What do you need to know before using Dexafort for dogs?

Many dog ​​owners are afraid to give them Dexafort. And for good reason: this is a serious glucocorticosteroid drug, which is prescribed according to strict indications, and if used incorrectly can cause serious disorders in the body.

In the review, I looked at how Dexafort works, when its use is necessary, in what cases it is strictly contraindicated, and what consequences it can lead to. At the end of the article you will find answers to your questions, reviews from animal owners, a list of analogues and recommendations for use.

Release form and composition

Dexafort for dogs is an anti-inflammatory drug from the group of glucocorticosteroids. Produced by the Dutch company “Intervet International BV”.

The drug is produced in the form of an injection solution. Packaged in 50 ml bottles. The average cost of one is 1,000 rubles.

The medicine contains 2 substances as active ingredients:

  • dexamethasone phenylpropionate – 2.67 mg/1 ml;
  • dexamethasone sodium phosphate – 1.32 mg/1 ml (equivalent to 3 mg dexamethasone).

The remaining components of the suspension are auxiliary and include sodium chloride, hydroxide and citrate, benzyl alcohol, methylcellulose, tragacanth, hydrochloric acid and water for injection.

general description

The medication is produced in the form of a white suspension, which is intended for injection. During long-term storage it may delaminate. This is considered normal, so you should not throw away the medicine if it separates. To package the suspension, transparent glass bottles with a capacity of 50 ml are used. For cat owners, in most cases it is not practical to purchase such a large container, since most of the medicine is thrown away, but the medicine is not sold in other containers. Each bottle is packaged in a cardboard box and comes with instructions, which must be read before using the suspension.

The main component of the anti-inflammatory drug, which determines its action, is dexamethasone. The composition of the medicinal liquid also includes auxiliary components that help preserve the properties of the active substance for a long time.

Note! In a closed bottle, the suspension can be stored for 3 years from the date of manufacture, but after opening it is suitable for use only for 28 days. Remember the day you opened the package or mark it with a sticker, since after the specified period the drug must be disposed of

It cannot be used to treat cats and other animals.

Indications for use

Dexafort is widely used in veterinary medicine. It is used to relieve acute symptoms, itching and inflammation in diseases of an allergic and autoimmune nature. Among them:

  • allergic dermatitis and eczema;
  • joint pathologies;
  • acute mastitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • post-traumatic edema.

Dexafort only relieves symptoms, but does not eliminate the causes of acute conditions. Therefore, it is used in complex therapy.

How it works

Dexamethasone contained in the drug is a synthetic analogue of cortisol: a glucocorticosteroid hormone of the adrenal cortex. Its action is:

  • blocking inflammatory mediators, incl. prostaglandins;
  • stimulation of the biosynthesis of lipocortins, which have an anti-edematous effect;
  • inhibition of cellular immunity and proliferation of lymphoid tissue;
  • disruption of the kinetics of T-lymphocytes attacking pseudo-infected cells.

As a result of the complex effects of dexamethasone, signs of allergies and autoimmune conditions are eliminated: itching, swelling, inflammation.

Dexafort is distinguished by two effects at the same time: immediate relief of acute reactions and the duration of the effect. This property is due to the presence of two forms of the active component:

  • dexamethasone disodium phosphate – is absorbed immediately and quickly eliminates negative allergic and autoimmune reactions;
  • Dexamethasone phenylpropionate is absorbed and distributed throughout the body slowly, providing a prolonged effect.


Cortisol and its synthetic substitute have the ability to stop the process of inflammation and stimulate the synthesis of substances that help eliminate edema.

The main medicinal properties of Dexafort:

  • has an antihistamine effect;
  • eliminates swelling of soft tissues;
  • stimulates cellular immunity;
  • reduces the sensitivity of cells to irritating factors.

The last two properties contribute to the development of antitoxic and antishock effects. Taking Dexafort activates liver cells, which accelerate the metabolism of toxins and their removal from the body.

The duration of action of the hormonal drug in the body is 30-96 hours, it depends on the pathology, the general health of the dog, and the characteristics of the body.

Important! The veterinary drug should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and should not be used for self-medication.

Instructions for use and dosage

Dexafort is administered to dogs subcutaneously or intramuscularly in a volume of 0.5-1 ml. The exact dosage is determined by the veterinarian based on the weight and condition of the pet.

The drug is used once. If symptoms persist or worsen, Dexafort is used again after a week. Subsequently, the need for periodic administration is determined by the doctor, based on the condition of the animal. In this case, monitoring using a biochemical blood test is mandatory.

Contraindications and side effects

Dexafort belongs to moderately hazardous drugs (class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007). But, like any glucocorticosteroid drug, it has a lot of contraindications and serious adverse reactions.

Thus, Dexafort is prohibited from being used for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • fungal and viral invasions, and for bacterial ones, simultaneous use of broad-spectrum antibiotics is required;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • heart failure;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hyperadrenocorticism;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • corneal ulcers;
  • pregnancy: in the early stages it can provoke abnormalities in the development of the fetus, in the later stages it can lead to abortion or premature birth;
  • simultaneously with vaccines, because corticosteroids suppress the immune system;
  • together with babiturates, phenytoin, rifampicin, because the effectiveness of dexamethasone will decrease;
  • 28 days after opening the bottle.

Using drugs can lead to:

  • increased urine production;
  • excessive thirst;
  • increased appetite;
  • Cushing's syndrome: accompanied by redistribution of body fat, muscle weakness, weight loss, osteoporosis.

Storage conditions

Like any medicinal product, Dexafort is stored out of the reach of children and animals, separately from food and feed, in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees. The shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture, after opening the bottle - no more than 28 days.

Slaughter of cattle for meat is permitted after 48 days, horses - after 24 days, pigs, sheep and goats - 60 days after the last use of the drug. The meat of forcedly slaughtered animals is used to produce meat and bone meal. Milk is used for human consumption no earlier than 5 days after treatment with Dexafort. Before this period, it is fed to animals after heat treatment.


The active ingredient in Dexafort, dexamethasone, is a strong synthetic glucocorticosteroid, the anti-inflammatory effect of which is 30 times stronger than that of cortisone, and 7-10 times stronger than that of prednisolone. Based on this substance, drugs such as Dexakel, Cortexon, Kolimitsin, Vibragen and others are produced.

Analogues of the drug

You can replace Dexafort with one of the following veterinary drugs of the glucocorticosteroid group:

NameWhat is the differenceaverage price
Dexakel 02Contains only dexamethasone sodium phosphate (2.64 mg/1 ml). It is better suited for non-infectious inflammations of the musculoskeletal system, systemic infectious diseases, and metabolic disorders. 900 rub. for 50 ml.
Cortexon RetardA drug based on dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate (1.25 mg/1 ml). In addition to the antiallergic effect, it has anti-inflammatory, desensitizing effects and immunosuppressive activity. Eliminates allergy symptoms, relieves swelling and inflammation. Used for post-traumatic diseases, eczema, dermatitis. 1,100 rub. for 100 ml.
DexamethasoneAnother drug based on dexamethasone is in the form of disodium phosphate (2 mg/1 ml). Indicated for post-traumatic edema and arthritis, allergic dermatitis, eczema. Prohibited for infectious inflammation of the cornea. 740 rub. for 100 ml.
PrednivetA medication from the group of glucocorticosteroids, only based on prednisolone (0.025 g/1 ml). Suitable for the treatment of metabolic disorders, inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, infectious diseases, allergies, stress and shock, snake and insect bites. 800 rub. for 50 ml.


Dexafort injection suspension contains the active ingredient dexamethasone and auxiliary substances - benzyl alcohol, sodium citrate and methylcellulose. Due to the correct proportions of excipients, dexamethasone enters the affected tissues of the cat’s body within seconds after injection.

Dexafort helps reduce inflammation, relieve swelling, and also has a calming and anti-allergic effect on the pet’s body.

To achieve the desired effect, you only need to take one injection, and the medicinal effect will remain in the body for 96 hours. The injection can be repeated no earlier than a week after the first.

Owner reviews

Tanya: “My fox terrier will soon turn 12 years old. And, apparently, an age-related imbalance of hormones emerged: the dog began to itch constantly, broke off all his fur, and did not sleep. Tested - no allergies or parasites. The doctors threw up their hands and prescribed hormonal treatment. We chose Dexafort as the most acceptable drug. I pierced 3 times, 0.5 cubes once a week. The itching went away almost immediately, and they forgot about it for a month. But then the symptoms returned. I don’t want to stuff my pet, but now I’ll have to use Dexafort for life: I put a quarter of a cube weekly.”

Victoria: “I have a 3-year-old American Staff Terrier female. I developed an allergy to poultry meat. At the clinic she was given a Dexafort injection. Almost immediately the dog started vomiting, the dog was agitated, and then bumps appeared all over its body. After a few hours, everything went away, and at the same time the unbearable itching.”

Maria: “I have a French bulldog. This breed constantly has skin problems. The worst thing is when your pet has bumps like pimples between the pads of his fingers. They couldn’t understand what was going on until they got to a normal vet. He determined that it was an allergy to cereals: he switched the dog to hypoallergenic food and prescribed Dexafort injections. After a couple of days, the first improvements appeared, and after a few weeks the pet’s well-being improved.”

Answers to frequently asked questions

How long can Dexafort be used?

Medicines are used mainly once or twice a week. For persistent allergic diseases, constant periodic use during the season, once a month or weekly, is possible. But such regimens are used as directed and under the supervision of a doctor with mandatory regular blood and urine tests.

There is no way to take the dog off Dexafort - we cannot find out the cause of the itching; without it, the pet sheds its fur and loses weight. Is it dangerous to constantly use the medicine once a week?

With long-term use (a month or more), glucocorticosteroids often have side effects: they are life-threatening, difficult to treat, and sometimes do not go away even after stopping the medication. This therapy is used only if the animal’s condition without treatment is worse than with it.

When is the best time to inject the suspension?

The optimal time is early morning, between 6 and 8 o'clock. If the dose is large and it is impossible to administer the solution at once, the dose is divided into 2 parts: the first injection is given before 8 am, the second – in the afternoon around noon.

Is the drug dangerous for people?

Dexafort can have a negative effect on a person. Therefore, when handling the medicine, wear protective clothing and rubber gloves. After the injection, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. In case of accidental ingestion, contact of the solution with the eyes or mouth, or if an allergy occurs, wash the solution off the skin or mucous membranes and immediately consult a doctor.

Positive Action

The medicinal properties of the drug are manifested due to the powerful action of dexamethasone, an analogue of cortisol, which is a hormone of the adrenal cortex and has the ability to resist various diseases in the human body and the animal body. Dexafort helps to significantly improve your well-being in the following ways:

  • Quickly and effectively relieves inflammation and prevents its spread.
  • Helps eliminate swelling in tissues.
  • Has a calming effect.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Reduces sensitivity to allergens.

The therapeutic agent penetrates into all cells of the pet’s body within 45-50 minutes and continues its therapeutic effect for another 2-10 days.

I am a veterinarian and use many different medications in my practice. But among them there are those who are always at hand, so to speak, “for emergency purposes.” Dexafort belongs to them. In recent years, we have been receiving more and more animals with various skin lesions: eczema, dermatitis, parasitic diseases. All of them are often accompanied by severe itching.

The animal constantly scratches the affected areas, which greatly aggravates the situation. This is where this medicine comes to the rescue, it perfectly relieves inflammation and eliminates itching. The condition of the animals is rapidly improving. The drug is long-acting, and, as practice shows, often just one injection is enough. The medicine works quickly and reliably. But at the same time, in order not to cause harm, it is unacceptable to use the drug without the consent of a veterinarian.

Sergey, Moscow


Dexafort, in my opinion, is the best glucocorticoid drug. It is a lifesaver for severe itching, when the dog tears the skin until it bleeds and gnaws out the fur in clumps. In this case, you need to quickly relieve acute symptoms, otherwise the condition will be complicated by a bacterial or fungal infection (see the article Fungus in a Dog).

But you need to understand that Dexafort only removes the symptoms, but the root causes remain. Therefore, after injection of the solution, it is necessary to examine and exclude the provoking factor. In most cases, these are various types of allergies (usually flea dermatitis, demodicosis, food, detergents and pet shampoos), less often - autoimmune pathologies.

I do not recommend using Dexafort constantly. Although there are cases when the cause of itching and hair loss cannot be found, and only hormonal treatment helps. But under such circumstances, I prefer to prescribe Prednivet or “human” Prednisolone tablets. You can select their minimum dosage, at which the dog’s condition will be satisfactory and no side effects will occur.

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