Eurikan vaccination for dogs: main features and instructions for using the vaccine

To protect a puppy or an adult dog from contracting various infections that are dangerous, even fatal, it is necessary to regularly vaccinate animals.

In most cases, experts recommend using the Eurican vaccine as a preventive measure for diseases.

It is important to understand what the drug is, how it works, and what side effects may occur.

Eurican vaccine: principle of action

The drug is a complex product produced by a well-known French company. Used for preventive purposes against various infections. If the animal does become infected, then after vaccination the disease occurs in a milder form.

Eurican forms an immune system that resists many pathological processes.

The product is not hazardous to health. It is worth noting that this does not apply to medications. Only healthy animals can be vaccinated .

Consists of 2 parts:

  1. Lyophilized mass. Has a porous consistency. The shade is beige or yellowish. Contains strains of pathogens such as adenovirus, parvovirus, parainfluenza type 2 and plague. In addition, the composition contains glucides and polypeptides that perform a stabilizing function.

  2. Dilution solution. If the drug is stored for a long time, then over time the consistency becomes transparent, and sediment appears at the bottom of the container.

Contains Leptospira (a genus of spirochete bacteria). If the bottle is marked LR, this indicates that the product contains rabies strains.

The main effect of Eurikan is aimed at the susceptibility of the immune system to viral pathogens. This happens 2 weeks after administration of the drug. The obtained result lasts for one year. After this, revaccination is carried out.

Owner reviews

Nina: “I always used Eurican. Over the years of use, there have been no problems, the vaccine has never “broken through”, even tiny miniature Spitz dogs are carried away with a bang. Although, looking at how dogs are now being decimated by coronavirus enteritis, I’m thinking of switching to Duramun.”

Pavel: “We had a case when Eurikan “broke through” the plague. One of the best puppies in the litter died. True, the vet is also to blame: he was treated for another disease for a week until he made the correct diagnosis. I have heard of several other cases where this vaccine did not work.”

Ekaterina: “I have 5 dogs. Everyone is elderly, with weakened immune systems, and besides, I often travel to nurseries, so the risk of infection is high. For 5 years, not a single infectious disease or bad reaction, although I have bulldogs that are almost allergic to air.”

How to store

Eurikan should be protected from moisture and exposure to sunlight. The optimal temperature for storing the vaccine is +2...+8 °C.

Do not keep the product together with food. For this purpose, you need to allocate a separate shelf in the refrigerator.

If some time has passed after opening and mold has appeared on the product, or other changes have occurred, then a disinfection procedure is carried out (it is necessary to boil the container for 10 minutes) and disposal. The same rule should be followed if the expiration date has expired.

The drug should not be frozen. If this happens, then the vaccine cannot be used. The product is disposed of. Subject to storage conditions, the shelf life of the product is 24 months from the date of issue.

What is it done for?

Vaccination is designed to protect the animal from such dangerous diseases as:

If you follow the rules, the drug does not pose a threat to your pet.

Learn about essential drugs in animals

  • Vaccination of puppies
  • Vaccination of domestic cats against rabies
  • Vaccination of small animals
  • Kitten vaccination
  • Vaccination of dogs against rabies, distemper, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis, viral hepatitis and parainfluenza
  • Why do kittens need to be vaccinated?
  • Nobivac Triquet Trio
  • Nobivac DHPPi for dogs
  • Puppy's first vaccination and revaccination
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How to prepare a puppy/dog

In order for the procedure to be successful and not cause a negative reaction after the first vaccination, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. It is recommended to perform vaccination only in specialized institutions. Vaccinations made must be included in the dog’s veterinary passport, which will not create any difficulties in the future when traveling abroad.

  2. Injections are only allowed on animals without pathological abnormalities. If your pet is unwell, the procedure will have to be postponed. Immunization is also not recommended during puppy teething.
  3. Approximately 14 days before the procedure, the animal is dewormed and treated for fleas. This measure is necessary, since the parasites present in the animal’s body, capable of releasing toxic substances, weaken the protective functions of the four-legged animal.
  4. The drug can trigger the development of allergies, so the dog needs to be given a drug of the anti-allergy group. This could be Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, etc.

3-4 hours before vaccination it is necessary to measure the animal’s body temperature. In a healthy state, indicators should be within +37…+39 °C.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to vaccinate a dog with Eurican yourself?

No, any vaccinations can only be administered by a veterinarian. You yourself cannot be sure of the quality of the serum, its correct administration, or the absence of infectious diseases in your pet.

Is it allowed to vaccinate a dog at home?

Yes, if it is done by a veterinarian. At the same time, he must bring the vaccine in a cooling box: in the heat, the serum loses its properties.

This is my first time giving this vaccine to a puppy/dog. I'm afraid of an allergic reaction. How can it be prevented?

The simplest preventive measure is to give an injection with an antihistamine before administering the serum. But usually this is not necessary: ​​Eurican is well tolerated, and minor allergic reactions go away on their own. If you are afraid of anaphylactic shock, sit in the clinic lobby for 30 minutes: if alarming symptoms do not appear during this time, they will not appear in the future. And if acute conditions develop, the doctor will be able to quickly respond and stop them.

Is it necessary to treat a dog for parasites before vaccination? How to do this correctly?

Yes, since helminths, ticks and fleas carry dangerous diseases, can infect the animal, and reduce immunity. For preventive purposes, dogs are treated once 10 days before vaccination, for therapeutic purposes - twice with an interval of 7-10 days, the last treatment is carried out no later than 1.5 weeks before vaccination. They use medications against ticks and insects together with anthelmintic tablets or complex products.

Vaccination calendar

Vaccination must be carried out according to the schedule shown in the table.

AgeSequence of vaccinations
56 daysFirst
12 weeks.Second
12 monthsThird
Over a year oldEvery year for the rest of your life

To develop the immune system, you need to adhere to the vaccination schedule.

If only the Eurican DHPPI2-L drug is used (there is no rabies virus strain), then the first vaccination is allowed for puppies from two months of age.

For primary immunization, a double injection of the drug is indicated. A repeat injection should be done only after 3-5 weeks.

For immunization carried out 2 times, the first vaccine or Eurikan DHPPI2-LR is used. It should be taken into account that the product, which contains rabies strains, is allowed for use only from one year of age. When choosing the first option for puppy vaccination, comprehensive vaccination is contraindicated. Injections are given only separately.

The third is given 12 months after the second vaccination.

Revaccination is carried out every year for all pets.

Experts do not recommend skipping routine immunization, which is explained by a decrease in the quality of protective functions. If this cannot be avoided, then immunization must be carried out in the near future.


The vaccine Eurican L - DHPPI2 is available in the form of two bottles with a capacity of 1.0 ml.

  • Vial No. 1: lyophilized vaccine Eurican DHPPI2. Contains a mixture of attenuated strains of canine distemper virus, adenovirus type 2, parvovirus and canine parainfluenza virus type 2. It looks like a homogeneous dry white mass with a porous structure.
  • Bottle No. 2: liquid vaccine “Eurikan-L”. Contains a mixture of inactivated Leptospira serological groups Icterrohemorrhagia and Canicola. It has the appearance of a transparent colorless liquid.

How to do it yourself

If you decide to administer the drug at home, you need to be extremely careful and follow the instructions.

Instruments are treated with an alcohol solution. The bottle with liquid contents is thoroughly shaken to obtain a homogeneous mass (there should be no sediment).

The cork is pierced with a needle and the contents are collected. It is introduced into the container where the dry component is located and mixed thoroughly. No need to remove the plug. The needle is inserted into it.

The syringe is filled with the resulting liquid. The injection site is wiped with a cloth soaked in alcohol.

Where to administer, vaccine dosage

Regardless of the age of the four-legged friend, the dose of the drug is equal to 1 ml of solution, which is obtained from two bottles.

Injections can be made into the scapula area by subcutaneous injection, or intramuscularly into the thigh.

Eating food does not have any negative effect on the effect of the substance, so there is no need to deprive your pet of food the day before.

Caring for the animal after vaccination

Vaccination involves the introduction of a short-term quarantine.
This will avoid the development of undesirable consequences. For 2-3 days after the injection, it is not recommended to walk with the puppy or bathe him. It is necessary to ensure that the pet is not subjected to heavy physical activity and gets more rest.

If allergies to other drugs have previously been noticed, then you need to monitor your pet’s condition with special attention..

What's better instead?


The Nobivak vaccine has several types:

  1. Nobivak Puppy DP . Protects against plague and parvovirus enteritis. Used for puppies at 6 weeks.
  2. Nobivac DHPPi . Intended for vaccination of adult and small dogs over 10 weeks of age.
  3. Nobivak for rabies and leptospirosis . Often used in combination.
  4. Nobivak KS . Helps against parainfluenza and bordetellosis.

Immunization is carried out annually. The drug is administered in a dosage of 1 ml, regardless of the weight and age of the pet. The medicine will cost 190-210 rubles. The price is less than its analogue.

Nobivak is an effective remedy, but it is becoming more difficult to find in pharmacies. Therefore, the choice often stops at Eurikan. It is not recommended to mix components with each other. But if one vaccine is not suitable, next time it can be replaced with another.


Rabizin is a non-live vaccine and is intended for prevention against rabies. Available in the form of a clear solution. Does not require mixing with other components. 14-21 days after the injection, the dog develops full immunity, which lasts for 3 years.

Rabisin is better than Eurikan in that it is used for the prevention of dogs during pregnancy and lactation. The minimum age for the first vaccination is 12 weeks.

Rabizin is cheaper than Eurican. The price for a bottle with 1 dose is 140 rubles. But Eurikan allows you to avoid infection with plague viruses, enteritis, and adenovirus.

Mixing medications is not recommended, as the risk of side effects increases.

Other analogues

Eurikan has other analogues:

  1. Rubix. A cheap product, the cost of which is 40-50 rubles. Protects against rabies. Immunization is carried out once every 3 years.
  2. Biocan R. Refers to complex drugs, as it protects against rabies and leptospirosis. The immune response occurs after 40 days. It is prohibited to give injections to dogs with elevated temperatures, injuries or parasitic infestations. The average cost is 370 rubles.
  3. Multikan-8. Refers to structural analogues of Eurikan. Protects against plague, adenovirus, coronavirus, rabies and leptospirosis. It has 2 components - dry and liquid substances. The volume of the injected solution is 3 ml. Prescribed intramuscularly. Price – 252 rubles.

Which drug to choose is worth asking your veterinarian . The choice depends on the individual characteristics of the animal.

Eurican is an effective and inexpensive remedy for preventing the development of dangerous pathologies in dogs. The medication is well tolerated by both puppies and adult dogs. Injections are given to pets of different breeds. Preventive manipulations must be carried out in a veterinary clinic under the supervision of a doctor.

When should you refuse vaccination?

Despite the fact that Eurican is considered a safe drug, after its use the development of a number of side effects cannot be ruled out, due to which the drug has a number of limitations.

The medicine is absolutely contraindicated in the following situations:

  • individual intolerance to components;

  • the period of gestation of puppies, regardless of the stage of pregnancy;
  • if less than ten days have passed after treatment for worms;
  • age up to three months in case of introduction of the LR version, or up to seven weeks when using the drug with the L mark.

Dogs that are severely emaciated due to an acute or chronic pathological process are not allowed to be vaccinated, since during this period the animal is severely weakened. Also, vaccinations should not be given immediately after viral infections, even in the absence of characteristic clinical manifestations.

Immunization should be refused if the drug is expired or sediment and foreign impurities are found in it.


The Eurikan vaccine is considered harmless, but has a number of contraindications. It is prohibited to use the drug in the following cases:

  • less than 10 days have passed since mandatory deworming;
  • weakened or sick animals;
  • immediately after suffering from viral diseases;
  • puppies under 7 weeks of age for the L version, and 3 months for the LR version;
  • damage to the integrity of the bottles;
  • the presence of impurities in the liquid part of the vaccine;
  • after the expiration date.

Our dog is six years old. After vaccination with Eurican, a side effect appeared: the face and neck began to swell, that is, Quincke's edema. I had to urgently go back to the clinic and get an IV. The veterinary passport noted that she was not suitable for us. My advice to those considering vaccinations is to stay at the clinic or nearby for one to two hours and observe the dog.

I have been breeding dogs for six years and have been using Eurikan all this time. I give it to puppies and adult dogs. It is well tolerated and has never caused allergic reactions compared to Nobivak.

Great vaccine. As for the price, I want to say that you have to pay for good quality, and treating a dog is much more expensive and is not always possible.

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