Beagle - history of the breed, characteristics, character, feeding + 90 photos

Origin:Great Britain
Usage:originally a hound, today a universal dog
Dimensions:33-40 cm, 8-13 kg
Lifespan:15 years

The English Beagle is the smallest hound dog native to England. Initially, dogs were used only for hunting, but since the end of the 20th century they began to be kept as companions. This metamorphosis is explained by the lively and loving nature of the pets.

Standard requirements

Even people not familiar with cynology know what a beagle looks like. This is a small, strong dog with long ears and a hilariously naive expression on its face.

All international standards recognize the Beagle - FCI, AKC and RKF. He belongs to the group of small hounds. The beagle's height is small - up to 40 cm, but the dog is well built and hardy.

Photos of the Beagle breed look simply funny. But the true potential of the animals is noticeable in person: they move freely, gracefully and confidently, and their tenor bark when chasing game is a delight to the ears of any hunter.

ParameterBeagle standard
Height at withers33-40 cm, females (females) are smaller than females (males).
Beagle weight8-13 kg.
ConstitutionPowerful, well developed, with strong bones and strong muscles.
FrameThe characteristics of the breed describe the body as close to a square format. The neck is long and muscular with slight dewlap. The scruff and withers are pronounced and strong. The back is straight and relatively short, the loin is wide and slightly convex. The chest is spacious, the stomach is moderately tucked.
HeadStrong, but without being rough. The length of the skull and muzzle is average, the forehead is wide and convex. The skin is dense, without folds.
EarsThey reach the tip of the nose, are thin, round, hang down to the sides, and are pressed tightly to the head.
EyesMedium size, moderate set. The color is dark - brown or nut.
NoseWith large nostrils and black lobe. In light-colored animals, the nose may be shaded to match the color of the coat.
LipsBlack, the upper covers the lower jaw.
LimbsLength equal to half the height of a beagle. Straight and parallel, stand under the body. Strong, elbows pressed to the chest, hips developed.
PawsRound, gathered into a ball. The pads are elastic, the claws are strong.
Tail (rut)Medium in length, stands high, evenly covered with hair.
Dog meat (wool)Short, thick, without waves or curls, tough.
SuitClassic - three-color, two-tone colors are allowed.
ColorTricolor: red and white with black or blue spots. Bicolor: red, lemon, red or chestnut spots are located on a white background. Speckles are acceptable for any type of color. The tip of the rut is white.

French beagle harrier

This is a hound dog from France. It appeared in the 19th century and was created specifically for hunting.

These beagles have strong bones, weight up to 20 kg, height - up to 48 cm at the withers.

The color may vary, but is always registered for hounds. The standard color is the tricolor, representing a composition of black, white and red. The standards also allow less bright representatives, with gray and dull tones. Experts do not disqualify such dogs from exhibitions.

The fur fits tightly to the body, which makes it easy to care for.

These dogs are friendly and welcoming. They do not often participate in exhibitions, but are perfect for living at home.

Cheerful stubborn man

The Beagle's character can be described in one word - restless. The dog is interested in everything, he sticks his curious nose in everywhere and participates in all matters.

Beagle puppies are especially active. You can’t take your eyes off them: it may seem that the kids are gnawing on the bones, but no, they are already eating up pieces of linoleum.

Even an adult or elderly dog ​​does not lose activity and passion for exploration. This is not a calm and reasonable setter. From the first to the last days of life, beagles remain puppies - playful and inquisitive.

Most of all, the English Beagle loves company: people or dogs - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to have someone to talk to and play with. The pet's character is open and good-natured. He is equally happy with the owners, guests and passers-by. Caution is needed: a stranger can lead the dog away by tempting him with a toy or treat.

The dog is good-natured and not vindictive. It is extremely rare for a pet to bite – due to a threat or lack of upbringing. He enjoys playing with children, participating in their games and pranks. So a beagle and a child are a great combination.

The dog’s character can be considered golden, if not for one “but”. The breed is wayward. Like all hounds, the beagle tends to make its own decisions and ignore human orders.

Another disadvantage of the breed is its tendency to wander. Having smelled an interesting smell, the pet will follow it to the ends of the earth. The animal is not let off the leash until the “Come to me” command is executed perfectly. However, this also does not always help. That's why missing ads with photos of beagles are so common.

An unpleasant character trait is that beagles cannot stand being alone. A puppy or an adult dog, left alone with himself, howls and whines and destroys the apartment. There are three ways out of this situation: do not leave your pet alone, exhaust it outside before leaving, or get a second dog.

The English Beagle is a lover of barking. It is the rolling velvety tenor with tints that hunters appreciate. But the line is a problem in the city. The neighbors are clearly not going to be happy with the almost 24-hour barking.


Black, red and white beagles are more common than other colors. Their puppies are black and white at birth (there may be brown markings around the ears and eyes), with red appearing as the puppies grow. Black can be bright throughout life, or it can fade and become paler. Red ranges from red to fawn. The white is always pure white, although in speckled dogs it is closer to cream. The tip of the nose and the rim of the eyelids are black.

Sometimes puppies of this color variety, after reaching 6-8 weeks, develop white hairs on their black backs - “overhairs”. They usually disappear after some time.


For a long time, the English Beagle was used only as a hound for hares and rabbits. An excellent sense of smell allows him to pick up even a barely noticeable trail and follow it for hours.

But today, Beagle hunting dogs are more than hounds. First and foremost, they are companions and family favorites. They are also used:

  • in the rescue and search service;
  • at customs - thanks to their keen sense of smell, beagles can easily detect drugs, explosives and other illegal items;
  • in dog sports - agility, frisbee, freestyle;
  • Canistherapy – treatment of children with developmental delays with the help of dogs;
  • psychological therapy.

Testing of drugs, cosmetics and household products is most often carried out on beagles.

Brief history of origin

The history of beagles dates back to Ancient Greece, where their ancestors were already used during hunting . The duty of those dogs was to track game by scent, which they successfully did.

Later, the Romans became interested in them and began breeding them. And so the ancient Romans fell in love with the Greek hounds, so much so that when they set off to conquer Britain, they took their hunting dogs with them.

Once on the territory of Foggy Albion, the Roman hounds quickly got used to the new conditions of existence and began to actively crossbreed with local hunting breeds, so that in the end it was as a result of this mixing of the blood of Roman and Anglo-Saxon breeds that the first of the modern beagles were born.

There is another version of the origin of the breed, according to which dogs similar to the beagle already existed in Britain even before the arrival of the Romans . And some experts consider their ancestors to be the white hounds from the pack of the Prince of Wales, Pwyll, who lived at the same time as the legendary King Arthur.

Throughout the Middle Ages, small hounds were used to hunt rabbits and other small game. Beagles began to be considered a separate breed in the 18th century. And the first beagle breed clubs in America, where these dogs gained great popularity by the end of the 19th century. However, the modern breed standard appeared only in 1957.

To date, beagles are being used less and less for their intended purpose - as hunting dogs . Now this is more of a companion dog - smart, good-natured, active and very playful.

Breed socialization

Beagle puppies need early socialization. These are loyal and loving animals. But only with proper education. Otherwise, they turn into embittered neurotics.

A properly raised English Beagle is the best companion dog. He is loving and good-natured, explores the world with interest, and treats all people and animals favorably.

A beagle and a child are a great tandem. The dog will never bite or growl at the baby. If there are children in the family, you should choose this breed.

Beagles get along well with their fellow breeders. They are not inclined to dominate and play with other dogs with excitement.

But a beagle and a cat are already a problem. The pet perceives small animals as prey. But not always. Some beagles get along well with beagles, especially if they have lived together since puppyhood.

The characteristics of the breed and the hunting instincts of beagles are such that keeping dogs and rodents together is unrealistic. They are prey for dogs. And the pets will beg the owner to give them a tasty hamster to eat.

How to choose?

When planning to buy a beagle, you need to remember that only the puppy’s metric is a guarantee of its purebred. Therefore, you need to buy a pet only in a nursery or from a breeder.

When choosing a baby, you need to pay attention to the following features, which indicate that in the future he will have a good exterior:

  • The head is noble in shape with a rectangular muzzle.
  • Quite long ears with rounded tips.
  • The friendly expression of the eyes is typical for the breed, the color of which should be as dark a brownish shade as possible.
  • The neck is of medium length with a slight graceful curve.
  • Smooth topline with a pronounced but not sharp slope to the croup.
  • Strong and thick paws with regular articulation angles.
  • The makings of muscles.
  • Correctly placed tail.

In addition to the exterior, when choosing a beagle puppy, you need to pay attention to its temperament and state of health: the puppy should not show any signs of illness.


A puppy with a good psyche is cheerful and playful, he willingly plays with other kids, and shows friendly curiosity towards people.

The popularity of the Beagle has contributed to the emergence of varieties of this breed in different countries.

The most significant differences are seen between English and American Beagles . The first ones best comply with the requirements of the standard. American dogs are stronger, taller and more muscular.

Each future owner has the right to choose what type of pet to take. But, if we are talking about buying a future champion, it is advisable to take a baby of the classic variety, since these are the dogs that are preferred at exhibitions.


There are opinions about the Beagle breed that it is highly trainable and suitable for beginners. But this is nonsense. Not a single hound has ever been brought up easily.

English Beagles are stubborn and easily distracted during training. Moreover, they only do it when they want to. If dogs are full, tired or not in the mood, they will never get up from a comfortable sofa.

Like any hunting dog, the beagle makes its own decisions. What is the command “Come to me” or “Sit” when the nostrils are tickled by the seductive smell of a dove!

The Beagle is a dog with poor perseverance. It is difficult for her to concentrate on the owner and maintain attention for a long time. At the same time, the pet is smart and cunning. He constantly deceives people, knows how to manipulate and press for pity.

The main assistants in training beagles are treats and toys. It is impossible to strictly punish, let alone beat, dogs - they will become fixated on failure and refuse to follow orders.

They raise an English beagle from the first day they are in the house. It is important that the dog learns basic commands before puberty: an ill-mannered pet, coupled with surging hormones, is uncontrollable. It is difficult even for an experienced dog handler to correct his behavior.

Beagles are trained according to the following scheme:

  • from 2 months they are taught the basics of education;
  • at 3-6 months they are enrolled in a general education course;
  • after six months - to a general obedience course;
  • from 6-8 months – for a general training course;
  • from 8-9 months they engage in training with the beagle, teach them to work on the scent in the forest and field.

American Beagle

In 1870, beagles were brought to America. Local breeders tried to change the appearance of the dogs, but not very successfully.

Later, General Richard Rowett assembled his pack of beagles, consisting mainly of "British". Gradually, hounds spread throughout America. They are more impressive in size than the “Europeans”.

Let's look at the possible colors of the beagle.

Features of maintenance and care

There are few dog breeds as easy to keep as the English Beagle. On average, monthly expenses will be 1,500-2,000 rubles.

It is better to have a pet in a country house, where there will be space to run around and burn off energy. In summer, keeping in an enclosure is allowed. But the beagle also gets along well in the apartment. An adult dog is small in size and does not need much space.

If a Beagle dog lives in a private house, you need a strong fence. Dogs love to dig, they can make a hole and escape.


The breed is easy to care for. Grooming a Beagle will take little time. To make a photo of a dog look like on the cover of a magazine, half an hour a day is enough.

Grooming an English Beagle is as follows:

  1. Wool. Brush 1-2 times a week, daily during the molting period. Massage mittens, wide-toothed combs, and furminators are used during coat renewal. When finished, brush and pass over the fur coat with a piece of suede to add shine. No need to trim.
  2. Eyes. Discharge is removed daily with a sponge soaked in an antiseptic solution, veterinary lotion or herbal decoction.
  3. Claws. Inspect after each walk for delamination or breakage. Once every 2-4 weeks, trim with a guillotine nail clipper and smooth out the sharp edges with a nail file.
  4. Ears. The only problem is caring for beagles. They are long, pick up dirt from the ground and become clogged. They are inspected every day and cleaned 1-2 times a week.
  5. Teeth. Brush every 7 days with a toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs. Treats such as toothpicks are given daily to prevent plaque.


The Beagle dog breed is clean. Their fur gets slightly dirty, and the dogs often clean themselves. In addition, they shed little, do not slobber, and have almost no odor.

English beagles are washed once a month. The breed is not prone to dermatitis, so any shampoo for short-haired dogs will do. After the bath, remove the water from the ears, dry the dog with a terry towel and allow it to dry on its own.

If the beagle gets dirty, it is bathed more often, but no more than 2 times a month. Excessive washing will destroy the protective fat film, dry out the skin and worsen the coat.

After walks, be sure to wash your paws with water without soap. In the slush, wipe the stomach with a damp cloth or sponge.


For the Beagle dog breed, daily walks of many hours are a necessity. If the pet does not walk and play outside, breathe fresh air, it will gain weight and acquire a bunch of physiological and neurological problems.

A Beagle dog should walk for at least 3 hours. It is optimal if you take her outside for 40-60 minutes in the morning, and for 2-3 hours in the evening.

They take into account that the beagle cannot overcome the hunting instinct. If he follows a scent or chases a bird, he will, at best, run away. At worst, he will fall under the wheels of a car. Therefore, the dog is not let off the leash and is not allowed to walk with children - they will not restrain the pet in a jerk.

Regular walking is not suitable for beagles. They need to run, jump, swim, and exercise on the training ground. Plus, it is advisable to go out into nature once every 1-2 weeks. Animals are cramped within the city.

A well-walked dog at home turns into an angel. She chooses a softer pillow and falls into a deep sleep.


Beagles are unpretentious eaters. Therefore, the problem of what to feed the dog will not arise.

The menu for a puppy or adult dog is made up of natural products or ready-made food. In the first case, the diet should include:

  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs;
  • dairy products;
  • fertilizing in the form of eggs, vegetable oils, brewer's yeast, seafood, fish;
  • allowed delicacies - dried cheese, biscuits, dried meat, store-bought treats;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements.

When it comes to ready-made food, the holistic or super-premium lines are suitable. You can use premium products on a limited budget - allergies and digestive disorders are rare in English Beagles.

The main problem is obesity. Beagle dogs do not have a sense of satiety - if they had their way, they would eat for days on end. And only tasty ones - dogs often refuse healthy food and beg for tidbits. Therefore, food is limited: they give the prescribed amount of food and do not offer treats from the table.

What crossbreeds are there?

Puggle (beagle+pug)

These dogs look like pugs with a long, wrinkled muzzle and drooping ears. Their tail is curled into a complete or partial ring and looks thinner and longer than that of a pug. The color is most often fawn with a black mask.

Cheagle (beagle+chihuahua)

These dogs are smaller than beagles and have lighter bones. Their ears are not so long, and their muzzle is not rectangular, but rather pointed. The color can be any depending on the genotype of the puppy, but the most common are bicolors and saddlebacks of varying intensities.

Jack-e-bee (beagle + jack russell)

The build is more similar to a Jack Russell, but at the same time these dogs have rather large, floppy ears - almost like a beagle. The most typical colors: bicolor, tricolor.

To understand what traits a puppy can get, read the comparison between Beagle and Jack Russell.

Beagle+basset hound

Outwardly they resemble a beagle with a very high elongation index for this breed, or an old-type basset hound - just like in old paintings and engravings.


They are similar to beagles, but their fur is longer and softer, although they do not form feathering on the ears and limbs, like a spaniel. Color - any of those that are typical for any of these breeds.


Depending on whose genes are stronger, the puppies may look like either a dachshund with slightly taller legs, or a beagle with shorter limbs.

Crosses of beagles with other breeds of hunting dogs were bred not out of the desire of breeders to see what would happen as a result of such mating, but to improve working qualities.

For example, mixed breeds with a spaniel swim willingly, while a purebred beagle is reluctant to go into the water.


The average lifespan of beagles is 12-15 years. But there are also long-lived record holders who celebrate their 18th and even 21st birthdays.

How long a beagle lives is affected by:

  • heredity – absence of genetic defects;
  • nutrition;
  • conditions of detention and care.

The lifespan also depends on treatment and preventive measures (vaccination, deworming, treatment for blood-sucking parasites) and prompt elimination of diseases.


The breed characteristics describe the beagle as a healthy and strong dog. The pet gets sick many times less than other dogs.

However, no one is immune from diseases. English Beagles have:

  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • mast cell cancer;
  • cherry eye;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • dermatitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • otitis;
  • hypothyroidism

An unpleasant feature of the Beagle dog is reverse sneezing or paroxysmal breathing. The dog seems to be choking or choking. But the condition is not dangerous: it lasts from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. After the “attack” the pet feels fine. You can help your pet by pinching his nostrils or stroking him under the neck.


English Beagles are required to be vaccinated. Which serum depends on age. From 8 weeks they use conventional drugs, from 1-1.5 months - the PUPPY series.

Vaccinations are given from:

  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • enteritis;
  • carnivore plague.

10 days before vaccination, the beagle is treated for helminths and blood-sucking parasites.

Development of a puppy in different months

There are no exact requirements for how much a beagle weighs in different months. But height and weight need to be controlled for the harmonious development of the dog. A table of the development of a beagle puppy by month will roughly help you navigate.

Beagle: weight and dimensions
MonthBeagle height in cmWeight in kg

The maximum weight of an adult beagle is 18 kg. Ideal – 12 kg. Larger dogs will be disqualified.

Chocolate tricolor

Among the “liver” tricolor colors, the black gene will produce brown. Chocolate beagles have gray-green eyes, and the nose, lips and eyelids are brown, and their shades can be different: dark chocolate, light brown, liver, lilac.

This color was not recognized by the British Kennel Club and the FCI. If such puppies are born, they are considered a breeding match. But, for example, in the USA, chocolate beagles are officially registered and show the highest results in the rings.

Chocolate puppies with gray-green eyes may become darker with age and their eyes may become hazel. It also happens that a lilac dog, in addition to the weakening brown, also has blue, and then the fur acquires a bluish tint.

How much do puppies cost?

The average cost of a puppy in rubles is 25-35 thousand. But the price varies depending on the class of the English Beagle and its pedigree.

It is impossible to definitively answer how much a beagle puppy costs. They give away 7-10 thousand rubles from their hands. But usually these are pets with defects in appearance, sick or without breed characteristics.

In nurseries, pet-class English beagle puppies are sold for 20-30 thousand rubles, breed - for 30-45 thousand rubles, and the cost of show class is no limit - it starts from 50,000 rubles. and higher.


It is recommended to start training dogs from a very early age. A beagle puppy can be stubborn and self-willed, and it depends only on the owner whether these qualities will remain in an adult dog or disappear during the training process.

Pets are distinguished by their rare intelligence, so training will be an enjoyable experience for both parties. Only affection and encouragement are suitable for training.

Rudeness can cause a negative reaction, and the offended dog will refuse to engage at all.

Character of dogs

Before you get a beagle, you should familiarize yourself with its basic character traits.

They are the same regardless of the breed type:

  • activity and energy. The Beagle is full of vital energy and, like no other breed, needs activity and physical exercise. Get ready for long walks, get toys in advance that your pet will occupy himself with while you are not at home. He shouldn't be bored. Otherwise, he will find something to do for himself, opening cabinets, turning things over and chewing furniture;
  • observation and curiosity. Beagles are very attentive and easy to interest. They engage in games with other dogs, children or their owner with all adventurism;
  • compassion and an optimistic attitude. Dogs of this breed subtly sense the mood of their owner. They know how to amuse and make people laugh by deliberately doing something stupid;
  • lack of aggression and friendliness. Beagle likes to make new acquaintances; he happily greets guests, allowing himself to be petted. He is the first to make contact and has an extremely difficult time tolerating ignorance and loneliness.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Dogs of this breed need authority. It is very important for them to see a leader and mentor in their owner, so only an experienced breeder can cope with the beagle’s character. This is a very active and inquisitive breed that needs physical activity and training.


In Russia, beagles are not often involved in hunting, but they are well aware of their purpose and, under certain circumstances, are happy to “enter the game.” This breed belongs to the small hounds and is excellent at hunting small animals such as rabbits, hares, and they are not averse to running after rodents. When a beagle is on the trail, it follows the prey's heels, barking to attract a hunter or another hound to finish the job he has started.

Beagles usually begin training in the art of hunting at 9 months of age. Usually, for this purpose, they choose a forest where a large number of hares live, and September is considered the most successful period for studying. “Unraveling” the tracks, the beagle lowers its head low and tirelessly moves forward. At such moments, he truly loses touch with reality, but one thought remains in his head, or rather two: to track down and wait for help to hand over the victim.

Having picked up the trail, he is able to run far from his owner and even find himself in another area, because the beagle’s persistence when pursuing game is unbending. Because of this, an unprepared beagle owner may lose his pet.

Price range

Since the Mini Beagle does not officially exist as such a breed, we will tell you how the price for representatives of this breed as a whole is determined.

There are only 3 classes into which purebred dogs can be divided:

  • pet (pet);
  • brit (for breeding);
  • show (for exhibitions).

The latter are the most expensive.

In the CIS countries, prices for beagles vary from 5,000 to 25,000 rubles.

Basic colors

It is worth noting that in order to provide maximum clarity, the Kennel Club already published an official accepted list of beagle colors in 2010, and the editors clearly indicated which colors were accepted as the standard and which were absolutely unacceptable.

And yet the variations do not stop there, and the range is made up of a whole variety, where it is difficult to call any one color correct and others unacceptable. Everything is very subjective, and every beagle owner is proud of his hound.

There are several basic combinations:

  • bicolor;
  • tricolor;
  • gray tricolor;
  • brown tricolor.

There are also beautiful variations:

  • spotted;
  • maroon;
  • motley.

It is worth considering them in more detail.

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