What to do with your dog at home? 12 ideas for games and exercises for your pet

It happens that a long walk with a dog in a park or somewhere in nature is not always possible. This is especially true in the fall, when prolonged rains are not conducive to walking. What entertainment can you offer your dog at home to keep your pet active and happy? Since we are almost the main source of leisure for them, if you don’t come up with activities for them, they will come up with them for themselves. And sometimes it ends with torn shoes or curtains... Additionally, by playing with your pet several times a day, you can reduce the likelihood of him developing destructive habits, such as excessive barking or chewing on household items. I’ll tell you what to do with your dog at home in my article.

What to do with your dog at home? 12 ideas for games and exercises for your pet

Game "Tug of War"

Playing tug of war is one of the best ways to spend time with our pets. It's also a great way to train your dog mentally and physically. Since it doesn't require too much space, you can easily play even in a small room. And it's a great game for big dogs in small spaces.

There is an opinion that such a game can make the animal aggressive. However, this is a misconception. When your pet wins, it will only make the game more exciting for him, and will make him want to play again and again. Practice shows that dogs that play tug of war with their owners are more obedient and self-confident.

Additionally, not only is this a great way to help your pet get out some energy, but it is also an opportunity to teach your pet self-control to prevent or redirect dental use in inappropriate situations. For this game, you can find special toys for dogs in a pet store, or use improvised materials.

Snuff mat

And again a sensitive nose joins the game. The snuffling mat was invented by enthusiasts in the Netherlands. The dog's task is to find pieces of treats hidden in the "dense forest" of fleece strips.

You will need a honeycomb-type rubber dirt-cleaning mat, onto which many strips of fleece or other dense fabric are tied. First, the treat is hidden under the top ribbon, then the task is complicated by “burying” the treats deeper and deeper.

Game for dogs “Sniffing mat”

Find the treats game

Scent games are one of the easiest ways to spend quality time with your dog. In this way, you stimulate the work of her intellect and help hone the animal skills inherent in nature itself. To start the game, grab some treats and ask your dog to watch you distribute them around the room. Give your dog the command: “find a treat!” Remember to praise her every time she successfully finds a slice.

If you are sure that your dog understands the meaning of the game and the “find the treat” command well, then you can complicate the task. Let the animal stay in another room while you hide the treats. Start hiding slices in more difficult to reach places, such as under the rug, to encourage the use of instinct.

In an apartment, this game is best played with small to medium sized dogs that don't need too much space to move around. Make sure you use treats that are flavorful enough. But it doesn’t have to be dog food or meat. For example, some dogs like to search for carrot slices.

Playing "thimbles" with a dog


To make a toy you will need a piece of plastic pipe and two plugs. Several holes are made in the segment. Dry food or treats are poured inside, for example, dried meat cut into pieces. The sides of the pipe are closed with plugs and you’re done. When the dog rolls the toy on the floor, treats will fall out of the holes.

Game for dogs "Kolobok"


The famous game for fooling gullible citizens can be very useful for dogs. To do this, you will need three bowls or cups and a small ball or small treat. To play "thimble" with your pet, let your dog watch you hide a treat under one of three cups. Then you slowly stir the cups and command the dog to “look for the treat!”, allowing you to sniff and turn the containers over.

Playing fetch will give your dog a lot of mental stimulation and help him gain problem-solving skills. And, of course, it's a lot of fun for both the pet and their owners.

Why should you spend time with your dog?

When a dog is deprived of such an opportunity as play, it becomes very cautious and even timid, and will not have the inclination to lead.

What does gameplay mean in the life of dogs? With the help of such pastime, the dog can play various roles, learn many commands and remember what is happening to him at a given moment. This creates a simulation of situations that could happen to him - this helps the animal prepare for life. Therefore, it is very good if the owner has the opportunity not only to join the game himself, but also to use children and other dogs for this.

It will be interesting why dogs stick together

If you involve the whole family in the game process, then very strong bonds are formed between you and the animal. This allows your pet to quickly understand relationships and join your family, which will give her confidence.

"Obstacle Course"

The Obstacle Course is great even for people who have a small apartment but want to train their dogs indoors. To create such an attraction you will need imagination and almost any household items. You can use pillows, furniture, laundry baskets, crates covered with a blanket to create barriers and tunnels for your dog to explore.

Ask your pet to jump over several towels, find toys in the tunnel, and then, for example, lie down on a blanket. Using your imagination, you can come up with many obstacles for your dog. In this game, you will have to train the animal with treats or other positive reinforcement to make the process interesting for both him and you.

Nose work on the street

To play, you will need a dog (where would we be without it?) and a large tree with textured bark on which you can put treats. First, the treat is placed at the level of the dog’s head, and then the task is made more difficult: they hide it below, forcing him to bend over, and high up, so that he has to stand on his hind legs.

Game for dogs “Nose work on the street”

Game "In Which Hand"

If you've been thinking about teaching your dog scent games, this is a great game for beginners. The only thing you will need is dog treats. You can also use chopped fruits and vegetables that your pet likes.

Game principle:

  • hide the treat in your hand;
  • clench your fists and hold them in front of the dog;
  • Let the dog choose which hand holds the treat.

When your pet sniffs or paws the correct hand, the hand opens and she is allowed to take the treat. If the animal chooses incorrectly, do not dissuade him; it may take several attempts for the dog to understand the rules of the game. You can also use the command "in which hand?" and teach your pet to choose with the touch of his paw.

We can teach our dogs the names of their favorite toys


If you pay attention to industrial intellectual games, you can see that they require considerable ingenuity from the dog. Some elements need to be moved aside, others raised. You can do something similar and even more interesting with your own hands. It is convenient to use a seedling tray with 6, 9 or 12 holes as a base. Each hole will have separate tasks. For example, these:

  • A treat wrapped in paper;
  • The hole is closed with the cut off top of the bottle. You will need to lift it by the lid with your teeth.
  • A tall plastic cup with a tasty treat at the bottom;
  • The hole is covered with cardboard with a loop that needs to be pulled.
  • A piece of fabric is glued over the corner holes. The flap will need to be elevated with the nose.

You can come up with your own options, taking into account the dog’s abilities.

Game for dogs “Hodgepodge”

Learning the names of toys

A Border Collie dog named Chaser is famous for knowing more than 1,000 words and being able to choose any toy among 800 upon hearing its name. Of course, our pets are unlikely to be able to beat Chaser's record, but we can teach our dogs the names of their favorite toys so that they can find and fetch them when we ask.

To begin, start playing with one specific toy and give it a name so that the dog understands that this is the designation of this item. With some practice and praise, your dog will match this verbal cue with the chosen toy. Once your pet has learned the name of a particular toy, you can test her skills by seeing if she can pick it out among other toys. After this, you can begin to learn new names.

Faster, slower, stop.

Faster, Slower, Stop is the high-speed version of Red Light, Green Light. As you exercise, your dog will learn the commands to speed up and slow down.

To start playing, simply tell your dog “Faster! "and start walking faster, or start running. You can also use the command “Faster!

"Jog for now, but don't overdo it. Then say “Slow down” and reduce your speed until you say “Stop.”

Your pet will have to concentrate on you in order to understand how fast he needs to go. You can use treats for following commands. Benefits of play: Again, it gets the dog involved as it needs to figure out what's coming next and keep its attention on its owner.

How do you walk with your pet? Do you use games while walking? Share your ideas in the comments!

Games are of no small importance in the development of puppies; they help maintain not only the physical and psychological health of the baby, but also help strengthen relationships with the owner and family members.

Regardless of the breed, young dogs do not like to be bored; they will happily spend time playing with their owner, but the amount of time depends on the specific dog, more precisely on its level of activity and need for physical activity.

Proper play with puppies will help avoid the formation of bad habits caused by lack of attention or lack of attention, or prolonged exposure to solitude. Bored and unable to occupy themselves with interesting activities, dogs begin to bark, chew furniture, and go to the toilet in the wrong place. This can be avoided if the puppy keeps himself busy with games, but it is not enough to just buy a toy and give it to the baby. You need to show her how to play with her, interest her and involve her in the game.


Help around the house

Dogs love to do any work for their owner, even just bringing slippers. You can make your pet feel even more useful by teaching him the names of some items that you periodically need in your home.

If you want to impress your friends and are not afraid of possible unpleasant consequences, train your dog to fetch you something from the refrigerator. That said, when teaching your dog to open the refrigerator, wrap a towel around the handle to make it easy for your dog to open the door. In a similar way, you can train your pet to help you with daily tasks so that the dog will fetch items on demand that you will need in various situations. For example, many large dogs like to hold the hose while their owner washes the car.

What do we expect from dogs and what actually happens?

When we were offered to adopt a Labrador puppy, I agreed immediately after seeing his sweet, good-natured and well-mannered mother. I was carrying this “cute”, who was only 30 days old, and was touched. Such a quiet, calm honey. Sweetie licked my hands, gave me a funny smack, and fell asleep right in my arms. The husband suggested naming the “cute” Ares, in honor of one of the ancient gods. I just forgot to explain that this character was responsible for wars and destruction)))

And how right he was! Our Ares would definitely take first place in the destroyer competition! And he showed his character exactly 3 days later, when, having acclimatized after the move and separation from his family, he began his dirty work.

The first thing he did was tore his pillow to shreds, the diaper we tried to put on him and the box from which we wanted to make him a house. And he not only tore it up, but scattered the pieces throughout all the rooms. The next day he began chewing on the fabric arm of the sofa and the bottom bookshelf. A week later, he somehow got hold of my book and tore out all the pages from it. Then it got worse... Chewed steps on a wooden staircase, kitchen stools, all the shoes he could get... books, magazines, food bowls, including cat ones... Now you can’t list everything, I’ll just say one thing - he helped us a lot to get rid of from trash. I threw out all the flowers that stood below the high window sill, long, already boring curtains, old shoes that I couldn’t put my hand on “what if they would come in handy”... and many, many unnecessary things...

Now I remember what I was thinking about when I agreed to get a puppy: I saw a big, beautiful, trained and lazy dog ​​who brings slippers on command, eats little and entertains guests by performing various tricks. What did I get? Still a small, hyperactive, energetic dog who eats a lot, sleeps little and is constantly doing something. Do you think this only happened to me? Check out the Internet! All puppies, and even adult dogs, behave equally!

Cleaning toys

If your dog's toys are stored in a container, you can teach him how to put them away. It may sound strange that dogs can be taught to clean up after themselves, but it is actually a very fun activity for your pet. Teaching new skills boosts your pet's confidence, and it's also a great way to give them more mental stimulation.

If your dog already knows the command “drop it!”, ask him to pick up the toy and take him to the container. Tap the box with your fingers and when the animal tilts its head over the container, give the command to drop. Once the toy is in the container, praise your dog or give him a treat, then repeat. After regular training, you will have a dog that can clean up after itself.

Dog massage is beneficial for both you and your pet. © wikipet

Let him know who's in charge

During the game, the dog will try to please its owner, so that in the future he will be with him constantly. This moment should be used to train the animal, because at this time the four-legged friend will listen more carefully to the owner and do everything that is required of him. This also helps in establishing so-called hierarchical relationships, you must show who is the boss in the “pack”, but you should not use any violence. Everything can be done calmly.

Remember one more thing: when the dog doesn’t have enough outdoor games, he will find entertainment on his own, for example, chasing cats, scaring passers-by, gnawing furniture or shoes. To avoid this, you should pay attention to your pet and devote enough time to it.

But there are some principles that you simply must use during such a pastime:

  • As already mentioned, only the owner must be the leader in all games and educational elements. At his command, the game begins and then ends, exactly when the dog owner wants, but not vice versa. You can’t follow the animal’s lead, and don’t start immediately after your pet brings his favorite toy. Wait just a few minutes, and you can start - this will show the dog who is boss in the house;
  • the animal should not show that he is dissatisfied with something. But if this happens, you still need to stop the game or enforce the command that caused such a reaction, and immediately end this pastime. The dog must know that if he does not show his dissatisfaction or does something wrong that his owner does not like, then all games end very quickly.

Dog massage

Learning how to give a dog massage will benefit both you and your pet. A good massage will help calm and relax almost any dog. Massage is especially beneficial for older dogs or animals that suffer from arthritis, as it helps reduce inflamed and painful joints. For any dog, massage reduces anxiety, relieves stress, improves blood circulation and the relationship between owner and pet. There are dozens of video instructions on the Internet that will help you master the technique of dog massage. As they say, it's better to see once.

Red light, green light

You can come up with your own commands for this exercise. It is similar to the traffic light game, which is often used with children.

All that is required is to use the words “Stop”, “Stop!”, or “Red”. And then alternate with the command “Go” or “Green”, which means continuing to move. If the pet successfully completes the task - stops and continues moving on command - give a treat and praise.

Benefits of the exercise: This game makes the dog think. Thanks to the exercise, you help your pet learn new commands that will help him cross the street safely, or avoid a collision with another animal while walking.


Interactive bowl

Dogs need mental stimulation just as much as they need physical exercise. Interactive bowls, or “maze feeders” as they are sometimes called, stimulate a dog’s natural desire to hunt and get food. They are also great during teething and for dogs that eat too quickly or are very obsessive. Using such a bowl gives the owner the opportunity to go about his business while the dog eats.

Inside this puzzle feeder there is a labyrinth, between the walls of which there are pieces of food. It takes the animal time to get them out of there. These bowls come in different shapes and colors and are usually made of plastic or metal.

Treasure Hunt

For this game you will need a fragrant treat. It's quite easy to play. While you are walking with your pet, from time to time throw a treat on the ground within a radius of 5-10 meters.

While the dog is distracted, give the command “Search! " The pet will begin to sniff out the treat, and when it finds it, it will be a reward.

What is the benefit of the exercise: This game has several purposes. Firstly, it is extremely useful for hunting breeds, as it forces them to use their sense of smell and look for an object. Secondly, it helps the pet to focus on its owner. Thirdly, it allows you to control the dog and move it away from distractions such as passers-by and other pets. After all, to search for treasures, the dog needs to be concentrated on the object, and not on those around him.



If you have a treadmill at home and it is not yet possible to organize long walks, veterinarians recommend training your dog on this machine for 20-30 minutes instead. You may need to stimulate the animal with a treat first and keep the dog on a leash.

The speed, of course, should not be too high, especially at the beginning of training. It further depends on the breed and size of the dog. Perhaps over time, your pet will like such an attraction and he will take the initiative himself, but you should always supervise these activities while you are nearby.

Dogs need a place to relax

How to choose the right simulator

There are several factors that may influence the choice of a simulator:

  • Do you have a puppy or an adult dog? If you have a puppy, you need a trainer whose legs can be moved apart.
  • Do you have free space in your home? If not, then you need to look for a machine that folds up or can be easily disassembled.
  • Does your dog have basic training skills? If not, then the simulator platforms should be adjustable in width (turn over).
  • Are you planning to study at home? If not, then don’t rush to buy, trainers have their own equipment, usually exercise machines in the form of bedside tables.

Exercise machines may vary in:

  • The material used is metal or wood.
  • Type of platforms - round or square.
  • Size is the most “narrow” point, since there are no universal sizes for certain breeds, and the simulator can only be selected experimentally.
  • Structures – sliding, collapsible, monolithic.

To choose the optimal model, it is better to consult with a trainer or owners of dogs of the same breed. Quite often, the breed’s stance is required to be “elongated”; in this case, the hind legs should be slightly wider than the front legs, and this option is provided only in simulators that are adjustable in size.

Happy Legs is the only popular brand and manufacturer of rack training equipment. The range includes monolithic and adjustable accessories. To order, you can buy a dog trainer for any size dog. Happy Legs that are adjustable in length and/or take apart are the most popular.

As an alternative to the classic simulator, so-called bumps are often used. Two or four rubber hemispheres with a “spiked” surface. On bumps, the dog trains to take a stance and maintain balance. The exercise machine forces the dog to concentrate and tense all its muscles. It is preferable to use hummocks in the initial stages of training active dogs.

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