Every owner dreams of their pet making them happy for as long as possible. Some dogs are genetically predisposed to live longer. On average, a dog lives about 10-13 years.
Small breeds tend to live longer than large ones. However, among the record holders for age there are not only miniature animals. The leaders in life expectancy, according to the Guinness Book of Records, are representatives of nine breeds. They have reached the age of 20 years or more.
Toy poodle, up to 18 years old
The Toy Poodle is a loving dog that will definitely brighten up your drab everyday life. Poodles have their origins in Europe. There are other varieties of this breed besides Toy Poodle, Giant Poodle, Standard Poodle, Miniature Poodle. The latter is the smallest in size of the entire breed.
Among the characteristics of these dogs are loyalty, remarkable intelligence, good appetite and long life expectancy.
Which dog breed lives the longest: TOP 15
Among the long-lived dogs, a list of 15 breeds can be distinguished. It includes not only the longest living, but also the healthiest animals.
Representatives of the fastest breed in the world live 10-14 years. The hunting passion of Greyhounds is combined with an unusually calm temperament in the family circle. At home, these four-legged athletes happily transform into laid-back couch potatoes.
Individuals with a white coat often suffer from deafness, and common greyhound diseases include age-related arthritis, hypothyroidism and allergies.
Welsh Corgi
Pembrokes and Cardigans are charming and very good-natured shepherd dogs bred for herding livestock. Despite their short legs, these energetic four-legged animals boast excellent health. On average, Welsh Corgis live 12-15 years.
Due to their low metabolism and excellent appetite, these dogs quickly gain weight. In their case, obesity is dangerous with additional stress on the spine.
Pugs are brachycephalic dogs. They do not tolerate heat well and are prone to obesity, so they should not be overloaded in warm weather or overfed. In comfortable conditions, pugs live 12-15 years.
These dogs are not aggressive at all. They love to be close to people and cannot stand prolonged loneliness. During the holidays they should be left with friends or neighbors.
The life expectancy of a husky is 12-15 years, which is completely atypical for such large dogs. This feature is explained by the strong immunity obtained through the natural evolution of the breed, which avoided human intervention.
Huskies are real “energizers”. They are completely unsuited to living in an apartment. Without constant physical activity, they become destructive. Also, these animals have an innate tendency to escape, so most of them constantly dig into the area.
Miniature Schnauzers
The calling card of miniatures is a spectacular beard and mustache. Due to their excellent health, these dogs are also considered long-living. In the absence of congenital anomalies, they live up to 12-15 years.
Miniature Schnauzers do not trust strangers, so they make good watchdogs. They were originally bred to hunt rodents, weasels and moles. Because of this, miniatures are suspicious of cats and other animals with small dimensions.
Maltese dogs (Maltese)
Maltese dogs are prone to dermatitis, deafness and eye diseases. Despite this, their average life expectancy is 12-15 years.
Maltese get along well with other pets and do not like strangers. They always greet strangers with a loud bark. Like other decorative breeds, lapdogs cannot tolerate loneliness. Left alone, they chew wires, make puddles and damage furniture.
Beagles live 12-15 years and have strong immunity. Most often they suffer from diseases of the intervertebral discs and deformities of the forelimbs.
Representatives of this breed are energetic and good-natured. They love big companies and don't mind playing with other animals at all. Thanks to their developed hunting instinct, beagles are very sensitive to new smells. It is recommended to keep them strictly on a leash when walking in busy places.
Toy poodles boast the longest life expectancy (15 years). Their weight is only 2.5 kg. These elegant dogs were bred to hunt on water, so their main working qualities are endurance and good health.
Poodles prefer an active lifestyle. They love to swim, love jogging and playing with a ball. Despite this, they easily adapt to their owner and can lie on the couch with him.
Shih Tzu
Miniature Shih Tzus are Aboriginal dogs, so their health can only be envied. On average they live 10-16 years. Their only weak point is their eyes. They are prone to proptosis and often fall out of their orbits.
Unusually sociable and trusting Shih Tzus do not see the difference between their own and strangers. It is useless to assign them the role of a security guard, but they make excellent companions for retirees.
Another long-living dog breed, living 12-16 years, resembles a soft toy. Unlike other dwarf pets, these fluffy little buns have excellent health.
The main problems of Pomeranians are hyperactivity, short temper and a developed hunting instinct. They often get into fights with stronger opponents, run away while walking and get hit by a car.
The weak point of dachshunds is the spine. These dogs should be protected from jumping and obesity, as both lead to problems with the intervertebral discs. Despite this, with proper care, dachshunds live 12-16 years.
A funny appearance is just a shell. Dachshunds are fearless, independent and have high mental abilities. Because of this, their owners often encounter stubbornness and disobedience during training.
Yorkshire Terriers
Yorkies are prone to cancer, but even this does not prevent them from living to 13-16 years of age. To avoid premature death, they need to be examined regularly by a veterinarian and protected from injury. These dogs should not be left alone with small children, as children can damage the Yorkie's fragile bones during play.
Tiny terriers are hardy, energetic and courageous. They are easy to train and are always ready to defend their owners.
Jack Russell Terriers
Most diseases of Jack Russell Terriers are hereditary. They need to be monitored through preventive examinations. With proper care, these four-legged dogs delight their owners for 13-16 years.
Jack Russell Terriers are friendly and hyperactive. They require frequent and long walks in the fresh air. Otherwise, all their energy is directed towards destroying the house.
Border Collie
The smartest breed in the world lives 10-17 years. For Border Collies, work is the meaning of life. They happily carry out the instructions of the owner until the elderly and become very attached to people. Aggression is alien to these animals. They experience only slight mistrust towards strangers.
As Border Collies age, they become less active, but even this does not stop them from herding sheep or other animals. Without regular exercise, they may suffer from obesity, but here you have to try very hard. The natural content of adipose tissue in the body of these animals is so low that it can only be increased through systematic overfeeding.
The smallest dogs in the world should be protected from injury and low temperatures. Their fragile bones are very vulnerable, and their bodies are accustomed to the hot climate of Mexico. If all recommendations for care and maintenance are followed, Chihuahuas can live up to 12-20 years.
These kids are real badasses. They are easily enraged, and in order to protect their owner, they easily enter into battle with a larger opponent. For this reason, it is better to keep them close to each other outside and not let them off the leash.
Dachshund Chanel entered the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest dog at that time. She left this world in 2011, at the age of 21. Dachshunds are very hardy, but due to their body structure, they can have back problems. It is necessary to monitor the dog’s weight, because obesity increases the likelihood of spinal diseases.
Inga Izmaylova, “Dachshunds in a boat”, 2022. Photo: artchive.ru
Pomeranian Spitz
Dogs of this breed live 15 years or more. There is a documented case where a Pomeranian Spitz reached the age of 21. Pomeranians are known for being friendly and loyal, but lack of proper training makes them arrogant and aggressive. This is a real guard dog, albeit a miniature one.
Pomeranian Spitz Photo: Depositphotos
Shih Tzu
A Shih Tzu named Smokey died in 2014 at the impressive age of 28. Most of these dogs are long-lived and live up to 15 years. They are very friendly and easily adapt to their owners' regime. The main difficulty of keeping it is grooming.
How to prolong a dog's life:
- Buy your puppy only from a reputable breeder. He carefully monitors the health of breeding animals to reduce the likelihood of weak or sick offspring.
- Choose a high-quality diet for your pet and take care of his physical activity. Research shows that obesity in a dog dramatically shortens its lifespan.
- Spaying and castration not only helps prevent the birth of unwanted offspring, but also relieves many health problems, increasing life expectancy.
You can even adopt a dog from a shelter. Mixed breed animals have been proven to live longer than many purebred dogs.
Photo: Depositphotos
It is important to remember that the most powerful incentive to life is love and care. If a pet is a family member for its owners and not a fashion accessory, it will try its best to live longer.
Tags: features of the breed, dog breed, dogs, pets, long-lived dogs
Periods of a dog's life
The entire life of dogs can be divided into several periods:
- Lactic;
- Puppy;
- Teenage;
- Youthful;
- Mature;
- Elderly.
1. The dog experiences growth during the milk, puppy and teenage years. So the smallest dogs, for the most part, fully grow by 10 months. Well, the largest breeds stop growing by 2 years.
2. Adolescence in tiny breeds begins at 10 months and ends on average at 8 years. However, in larger four-legged animals, adolescence ends much earlier; already at 3 years old, some dogs can be called mature, while medium-sized dog breeds go through the stage of adolescence at about 4 - 5 years old.
3. A small breed dog becomes full-fledged and mature after 8 years of age, and this period continues until the 12th year of life. The largest breeds reach maturity at 3 years old, and remain so for up to 6 years. The duration of maturity in average representatives of tetrapods ranges from 7 to 10 years.
4. Naturally, old age also comes to dogs; there is no escape from it. The youngest dog breeds may experience some age-related inconveniences only after 12 years. By the way, pocket dogs, which are constantly in the arms of girls, can live even more than 20 years, which cannot be said about other pets.
Medium-sized dogs begin to age rapidly after 8 to 10 years of age and can live in this state for about several years. Well, the largest four-legged animals already after 6 years enter the phase of old age and the duration of their future life will depend only on proper care.
Secrets of centenarians
The phenomenon of centenarians interests scientists from around the world. A lot of research has been done
They paid special attention to the residents of Japan. What advice can you take from the long-livers of this state?
The record holders of this country have five main secrets: a special diet, constant physical and intellectual activity, an optimistic outlook on life, a high level of medicine and careful attitude to personal hygiene. Scientists believe that together these components lead to an increase in life.
The Japanese choose low-calorie dishes, prefer seafood, rice, fresh vegetables and fruits. Every year, the average resident of the Land of the Rising Sun eats about 68 kg of fish - this figure is 4 times higher than in other countries. Meat is eaten here no more than 2 times a week. They prefer steamed poultry or lean beef. In addition, locals do not often eat sweets. Green tea, which has an antioxidant effect, occupies a leading place on the list of favorite drinks. The Japanese also drink plenty of water. We also recommend a large material on the topic of how to look younger than your age.
During the day, residents of this country eat often, but in small portions, and limit salt intake. The highest calorie meal is breakfast. The Japanese take vitamins regularly. In addition, they prefer an active lifestyle - they like to walk, exercise regularly, and use back bolsters. Old people run in parks in the morning and do exercises in the fresh air.
Living record holders (Top 
Current as of April 2, 2022, the list of living centenarians over 110 years old contains only 8 names, including 7 women:
№ | First and last name | Floor | A country | Birthday |
1 | Nabi Tajima | Women | Japan | 04.08.1900 |
2 | Chiyo Miyako | Women | Japan | 02.05.1901 |
3 | Giuseppina Proetto-Frau | Women | Italy | 30.05.1902 |
4 | Kane Tanaka | Women | Japan | 02.01.1903 |
5 | Maria Giuseppa Robucci-Nargiso | Women | Italy | 20.03.1903 |
6 | Iso Nakamura | Women | Japan | 23.04.1903 |
7 | Delphine Gibson | Women | USA | 17.08.1903 |
8 | Masazo Nonaka | Husband | Japan | 25.07.1905 |
Woman – Nabi Tajima (117 years old)
At the moment, the ranking is headed by a resident of the Land of the Rising Sun: her name is Nabi Tajima. Born 08/04/1900 in the settlement of Van (Kikakai), Japan.
She is one of the 4 oldest people in history. Nabi’s real pride is a large family consisting of 9 children, more than two dozen grandchildren and fifty great-grandchildren - this is a real record!
Male – Masazo Nonaka (112 years old)
Born on July 25, 1905 in Hokkaido, Japan. Took first place in 2016 after the death of Masamitsu Yoshida. Nowadays the only longest living male person is over 110 years old.
Didn't make it into the Book of Records
Another Kelpie (Australian Shepherd) became famous for its longevity. Her name was Maggie. She was born in 1986. The puppy was purchased as a gift for the owner's 4-year-old son. When Maggie died, her son turned 34 years old.
Until the last day the shepherd was active. Age did not stop her from riding on a tractor with her owner, chasing neighborhood cats and gnawing on candy. True, lately this has become difficult. The teeth were slowly falling out, and the remaining two teeth were not very good at chewing on candy.
Maggie's owner, Mr. McLaren, said that he had lost the documents for the dog. But he claims that the puppy was purchased for his son.
The oldest dog (unofficially) died in April 2016.
Portosystemic shunt
A portosystemic shunt disrupts the functioning of the circulatory system. As a result of its occurrence, ammonia accumulates in the liver of dogs, and it is gradually destroyed. There may be several shunts.
Small dogs are predisposed to extrahepatic shunts. They can appear as a result of injury or be present from birth. Of all the small breeds, Yorkshire terriers are most susceptible to this disease.
Symptoms of a shunt are difficult to recognize, especially if it is congenital. Many signs of the disease can either worsen or subside without arousing the owner’s suspicion. But there are a number of common symptoms that may indicate the presence of a shunt:
- The emergence of a desire to eat inedible objects;
- Short-term loss of vision;
- Lowering the head;
- Vomiting, diarrhea;
- Increased salivation;
- The normal level of ammonia in urine is more than twice as high.
Treatment is carried out only surgically. The specialist places a special ring on the shunt, as a result of which its blood supply decreases and the shunt gradually disappears. This is followed by a rehabilitation period, which includes support with medications.
Collie on the list
Bramble is one of the oldest dogs. In 2009 she turned 27 years old. The dog lived in the city of Somerset. What is the secret to a long life? The owner claims that it’s all about the diet. Bramble is a vegetarian. This collie also loved to go to the pool. Once a week he made sure to visit it, swimming with pleasure. Despite his venerable age, the male remained active until the end. He “walked” the owner around the city over the longest distances.
It can be assumed that Bramble's life was stress-free. This is wrong. In 2007, the dog suffered a spinal injury. But even that didn't stop her. Bramble continues his weekly trips to the pool. With the help of the hostess, of course.
Hypoglycemia is a condition in an animal’s body when sugar levels reach a critical minimum. The disease is common among small dogs because pets have a low body weight and a fast metabolism. Therefore, any changes in diet and lack of even a small amount of glucose can lead to hypoglycemia.
This disease manifests itself unexpectedly and rapidly:
- The animal refuses to eat;
- An apathetic state and chills occur; the pet hides in dark places;
- In mild forms, the dog walks, staggering and stumbling; in severe forms, convulsions begin.
If you do not take your pet to the clinic in time, a coma develops, and then death occurs. When hypoglycemia occurs, every minute is important for the animal.
Ibizan Greyhound
- Region of origin: Balearic Islands
- Approximate date: 3000 BC. e.
With the grace of a deer and a long, lean build, Ibizans may share common roots with the Pharaoh Hound. In appearance, they resemble dogs depicted on tombs in Ancient Egypt dating back to the third millennium BC.
Bred to hunt small game, especially rabbits, the Ibizan Hound was kept purebred to preserve its incredibly keen sense of smell and hearing. Considered a rare breed by today's standards, Ibizans were officially recognized by the dog breed almost half a century ago.
Terrier named Max
This purebred dog lived for almost 30 years. A mixed terrier, he was born in August 1983. Lived in the USA, in the state of Louisiana. He has always been in good health. Only in old age did he begin to lose his vision and developed cataracts. Arthritis also increased. But this did not stop Max from living 29 years and 9 months.
What is the secret of Max's longevity? His owner Janelle says she never fed the dog from the table. Daily long walks, proper nutrition and education - that’s the whole secret. Max ate only dog food.
The record was recorded on May 15, 2013. And three days later, the long-lived mestizo “ran away to the dog’s rainbow.”
Reasons for prolonged sleep in cats
The reason for cat sleep is not that your pet is lazy and loves to sleep. It's all about his natural instincts. Under natural conditions, a cat is an animal devoid of herd instinct. He hunts, eats and sleeps, gaining strength. In an apartment, everything is even simpler: there are simply no activities, and there are no worries. But what's a pussy to do? The plush ball spends its free time sleeping, then eating, playing a little and falling back into sleep.
Scientists have been conducting research for a long time, observing pets, even connecting them to special equipment to monitor their condition and better monitor changes in the body. So, there are several reasons for sleep:
- Natural instincts;
- Lack of activities and entertainment;
- Boredom - the ball simply has no one to play with, or it is tired of its usual activities;
- Disease – animals get sick no less often than people.
After castration, the cat will rest longer. Why is this happening? His natural instinct to procreate is suppressed, a lot of sleep is compensation for the animal. What else to do in a small apartment: just eat and relax. The duration of sleep increases not only after castration, but also as the pet ages - it needs more time to rest.
By the way, when the ball is not allowed to sleep for a long time during experiments, or the environment is unsafe for rest, the pussy becomes restless, aggressive and extremely irritable. When everything is in order, these animals do not suffer from insomnia, they have turned sleep into a real art, they know how to do it with pleasure, they fall asleep quickly, and wake up extremely easily.
Japanese granny
Another oldest dog in the world is a mixed breed from Japan. Her name was Pusuke. Judging by the appearance, the dog had Akita Inu in his family. This little red fox was born in March 1985. She lived all her life in the same family. In 2008, when Puska was 23 years old, the animal was hit by a car.
Do you think a dog's life ended on the highway? No matter how it is! Puske lived for another three years. She passed away in December 2011.
The lifespan of one of the oldest dogs is 26 years 8 months. Puske is included in the Guinness Book of Records.