Chinese Crested Dog - description and history of the breed, main varieties and maintenance recommendations

An unusual one is the Chinese Crested Dog, which comes in two varieties: hairless and with long fluff. The first type is the most common. The breed can be recognized by the soft fur that grows on its paws, head and tail. The remaining parts of the body are covered with thin hair, almost invisible, which is why the pet looks naked. Downy have long hair all over their body.

Chinese Crested Dog Care and Maintenance


For the Chinese Crested, walking is a joy if its beloved owner is nearby.
She is moderately playful and active. Her natural peacefulness allows her to be walked in parks and squares where there are many small children. And the size of the baby is an excellent opportunity to make her a companion on vacation and on shopping trips.

Important: you need to take into account the temperature outside. On cold days, just like people, dogs need clothing.

And in hot weather - sunscreen.


Caring for a hairless Chinese Crested is different from caring for a Powderpuff.

The downy coat of the latter needs to be combed daily so that it does not mat. The wool does not shed and cannot fall out on its own, so it must be helped and not allowed to form tangles.

“Nubs” also require daily care - their crest and downy socks love to be brushed. But their skin requires special attention. It needs to be looked after - moisturized and protected from the sun and covered with clothes from sub-zero temperatures. Also, hairless dogs need to be washed once a week to prevent the skin pores from becoming clogged and acne from forming.

Once a month you need to trim your nails. Wipe your eyes with a damp cotton pad and brush your teeth every day.


There are no problems with feeding the Chinese Crested. She's not picky. Dry food is suitable, which can be varied with a small amount of vegetables and fruits. Dogs of this breed are inquisitive and enjoy trying new foods. They have been noticed to love watermelons, grapes, bananas and even pickles. Fermented milk products are useful. For example, cottage cheese. But! Not milk!

Attention! This breed has weak teeth. There is no need to put them to the test and offer the kids large bones and give them sweets

For older dogs, meat needs to be ground or cut into small pieces.


The Chinese Crested is characterized by diseases of a small dog:

  • Weak eyes (retinal atrophy).
  • Teeth (caries, tartar),
  • Ears (deafness).

To these should be added allergies (skin dermatitis) and diabetes mellitus with impaired thyroid function (hypothyroidism).

Important: skin dermatitis and dental problems are more common in hairless types of Chinese Crested. Average life expectancy – 10-14 years

Average life expectancy is 10-14 years.


Many hairless Chinese dogs suffer from food allergies or refuse to eat when stressed. In such a situation, owners begin to offer their pets treats, which negatively affects their health.

If a Chinese Crested cat eats natural foods, its diet should include meat, cereals, vegetables, vegetable oil, and dairy products.

For adults, two meals a day are enough. Pregnant, lactating females and puppies are fed 5 times a day.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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In winter, the dog needs to increase the amount of calories consumed and add multivitamin complexes.

Character traits

The Chinese dog is very sociable. If the animal is healthy and in a good mood, it loves to “talk”:

If there is a small child at home, parents should not leave him unattended near the pet. The “Chinese” never show aggression and do not attack people, children, or relatives. They don’t even chase cats: there are known cases when the “Chinese” cohabited peacefully with cats and even ate from the same bowl. However, if a child begins to pester his four-legged friend especially zealously, the fighting dog will not allow itself to be offended and can greatly frighten the child with its ringing bark.

The Chinese Crested is an ideal companion for older people. She is always in a good mood, it is impossible to get bored with her. Little puppies play with toys with great pleasure. However, at a certain age, during the period of teething, they really like to chew on foreign objects. You should make sure in advance that the dog has special rubber toys for this purpose, otherwise the animal will begin to torment the owner’s shoes. Rubber balls and squeaky toys that your dog actively chews on should be washed daily.

The Chinese Corydalis perceives and feels the intonation of its owner very well, so you need to talk to it calmly and friendly. If an animal has done something wrong, you should never raise your voice. Chinese dogs, like many other decorative breeds, are touchy. If the owner speaks rudely

with the animal or even hits him, the dog will “boycott” him for a long time or even “take revenge” by making a puddle in the wrong place.

Corydalis, despite their small size, are distinguished by their fighting and perky character. The main thing is not to develop pugnacity in them

. They also sense care and affection very well. For a good attitude, the corydalis pays its owner with boundless love. In ancient times, these dogs were used to warm the owner's bed on cold winter evenings. It was also believed among many nationalities that corydalis had the ability to cure toothache and headaches in their owners.

Chinese Cresteds have good hearing and can hear any rustling, even the quietest. Some representatives of this breed love music and howl melodiously when playing their favorite tunes. Corydalis are also well trained, they are resourceful, smart and cunning.


Chinese crested mating involves a number of rules that must be followed in order to achieve the desired result. In general, crossbreeding between Chinese Crested varieties is permitted in any combination. However, it must be remembered that the gene that determines the degree of hair fouling is dominant. So, when mating a hairless individual and a powderpuff, most likely the litter will be “mixed-haired”, it will contain both hairless and fur-covered puppies.

The constitutional types “deer” and “pony” usually do not mix when crossing. This is especially important for those cases when you plan to show a dog - as a result of mixing, most likely, you will get an intermediate type that will be disqualified.

Otherwise, the crossbreeding of representatives of this breed is subject to the basic rules for mating dogs of other breeds:

  • carried out on the territory of the dog;
  • carried out on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning;
  • despite early puberty (by the first year of life), it is not recommended to mate dogs under 18-20 months of age;
  • mating of close relatives is not allowed.

Rules of care

Dogs with fur require periodic grooming, so only an experienced dog breeder should keep them. The hair on the animal's head must also be trimmed. After the haircut, it is recommended to treat the dog’s body with antiseptic creams and light aromatic oils, and baby cream made with herbs.

Dogs need to be bathed every 7 days. To do this, use a soft sponge and gels for sensitive skin. The mane is washed with shampoo. After bathing, the animal should be blotted with a soft towel and the skin should be treated with cosmetic oil.

On hot days of summer, you need to protect your dog's skin with a special cream, otherwise it may get severely burned. It is recommended to care for the fur of such a pet every day or at least every other day. To do this, use a wide-toothed comb. It is better to constantly remove the dead layer of fur, since animals practically do not shed.

It is necessary to constantly examine the animal. If his skin has cracks, a rash or acne appears, then you need to lubricate the dog’s skin with a cream that will not cause allergies. It is best to take the animal to the veterinarian.

You can't shout at these pets, they can't stand noise. This makes them very nervous. It is better not to let a small child play with such a dog, as the animal may accidentally get seriously injured. To prevent the fur from getting into clumps, it must be combed periodically. This dog breed loves sweet fruits.

Such pets should be taken out for walks for a short period of time (no more than 30 minutes) 3-4 times a day. In winter, it is necessary to provide warm clothing for dogs. It is better to accustom an animal to the tray from puppyhood.

How to choose a puppy

It is advisable to involve an experienced dog handler when purchasing a KHS decorative breed puppy. You should choose a pet only from professional nurseries.

First, inquire about the breeder's reputation. Immediately before purchasing, familiarize yourself with the parental pedigrees, look at the living conditions, and study in detail the appearance and hereditary habits of the puppy.

Choose an animal based on appearance and behavior. A playful, outgoing baby with a well-groomed appearance, a cool nose and sparkling eyes will be an excellent companion for your family.

The cost of a puppy is influenced by the presence of parental titles and the degree of compliance with the standard. The average price for a small puff ranges from $300 to $800. Experienced dog breeders recommend buying puppies no older than 4 months.

Most common injuries and birth defects

This is a small but very active dog and often falls from chairs and sofas where it climbs to warm itself. Therefore, one of the most common injuries of this breed is fractures and dislocations of the kneecap. Although it can also be congenital during difficult births.

The hairless variety of this dog breed is very prone to sunburn of the skin. Therefore, the dog should not be walked in direct sunlight and should not wear light clothing and a cap in summer.

Another congenital disease of the Chinese Crested is Perthes disease or osteochondropathy of the femoral head. It often develops in six-month-old puppies. The dog begins to limp on one leg, gets tired, and due to pathology of the hip joint, the pelvis decreases in size. Over time, the paw changes shape and shortens.

Breeds with small mouths often have dental problems. Dogs of this breed are often born with insufficient teeth. And at an early age, their teeth begin to fall out. Therefore, this breed is not given bones at all.


Tips for choosing a puppy

Chinese Crested dog puppies can be purchased from the age of one and a half months or booked in advance at the kennel, having first familiarized yourself with the pedigree of the pet.

It is difficult to assess the parameters of a future adult from a puppy - as they grow older, the fur becomes lighter, the structure changes, the muzzle becomes elongated, and a distinctive crest - the “forelock” - becomes noticeable.

When choosing naked “crested” cats, pay attention to the fluffy crest - thick hair will become clearly visible as they grow older, but sparse ones will not become thicker.

When deciding on the gender of your future pet, be aware that boys mark their territory and lose control when they catch the scent of a female dog in heat. So they have a tendency to run away.

If the girl is not sterilized, a similar problem arises with the onset of estrus. During this three-week period, the dog may stain the apartment with blood, which is uncomfortable for some owners, and try to escape.


The peculiarity of the breed is that its teeth are not very good; hairless corydalis are characterized by thin enamel, tooth loss, and frequent breakage.

From childhood, teach your puppy to use a toothbrush. The baby should not be afraid of her and easily allow the procedure to be carried out. To do this, use treats and scent, apply to the brush and give it a try, then gently try to brush the fangs. If the procedure is carried out regularly, the corydalis will get used to it, but be patient.

Buy cleaning bones that strengthen enamel and remove plaque, but do not forget that they should not be large.

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Owner reviews

  • Irina, St. Petersburg: “Ideal dogs for a city apartment. We have two of them. They mess around with children, I am not afraid that the dog will bite the child, and the child will crush the dog, as can happen with a toy terrier. They are unpretentious in their care, we have trained ours to pee in the diaper, and we don’t take them out for walks in extreme cold.”
  • Ariana, 18 years old: “Our Peter is the best dog in the world. With such an unusual appearance, he always and everywhere attracts attention. Friendly, always cheerful, but not intrusive. If he sees that I’m tired of throwing the ball, he might agree to just lie in my arms. And he feels good, and I feel good about the hot little body. That’s how smart he is to me.”

Dog training

Those who see a Chinese dog in person or in a photo for the first time believe that training it is a thankless and useless task. However, the dog is intelligent, has a good memory and a desire to please its owner, so it easily learns commands and can perform complex tricks: walking on its hind legs, climbing up stairs, etc.

The dog is inquisitive and attentive, which makes it a diligent student. She quickly remembers her name and understands commands within 2-3 repetitions - this is an ideal pet for a novice dog breeder. By pleasing the owner, the dog demonstrates affection. It is enough to teach him basic commands: “walk”, “fu”, “come to me”. In busy places, it is better not to let the animal off the leash - the dog may get scared, and since it does not know how to defend itself, it will run away and hide. An excited animal may not come when called - this must be taken into account.


Playful, dynamic, Chinese Cresteds love walks. The dog just needs a burst of energy and regular physical activity. The exclusive exterior and playful character turn daily walking into a responsible event that requires special training and equipment.

Crested dogs love to plow the ground and dig holes (like a burrowing terrier). To keep a gambling dog from destroying the pastoral picture of country garden beds and house lawns, walking on a leash is recommended.

In the spring and summer, before going for a walk, naked corydalis are lubricated with sunscreen balm (protecting delicate skin from burns), and the fur of poufs is treated with lotion from drying out and coarsening.

Character and training

The character of the Chinese Crested is ideal, because it is non-aggressive, friendly and still miniature. They also get along well with other pets. These dogs are very loyal and will follow their owner literally on their heels. Corydalis love children very much and are always ready to play with them.

Looking at the miniature size of the Chinese Crested, do not think that it is passive: they love walks, are always happy to play, in general, they are a companion dog.

Training is an important and necessary matter even for such a baby. These dogs love to please their owners, learn everything well and have an excellent mind.

2-3 approaches, and your pet begins to assimilate the elements of the commands, and soon he is already executing them. It is worth noting that this breed does not know how to defend itself and flees, so only walk it on a leash.

The main problem is skin care. The reason for this is poor nutrition.

If you think that the absence of hair will make caring for an animal easier, then you are mistaken. The skin must be cleaned with wet wipes with a neutral pH, otherwise there may be an allergy. The fur itself must be combed with a special comb. As for nails, they are filed or even cut off every 2 weeks.

A visit to the veterinarian is also mandatory. Bathing is also an integral process, but crested cats should not be bathed too often. It is also necessary to have warming and protective clothing in your wardrobe.

Caring for your ears and teeth should be constant, but you cannot clean your ears with cotton swabs; it is better to moisten a cotton pad with baby oil and simply wipe.

The dog needs to be fed properly, otherwise there will be big health problems. Feed only super-premium industrial feed.

The Chinese Crested dog breed is a real star in the world of four-legged decorative exotics. Centuries-old selection has given the world an extravagant appearance and a pronounced focus on humans.

Delightfully graceful miniature dogs with a dashingly fluffed forelock on their heads and intelligent (slightly languid) eyes involuntarily attract attention, causing constant delight

Where to buy and price

The Chinese Crested is not the rarest dog breed, but most of the officially registered kennels are located in cities with a population of over a million. Therefore, transportation costs are often added to the cost of the puppy.

List of nurseries:

  • Imperial status (Moscow, Yaroslavl);
  • Luniks Style (St. Petersburg);
  • Sapphire from Tsarskoye Selo (St. Petersburg);
  • Alpha Adelante (Novosibirsk);
  • May Lucky Love (Murmansk);
  • Chach Beauty (Novosibirsk).

On average, puppies cost 20,000-50,000 rubles. Nicknames for boys: Icarus, Spartak, Umka, Twig, Dixie, Bart, Rudi, Charlie. Nicknames for girls: Kaya, Bonya, Sophie, Iva, Peggy, Florence, Chloe, Holly, Sherry.

Diseases and treatment

The main problem of the breed is bad teeth. The disease is genetic in nature, and even luxurious animal care cannot correct the situation. Often, “Chinese” women’s teeth begin to fall out at an early age. They can become loose, become susceptible to tooth decay, and cause bleeding gums. In order to delay this moment at least a little and mitigate the unpleasant symptoms associated with dental diseases, you need to turn dental examinations into a common tradition between you and your pet.

Skin diseases. This includes sunburn and acne caused by poor skin care, as well as various allergic reactions. Such phenomena can be prevented by balanced feeding and careful selection of clothing and hygiene items for the dog.

It is important to choose only natural materials that are not capable of causing skin rashes. Act as you would with newborn children, and you won’t go wrong. Difficult birth. During pregnancy, the fruits of a crested dog can be felt already on the 20th day after mating

Delivery occurs between 56 and 72 days. It is important that at this moment, as well as throughout the pregnancy, there is a veterinarian next to the owner and the four-legged expectant mother. Chinese crested cats often experience pathologies that require emergency medical intervention. A slow or untimely response from a veterinarian can lead not only to the death of the offspring, but also to the death of the pregnant bitch.

Dislocation of the kneecap. In active females and males, the patella often moves from its traditional location, limiting the animal's movements and causing pain. The situation can be corrected through surgery.

Due to the lack of any protection on the skin, the Chinese Crested often injures itself on branches and stones while walking. The owner must be attentive to this problem. In the cold season, your pet will be saved by a protective suit, and in hot weather by regular post-walk inspection and treatment of wounds if necessary.


Anyone can raise and train a Chinese Crested Powder Dog, and older people are no exception. She, like any other dog, should be taught the rules of behavior and the boundaries of what is allowed. Despite the fact that this is a gentle creature attached to people, without proper upbringing it can become inadequate. It is necessary to train and raise a puffball as soon as it appears in the house.

The pet must understand who is boss in the house. During training, do not forget about encouraging and praising the animal.

A person should be adamant in his prohibitions and not forget about the socialization of the puffball, because thanks to this moment the dog will not be cowardly and hysterical.

As early as possible, you should accustom your pet to the clothes that he will need to wear in cold or too hot weather. The Chinese Crested is an intelligent and obedient dog, making it easy to train.

Your pet can easily master the simplest commands, but serious training should begin at four months of age.

A decorative Chinese crested fluffy dog ​​can be bought for about 55 thousand rubles. This breed has become a favorite for many dog ​​breeders. In order for an animal to grow healthy, the owner will have to create the right diet for it, care for it and educate it.

For more information about the characteristics of the breed, see the video below.

Some dog breeds are so distinctive in appearance that they are difficult to confuse with others. One of them is the Chinese Crested Dog. There was a time when its representatives almost disappeared, but thanks to the efforts of lovers of small dogs with unusual external characteristics, it was preserved.

Personality of the Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese Cresteds are ideal companions with whom you can live comfortably under the same roof. Main character traits:

The dog is friendly, affectionate and loving, adores all family members. He is affectionate, not jealous and flexible, so there should be no problems with upbringing. Animals are completely devoid of aggression even towards strangers, especially if they see the good-natured attitude of the owner. The dog doesn't bark in vain

She does this when she is nervous or trying to get the attention of family members. Animals are playful, friendly and love to play, but if the owner is busy, they will not intrude. The main thing is that the family is nearby. The dog can find entertainment for himself: running after a ball of thread or a ball, but the long absence of a person in the house makes him bored

He will whine, bark and ruin things. Crested cats get along well with other pets and do not chase cats and birds on the street. The dog is shy, sensitive, vulnerable and worries if its owner punishes it. She is afraid of unfamiliar places and sounds, so she requires socialization.

It is better not to get Chinese Cresteds for families with small children - the breed is very fragile, a child can harm the dog. In addition, they are afraid of screams - constant noise will cause the dog to become nervous and timid. The disadvantage of an animal is its pathological dependence on humans. The dog becomes attached to the owner and when the owner changes, he searches for him for a long time and can become depressed. It is extremely difficult for him to adapt to new conditions.

Other options

The paws of these dogs are similar to the limbs of hares. They are narrow and relatively long. The bones on the wrist are elongated, but miniature in size. According to the standard, the fingers should be covered with hair, but it should not be on the wrist. The paws must be straight, without any turning in any direction, as this is considered a serious fault.

The forelimbs should be slender and long. The dog's elbows must fit snugly to the body. The hind legs can be spread wide apart. Dogs' hips are considered normal if elastic, strong muscles are clearly visible on them. According to the standard, the drumstick must have a certain length.

The tail of this breed is set high. Usually it has a long length, and tapers towards the end. If the dog is not excited, the tail is usually in a lowered state. It must have a brush that covers (according to the standard) up to 2/3 of the length of the organ. The disadvantage is the tail, which cannot reach the hock joints in length, as well as the absence of a tassel on the tail.

The coat should not be very thick, but a fluffy dog ​​is welcome. It works best when it covers large areas of the animal's body. The skin of the puff is soft, warm, very elastic, and there is no undercoat. There is only wool, quite long.

At the withers, this breed of dog can have a height of 23-33 cm. Weight is 2-6 kg. Bitches look very elegant. They have thin bones. The color of these dogs of both varieties can be almost any color. Moreover, not a single color of this animal is considered a deviation from the standard.

The lifespan of these animals is 10-12 years. Such dogs are recommended for people who have no experience in keeping animals. In winter, the color of pets is lighter, and in summer it can be bronze or even graphite.

Varieties and colors

The breed standard distinguishes 2 types of corydalis - bald (naked) and downy (powder-poof). The Chinese Hairless Dog, despite its name, grows hair on its ears, paws and tail by the age of six months.

On the nape of the neck, straight hairs form a tuft, which became a feature of the name. A tassel is formed at the end of the tail, and “boots” are formed on the paws. Sometimes there may be disorganized patches of fur on her body.

The skin is soft and very warm. Downy Chinese individuals have long straight hair and a dense undercoat. The hair on the face is shorter, but regular trimming is required for a cultivated appearance.

The standard places strict requirements on the grooming and hair growth of Chinese crested cats, and there are no restrictions on color.

Usually gray and brown shades with light (white, beige) large splashes predominate. But there may be individuals with the most bizarre colors and localization of spots. The downy variety has a light coat in most cases with grayish or black markings.

History of the breed

The history of the origin of the Chinese Crested is shrouded in darkness and an aura of mystery, even mysticism.
There is no doubt that the breed is ancient. Noticed at the Chinese court already in the 13th century. Appeared on the pillow at the emperor's feet. Where? How? Unknown.

Hairless dogs similar to the Chinese Crested have been spotted all over the world. But only this one’s lack of fur is the result of a natural mutation that lasted for centuries.

Interesting: there is a beautiful legend that tells how this dog lost its hair. The legend looks almost plausible, given the amazing peacefulness and philanthropy of this breed. It was a long time ago when the Chinese Crested still had fluffy and thick hair. One day, in the forest, she met a human cub freezing from the cold. Unable to watch the child suffer, the dog shed its fur and covered him. And she herself remained naked forever. But in China it became a symbol of good.

There is also a version that a similar dog was the totem animal of an ancient tribe in North America.

Some peoples used similar dogs to serve in temples.

In the 15th century, the Chinese Crested came to Europe. Merchant seafarers contributed to this. In the 20th century, this breed was saved from extinction by the British. The breed was described, its standards were developed and officially recorded.

These exotic creatures appeared in Russia only in 1990. Six years later, the Russian National Hairless Dog Club appeared.

Useful video

Video clip on how to properly care for and groom a Chinese Crested Dog:

The Chinese Crested is a small decorative dog with an easy-going character. Dogs of this breed are also often called "Chinese Hairless" due to the complete lack of hair on their body. The Chinese Crested Dog is a very sweet, intelligent, brave and affectionate creature that rarely gets sick and needs the help of a veterinarian.

Animals of this breed are good for breeding at home; they give birth easily, without outside help. Chinese crested cats eat little and are not particularly picky about food. They adapt well to both hot and cold climates.

Advantages and difficulties of the breed


  • noble and intelligent breed;
  • friendly and peaceful;

Important! The Chinese Crested has no problems with society. This dog has no problem getting along with children, other dogs, and even cats.

Good neighborly relations between the Chinese Crested and horses have been observed.

  • moderately active, not inclined to bark for no reason;
  • tender and affectionate:
  • not capricious. Good manners are in her blood;
  • The Chinese Crested (hairless type) does not shed and is suitable for allergy sufferers.


This breed has no disadvantages. There are some difficulties in maintenance associated with the lack of wool or the presence of down. In the first case, you need to make sure that the “neck” does not freeze or get sunburn. And in the second, comb the “puff” regularly.

Some character traits include:

  • Some arrogance. This is an echo of the noble origin of the Chinese Crested. But this little girl is arrogant only with strangers, and therefore this quality cannot be considered a flaw.
  • Very sensitive and delicate. A little stubborn.

Breed characteristics

Very friendly and gentle dog.
Her level of tenderness and love is off the charts. This breed even has a nickname - “Velcro”. Dogs constantly follow their owner, ready to receive the portion of affection they need. At the same time, their facial expression is such that it seems as if they are smiling. But at the same time as these qualities, the Chinese Crested has others associated with its noble origin. This little girl is shy and very delicate in expressing her feelings.

She has good manners and does not tolerate rude treatment. A scream or any manifestation of physical indelicacy plunges her into shock and causes severe moral suffering.

Important! To avoid stressing your Chinese Crested when training, carefully choose a training specialist for her. This breed understands only the language of affection and tenderness, which it “speaks” itself.

The Chinese Crested needs the presence of the owner. She can’t live alone - she’s not used to it for thousands of years. Alone, this gentle creature withers like a flower without watering - it gets bored and sad, eats poorly and is nervous.

Attention! Owning a Chinese Crested should be done by those who have free time and the opportunity to pay attention to a loving baby. Interesting Facts:

Interesting Facts:

  • Playing with these dogs provokes in a person the production of a “social” hormone - oxytocin - a companion of caring for children, love and friendship, a fighter against stress and depression.
  • This breed has a strong reputation in its homeland as a symbol of love and happiness, as well as a home healer.
  • The Chinese Crested is a unique breed. She, the only hairless breed of dog, has the gene for long hair. The tuft on the head, downy socks and fluffy “plumage” of the tail are evidence of this.


The Chinese Crested Powder Dog has the appearance of a small graceful creature with an elongated body shape. The height of the animal can be from 25 to 35 centimeters, while they weigh no more than 6000 grams. The dwarf dog is completely covered with long hair that has a flowing character. The fur color of such a pet can be very diverse; the most common are white, cream, pale gold, black, black and white. The hair of the puff is straight and shows no signs of curl.

Representatives of this breed are not characterized by seasonal shedding, the only exception being the replacement of puppy fluff with the hair of an adult pet.

The Chinese Crested has a rounded head that is slightly elongated. The dog's muzzle is dry, tapering towards the nose and has no points. At the border of the forehead and muzzle there is a crest, the fur of which needs to be trimmed.

The nose is characterized by good development, as well as different color options. The color of the eyes is richly dark, the whites of the eyes are poorly visible. The ears are set low and have fringe decoration. They are standing, but often hang down. The animal's movements are characterized by smoothness and confidence.

A peculiarity of the breed is that in one litter there can be not only downy, but also hairless puppies.

It is worth remembering that small crested dogs change the color of their coat with age. When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the following indicators:

  • straightness of bone;
  • straight back;
  • expressiveness of the angles of the limbs;
  • scissor bite;
  • cleanliness and smoothness of the pink tummy;
  • absence of discharge from the eyes, ears, nose.

Health and life expectancy

The answer to the question “how long do Chinese Cresteds live” is clear - they are long-lived animals. In the history of the breed, dogs have been recorded whose life expectancy reached eighteen years. Crested cats are famous for their good health and strong immunity.

Veterinarians focus the attention of owners on the prevention of allergies, problems with joints, teeth

Regular visits to the veterinary clinic, preventive examinations by specialists, routine vaccinations, anthelmintic measures are a guarantee of a long, happy life for your crested pet.

Diseases of the breed

There is a small list of the main diseases of Chinese Cresteds:

  • eye pathologies;
  • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • renal failure;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergies;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • epilepsy.


Pathology of the skin of hairless dogs is a regular headache for all owners of Chinese corydalis. Wen or lipomas (subcutaneous manifestations of fatty origin), acne and comedones (a type of cyst that occurs when the hair follicle is blocked with sebum). The skin needs to be looked after, the wen should be removed regularly: the dog’s skin is steamed, the sebaceous plugs are squeezed out. The main thing in the process: compliance with all hygiene standards, treatment with antiseptic agents, prevention with veterinary lotions and oils.

Most often, wen is a purely aesthetic problem, but (you cannot treat your health negligently) a visit to a veterinary dermatologist is the right solution to the problem.

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