Bedlington Terrier dog. Description, features, types, care and price of the Bedlington Terrier

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Bedlington Terrier
Activityin the house2
on the street2
Dominationin family1
over dogs2
Defending your territoryfrom people1
from dogs1
Sociabilityin family5
with strangers5
with dogs5
Concentrationin family1
in front of strangers1
with dogs1
Aggressivenessin family1
to strangers1
to the dogs1
to cats1
Family behaviorcalmness5
demand for affection5
excessive barking3
behavioral breakdowns1
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years5
over 4 years old5
Institutional usewatchman3

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Border Terrier, Whippet, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Cocker Spaniel, Bichon Frize.

The photo shows what Bedlington Terriers look like:

Character and differences between a dog and a bitch in behavior

When choosing a puppy, the first question that comes to mind is the gender of the dog. There are many things that are captivating about male dogs: stamina, activity, bright appearance. It should be remembered that males are more stubborn; they need an unquestioning leader in the family.

Males are somewhat more aggressive than female dogs. Bedlingtons are characterized by aggression during walks, directed at same-sex brothers. Once involved in a fight, it is almost impossible to stop a purebred Bedlington Terrier.

The advantages of Bedlington boys are undeniable. The dog has been in good physical shape throughout the year and is not in heat or pregnant. This is an ideal option for participating in exhibitions and competitions.

When purchasing a female pet, the owner must be prepared for problems associated with mating

Additional efforts and attention are required for the pet during conception, gestation and after childbirth. Bitches are more affectionate and flexible, easier to train

Brief description of the Bedlington Terrier breed

Bedlington Terriers are a type of terrier. They were bred to hunt rodents and birds. They are cute, curly-haired, medium-sized dogs that resemble a small sheep. But despite their harmless appearance, these dogs have retained their hunting qualities and are able to protect the territory and the owner.

The breed is one of the rarest. Bedlington Terrier puppies are expensive and are popular among rich people and members of the nobility.

breed nameBedlington Terrier
country of originGreat Britain
group of breeds according to the ICF classificationterriers
applicationrat hunter, watchman, companion
life expectancy11-16 years old
height38-42 cm
weight8-10 kg
character traitscheerful, good-natured, peace-loving, devoted, obedient
intelligencesmart, easy to train
careDifficult coat care, grooming required


The Bedlington Terrier is a quiet, calm dog with a balanced, patient character. Thanks to its small size, it can be kept in a city apartment. Suitable for families with children, single people leading an active lifestyle. This dog has the following advantages:

  • cheerful, good-natured character;
  • attractive exotic appearance;
  • suitable for people with allergies, as they hardly shed;
  • clean, never get into the mud, the fur does not smell like a dog;
  • treat children well and are patient;
  • obedient, smart, easy to train;
  • They never misbehave, even when alone.


But this breed is not suitable for everyone. The pet is energetic, playful, needs walks at least 2 hours a day, and gets very bored when alone. Therefore, you need an active owner who can pay him enough attention. Representatives of the breed have several more disadvantages:

  • they do not get along with small pets, they see them as objects for hunting; they can live in the same house with cats and dogs, but they will claim primacy and be jealous;
  • requires regular, complex hair care, haircut, grooming;
  • may be stubborn;
  • like all terriers, they love to dig;
  • The breed is quite rare, puppies are expensive.

History of the origin of the breed

Curly-haired terriers, similar to modern Bedlingtons, have been common in England since the Middle Ages. They were slightly larger and tougher than modern dogs. They were used not only for hunting, but also as guards, and they took part in races and dog fights. These dogs were called Rothbury Terriers and were often kept by gypsies and traveling circus troupes. They also helped miners get rid of rats.

The breeders liked the attractive appearance of these dogs and their working qualities. At the beginning of the 19th century, breeding work began in the city of Bedlington. Rothbury Terriers were crossed with Borders and Dandie Dinmonts. Greyhounds, poodles, and hounds were also used in breeding the breed. Bedlington took some characteristic from each breed: hunting qualities from terriers, head shape and speed from greyhounds, curly hair from poodles.

By the end of the 19th century, a club for breed lovers appeared and a standard was developed. But Bedlington Terriers are still not popular in other countries. They are distributed mainly in Scotland and the north of Great Britain. The breed is also popular in America, although the standards of appearance are slightly different. American Bedlingtons have a more graceful build, a straight back, and coarser hair, so they are cut differently.

Bedlington Terrier Appearance Standard

The Bedlington Terrier is a harmoniously built, strong dog of medium height - 37-45 cm at the withers. Its weight can reach 11 kg. Bitches are slightly smaller, height limit is 39 cm, weight no more than 9 kg. The body is athletic, muscular, but flexible. A distinctive feature of the breed is its arched back and large pear-shaped head. A beautiful silhouette is achieved with a haircut. The dog carries itself with grace and moves smoothly.


The skull is narrow, deep, and shaped like a pear. The brow ridges and the occipital protuberance are clearly expressed, the stop is not noticeable. The muzzle is oval, elongated. The bridge of the nose is smooth, the nostrils are large. The lobe is black, but in liver-colored individuals it can be brown. The jaws are narrow, the lips are tight and dry. The teeth are large and have a regular scissor bite.

The eyes are small, slanted, deep-set. The cut is almost triangular. They are shiny and can be a light hazel color in liver dogs and dark brown in blue dogs. The look is lively and intelligent. The ears are thin and long. Triangular in shape, ends rounded. They are set low, hang down, lie close to the cheeks, and are covered with a fringe of wool at the ends.


The physique is thin, but strong and muscular, rectangular in shape. The neck is of medium length, widening towards the withers, the head is held high. The chest is deep, the ribs are flat. The abdominal line is tightened. The back in the lumbar region is curved upward

The tail is thick at the base and tapers towards the tip. When at rest it hangs down. When excited, it takes on a saber shape, but does not rise above the back.


The limbs are parallel and even. The shoulders are flat, set obliquely. The hind limbs are slightly longer than the forelimbs. The hock joints are well defined. The paws are long, the toes are tightly clenched, and the pads are thick. The movements are springy, swift, these dogs run at a gallop.

Coat and color

The coat is silky, thick, and forms a dense coat with beautiful curls. It is thick, soft, of medium length. Doesn't fit tightly to the body. The undercoat is softer and not dense. On the head, the hair forms a pronounced crest. Curls are more noticeable on the face than on the body.

The colors of Bedlington Terriers can be:

  • blue;
  • blue with fawn;
  • sand;
  • hepatic.

The peculiarity of the breed is that the final color is formed by 2 years. All puppies are born dark - brown or black. Gradually the color of the coat becomes lighter. Also, the shade can change throughout life under the influence of stress or hormonal imbalances. White color of the body is not desirable; this color is possible only on the head. Dogs of any color can have tan, especially pronounced on the limbs, chest, and around the eyes.

Photos complement the description of the appearance:


Dogs are in good health, but are susceptible to some genetic abnormalities.


Common diseases:

  • Copper toxicosis is a genetically determined liver disease. Appears at a young age. Dogs diagnosed with the disease are not allowed for further breeding.
  • Eye diseases: cataracts, glaucoma.
  • Food allergic reactions.

Particularly dangerous infectious diseases, such as plague and rabies, can be prevented by carrying out a number of mandatory immunization measures. It is important to remember that rabies is an incurable disease. An unvaccinated dog poses a danger to other animals, as well as to its owners.


The puppy's first vaccination is given at the age of 8 weeks, against distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis and leptospirosis. At this point, the immunity received from the mother fades away.

At the time of vaccination, the puppy must be healthy and treated for helminths. The presence of parasites in the body can reduce the effectiveness of vaccination.

After 3-4 weeks, revaccination is carried out and a new rabies vaccine is added. There may be slight swelling at the injection site and an increase in body temperature. Be sure to notify your veterinarian about this phenomenon. You may have to change your next vaccination to an analogue one, or take antiallergic drugs at the same time.

The next comprehensive vaccination is given at the age of about 6 months. At 12 months, routine vaccinations are completed, and the next ones are scheduled after a year. Your pet must be vaccinated annually throughout its life. A vaccination card is issued at the nursery, with notes on those already done.

Vaccinations are not carried out until teeth have changed.

Character of the Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terrier is a loyal, affectionate and good-natured dog. It becomes attached to its owner and does not tolerate separation from him well. Boldly rushes to defense, even if the enemy is taller. He loves to constantly be close to his owner, participate in all his affairs, and travel together. But he won’t get bored at home if he sees that the owner is busy. The dog is always in a good mood, obedient, and does not misbehave. Even when alone, he will not turn the apartment upside down and chew things, although he is very bored without his owner.

Bedlington Terriers are friendly to all family members. They love children and enjoy playing with them. They just don’t like disrespectful attitudes; if children offend the pet, it may bite. But if the rules of behavior with a dog are explained to the child, it can become his best friend.

This dog does not tolerate loneliness well and is very bored. Loves to be the center of attention. He also treats strangers kindly and does not show aggression. But she is always wary, and when aggression appears, she will boldly rush to the owner’s defense.

This is a cheerful, active and playful dog. Bedlington Terriers need physical activity: jogging, walks in the park. It should be taken into account that developed hunting instincts force him to run after birds and rodents. He will not be the first to enter into conflict with other dogs. But he is not cowardly, he will always respond to aggression.

These dogs can be characterized by the following traits:

  • devotees;
  • brave;
  • calm;
  • friendly;
  • cheerful;
  • smart;
  • balanced;
  • inquisitive;
  • brave;
  • patient;
  • obedient;
  • stubborn;
  • jealous.

Features of education and training

The Bedlington Terrier is a smart, quick-witted dog. He remembers commands well, understands what the owner requires of him, and can think and draw conclusions. But training can be difficult due to the dog's innate stubbornness and independence. You will need to interest her, constantly encourage her and praise her for the slightest success. It is better to build classes in the form of a game. Rudeness and physical punishment in dealing with representatives of the breed are unacceptable.

If a dog is purchased for hunting, it is better to train it with a professional trainer. In this case, you will have to hunt constantly, since it will no longer be possible to pacify developed instincts. In other cases, representatives of the breed only need a general training course and basic commands, which can be studied independently.

These dogs tend to be dominant and can be stubborn and cunning. Therefore, from the first day the puppy arrives in the house, you need to make it clear who is in charge. Early socialization is necessary with training in the rules of behavior on the street. It is especially important to introduce your puppy to cats and other pets so that he does not perceive them as prey. The dog should react calmly to strangers and car noise.

It is necessary to ensure that the command is complied with. You need to scold for mischief, but not shout or hit. In response to rough treatment, the dog may become withdrawn or aggressive. For training to be effective, the owner needs to achieve contact with the dog and diversify the activities.

Representatives of the breed need active physical activity. They easily learn different tricks and can participate in dog sports. They also require mental exercise. Simple mechanical training is not suitable for these dogs - they get bored.

Basic moments

  • Despite the fact that modern Bedlington Terriers are primarily show dogs and city companions, representatives of the breed have not lost their hunting instincts.
  • In order for the Bedlington to look as impressive as possible, it will have to be cut once every two months, which is not easy to do in the absence of grooming experience.
  • The breed loves to bark, so the dogs make good watchmen, capable of warning the owner in time about the presence of strangers in the house.
  • Typical terrier character traits in Bedlingtons are not as pronounced as in their relatives in the group, although they are not averse to “steering” instead of the owner, as well as chasing small animals.
  • The breed is considered rare, so in domestic nurseries the choice of puppies is small, and their prices are quite high.
  • The Bedlington Terrier is an ideal dog for perfectionists in matters of cleanliness. Representatives of this family shed very moderately; in addition, their hair does not fall out, which means it does not stick to carpets and clothes.
  • Bedlingtons have mediocre learning abilities and are ranked 39th on Stanley Coren's list of the most intelligent breeds.

The Bedlington Terrier is a devoted friend and enthusiastic traveler, possessing a bit of healthy egoism and a decent supply of good nature. The breed is recommended as a companion when you want to have a terrier, but there is no desire to acquire a stubborn dominant, controlled solely by hunting instincts. Bedlingtons are moderately playful, but not aggressive, ready to obey a stronger leader, but not dissolve in him, love to chase small animals, but do not get into a rage and are able to curb their own anger. And these fluffies also have a standard glossy appearance, so with such a pet you definitely won’t get lost in the crowd.

Maintenance and care

Bedlington Terrier dogs are suitable for keeping in a small apartment. At home they behave calmly. The puppy needs to immediately allocate a place to sleep and buy a sufficient number of toys. These dogs especially love balls.

If the dog is kept in a private home, it must be allowed to run around the property. You cannot put him in an enclosure or on a chain; he is an indoor pet. It should be taken into account that Bedlingtons jump high, can climb different heights, and love to dig. Therefore, the fence must be high and reliable.

You need to walk in any weather; in slush, it is better to wear waterproof overalls on your pet. Thick fur protects the dog from the cold, but it is better not to walk in the heat, as heat stroke is possible. In the city it is recommended to be taken out on a leash; this dog, like all terriers, can run after a cat or bird. And they run very fast.

Bedlington Terriers require the same hygiene procedures as other pets.

  • Your dog's ears need to be cleaned once a week. Hair grows actively in them and needs to be plucked. It is permissible to trim with small scissors with rounded ends.
  • Once a month you need to trim your nails. If this is not done, they will bend inward, preventing the dog from walking.
  • After each walk, you need to wash your paws and inspect your pads. If cracks appear, they need to be brushed off with a special healing ointment. In winter in the city, it is recommended to use shoes or protective balms that protect against reagents on the roads.
  • You should also wipe the fur on your belly after walks. If the dog has been walking outdoors, it is recommended to brush it to remove blades of grass and plant seeds.
  • You need to give your pet a full bath every few months. Frequent bathing can cause the coat to become soft and straight. In addition to shampoo, you need to use conditioners and balms to make combing easier.
  • To clean teeth and prevent tartar, it is enough to give chewing bones and dry cartilage.
  • To prevent light wool from acquiring a brown tint, it is treated with talc. It will be needed for areas around the tail, on the paws, and muzzle.


Regular grooming is required. It is soft and quickly falls into tangles. Bedlington Terriers do not shed seasonally. They need to be combed several times a week to remove dead hair. A fine-toothed comb, a slicker brush, a stiff brush, and a rubber mitten are suitable for this purpose. If this is not done, tangles will form. Puppies under one year of age are brushed more often, as they undergo intensive coat changes.

Bedlington Terriers also require regular haircuts - every 1-2 months. This should be done from the age of three months. For grooming you need to purchase special scissors, a clipper, and a slicker. It is recommended to comb the coat while cutting. To groom show dogs, it is better to contact a professional groomer.

A classic haircut is common, in which the dog is given smooth shapes and has a fluffy cap on its head. The muzzle should be shaped like an elongated egg, and the ears should have tassels. Be sure to trim the hair between the toes and under the tail. The forelimbs are shaped like columns. According to the American technique, they are cut shorter, and the hair on the cheeks, ears and throat is shaved. The cap on the head is narrower, and there are clearly noticeable tassels on the ears.


Bedlington Terriers often have hereditary liver diseases. Therefore, food must be selected carefully for your pet. When choosing natural feeding, you must completely exclude:

  • products containing copper;
  • offal;
  • legumes;
  • buckwheat;
  • potatoes, cabbage, onions and some other vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • sweets;
  • smoked meats;
  • confectionery.

The diet should include lean meat, sea fish, rice porridge, boiled or stewed vegetables. It is useful to give fermented milk products, once a week – chicken yolk. As recommended by your veterinarian, add vitamin complexes to your food.

When feeding dry food, you need to choose options of super-premium class and higher. The composition should contain yeast and seaweed. You also need to make sure that the feed does not contain copper. You need to choose food individually; dogs react differently to different brands. There may even be a change in coat color.

To prevent your dog from gaining weight, it should not be overfed. An adult pet is fed 2-3 times a day in small portions, preferably after a walk. Puppies are fed up to 6 times depending on age.


Representatives of this breed have fairly good health. With proper care and feeding, they can live up to 15-16 years. But these dogs may have the following pathologies:

  • eye diseases;
  • renal hypoplasia;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergy;
  • heart disease;
  • protrusion;
  • dislocations and dysplasia of joints;
  • epilepsy;

This breed is characterized by such a genetic pathology as copper toxicosis. This is the accumulation of copper in the liver. It is inherited; individuals with this disease are not allowed for exhibitions or breeding. But not all breeders check their puppies. If this disease is detected, the dog needs special nutrition, purified water, and vitamin K supplements.

Be sure to vaccinate on time. Give your dog anthelmintic medications 3-4 times a year. And treat the wool against external parasites.


The first mating should not be earlier than the dog turns 24 months old . A pair is selected taking into account exhibition achievements, as well as the potential for improving the breed characteristics of the parents in the offspring. Mating is carried out on the male's square; the future parents can be first introduced on neutral territory. After the first meeting, mating is repeated 2-3 more times , with a break of a day.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Where to buy a Bedlington Terrier puppy

In Russia, Bedlington Terriers are rare. To buy a purebred puppy, you need to find a good kennel. In Moscow, such a dog costs from 40 to 60 thousand. In European countries prices are higher.

Before purchasing, you need to get acquainted with the living conditions of the animals, the health and character of the mother. study pedigrees and all veterinary certificates. Representatives of this breed must be sold with the results of testing for copper toxicosis.

When choosing a puppy, you can ignore the color of the coat; it will become lighter. The baby's behavior is important; he should not be cowardly or aggressive. The fact that he is healthy is indicated by a clean, smooth coat, absence of dandruff and unpleasant odor, and a confident gait. When choosing the gender of a dog, you need to take into account that females are more obedient and controllable, and males look more attractive.

The photo shows what the puppies look like:

The video will complement the description of the breed:

Video: Bedlington Terrier. Breed characteristics, care

Video: Bedlington Terrier

Video: Bedlington Terrier. Pros and cons, price, how to choose, facts, care, history

Bedlington Terriers are affectionate, good-natured and cheerful dogs. Great for families with children and allergy sufferers. But you need to pay attention to your pet, then he will respond with devotion and obedience. The ideal owner is one who leads an active lifestyle and can devote enough time to the pet. This dog will be an excellent companion on hikes and walks in nature.

Possible diseases

The Bedlington Terrier dog is a breed with good health, a minimal set of hereditary diseases and good immunity. However, these are just the starting characteristics. Over the course of life, they can either worsen or be maintained through preventative procedures.

These include a balanced diet according to the regime, periodic visits to the veterinary office, timely vaccination, good physical activity, walks in the fresh air.

If you adhere to all of the above, you can be sure that your pet will delight you for many years - with good care, a Bedlington can live up to 15 years. The most common breed diseases are related to the eyes and joints.

But these diseases are common to many breeds. When choosing a puppy, you need to take into account the status of the parents for copper toxicosis. This disease causes copper to accumulate in the liver. Severe cases can result in the death of the pet.

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