What to feed Malamutes: diet. How many times a day should you feed your Malamute?

The Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds, bred by the Eskimos on the shores of Alaska. An active and agile Malamute requires special nutrition to maintain physical health and natural strength at the proper level. A caring owner will always take care of proper and balanced feeding of his beloved pet. So, what to feed your Alaskan Malamute?

Natural food

If you have time for preparation, it is recommended to feed your pet normal food. This does not mean that leftovers from the hosts’ table end up in his bowl. This approach to the question of what to feed Malamutes is absolutely impossible. It is very easy to harm your pet's health by giving it waste from human food.

When the owner decides on a natural diet, he thoroughly studies the lists of permitted products:

  • The Malamute's diet includes lean meat: beef, veal, turkey. You can’t give him chicken regularly, it is an allergenic product.
  • Twice a week, boiled sea fish, removed from the bones, is given.
  • Dairy products that are allowed are kefir, cottage cheese, and fermented baked milk. The fat content is 1.8.
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs are given to the dog once a week.
  • The diet of an adult Malamute includes cereals. Rice, buckwheat and oatmeal are boiled and mixed with meat or fish.
  • Allowed vegetables include carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, and occasionally potatoes. They are boiled, cooled to room temperature, meat is added and given to the pet.
  • Malamutes are given mild cheese as a treat.

Vaccination schedule

6 weeksNobivac Puppy DP
8-9 weeksNobivac DHP + Lepto (R) DHPPi
12 weeksNobivac DHP + Lepto (R) DHPPi
14-16 weeksNobivac Lepto
1 year and beyondNobivac DHPPi + Lepto
D – canine distemper, H – hepatitis, P – parvovirus infection, Pi – parainfluenza, Lepto – leptospirosis, R – rabies

Only a healthy dog ​​can be vaccinated, and deworming must be carried out 2 weeks before vaccination..

Benefits of natural nutrition

A person who wants to have a representative of this breed asks the question: what to feed a Malamute at home? Possible options are described above. This subsection is dedicated to the benefits of natural food:

  1. The owner selects quality products.
  2. He knows what is included in this or that dish.
  3. The risk of dog poisoning is minimized.
  4. The cost of natural food is slightly less than high-quality dry food.


If the future owner of the Malamute is a livestock specialist, he can skip this subsection. Livestock specialists are taught to formulate animal feed, so that the future owner will be able to balance his dog’s diet. We recommend that others carefully read the information provided below:

  • The most significant disadvantage of natural feeding is its imbalance. The products may be expensive and of high quality, but the dog does not receive the necessary vitamins.
  • The cooking process takes time. With the modern pace of life, most people do not have enough time to cook their dog’s food themselves.
  • The breed is prone to overeating. What to feed Malamutes to keep their weight normal? It is worth giving preference to dry food.

Description of the puppies and what they look like in the photo

Immediately after birth, the only criterion by which babies can be distinguished is the shade of their coat . Otherwise, they are similar to each other: they are absolutely dependent and defenseless lumps that lack vision, hearing and teeth.

Puppies have only developed their sense of smell and touch; they instinctively look for their mother and cling to her in search of not only food, but also warmth, since they do not yet have their own thermoregulation.

About 10-15 days after birth, puppies open their eyes . This is a rather slow process, the opening occurs gradually, from the inner corner to the outer, and the eye does not always open completely at once - most often a small gap appears first.

Normal vision in puppies does not appear immediately, but after 3-4 days. Around this time, babies begin to hear.

If the eyes are still closed by day 25, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Choosing dry food

As soon as a novice owner enters a pet store, he becomes lost. There is a huge variety of food on the shelves, ranging from economy class to super-premium. What food is best for a Malamute, what to look for when choosing it:

  • We recommend super premium products. On the Russian market it is presented as holistic food. This is a misconception, because among the expensive foods, holistic and human grunge are distinguished.
  • The first category includes products half consisting of meat or fish.
  • Feeds labeled “human grunge” contain natural products approved for human consumption.

Media version of the website of our nursery “MAL PLANET”:

(selection, translation and adaptation of the text by Vladimir Goncharov)
See also on the topic “Health, nutrition and care”:

  • Rules for caring for a Malamute and the basics of grooming General grooming and preparation for an exhibition. Handling. Trips to exhibitions.
  • Gastric dilatation and volvulus Recommendations from US veterinarians. Clarissa Engstrom (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)
  • Daily puppy diet and grooming Nutritional recommendations from Nancy Russell (Storm Kloud)
  • Puppy exercise program. Individual approach. Puppy training tips from Nancy Russell (Storm Kloud)
  • Chondrodysplasia or “dwarfism” About the CHD certification program. Malamute Club of America Experience
  • Dog Food Analysis - DFA, USA (English) Analysis of the quality of dog food. The rating was prepared for BoxerWorld.com. (Given the peculiarities of Malamute metabolism, these recommendations cannot be used without consultation with your veterinarian).
  • Flaws

    We found out what to feed the Malamute. Natural food or dry food is at the discretion of the owner. Some owners are embarrassed by the cost of super-premium products, they decide to make do with simpler food and purchase an economy option.

    Cheap food is contraindicated for Malamute; there is nothing useful in it except dyes and flavor enhancers. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a weak gastrointestinal tract and a tendency to allergic reactions. Treatment will cost much more than quality food.

    Malamute puppies require careful selection of their diet. Little ones, like adult dogs, are prone to allergies. Having noticed reddening of the ears, constant scratching and biting of itself, the owner should change the puppy’s food.

    How it develops from 1 to 12 months

    The table shows how a Malamute puppy's size changes as it grows.

    AgeWeight, kgHeight at withers, cm
    1 month2-3
    2 months8-12
    3 months15-18
    4 months18-2053
    5 months20-27
    6 months22-2853
    7 months24-2856
    12-18 months30-4060-63 (males), 57-59 (females)

    How many times should you feed your puppy?

    They often write on the Internet that three meals a day is enough for a baby. From the age of 4 months, he can be switched to morning and evening feedings.

    Puppies need high-quality nutrition; their growing bodies require calcium, phosphorus, fiber and proteins. We will be happy to tell you how many times a day to feed a Malamute until it reaches nine months of age:

    • From two to three months, the puppy is fed five times a day.
    • From three to five months – four feedings.
    • From five to nine months - three meals a day.
    • From nine months of age, Malamute puppies are fed two meals a day.


    All adult Malamutes take care of themselves, but you will have to look after the dog.

    Basic Rules

    Dogs living outside the city in an enclosure change their coat seasonally. They need to be combed 2-3 times a week, every day during the molting period. With city dogs, things are a little more complicated. The absence of sudden changes in temperature leads to the fact that the dog sheds throughout the year. Malamute fur doesn't stink, but is lying all over the apartment. Ideally, an apartment dog is brushed daily.

    A dog trained since childhood can easily tolerate regular cleaning of teeth and ears and cutting of nails. You need to bathe your dog once a month and whenever it gets dirty.


    Like northern sled dogs, the breed will not tolerate a collar. The best alternative is a special harness, similar to a sled harness. The harness is chosen strictly according to the individual size of the individual. The circumference of the neck is measured from the point between the withers and neck to the point on the chest.

    Additional soft lining on the inside of the belts will help avoid chafing and injury to the dog’s skin and the formation of tangles.


    It is better to install the booth in a shady place, for example under a walnut tree. This will help prevent your dog from getting heatstroke on hot summer days. The size of the open-air cage for a Malamute is 1 x 1 x 1 m. The height and width of the opening is 0.5 x 0.4 m.


    The optimal dimensions of the enclosure are 5 m long and 3 meters wide; the area is not covered with boards.

    Breeding recommendations

    Reproductive maturation of Malamutes occurs up to 6 months.


    During her first heat, a bitch urinates more often than usual. Estrus occurs in 2 stages:

    1. 1-10 appearance of bloody mucus, the female does not allow the male.
    2. From 10 days there is clear discharge, an ideal period for mating.

    The bitch is not bred during her first heat. This will make it possible to subsequently get strong puppies.


    There is no need to reduce the load on a pregnant dog in the first 30 days. From day 31, the dog is transferred to a calm regime and a light diet, and is constantly provided with water. 10 days before giving birth, be sure to set up a soft nest in a secluded corner.


    10-12 hours before the start of the birth process, the bitch begins to worry. The dog is taken to a furnished “den” and remains with it during the birth.

    Touching the bitch while the puppies are coming out is prohibited. She may bite or refuse puppies. After giving birth, she is allowed to rest for about an hour and taken for a walk. While the mother is away, the outcasts are culled.

    Castration and sterilization

    If it is necessary to castrate a dog, they resort to two methods:

    1. Chemical, through taking medications. Within a month, the dog retains the ability to reproduce.
    2. Surgical, through removal of the testes or ovaries. It is carried out under general anesthesia in a veterinary clinic.

    Dogs can be castrated at 8-10 months of age.

    No matter how complex the Malamute breed may seem, the care and maintenance of this dog is not significantly different from others. The main thing is to take into account the dog’s northern origin, its character and temperament. In order for a Malamute to bring only joy, it needs to be walked often, combed regularly and given the opportunity to dig “minks”. As a reward, the owner will receive protection from uninvited guests, because the impressive appearance of the dog will scare off any hooligan.

    How to feed an adult dog?

    From the age of nine months, the Alaskan Malamute receives food twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Sick, elderly dogs and pregnant bitches are fed more often, depending on the recommendations of the veterinarian.

    The table shows the approximate diet of a dog on natural food.

    Day of the weekMorningEvening
    MondayBoiled vegetables with beefRice with turkey
    Tuesday“Friendship” porridge made from rice and oatmeal, topped with raw eggCottage cheese with kefir
    WednesdayBuckwheat with turkey or chickenOatmeal with kefir
    ThursdayRice with vealVegetables with vegetable oil
    FridayBoiled veal or beefRice with vegetables
    SaturdayOatmeal with chickenBuckwheat with cottage cheese
    ResurrectionPorridge “Friendship” with vealOatmeal with vegetable oil

    The menu is adjusted according to the dog's preferences and the financial capabilities of its owner.

    The table mentions kefir and cottage cheese - they are allowed, but can a malamute be given milk? No, an adult dog is unable to digest it. Milk is given to puppies up to 3 months, then it is removed from the diet.


    This dog does not like to be alone. She is sociable, playful and requires constant attention. When starting her, you should take into account that you will have to walk with her for a long time. Walking involves running and playing with loads. An important aspect of keeping a Malamute is the arrangement of its personal space.

    Is it worth starting in a city apartment?

    Malamutes are clean animals. Despite their size, keeping “big bear cubs” in a city apartment is possible if certain conditions are met. It is better to familiarize yourself with them in advance so that later these requirements do not become burdensome for you:

    • You need to walk your pet twice a day. Walks should be at least 2-3 hours, regardless of weather conditions. The “cultural program” should involve physical activity (you need to run and play with him).
    • You need to walk your Malamute on a leash. It is better to assign this responsibility to a physically strong family member.
    • Be prepared for these dogs to shed all year round. So you will have to comb it daily.
    • You need to teach commands and educate them from the first days a Malamute appears in your apartment. The mandatory commands that need to be learned are initially: “Near!”, “Come to me!” and “Ugh!”

    You need to set up your own place for the puppy. Some people like a cage (den), others like special soft sofas.

    Malamute for a private home

    There is no more ideal place to keep this breed. There is a spacious yard for games, and most importantly, a high fence.

    It is better to choose shady corners of the area to keep your dog, as there is a high risk of sunstroke.

    A favorite pastime of Malamutes is digging holes. Unfortunately, it is impossible to wean your pet from this.

    Can you keep it on a chain?

    This dog is not naturally barking. Therefore, she definitely cannot cope with the role of a guard dog, and there is no point in putting her on a chain . Most likely, the situation will be as follows: she will joyfully welcome strangers.

    Relationships with household members

    The dog's den should be located in a quiet part of the house so as not to disturb him while he sleeps. Also take care to provide your giant pet with a sufficient amount of toys, otherwise he will play with everything he finds in the house (slippers, blankets, etc.). Malamutes try to please their owner, so they can safely be called responsive and sociable.
    Praise is everything to them. If treated roughly and cruelly, the dog can become embittered or, conversely, become cowardly.

    ATTENTION! Training is an important aspect of keeping Malamutes, as they have a stubborn nature. The main thing is that the pet is interested in the reward for the completed command.

    With kids

    Despite their frightening size, Malamutes are cheerful, friendly animals. They will happily play with children and are ready to do this all day long. But it is better not to leave very young children alone with the puppy, since this is a large breed. When a dog acts out, it can cause pain to a child, and this, in turn, leads to fear and misunderstanding.

    With cats

    The Malamute's natural hunting instincts have been preserved. He will chase any animal. You should not leave it unattended with small pets, such as a cat. They are unlikely to find a common language at first. They need to be taught to live together.

    With other dogs

    In order to avoid aggression of the Malamute towards other dogs, it needs to be socialized (introduced into canine “society”) as early as possible. When meeting him, keep an eye on him, stopping all attempts to figure it out.

    After such training, other dogs will be shocked by the activity and friendliness of your pet.

    Bad habits

    You need to pay special attention to raising a dog from an early age, because it will not be possible to retrain it later. Do not allow the puppy to sleep in your bed, he will grow up, and then you yourself will not be comfortable sleeping with this “thug”.

    This is a fairly playful and active animal, so it needs constant work. Provide him with toys and communication, do not forget about daily training, and then he will stop spoiling your things.

    Well, it is useless to fight his urge to dig holes. It's easier to come to terms with this.

    Aggression towards the owner

    Malamutes are used to living in a pack. This feeling is ineradicable for them; they need a leader.

    IMPORTANT! The owner must earn the status of leader of the pack, otherwise the dog will try to win this position. To do this, you need to treat your pet with respect, trust and love. Control over it must be constant.

    Constant physical activity and teamwork with the owner are the key to success. They get bored with monotony, and then they don’t listen. Here the owner needs to include his dealer qualities, within reasonable limits.

    What should you not give to your Malamute?

    New owners, wanting to treat their pet, offer him a chicken or beef bone, a piece of sausage or sausage, candy and other products that they themselves love. Please remember: a dog is not a person, it cannot be given what you and I eat. Sweets are contraindicated for Malamutes; sausages and frankfurters may cause allergies, and a chicken bone will pierce the esophagus. In the latter case, the owners will not have time to bring the dog to the veterinary hospital, and the animal will die in agony. This is not a “scare” for beginners, but the harsh truth.

    The following products are strictly prohibited:

    • smoked meats;
    • pickled cucumbers and tomatoes;
    • fatty foods;
    • salty food;
    • all types of sweets;
    • baked goods;
    • bakery products (with the exception of homemade wheat crackers without salt and spices, they are dried in the oven and given to the dog as a treat);
    • carbonated drinks, juices, alcohol.

    If there are children in the house, explain to them that you cannot treat your dog with chocolate or chips, as this can have serious consequences for its health.

    When is weaning from the mother?

    In the first 20 days of life, the puppy is completely dependent on the mother, at least because her milk is his only food.

    After the introduction of complementary foods, the puppies' relationship with their mother becomes less close, they begin to feed, walk and play independently. The task of the bitch comes down only to teaching the offspring basic norms of behavior.

    The most suitable age to buy a puppy is 8-12 weeks . At this time, the baby is already completely independent and absolutely independent of the mother, but is not yet accustomed to the owners and has not yet developed and consolidated any behavioral habits.

    Why can’t you combine natural food and dry food?

    Attentive readers will remember what is written in the subsection about breeders’ recommendations regarding the nutrition of Malamutes. For those who have managed to forget, we remind you: natural food, dry food or combined nutrition. Regarding the latter, we say: never feed your dog dry food and regular food at the same time. Those who recommend such a diet are greatly mistaken and know nothing about the physiology of the breed.

    Malamutes have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, this is stated above. Even the healthiest dog of a different breed is not able to digest food and “natural food” at the same time due to the lack of necessary enzymes. The latter are distinguished in order to cope with regular food or dry food, they differ from each other. There is no joint excretion, which is why the animal is not able to digest both products.

    Photo gallery

    To ensure that your dog is always in a good mood and healthy, you need to choose the right diet for your pet.

    Basic feeding tips

    Readers now know what to feed a Malamute and how often. Remembering the recommendations is quite simple.

    The tips given in this section will help new owners learn how to feed a Malamute:

    • Puppies up to three months old are fed every three hours.
    • The older the pet, the longer the intervals between feedings. The amount of food offered at one time increases.
    • If the animal eats natural food, it is heated before giving it to the dog.
    • Dry food is soaked in a small amount of warm water, allowed to swell and offered to the pet.
    • Always follow the daily amount indicated on the food packaging. It, as we found out, tends to swell, which happens both in the bowl and in the dog’s stomach under the influence of liquid. If you give more than expected, the food will cause severe discomfort by swelling in the stomach.
    • Be sure to ensure that your pet always has access to clean water.

    Pedigree for healthy skin and coat, beef, 13 kg (for large breeds)

    PEDIGREE helps reduce the risk of tartar and plaque formation on your pet’s teeth. Provides him with normal digestion. It is preferable to feed your pet dry food in a container separate from wet food, and ensure the availability of fresh drinking water. This is quite healthy, tasty dog ​​food. It is produced taking into account the physiological needs of a large four-legged pet. The food is produced by a Russian company and is designed for the economy category.



    • Convenient packaging.
    • Pleasant aromatic and taste properties.
    • The pet eats with pleasure.
    • No artificial flavors.
    • High quality crackers.
    • Comfortable in using.
    • Lots of vitamins.
    • The coat takes on a healthy, beautiful appearance.


    • Negative reputation.
    • Missing useful components.
    • Worse than normal nutrition.
    • Doesn't do any good.
    • Harmful to the health of the animal.
    • The pet quickly gets used to this food and does not eat anything else.
    • Increases salivation.
    ( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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