Russian Greyhound (photo): Elegant aristocrat and fierce huntress

Greyhounds are hunting representatives of the canids. For several centuries they have been used to work with people in difficult conditions. Dogs have a harmonious physique and are interested in communicating with people.

The main advantage of these dogs is speed. They are capable of covering distances incredibly quickly. Representatives of the breed are among the oldest dogs. They are not only helpers, but also devoted friends.

Greyhounds are easy to train, people-oriented and loyal to their owner.


Companion dog. Balanced and calm, perfect for hunting. It is for this reason that he gets very excited at the sight of an animal. It has great agility and maneuverability. This breed has excellent eyesight and sense of smell. The color is varied.

It is worth noting that this breed has not been recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

The height at the withers is 68-73 cm. Representatives of this breed have long hair, a rounded tail and muscular limbs.

You can buy a dog at the Blue Valley El Bark kennel. As for the average price for a puppy, it is 15-45 thousand rubles.


The dog is short-haired, strong and graceful. The head is quite wide and the muzzle is long. The loin is powerful and the back is slightly arched. Greyhounds are the most popular breed for coursing.

It is worth noting that this breed was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in 1955. They are quite tall. Height at the withers is 71-76 cm.

Caring for a Greyhound is simple and does not require special skills. These dogs can live perfectly in an apartment.

You can buy a puppy of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • Tatanka Vitka
  • More Majorum
  • Aurora Platinum

The average price for a puppy is 35 thousand rubles.

Afghan Hound

The origin is based on legends. The Afghan Hound belongs to one of the most ancient breeds. This dog is familiar to many. After all, of all the greyhounds, this breed is the most popular.

The Afghan Hound was used mainly for hunting in harsh conditions, in the mountains, as well as in hot deserts. She has thick, long hair that attracts attention. The end of the tail must be wrapped in a ring.

As for the color, it can be anything. The dog's coat is beautiful, but requires constant care. The height of the dog is from 63 to 74 cm at the withers.

You can purchase an Afghan Hound from the following kennels:

  • "El Gang"

The average price for a puppy is 40 thousand rubles.

Maintenance and walking

Pursuit and pursuit are in the blood of greyhounds, this is their passion and meaning of existence. This is what can become a problem while walking. Therefore, the Greyhound must be supervised when it roams freely outside.

If the dog finds an interesting object to pursue, it will immediately follow it. A dog can only be released if it unquestioningly obeys the owner’s commands; usually these are older individuals.

More than anything else, greyhounds love to run freely.

Irish Wolfhound

The breed appeared more than 2 thousand years ago.

The dogs are quite large. Height is 71 - 86 cm. The average life expectancy is short. Irish Wolfhounds live 6 - 10 years. The main purpose of dogs of this breed was to hunt wolves, hares, and deer.

The coat is quite thick and tough. These are balanced dogs. They are good-natured towards people and are even great with cats.

Dogs are incredibly smart. They can easily sense danger.

The puppy can be purchased from the following nurseries:

  • Royal whim
  • From the magical forest
  • sunny wind

The average price for a puppy is 70 thousand rubles.


Greyhounds belong to the hunting group and are intended for unarmed hunting. The word “borzoi” is translated as fast, speedy, zealous, dexterous, playful, agile. The main advantage of greyhounds is their high-speed running; due to their long paws, they are able to reach high speeds in a matter of seconds, while they are very hardy and can track prey for a long time. During pursuit they can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h.

The main difference between greyhounds and hounds is the ability to see a target in an open area, and not just blindly pursue it. The elongated shape of the head provides a wide visual perspective. Greyhounds are used to hunt small fur-bearing animals, wolves, foxes and large ungulates.

Greyhounds are characterized by an elongated body, long limbs, an elongated muzzle, thin, light bones, and lean muscles. Today, greyhounds are used both for hunting and as participants in sport dog racing. In addition, they can be companions and true friends. Distinctive qualities: flexibility and elegance.

Italian Greyhound

A miniature representative of greyhounds. The height at the withers is only 33–38 cm. The average life expectancy is 14 years. A very gentle and intelligent dog with an extremely balanced character. The Italian Greyhound loves and respects its owner. Her devotion knows no bounds. These dogs will listen carefully to their owner in order to please him.

Read Neapolitan Mastiff - Italian watchman

It is necessary to raise an Italian greyhound gently so as not to cause harm to the subtle mental organization. This dog is not suitable for the role of a protector, but will become a wonderful family member.

You can buy a puppy of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • Ventus Demeter
  • Gallery of stars
  • Chanel style
  • Blessed By Fortune
  • Flora Style
  • Victoria Cross

The average price for a puppy is 25 thousand rubles.

Magyar agar

This breed is also called the Hungarian Greyhound. The dogs are quite large. Height at the withers is 60–70 cm. Average life expectancy is 12–14 years.

Representatives of this breed are affectionate companions. They are not inclined to show aggression even towards strangers.

These dogs are not particularly fond of games, but they will happily spend time with their owner. Hungarian agar can live with cats and dogs.

The Hungarian Greyhound easily adapts to any conditions and can live perfectly in an apartment.

The average price for a puppy is 20 thousand rubles.


At home, a dog looks more like an expensive accessory lying in the middle of the room. An animal can remain in its place for hours without requiring any fuss around it. A little timid with strangers. But after a short acquaintance, she may begin to flirt with a new friend if she likes him. Greyhounds do not show aggression towards strangers without a significant reason.

Sometimes instincts overcome common sense

Dogs of this breed are sensitive, love affection, although they show restraint. But despite all the meekness of the pet, it is necessary to remember that the blood of a hunter flows in his blood. Therefore, you should not trust the Russian greyhound to a place where there is game. A pasture or a poultry yard will help her imagine that she is hunting. The consequences can be unpredictable.

Before you buy a Russian greyhound, it is important to assess your capabilities and willingness to spend all your free time with it.

Podenco Canario

The dog is designed to hunt rodents in difficult terrain. This breed uses their sense of smell and hearing when chasing prey.

The dog is friendly, non-aggressive, cheerful. They are loyal to their owners.

This dog can go without water for a long time. The average life expectancy is 12-13 years.

The average price for a puppy of this breed is $1,000. Can be purchased at the Royal-Puppy nursery.


Taigan is a Kyrgyz greyhound that is on the verge of extinction. This is the pride of the Kyrgyz people. Thanks to its high speed, the taigan can successfully hunt badgers, foxes, hares, and jackals. The taigan is called second in the world after the cheetah in running.

Another unsurpassed quality of these dogs is their keen sense of smell. They guard herds well; wolves do not dare to attack animals near taigans. A dog is never afraid of a wolf. She does not touch pets. But outsiders are afraid of him. Taigan is not only an excellent hunter who can easily strangle two jackals at once, but he is also an indispensable assistant for nomads in everyday life.

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Polish Hart

Representatives of this breed can easily learn any commands. They listen carefully to their owner and understand what is required of them.

The height at the withers is 70-80 cm. The dogs are excellent hunters and companions.

As for the content, the Polish hart will feel better in suburban conditions. They are restrained and do not show aggression. The coat is quite hard and smooth. It fits tightly to the body. It requires a lot of physical and mental stress.

You can buy a puppy at the S Udelnaya Okhoty kennel. The price for one show-class puppy is about $6,000.

Russian greyhound

Russian greyhounds are affectionate and reliable dogs. They love people very much and enjoy their company. This breed is suitable for active people who do not like to sit still for long periods of time.

The average life expectancy is 10-12 years. Wool requires care. As for their character, they are cheerful and quiet, moderately calm.

The height at the withers is 65–80 cm. These dogs have virtually no odor. In order for the dog to always be in a good mood, it is necessary to give a lot of physical activity. This breed is not suitable for people who are constantly busy or work a lot.

You can buy a puppy of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • FonEzel
  • Greyhounds Senavian
  • Tsnyanskaya hunt
  • Lunar Rainbow.

The average price of a puppy is $500.

Modern representatives

This group of dogs is considered one of the oldest - the appearance of the greyhound dog has been formed over the centuries. Nowadays, the number of such breeds amounts to dozens, and sometimes it seems that they are all alike. But a closer look gives a different picture - each of these lines has its own “zest”.

Let's take a closer look at the representatives of the most popular greyhound breeds.


An Azawakh running after prey resembles a spring in its movements.

The striking thinness of these dogs is striking, which has become their distinctive feature. Brave and somewhat stubborn, they recognize only the owner, adhering to neutrality in relation to the rest of the family.

Important! The character of a puppy largely depends on its parents. The offspring of show-class dogs are more flexible, while the offspring of “working” animals without real hunting will have a hard time.

Sensitive, although they rarely show emotions. The Azawakh also makes a good guard.

Afghan Hound

They have a sharp mind - they master commands on the fly. Excellent assistants in hunting on any terrain: the Afghan line is very hardy and weather conditions are not important for them.
Proud character, rudeness is not forgiven. At a young age they can be stubborn, but with proper training they become the best friends of the family and faithful watchdogs.

Find out more about the Afghan Hound breed.


Harmoniously built dogs with long, silky hair. Mobility and excitement are combined with kindness and calmness. They rarely speak out and get along well with children. The hunting specialization is driving ungulate game, and the nature of the terrain does not play a role.


Real aristocrats with pronounced thinness - the belly is very tucked in, which, coupled with the elongated muzzle, seems to lengthen the dog.

The coat can be either short or medium length. Unlike other greyhounds, such a dog does not hide his devotion to his owner and follows him like a “tail”. And he treats family well too.


The classic greyhound line is an elegant and strong dog for which constant movement is extremely important. They are considered one of the fastest breeds, so the game has little chance of escaping.

Did you know? Britain is considered the homeland of greyhounds - the ancestors of today's greyhounds appeared on the islands back in the 6th century. BC.

They are very inquisitive, although at home they prefer to sit in silence and sleep. They are loyal to their owners, but require early socialization. Training greyhounds is a labor-intensive and time-consuming task, but all costs are compensated when the dog goes out into the field.

Familiarize yourself with the features of caring for an English greyhound dog.


Large animals with strong paws and a powerful body. Medium-length shaggy hair hangs from the body. One of the hardiest breeds with a somewhat contradictory disposition. On the hunt, the Deerhound is a threat to all game, but at home such a pet is the very peaceful one. They are very attached to their owners, patient with the antics of children, and sometimes show affection towards guests.

Irish Wolfhound

The breed received its name for its outstanding size (height at the withers reaches 80-90 cm) and thick coat.

Find out what famous breeds the wolfhound dog is divided into?

In fact, these shaggy good-natured dogs are very friendly and strive in every possible way to emphasize their devotion to the owner and his family.

Training requires endurance - they learn easily, although the dog perceives any load as a game and often improvises. An ideal partner for big game hunting.

Italian Greyhound

Medium in size (maximum 40 cm at the withers), graceful dog with an elongated body.

Learn how to care for and train an Italian greyhound.

Italian Greyhounds are distinguished by their playfulness and subtle sense of tact - they capture the owner’s mood without words, and when necessary, leave him alone.

They get along well with large animals, but they perceive smaller pets as prey.

My favorite activity in nature is chasing a hare.

Important! It is recommended to thoroughly bathe Italian Greyhounds only when absolutely necessary (preferably no more than 2 times a year).

Magyar agar

Magyar Greyhounds are strongly built, with dense short fur.

Excellent guards and hunters, they easily get excited, sometimes forgetting about the sense of self-preservation. They are also good as family dogs (a family is perceived as a pack led by a leader-owner).

They are very attentive and capable of learning, but training is somewhat complicated by their independent nature.

Podenco Ibicenco

They are slender greyhounds with long limbs and a conical muzzle. Due to their short fur, they do not tolerate cold weather well. They stand out for their intelligence and mobility - it costs nothing for such a pet to escape from the yard. They love to look for all sorts of loopholes and secluded places.

They become attached to people once and for all, and they have a hard time enduring loneliness. The main thing for the owner of such a miracle is not to lose the pet’s trust and to be patient when raising a puppy: the socialization process is quite complicated due to the developed hunting instinct.

Podenco Canario

A lean and hardy short-haired dog, it can go without water for a long time. They are excellent companions, although they are not suitable for protection (canarios are not inherently suspicious or aggressive towards strangers).

Their element is hunting hares and rabbits, and the presence of other dogs will not cause conflict. In “peaceful life” it is better to keep him on a leash: if your hunting instincts kick in during a walk, it will be difficult to catch the nimble beauty.

Polish Hart

Tall (up to 80 cm at the withers) and graceful dogs with powerful paws.

Kind and balanced, they rarely show emotions. An excellent pet for families with older children.

Did you know? The longer a dog's nose, the better the internal organs of the animal are cooled.

They are wary of strangers - guests are greeted by barking (puppies can be scared). Provided there are constant long walks, problems with education do not arise. Favorite objects for pursuit are hares, foxes and game birds like bustards.

Russian greyhound

Large animals with a proportional build.
The body is completely covered with hanging long hair. The Russian Greyhound amazes with its aristocratic appearance.

They are very sociable and adapt well to apartments. They are easy to train and are good neighbors for other pets (with the exception of rodents, in which the dog sees game).

Brave hunters, ready to pursue prey in almost any conditions.


Graceful dogs with broom ears. They are smart and balanced. They usually become close to one person, but they also relate well to the owner’s environment. At the same time, Salukis are not very affectionate and are a little capricious.

We advise you to learn more about Saluki dogs.

When dealing with them, you need to show your character gently - these handsome people are very sensitive and do not forgive harsh measures.

Born hunters, when they see game, they forget about everything in the world. Such tendencies require painstaking training and caution during walks.


Arabian greyhounds show with all their appearance that this is a four-legged aristocrat. Friendly, although rather reserved. They love to play, but can show character.

Important! Smooth-coated greyhounds tend to have dry skin that is very sensitive to harsh scrubbing and strong shampoos.

Very hardy, can withstand heat and long runs. Usually not prone to aggression, servants immediately go on the attack upon noticing a suitable target.

The established daily routine is extremely important - any changes in the usual rhythm are perceived painfully, so you will have to work on this from the first days of your arrival in the house.


Graceful dogs with a strong, lean body and well-developed muscles.

Courage and passion are about them. The best pastime for such a pet is an unrestrained pursuit of game (it could be a badger or a hare, a fox or even a wolf). At such moments, he shows anger, which sets Tazy apart from other greyhounds. An ideal assistant for hunting in forests and rough terrain.

At home, he is friendly towards his own people and uncompromising towards strangers - the dog takes security service for granted.

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The Kyrgyz mountain hound is harmoniously built and captivates with the mere sight of its woolen curls falling from its legs and belly.

They have very sharp eyesight and enviable health. They are unpretentious in care, which somewhat contrasts with a pronounced sense of self-esteem. This is not a living toy, but a full-fledged companion without a shadow of servility.

They are well trained and are distinctly calm at home. But during the hunt they are transformed - in the excitement of chasing game (from marmot to wild boar), they even forget about their wounds.


These are the real intellectuals among greyhounds.

A graceful, almost airy build is complemented by a good-natured disposition. For such a dog, it is important to be close to the owner and know that he is not forgotten.

Did you know? In terms of their intellectual development, adult dogs are comparable to 2-year-old toddlers.

Very sensitive to the atmosphere in the house.

Obedient and easy to train - working with puppies is necessary due to their strong pursuit instinct. It is best demonstrated in hunting small field or feathered game: the dog is not afraid of either water or dirt, and can scurry through swamps for a long time.

It would be interesting to learn more about the peculiarities of keeping a whippet at home.

Pharaoh Hound

The medium-sized “saffron milk caps” also stand apart. Many are captivated by their smile in the form of stretched lips or a funny wrinkled nose.

These cute dogs need a gentle but firm hand: only the owner’s commands are recognized, although the dog will not refuse to play with the children. Socialization is important in relationships with other animals.

They learn commands well, but do not always begin to carry them out - due to their natural intelligence, they first think about the order and find the optimal way to solve the problem (the dog does not tolerate stupid commands).


There are two types within the line:

  • southern - with a lighter, dry build and shorter stature;
  • northern - with a wider body, heavy bones and large sizes.

These dogs are very freedom-loving and independent. They cannot stand idleness, and their developed intelligence sometimes complicates upbringing.

Important! All greyhounds are susceptible to articular dysplasia to one degree or another. An alarming symptom in this case is a barely noticeable lameness or the dog’s refusal to perform its usual activities.

The owner must control the dog, especially when hunting—horts are very addicted, and in the heat of the chase they can get injured or injure their “colleagues.”

The main targets are fur-bearing animals, foxes and ungulates. Prepared animals can even go after a wolf.

Cirneco del Etna

With prominent, pointed ears, Sicilian Greyhounds are very intelligent and easy-going. They get along with everyone around them, so they are not suitable for the role of a watchman. True, the only other animal that can be tolerated is the company of cats.

The Cirneco dell'Etna is a rare breed of dog.

An active dog is easy to train: even puppies are able to master complex commands (if the training takes place in the form of a game).

Gambling hunters, during a walk they require control - well-developed hunting inclinations can result in troubles both for the spotted animals and for the dog itself.


A rare and ancient representative of greyhound dogs. They have an elegant appearance, unique working abilities and willful character. Such a dog is only suitable for an experienced person who has already owned a dog.

Slugi has developed muscles, thin skin, and a special gait. Representatives of this breed have a strong hunting instinct, which ensures long-term performance. The dog's body is covered with short, smooth and fine hair. Slugs are quite an independent breed. They are very tough when working. Dogs are independent, but easily find contact with their owner.

A puppy of this breed can be purchased at the TULPAR kennel. The average price is 50 thousand rubles.


Salukis have always been homemade. Representatives of this breed lived with people under the same roof. This dog is suitable for people who need a faithful companion. They will never prevent the owner from enjoying his holiday alone.

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Salukis love to spend time in bed. If possible, these dogs would spend their whole day like this.

If a Saluki sees a rabbit or other small animals while walking, no commands given by the owner will stop them.

Height at the withers is 56–71 cm. As for the average life expectancy, Salukis live up to 16 years.

You can buy a puppy of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • Dioskouri
  • Al Nakawa
  • Imran
  • UsShawati' salukis

The average price for a puppy is 25 thousand rubles.


Greyhounds are adapted to a nomadic lifestyle. An excellent companion dog, a hunter dog that understands its owner very well. She is able to guess commands with just one glance, which is impressive.

Representatives of this breed must be walked only on a leash. After all, without it, the risk that the dog can run away and get lost increases. Having become interested in small animals, greyhounds can give chase.

Height at the withers is 55-70 cm. Average life expectancy is 10 years. A dog with a dry build. She is elegant and her movements are graceful. The hair is short and soft. There is no undercoat.

Grooming should be regular. It is enough to brush it once a week to maintain a neat appearance.

You can buy a puppy of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • Aurora Platinum
  • Kennel Kronversky
  • RayaInt
  • Royal Puppy
  • Sehra El

The average price is 25 thousand rubles.


Long hair needs combing 1-2 times a week. During the molting period, this is especially necessary to maintain a neat appearance. When combing with a brush or furminator , all fallen hairs and pellets are removed. This also helps get rid of hair that falls on the floor.

By caring for the fur, you save the animal from infection with parasites. After all, fleas and scabies mites can appear faster in tangled hair.

For prevention, it is necessary to use special products sold in every veterinary pharmacy. This could be a collar, drops, powder or spray. When bathing, use a specialized flea shampoo.


They perfectly combine grace and strength. They are fast and resilient. These affectionate dogs make wonderful companions. They will be happy to spend more time with their beloved owner in any environment. The average life expectancy is 12–15 years.

Representatives of this breed get along well with children. The height at the withers is 47–51 cm.

They are touchy and should not be yelled at. They love it very much when they are praised.

You can buy a puppy from the following nurseries:

  • Dream flight
  • Kotmarian
  • Black serpent
  • Love story
  • Infernum Magus
  • Royal Puppy

The average price of such a puppy is 70 thousand rubles.


Representatives of this breed are hardy and strong. They are excellent at hunting hares, foxes and wild cats. After training, they can even attack a wolf.

Short greyhounds have inexhaustible energy reserves. They can take part in hunts that last for several days.

The height at the withers is 63–70 cm.

Quite a versatile dog. She feels great not only in the field, but also in urban conditions. For this reason, representatives of this breed are suitable for keeping in an apartment. They get very bored when they are alone.

You can buy a puppy of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • from specific hunting
  • Dog lovers club Russian Wind

The average price is 10 thousand rubles.

Features of care

Caring for a greyhound is not difficult. The Russian Greyhound itself is a very clean and tidy dog. It’s not her style to get dirty and roll around in the mud, which pleases the owners. But care, despite the nuances described, is still provided.

There is no need to bathe them too often. But you need to periodically trim the hair between the phalanges of the toes so that the paws look aesthetically pleasing.

A long stay outside in free space will help keep your graceful nature in shape. Therefore, it is so desirable that the dog be kept in the private sector in a fenced yard.

The Russian Greyhound, of course, can live wonderfully in apartment buildings. But then you will have to walk the dog every day using a harness . Sometimes go out with her to places where there are few people to let her run freely without a leash.

Beautiful coat is the first sign that the dog is being properly cared for.

Pharaoh Hound

An excellent companion, a loyal friend and an energetic dog that is suitable for hunting. As for character, the Pharaoh Hound is quite affectionate, open and friendly.

Average life expectancy is 14-17 years.

The height at the withers is 56-63 cm. The dog's coat is short. It fits tightly to the body. The tip of the tail is mostly white, but other colors occur. The color is usually reddish with cinnamon undertones.

You can buy a puppy in the following nurseries:

  • Royal Puppy
  • Temple Veles

The average price is 65 thousand rubles.


The lifespan of a greyhound is between 10 and 12 years. The longest life cycle of a greyhound was 14 years and 3 months. Dogs that are physically healthy and energetic when young will be more robust in middle age. The most common causes of premature death are cardiovascular problems.

Like other large-chested dogs, Russian greyhounds are prone to gastrointestinal disorders and colic. Volvulus is a life-threatening condition and is of anatomical origin.

Always contact your veterinarian on time

Cirneco del Etna

The Cirneco dell'Etna is similar to other greyhounds. However, they are smaller. The height at the withers is 46–52 cm. Representatives of this breed are very thin, but look elegant.

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The ears are very large and long. The coat is short. She is straight and tough. Some even compare it to the fur of a horse.

Cirneco del Etna is found mainly in fawn color only. However, white markings that are located on the head are acceptable. This dog gets attached to people. She is friendly and smart. The dog will listen to its owner. They practically do not find a common language with other animals. This is especially true for dogs whose height is smaller.

Rudeness and cruel behavior in education only scares them away.

You can buy puppies of this breed in the following nurseries:

  • Mia Santo's

The average price is 45 thousand.

Brief historical background

The history of the origin of greyhounds, like most ancient dog breeds, is not known for certain. There are several versions on this matter, but none of them has found documentary evidence. According to the most common theory, the first greyhounds appeared in the Nile Valley (North-East Africa), where they helped people drive fast antelopes and other local ungulates. Many rock paintings dating back to 7–5 millennia BC have been found, depicting canines of a similar type. In ancient Egyptian tombs, not only drawings and figurines of such dogs were discovered, but also their mummies, as well as bone remains.

Images of dogs with a strong visual resemblance to modern greyhounds are found in rock paintings

Another version of the development of events attributes the right to breed greyhounds to the peoples of Central and Asia Minor, who used these animals when hunting on horseback in steppe and desert areas. Some researchers believe that greyhounds were no less in demand than hunting birds of prey. Gradually, the method of horse hunting and the dogs themselves migrated to the steppes of the Black Sea and Caspian regions through Iran and Afghanistan, and later to the northern regions of the Caucasus.

During the period of the Gallic wars (III-II centuries BC), the first greyhounds came to the European continent. However, these dogs became widespread throughout Europe only in the 11th-13th centuries during the period of the Crusades of conquest . Hunting with dogs independently catching up and squeezing the animal was extremely popular in subsequent centuries among the nobility and nobility.

There is inaccurate and somewhat vague information about hunting with greyhounds in Russia (European part), dating back to the 11th-12th centuries. More definitive data dates back to the 15th century, at which time dogs came to Rus' from the south (Asia, the Caucasus, etc.).


Representatives of this breed are thin and graceful. For a long time they were a sign of prosperity. They are excellent guards and defenders.

Dogs live in a pack. It is for this reason that they perfectly share the same territory with their relatives. However, problems can arise with small animals, including cats. It's all due to the hunting instinct.

The Azawakh is indifferent to children. Of course, this breed will not show aggression, but you should not expect affection from this dog towards children.

This dog is not for a child. Even a teenager will not be able to properly raise a representative of this breed.

You can buy a puppy from the Azawakhs de Garde-Épée kennel. The average price for this breed is $480.


Regular examination by an experienced veterinarian and timely vaccinations will protect your dog from serious diseases. Puppies are vaccinated against parvovirus three times - at 6, 9 and 13 weeks. At the 8th week, vaccinations against glanders, hepatitis, and leptospirosis are given, then the injection is repeated at 3 months.

The rabies vaccination is given no earlier than 6 months. Vaccinations are then recommended to be repeated annually.

Prevention against worms is mandatory. The drug is taken on the 20th day of life, repeated after about 2 weeks.

You can learn more about how to properly give a dog a pill from the article


These are calm and affectionate dogs. They are ready to sleep on the bed all day. They are friendly towards other dogs. They get along well in a home with children. They are gentle and balanced. However, from an early age they need interaction with other dogs.

The Spanish Galgo is a medium-sized dog. The height at the withers reaches 65 cm. Today there are two types of galgos: smooth-haired and wire-haired. Almost any color of representatives of this breed is allowed.

Brushing your dog once a week is enough. The average life expectancy is 10-12 years.

It is easy to purchase a puppy of this breed in nurseries in Spain. The average price for it is 100 euros.


Quite a large dog. The height at the withers is 71–81 cm. The average life expectancy is 8–10 years.

The Deerhound is an excellent hunter. These dogs are quiet and almost unnoticed at home. However, during the hunt, representatives of this breed are fierce and indomitable. They are resilient and sensitive. The Deerhound is a calm dog. Moreover, he rarely barks. He is even friendly towards strangers.

Easy to train. The Deerhound quickly learns new commands. It is enough to comb the wool a couple of times a week.

You can buy a puppy of this breed from the “Cute Animal” nursery. The average price is 50 thousand rubles.

History of the breed

The Russian Greyhound is a breed that combines speed and grace, strength and fragility. They were kept only by noble gentlemen and aristocrats, and bribes were given as greyhound puppies. The price for purebred greyhound puppies has always been fabulous.

A combination of speed and grace, strength and fragility

The origins of the slender and elegant Russian greyhound go back many centuries. In the chronicles provided in the 16th century to German employees, from the time of Prince Vasily, this breed was mentioned.

The standards characterizing the Russian Borzoi were established in 1650, and they remain so to this day. Later, the famous dog handler Artyom Boldarev suggested that the ancestors of this breed were ancient large dogs with which boar were once hunted in Rus'. Another suggestion was that the breed was the result of a cross between a Finnish dog and a hound .

The Russian Greyhound symbolizes speed, breaking the distinction between Eastern and Western breeds of hound dogs. For many centuries, the Russian greyhound has evolved and developed in Rus', which includes both the European and Asian parts.

Russian hunters brought the breed to perfection. Considerable size, tenacity, strength and courage are qualities that helped dogs pursue wild animals during the hunt.

For many centuries, the Russian greyhound has evolved and developed in Rus'

Delightful coat makes the greyhound doubly beautiful - this quality is also inherent in Afghan hounds , which also have long but even hair. In the 18th century, the breed became fashionable among noble aristocrats of Russia. The royal family was no exception, maintaining an entire nursery.

While engaged in breeding, they presented Russian greyhound puppies as gifts (this was considered an incredibly expensive gift) to noble gentlemen of European countries.

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