Alabai with ears (undocked): when the ears and tail of puppies are docked

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, Alabai or Asians have a majestic and intimidating appearance largely due to the breed’s exterior. The dogs have a powerful body, a large massive head with short triangular ears and a short thick tail. Currently, docking of the ears and tail of the Alabai is carried out only in the countries of the former CIS for aesthetic reasons. Abroad, the operation of cutting ears and tails without medical indications is prohibited for humanitarian reasons. The decision on the advisability of carrying out the procedure on his own dog is made by the owner of the animal.

Why is cupping necessary?

Experienced breeders and lovers of large breed dogs are divided into two irreconcilable camps. Some insist on the need for a docking procedure, others believe that this is severe pain for the animal and outdated methods.

The fact is that the ears and tail of the Alabai interfere with the animal, and will also become additional vulnerable parts in a fight with prey.

But at exhibitions, dog competitions and competitions, an undocked Alabai will be allowed on an equal basis with a docked one. European standards do not classify dogs on this basis.

Possible complications

The cut sites heal completely after two weeks, but complications may arise:

  • bleeding. This phenomenon is most often encountered by owners of adult dogs. It is imperative to show your pet to a veterinarian, who will stop the bleeding using a veterinary pencil or a special powder;
  • seals or scars appear at the site of the cuts. They do not cause any inconvenience to the dog, but they greatly spoil the appearance. Such negative consequences can be avoided if the docking procedure is carried out from the first days of the animal’s life;
  • If you do not properly treat the cut sites, then an infection can get into the wound. Because of this, an inflammatory process develops.

Important! If postoperative complications are detected, you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.

At what age is it advisable for a puppy to have surgery?

The ears of Central Asian Shepherd puppies are cropped within ten days after birth. If the procedure was not completed within the recommended time frame, in older age it is performed under anesthesia followed by suturing.

Trimming the tail of an Alabai is easier to tolerate and is carried out before it reaches ten days of age. The tail of newborn puppies will heal quickly, and the procedure itself does not cause harm to health only if the rules are followed.

This is interesting: 3 facts about Alabai

Expert opinion
Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Previously, ears and tails were cropped only for angry and aggressive dogs, thereby marking the animal as dangerous to people.

Deviations from the standard

Serious disadvantages include: significant deviations in the exterior: lightness or looseness of build, long legs, narrow head, long muzzle, high-set ears, close-set eyes, curly hair, tail curled into a tight ring, height below the standard by 2 cm or more . Disqualifying character deviations are: timidity, cholericism, uncontrollable malice.


Albinism in the Central Asian Shepherd is considered a disease. If the color is white, be sure to check the dark nose to prevent such individuals from being bred.

Undocked dog

When judged, docked and undocked animals are of equal value; undocked animals are not a deviation.

Alabai is a proud, difficult, but one of the most unique dog breeds. With proper training, your pet will grow into a loyal friend and devoted protector, friendly to children. Significant advantages of the breed are its unpretentious maintenance, good health and resistance to temperature changes. The disadvantages include an increased need for movement and difficulty in learning, as well as the impossibility of keeping them in an apartment.


Docking the tail and ears of the Alabai is a surgical operation, which means it has a number of contraindications.

This is interesting: What to call alabai

The procedure is not carried out if:

  • the puppy is not healthy;
  • there are pronounced deviations in the development of Alabai;
  • there is purulent discharge from the ears;
  • the animal has a fever.

You should also not trust cupping to a non-professional or carry out the procedure yourself in a non-sterile environment.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the procedure are presented:

  • prevention of injuries in service and guard animals - intruders and wild animals will not be able to harm the pet;
  • medical indications - surgical intervention is prescribed for malignant neoplasms, necrosis, ulceration and trauma;
  • aesthetic factors - the operated individuals look more beautiful and meet the standard requirements for the breed.

The list of disadvantages of manipulation includes:

  • possible problems with the musculoskeletal system - excision of part of the spine has a bad effect on health;
  • problems with coordination of movements - cutting the tail increases the level of stress on the hind legs, causing abnormal development and deformation.


Attitude at exhibitions

Which ear shape should you choose?

One of the purposes of cropping is to change the shape of the ears, giving the animal an aesthetic appearance.

There are three forms:

  1. Standard. Ears of medium length, optional cut.

  1. "Bear". A rounded cut gives the large alabai the appearance of a cute teddy bear.

  1. Caucasian. Only a third of the dog's ear remains intact.

It should be remembered that the procedure is carried out 1 time. You cannot try to correct the form again if the owner is not satisfied with the chosen option.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Removing the entire ear is extremely dangerous. This will lead to frequent illnesses, a long healing process, and tumors.

The biggest dogs (video)

These big guys are unpretentious in food, so owners should avoid overfeeding their pet. An adult dog should eat no more than 2 liters of food per meal. Among the prohibited products, it is worth highlighting pork: it is extremely poorly absorbed in the body of Alabais. To create a complete diet, it is advisable to consult a breeder or veterinarian.

Alabais, or, as these dogs are called in their homeland, wolfhounds, are serious animals that require a special approach. The owner must have a steady hand, a fairly tough character, experience in dealing with such giants and free time to train and raise his four-legged friend. When purchasing a teddy bear puppy, a person must remember that only he will be responsible for all the actions of the pet, both small and grown.

Tail proportions

It is not easy to dock the tail of a small Alabai, since it is difficult to decide how much length should be left. Experts focus on the place where the thick base smoothly transitions into the thin part, this is approximately 1/3 of the tail.

Preparation for the procedure

Before docking week-old Alabai puppies, they should not be fed for at least 10 hours.

The ears must be cleaned with cotton swabs dipped in a special lotion.

At the veterinary clinic, the owner of the alabai will be offered to carry out the procedure under general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

Cupping rules

Small, barely born Alabai have their ears and tail trimmed, following sanitary rules. They use sterile instruments for the procedure and carefully treat the wounds with brilliant green upon completion.

There is no point in bandaging the docking area for the Alabai; the puppy’s mother will remove the bandage and lick him thoroughly. Often, breeders take puppies away from their mothers, bringing them only for feeding.

If the owner decides to perform docking on a grown-up Alabai, anesthesia or anesthesia is required.

The hair at the incision site is trimmed, treated with an antiseptic, and sharp instruments are selected that can handle bone and cartilage. The stump of the tail is bandaged.

Order of conduct

During the procedure, the owner holds the puppy and closes its eyes. Since the operation is carried out without anesthesia, the alabai will be nervous and struggle, so you need to control not only him, but also yourself, so as not to provoke a veterinarian’s mistake with a sudden movement. If the dog is older than 2 weeks, the hair in the cut areas is first shaved off.

The doctor first disinfects one ear of the puppy and trims it with small scissors. The cut site is immediately treated with an antiseptic. They do the same on the other side. Then, using larger cartilage scissors, the tail is docked and treated with an antiseptic. An experienced veterinarian performs all manipulations in 3-5 minutes.

If the puppy is less than 2 weeks old, no stitches are needed - there is little bleeding and it stops within a few minutes. You can dock the tail and ears on the same day, so as not to cause unnecessary stress to the puppy. You can perform the operation at home by calling a veterinarian, but sterility rules must be observed.

Post-procedure care

After the operation, the wounds are treated with an antiseptic for at least 10 days, and the Alabai baby’s sleeping place is carefully monitored. Bedding stained with blood is regularly changed.

The adult pet is given stitches and put on a special collar that prevents the animal from licking the incision site. It is important to keep the wound clean so that there is no development of a purulent process.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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If complications arise, the wound surface of the dog needs to be washed and re-treated.

The special Levosin ointment relieves itching and irritation well, and accelerates healing. It is recommended to use chlorhexidine as an antiseptic.

Veterinarians' opinion

Many veterinarians are against docking Alabais. The only exceptions may be medical indications. Often specialists refuse to perform such operations, especially if the animal is already a month old. In such a situation, general anesthesia is necessary, and this negatively affects the puppy’s health.

Docking Alabais is not a mandatory procedure. Veterinarians say that it should only be done in cases of extreme necessity. Alabai without cropped ears can also claim victory in the exhibition, like his cropped brother.




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What to feed?

We do not recommend saving on food, as it directly affects the physical characteristics and health of the pet.

Dry food

If you are a busy person and you do not have time to prepare a complete diet, then use special mixtures. They must be appropriate for the dog's age. Give preference to Premium class food. There should be no sudden transition from one food to another.


If you decide to feed your pet natural food, then stick to a special balanced menu. It is different for each age.

Menu for the week

Meals for the day roughly look like this: cook porridge (500-900 grams) in broth or water, cut offal or meat into it (500-1000 grams), as well as some grated vegetables (100-200 grams).

You cannot feed:

  • manna;
  • pearl barley;
  • corn porridge.

Two to three times a week, meat is replaced with fish. Doberman should not be given: cutlets, sausages and sausages - all this causes gastritis and even ulcers in the dog. Sugar and potatoes are also contraindicated.

It is useful to arrange (for a healthy dog) a fasting day once a week consisting of crackers and water.


The best keeping option is to freely place the Central Asian Shepherd in the yard, where all protected objects will be available to it. The fence must be high so that the dog cannot jump over it. Any possibility of undermining should be excluded. The booth needs to be installed in a place from where the Alabai could control the entire territory. A chain and an enclosure are not suitable for representatives of the breed - these are freedom-loving dogs, restriction in movement will cause behavior disorders.

Need for physical activity

The Central Asian Shepherd can be kept in an apartment; a necessary condition is a large area of ​​​​the rooms. You need to walk an adult pet at least 2 times a day, for 1 hour. The puppy is walked more often - 3-4 times a day. Start with 15 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of your stay outside.

Walk an adult shepherd dog on a long leash and wearing a muzzle. It is allowed to be let off the leash only in a special walking area in the absence of other dogs. Alabai are aggressive towards their relatives; they can not only seriously injure, but also bite a stranger’s dog.

Pregnant bitches also need a long daily walk, this increases the likelihood of a successful birth. In the first week after the puppies appear, take the dog outside at its first request. Wash her paws with water after every walk. Wipe nipples with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If cracks are found, apply a bandage with synthomycin.

When walking, representatives of the breed are quite active, but do not need strong physical activity. Small runs, games, and activities on the playground are enough. It is recommended to choose new routes each time, as Alabai people like variety. These dogs love to swim and are excellent swimmers.

Central asian shepherd dog. Description, features, care and price

Appearance care

The coat of the Central Asian Shepherd does not require special care; it repels dirt, so it always looks well-groomed. Dogs shed throughout the year, more intensely in spring and autumn. To care for the coat, use a brush with medium-hard bristles; combing the undercoat is best done with a fine-toothed comb with mild teeth. Bathing your pet is enough 1-2 rubles. per year using unscented baby soap or shampoo.

It is recommended to trim the claws 1-2 times a month. Inspect and clean your dog's ears regularly using a cotton swab with an antiseptic. Eye care includes examination and removal of secretions. If signs of inflammation appear, wiping with cotton wool soaked in strong tea will help.


Alabai should not be overfed; representatives of the breed are prone to obesity. In addition, overeating causes deterioration of intestinal motility and leads to constipation. A monotonous diet is harmful for a dog.

Recommended diet composition:

  • meat products (beef, poultry, offal);
  • sea ​​fish (1 rub. per week);
  • eggs (no more than 2 times a week);
  • fermented milk drinks;
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
  • vegetables (zucchini, carrots, pumpkin);
  • greens (dill, parsley);
  • fruits (pears, apples).

During the cold season, increase the amount of food rich in proteins and carbohydrates. Feed more vegetables in summer. It is better to give meat raw. First you need to keep it in the freezer for several days, then defrost it. The offal must be boiled. The fish is also fed boiled, with the bones removed. You should not give your pet flour or sweets. Tubular bones are contraindicated.

It is better to include quail eggs in the Alabai diet; they are not a source of salmonella infection and are less likely to cause allergies than chicken eggs.

The frequency of feeding a dog depends on its age:

  • from 1 to 2 months - 5 times;
  • from 2 to 3 months. - 4 rubles;
  • from 3 to 6 months. - 3 rubles;
  • from 6 months — 2 rubles/day.

Night interval between feedings: up to 3 months. - 7-9 hours, from the age of 3 months. — 9-12 hours. Adults prone to obesity can be fed once a day. In summer, only 1 feeding is also allowed. Food should be given at the same time.

Asians are prone to food allergies, so be careful when adding new foods to your menu. Portions should be increased gradually, observing the dog’s condition.

Any food can cause allergies in Alabais. It is often triggered by beef.

To identify the allergen, exclude various components of the diet for at least 2 weeks

When purchasing ready-made diets, pay attention to the composition and quality. If your dog has a persistent food allergy, you need to buy special medicated food.

Alabai - description of the dog breed from A to Z

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