Jack Russell terrier dog. Description, features, types, price and care of the breed

Excessive activity of the Jack Russell Terrier can be both a minus and a plus for the owner. It all depends on the lifestyle of the owner of a dog of this breed. Fans of long hikes and cycling will not find a better travel companion. But if you leave a Jack Russell Terrier alone at home for a long time, you may be very surprised at what the pet can do with the apartment during the owner’s absence. What other advantages and disadvantages do dogs of this breed have, you will learn from this article.

Description and features

The history of the discovery of this breed is described differently in different sources. But, according to the most common version, a priest named Jack Russell, who lived in Great Britain, is to thank for the birth of this animal.

He was not at all concerned about the appearance of the beast. The goal of this person was solely to breed a good working hunter's dog. During many years of selection, he succeeded. A small but very agile dog was born, who was named after his discoverer father.

Jack Russell Terrier is merciless to burrowing animals when hunting

The Jack Russell Terrier is not an ordinary hunter. She is not only fast and resilient, but also very cunning. Going with her to hunt a deer or bear, of course, is pointless. Small size and the absence of a massive jaw will not help such a dog to grab and hold a large animal.

However, he has no problems catching rodents living in deep holes. The small size of the dog allows him to sneak up on underground living creatures completely silently. In addition, he easily tracks animals by their tracks.

Few can match the Jack Russell's level of agility. He will catch up and grab even the most agile forest rat. In this matter he has practically no equal. The dog is merciless towards its prey. She will not wait for the owner to come and kill her, as, for example, the shorthaired pointer does.

Let us note that the selection process of this breed was not distinguished by humanism. The priest who is credited with its discovery discarded every puppy from the litter that, in his opinion, did not meet the originally planned parameters of the breed. What kind of dog was Jack Russell trying to get?

  • Aggressive towards rodents.
  • Hardy.
  • Strong.
  • Nimble.
  • I'm savvy.

His experiments were successful. The Jack Russell in the photo looks very much like a little fox. This is due to the fact that the first bitch that gave birth to the “correct” offspring, according to the English priest, was a red-colored mongrel.

Interesting fact! Have you seen the movie "The Mask" with Jim Carrey? Remember the little red and white dog that accompanied its owner everywhere? This is the famous Jack Russell Terrier breed .

According to research, the dog of this breed has the genes of a bulldog, fox terrier and some dogs bred to participate in battles. The animal spread to Great Britain only in the first half of the 20th century. The breeders emphasized his amazing hound potential.

Rules for communication between a child and a Jack Russell Terrier

A dog is not a toy!

She is a living being who, like a person, can experience pain. You cannot roughly or suddenly grab an animal, pull its tail, ears, etc. You need to be especially careful with a puppy.

Punishing a dog is prohibited

Only an adult does this, and only as a last resort. You can get your Jack Russell to follow commands with a stern and firm voice, but you don’t need to shout at him.

Never hit a dog!

Otherwise, the child will become her enemy No. 1.

The dog is not always in the mood

Despite his playful nature, occasionally the Jack Russell will not want to play and this is normal. There is no need to force him - the breed does not tolerate this. When the dog begins to growl and bare his teeth, you should move away immediately.

Do not disturb your dog while eating, drinking or sleeping

In such cases, a wayward Jack Russell, like any dog, can show aggression.

Wash your hands after handling your dog

Failure to comply with this rule can lead to infection by parasites.

The dog may unintentionally bite or scratch

Sometimes this happens during the game too. The child should not be scared. If a temperamental Jack Russell gets too excited, you need to stop playing, calm down and stop looking at the animal.

It is forbidden to feed the dog food from the table

She should be taught to eat from her own bowl and only food specifically intended for her. Otherwise, the Jack Russell may develop digestive problems.

Walking your dog without an adult is only allowed on a leash.

An agile Jack Russell can easily run away from a child by chasing a dog or cat.

You can only have close contact with your dog.

Any other unfamiliar dog, even the same Jack Russell, cannot be petted without the owner’s permission.

Due to its playful nature and amazing, overflowing energy, the Jack Russell is a breed that will give a lot of positive emotions to both children and adults. But in order for both you and your pet to feel comfortable living with each other, teach your child the correct attitude towards an animal from the very beginning. And then such a dog can become not only a wonderful playmate for the child, but also a devoted friend who will always be ready to protect him.

Breed standard

This charming and dexterous dog cannot boast of impressive dimensions. Its maximum height is 31 cm. Males are usually 3-4 cm larger than females. They weigh up to 7 kg. Jack Russell Terriers are born with a long, thin tail that must be docked. According to the breed standard, it should stand upright. This is a key parameter for determining the “pure blood” of an animal.

He has very powerful hind legs. They are stable and muscular. The front ones are a little shorter and thinner. The dog's body is massive and wide. It has a rectangular oblong shape. Pronounced chest.

Medium sized neck. The head is small, slightly oblong. Triangular ears are located behind the frontal part of the head, lowered towards the muzzle.

The Jack Russell Terrier has a very expressive look. There is a wide fold of skin above each eye. The eyelashes are long. At the tip of the muzzle there is a large black nose. The dog's jaws are tightly clenched and there is no salivation.

The coat is smooth, short or long (depending on the type of breed). Its color is white. Two color options are allowed - with black or brown spots. These standards were determined only in the second half of the 21st century, therefore, this breed, as we know it today, can be considered young.

What to consider when starting a Jack Russell

  • These are restless and mischievous dogs. They need to spend a lot of time outside. Without proper physical activity, the Jack Russell will feel unwell and can throw out accumulated energy, harming its owners and damaging their things. When purchasing a puppy of this breed, immediately buy him as many toys as possible. At a minimum, stock up on an impressive number of balls and rubber rings.
  • Such a dog does not need unquestioned and strict authority in the family. Regardless of who the owner is, the Jack Russell is able to choose his main one, that is, his favorite family member, and it may very well be that this will be the child. But a child can also turn into the main enemy if he is not taught to treat the dog with due respect.
  • Jack Russells have a well-developed sense of self-esteem. They are proud dogs who will not tolerate neglect and restrictions on their freedom. If a Jack Russell doesn't like something, he may growl and even bite slightly. When the child grows up and begins to show more respect to the dog, he will still avoid him, remembering the insults caused. Therefore, it is better to immediately establish friendly relations.
  • The breed in question is extremely sociable. Give your Jack Russell enough attention, otherwise he will get bored. And for families with children, it is important to know that such a dog can make adults jealous of the child if you ignore it, communicating only with your child.
  • Jack Russells are very intelligent and easy to train. But keep in mind that along with intelligence they also have such a quality as cunning. Raise your pet so that he cannot manipulate either you or the child.

Be sure to read the article about the character of Jack Russell Terriers


Those who watched the movie “The Mask” remembered the Jack Russell Terrier as an intelligent and cheerful dog. But is he really like that? Let's not forget the purpose of a dog. It was bred to catch small animals. The animal bloodthirstyly dealt with them, very rarely giving the owner the opportunity to take them home alive.

It would seem, how can such a dog, aggressive towards animals, enjoy life and serve humans well? In fact, this is true. It’s hard to believe, but the English priest Jack Russell, who has been breeding hunting dogs for many years, was able to create a truly cheerful and devoted companion for humans.

The main character trait of this savvy and strong rat hunter is his cheerful disposition. He is active, playful and very curious. The attention of this hero from “The Mask” can be attracted by any object in the house, be it dishes or a soft bear. Almost the entire day the dog is in a good mood. There is little that can upset him.

It is interesting that the Jack Russell Terrier does not choose one owner, as many dogs do. He is equally good-natured with all family members. However, the dog, as befits a descendant of a wolf, clearly defines the group hierarchy. Regardless of the family in which he lives, he will divide all its members into “main” and “subordinate”.

However, these cute little dogs often play favorites. Usually, they become children. But don't be confused! The loved one is not the owner of this animal. A dog can be endlessly devoted to a specific person, but at the same time not respect him at all. Yes, the Jack Russell Terrier is characterized by willfulness. He is not only kind and loyal, but also very stubborn.

Such an animal is often bored. Any active dog needs regularly occurring, violent emotions. If they are not there, she withdraws and becomes sad. Remember, any word said to this animal can lift or ruin its mood. They are very smart, therefore, they always accurately read the emotional field of the person interacting with them.

Jack Russell is a very energetic breed that requires frequent walks and active games.

The dog often shows wariness towards strangers. But he adores all children, without exception. Why? It's all about the cheerful disposition of the children. The Jack Russell Terrier perceives kids as his friends, as they are close to him in spirit. Loud noises, movement, laughter and fuss - all these things make a dog happy.

What should a child know before buying a dog?

Sit down and have a serious talk with your son/daughter about how getting a dog is a very big deal.

Tell them that the puppy who seems so cute and funny will quickly grow into an adult dog, who may no longer be so interesting to play with. But he will become a full-fledged member of the family and will be with you for many years. And so that the dog does not cause unnecessary trouble, it will need to be raised from the first months of its life, devoting a lot of time to this.

Explain to your child that in addition to training, walking and feeding, the dog must be washed frequently, and if the breed requires this, it must also be cut. A visit to the veterinarian and vaccinations are required periodically.

Immediately stipulate that part of the responsibilities for caring for the pet will fall on the child as the initiator of its appearance in the family. At a minimum - regular walking, twice a day. Regardless of the weather and mood. And the child will have to sacrifice his free time, get up earlier in the morning, etc.


The standards for this breed have been amended many times. But the breeders came to the conclusion that it is not at all necessary to standardize exclusively one species as the main one. Popular types of Jack Russell Terrier:

  • Shorthair. This is the most common type of breed. To the touch, the animal's fur is soft. It's nice to touch her. The animal sheds annually.

Shorthair Jack Russell Terrier

  • Long-haired. If the fur of the previous dog was soft and smooth, then this one is hard. On the animal’s face there are “antennae”, which are hairs sticking out in different directions.

Longhaired (wirehaired) Jack Russell Terrier

  • Brocken/light brocken. They have shorter fur that fits very closely to the body.

  • Raf. It differs from the Brocken in its fur, which is broken in structure.

Not long ago, another variety of this breed appeared - the Mini Jack Russell Terrier. The type and appearance of the animal is the same as that of a traditional shorthair, however, it is lighter in weight (up to 3 kg).

Maintenance and care

The owner of such a dog will definitely need a small brush. Since Russells shed annually (often several times a year), they need to be brushed systematically. It’s rare to find a dog who doesn’t like this procedure. By touching the teeth of the comb to the dog's body, you give him pleasure. Bonus: removing old fur.

Next, the ears. Sulfur regularly appears in them. Some owners, trying to clean it, use cotton swabs to penetrate deep inside the ears, thereby causing severe pain to the animal. You can't do that. Only the visible part should be cleaned. Ignoring this care will result in inflammation of your pet's ears.

As for the eye mucous membranes, they need to be washed with water once a week. Some breeders advise using saline solution. The main thing is to prevent eye souring.

The Jack Russell Terrier is very active. He sharpens his claws himself. But in old dogs, whose age exceeds 10 years, the level of activity decreases significantly. When washing or scratching, they can seriously injure the skin. In this case, the owner will have to grind off the sharp claws.

Since we're talking about skin. Its condition in dogs depends on several factors, including nutrition and care. Frequent bathing is something that can trigger the appearance of epidermis or other skin diseases in dogs. Such an animal should be washed no more than 2 times a year.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small dog that will do well in an apartment. It is important to give him space to play. Limiting your dog's mobility will cause stress.

Of course, no one is calling for giving her a separate room, but it would be nice to provide the opportunity to sit on a large armchair, which offers a good view of the home.

It is better to place the dog's sleeping place at the front door. This is required to develop her guard skills. Thanks to his excellent sense of smell and hearing, the Jack Russell identifies a person on the landing even before he approaches the door.

Don't forget to buy a soft toy for your dog! If you cannot go with him into the forest every day to hunt rats and other small animals living in holes, you need to provide him with an “escape route.” During the day, a hound dog accumulates a huge amount of energy that needs to be released. Let him torment a soft toy, imagining a fat mouse instead.

Important! There is an opinion that such games have a destructive effect on the dog’s psyche and make it more aggressive. Yes, this is true, but not with the Jack Russell Terrier. This is a human-friendly hunter who needs an active pastime.


Fatty foods are poorly digested by the small stomach of such a dog. In order for Jack Russell Terrier puppies to grow into strong hounds, they need a lot of protein. Until they turn 1 year old, their menu should include natural ingredients:

  • Meat.
  • Eggs.
  • Porridge.
  • Vegetables.
  • Fruits.

Giving sweets or processed foods to animals is strictly not recommended. Eating this can cause gastritis. It is important to prepare low-fat food for them. Another requirement is that it must be rich in microelements. Spoiled foods are poorly digested by the Jack Russell Terrier's stomach, so you need to select only good, high-quality food for him.

Gradually, the dog should be switched to dry food. If the transition to another food system is too abrupt, the dog may refuse to eat. Therefore, it is better to add eggs or vegetables to the bowl of food. This will make it more tasty. Gradually the animal will get used to the updated menu.

Reproduction and lifespan

Before breeding a Jack Russell Terrier with another representative of its breed, you need to analyze it visually. Each partner must comply with international standards. If you are planning to breed a short-haired hound, then you should select a similar candidate for mating. And vice versa.

The owner of the dog is the receiving party. A female dog that meets a male for the first time on her territory will not allow him to approach her. The owners may be present during the mating of their pets, but they should not interfere with them or take any actions during this process.

A pregnant female Jack Russell Terrier should spend a lot of time outdoors and eat food rich in protein and potassium. A month after conception, it is recommended to reduce the duration of walks. Her physical activity should be reduced.

Pregnant hunting dogs often become more affectionate with members of the household. If an animal trusts and loves a person, it will not hide its litter from him. However, people are not recommended to touch puppies in the first days after their birth. If the dogs do not smell like their mother, she may refuse to feed them. Representatives of this noble breed serve for 13 to 15 years.

Brief description of the breed and character

The vast majority of modern Jack Russell Terriers are white with brown or tan markings. The coat can be either smooth or hard.

The body is strong and flexible, the standard height of an adult is 25-30 cm . The muzzle narrows closer to the nose, the transition from the forehead is clearly pronounced.

Terriers of this breed are more compliant and obedient than representatives of other breeds.

They are distinguished by their independent character , inability to sit in one place for a long time, liveliness and playfulness .

Since the dog has strong hunting instincts, it has difficulty getting along with small pets, be it cats or domestic rabbits.

Due to their mobility, Jack Russells need long and frequent walks..


They can be excellent partners for sports - running is a joy for them.

Such pets are very energetic and love to bark loudly, especially in the absence of proper education and early socialization.


Pedigree - every person who makes money from their four-legged pets knows this word. No structure will allow a dog to participate in the competition if it is not standardized by this document. Usually, it is issued in nurseries, but some breeders are authorized to sell pedigrees privately.

The average price of a Jack Russell terrier with documents is from 25 to 30 thousand rubles. At the nursery, the buyer is told about the breed standard, its possible deviations, and is also helped to choose a puppy.

When making a purchase in such a place, you can be sure of the health and purebred of the dog. The second purchase option is private, that is, “from hand”. Today, you can buy a small rat catcher in Russia from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

Choosing a puppy

It is not advisable to choose a puppy younger than 2 months. If the breeder offers a younger animal, then this is an alarming sign. It is better to refuse the services of such a person.

A lot of attention needs to be paid to the documents for both the puppy and his parents. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with medical records and vaccination schedules. You can visit the veterinarian together with the breeder for a preliminary examination of the puppy.

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The price for a Jack Russell Terrier from a good breeder with documents starts from $700. And the cost can reach up to $1200. If the puppy does not have a large number of ancestors with a huge number of exhibition awards, then you can buy it for $500.

Without documents, the price drops to 200-300 dollars. It is very rare to find a puppy for $100, but there is a very good chance of purchasing a sick animal or a so-called “cull”. And in the end you will have to spend a lot more money on treating the puppy.

Due to their cheerful disposition, sometimes these terriers may end up in a shelter or return to the breeder if the new owners could not get along with the dog. You can get a dog for free from a shelter, but from a breeder an adult dog can cost from $200 to $500. But there is a danger that the dog could develop a neurotic state. Therefore, you need to be prepared for additional work with a dog trainer if you got a Jack Russell as an adult.

Russell Terrier puppy

Socialization and education

A person must help his Jack Russell Terrier puppy socialize. This process occurs from the first seconds of interaction with the animal. You need to demonstrate to him your primacy, but not with brute physical force. Any type of violence against a domestic dog is unacceptable!

You can talk kindly to the dog, give him treats, pet him as encouragement. But you shouldn’t spoil him with this. It is important that the animal treats each member of its family with respect.

To earn the trust of the Jack Russell Terrier you will have to try. The dog is quite stubborn by nature. It requires a special approach. You should start raising her after successful completion of primary adaptation. It passes 3-7 days after the animal begins to settle into its new home.

Give him a nickname right away. It should only be said in the presence of a dog. This will help her identify with the name you give her. The second command that should be taught to the dog is “come to me.” For better assimilation, repeat it along with a nickname, for example, “Ball, come to me!”

Every time he does something well, treat him with food or cheese. Some dog trainers advise using the carrot method only in the early stages of training a dog, since regular feeding and reward will become an obstacle to progress in training. A spoiled dog will refuse to obey unless you motivate him with a treat.

If you want to develop the hunting potential of your Jack Russell Terrier, you should definitely take him outdoors. There is no need to teach him to catch rats, since this skill was inherent in him from birth. However, a slight provocation of aggression towards rodents will not hurt. Classic technique:

  1. Stay calm, it should rub off on the dog.
  2. Put a collar and leash on her.
  3. Keep the animal close to you when it spots a rat or mouse.
  4. Begin to loudly pronounce words calling for an attack, lightly pulling back on the leash. This will encourage the animal.
  5. When the dog starts barking, let him off the leash.

You often need to resort to this method of training only if you plan to keep a dog at home that is suspicious of strangers and animals. If your goal is to raise your Jack Russell Terrier to be good-natured and trusting, do not allow him to show aggression towards animals, look for rat holes on his own and bark at people who come into the house.

Important! The “Place” command is useful if you want to be indoors without the dog. With this gentle word you will send him to the territory that he perceives as his own. Usually, this is resorted to when people who do not sympathize with dogs appear in the house.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

There are no genetic abnormalities in this breed. Its representatives have the genes of fighting dogs, which nature has endowed with endurance and enormous strength. But absolutely any four-legged friend of man can get sick, especially if he is poorly cared for.

Some Jack Russell Terriers are born with eye abnormalities. For example, they may be diagnosed with cataracts. In this case, you will observe clouding of his pupils. You should not try to treat this disease at home. Need help from a specialist.

Despite their excellent sense of smell and good eyesight, these hounds cannot boast of good hearing. Therefore, their owners are required to pronounce commands loudly.

To reduce your Jack Russell's risk of illness, it is recommended that he be given vitamins for small dogs. They will help strengthen his immunity. Also, once a year the dog should be given deworming tablets and sprayed with flea spray.

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