substance.


Answered by a veterinarian, one of our authors - Elena Starodubova.

Can puppies have Bravecto?

Suitable for puppies from two months of age (from 8 weeks).

Can I split the tablet in half?

The manufacturer does not recommend dividing the tablet, as the active substance may not be distributed evenly. Buy a tablet sized for your pet's weight and follow the instructions on the package.

Can I give it after a tick bite?

Can. The drug acts not only on fleas, but also on ticks. If you find scabies mites on your dog, then Bravecto will be the treatment. However, if your dog is not treated and has already been bitten by an ixodid tick, then there is a risk of contracting Piroplasmosis and other diseases. It only prevents these diseases, preventing the tick from infecting the dog, but is not a treatment!

Is it okay for pregnant dogs?

If the dog's pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, then it is possible.

Compatibility with other drugs?

Bravecto can be combined with other drugs, with the exception of tablets from the same series (Nexgard, Simparica).

Do I need to worm my dog ​​before using it?

The drug only affects external parasites (fleas and ticks); it does not help against worms, so be sure to worm your dog before use.

How to check Bravecto for authenticity?

To be sure of the authenticity of the tablet, purchase from trusted suppliers. The packaging must indicate the presence of a registration certificate and registration number. You will also be able to test the effect of the drug in practice, because after 8 hours it should begin to act on fleas (they will die), and after 12 on ticks.

How to remove it from the body?

The drug is absorbed very quickly and distributed throughout the body; it cannot be removed.

What is better: tablets or drops?

Choose according to the convenience of the processing method.

Which is better Bravecto or Simparica or Nexgard?

The mechanism of action for all products is almost the same with the exception of:

  • validity period (Bravecto is valid for 3 months, and Nexgard and Simparica for 1 month)
  • Nexgard tablets affect not only external but also internal parasites.

When choosing the best drug for your pet, consider these factors and the amount you can spend at a time.

Bravecto: harm or benefit?

There are numerous rumors and myths about Bravecto. Its main substance is fluralaner. This is a pesticide that accumulates in the liver, kidneys, adipose tissue, skin, wool and is constantly released in small quantities into the systemic bloodstream.

The main concerns of owners are associated with this mechanism of action: the constant presence of an ectoparasiticide in the organs, tissues and systems of the animal is potentially dangerous to health.

Adding fuel to the fire are many negative reviews from owners whose pets developed severe diseases of the liver, heart, and nervous system after taking it.

However, in fact, most of the responses are unreliable: dogs that got sick were those whose dosage of medication was exceeded, combined with other drugs, or which already had pathologies of internal organs before taking Bravecto.

To confirm the safety of the drug, MSD Animal Health conducted clinical studies. Over the course of six months of observation and subsequent pathological audit, it was determined that all emerging abnormalities (vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn) were not associated with taking the drug. And the drug itself:

  • safe for puppies from 8 weeks and dogs weighing at least 2 kg, even when the recommended dose is 5 times higher;
  • eliminates the occurrence of adverse reactions even if used more often than the recommended interval - the optimal period is every 3 months;
  • does not have a negative effect on the development of fetuses, therefore suitable for pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • does not cause side effects in all breeds, incl. brachycephalic;
  • suitable for dogs with a defect in the MDR-1 gene;
  • is more effective than drugs based on permethrin, fipronil or imidacloprid;
  • does not cause “addiction” (resistance) in parasites.

The full text of the study can be found on the portal for veterinarians and animal owners -

It has been officially proven that Bravecto belongs to hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76. This is a low-hazard drug that is safe for animals and people in the indicated dosages and does not affect the productivity of males and females.

At the same time, the drug has the best effect of all insectoacaricides. He:

  • effective in preventing diseases transmitted by ticks: borreliosis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis;
  • leads to the death of ticks before feeding;
  • kills 99% of ticks in 12 hours;
  • causes the death of parasites regardless of the site of attachment.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. New Bravecto tablets are designed to provide active protection against parasite bites.
  2. The drug prevents infection by fleas and tick-borne insects. Any infection is a potential threat to health and life.
  3. The effectiveness of Bravecto lasts for 12 weeks. There is no need to apply drops to the withers, which is unsafe for humans. The dog swallows or chews the tablet.
  4. The drug is designed for strict dosing, which is carried out by a veterinarian. It will allow you to choose the optimal parameter based on weight, height, and features.
  5. There is no concern that Bravecto will harm an older dog or a pregnant female. It is important to know that any product with a similar effect is potentially dangerous. You need to carefully observe your pet’s behavior and seek help in time.

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When is Drontal needed?

Dogs that are constantly outdoors need protection from parasites that live in the soil, sand, and plants. You can also become infected after eating low-quality food, especially meat, offal, and river fish.

Untreated parasites slowly but surely destroy a dog’s body.

Cestodes, nematodes and lamblia entering the body weaken the animal, reduce the body's resistance, and provoke digestive disorders. The dog loses weight, the quality of the coat deteriorates, bald spots and itchy swelling appear.


"Drontal" is recommended for planned and urgent deworming and prevention of infection with round and tape parasites. For preventive purposes, tablets are given quarterly. Mandatory deworming is carried out before vaccinations and mating. The drug is not addictive and can be used throughout the pet’s life. The product is low toxic and does not accumulate in the body.

Bloating in dogs may indicate an advanced stage of infection

Indications for taking the drug will be particles of worms or live parasites in feces and vomit, a swollen belly of the pet, increased appetite without weight gain, and exhaustion. All these symptoms may indicate a severe helminthic infestation.


Despite its effectiveness and fairly mild effect, the drug has contraindications. It is not recommended for use:

  • very small puppies (up to two weeks of age);
  • pregnant bitches;
  • animals weighing less than 2 kg;
  • weakened dogs;
  • pets recovering from surgery.

If the dog is already in poor health and there are contraindications, the use of Drontal should be agreed with a veterinarian

Chronically ill dogs with problems with the liver, kidneys, heart, and gastrointestinal tract should visit a veterinarian before deworming. The doctor will recommend the right drug and monitor the pet’s reaction. All drugs from the Drontal line cannot be combined with drugs containing piperazine.

Side effects

It is not recommended to exceed the dose indicated on the package. In some cases, side symptoms are observed in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, refusal to eat, cramps, redness or rash on the skin, itching. An allergic reaction to some components of the drug is possible.

“Activated carbon” will help cleanse the dog’s body and alleviate side effects

A minor negative reaction goes away without additional treatment after 1-2 days. If the symptoms do not disappear, the dog is given soft, harmless absorbents: Enterosgel and Activated Carbon. More details about the effect of “Activated Carbon” on the dog’s body can be found on our portal.

Special instructions and precautions

Bravecto in solution form should not be used on areas of the body with damaged skin.

The animal should not be allowed to come into contact with the area where the drug was applied until it has completely dried.

After giving tablets or applying drops, it is recommended to wash your hands with soap.

The medicine should be kept away from heat sources, as the active ingredient Bravecto is flammable.

One tablet should not be divided and given to several animals - the dosage will be inaccurate. This in turn will lead to an overdose or vice versa - the drug will not have a therapeutic effect.

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