How to use Hepatolux for dogs correctly and what is it for? Good to know!

Description of the drug
Release form and storage conditions:Available in the form of a homogeneous suspension with a characteristic odor in bottles with a screw cap of 50 and 100 ml. The container is made of plastic and placed in a cardboard box. The package also contains a syringe dispenser for the medicine.
Store in a closed bottle in a dry place, away from sunlight and proximity to feed and food products. The air temperature in the room or holding compartment should be between 2 and 25°C.

The suspension can be used for 21 days after opening the bottle, and for 2 years in a sealed container.

  • 50 ml – from 350 rub.;
  • 100 ml – from 460 rub.
Analogues:The drug has no absolute analogues in terms of active ingredients.

The drug is widely used in veterinary practice for the treatment of liver diseases, as well as the prevention of complications on the organ.

Is it possible to give?

The safety of the drug is indicated by all veterinarians who give reviews about it. The Russian-made medicine does not contain too strong synthetic choleretic agents. The main effect is due to the content of milk thistle, amino acids, lecithin, etc.

The drug is prescribed for both large and small dogs, and is also recommended for cats.

Hepatolux is intended for the prevention and treatment of liver and gall bladder diseases:

  • hepatitis;
  • fatty degeneration and hepatosis;
  • liver degeneration and cirrhosis;
  • oncology;
  • consequences of intoxication, dehydration, taking hepatotoxic drugs (antiparasitic, etc.).

It is useful when a dog is recovering from severe infections and when using strong medications (for example, for oncology). On the recommendation of a specialist, the drug can also be used for the prevention of hepatosis, cirrhosis of the liver and various disorders in the functioning of the biliary tract and bladder (formation of stones, etc.).

The drug promotes the normal course of metabolic processes and the removal of toxic substances from the body.


1. Description of the drug 2. Main characteristics and properties 3. How the medicine works 4. Various manufacturing options 5. In what cases to use 6. Rules of use 7. Possible side effects 8. Advantages and disadvantages 9. What analogues exist 10. Reviews:

The owner is obliged to monitor the health of the pet. A healthy, balanced diet and an active lifestyle ensure the normal functioning of the body. But in some cases (after a previous illness, age, etc.) additional measures may be required. Protecting the liver and eliminating problems with the gallbladder is the main purpose of the drug Hepatolux. The product is cheaper than foreign analogues. The drug has well-expressed hepatoprotective properties, characteristic of natural plants included in a single composition.

Composition and expiration date

Hepatolux has a complex effect on the dog’s body and indirectly contributes to the normal functioning of not only the liver, but also other internal organs. This is due to its composition:

  1. Soy lecithin regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Nutrients are better absorbed by the dog, and this affects both its general well-being and the pet’s stool, since incomplete absorption of fats in the intestines often leads to diarrhea. Carbohydrates are necessary for the functioning of the muscles and nervous system of the animal.
  2. Methionine and arginine are essential amino acids that enter the dog’s body only with food. With an irrational or unbalanced diet, these substances are in constant deficiency. The result of a lack of amino acids is disturbances in the production of enzymes and problems with the pet’s gastrointestinal tract. Methionine is involved in the production of hormones (adrenaline, creatinine, etc.) and prevents the development of adipose tissue in the liver (hepatosis).
  3. The content of milk thistle and artichoke provides protective properties, increases the ability of liver cells to recover, prevents the development of fatty tissue in the liver and regulates cholesterol in the animal’s blood. The bitterness contained in the leaves of the plant promotes easy flow of bile, has antispasmodic properties, increases appetite and promotes better digestion of food.
  4. Salts of glycyrrhizic acid stimulate the liver and gallbladder, have anti-inflammatory properties, and relieve spasms of smooth muscles.
  5. Royal jelly extract has anti-inflammatory properties, improves the dog's immunity and has an antibiotic effect.

Hepatolux is available in 2 dosage forms:

  • suspension (with dispenser);
  • pills.

Each form has 2 varieties - for dogs of large and medium breeds and for small animals.

The composition of the drug is the same, and the differences between the varieties lie in the different content of active ingredients. In medicines for medium and large breeds, the dosage of components is 2 times higher than in products for small breeds. This must be taken into account if varieties have to be replaced.

It is recommended to store Hepatolux in its own packaging, regardless of the release form. Recommended storage temperature is 0...+25°C, without exposure to light and moisture. It is advisable to store the drug separately from feed or food products.

If the conditions are met, the shelf life of unopened suspension or tablets is 2 years. It is recommended to store an open container with suspension for no more than 20 days at low temperature (+5°C).


The liver is an internal organ that performs vital functions. It is involved in hematopoiesis, the production of fats and carbohydrates, cleanses the blood of toxins and promotes their rapid removal from the body, and produces enzymes for digesting food.

70-85% of the liver consists of hepatocytes. These are cells that are involved in the following processes:

  • breakdown of carbohydrates;
  • protein synthesis;
  • detoxification, removal of toxic substances;
  • cholesterol production;
  • synthesis of phospholipids.

Hepatocytes ensure the functioning of the liver, and their cell walls consist of phospholipids. They ensure the functioning of a vital organ, but are vulnerable to the effects of negative factors: toxic substances, medications, unbalanced nutrition. All this can cause disruption of intracellular metabolism and destruction of hepatocytes, which is the cause of many liver diseases.

Dangerous acute pathologies are leptospirosis (infectious jaundice) and hepatitis. But most often the liver is exposed to chronic diseases. The causes may be long-term inflammation, cancer of any other organ, autoimmune diseases, pathologies of the bile ducts, in which bile passes from the liver into the intestines.

All liver diseases manifest differently in dogs, but common signs that indicate liver problems include:

  • apathy, drowsiness;
  • decreased appetite or refusal to eat;
  • weight loss;
  • increased thirst;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • yellowness of the sclera;
  • light cal.

Most often, older animals are affected by chronic liver diseases; with congenital anatomical anomalies, the disease can affect both small puppies and young dogs. The danger of the pathology is that its symptoms do not manifest themselves for a long time, and the owners begin to sound the alarm when 80% of liver function is already impaired. The prognosis in such cases, unfortunately, is bleak.

Hepatovet is not a medicine, and it cannot eliminate the cause of the disease. Therefore, the feed additive is prescribed together with other veterinary drugs and is used in complex therapy to maintain liver function. The medicine is safe and does not have a toxic effect on the body; on the contrary, it neutralizes the effects of toxins.

Hepatovet is prescribed:

  • for liver diseases of any etiology, occurring in acute or chronic forms, including hepatitis, hepatosis, cirrhosis;
  • after suffering infectious diseases;
  • for detoxification caused by food and drug poisoning, improper feeding;
  • to neutralize the effects of certain medications on the liver, including after chemotherapy;
  • after deworming (especially in the case of severe infestation, since many antiparasitic drugs have a detrimental effect on the liver, and poisoning of the body is also possible due to the sudden death of a large number of parasites);
  • in case of dysfunction of the digestive system; with yellowing of the sclera, etc.

Important! Despite the safety of the medicine, the need to use Hepatovet is determined by a veterinarian.

Instructions for use


Tablets are produced in 2 types of packaging and dosage:

  • for large and medium - 50 pcs. in a plastic bottle;
  • for small ones - 30 pcs.

Tablets are light yellow or yellow in color. The bottle has a tamper evident seal and is packed in a cardboard box. The delivery set includes instructions for using the product.

The drug is used orally in an individual dosage, calculating 1 tablet for every 20 kg of animal weight (large and medium) or per 10 kg (small).

Feed the medicine by placing the whole tablet on the root of the dog's tongue, closing and holding the mouth until swallowing. Hepatolux can be crushed and mixed with food or treats (in small quantities). It is necessary to ensure that the dog eats the entire portion.

The drug is taken 2 times a day for 20-30 days. According to the veterinarian's recommendations, the next course begins only after 10 days. Treatment of chronic diseases requires several courses per year.


The suspension is given to dogs using a dispenser, squeezing the contents of the syringe onto the root of the tongue or behind the cheek. The dosage is calculated individually:

  • large and medium breeds are given 1 ml for every 1 kg of body weight;
  • for small ones, dose 1 ml per 10 kg.

The drug can be mixed with food, feeding a small portion.

The duration and regimens of treatment and courses are the same as when taking the tablet form.

Description of the drug

The drug, which has a single composition, is produced by the manufacturer in two different versions:

  • Suspension.
  • Pills.

Also, when releasing the medicine, the size and weight of the dogs were taken into account. You can buy Hepatolux for small and separately for medium (large) breeds.

The composition and selection of components are identical. The difference lies in the concentration of the active substance. Suspension and tablets intended for large animals have twice the concentration. And this must be taken into account when organizing therapeutic therapy.

Side effects

When used correctly, no side effects are observed in any form. There have been rare cases of increased salivation 3-5 minutes after taking the medicine. The condition is short-lived and goes away on its own.

In case of individual intolerance to the components of Hepatolux, dogs may experience an allergic reaction. If there are symptoms of intolerance (vomiting, rash, etc.), discontinue use and the veterinarian should advise an alternative treatment .


The suspension includes plant components, which ensures its safety for animals. As a rule, the medicine is well tolerated by dogs of any breed and age, and has no prohibitions for pregnant or lactating females. High efficiency is confirmed by positive reviews from veterinarians and pet owners.

Prohibitions on the use of the drug include:

  • epilepsy;
  • liver failure;
  • encephalopathy;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Complications are extremely rare and can manifest as increased salivation. If you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug, allergic reactions are possible, in which case you should stop using the drug and contact a veterinarian.



Alexandra, Moscow:

“The pet, a Yorkshire terrier, suffered from vomiting even before eating. He vomited bile and had to take the dog to the vet. It was recommended to take Hepatolux for 1 month. The tablets were eaten with food without any problems, and after a few days the main problem (vomiting) was solved.”

Veniamin, Penza:

“The Rottweiler was diagnosed with gallstones. We have been taking periodic courses of taking Hepatolux for 2 years now.

At first Hepatovet was prescribed, but it became very expensive, and the veterinarian recommended a replacement in the form of Hepatolux. It does not destroy stones, but does not allow new ones to form: it somehow improves the condition of the dog’s bladder. Now the dog’s tests have become better, the drug is working effectively.”


Maria Nikolaevna, Lipetsk:

“I consider Hepatolux a good replacement for similar and more expensive drugs. It works well both in combination with other medications and separately as a hepatoprotector. The medicine is quite cheap, which is especially important for owners of dogs with persistent problems.”

Nikolay Vasilievich, Taganrog:

“I don’t consider hepatoprotectors to be necessary medications: the liver already has the ability to recover from exposure to toxins.

But the drug has a good choleretic effect. Hepatolux is useful for dogs with bile stagnation and a tendency to stone formation. Preventive treatments in courses of 1 month 1-2 times a year help maintain the health of animals.”


In veterinary pharmacies in Moscow and on online resources, prices for the drug depend on the form and dosage:

  • for small breeds of dogs, the suspension (25 ml bottle) costs on average 215-300 rubles, tablets (30 pcs.) - 290-320 rubles;
  • for medium and large ones, the cost of the suspension (50 ml) is 400-450 rubles, and a package of 30 tablets will cost 470-560 rubles.

Prices may vary in regions.

Various production options

Hepatolux, produced in the form of a suspension, has a light yellow color. In addition to the main active substance, the composition includes special auxiliary components. Before going on sale, the liquid is packaged in bottles made of polymer materials. Bottle capacity 25 or 50 ml. Each bottle has an individual dispenser syringe. With its help, you can easily and accurately measure the required amount of liquid suspension.

The tablets have a standard shape, the color is predominantly yellow or light yellow. If the shades change within a slight range of yellow, there is no need to worry. This is not reflected in any way on the medicinal properties. Tablets (small in size) are packaged in jars made of environmentally friendly polymer material. The container capacity is 20, 30 or 50 tablets.


Drugs with similar effects:

  1. Hepatiale forte (tablets), average price 935 rubles. per pack 40 pcs.
  2. Hepatovet (suspension, 50 ml), cost 409 rubles.
  3. Hepatoject (injection solution, 20 ml), price for 1 package 525 rubles.
  4. Trigepat (in the form of a treat, bottle 100 pcs., sachet 20 pcs.).

Drugs with a hepatoprotective effect for dogs are not too rare; they are used to restore liver tissue when damaged in case of poisoning or dehydration (for example, gastrointestinal infections), to normalize the composition of bile and improve the digestion of food.

Hepatolux contains herbal ingredients and royal jelly and is safe for animals of any age. The affordable price allows owners to effectively help their pets without spending a lot of money.

Main characteristics and properties

The active substances contained in Hepatolux have the following types of effects:

  1. Ensures normalization of metabolic processes (protein, hydrocarbon and fat);
  2. Hepatoprotection.
  3. Increasing liver functional parameters (antioxidants, etc.).
  4. Improving bile excretion.
  5. Normalization of blood sugar levels.

Indispensable in many cases, methionine maintains nitrogen balance, normalizes the processes of synthesis of choline, adrenaline, creatine, and other vital components.

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