How much does a border collie puppy cost and where can you buy one?

The Border Collie is recognized as the smartest dog. For her intelligence, good nature and activity, she is loved by dog ​​breeders all over the world. This is a shepherd dog, but can be a watchman, guard, guide or rescue dog. She enjoys serving people and can become a wonderful companion. This is an ideal dog for families with children and lovers of outdoor activities. But before getting such a pet, you need to study the description of the breed, its pros and cons, and maintenance rules.

  • History of the origin of the border collie breed
  • Border Collie: standard
  • Torso
  • Limbs
  • Wool
  • Border Collie colors
  • Border Collie Personality
      Features of education
  • Caring for an adult dog
  • Health
  • How to choose a puppy
      How much does a border collie puppy cost?
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • History of the Border Collie Breed

    Border Collie Puppy
    The closest ancestors of today's Border Collies were the sheepdogs of English peasants who lived on the border with Scotland. Hence the name of the breed – border collie (from the English “boarder” - “border”). These picky and playful dogs herded flocks of sheep, guarded estates and did not annoy their phlegmatic owners with loud barking. At the same time, “farm collies” were not valued by the British nobility and for a long time remained typical rural dogs.

    A chance meeting of its representatives with the Queen of Great Britain, Victoria, helped bring the breed out of the shadows. In 1860, English Shepherds took part in one of the first dog shows, after which they were introduced to the royal court. “Grandmother Europe” liked smart and loyal animals, so soon several representatives of this glorious breed settled in Buckingham Palace. Throughout Victoria's reign, many border collies lived in her chambers, but the queen's main favorite remained a dog named Sharp, who was honored after his death with an impressive memorial in Windsor.

    It was possible to officially register the Border Collie breed only in 1915, although the standard of appearance for its representatives remained unformed for another 60 years.

    The most famous ancestor of modern border dogs is considered to be the Old Hemp Shepherd, born in 1893 in Northumberland County. The handsome, strong, tri-colored male was distinguished by his outstanding intelligence and exemplary behavior, for which he was selected as a sire for subsequent mating. It was the grandchildren and great-grandsons of old Hamp who achieved their first successes at exhibitions, becoming prize-winners of international and European championships. Another famous representative of the breed is the dog Winston, recognized as the official symbol of the boarder club. According to breeders, all modern individuals carry Winston genes.

    Key facts

    Surely you have heard more than once that the border collie is considered the smartest dog in the world. And these are not unfounded statements: scientists have tried and proven it scientifically. And the characteristics of the Border Collie breed speak eloquently: you cannot find smarter dogs.

    One look at a video or photo of a border collie is enough to understand: this is an ancient herding breed, and “shepherds,” as you know, are distinguished by incredible intelligence. It would be more accurate to use the word “intelligence” - these animals are so smart.

    Border Collies are extremely active and active, and tireless work in any social environment is in their blood. Whether it is a family, an emergency team or a herd, the borderer will use his skills to the maximum.

    Brief description of the Border Collie breed: super active, freedom-loving, smart people who are very loyal to their owner; They are happy to carry out any instructions, but their strong point is to look after and shepherd.

    The health and life expectancy of border collies is encouraging: with a minimum of possible diseases, dogs live on average 15 years.

    Appearance of a border collie

    Border Collies Love to Cuddle
    Border Collies are far short of the title of glamorous hunk. A modest spotted or marbled color, average size, light shaggy coat to this day identify them as typical “villagers”, whose main vocation is to run across the heather wastelands, drive away uninvited guests from their homes and herd sheep. But the lack of external gloss is more than compensated by the amazing charm and intellectual inclinations of the animal. According to the breeders of these charming, modest dogs, the remarkable intelligence of the Border Collie can be seen in their eyes.


    Wide skull with a smoothed occipital part. The cheekbones are normal, without roundness, not flat. The cheeks are medium, without excessive fleshiness. The muzzle is of medium width, tapering slightly towards the nose. The transition from the nose to the frontal part is clearly expressed. The length of the muzzle is approximately equal to the length of the skull.


    The Border Collie's jaws are strong, strong, with a regular scissor bite (the upper canines cover the lower ones). The teeth are white and evenly spaced.


    Oval, medium size. The distance between the eyes is wide. The color of the iris is brown, but blue eyes are allowed for border collies with a merle coat color. A wise, searching look.


    Triangular, medium size, moderate thickness. Widely spaced. Both standing and semi-standing stances are acceptable.

    Border collie muzzle

    Nose and lips

    The Border Collie's lips are dry. The nose is black, slate (if the coat is blue) or brown if the individual has a chocolate coat color. The nose is of medium size, the nostrils are large.


    Hidden handsome man

    Elongated, with excellently developed muscles, strong. There is a slight bend.


    Wide and deep chest. The upper line of the back is characterized by a slight slope towards the tail. The lower back is muscular, the groin line is not tucked. The ribs are springy and round in shape. The croup is medium wide, elongated and slightly sloping.


    The Border Collie's forelimbs are set parallel. The elbows are pressed to the sternum, the shoulder blades are tilted back, but do not close together. The hind legs are well muscled, wide, and have a sloping line at the base of the tail. The hock joints are low and slightly sloping back. The paws are in the shape of a regular oval with massive black pads and toes that gather into a “lump.” The claws of the paws are short and thick.


    The tail of the Border Collie is saber-shaped, of medium length, reaching the hock joints. Fluffy, bends with a slight curl closer to the tip. In an emotionally excited individual, it often rises to the level of the upper line of the back.

    Border collie black with white spots

    Marbled Border Collie


    Border collies can be either smooth or moderately long-haired. Representatives of both varieties have a springy soft undercoat that performs warming and water-repellent functions. Unlike smooth-haired individuals, long-haired individuals can boast of having a lush neck “collar” and fluffy “panties”. Some dogs may have so-called “feathers” or “feathers” on the back of their front legs. In this case, the muzzle, ears and front part of the forelimbs should have smooth and short hair.

    Brown and caramel colored border collie (tan)

    White Border Collie


    Border Collie Color Chart

    To date, there are no restrictions on the types of colors of border collies. However, black with white spots or tan, chocolate with light tan and white markings, and merle (blue or merle) are still considered priorities. White markings are usually located on the forehead, chest, paws and tail and may have a speckled coloration.

    Important: animals whose dominant color is white are not allowed to participate in exhibitions.


    The average weight of an adult does not exceed 15-20 kg. Bitches are slightly smaller than males; the standard height for a female dog is 47-52 cm, for a dog - 50-53 cm.

    Appearance defects and disqualifying faults of the Border Collie

    The most loyal selection criteria apply to shaggy natives of English farms. Only an aggressive or cowardly dog ​​with an inadequate reaction to speech addressed to it and that does not meet the FCI standard can be banned from participating in exhibition and competition events. All other shortcomings are mercifully forgiven to borders.

    Types of purchases and how much do they cost?

    After the buyer has decided on the breed of the kitten and its gender, it is necessary to decide for what purpose the purchase is being made:

    • A common family favorite.
    • For breeding and selling puppies.
    • Participation in exhibitions.

    The class of the puppy and, accordingly, its price will depend on these directions.

    The offspring of puppies of this breed are divided into 3 classes:

    1. Pet class. This category includes kittens that do not meet standard requirements. Such babies are not considered purebred and cannot participate in exhibitions. If you train your child properly, you can end up with a good service dog. The price of a puppy of this class can vary from 12 to 18 thousand rubles .
    2. Breeding class. This group includes kittens, which can be used for breeding. They meet the standard requirements, but do not receive medals at exhibitions. The cost of puppies belonging to this segment can range from 18 to 50 thousand rubles . The price will tend to the upper limit if the parents of these babies had titles or medals.
    3. Show class. This category includes exclusively elite puppies, who then achieve success in breeding and at exhibitions. They fully meet the requirements of the standard, and their parents were awarded medals and diplomas. The price for such babies is appropriate and varies from 60 to 100 thousand rubles .

    The litter of one mother may contain puppies of different classes. Only an experienced dog breeder will be able to divide them into classes. He is the one who will help you with your choice, based on your wishes.

    Photo of an adult border collie

    Border Collie Personality

    Master, I love you so much ❤
    Border collies are observant, good-natured hard workers with an extremely peaceful character. English Shepherds will always prefer completing some important assignment or intense training in the fresh air to lying aimlessly on the rug. For these dogs, work is not a routine, but the meaning of life, so you should not try to transform an energetic border dog into a “couch city dweller.”

    Border collies are not considered aggressive dogs, but the animals still experience a certain distrust of strangers. But these modest intellectuals love children quite sincerely. Of course, you can “graze” them all day long, tirelessly driving individuals who have strayed from the “herd” into a safe zone and not letting them out of it until permission is received from the all-powerful and respected owner. By the way, about the relationship with the owner: it is difficult to find a creature capable of loving you more than a border collie. These executive workaholics are ready to completely and completely dissolve in their owner, without demanding anything in return.

    Border collie herding sheep

    Got it!


    It is important to ensure the safety of your home. Given your puppy's curiosity, you should consider possible dangers for him. Dangerous objects that may attract the dog's attention should be removed. First of all, such dangers include electrical wires, which dogs love to chew, as well as sharp objects that are lost on the floor and can be accidentally swallowed by the puppy (pins, buttons).

    You should remove plants that are poisonous to animals, household chemicals, plastic film, and foil, which the dog can pull out of the trash can if there are food particles left on them. Chocolate is toxic to dogs, so you should not leave it in the room where your dog can reach it.

    If there are stairs in the house, then you should not allow the puppy to move along them. Such exercises negatively affect the formation of joints and the skeleton of a growing organism. It is important to prevent movement on slippery surfaces.

    Border collies are very excitable, their attention can be attracted by a sound from the street, a flying bird, after which the dog can jump and fall over the side of the balcony if access to the balcony is free and it is not glazed.

    It is important to provide a safe space for your dog to rest. Buy a comfortable bed, bowls and accessories for walking and playing.

    Education and training

    Borders are dogs that require not only regular physical activity, but also constant training. They pick up lessons on the fly, and in addition, this is one of the few breeds that does not need to be endlessly stimulated with treats in order to master the simplest skill. And yet, discipline and perseverance in puppies are poorly developed: if an animal is tired of following monotonous commands, it will simply change the type of activity to another, from its point of view, more interesting.

    Fast, smart and happy

    The owners of boarders themselves call their pets the best fitness trainers for the simple reason that with them there is no time for passive rest. Standard walks at a sluggish, relaxed pace will not work with these comrades. The Border Collie requires a full run with games and complex tasks for intelligence and dexterity. Frisbee, flyball, bike joring, agility, diving - these are the standard activities that representatives of this breed very quickly get hooked on. Shepherds also respect hide-and-seek and chase, but sometimes they can lose control of themselves and, during the game, lightly bite the legs of the person running away.

    Border Collies are good at listening to human speech and understand the meaning of many words. Some owners use this feature in games. For example, the names of toys are learned with the animal, after which the owner says the word denoting the object, and the dog must bring exactly the toy that the person asked for. Pets are no less delighted by hunting for a hose connected to a water pump and catching soap bubbles. Simply put, border collies love everything that involves the manifestation of at least some physical activity.

    Border Collie training

    Forced idleness is fraught with mental disorder for the animal, and inevitable financial losses for the owner. A bored dog can turn even a perfect apartment into the set for a post-apocalyptic blockbuster. Border puppies are a bit headstrong, which is not a good reason to postpone training until a later period. The sooner you teach your pet the rules of behavior in the house/apartment, the less material damage you will suffer.

    Usually puppies are ready to learn simple commands at the age of 3-4 months. The average duration of training for a baby is 10-15 minutes, after which the animal begins to experience boredom and fatigue. Once the dog reaches 6 months of age, the training becomes more complicated, without forgetting to repeat and consolidate the material covered. You can train and raise your pet yourself, by trial and error, or you can entrust this matter to a professional. The advantages of the second option are obvious: the animal quickly masters a basic set of skills, and the owner saves his own time and nerves.

    Something is wrong here...

    Two friends

    Breed traits

    Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

    Border Collie
    Activityin the house3.9
    on the street4.7
    Dominationin family2.3
    over dogs2.6
    Defending your territoryfrom people2.3
    from dogs2.8
    Sociabilityin family4.4
    with strangers3.4
    with dogs2.9
    Concentrationin family1.5
    in front of strangers2.5
    with dogs2.6
    Aggressivenessin family1.4
    to strangers2.1
    to the dogs2.6
    to cats2.6
    Family behaviorcalmness4.6
    demand for affection4.1
    excessive barking2.3
    behavioral breakdowns2.4
    Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.6
    over 4 years old3.9
    Institutional usewatchman3.7

    This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Australian Shepherd (Aussie), Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog), German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever.

    Care and maintenance

    The ideal habitat for borders is a country house or farm, where nothing will limit the activity of the animal. Keeping representatives of this breed in apartments also takes place, but only under the condition of good walking. If this is not possible, you should choose a less active pet.


    I don't like baths...

    When purchasing a Border Collie puppy, it makes sense to invest in a powerful vacuum cleaner, since Border Shepherds shed, although seasonally, extremely profusely. During the shedding period, you need to comb your dog at least once every two days, otherwise you will have to deal with tangles. In the interval between molts, it is enough to do this procedure once a week. Before combing, the wool is slightly moistened with a conditioner diluted in water, which should significantly facilitate the process. The use of slicker brushes and furminators is not recommended, as their use negatively affects the structure of the coat.

    To speed up the molting process, experienced breeders recommend using a simple recipe:

    • dilute a small amount of shampoo in water and bathe the dog;
    • repeat the procedure again;
    • fill the bath with clean water and dilute conditioner balm in it;
    • moisten the animal’s fur with the resulting solution (rinse off is not necessary);
    • blot the wet coat with a towel and comb thoroughly, thus removing the bulk of the undercoat and guard hair.

    Another thing!

    Border collies love to swim in open water, but are uncomfortable in the bathtub. You should wash your dog with a special shampoo no more than once every 1-2 months.

    Border dogs have their nails trimmed once a month. If the pet leads an active outdoor life, this procedure can be neglected, because during jogging and training the claw plate is simply erased.

    To prevent the appearance of tartar and remove plaque, you can give your dog tomato juice or treat it with “cleansing” bones from time to time. Close attention should be paid to the ears, which actively “collect” all kinds of pollution. The ear funnel should be cleaned with a cotton pad soaked in lotion, which can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy.


    The Border Collie's daily menu must include meat (preferably not pork) and offal. The meat is served raw. If it is a frozen product, it should be doused with boiling water. It is allowed to include frozen sea fish in the animal’s diet, from which the bones have previously been removed. In addition, it is useful to mix fish oil, kelp and vegetable oil into the food, which serve as a source of essential amino acids and microelements.

    Broccoli, zucchini, green beans, pumpkin, spinach and green apples are essential foods in a Border Collie's diet. They are usually served mashed or chopped in a blender. Sour milk and eggs are given once a week. The most useful cereals are buckwheat and rice. For training, you should choose treats based on dried liver, as well as any other delicacies with a reduced fat content, approved by veterinarians.

    Of the dry foods, the most useful are options with salmon, turkey and lamb. Since the activity of most borderers is off the charts, the optimal diet for them would be a “dry” diet with a high content of protein (about 30%) and fat (up to 20%). In addition, the right food should contain chondroitin and glucosamine, as well as sources of Omega-3 and Omega-6. Varieties based on meat by-products, as well as foods containing soy, corn and wheat, do not have the best effect on the dog’s digestive system.

    Oooh.. mushroom

    It's all for me?

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The character of each dog is individual, but the main positive and negative traits are inherent in most representatives of the breed. They should be taken into account by those who are deciding on the choice of a pet. Here are the advantages and disadvantages.

    cheerful dispositionhyperactivity
    suitable for apartment livingrequires regular walking
    well trainablecomplex grooming
    love childrenstrive for leadership
    loyal to ownermay run away while walking
    delicate, unobtrusiveneed constant monitoring of health status

    Border Collie Health and Diseases

    The average lifespan of dogs is 12-13 years. An elderly animal can be identified by its attraction to a calmer lifestyle, while the appearance of border dogs remains unchanged even with age. As for hereditary diseases, there are few of them. The most common conditions that Border Collies suffer from are hip dysplasia, osteochondritis dissecans, retinal atrophy, and epilepsy. Some individuals may have a congenital eye abnormality, often leading to blindness. An animal affected by this disease can be identified as early as 10 weeks of age.

    Border collies are sensitive to barbiturate anesthetics, which is due to the low content of adipose tissue in the dog's body. Extremely rare, but still occurring is a disease such as hypothyroidism, accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland and hair loss. Pets of lazy owners usually suffer from obesity, which is a direct consequence of a passive lifestyle, as well as overfeeding the dog.

    Character and intelligence

    According to research by British dog experts, border collies are the smartest dogs among all breeds existing in the world. Their level of intelligence is equal to the abilities of a 4-5 year old child. They have exceptional memory and are able to recognize a huge number of phrases and commands.

    Thanks to their “herding” roots, border collies are extremely hardy, patient, and efficient. They are distinguished by insight and sensitivity to human emotions. They are immensely devoted to their owner and prefer to spend time with him and family members. At the same time, the border dog is unobtrusive and does not require increased attention at the wrong time. They will always let you rest in peace, but they will be there at your first call. They will be happy to have new experiences and entertainment.

    Attitude towards children and others

    For families with children, this Border Collie is a real find. Scottish “shepherds” are absolutely devoid of aggression and will become a caring nanny for a child.

    Ideal for communicating with children 7-9 years old. A little owner can easily cope with an obedient pet. The collie will become a devoted friend for him, always ready to join in active play.

    They also treat other pets well, but they will definitely become the leader of a kind of “pack”. Obeying the genetically inherent skills of a sheep shepherd, they will control other pets (especially small dogs and cats). They will happily play with a kitten brought into the house without causing any harm to it.

    They treat outsiders somewhat warily and reservedly, but do not enter into open conflicts. They prefer the role of an observer, monitoring what is happening around them.

    Border Collie standard

    Training and education

    Training a Border Collie will not cause any trouble for the owner. Thanks to their highly developed intelligence, these dogs grasp everything on the fly. They are able to master more than 130 different commands. Concentration is maintained throughout the entire lesson due to a genetically instilled diligence. It is better to carry out the training process in a playful way, praising the pet more often. Representatives of the breed highly value approval for their efforts.

    It is advisable to conduct training on specially equipped areas where the animal can overcome obstacles in the form of stairs, slides, labyrinths and other things. It is good to use various toys and fetch. In addition, these dogs love to work for the public. In the presence of spectators, they will demonstrate all their abilities to the maximum.

    The owner must be patient. Borderers take criticism very hard. Moreover, under no circumstances should you hit the dog. He will lose trust in the person and stop taking his words into account.

    Training should begin as early as possible. As a puppy, the Border Collie will better learn the basic rules of behavior and skills and remember them for life.

    How to choose a puppy

    We choose an active, sociable, moderately well-fed animal and refuse lethargic, apathetic puppies with dirty ears and a dry nose. You should first get to know the parents of the future pet, and of course, clarify information about the vaccinations given to the dog. If pedigree and standard appearance are important, it is better to contact well-known nurseries.

    In order to save money, you can go through virtual bulletin boards like Avito and buy a border collie puppy “from hand”. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers, under the guise of purebred puppies, sell mongrels of a similar color or mixed breed, so it is better to come to a meeting with the owner of the animal with a specialist who can distinguish a purebred from a pseudo-border.

    Tips for choosing a puppy

    Regardless of where you go for your future friend - to a nursery or to a private breeder - remember a few golden rules. They will help you choose a healthy puppy without any mixture of other breeds:

    • the baby is active, shows interest in everything that happens around him;
    • at the same time, the kitten does not have nervousness and timidity - a healthy collie is very brave and curious;
    • Border Collie puppies are well-fed, their eyes are sparkling, their ears are clean, and their teeth are straight;
    • the mother of the children is calm and healthy (you can ask for a certificate);
    • pay attention to the puppy’s vision - he should respond well to movement next to him;
    • The place where the bitch and her cubs live should be clean, tidy, and free of unpleasant odors.

    If you see a discrepancy in at least one point, it is better to refuse to purchase a puppy in this place. If you are satisfied with everything, but have doubts about the purebred, use the services of a specialist dog handler. For a small amount, he will accompany you and give comprehensive advice.

    Before taking your puppy home, be sure to ask the breeder all your questions. Ideally, ask for a phone number to contact for the first time - a conscientious breeder will be happy to do this. If they refuse to give you contact information, this is a reason to seriously think about it.

    Ask about feeding, sleep, vaccinations - this is very important. Also make sure that all documents are completed correctly (if you are taking a puppy for breeding or exhibitions). But, if this doesn’t matter, just make sure that the puppy is healthy - because this is the most important thing.

    Photos of border collie puppies

    How much does a border collie cost?

    An animal from a decent nursery will cost 50,000 - 60,000 rubles, and chocolate-colored borders are more expensive. In advertisements from single sellers, the average price tag for a border collie puppy with the RKF metric is approximately the same. The cost of babies from titled parents can reach 70,000 rubles. Purebred dogs with minor defects cost 25,000 - 35,000 rubles. Metis without documents, who are barred from entering exhibitions and competitions, are often given away free of charge or for a nominal fee.

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