Miniature Schnauzer (Dwarf Schnauzer) - description and characteristics of the breed

Description of the Giant Schnauzer breed

Popularity 78th place among 263 dog breeds


12-15 years

Breed group:



60-70 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

25-35 thousand rubles


35-47 kg
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Key facts

The breed was bred in southern Germany. The description of the Giant Schnauzer breed speaks of a powerful character prone to dominance. The Giant Schnauzer requires constant physical activity. The pet must be trained by a professional trainer or a fairly experienced owner. The name of the breed can be translated as “giant face”.

The popularity of Giant Schnauzers in Russia began to grow in the 80-90s of the 20th century. Today such a dog is a popular four-legged friend. An adult will not require special care. The only exception is wool: the face will always need to be wiped after the dog has eaten. The pet needs to be constantly combed, removing any disturbing hair around the eyes. This should be done with a special brush.

The pet also needs activity and a long walk. Therefore, it is better not to start Risen for pensioners or people who have little time.

The characteristics of the Giant Schnauzer breed say that the dogs have a phenomenal memory for faces. They get to know well those they have encountered only once. But at the same time, every stranger for such animals is a suspicious person.

If your pet has too much free time, it will not reflect favorably on him. Character can change significantly, not for the better. The animal will withdraw into itself and may completely stop following the owner’s commands.

This breed is excellent for law enforcement agencies and security. She will be an excellent search engine or a wonderful hunter of criminals.

The lifespan of a Giant Schnauzer with proper care and activity will be about 15 years. This is quite a lot for large breed dogs.


The character of the Giant Schnauzer is very individual. This is an intellectual, aristocratic person whose mood influences his reactions and behavioral traits, just like a human.

The calm, majestic appearance is deceptive; energetic creatures require enormous physical activity to guarantee normal functioning.

To feel great, they need to run, jump, swim, and carry logs. The protective instinct is clearly expressed; for children, this colossus can become a patient nanny.

The status of a service dog was received for amazing endurance and performance. A pet needs to be given at least two hours a day for a full walk, so this choice is not recommended for pensioners and sedentary people.

The idle lazy person's temper suddenly changes for the worse. The “bearded man” is very smart, quickly learns training, but in order to achieve obedience, one must earn solid authority.

History of the origin of the Giant Schnauzer

It is believed that the very first information about the breed appeared in the Middle Ages in Germany. The ancestors of the animals were ordinary village dogs that helped people herd the herd. The degree of relationship between Risen and other breeds has not been fully clarified. For a long time, different types of German Shepherd Dogs mixed with each other without human control. This is how a large individual with attractive external characteristics appeared.

The first purebred Giant Schnauzers were depicted in portraits of the Bavarian Princess Elizabeth. In the 19th century, dogs became visible at cynological events, and at the same time breeders showed attention to the breed. Munich Schnauzers – this is what people originally called this breed. In 1923, the breed began to be called as it is now.

In the USSR they began to learn about Giant Schnauzers in the 20s of the 20th century. However, they were in no hurry to separate them. The employees of the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel received two purebred puppies, which became the progenitors of all Russian individuals of the breed.

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Appearance of a Giant Schnauzer

The breed has fairly developed muscles. Today it is the largest variety of Schnauzer. The height of the breed can range from 60 cm to 70 cm. Weight usually does not exceed 47 kg.

General impression

The animal is beautiful and smart. The body of Risen has a double layer of wool, including undercoat and spring-like hairs that adhere tightly to each other. Looking at the dog, you might think that the hair on the back is shorter and straighter than on the paws. A clear feature that catches the eye even in a photo of a Giant Schnauzer is the presence of elongated hair on the chin and eyebrows.


A large, powerful and heavy head characterizes this breed. The skull is elongated, the forehead is flat. The wedge-shaped muzzle is slightly smoothed. The medium-sized ears are triangular in shape.


The neck of Giant Schnauzers is distinguished by its slenderness and grace. Muscles are developed. The neck has no skin folds. There is a slight bend at the nape.


The body has a powerful back and a convex loin. The body is proportional. The silhouette of the Giant Schnauzer attracts attention with its slenderness. The croup is slightly sloping, and the chest is not wide, protruding slightly forward.


Vigorous light movements are performed using straight limbs. The front ones are slightly longer than the rear ones.

Hind limbs

The hind limbs are slightly pulled back. The hips are wide and of sufficient length.


The tail is short and carried high. Russian breeders often crop it along with the ears.


The movements are light, energetic and stable.


The dog has medium length fur. It is quite rigid and resembles wire. Has a beard and eyebrows. The coat includes abundant undercoat and coarse, slightly curled hairs. The coarsest fur is on the face.


The breed includes two shades. The first one is jet black. It is easy to differentiate visually. The second is “pepper and salt”. Shades can include the entire spectrum of silver color: from the lightest to steel. The undercoat is gray and the muzzle is dark.


The height of the Giant Schnauzer reaches 60 to 70 cm at the withers. Even bitches can be quite large. The weight of the Giant Schnauzer ranges from 35 to 47 kg.

It should be taken into account that the rather large size of the Giant Schnauzer will not allow it to be kept in a cramped studio apartment. The dog needs space.

Appearance - standard requirements

Many note that an interesting feature of the miniature is the head, which looks rather disproportionate in relation to the whole body. But in fact, this impression is created due to the dog’s thick eyebrows and characteristic beard. The Miniature Schnauzer is well-muscled, and their body is often described as having a “square shape.” The stance the dog usually takes is also noteworthy. She shows with all her appearance that she is ready to protect her loved ones at any second. The main standards when choosing a dwarf schnauzer are the above-described color, weight and height. The main difference between this breed is its wool, which is hard and wire-like to the touch.

Personality of the Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer is a wonderful watchdog with a working character. He is quite self-possessed, calm and flexible. The dog can be obedient, patient and very active. It is worth noting that these dogs will only work with an owner who has proven his worth. This breed exhibits leadership qualities, which is why it is not easy to train.

From childhood, the animal will respect not only itself, but also the one who is more cunning and stronger. If you are not confident in your abilities, then perhaps you should not get such a breed. Authority in the eyes of the dog must be maintained day and night. The pet always has a warm relationship with children - they will never harm a small child. They love to run around with kids, supporting their antics. In general, a dog is not inclined to show aggression towards someone who is weaker than it.

The breed is very energetic. It seems that Giant Schnauzers are simply impossible to tire. They are able to quickly transition from a calm state to an active one. A dog can be easily irritated by raising his voice at his owner or touching him in an unfriendly manner. It is not for nothing that Giant Schnauzers are considered excellent protectors and reliable companions. Dogs have high intelligence and are able to successfully master commands.

At home, the character of the Giant Schnauzer manifests itself in the best possible way: a sweet, good-natured animal awaits you. If you choose the right training method, dogs can easily curb their own impulses and passion.

Nature has endowed Giant Schnauzers with cunning and ingenuity. They easily use these qualities in everyday life. A dog can easily deceive even its owner if he allows it. You always need to be on guard with a Giant Schnauzer.

The breed is inquisitive and loves communication. It is vitally important for Giant Schnauzers to be in constant contact with their owner, who must conduct an adequate dialogue with the dog. The dog is a service dog and should not be taken into the home by unprepared owners. In the absence of training and appropriate stress, the dog may stop obeying the owner.

Owner reviews

For every owner, his pet is the best. And it is very difficult to hear real, unvarnished reviews, because people tend to idealize pets.

Most owners talk about their characters like this:

Best friend forever! The ideal companion dog!

A dog with kindness in his heart, strength in his muscles, wisdom in his eyes...

A breed that requires training.

Only for those who are willing to spend time on the breed.

A cheerful dog for experienced owners.

Education and training

If a Giant Schnauzer takes up some kind of activity, then he will always show his best side, demonstrating excellent results. So, a dog can tirelessly ride children on a sled or save a person in trouble. All this is possible, but only with proper training. Representatives of this breed can boast not only of high intelligence, but also stubbornness. The upbringing and training of Giant Schnauzers should begin from their early childhood.

Experienced breeders believe that such a dog will have to be trained throughout its life. These animals are quite erudite. It will not be possible to turn them into blind executors of the master’s will.

The first thing a breeder should pay attention to when training his dog is to instill restraint and obedience. Pay attention if your puppy barks at a stranger. Stop a hot temper immediately in the animal’s youth.

This breed is easy to learn. However, pets will always show character. Therefore, show your seriousness when studying. The most effective lessons are conducted in the form of a game. After the lesson has been successfully completed, you need to give a pleasant reward.

Before teaching your Giant Schnauzer new commands, you should take him for an active walk so that all the excess energy splashes out and the dog listens to you more intently. It is not recommended to feed dogs before training.

If you notice that your pet is being cunning during the learning process, then there is no need to scold him. It's best to bypass his tricks. But if the dog persistently ignores commands, then there is reason to think about it. Most often, this means that your four-legged friend is testing your authority. If you turn a blind eye to such a trick several times, you can forget about raising an obedient pet.

If we are talking about a show-class animal, then you will have to pay close attention to it. Exhibition pets should be calm about the touch of others. To do this, you should walk your dog more often in crowded places and near highways.

It’s worth putting a ring coat on your pet in advance. He needs to get used to this leash. If you do this too late, the dog may get scared and never want to wear the ring again. If you are working on a show stand, be sure to stock up on some incentive treats.

Additional training features include:

  1. Communication with others. Giant Schnauzers are quite trusting. They perfectly remember those with whom their owner is talking, and do not show unfriendliness towards such people. You should not allow close contact with strangers, but you should also not make your dog aggressive.
  2. A powerful, strong character requires regular monitoring of your pet. Remind your Giant Schnauzer that he must follow his owner’s commands the first time.
  3. You cannot be cruel to your pet. However, he must know what time he is supposed to eat, walk, play, etc.

Strictness, patience and will - these are the qualities that will be needed when training a Giant Schnauzer.


Breeders and owners of Giant Schnouzers often face the following questions:

Question to the expert

1. How do dogs cope with the cold?

If you plan to keep the animal outside, then you should think about insulating the enclosure for it. The walls are insulated with boards, polystyrene foam, and clapboard. Plus – safe “fireproof” floors in the enclosure. In general, it is not recommended to keep this breed in an enclosure, because Rizens are short-haired dogs. In our climate, with real winter, they have a very hard time outside. The exception is overgrown dogs, but here you need to understand: such pets are far from show level.

2. Is the breed suitable for keeping on a chain and guarding?

You know, when a question like this comes up about a chain, I want to give recommendations: put yourself on it. Would you like to be constantly in one place, to live in an almost chained state? More likely no than yes. Likewise, the Giant Schnauzer will not like living on a chain. These dogs are people-oriented, very active and have short hair. Draw conclusions.

3. How to care for the coat?

Visit a groomer, especially during the molting period, and comb yourself.

4. Rizen puppy, 5 months. He started throwing himself at people while walking. What should I do?

Urgently contact a dog trainer and correct unwanted behavior! Go outside only with a treat and motivate the puppy to eat it so that he is not distracted by anything else.

5. Will the dog go hunting?

Drathaar, shorthaired pointer, cops - yes. Giant Schnauzer - no, this is a service breed.

6. How are the characters with rodents? Do they get along?

It all depends on the specific dog. Some people are indifferent to the tailed ones and not so much, sitting in a cage. And someone is constantly watching, not averse to chatting. Only such communication can end sadly for a rodent. Although the Risen are not hunters, no one has yet canceled their instincts.

7. Is it possible to walk such a dog on a roulette wheel?

Better buy a good, high-quality leash. As an option - rubberized.

Health and disease of the Giant Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzers have excellent health. Dogs are strong and resilient, have strong immunity. Usually the pet's condition does not cause concern to the owners.

Possible diseases

Life expectancy under proper loads can be up to 14 years. However, no creature is immune from heredity and certain types of diseases, for example, hypothyroidism, diabetes, pancreatitis, volvulus, lipoma, melanoma, hip dysplasia, cataracts.

Pay close attention to the urinary system. It is weak in the breed. In winter or autumn, your dog can get kidney infections.

Reproductive health

Breeders believe that the first mating of a Giant Schnauzer should take place no earlier than 18 months. However, the first heat occurs in a puppy at the age of six months. At this stage, the dog is not yet ready to bear healthy offspring.

The third heat is suitable for the first mating. At this time, you can breed a Giant Schnauzer without fear of harming your health. You can ask a professional for help to get the desired result. Sterilization is carried out according to indications or when there is no longer a need to produce offspring.

How much does a miniature schnauzer cost?

The cost of a purebred miniature schnauzer puppy starts from 18,000 rubles.
In the documents of the parents of such a puppy, the rating for exterior is “very good” or “good”. As a rule, there are no champions among his immediate ancestors. Puppies from titled parents cost from 25,000 to 38,000 rubles, depending on the region of Russia.

It is worth remembering that kids who have even the most famous ancestors in their pedigree will not necessarily become championship winners and participants in breeding. But a healthy, cheerful purebred Miniature Schnauzer puppy, growing up in an atmosphere of love and attention, will give you joy every day, demonstrating all the advantages of this wonderful breed.

Features of feeding and diet

The diet of your beloved pet should be based on natural products. Dogs love lean meat, cottage cheese, kefir, cereals, and vegetables. Due to its high activity, the Giant Schnauzer requires protein food. Young individuals will be able to gnaw on the brain bones, which have a lot of calcium.

The portion should be appropriate for the puppy's age. The baby will eat everything and demand more, but strictly follow the norms. You should not feed your dog at night. Breeders recommend feeding breakfast no later than 7 o’clock in the morning, and the last feeding no later than 21-22 o’clock. Porridge and cottage cheese are best given in the morning. But meat and vegetables would be appropriate for evening feeding.

Don't give up vitamins either. It will be useful to mix seasonal greens, sunflower oil, and seaweed into your food. It's good if your dog is accustomed to fruit salads. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Food from the human table is harmful to the dog. Do not feed her spicy, fried, fatty, salty foods. There will be no benefit from baking either. Do not feed fish, tubular bones, or grains. You should not grind food or cook meat when giving it to your dog, or feed your pet.


Breeding a Giant Schnauzer is associated with certain difficulties due to the small number of high-quality representatives of this breed.

To obtain offspring with a stable psyche, the following points must be taken into account when mating:

  1. Manufacturer's fame (pedigree), success at exhibitions;
  2. The character of the dog should be even, patient and obedient;
  3. Performance characteristics of the individual (checking is carried out at training sites).

Owners of bitches need to prepare a place for keeping puppies in advance. This breed has numerous litters, up to 12 pieces.

Otherwise, mating is subject to the basic rules and is carried out:

  • At the age of no earlier than 18-24 months, in the interval from 11 to 14 days of estrus;
  • In the morning;
  • On empty stomach;
  • In the dog's territory.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Care and maintenance

Even if the dog is not miniature: it will be able to live perfectly both in the enclosure of a country house and in an apartment. The exception is if the living space is too small. The dog will not take up much space in the house and will not turn everything upside down. Optimal conditions for the breed are a spacious courtyard of a private house. This is where your four-legged friend will be able to run freely and interact with people.

If a dog has an outdoor enclosure, then it should be well protected from the weather: have a canopy, a plank floor, and an insulated booth. If the winters in the region are harsh, then you should definitely take your pet indoors to avoid illness. And remember that by placing your dog outside, you are depriving him of necessary frequent human contact. And this is a condition for the formation of a calm character.

Putting a Giant Schnauzer on a chain is simply an insult to the animal’s pride and temperament. If there is a need to limit the dog's movement, it is better to lock it in an enclosure or in a room. Remember that this breed requires constant and fruitful walks. You need to play and talk with her. Insufficient activity often leads to weight gain and other health problems.

It is interesting that such dogs almost do not smell like “dog”. However, their coat will require careful care:

  • at the end of each meal, be sure to wipe the animal’s face;
  • periodically remove excess hair around the eyes, above the upper lip, between the paw pads;
  • the dog should be constantly scratched with a special brush;
  • several times a year you need to have a professional haircut to remove tangles;
  • Keep your ears and eyes clean.

Interestingly, Giant Schnauzers practically do not shed, and their fur does not shed. To improve the structure of the coat, burdock oil should be used. It is gently rubbed into pre-washed and dried hairs.

Pets should be bathed as needed. It will be enough to do this 1-2 times a year. But the face should be wiped constantly to keep it clean and tidy.

Examine your pet's eyes weekly. It is recommended to visit a doctor once every six months. Remember that Giant Schnauzers are susceptible to ophthalmological diseases.

You should also check your pet's ears once a week. It is necessary to remove dust and dirt, as well as excess hair that may block the ear canal. The claws are trimmed as they grow. Due to prolonged loading, they wear down on their own.

You should take your Giant Schnauzer for a walk at least twice a day. For puppies, it should be 30 minutes, and for adults – an hour. It is best to walk a young dog on a leash. In calm and safe places you can let her go. If your pet is interested in what he is doing, call him to you or feed him a treat. If there is zero reaction, the leash is simply fastened.

Remember that adults living in an apartment are not happy with too sluggish walks. The best option would be to combine your own sports activities with walking your pet. For example, you can ride a bicycle or scooter, and the Giant Schnauzer will be happy and eager to run after you. You should not keep your puppy indoors until she is 4 months old. Otherwise, you risk raising an antisocial animal.

Don't forget about vaccination. The first vaccination should be given at 2 months. Repeated – after 21 days. Such comprehensive protection will protect against plague, parainfluenza, hepatitis, and parvovirus enteritis. At six months, a rabies vaccination is given, as well as a third complex vaccine against infectious diseases. After 12 months, the animal is vaccinated annually.

Caring for and maintaining a Giant Schnauzer does not cause much trouble if you accustom your baby to all procedures from early childhood. Little time is spent on hygiene, and walks become a pleasure when the dog is well-mannered and obedient.


* We invite you to watch a video about the Giant Schnauzer . In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what a Giant Schnauzer looks like.

In this article:
  • History of the origin of the Giant Schnauzer
  • Giant Schnauzer - description of the breed
  • Popular colors of Giant Schnauzers
  • Character and habits of Giant Schnauzers
  • Interesting facts about Giant Schnauzers
  • Pros and cons of Giant Schnauzers
  • Breeding Giant Schnauzers
  • Caring for Giant Schnauzers
  • Diet of Giant Schnauzers
  • Diseases and health problems
  • Giant Schnauzer - price and how to buy correctly

Tips for choosing a puppy

To choose your ideal Giant Schnauzer puppy, you should collect as much information as possible about its parents (do they have show diplomas, what is their health, etc.). Find out how many brothers and sisters your dog has. Buy puppies only from trusted breeders.

Visually assess the behavior and physical characteristics of the future household member. He must be active, sociable, and have a good appetite. It’s good if the puppy is cheerful and cheerful, but does not show negative emotions.

The optimal age for moving a puppy to a new family is one and a half months. At this point, the baby has all his incisors, and the correctness of the bite can be determined. It is better to take puppies with a rich black color.

If you are adopting an animal that has been kept in a yard, be prepared for some fleas. However, if pets lived in unsanitary conditions, their fur will be infested with insects. It is worth paying attention to this - it is better not to take a dog from such kennels.

The most promising will be the active and cheerful Giant Schnauzer puppies, who manage to take a more advantageous place at the food bowl. It is better not to choose cowardly individuals who demonstrate aggression as a pet. Especially if you are not good at training. You may not be able to cope with them as you grow older. If you want to have such a breed, then stock up on certain skills in raising a puppy or seek help from an experienced person.

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