Milprazon tablets for dogs against worms. Getting rid of parasites correctly!

In this article I will talk about the drug milprazone for dogs. I will describe the mechanism of its action, list the indications and instructions for use. I'll tell you how to correctly calculate the dosage. I will give possible side effects and contraindications. I will list analogues of the medicine and indicate its cost.

Is it possible?

Milprazone helps to paralyze the main muscle of the helminth, due to which the parasite easily passes through the intestines and is evacuated along with the feces. This medicine is used to treat diseases associated with helminthic infestations. The medication is designed specifically for the treatment of dogs of different breeds.

Puppies before vaccination

It is not recommended to give this medicine to puppies on the eve of vaccination. It is best to carry out deworming 2 weeks before vaccination. Otherwise, the pet’s body may react violently to the procedure, which will provoke undesirable reactions.


The main danger of parasites is that in the course of their life they absorb nutrients, which is why the animal’s body experiences a deficiency. At the same time, the waste of helminths causes severe poisoning in the animal, which can even lead to death.

To restore your pet's health, you should carefully monitor its behavior. Worms provoke deterioration or, conversely, increased appetite, indigestion, allergic reactions, and anemia. In advanced cases, they lead to disability and sometimes death of the animal.

Symptoms of helminthiasis in dogs:

  • apathy, lethargy – the dog moves little, sleeps a lot, does not show interest in the environment;
  • the wool becomes dull;
  • the skin becomes dry, dandruff may appear;
  • dermatitis and allergic reactions appear;
  • the dog eats less, and sometimes, on the contrary, eats more than usual, but at the same time loses weight;
  • the pet bites its tail, rubs its anus against various objects;
  • puppies lag behind their healthy peers in physical development.

If these symptoms are present, it makes sense to suspect the presence of worms, in the presence of which vitamins and nutrients are not absorbed in the required quantities, since they are “eaten” by parasites.

The following clinical signs will indicate that a puppy or adult dog is infected with helminths:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea, sometimes it alternates with constipation;
  • bloating;
  • anemia (pallor of the skin and mucous membranes);
  • difficulty breathing, possibly coughing.

Important! Without treatment, large accumulations of parasites can clog the intestinal lumen, causing rupture of its walls and internal bleeding. This can cause dangerous negative consequences - disability or even the death of the pet. Intestinal helminths are especially dangerous for puppies and small breed dogs.

If you suspect a helminthic infestation, even without the presence of visible traces of worms in the feces, you should contact a veterinary clinic. A stool test will confirm or refute the infection, and if the test is positive, it will show what type of helminth the pet is infected with.

A dog can become infected with worms not only through direct contact with a relative with helminthiasis. There are other ways of infection:

  • through soil contaminated with eggs or larvae;
  • food products (raw meat, fish);
  • insect bites (ticks, mosquitoes, fleas).

Puppies can become infected with helminths in utero or while nursing through the mother's milk.

Important! Even in the absence of parasites, it is recommended to use anthelmintic drugs regularly - at least once every three months.

Since Milprazone is effective against various types of intestinal parasites, it can be used for the treatment and prevention of any helminthiasis:

  • nematodes;
  • cestodiasis;
  • mixed invasions.

Instructions for use

Dosage by weight

For small breeds and puppies, it is recommended to purchase medications with a minimum dosage of the active ingredient. For dogs from 500 g to 1 kg, ½ tablet is provided. For pets weighing from 1 to 5 kg - 1 pc., and for animals from 5 to 10 kg the dose should be doubled.

For large dogs, you need to buy Milprazone for special purposes. If the pet weighs from 10 to 25 kg, then 1 tablet is provided for it. With a body weight from 25 to 50 kg - 2 pcs., and from 50 to 75 kg - 3 pcs.

How often is it needed?

For prevention, the medicine can be given once every 3 months. For therapeutic purposes, the medication is used only once. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a week.

How to give?

Milprasone is best given in the morning before feeding. The tablet smells like meat, so the pet often eats it without coercion.

If the dog refuses to take the medicine, then it should be placed on the root of the animal’s tongue. For such purposes, you can use a special tablet dispenser, which is sold in veterinary pharmacies. If this method is not suitable, then the medicine can be mixed with food, after crushing the tablet.

Composition and action

Milprazone is a combined antiparasitic drug that has nematicidal and cestocidal effects. The active ingredients are:

  • Milbemycin oxime is a substance active against nematodes - both adults and larvae, including Dirofilaria immitis;
  • praziquantel - has a pronounced effect against nematodes and cestodes.

Together, both components provide a rapid anthelmintic effect - within 1-4 hours after taking the tablet, the concentration of the active substance reaches its maximum. The drug is used for medicinal purposes, as well as for the prevention of infection with helminthic infestations, the causative agents of which are helminths of the following types:

  • Nematodes - toxocara, hookworm, pathogens of angiostrongylosis, thelasia, crenosome, dirofilaria (for the latter, Milprazone is used to prevent infection);
  • Cestodes – echinococci, causative agents of taeniasis, dipylidiasis, mesocestoidosis.



Evgeniy, 43 years old, veterinarian, St. Petersburg:

“Milprazone should be given to dogs once a quarter to prevent helminthic infestations. I don’t recommend using it more often, because it can cause disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system and intoxication.”

Anzhelika, 32 years old, veterinarian Krasnodar:

“I use this medication in my practice. It is effective, easy to give, and can even be mixed with food if necessary. We should not forget to weigh the animal before starting treatment.”


Anna, 37 years old, Samara:

“I gave this medicine to the dog for prevention. Despite the fact that the medicine had a meat aroma, the pet refused to eat the pill. I had to grind the drug and add it to the food. I’m satisfied with the effect, it’s just a pity that it’s not possible to purchase the medicine in a more convenient form.”

Sergey, 24 years old, Yekaterinburg : “I periodically give my dog ​​Milprazone to get rid of worms. I mix the tablet with food after preliminary crushing. I did not notice any side effects from the therapy. The dog feels good after taking the drug.”

Limitations and side effects

Milprazone cannot be used for deworming if the pet is hypersensitive to the components of the drug, including if they have manifested themselves previously. Other restrictions:

  • severe renal and hepatic pathologies;
  • exhaustion;
  • weakened state of the body;
  • infections.

Important! With caution and under the supervision of a veterinarian, the medicine can be used for the treatment and prevention of helminthiasis in dogs of the bobtail, sheltie, and collie breeds.

If the dosage is observed, taking Milprazone almost never causes complications. In case of individual intolerance to the components, the following signs of an allergic reaction may appear:

  • lethargy;
  • depressed state;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • muscle tremors;
  • ataxia (impaired coordination of movements).

If such signs appear, you should stop taking the drug and contact your veterinarian. He will prescribe symptomatic therapy.

An overdose is manifested by a depressed state, apathy, increased salivation, muscle paresis, and weakness.

What is the best replacement?


It is impossible to say which of the drugs is better - Milbemax or Milprazone, since the drugs are analogues and are considered equally effective.

Other analogues

Medicines with similar effects:

  1. Dirofen. Contains 3 active ingredients: febantel, pyrantel pamoate, praziquantel. The drug is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic. The medicine is used for both prevention and treatment. Thanks to its combined composition, it affects various types of parasites. Well tolerated at recommended doses. Estimated cost – 300 rubles.
  2. Prazicide. Like the previous medication, it contains 3 components: febantel, pyrantel pamoate, praziquantel. The drug is active against various worms, and also promotes the removal of their waste products. In case of overdose, intoxication may occur. The approximate cost of the medicine is 150 rubles. It comes in a suspension, which is much easier to give to an animal than a tablet.
  3. Drontal. Contains the same active ingredients as previous medications. The drug is available in tablets and suspensions, so if desired, you can choose the form of medication that is suitable for a particular case. Approximate cost: 400 rubles.

It is recommended to select medications only after consulting a doctor.

Personal prevention measures

21. When working with Milprazone tablets for dogs, you must follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medications.

22. People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should avoid direct contact with Milprasone tablets for dogs.

Empty medicinal product packaging must not be used for household purposes; it must be disposed of with household waste.

23. In case of accidental contact of the medicinal product with the skin or mucous membranes of the eyes, they must be rinsed with plenty of running water. If allergic reactions occur or if the drug accidentally enters the human body, you should immediately contact a medical facility (bring with you the instructions for use of the drug or the label).

If you are infected with tapeworms

Tapeworms are also called cystodes. They vary in size. The wide view is especially dangerous.

How does the wide tapeworm appear:

  • Regular vomiting accompanied by diarrhea;
  • The mucous surfaces of the cat are too pale and painful;
  • She demonstrates painful itching in the anus area, often wiping it on a carpet or rug, thanks to characteristic movements;
  • Severe exhaustion is noticeable.

Unfortunately, in this case the prognosis is often unfavorable, since the parasite reaches 1 meter in length. It can block or rupture the intestines with fatal consequences.

If there is a cucumber tapeworm

This helminth is detected mainly in street cats. It has no symptoms of infection, but multiplies too quickly. There are many segments in his body and eggs in each. Therefore, many new worms appear in the intestines.

Unfortunately, in this case, even Milprazone does not always help after one tablet. But 2-3 techniques can save the life of a four-legged pet.

Due to the fact that the price of Milprazone for cats is affordable for most Russians. This medicine has become very popular among domestic breeders and dog and cat lovers.

How can you tell if your cat is infected?

To start using Milprazone for cats against worms, you need to learn how to identify the presence of parasites. In total, about 30 helminths were studied. Most are considered nematodes.

We are talking about roundworms that inhabit the intestines. Most often in cats:

  • Hookworms;
  • Toxocars;
  • Toxascaridae.

The appearance of any of these species will lead to a noticeable change in the cat's health. She will develop gases, with bloating in the abdomen and chest, her weight may sharply decrease, severe irritability will develop, often vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and a general deterioration in well-being.

How do hookworms manifest?

These parasites deliberately use the animal's blood for their own nutrition. They live in the intestines. In order to be fully satiated, after insertion into the intestinal wall, a special secretion is released to inhibit blood clotting.

As a result, wounds remain, which leads to serious consequences for the animal. It loses a lot of blood. Unfortunately, such an infection is very difficult to detect in the early stages in order to begin immediate and effective treatment.

Signs of infection:

  • The animal has no appetite for a long time;
  • An incomprehensible lethargy appeared;
  • Regular loose stool and vomiting;
  • Too much weight loss;
  • Blood appeared in the animal's stool;
  • The mucous membranes are too pale;
  • Signs of anemia are noticeable;
  • The coat color has changed and its shine has been lost.

MILPRAZONE anthelmintic for adult dogs weighing more than 5 kg (pack of 2 tablets)

  • Products for dogs Dry food Royal Canin
  • Pro Plan
  • 1st Choice
  • Acana
  • Advance
  • All Dogs
  • Almo Nature
  • Applaws
  • Arden Grange
  • Barking Heads
  • Belcando
  • Berkley
  • Blitz
  • Bosch
  • Brooksfield
  • Brit
  • Cibau
  • Chummy
  • Chappi
  • Chicopee
  • Clan
  • DailyDog
  • Darling
  • Dog Chow
  • Eminent
  • Enova
  • Eukanuba
  • Farmina
  • Flatazor
  • Gemon
  • Genesis Pure Canada
  • Go! Natural Holistic
  • Golden Eagle
  • Golosi
  • Grandorf
  • Happy Dog
  • Hill's
  • Meglium
  • Monge
  • Nature's Table
  • Nero Gold
  • Now Natural Holistic
  • One&Only
  • Ontario
  • Organix
  • Orijen
  • Pedigree
  • Perfect Fit
  • Primordial
  • Pro Pac Ultimates
  • Prolife
  • Pronature
  • Puffins
  • Savarra
  • Special Dog
  • Simba
  • Summit Holistic
  • Tit Bit
  • Titan
  • Trainer
  • Wellness Core
  • Milk substitutes
  • Our Brand
  • Oscar
  • Native food
  • Stout
  • meal
  • Favorite
  • Zoogourman
  • Willie Tail
  • Happy dog
  • Royal Canin Veterinary medicated food
  • Advance Veterinary Diets
  • Brit Veterinary Diet
  • Clan Vet
  • Farmina Vet Life
  • Happy Dog Vet
  • Hill's Prescription Diet
  • Purina Veterinary Diets
  • Canned food
      Royal Canin
  • Animonda
  • Applaws
  • Arden Grange
  • Barking Heads
  • Belcando
  • Berkley
  • BioMenu
  • Bozita
  • Brit
  • Brunch
  • Cesar
  • Chummy
  • Chappi
  • Chicopee
  • Clan
  • Dog Lunch
  • Dog's Menu
  • Dr. Alder's
  • Edel Dog
  • Eukanuba
  • Friskies
  • Gemon
  • Go!
  • Grandorf
  • Happy Dog
  • Molina
  • Monge
  • Organix
  • Pedigree
  • Purina One
  • Schesir
  • Simba
  • Solid Nature
  • Special Dog
  • Trainer
  • VitAnimals
  • Vita Pro
  • Wellness Core
  • Large bowl
  • Country delicacies
  • Zoogourman
  • Mnyams
  • Real friends
  • Our Brand
  • Oscar
  • Palette of taste
  • Native food
  • Happy dog
  • meal
  • Four-Legged Gourmet
  • Exy
  • Willie Tail
  • Treats
      Pro Plan
  • 8 in 1
  • Acana
  • Arden Grange
  • Biomill
  • Bosch
  • Chicopee
  • Clan
  • Dog Fest
  • Edel Dog
  • Happy Dog
  • Molina
  • Organix
  • Orijen
  • Pedigree
  • Tit Bit
  • Triol
  • Whimzees
  • Country Delicacies
  • Toothpicks
  • Mnyams
  • Omega Neo
  • Antler
  • Porridge, cereal
      Four-Legged Gourmet
  • Beverages
  • Dog Crown
  • Automatic feeders, automatic drinkers, bowls
      Automatic feeders
  • Automatic drinking bowls
  • Ceramic bowls
  • Mats for bowls
  • Metal bowls
  • Bowls on a stand
  • Plastic bowls
  • Heated bowls
  • Address cards, tokens, beacons
      Engraved address cards
  • Address medallions
  • Glowing beacons
  • Ammunition
  • Collars
  • Leashes
  • Flexi tape measures
  • Chains, leashes
  • Harnesses
  • Carbines, swivels
  • Charms
  • Ringovki
  • Svorki
  • Vetapteka
      Elastic bandages, bandages
  • Veterinary passports
  • Postoperative blankets
  • Feeding kits
  • Shoes, socks
  • From helminths (worms)
  • Digital thermometers
  • Probiotics, prebiotics
  • Contraceptives
  • Tablet dispensers
  • Antibiotics
  • Medications, remedies
  • Stress Remedies
  • Protective collars
  • Protection against ticks and fleas
      Anti-tick and flea drops
  • Ultrasonic tick repellers
  • Tick ​​and flea collars
  • Sprays against ticks and fleas
  • Mite removers
  • Shampoos for parasites
  • Anti-tick and flea tablets
  • Emulsions against parasites
  • Vitamins, supplements
      Immunity and internal organs
  • Bones, joints
  • Wool and leather
  • Puppies and pregnant bitches
  • Energy and vitamins
  • Wolmar
  • Eating feces
  • Grooming, cosmetics
  • Claw clippers
  • Colt cutters
  • Air conditioners
  • Paw washers
  • Oil
  • trimmers
  • Scissors
  • Towels
  • Slickers, slickers
  • Combs and brushes
  • Mittens, gloves
  • Scratchers
  • Sprays
  • Trimmings
  • Furminators
  • Shampoos
  • Bows, elastic bands
  • Powders
  • Rugs
  • Travel accessories
  • Training and behavior
      Fisher discs
  • Clickers
  • Whistles
  • Treat bags
  • Antilay
  • Health and care
  • Behavior correction
  • Diapers, panties
  • Keeping it clean
  • Care wipes
  • Eye care
  • Paw care
  • Dental care
  • Ear care
  • Toys and balls
      For fetching
  • For chewing
  • For a treat
  • Ropes
  • Latex
  • Flying saucers
  • Soft
  • Balls
  • Developmental
  • With squeaker
  • Glowing
  • Tennis
  • Skin toys
  • Cages, enclosures, booths
      Metal enclosures
  • Metal cages
  • Cages, soft enclosures
  • Signs
  • Interior partitions
  • Feed containers
  • Sun beds, houses, mattresses
  • Soft houses
  • Soft sunbeds
  • Plastic sunbeds
  • Rugs
  • Tunnels
  • Carrying
      Carrying bags
  • Plastic
  • Toilets and diapers
  • Hygiene bags
  • Toilets
  • Toilet training
  • Clothes, shoes
      For girls
  • Jumpsuits
  • T-shirts
  • Jackets
  • Blankets, jackets
  • Sweaters
  • Boots
  • Suits
  • Socks
  • Trousers
  • Lingerie
  • Fur coats, sheepskin coats
  • Dresses
  • Products for cats
      Royal Canin dry food
  • Pro Plan
  • 1st Choice
  • Acana
  • Advance
  • Almo Nature
  • Applaws
  • Arden Grange
  • Barking Heads
  • Blitz
  • Bosch Sanabelle
  • Bozita
  • Brooksfield
  • Brit
  • Cat Chow
  • Chummy
  • Chicopee
  • DailyCat
  • Dr.Clauder's
  • Eminent
  • Enova
  • Eukanuba
  • Farmina
  • Felix
  • Flatazor
  • Friskies
  • Gemon
  • Genesis Pure Canada
  • Go! Natural Holistic
  • Golden Eagle
  • Golosi
  • Grandorf
  • Happy Cat
  • Hill's
  • Hill's Ideal Balance
  • Kitekat
  • Leonardo
  • Puffins
  • Matisse
  • Meglium
  • Monge
  • Nature's Table
  • Nero Gold
  • Now Natural Holistic
  • One&Only
  • Ontario
  • Organix
  • Orijen
  • Perfect Fit
  • Primordial
  • Prolife
  • Pronature
  • Savarra
  • Simba
  • Schesir
  • Summit Holistic
  • Titan
  • Trainer
  • Wellness Core
  • Whiskas
  • Milk substitutes
  • Zoogourman
  • Our Brand
  • Native food
  • Medicinal feed
      Royal Canin Veterinary
  • Purina Veterinary Diets
  • Advance Veterinary Diets
  • Hill's Prescription Diet
  • Brit Veterinary Diet
  • Clan Vet
  • Farmina Vet Life
  • Canned food
      Royal Canin
  • Pro Plan
  • All Cats
  • Almo Nature
  • Animonda
  • Applaws
  • Barking Heads
  • Berkley
  • Best Dinner
  • BioMenu
  • Bozita
  • Brit
  • Brunch
  • Cat Chow
  • Cat Lunch
  • Chummy
  • Chicopee
  • Clan
  • Dr.Clauder's
  • Edel Cat
  • Eukanuba
  • Farmina
  • Felix
  • Friskies
  • Gemon
  • Go!
  • Gourmet
  • Grandorf
  • Happy Cat
  • Hill's
  • Hill's Ideal Balance
  • Kitekat
  • Lechat
  • Leonardo
  • Mi-mi
  • Mjau
  • Molina
  • MonAmi
  • Monge
  • Nature's Table
  • Organix
  • Perfect Fit
  • Petreet
  • PreVital
  • Prime Ever
  • Puffins
  • Schesir
  • Sheba
  • Simba
  • Solid Nature
  • VitAnimals
  • Vita Pro
  • Wellness Core
  • Whiskas
  • Country delicacies
  • Zoogourman
  • Mnyams
  • Our Brand
  • Night Hunter
  • Palette of taste
  • Native food
  • Four-Legged Gourmet
  • Treats
  • Bosch
  • Dreamies
  • Edel Cat
  • Felix
  • Gimpet
  • Happy Cat
  • Molina
  • Organix
  • Orijen
  • Tit Bit
  • Triol
  • Whiskas
  • Alpine meadows
  • Country Delicacies
  • Mnyams
  • Omega Neo
  • Native food
  • Animonda
  • Fillers
      Cat Step
  • Cat's Best
  • Catsan
  • Ever Clean
  • Fresh Step
  • Homecat
  • Mimi Litter
  • Pi-Pi-Bent
  • Pussy-Cat
  • Sale
  • Barsik
  • WC Closet
  • My beast
  • Zoonic
  • Kotyara
  • Kuzya
  • Snowball
  • Happy Paws
  • Eminent
  • Clean Paws
  • Van Cat
  • Purina Tidy Cat's
  • Smart Cat
  • Neon Litter
  • Sepiolsa
  • Catzone
  • Eurolitter
  • Murzik
  • Dr.Elsey's
  • Easy Clean
  • Canada Letter
  • Pretty Cat
  • № 1
  • Siberian cat
  • Shurum-Burum
  • Absorbent
  • Woody
  • clumping
  • Silica gel
  • Golden cat
  • Kit Cat
  • Indian Cat Litter
  • Molly Coddle
  • Beverages
  • Automatic feeders, automatic drinkers, bowls
      Automatic feeders
  • Ceramic bowls
  • Plastic bowls
  • Automatic drinking bowls
  • Bowls on a stand
  • Mats for bowls
  • Metal bowls
  • Address cards, tokens, key chains
      Address medallions
  • Engraved address cards
  • Ammunition
  • Collars
  • Harnesses
  • Muzzles
  • Vetapteka
      From helminths (worms)
  • Probiotics, prebiotics
  • Contraceptives
  • Medications, remedies
  • Stress Remedies
  • Collars, postoperative blankets
  • ICD test kits
  • Protection against ticks and fleas
      Anti-tick and flea drops
  • Tick ​​and flea collars
  • Sprays against ticks and fleas
  • Shampoos for parasites
  • Vitamins, supplements
      Immunity and internal organs
  • Wool and leather
  • Bones and joints
  • Energy and vitamins
  • Hair removal
  • Kittens and pregnant cats
  • Weed for cats
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Grooming, cosmetics
  • Claw clippers
  • Colt cutters
  • Combs and brushes
  • Shampoos
  • Powders
  • Rugs
  • Mittens, gloves
  • Sprays
  • Doors
  • Travel accessories
  • Health and care
      Keeping it clean
  • Behavior correction
  • Eye care
  • Toys and balls
  • Interactive
  • Soft
  • Tunnels
  • Balls
  • Fishing rods, teasers
  • Scratching posts
      One-story house
  • Anti-scratch
  • Corner protection scratching post
  • scratching post board
  • scratching post post
  • Multi-storey house
  • Feed containers
  • Sun beds, houses, mattresses
  • Soft sunbeds
  • Rugs
  • Mattresses
  • Hammocks for radiators
  • Carrying
  • Carrying bags
  • Toilets, scoops
      Mesh toilets
  • Toilets without frame
  • Toilets with frame
  • Toilet training
  • Closed toilets (house)
  • Scoops
  • Packages
  • Aquarium products
  • Barbus
  • Hagen
  • Hailea
  • KW Zone
  • Prime
  • Tetra
  • Aqua
  • Tabletop aquariums (less than 10 l)
  • Biodesign
  • round
  • With filter and backlight
  • CM
  • Cabinets
  • Feed
  • Tetra
  • Other
  • Aqua Menu
  • Zoomir
  • External filters
  • Prime
  • Fluval
  • Eheim
  • Aquarium UV sterilizers
  • Eheim
  • Aquarium chemistry
  • Plant care products
  • Water care and enrichment products
  • Anti-algae products
  • Tests
  • Internal filters
  • Aquael
  • Barbus
  • KW Zone
  • Fluval
  • Scenery
  • Plants
  • Decorations
  • Corals
  • Soils
  • Backgrounds
  • Spare parts and accessories
  • Eheim
  • Aqua-Pro
  • Trixie
  • Hagen
  • Juwel
  • Aquael
  • Barbus
  • KW Zone
  • Maintenance equipment
  • Forceps
  • Nets
  • Scrapers
  • Hoses
  • Glue
  • Magnetic scrapers
  • Compressors
  • Schego
  • Aquael
  • Hagen
  • Barbus
  • Prime
  • KW Zone
  • Feeders
      Automatic fish feeders
  • Lamps
  • Hagen
  • Heaters and thermometers
      Thermometers, hydrometers
  • Thermal heaters
  • Filter fillers
  • Tetra
  • Aquael
  • Fluval
  • Eheim
  • Barbus
  • VladOx
  • Otsadniki
  • Carrying
  • Pumps
  • Aquael
  • Barbus
  • KW Zone
  • Lamps
  • LED
  • Barbus
  • Biodesign
  • Aquael
  • Timers
  • Products for birds
      Cages Aviaries
  • For small birds
  • For medium birds
  • Carrying
  • For large birds
  • Feed
      For budgies
  • For medium parrots
  • For large parrots
  • For the canaries
  • For finches and weavers
  • Additional food
  • For forest birds
  • For insectivores
  • Treats
      Biscuits for birds
  • Bird sticks
  • Mineral stones, sand
      Mineral stones
  • Sand
  • Cleaners
  • Vitamins and supplements
  • Vitamins
  • Baths, swimsuits
  • Perches
  • Toys
  • Ropes
  • Swing
  • Rings
  • Combined
  • parrots
  • Feeders
  • Outdoor feeders
  • Stairs
  • Drinking bowls
  • Houses and nests
  • Care and hygiene products
  • Birdhouses
  • Products for rodents and rabbits
      Cages for hamsters and mice
  • For rabbits
  • For rats
  • For chinchillas
  • For guinea pigs
  • Feed
      For rabbits
  • For chinchillas
  • For rats
  • For hamsters
  • For guinea pigs
  • For degu
  • For gerbils
  • For squirrels
  • For mice
  • Hay, grass
  • Fillers
  • Sawdust
  • Woody
  • Sand and powder
  • Paper
  • Straw
  • Treats
      For chinchillas
  • For rabbits
  • For guinea pigs
  • For hamsters and mice
  • For all breeds
  • Vetapteka
      From helminths (worms)
  • Vitamins and supplements
  • Hammocks
  • Houses
  • Tooth toys
  • Bathing suits
  • Sunbeds
  • Ladders and shelves
  • Mineral stones
  • Bowls and feeders
  • Carrying
  • Leashes and harnesses
  • Drinking bowls
  • Combs and nippers
  • Tunnels
  • Toilets
  • Cleaners
  • Balls and wheels
  • Products for agricultural birds and animals
      Poultry farming Feed, premixes
  • Cattle and horses
      Care and hygiene products
  • Feed, premixes
  • Products for reptiles
      Tetra food
  • Zoomir
  • Terrariums, carriers, cabinets
      Terrariums and cabinets
  • Plastic carriers, depositors
  • Vitamins, supplements
  • Care and hygiene products
  • Accessories, chemistry for terrarium
      Equipment, tweezers
  • Equipment for terrarium
      Humidifying the terrarium
  • Filters for terrariums
  • Feeders and drinkers
  • Fillers
  • Lamps
      Exo Terra
  • Biodesign
  • Decorations for the terrarium
      Artificial scenery
  • Shelters and houses
  • Products for ferrets
      Bosch food
  • Fiory
  • Padovan
  • Versele-Laga
  • Four-Legged Gourmet
  • Care and hygiene products
  • Toilets
  • Accessories
  • If there are toxic cars

    These are medium-sized intestinal parasites. They have a body in the area of ​​5 - 12 cm. Infection of kittens under 2.5 months is especially dangerous. In case of intrauterine penetration into a kitten, there is a risk of migration to the lungs.

    How to identify an infestation:

    • Regular vomiting of mucus and saliva. Sometimes live worms are detected. As a rule, this indicates the seriousness of the problem;
    • Diarrhea gives way to constipation;
    • The cat has noticeable pallor of the mucous surfaces;
    • Always a very bloated stomach.

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