A unique breed of dog – American Bulldog (Ambul)

The purebred ambul is a very beautiful animal. It combines power, strength and stability. These are large, athletic dogs with a large head and muscular paws.

There are two types of American Bulldog standards - classic (Johnson type) and standard (Scott type). Those who are completely unfamiliar with this classification may mistake them for two different breeds. The classic ambul is the one that is most often seen in pictures: heavy, powerful and stocky. It has a short muzzle, a square body and large paws.

The standard bulldog is completely different - it is lighter, slimmer and does not evoke a feeling of power and strength. This ambulette is more mobile, capable of long-term training and fast running. When choosing a puppy, it is important to immediately read the descriptions of the two types, so as not to be disappointed later by seeing the wrong pet that you wanted.

So, the breed standard according to NKC:

  1. The general build is a harmonious, short-haired, moderately muscular and strong dog. Indicators of endurance, agility and strength are at their best. Males are more massive and stocky than females.
  2. Character – sociability, attentiveness and lack of unmotivated aggression. Balanced. Sometimes ambullies are more self-confident than other dogs, this is allowed.
  3. Height (classic type) – from 58 to 68 cm at the withers. Weight – from 36 to 56 kg. The height of a standard type dog remains the same, the weight is slightly reduced - from 33 to 52 kg.
  4. The head is voluminous, flat on top, the stop is clearly defined. The standard type requires a wedge-shaped or square head, while the classic type prefers a round head.
  5. The muzzle of the Ambulus is very wide, with large nostrils, tapering towards the nose. The lips and nose are painted with black pigment, but a little pink is allowed.
  6. Teeth should not be visible if the mouth is closed. Reverse scissor bite. A scissor bite is not allowed.
  7. The eyes are small, both round and almond-shaped. The color is dark.
  8. The ears are set high and can be dropped or half erect.
  9. Neck with pronounced muscles.
  10. The limbs are heavy, large, strong.
  11. The fur is only short. Any other types are considered a serious fault.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Conditions of detention:Private or country house with adjacent land
Purpose:Farm dog, guard, companion
Color:Brindle, various variations with a dominant white shade (brindle, red, completely white)
Wool length:Short 1.5-2.5 cm
Adult dog size:Depends on the type. The average height at the withers of females is 55-65 cm, males 59-69 cm, weight of males 45-60 kg, females 35-50 kg
Average life expectancy:12-14 years old
Walk:Daily, 2-3 times
Physical activity needs:High, the bulldog needs to be trained at least 2 times a week for 3-3.5 hours
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Unrecognized breeds (no standard)
Puppy price:Varies depending on the region of purchase, pedigree and other factors. The average price in Russia is 40,000 rubles

History of the origin of the species

The Ambuli is the ancestor of the Old English Bulldog . At the same time, American representatives of the species are closer to their relatives than European ones. Modern English bulldogs have almost not retained the characteristic qualities of their ancestors. Multiple attempts to remake this breed have led to the fact that there is no fighting spirit left in its representatives. American bulldogs have retained this distinctive feature.

The name of the entire species comes from the English word “bulldog”, consisting of two parts bull and dog. Literally it translates as “bull dog”.

The species received this name due to the fact that for a long time it was used specifically for combat purposes . At the same time, the dogs had to fight not with animals of equal size, but with bulls. Accordingly, their fighting qualities are of great importance. For this reason, opponents of the breed do not want it to be recognized by the FCI, and breeders are persistently trying to recreate the Old English Bulldog due to its uniqueness.

Mentions of ambulae first appeared at the end of the 19th century . Since the predecessors of this species were used for combat purposes, the “new generation” of dogs could not find worthy use in wide public circles. Bulldogs still mated together in underground clubs, but at that time it was already illegal.

There were specialized breeds for farming, guarding and companionship purposes. And yet the ambuli did not become extinct and at some point even began to regain their former glory. They were especially popular among breeders and breeders.

Dogs appeared on Russian territory quite late (around 1990-1995 ). Initially, the breed was warmly received, since it was quite unusual for the post-Soviet space, but later many people began to consider the ambuls as bloodthirsty monsters.

This was largely due to the fact that the yellow press and even authoritative publications spread information at the speed of light about how another bulldog maimed some random passer-by or his own owner. The main problem was that these dogs were not able to be raised on the territory of a particular country.

Distinctive features

To begin with, it is worth noting that there are as many as 3 types of American Bulldogs. Many publications write that there are only 2 of them, but at the moment this is not the case. Breeders have been creating a new type for the past 10 years. So far, this subspecies does not have a specific name and characteristics, but some information about it is still known.

Description of each type:

  1. Classic . Alternative name: Johnson type. Classic ambulins differ from other types in their purpose. These dogs have pronounced protective qualities. Due to this, they are considered excellent companions and old-timers. External differences: powerful build and short muzzle .
  2. Standard . Alternative name: Scott type. Dogs belonging to this subspecies are real pursuers. They retained the maximum number of features of their ancestors. Standard representatives of the breed are ideal for hunting and scaring away large wild animals (for example, wild boars). The appearance of such dogs differs in several respects: an elongated muzzle, short stature and an athletic, prominent physique. Naturally, all this is in comparison with representatives of the classical type of the same breed.
  3. Mixed . Alternative name: hybrid. This is what many breeders have been working on for the last 10 years. Typically, two types of American Bulldogs are crossed. The “output” is a dog endowed with the best qualities of the classic and standard subspecies. Representatives of the mixed type may have different external features (within the breed). They have greater physical strength and endurance

Some divide the mixed type into the Painter and Williams subtypes. Since the characteristics of these subspecies are rather vague, their inclusion in the list does not make much sense.

You need to understand that dogs belonging to any of these types are real ambulans. Even hybrids that include the gene pool of classic and standard bulldogs cannot be called “defective”. Of great importance here is the fact that the breed, in principle, does not have a single standard, only a set of characteristic qualities.

Main external features:

  • Torso . Strong, muscular. Has a developed and deep chest. The body type is square, knocked down. The neck is quite wide, tapering slightly closer to the skull. The back of the body (croup) is strong. The structure of the croup is distinguished by wide shoulders, which gives the impression that the dog’s paws are a little “wheely”. Closer to the pelvis, the body becomes narrower, which creates a smooth line and adds elegance to the appearance.
  • Head . Quite wide and large, with a flat top and a groove running along the frontal part of the skull. Almost all representatives of the breed have muscular cheeks. The pigment of the nose, eyelids and lips is usually black, but can also be dark brown. The nose is turned up, which, by the way, allows the dog to breathe while it has prey in its teeth.
  • Wool . Short, smooth. Several color options are allowed, but most often there are dogs with a predominance of white fur. Ambules may have large spots of various shades all over the body and on the face. Criteria due to which a dog can be disqualified: “dirty” pattern (the presence of a scattering of small dark specks on a pure color), black coat.
  • Tail. Smooth, low set.
  • Paws. Strong, straight, with visible muscles.
  • Ears. Hanging, medium length. They can be docked (have a sharp tip, small size and triangle shape).
  • Eyes. Wide set, located almost at the ears. They may have an almond or round shape. The eye color can be any, but hazel and dark are preferable.
  • Bite. In most cases it is incorrect (undershot), but for this breed this is not considered a fault. Moreover, dogs belonging to the classic type should not have a scissor bite. If a bulldog participates in an exhibition, it may be disqualified based on this criterion alone. It is desirable that the ambulant has strong and healthy teeth.

Bulldog puppies do not have pronounced external features. They acquire them only with age. It is for this reason that you need to buy a dog from a trusted and experienced breeder.


Owners are always concerned about how long American bulldogs live , how to care for them so that they delight them with their devotion longer, and what diseases they should be afraid of.

Ambuli are strong and healthy animals. Most often they suffer from allergies and joint diseases. To avoid allergic reactions, you must adhere to a diet. Allergens can include household chemicals, food, insect bites, and reagents on city streets.

Dysplasia of the hip or elbow joints is common in bulldogs. These ailments sometimes require long-term treatment and surgical intervention. The degree of dysplasia can only be determined by a veterinarian; if it is advanced, the dog will not be able to lead a full life.

Bulldogs are also diagnosed with:

  • entropion of the eyelid;
  • deafness;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • pulmonary aortic stenosis;
  • tumor in the perianal area.

Only regular visits to the veterinary clinic will help prevent health problems for your devoted pet.

Photo of an adult dog

Photos of puppies

Features of character and behavior

There is a widespread myth about the character of representatives of this breed, which is still firmly in the heads of the majority of the population of the CIS countries. It lies in the fact that ambulies are uncontrollable and vicious dogs that are unable to get along with other animals and children.

And here we should not deny that each representative of the species contains a gene pool of truly harsh ancestors. But at the same time, you need to look at situations from a realistic angle.

  • The character of a dog is partially predetermined by nature and has features that are almost impossible to change . But its behavior with people and animals depends on the upbringing instilled by the owner.
  • Ambuli can be aggressive and disobedient, but only if they have been poorly or poorly trained. Modern representatives of the breed are willful, but patient. They are wary of strangers, but are friendly towards members of their owner's family. Bulldogs remember good and bad, so they need to be raised correctly, avoiding aggression and, especially, causing physical harm.
  • Representatives of the breed often have a negative attitude towards other dogs. This is not considered a deviation; moreover, this factor is stated in the official characteristics, confirmed by dog ​​handlers. Therefore, it is imprudent to take a bulldog into a house in which a dog of another breed already lives. There is a high probability that animals will conflict with each other. If a fight occurs, the bulldog is 99% likely to emerge victorious, and his opponent will be left with injuries.
  • You cannot leave a small child with a bulldog . The younger the baby is, the higher the likelihood that his behavior will cause a negative reaction and aggression in the dog.


  1. These dogs are excellent guards and devoted companions. They are truly capable of protecting their owner from any number of offenders. The physical form of ambulees allows them to compete even with tall and strong men. Therefore, the main advantage that bulldog owners feel to the fullest is safety.
  2. Representatives of the breed are capable of tender feelings; they can be affectionate and even flexible . This is not a plus that manifests itself in all dogs without exception, but it takes place among pets who receive love and care from their owners. Ambuli are sensitive, they are able to understand the emotions and intentions of other animals and even people.
  3. And finally, this breed is absolutely unique. She became the prototype for many popular fighting species (including the American pit bull). The physical abilities of the representatives of the breed are still considered unique, despite the fact that many strong and hardy dogs have been described in cynology.


There are only 3 disadvantages, but each of them deserves special attention:

  1. Ambules should not be owned by people who do not have experience in keeping and training fighting or hunting breeds. These dogs feel insecure and lack of control over the situation. They will not listen to a person who is afraid of them or does not understand at all what he needs to do.
  2. American Bulldogs need physical activity . You need to constantly walk with them or let them go outside alone (if the area is fenced). Training should also be regular and long-lasting. Without proper physical activity, ambulans become aggressive and completely disobedient.
  3. There is always a possibility of running into a “bad” puppy (especially when trying to save money). Many breeders are not experienced enough to breed Ambules. Some people try to cheat and sell a non-purebred dog. Breed standards are too vague, which allows scammers to profit from naive buyers.

Ambul is not a pet for everyone. You need to prepare for a long time to buy and raise this dog.

American Bulldog training

It is necessary to start training an American Bulldog from the very first day of his stay in the house.
You should immediately outline for the puppy the rules of behavior in the house and the norms of communication with family members. Below is a list of the main prohibitions for a normal, well-mannered American Bulldog. At your discretion, this list can be expanded with a ban on lying on the sofa or some other ban.

1. A dog is prohibited from biting its owner under any circumstances. You must be adamant whether the dog bit you in a game or expressing dissatisfaction with something. In any case, the bite must be followed by punishment. Take the insolent man by the scruff of the neck and lift him up. Your actions must be accompanied by a reprimand. It is not so important what you say, it is important in what tone. It is necessary not to shout, but to speak in a confident and dissatisfied tone. When you see humility in the puppy’s eyes, be sure to continue the game or, if a conflict occurred during any necessary procedures (wiping paws, cleaning ears, eyes), finish the job and praise the pet.

2. The dog is not allowed to pull on the leash. The American Bulldog is a dog with enormous strength. In order to avoid trouble, it is necessary for the puppy to understand this rule as a child. Reward your pet if it follows you quietly; teach your puppy to change the pace of movement and stop with you. Any manifestation of independence must be stopped with a command and a jerk of the leash.

3. The dog is prohibited from resting its front paws on people. The American Bulldog is not only strong, but also a large dog. Standing on his hind legs, an adult male dog will be able to place his front legs on the shoulders of a fairly tall person. A man will resist, but a huge dog will simply knock down a child or woman. Therefore, do not let your puppy jump on you, even if he is expressing joy or greeting someone from people. Any such actions must be stopped with a command and pulling the leash or pulling the dog by the scruff of the neck. Once you have achieved understanding, pet your pet.

4. The dog is prohibited from picking up food from the floor or ground. American Bulldogs are in excellent health, however, a bone from the trash is not the best food for your pet. The bulldog is allowed to eat from a bowl, from the owner’s hands, or in its place. The desire to pick up anything edible from the floor or ground must be suppressed by command and mechanical action, for example, by jerking a leash. If the dog is not on a leash, throw something at it (a slipper, a plastic bottle).

5. The dog is prohibited from fighting with other dogs! American Bulldogs are non-aggressive and self-confident. They will not just rush at their brothers. However, in the absence of proper training, even a noble bulldog can begin to bully and initiate fights. Don't let your pet growl or snap at other dogs. It is better if his social circle includes friendly dogs or representatives of the opposite sex. Do not provoke your bulldog: you should not play with someone else’s dog in the presence of your pet, or play with two dogs at the same time with the same toy.




Care and maintenance

American bulldogs, unlike their English “decorative” counterparts, are completely unpretentious . Despite this, owners need to follow a number of care rules.

  • The main thing is to constantly walk and train with your pet , as well as buy him special toys for the development of teeth and for simple entertainment and active games.
  • Dog health care is non-specific. It is enough to provide the ambulant with a balanced diet. It is advisable to periodically give your pet dietary supplements and vitamin complexes (avoiding exceeding the normal dose of D, Ca and A).
  • You cannot wash your dog too often, 1-2 times a year is enough . Since representatives of the breed have short hair, they can simply be wiped and combed.
  • You should periodically check the condition of your pet's jaw and teeth with a veterinarian. With the help of dietary supplements and vitamins, you can partially solve the problem of damaged teeth.
  • Ears and eyes do not require specific cleaning. Nails need to be cut once every 1.5 weeks (if they do not wear off naturally).


Puppies can be introduced to complementary foods the moment they reach 6 weeks of age. At this age, their daily meat intake is from 100 to 150 grams. Diet:

  • up to 2 months – 6 times a day;
  • from 2 to 4 months – 4-5 times a day;
  • from 4 months to six months – 4 times a day;
  • from 6 to 18 months – 3 times a day;
  • older – 2 times a day.

Basic nutrition rules:

  1. Puppies can only be given small portions. 30% of the total diet should always be protein foods.
  2. The principle of feeding a pet up to 18 months: more often is better, but less. There is no need to overfeed your dog. If you give her food several times a day, she will be full and active. The diet must be balanced. The diet of an adult dog should not consist only of meat products.
  3. You need to monitor the caloric content of food and the weight of your pet. If the ambulum gets fat, the risk of bone and joint diseases increases. Under no circumstances should you feed your dog at night or give it pieces from the table. This will immediately ruin the upbringing and also disrupt the pet’s diet.
  4. It is necessary to periodically feed the bulldog with offal and fish, vegetables (carrots, beets), and cottage cheese. The puppy can also be fed with cereals and fermented milk products, eggs.

Sweets are not recommended for all representatives of the breed, regardless of age.


American Bulldogs are distinguished by good health . They are quite hardy and for the most part have good immunity. Despite this, not all diseases bypass these dogs. Some characteristic pathologies will not develop if the owners follow the rules of care and feeding, and regularly take the pet to the veterinarian.

The average life expectancy of ambulees is 12-14 years , with many pets living up to 15-17 years . The English variety of dogs is characterized by lower performance; as a rule, representatives of the breed live only up to 10-12 years .


First of all, the dog must be protected from helminths. When the puppy gets comfortable in the house, he should be given an anthelmintic drug. Do not forget that representatives of this breed often spend a long time on the street, fiddling around in the ground and grass. Because of this, they are constantly at risk.

  1. A 2 month old puppy needs to be vaccinated with Nobivac DHPPI.
  2. Further vaccinations should be at the discretion of the veterinarian.
  3. Most often, puppies receive 2 vaccinations, the interval between which is 14 days.

After the injection, the dog cannot be bathed or even taken outside. The pet must remain at home for 2 weeks after vaccination. At the end of March, you need to treat the animal’s fur with a preparation against parasites, in particular against ticks.


Bulldogs are susceptible to bone and joint diseases due to their body type. The most common disease among representatives of the breed is dysplasia. The pathology, firstly, is inherited, and secondly, the risk of its occurrence can be minimized with the help of the same proper diet and care. Despite this, many ambulees develop joint dysplasia, often closer to old age.

Another disease that is common among these dogs is allergies. Food allergies are common and are associated with improper feeding or the individual characteristics of the dog’s body. To avoid complications, you need to identify a product (or several) that is an allergen, and then completely exclude it from your pet’s menu. If the negative reaction is caused by an incorrect diet, then it must be completely reconsidered. Maintaining an ambulette is expensive, but this factor must be taken into account before purchasing a dog.


  • Walks should be frequent, long and active.
  • It is not enough to just sit on a bench and wait for “the dog to do its business.” You definitely need to interact with your pet.
  • While walking, you can resort to training, but, of course, for full-fledged training it is better to choose a specialized place equipped with everything you need.
  • 1.5-2 hours per day . While walking, you need to ensure that your pet does not conflict with other dogs.
  • An untrained bulldog should not be walked without a muzzle.


American Bulldogs shed moderately but frequently . Therefore, the coat should be brushed with a soft massager weekly. You also need to regularly treat your pet with anti-parasite products. Periodically it is necessary to wash the dog's fur with flea shampoo.

How to keep an American Bulldog?

If you keep an ambulant in a city apartment, then there should be more training, and their intensity should be higher. In this case, the age of the dog is taken into account so as not to overdo it. Active walks of at least 1 hour are an important requirement.

The owners of the dog may be touched or irritated by some of the dog’s features. Due to increased salivation, they leave their drool everywhere. Snoring at night is also common in dogs. If there are other dogs in the house or apartment, then there may be conflicts with them due to the dog’s desire to take a leadership position.


Experienced breeders do not recommend early mating, since the body of American bulldogs has been in a teenage, unformed state for a long time.

  • Ideal age: 2-3 years . In theory, it is possible from 18 months , but this can simply injure the animal’s body.
  • Estrus in female ampules occurs approximately once every 6 months and lasts about 3 weeks.

Selecting a mating partner is an important and complex process. The owner must choose a dog that matches his own and observe its behavior live. And even if a partner is found, it is not a fact that the mating will be successful. It is necessary to introduce the dogs in advance and observe their interaction with each other.

Key points in training

You need to start training bulldogs from puppyhood . Dogs of this breed must be kept under discipline, otherwise they will become insolent and unbearable. Of course, it is useless to give any commands to very small puppies, but they can be taught where the bowl, toilet and sleeping place are.

The main nuances that need to be taken into account during training:

  • No violence or rough treatment, otherwise the dog will rebel and stop obeying;
  • You need to encourage a bulldog, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it, since, again, he will easily and quickly become impudent;
  • You shouldn’t have high hopes for the first training, since ambullies are not the smartest dogs;
  • When aggression appears in a dog, it is necessary to completely change tactics;
  • You can conduct full and productive training only in a place that is equipped with an obstacle course.
  • Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Dogs of this breed really take quite a long time to learn commands. The process is especially difficult at first. The best learning tactic is playful.

Dog fighting with Ambul

This breed is one of the top ten dogs bred for fighting. But unlike other contenders, Ambul is not bred to fight. The breed standard does not prohibit a dog that has color defects from participating in a fight. But if you want to participate in an elite battle against venerable dogs, you will have to sacrifice a purebred pet.

This versatile breed is designed for bull baiting, but not for fighting to the death. You can watch numerous videos about this. There will be no equal to a bulldog in his weight category in battle. But you should not exhibit your pet with larger dogs, for example, Neapolitan Mastiffs. Such fights do not end well.

How to choose a puppy

The only 100% way not to make a mistake when choosing a puppy is to call a dog handler and make the purchase with him. You can also ask the breeder for a document confirming that the dog has already been checked by a specialist. It is impossible for an inexperienced person to understand from a puppy whether he is a “worthy” representative of this breed. The only thing that can be assessed is character qualities. Activity, love of life, appetite.

You need to look at the conditions of detention. A good breeder will never place puppies in a dirty, cold place . The water in the bowl should be fresh, the food should be appropriate for the age of the puppies and natural.

You definitely need to look at the pedigree . In this case, ideally you need to see the puppy’s mom and dad in person, as this will immediately make it clear how healthy and balanced the dogs are.

The American Bulldog is not an aggressive animal, but a kind and sensitive pet that can become a real family member. The right approach to education will help you avoid encountering obstinacy and aggression in your dog. Before making a purchase, you need to understand that a representative of this breed requires monetary, time and moral investments throughout its life. This is a very big responsibility.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

Choosing an American Bulldog Puppy

When purchasing an American Bulldog puppy, you first need to decide in what capacity you see your pet. Will he be just a companion, friend, family member, or a champion and star of the ring? The characteristics of the puppy and, accordingly, the price will depend on this. However, in any case, the dog must be purebred, so it is better to contact a nursery or a professional breeder.

Sometimes, under the guise of puppies from “elite” parents, unscrupulous breeders sell a cross between a Boxer and a Pit Bull or a Stuff and an English Bulldog, which are often similar to the American Bulldog only in color. A good breeder will always provide you with documentary evidence of the pedigree and titles of the parents.

In pursuit of profit, some breeders breed a bitch every time she is in heat. This negatively affects both the health of the bitch and the quality of the offspring. You can get reliable information about matings at the breed club.

The optimal age to buy a puppy is at least 1.5 months. The weight of an American Bulldog puppy at this age is 5-6 kg. If there are strong deviations in this parameter, you should refuse to purchase such a puppy. Too little weight indicates that the puppy has not been raised properly; too much weight may lead to problems in the exterior in the future, since under the influence of excess weight deformation of the still immature bones occurs. A good puppy is bony, has a large head and a wide muzzle. The coat should be shiny, the eyes should be clear, the ears should be clean.

A special feature of the American Bulldog breed is that some puppies may be inactive and inactive. This is not a defect and goes away with age.

Today, any self-respecting club must brand all litters. When you purchase a puppy, you will receive a puppy card and a veterinary passport with vaccination records. The puppy's personal mark, usually located on the groin or ear, must match the mark on the documents received.

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