15+ dogs that resulted from unusual breed crossings

When thinking about purchasing a dog, people often consider the most popular breeds. At the same time, many people forget that recently there have been dog hybrids in the modern world. This is the name given to animals that were produced by crossing other known breeds. These dogs are distinguished by good health, a more flexible disposition and amazingly beautiful appearance. Photos of hybrid dogs only confirm this fact. Therefore, when choosing a new friend, it is worth considering the most successful crossbreeds.

Cockapoo is the best family dog

This beautiful designer breed comes from crossing a poodle with a cocker spaniel. It was bred back in the 50s to reduce the likelihood of developing hereditary defects in these breeds. The color of dogs can vary from light beige and chestnut shades to black with a silver tint. Their main difference and pride are their lush curly coat with a thick undercoat, expressive eyes reminiscent of olives, and a black nose in the shape of a heart. The cockapoo is very similar to a toy and not a living dog. She somewhat resembles a teddy bear.

Her character matches her playful and extraordinary appearance. These dogs have a light, friendly disposition, curiosity, and kindness towards other animals and people. They are chosen by both married couples with children and single elderly people. They will brighten up everyone's weekday and give them a good mood with their joy and love.

History of the origin of the species

One day, Walls Havens from Wisconsin decided to cross two completely different breeds: the Beagle (hunter, hound) and the Pug (decorative). In 1990, he first announced the creation of a new hybrid breed, Puggle.

But America refused to accept this fact. The club found many problems with the nursery: outstanding taxes, unauthorized breedings, lack of license renewal, lack of insurance, and non-compliance with sanitary standards. Therefore, for 10 years, Havens was driven out of the AKF, not allowing him to continue the experiment. Now the United States has come to terms with the existence of Puggles, but breeding among them is prohibited.

The International Cynological Federation (like the Russian, English, French and Canadian) did not recognize Puggles. Scientists believe that such genetic modification worsens the health of animals and the general condition of two separate breeds.

There are no more than 20 Puggles in Russia, half of which were obtained from the second generation of mating.

Pomsky is an unusual, beautiful brother of the husky.

Everyone knows what a famous breed of dog called a husky looks like. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a pet of this size due to modest living conditions. Teresa Peterson from the American Breeders Association, after several unsuccessful attempts, finally crossed the Husky with the Pomeranian, creating a new small breed - the Pomsky.

The photo of an adult hybrid dog is amazing. After all, this cross retained all the beauty of the husky’s face and its colors, but took on the compact size of the Spitz and the structure of its coat. There are two varieties of the breed. The first has a "fox" appearance with a large body and red-red fur, while the other has a short muzzle, long hair and a ring-shaped tail. Therefore, you can choose the most suitable pet option.

Chihuahua mix

The main characteristic feature of such dogs is a short, wide and flat muzzle, as well as expressive, dark brown eyes. The skin on the head is covered with shallow folds. The lips of mixed breeds are more raw than those of Chihuahuas, forming jowls typical of Great Dane breeds. The ears are large, but narrower than those of the “French” and not so strongly rounded at the ends. This mixed breed looks more like a Chihuahua, except that it is stockier and more muscular. His head is not as large and domed as that of a bulldog, however, his cheekbones are much better defined than those of a Chihuahua.

One of the main advantages of mixed breeds with Chihuahuas is a richer palette of colors than French bulldogs.

And, what is also important, crosses between a French bulldog and a Chihuahua have a rather elongated and less upturned muzzle, which allows the animal to feel more comfortable in the heat and makes it less susceptible to respiratory diseases.

Utonagan – the image of a wolf and the character of a shepherd dog

This hybrid dog breed was formed by crossing a German Shepherd with an Alaskan Malamute and a Husky. In the late 80s, a group of dog handlers from Canada, America and Great Britain came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a hybrid almost simultaneously. They wanted to breed a breed that would be similar to a wolf, but at the same time have a good-natured character and the ability to serve as a guard. This idea found an extremely successful ending. The appearance of the dog makes you shudder, as it seems that it really is a wolf. But upon closer examination and getting to know this animal, you can discern the dog’s kind and flexible disposition.


The German Shepherd and Chow Chow mix takes the best from its parents. This dog is an excellent guard for both a country house and a city apartment. From the Chow Chow the breed inherited the ability to be an excellent protector, and from the Shepherd Dog it is especially attentive and suspicious of strangers. A bonus is the dog’s unusual appearance, which combines the elegance of a German and the coziness of a chow-chow.

Small and playful dog Maltipoo

This hybrid dog combines the appearance of a Maltese dog, as well as the character and size of a toy poodle. The breeders had one specific task - to breed a decorative hypoallergenic dog of compact size. And they succeeded. The height of an adult pet varies from 12 to 35 cm, and its weight rarely exceeds 4 kg. This small hybrid dog is suitable even for those who have a modest living space.

Some Maltipoos have straight, soft and silky fur. Others are curly and bouncy. The owners of this breed will have to devote a lot of time to caring for it, since the animal is prone to constant molting. Without regular brushing, the coat will not only look bad and shed, but also become tangled.

Maltipoo have a highly developed intelligence, good disposition and love for active pastime. When purchasing a dog for a child, you need to consider his age. Children who are too young will not be aware of the animal's modest size and may unknowingly harm it.


This cute cross between a corgi and a toy poodle is miniature in size, so it resembles a pocket dog breed. However, the porgy inherited its character from the poodle, so the breed is distinguished by its restraint and self-sufficiency, which allows them to feel great without an owner. If you get a porgy, you can safely leave him alone in the house without worrying that the pet will get very bored. Another advantage of porgies is that their fur hardly sheds and has no specific odor.

Unusual and memorable ossipom

To create it, a Pomeranian Spitz was crossed with an Australian Shepherd. The result was a very beautiful and unusual dog with bright colors. Ossipoma has a very small size, a playful temperament and a constantly good mood. This pet is famous for its charm among other hybrids of different breeds. The Ossipom dog is capable of charming and making any person fall in love with it. The creature has received absolutely all the good features of a shepherd and a Pomeranian. Ossipom is valued for his flexible behavior, intelligence, and hard work, which helps him quickly learn various tricks. Already from puppyhood, this dog can perfectly demonstrate its skills in training.

Many owners of this dog hybrid note the amazing loyalty of their pet. He can sit at the door all day waiting for his owner to arrive. With it, he turns into a restless and happy bundle of energy.

Ossipom needs long walks in the fresh air. The animal will tirelessly run and play, enjoying physical activity. Therefore, everyone who wants a cheerful and cheerful friend will find him in the form of this dog.


Externally, the bullpug is very similar to both of its ancestors, although this breed is slightly larger in size than both the bulldog and the pug. The main advantage of a bullpug is its character, since dogs of this breed are excellent companions. The pet is always ready to accompany the owner and participate in all his affairs. Children also love Bullpug dogs, as they can always have fun with this dog.

Sensitive and gentle Toby

The breed will appeal to those people who are in awe of Sheltie and Corgi dogs. It was these two creatures that were crossed to create a new breed called the Toby.

From corgis, these dogs received the shape of the body, short legs and large protruding ears. The Toby borrowed beautiful coat colors from the Sheltie breed, which can come in completely different variations. You can buy yourself a pet with a traditional color, which consists of black, white and brown. Dogs with blue, sable, light gold and red coat colors are also bred.

Toby's character is very friendly and sensitive. Dogs are excellent companions, but they react extremely sensitively to criticism and reproach.

Shih Tzu

Outwardly, it resembles a French bulldog with a long, soft and rather silky coat. The shape of the head and muzzle are reminiscent of a bulldog, the ears, like those of the “Frenchman”, are erect, triangular and rounded at the ends. The muzzle is short, with a small beard and mustache. Eyes with a friendly and gentle expression, typical of a Shih Tzu. The color is most often two-tone with a predominance of white. This dog looks funny and cute at the same time. Long hair gives it a unique charm and makes it unique and amazing.

If the owner does not want to bother with the pet’s long hair, he can cut it, having first chosen one of the many hairstyle options suitable for a mestizo. The best way to do this is to go to a salon, where professional groomers will tell you how best to cut a dog with such an unusual and unique appearance.

Shih Tzu mixed breeds are distinguished by their special affection for their owners; they are incredibly affectionate, playful and simply adore children.

Little bloodhound cheagle

This cute creature is the result of crossing a Chihuahua and a Beagle. The hybrid dogs of these breeds have such external advantages as shiny, beady eyes, beautiful ears that fall down, as well as smooth, spotted coat.

In addition to their impressive appearance, chigles also have manners that make the dog an ideal friend for a true intellectual. The breed is distinguished by loyalty, calm temperament and good endurance. Chiglis will stand their ground and protect their owner until their last breath.

This breed is often used as bloodhounds, as the dogs received this gene from beagles.


This dog breed comes in several varieties: Labradoodle, Goldendoodle and Double Doodle. The Labradoodle was developed in the late 20th century by crossing a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle. The breed was originally used as a guide dog. Later, ordinary people fell in love with labradoodles, as this breed has a sharp mind and a gentle disposition. The Goldendoodle is a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. It differs from the Labradoodle only in coat color. Double Doodle was the result of mixing the first two breeds, incorporating their best qualities.

Smart and understanding labski

These dogs were bred by crossing Labrador and Husky. The Labski owes its appearance largely to the first breed. From the husky they received a clear distinctive feature in the form of blue eyes. Puppies are born with beige coat color, but as they grow older, it begins to turn white, but the color of their eyes remains unchanged.

A hybrid dog of this breed shows leadership qualities from childhood. They are unusually smart, and therefore they immediately sense the weakness of the owner and begin to manipulate him. In order for a dog to be trainable and obedient, it is necessary to begin training it as early as possible. Then the pet will only delight you with its intelligence and desire to follow commands.

Labskis make excellent guides and watchmen. They will also not refuse the opportunity to ride their owner in a sled or sleigh, as huskies do. Even without wanting to involve your pet in professional training, you need to take care of his daily physical activity. Labskies need active walks, games and running in open areas without a leash.

Pros and cons of mestizos compared to purebreds

Compared to purebred dogs, mestizos are more resistant to various diseases. They are not prone to hereditary diseases. But this does not mean that a mestizo cannot acquire an illness throughout his life. They also need care, proper nutrition and care.

Veterinarians and geneticists have found that puppies inherit the most positive qualities of their parents. For this reason, hybrids are often smarter than purebreds. Mestizos have an extraordinary appearance, so they often take part in exhibition events. Hybrid dogs are characterized by an unpretentious diet, good watchdog qualities, and rapid adaptation to an unfavorable environment.

Mixed breeds are sold very cheaply because they are not considered very valuable. They are often given away for free.

Hybrid puppies also have negative properties. Such animals can have an overly explosive, nervous, and aggressive character. There are cases where hybrid guard dogs are difficult to train and uncontrollable; they have to be trained for a long time.

Did you know? The English mastiff Zorba is considered the largest dog in the world. This dog was born in 1981. He weighed one hundred and fifty-five kilograms, and his body length was 2 meters 51 centimeters.


Puggle is a new breed, so mating outside the club is not only pointless, but harmful to the species branch. It is important to register all puppies to monitor litter quality, genetic defects and diseases.

To carry out the official procedure, it is necessary to wait until the female's third heat and the male's 2nd year of life. The owner of the girl must contact the club a few days before the start of the cycle to receive certificates directing her to mating and contact information for a suitable partner. Dog owners sign a contract, determine the time, place and cost of the procedure.

The optimal mating time for a female is 13-15 days from the start of estrus. Around these days, the egg matures and is released. You can determine a girl’s readiness by her behavior (throws her tail) and by the nature of her discharge (light, abundant).

The puggles are small, one room is enough for them. Therefore, on the appointed day, the female is brought to the territory of the male. If the girl is ready, the male will do a cage and stand in the lock. Owners need to monitor the process, hold their pets, guide them, and place them comfortably. Repeat the procedure after 48 hours. Pregnancy can be monitored from the 3rd week at an ultrasound center or using a test.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

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