Dogs for street keeping: list of breeds. What temperature can dogs withstand outside in winter?

If you like low temperatures and wet snow, your pet should suit your preferences. “Basically, a dog that is comfortable in snowy areas has a thick coat that protects it from the elements,” says Bernadine Cruz, a veterinarian with experience working with Arctic dogs. “Representatives of northern breeds often have strong, fluffy paws that allow them to move through the snow.”

If you live in the mountains or are looking for a furry friend who will warm you with their warmth during winter hikes, take a closer look at the northern breeds - they are best suited for these purposes.


The Akita is truly a royal dog from Japan, where previously only members of the imperial family could own it. Akita statues were given as gifts for the birth of a child. They were believed to bring health, happiness and long life.

Representatives of the breed, originally bred for hunting in harsh weather conditions, have a thick undercoat and a hard top coat. Their hallmarks are independence and stubbornness, but at the same time, pets are loyal to their family and strive to protect its members.

Alaskan Malamute

A breed bred to transport heavy loads and as a sled dog, it is ideal for living in cold climates. “The Alaskan Malamute is resistant to cold, which is due to its origin (Alaska is its homeland). The breed is the oldest Arctic dog used to transport cargo in the Arctic, says Gina DiNardo, vice president of the American Kennel Club. “The Malamute’s thick, coarse coat allows them to retain heat.”

American Eskimo dog

The breed, developed in Germany, was originally called the White German Spitz, but after World War II it was renamed the American Eskimo Dog, which most likely refers not to the Eskimos, but to the white color of the animal's coat.

Although it is a playful dog of small size and was once used to perform in the Barnum and Bailey Circus, it is more suited to outdoor activity; The animal's fur is resistant to getting wet, and its thick ears remain warm at low temperatures.

Types of enclosures

According to the material from which the enclosure is made, it can be:

  • Wooden.
  • Metallic.
  • Combined

According to the degree of openness and insulation, enclosures are divided into:

  • Open.
  • Partially open.
  • Partially insulated.
  • Fully insulated over the entire surface.

These indicators depend on the time of year.


In terms of size, only a large enclosure is suitable for a Rottweiler, out of the existing small and medium ones.


Since the Rottweiler is a fairly large and bulky breed of dog, the size of its enclosure should be at least ten square meters.

The height of the enclosure should also be large . This way the dog will receive as much light as possible in warm weather.

A booth located inside the enclosure will help protect you from the cold.

Anatolian Shepherd

This is a serious rock breed, the representatives of which are harsh, hardy, agile and capable of covering long distances. Used in Turkey over 6,000 years ago to guard herds, the Anatolian Shepherd has low energy levels but strong protective qualities. From an early age, she needs to understand who is in charge in the house, and the owner needs to introduce the serious guard to new guests.


Owners often call Schipperkes little devils. The weight of an adult Schipperke is about 7 kg, but do not underestimate its watchdog qualities!

Schipperke is an exceptionally sensitive, vigilant guard, very energetic and capable of biting a thief who has entered the area without hesitation. He is suspicious of all strangers, and bribing him with food will not work. Before an attack, he always barks, which allows a prudent stranger to quickly leave the area.

Schipperke works no worse than an alarm system and is very convenient for keeping in the area near the house in which the owners live permanently. This little guard does not take up much space, is friendly to the whole family, and affectionate with children. In addition, like a cat, it destroys all rats, moles and other rodents on the site.

And 2 more breeds were added to this list on the advice of readers:

Bernese Mountain Dog

This breed combines strength, speed, agility and devotion to its owner. At the same time, animals have a mild temperament and do not require a lot of exercise.

Bred in Switzerland as draft dogs and as sled dogs, Bernese Mountain Dogs are large and strong animals, and therefore are capable of carrying heavy equipment (both their own and part of their owner's).

How to make a booth with your own hands?

The classic version of the booth is a wooden booth.

It perfectly protects from both cold and heat, breathes and does not emit harmful substances. Such a structure will serve the dog for 6-7 years.

Here are instructions on how to build a doghouse with a pitched roof.:

  • From 100 by 100 bars, put together the base of the floor. Place the frame on a flat surface and fill one side with a sheet of plywood to size. Turn the structure over and lay foam, polystyrene foam or mineral wool between the beams. Stuff the plywood on the other side. The floor is ready.
  • Install two vertical bars on the base along the height of the facade and two bars on the other side, but a little shorter - this will be the slope of the future roof. Use a leveler to check that the bars are vertical. It is better to fasten the bars with wood screws and metal corners.
  • Separately from the structure, connect three bars into a U-shaped structure according to the size of the hole, again using self-tapping screws and metal corners. Screw it to the base where needed.
  • Cover the outside of the structure with plywood or OSB. Lay a layer of insulation on the inside in the same way as on the floor, then make the inner lining.
  • The roof is made in the same way as the floor, but a little larger in size so that it protrudes slightly beyond the structure. The roof is attached to the kennel, covered with roofing felt or covered with slate.
  • Install the booth on thick beams or bricks.

With these recommendations you can build a brick booth:

  • Level and clear the area before construction. Mark the contours, then dig a 25x25 cm trench around the perimeter for the foundation. After this, fill it with concrete and leave it to dry for several days.
  • Once the concrete has hardened, begin laying out the walls. When building, do not forget to check the verticality of the structure and compliance with right angles. At the location of the hole, pass the required number of bricks along its width. After the masonry reaches the height of the hole, place a wooden beam on top and continue laying it completely.
  • After you finish construction, be sure to insulate the booth from the inside with wooden sheathing. Also cover the floor with wood.
  • On the roof, it would be best to make a ceiling from boards or plywood. Only then can the roof be installed directly. For example, it could be made of slate.

Chow chow

These dogs are best known for their black tongues and "wool coat" that makes them extremely resistant to the cold. “If you like to be outside and own a Chow Chow, by all means take him where there is snow,” says Pat Foose, a breeder of the breed in Colorado. “These animals are extremely happy to spend time with their loved ones.”

German Shepherd

The breed gained its popularity after the appearance on screens of Rin Tin Tin, a stray German shepherd puppy found during the First World War and becoming a character in television shows and films.

Representatives of the breed are excellent shepherds, security guards and police officers. They are strong, agile, hardworking, energetic and learn new things quickly.

German Shepherds are prone to hip dysplasia; To avoid these health problems, you should purchase a purebred animal only from trusted breeders.

Owner's character

Evaluate yourself as a person. Active athletes and quiet housewives need different dog breeds. There are a number of breeds known that only strong and strong-willed people can handle. Popular decorative breeds will require a lot of time and attention, and are capable of causing scenes of jealousy if someone decides to get closer to their beloved owner or mistress.

If a person has a high degree of activity and is considered a follower of an active healthy lifestyle - he likes cycling, jogging, rollerblading, an active, agile and nimble representative of the dog breed will be suitable. For example, Irish Setter, Husky, Greyhound Italian Greyhound.

Let the calm and balanced future owner take a closer look at retrievers or pugs. Business active people with a strong-willed character can purchase a German Shepherd, Doberman or Rottweiler.

If you are thinking about purchasing a decorative breed, remember that indoor pets require significant attention. Capable of being stubborn, extremely nervous and sensitive.

Most dog trainers and breeders recommend adopting a small puppy. Obvious difficulties with raising and raising are foreseen, but there is firm confidence in the upbringing and disposition of the pet. Some people prefer to adopt an adult dog to avoid the hassles of growing up, hassling with vaccinations, and childhood diseases.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (Grand Bouvier Swiss)

The Swiss was originally known as the "poor man's horse" and was used to carry heavy loads by farmers, shepherds, traders and even the Swiss during World War II. Despite the fact that representatives of the breed are large and powerful dogs (their weight is in the range of 38-64 kg), they have a gentle character and do not need constant exercise.

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog makes an excellent herder, as well as a hiking companion who will willingly help with carrying (and transporting) equipment.


Having dealt with the legislative part, you need to make sure that the dog is comfortable. If an animal is bred to guard the house, then it is logical for it to live mainly on the street. It is ideal to build a large kennel for him, in which the dog could sleep and hide whenever he wants.

Important: when building a booth, you need to take into account the size of the dog: the animal must stand quietly in it and lie down with all its paws extended.

It is up to the owner to decide whether to keep the dog on a chain or not . The same applies to the aviary . It is a common belief that to protect your home, it is enough to buy a large breed animal and put it on a chain or in an enclosure.

Over time, this will become a problem for the owner: from loneliness and the stress it causes, the dog can become aggressive and uncontrollable. Getting a dog that you can only let off the chain at night, and then with caution, is not the best idea for protection.

A dog kept in the yard of a private house needs socialization and even walking just as much as a pet dog. While she is still a puppy, it is worth going to different places with her more often, introducing her to other animals and people, so as not to end up with a wild animal later.

Important: while the guard dog is small, you need to teach it to react adequately to all family members; it will not be able to automatically understand where strangers are and where they are. If there are children and elderly people in the family, and there is no time to take care of the animal, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​guarding the house with a dog and install an alarm system.

If you still decide to keep your dog in a non-free-range environment, you should not skimp on the length of the chain so that the animal can run and exercise. The same applies to the enclosure: the living space “one meter by one meter” is not suitable for guard dogs, which are usually quite large. And, in any case, once a week the dog will need to be let off the chain and taken for a walk so that it can warm up well and communicate with its owner. Otherwise, the dog may become depressed .


Another question that is often asked is: should you take your dog indoors for the winter? One of the criteria for choosing a guard dog is a good coat. So, if the animal has a warm shelter, it is well-fed and has gained wool before winter, there will be no problems. The dog will winter well outside, performing its functions. It is worth checking the ears and paws; if they are warm, there is no need to worry. If there is no confidence that the dog is well prepared for winter, it would be more humane to take a friend into the house.

Pyrenees Mountain Dog (Great Pyrenees)

Used to herd livestock on the steep mountain slopes of France, Pyrenean mountain dogs are capable of negotiating dangerous terrain and difficult terrain.

These large animals, weighing 36-45 kg, are elegant and calm, which is why they were chosen as the royal dog of the French Republic. “Great Pyrenees are the most gentle of the guard breeds, the longest living of the giant dogs, and yet they do not require special care,” says Carrie Stewart Rarks, president of the American Pyrenees Mountain Dog Breeders Club. – These animals love winter; their thick, double-layered coat provides protection from extreme cold (except in the lowest arctic temperatures).”


A hunting dog that does an excellent job as a guard. Average weight – 9-12 kg.

The beagle has an unusually sensitive sense of smell. He is affectionate with his owner and family, but during training he needs a strong hand, as he is quite stubborn. But this trait is very important for a guard dog: stubbornness is directly related to independence, and a guard dog must be able to make decisions without the owner’s command. The Beagle copes with this very well: he will not tolerate the presence of strangers on the site and will immediately decide to drive them out.

Karakachan dog

Also known as the Bulgarian Shepherd, the Karakachan dog (the second option is correct) is a natural guardian of livestock. She is efficient, loyal to her family members and has developed protective instincts.

Weighing from 36 to 55 kg, these intelligent dogs love to spend time outdoors and are reluctant to be indoors all day long. Large pets do not seek shelter even during rainy and snowy weather, preferring to sleep outside.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been the owner of a Karakachan dog since 2010.

Types of booths

There are booths:

  • With a gable roof.
  • Single-pitched roof.
  • With vestibule.
  • With a canopy.
  • With a door.
  • Two-story.
  • Double rooms for two dogs.


To make the optimal kennel, you need to take several measurements from the dog: from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail - this is the depth, the height at the withers plus 5 cm is the height of the room, the chest width plus 5 cm is the width of the opening into the kennel.

For a Rottweiler on average these will be the following indicators:

  • Height – 80 cm.
  • Depth – 110 cm.
  • Booth width – 75 cm.
  • The dimensions of the hole are 50 by 35 cm.

Wolfspitz (Keeshond)

The thick coat and fluffy undercoat allow this extremely affectionate dog to withstand extreme temperatures and harsh weather conditions; Other advantages of the breed include its unusual, attention-grabbing colors.

“The Keeshond has a very thick coat, which allowed it to stay warm while working as a guard dog on Dutch river boats,” says Dinaro. It is interesting that at one time the People's Party of the Netherlands made the Keeshond its symbol.

Wolfspitz are friendly, quick to learn and active animals. Despite their energy, they can behave calmly at home. These dogs need little exercise, but without it at all, Keeshonds will literally spin around like a top.

Miniature Schnauzer

Intelligence, attentiveness, ideal endurance - this is the psychological portrait of the smallest (only 4-8 kg) dog of a service breed called a miniature schnauzer. This is a fearless and vigilant guard, ready to defend the territory, home, and owner to the end.

A cheerful disposition and agility harmoniously complement a balanced character, which makes the miniature not only an ideal guard, but also a cheerful companion for active games.

When choosing a dog for a private home, you must first decide on the purpose. Any domestic breed is suitable as a companion dog that will spend most of its time in a warm house by the fireplace next to its owner.

To protect the home, property and owners, it is important that the dog has security and guard potential. A dog that will live in an enclosure or roam freely around the site must be able to tolerate frost well and be in good health.

Criterias of choice. Any breed that has the following characteristics is suitable for keeping outdoors:

  • strong physique;
  • endurance;
  • independence;
    easy learning ability;
  • mobility.

To live permanently outside in harsh winter conditions, the pet must have a thick undercoat. On the contrary, if the house is located in the southern zone, it is better that the wool does not create a greenhouse effect. Huskies, Alabai, Tibetan Mastiff and other frost-resistant breeds do not tolerate heat well. For dogs with short hair, it is better to equip a warm kennel or let them spend the winter in the house.

Guard breeds

If you want your dog to perform the duties of a protector and guard, you should pay attention to breeds with security and watchdog potential. These are usually medium or large breeds with well-developed muscles and a wide head.

Despite their physical strength, these dogs are obedient and devoted to their owner. They adore their family, so they will not offend anyone and will protect their territory and property from strangers.

The following have good guard qualities:

  • Cane Corso;
  • Moscow watchdog;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Tibetan mastiff;
  • alabai;
  • Russian black terrier;
  • East European Shepherd;
  • Leonberger.

It is important to raise a dog so that it feels responsible for the family and property, but does not consider itself the leader of the pack. Otherwise, the owners themselves may be among the “strangers.”

Companion dogs for outdoor living

If home security is not the main purpose of buying a dog, you should pay attention to large, active dogs that will be more comfortable on the street than in a cramped room. Their security and guard qualities are weakly expressed.

But these pets will be happy to walk, play in the area and raise their voices when strangers approach.

The following are suitable as a companion dog on the site:

  • Newfoundland;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • Bernese Mountain Dog;
  • Border Collie;
  • Labrador;
  • Aussie;
  • Golden retriever;
  • husky;
  • malamute

Newfies and St. Bernards will make excellent nannies for children. You can play with a border collie or labrador in the area and go for walks to the lake or in the forest. It is better not to keep hunters, for example, dachshunds, spaniels, huskies, greyhounds, on the property, especially if you are going to grow crops and breed birds. Due to their hunting instincts, pets can dig up the entire garden and strangle a couple of chickens.

Features of the content. For a dog on the street, it is imperative to build a strong booth that will protect the pet from bad weather, heat and frost. If winter lasts a long time and the temperature stays below zero, it is better to insulate the dog house. The booth should be roomy, according to the size of the dog. Ideally, the pet can stretch out, stand up, and hide in the far corner.

It is advisable that the booth opens into the enclosure. This is where the dog will eat, drink and breathe air. Enclosures are needed if the dog is trying to protect property from everyone, including invited guests. In addition, the fence will prevent escapes from the site.

A dog living on the street must be regularly treated for parasites. All required vaccinations are required. Periodically comb and wash your pet to remove dust and sand stuck in the fur.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.

Dogs living outside in a kennel or enclosure have a hard time in winter. Especially in areas where the thermometer drops quite low. How to insulate a home for a four-legged friend so that he can survive the cold without any problems - this question interests many owners.


According to the requirements of the American Kennel Club, Kuvasz must have only white color. This dog’s homeland is Tibet, and the name is translated from Turkish as “armed guard of the nobility.” In the past it was owned by members of the Hungarian royal family. Later, representatives of the breed became common as hunters and shepherds.

The Kuvasz's double-layer coat makes them excellent mountain dogs, and their quick learning, fearlessness and strong protective instincts make them an ideal furry companion.

Energetic and potentially destructive, kuvaszs require space, such as a fenced-in yard.


These wonderful family dogs have low energy levels, but are full of friendliness and caring. Fluffy giants, whose weight can reach 68 kg, are calm and patient.

“Newfoundlands’ thick coats protect them from the icy waters they were originally bred to work in,” DiNardo explains. These Canadian dogs are still used today during water rescue operations; Having a two-layer “fur coat” and a strong body, they also feel great in the mountains.

Newfoundlands have a good quality - they almost never bark. However, future owners of a furry giant should take into account that this pet has profuse salivation.


At first glance, it is easier to have a dog in a private house than in an apartment building: here it definitely won’t bother anyone. But it’s still worth asking about the law: Ch. 3 tbsp. 10 part 2 of this law of the Russian Federation says that dogs in the private sector can be kept on the principle of free range.

However, the entire perimeter of the territory in this case is fenced off . Otherwise, the dog will have to be tied up and walked only under human supervision. The booth or enclosure must be located on the territory of your private home; placing it outside, behind a fence, is illegal. In this case, neighbors will have every right to file a complaint.

It is also mandatory to have a warning sign at the entrance to the site indicating that a dog lives there. If you live in a house in which several families live and which is located on a separate plot with a fenced area, then you also need to have the consent of all residents of this house.

Norwegian Elkhound

“An ancient Scandinavian breed with Nordic features was used in the past for hunting in cold climates,” says Dinaro, adding that this influenced the dogs’ characteristics. They are energetic and, due to the peculiarities of their coat, are always ready to work in snowy areas (the top layer of their coat is smooth, and the undercoat is very thick).

The original purpose of the Norwegian Elkhound is elk hunting. Currently, this dog is an excellent walking companion, with agility, endurance and a desire to protect its owner.

For home and children protection: with photographs, names and descriptions

When choosing guard dogs for a country house with children, proceed from the main thing: which breed will be better for the child. Here are the top 6 best security guards for a private or country house:

Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff)

A large short-haired dog, originally bred in Italy as a guard dog. In Europe today this breed is used to guard jewelry stores and luxury boutiques, and it also serves as an indicator of prestige.

In our opinion, the best guard breed for a home where a family with children lives and guards ! Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, even though the cane is big, but unlike many other large breeds, it is well aware of its strength, so kids can be allowed to play with them. The animal will not knock the child down or scare him. For a Cane Corso, the worst punishment is the crying of a baby under his protection . It is not very demanding in maintenance, but in winter this breed will require a warm booth.

Giant Schnauzer

The largest variety of schnauzers, another excellent guard for a private country house. This dog, without hesitation, will rush to protect its owner. He loves to play, including with children, and usually becomes a good companion for them.

It is well suited both for a child, replacing his nanny, and for a teenager, becoming a friend . Easy to train, the level of intelligence is almost equal to a German shepherd. Perhaps the only serious drawback of the Giant Schnauzer is the need to regularly comb it and generally care for its coat.


Hungarian Kuvasz

The breed is not very well known, yet it is an ideal protector. Outwardly, kuvasz looks like a huge, fluffy white cloud, but those who want to profit from your goods will not find this cloud affectionate! This is an excellent companion dog that will not show unnecessary seriousness, but will give a serious fight when necessary.

Saint Bernard

The St. Bernard gained its fame in 1992 after the appearance of a film in which the main character was the super slobbery and always causing problems Beethoven. Of course, not all St. Bernards are capable of causing a stir, but representatives of the breed have the same impressive size - their weight is 54-91 kg.

Fluffy giants do not have energy and are not prone to active games, but they are truly loyal, strong and ready to travel kilometers in search of missing people.


If you plan to feed your dog dry food, you need to choose those that have the additives “Performance”, “Active”, “Energy” or “Sport” in their names. They contain substances that provide energy and the ability to quickly restore strength.

It is much more difficult to prepare regular nutritious food for a guard dog. The opinion that such feeding will cost less than dry food is wrong. The diet should contain complete pieces of meat (beef), porridge in broth, bones, animal fat, vegetables, vitamin-mineral complexes for dogs, high-energy feed additives, etc.

So there will be no savings. Therefore, when getting a guard, you need to carefully calculate whether it is possible to feed him. Well, remember that a well-fed animal will respond to you with love, affection and will not let strangers get within range of a cannon shot.

Samoyed dog

Who wouldn't want to wake up in the morning with a Samoyed smile? This playful and gentle pet is an ideal companion. But do not forget that it requires a lot of physical and mental training.

The dog, originally from Siberia, was bred to herd reindeer, hunt and work in a sled. Nowadays, compact, graceful and cheerful Samoyeds have become popular pets.

Summing up

Conventionally, known breeds are divided into 4 groups, determined in connection with the main purposes of the representatives included in each group of breeds. Guard breeds are popular and in demand today. Representatives of the hunting group are no less popular. When choosing a breed, try to evaluate your own nature in an extremely honest way, then it will be much easier to choose.

For example, a lazy or overly busy person at work is clearly not suitable for an overactive pet that requires an active lifestyle. A small decorative puppy will not tolerate hard, energetic training. A person with a gentle character will not need to have a representative of the fighting breed. Dogs sense the slightest weakness of the owner and use the mistake to their own advantage. Representatives of service breeds are also not ideal for a gentle person, requiring strictness.

A dog is a man’s friend and often reflects the essence of its owner. Try to choose a pet that matches your own character. Then it will be much easier to find a common language with the animal.

In order not to be mistaken about which dog is best to bring into a private home, you need to carefully study the breeds and determine what exactly a four-legged friend is needed for. Most often it is purchased for protection.

Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu has a thick, two-layer coat. This dog is energetic, talkative and always ready to explore.

“Goku loves snow,” the owner of a 2.5-year-old dog says about his pet. - I call it playfulness - he can frolic all day long. “I have a lot of videos of Goku bathing in the snow, and he also likes to look for things in the snowdrifts.”

Siberian Husky

The dog is native to Northeast Asia and is another breed that has been used in sled dogs. “The huskies I worked with were very talkative,” says Cruz, a veterinarian who has experience working with Arctic dogs during greyhound racing. “They shed, but the extent depends on the environment and health conditions. They also need intense training to stay physically and mentally healthy.”

Tibetan mastiff

For some time, Tibetan mastiffs existed exclusively in the Himalayas.

Tibetan Mastiffs feel comfortable in both low and high temperatures. Thick and long two-layer coat protects them from the effects of adverse weather conditions, while in winter the dogs' undercoat is thick and heavy, and by summer it decreases.

Representatives of the breed are predominantly black or brown in color, but there are also red Tibetan mastiffs, which are considered the most expensive (one puppy is estimated at $1.5 million).

Not long ago, a curious incident occurred in a Chinese zoo when they tried to pass off a Tibetan mastiff as an African lion; the spectators were extremely unhappy when they heard the barking of a supposedly representative of the cat family.

Price range

The price of an enclosure usually depends on the material from which it is made, as well as the complexity of the design.

The most expensive combined enclosures . But if you are going to buy or build it from expensive wood or metal, then the price will be appropriate.

For example, when purchasing an oak enclosure with metal rods, you will pay 95 thousand rubles for it. Length, width and height are respectively 4x3x2.5 meters.

For an enclosure, consisting mainly of a lattice, with a metal roof, you will have to pay 52 thousand rubles. Its dimensions will be 3x2x2 m. This is the lowest price for an outdoor enclosure.


Enclosures less than 50 thousand rubles are most often made of low-quality materials; they are short-lived and quickly become unusable.

Also, their components can be toxic to dogs.

Purchasing a cheap design risks the fact that even the dog itself can break, for example, the exit grate and escape outside . The roof of such enclosures leaks, they are not insulated, and in winter the dog will feel uncomfortable in this structure.

In the worst case scenario, the enclosure could collapse directly on top of the animal.

The average price for a “house” for an animal is 60 thousand rubles . This is the best money to purchase, if not the highest quality materials, then at least those that can last your pet 6-7 years.

Additionally, you can only spend money on insulating the floors and walls.

If you buy an enclosure for more than 95 thousand, you risk being deceived . Good and high-quality materials can be bought for less.

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