Shih Tzu: the heritage of the Celestial Empire that has come down from the depths of centuries to the present day - Review + Video

History of the Shih Tzu breed

Shih Tzu dogs are one of the ancient breeds with a thousand-year recorded history. The exact birthplace of the breed is unknown. It is believed that they originate from Tibet, according to another theory, the dog was brought from Byzantium. In 1653, Shih Tzu puppies were presented as a gift to the Chinese Emperor by the Dalai Lama. Since then, they continue to be considered an imperial breed.

In those days, the dog became forbidden to everyone except the imperial family. In the thirties of the last century, the Norwegian ambassador visited China and received the coveted puppy, a girl named Leidza, as a gift. Having decided to start breeding, the ambassador had difficulty obtaining a male of this breed. Thus, the Shih Tzu dog breed appeared in Europe and became known throughout the world.

Buy | sell

10000 Chelyabinsk6 May 2017

Three month old Shih Tzu puppies for sale from elite parents. 3 beautiful boys, classic black and white, panda-like color, one boy is beige...

15000 Simferopol25 March 2021

I offer Shih Tzu babies: white and gold and three colors, children have a brand, documents, vaccinations. Do not deny yourself the happiness that will be in yours...

buyRostov-on-DonJanuary 9, 2021

I will buy a Shih Tzu puppy, Rostov-on-Don and region

May 11, 2020

We offer Shih Tzu puppies. November 23, 2022 from purebred parents with an interesting pedigree. The babies are bright, red and white and gold and white colors. ...

25000 Moscow6 May 2020

The kennel offers Shih Tzu puppies from Russian and RKF champions, for show and for fun. RKF documents, vaccinated according to age, brand, veterinary passport. Tibetan...

25000 Moscow6 May 2020

The kennel offers Shih Tzu puppies from Russian and RKF champions, for show and for fun. RKF documents, vaccinated according to age, brand, veterinary passport. Tibetan...

16000 Simferopol April 5, 2020

Funny, affectionate club purebred Shih Tzu puppies with documents, male, three colors, apricot and girl, blue, White breast, cheerful, outgoing…

18000 KrasnodarNovember 12, 2018

I’m selling a purebred male, purebred, Shih Tzu breed, nickname Leva, the dog is toilet trained, vaccinated, not picky when it comes to food, very...

25000 Moscow30 October 2018

Shih Tzu puppies for sale: bright colors from purebred parents. The babies are vaccinated, have an RKF puppy, are branded, and are accustomed to a diaper. Very expressive...

5000 mating Krasnodar8 October 2018

A very purebred, handsome boy, a rare color with an excellent pedigree. at the exhibitions in which he participated he received only the highest BOB rating - Best...

7500 Simferopol22 September 2018

I sell beautiful Shih Tzu boys born on 04, 06, 2022, vaccinated according to age, trained to wear a diaper.

10000 Barnaul12 August 2018

Shih Tzu puppies for sale. Kind, affectionate. Good friends for children and the elderly.

12000 KhabarovskDecember 24, 2017

Shih Tzu puppies for sale

December 18, 2017

Charming Shih Tzu puppies with excellent pedigree from Russian Champion parents. Males. Metrics, stamp, vet. passport. The puppies are fully vaccinated. Prices…

5000 Kursk30 November 2017

puppies, adorable generators of happiness. Affectionate charmers are looking for caring parents. They are accustomed to go to the toilet in a diaper and eat on their own. ...

8000 SimferopolSeptember 7, 2017

Charming, mini, affectionate girl. Snow-white color. Born July 1, 2017

8000 Rostov-on-DonJuly 15, 2017
June 14, 2017

Our kennel PLEASURE OF LIFE, KSU-FCI, is engaged in breeding the Shih Tzu breed. You can find the perfect Shih Tzu puppy for yourself with the show...

5000 mating Feodosia May 25, 2017

Shih Tzu boy invites ladies to breed, mates himself, gives beautiful children, good blood, brought from Belarus, we are 2 years old, weight 4.5 kg, produces not large ones...

35000 Voronezh April 23, 2017

A very affectionate, sociable and playful boy is waiting for his new parents. Accustomed to small children. Color white and gold. Promising for the show and...

I'll give 500 in good handsAngarskApril 11, 2017

Shih Tzu boy adult. brand. is settling into good hands.

25000 Moscow4 April 2017

Purebred beautiful Shih Tzu girl and boy, white and red. 2 months From purebred show parents. Tight bite, bright, shiny coat,...

10000 Krasnodar2 April 2017

Vaccinated with documents!

30000 Moscow28 March 2017

Pedigree dolls, mini Shih Tzu crumbs. 2 months. 100% white and red colors! Correct bite. With RKF documents. Expected weight 2.5kg – 3kg. ...

15000 Angarsk March 15, 2017

Shih Tzu adult. . color black. I gave birth to puppies, one litter - there were 5 puppies. very good mom. brand. documentation. inexpensive. bargain.

15000 MoscowDecember 2, 2016

Mini Shih Tzu girl for sale. Three-color color. Vaccinated according to age. Trained to a diaper. Vet passport.

mating Chelyabinsk October 13, 2016

Gorgeous male Shih Tzu, Nazarene Gosha the Magnificent, 17 months. (The Tale of Imandra Chervonny Ace x Svetlana’s Smile), we invite you to MATING. The male has…

mating12 October 2016

Offered for mating, handsome high-breed, bright color, real macho CHESVET LINE KAIND XAAT, very courteous, affectionate, with…

35000 Moscow22 August 2016

Wonderful beauties Shih Tzu. 2 months. White and red. With RKF documents, brand, veterinary passport. We show the parents, the conditions in which the girls are kept...

15000 August 22, 2016

Breed standard

The Shih Tzu is an ideal tenant in an apartment. They do not have the characteristic dog smell, they easily learn to go to a diaper or to the cat's litter box. The fur does not shed, so the pet will not affect the cleanliness of the apartment.

In 2011, the FCI No. 208 standard was adopted, which determines the appearance of an adult dog.

Shih Tzu standard:

  • Height does not exceed 27 centimeters.
  • Body weight from 4 to 8 kilograms (girls are smaller than boys).
  • The coat is long, straight, without fluff, and should not interfere with movement and vision.
  • Any color, the white color on the forehead and the tip of the tail is mainly valued.
  • Large eyes set wide apart.
  • A sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle, the nose is at the level (or slightly below) of the lower eyelid.
  • Hair sticking up on the nose (creates a resemblance to a chrysanthemum).
  • Between the ears there is a tuft of hair, an elongated beard and a mustache.
  • Wide nostrils.
  • The bite is straight, a slight overshot is possible.
  • The ears are hanging, long, their hair merges with the hair on the neck.
  • The legs are short, muscular, the chest is wide, the back is straight.
  • The height at the withers is less than the length from the withers to the base of the tail.
  • The tail is set high, with thick hair, carried over the back, preferably at head level, giving a proportional appearance.

Shih Tzus live from 10 to 20 years. Her longevity depends on her initial state of health and subsequent care. The dog needs an owner who has thoroughly studied the characteristics of the breed.

Shih Tzu character

Perhaps the long life within the palace walls influenced the sociable and majestic character of the Shih Tzu, or maybe it was there earlier, and that’s why the imperial family liked it so much. Her manners betray her royal roots, but she remains a good friend.

Her look may seem arrogant, but it is for outsiders. She reveals herself to her family as a devoted, intelligent person, with a proud posture but a cheerful disposition. She is very friendly by temperament and gets along well with other animals and children.

This is not a decorative dog, as many people think, first of all, it is a companion. Despite the lack of aggressive behavior, the Shih Tzu is wary of extraneous noises and unfamiliar people. Strangers should not immediately approach or try to pet. He won't stand for it.

Shih Tzu is suitable for calm people leading a measured life. It will appeal to older people, single people, and families with children. He even gets along well with cats. Like all dogs, the Shih Tzu loves to play, especially if it is a small puppy.

He does not single out a specific owner for himself and is equally devoted to all family members. Has a subtle instinct, tuned to the mood of the owners. Sensing the right moment, he cheers you up, or he quiets down next to you. He will never throw himself under your feet or interfere. This is a sensitive dog with a sense of dignity.


Before choosing a representative of this breed, a potential owner needs to understand why he needs a dog in general. If you plan to have your pet participate in exhibition events, then you should prepare in advance for the fact that such an important task will require large cash injections, and you will also have to devote time to caring for and training your Shih Tzu. If the puppy is purchased as a pet, then it is a little simpler. In general, it does not matter for what purpose the animal is chosen, it is important to take into account certain parameters.

Choosing a puppy

Healthy babies are distinguished by active and playful behavior; if the dog shows indifference and does not want to communicate, then you should take a closer look at another individual. Some animals intuitively feel incompatible with humans in temperament. When greeting the owner he likes, the puppy will try to start contacting him in a variety of ways, including sniffing, examining, and wagging his tail.

It is important to know. Shih Tzu dogs are fearless, and therefore, if the puppy begins to tuck its tail during a meeting, this can be attributed to the presence of a marriage in the dog.

As for appearance, a representative of the breed must be well-groomed and attractive. There should be no damage to the skin or coat. The following deviations are also not allowed:

  • curvature of limbs;
  • the presence of a wobbling gait;
  • dirty ears that give off an unpleasant odor;
  • cloudy eyes without shine;
  • everted eyelids;
  • cracks and seals in the nasal cavity;
  • felted wool with tangles;
  • lack of appetite;
  • The presence of a swollen abdomen may indicate poor nutrition or a helminthic disease.


If you want to buy a young dog, then you need to familiarize yourself with the approximate cost of purebred animals:

  • an undocumented Shih Tzu costs from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles, however, the potential owner risks purchasing a local pet or a sick dog;
  • representatives belonging to the pet class (do not take part in exhibitions and breeding) excellent companions cost 12,000 - 25,000 rubles;
  • breed class (compliance with the breed standard, suitable for breeding) will cost more than 30,000 rubles;
  • a show class capable of taking prizes at exhibitions is already significantly more expensive than 45,000 - 200,000 rubles, it all depends on what qualities the puppy has and what titles its parents have.

Names for boys and girls

When choosing a nickname, owners are guided by the fact that it should be short and catchy so that the puppy can remember it as soon as possible. But not everyone believes that a simple name is suitable for a dog descended from the imperial court. Often the nickname emphasizes breed characteristics and aristocratic status.

This is what male dogs are called:

  • Barberry;
  • Saffron;
  • Prize;
  • Bumblebee;
  • Korzhik;
  • Gerard;
  • Sevastyan;
  • Oliver;
  • Butch;
  • Ulf.

For girls choose:

  • Milash;
  • Mint;
  • Drop;
  • Prank;
  • Plush;
  • Vesta;
  • Milli;
  • Tiffany;
  • IU;
  • April.


In order for your pet to always feel good, you need to visit the veterinarian twice a year for preventative care. Shih Tzu diseases identified at an early stage are much easier to treat. Shih Tzus have several diseases that occur most frequently.

Their predisposition is associated with the physiological structure of the face. Dog breeds such as Shih Tzu, Pekingese and Pugs are classified as brachycephalic. A large skull and a short upturned face often provoke problems with the eyes and breathing. The owner needs to study their symptoms in order to react in time.

Blockage of the urinary tract

Diseases of the genitourinary tract and kidneys in dogs are common. It is possible that the strong odor of urine caused by bladder congestion was a consequence of a similar disease.

To determine if your dog is suffering from a genitourinary disorder, check to see if the hair around the dog's genitals is dry. Veterinarians examine the genitourinary tract using a catheter. Again, the dog needs to take a general urine test.

If the smell of urine is similar to the smell of meat slops, the defect is caused by a large number of bacteria.

Sediment in the urine is considered an indicator of the condition of the urinary tract. Urine may contain red and white blood cells, crystals and epithelium. A large number of crystals in the urine indicates the presence of urolithiasis.

Remember, if a dog often pees a little at a time or does not pee for a long time, there is a clear sign of inflammatory processes in the bladder or an abscess in the ureters in the pet’s body. The latter is not difficult to identify by palpating the dog’s stomach - the bladder will seem tense and can be easily palpated.

Eye diseases

Eye loss in Shih Tzus (proptosis, eye dislocation) is one of the most common problems in this breed. The fact is that the sides of the eyeballs are protected not by bone, but by muscles, and the orbit of the eye is a bit cramped for the eye. Therefore, the eye may fall out, remaining supported only by the muscles.

Shih Tzu's eyes fall out, reasons:

  • Excessive activity of the animal.
  • Any blows to the head, especially to the temple and back of the head.
  • Lifting by the scruff of the neck.
  • Neck compression can be avoided if you lead your dog with a harness rather than a collar.

If a loss does occur, do not panic. You need to take the dog in your arms so that it calms down and does not cause more harm to itself. Under no circumstances should you try to move the eye on your own; only surgery by a veterinarian will help. To prevent your eye from becoming inflamed before visiting a doctor, you need to moisten a sterile bandage with boiled water, cover the eyeball, and apply eye ointment around it. You can apply cold for 10 minutes.

Symptoms of other diseases that require a visit to the veterinarian:

  • Increased tear production may indicate a speck, the beginning of inflammation, or a scratch on the eyeball.
  • Dryness (keratoconjunctivitis) – insufficient secretion of the lacrimal glands, its damage.
  • Redness, irritation.
  • The appearance of spots on the cornea.
  • Itching.

All these symptoms can be the causes or consequences of cataracts, retinal detachment and atrophy, distichiasis (extra row of eyelashes), entropion, eye infections. Therefore, you need to take care of your eyes daily, examine and wipe them.

Diseases of the ears and mouth

Long, floppy ears provide a more favorable environment for bacteria to grow than dogs with erect ears. Excessive hair only worsens the situation. Here it is necessary to trim the hair from the ears in a timely manner and clean them weekly.

When plaque appears on the teeth, it must be cleaned off. Otherwise, plaque forms tartar, which provokes gum inflammation and tooth loss. You need to take special care of your incisors. A visit to the veterinarian at least twice a year will help control the situation.

How to brush your dog's teeth, in which case it is better to contact a veterinarian, as well as useful tips - you can learn from our article.

Pet food

What to feed your dog is up to you to decide. If you think that it would be better for your dog if you cook for him using natural products, then do so.

  1. Meat is the main protein that must be included in a dog’s daily diet. The meat needs to be boiled a little. Better to choose beef.
  2. You can also boil sea fish You don’t need it all the time, but you can pamper it once every 2 months.
  3. Cottage cheese, kefir and other fermented milk must be included in the diet.
  4. Steamed vegetables Don't forget about fiber!
  5. Fish oil should be given constantly, as well as vitamin complexes that are specialized for wool.

How to care for a Shih Tzu

To make it less of a hassle for the owner, you can trim your Shih Tzu like a puppy, this will save you from daily brushing. If the dog is expected to participate in shows and exhibitions, then the coat must be kept long and silky by combing it daily. Its structure resembles human hair, so it requires careful care. When changing from a puppy's coat to an adult's one, the amount of brushing should be increased.

Care includes:

  • Trimming nails, trimming fur between toes.
  • Pull hair away from the eyes into a ponytail on the top of the head.
  • Wash as needed, be sure to dry completely with a hairdryer.
  • Make sure that no tangles form on the wool.
  • Check the condition of your eyes, wipe them daily with clean cotton pads moistened with boiled water.
  • Keep your nasal passages clean.

It is better to comb the dog before washing it. To keep the fur coat soft and shiny, the shampoo must be professional. Place a rug at the bottom of the bathtub or basin to prevent the dog's paws from slipping.


The Shih Tzu is an intelligent and quick-witted breed, but is reluctant to train. Therefore, it is best to teach her not tricks, but important commands. These include: “No”, “Place”, “Walk”. It is important from childhood to accustom the puppy to home examinations and to the doctor.

The puppy needs to be taught commands. Adult pets do not like to study. It is better to walk with the puppy on busy streets so that he gets used to the noise, rides on public transport, and learns to communicate with other dogs on the site.

To summarize, we can highlight the main pros and cons of the breed:

  • A compact and clean dog is ideal for an apartment.
  • Quickly gets accustomed to the tray.
  • No dog smell.
  • Does not require physical activity, just walks and indoor games.
  • A cheerful dog, a good friend for one owner or the whole family.
  • Not suitable for an active lifestyle.

To prevent hereditary and acquired diseases from darkening the dog’s life, you need to visit the veterinarian on time and monitor the cleanliness of the animal. It is difficult to determine the health status of a small puppy, except for its general appearance, so it is better to buy it from good breeders.

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