Beauceron - a complete history of origin and character description, maintenance experience and all the features in the article with photos and videos!

History of the breed

The name "Beauceron" comes from the name of La Bossa (a neighborhood of Paris). It was on the territory of this area that the largest number of dogs of this breed were kept and the formation of the species and the process of its evolution took place. It is believed that the Beauceron is an ancient breed, but there is no exact information about the beginning of its history and about its ancestors. There are two versions regarding the origin of French Shepherds:

1. The ancestors of the Beaucerons were the turf dogs of France. 2. The Beauceron is a descendant of wild wolves that lived in France; the similarity of the representatives of the species with these predators is undeniable, both in appearance and in character.

In any case, the Beauceron is a pure species that has been little influenced by the genes of other breeds. Scientists admit that Beaucerons are related to mastiff dogs, but this is only a guess, not a statement.

Initially, French Shepherds were used as herding and guard dogs. Their service consisted of grazing herds of livestock and protecting the house and the owner's property. But over time, the need for herding dogs decreased and along with this their popularity decreased.

The world wars contributed to the fact that the number of Beaucerons decreased to a critical number. The breed was on the verge of extinction. It was collected “bit by bit.” The breeders found a few surviving purebred French shepherds and began breeding work, the goal of which was to restore the endangered species. The work was a success. Now the Beaucerons are not in danger of extinction.

Their purpose is to serve as a watchdog; they have proven themselves to be talented bloodhounds, police dogs, military dogs and simply devoted companions to their owners.

How to choose a puppy

If you want to have a purebred pet, then it is better to choose a puppy. Firstly, this way the dog will get used to its owners faster, and secondly, if there are small children in the house, it will be easier to accustom the four-legged friend to the presence of a small person in the house, and there is a high probability that they will become strong friends.

Before you choose a Beauceron puppy, you need to decide exactly whether this breed is really suitable for you.

The French Shepherd Dog is a fairly large dog. At the same time, she has no place on the street - an ordinary dog ​​house for a Beauceron will not suit her. There should be enough space in the house or apartment for this pet. The size of the dog also indicates how much it will eat (it must be taken into account that cheap food will have a very bad effect on the pet’s health, and complementary feeding with meat and other natural products is mandatory). In addition, your dog should be given vitamins and minerals regularly. You will also have to invest in veterinarian services, the purchase of bedding (bed), collar and muzzle, plates and drinking bowls, toys and even clothes for the dog.

If you are planning to buy a Beauceron puppy, remember that he will still need to buy toys, collars, change the water bowl and bedding: the costs will be multiple.

If the owners are often not at home, you need to check with your friends in advance whether they will be willing to take in a large dog for a while. Unfortunately, there are few such people, so you often have to resort to the services of a foster home or a special dog hotel.

You need to know that the Beauceron will not grow and educate itself: this dog constantly needs training and walking, it needs to be given a lot of time. In addition, the French Shepherd may not get along with a person who is insecure or too cruel.

The Beauceron will always need frequent walks and constant training, so expect a lot of free time to be spent raising the dog.

If you have finally decided that you need a dog of this particular breed, and you have all the conditions for keeping it, decide what purpose it will serve: companionship and home protection (pet class), breeding the breed (breed class) or participation in exhibitions and competitions with procreation (show class). In the first case, a Beauceron puppy that does not meet all the requirements of the breed (with flaws) is suitable. Puppies of the breeding class must necessarily meet the parameters of the Beauceron breed, but external features may not allow them to participate in exhibitions. Show-class dogs must look impeccable, not to mention conforming to the characteristics of the breed. They often become champions, and puppies of such pets are very expensive.

The most expensive Beauceron puppies are those that belong to the show class: in the future they will win many competitions and conquer dog shows

Decide for yourself what gender of pet you want to have. It is worth remembering that male dogs are more valuable at an exhibition. They do not go into heat and will never bear offspring. At the same time, there is an opinion that males are less amenable to training, they are more aggressive, and in search of females they can run far from home if they are poorly monitored. Female Beaucerons are more devoted to humans, they bond faster, are highly trainable, and are better amenable to training. But bitches often go into heat, and in addition, they can give birth to offspring, which for some owners can become a headache. Beauceron females are inferior to males at various shows.

When choosing a Beauceron puppy, think about whether it is worth getting a female: they may be more devoted and amenable to training, but frequent heats and litters can become your headache

Next, decide on the kennel where you are going to get the dog. It is advisable that he specialize in this breed, and that the reviews about him are extremely good. Ask the breeder in detail about the puppy’s parents, the presence of genetic diseases, vaccinations, how often and what exactly the puppy eats.

A good nursery owner will be happy to answer questions. His irritation is not a good sign, try choosing other breeders. It would be nice to chat with other Beauceron owners.

Carefully study the puppy's pedigree, it is advisable to get to know its parents and their grown puppies from another litter. Clarify the relationship between the bitch and the male: close relationship can have a negative impact on genetics. Inspect the place where the puppy grows: it should be clean, the floor should be hard and non-slip. An unpleasant smell in the room is a bad sign: either it is poorly cleaned, or one of the dogs is sick. The drinking bowl, food plate and sleeping mat should also be kept clean. Puppies should have enough space for outdoor play.

Get to know the puppy: he should be playful, active, and open to communication. A healthy baby's nose, eyes and ears are always clean. The body of a small Beauceron is ideally dense, but the stomach is not swollen (which may indicate illness), and the puppy itself shows a good appetite.

When choosing a puppy, watch him: the dog should be playful and healthy in appearance

Ask the breeder about the puppy's personality. A good nursery owner will definitely know these key points. Look at how a little Beauceron treats his brothers and sisters - this can tell a lot about his characteristics.

A puppy should be adopted at the age of 2 to 6 months, neither younger nor older: it is at this time that it will be easier for him to adapt to people, and especially to children.

To evaluate the baby’s courage, you can throw something on the floor: the loud sound will cause cowardly puppies to run away, and the brave ones will approach the fallen object with interest. Fearlessness is a trait of true Beaucerons. Otherwise, the dog must be selected according to the approved breed standards described above.

It is best to take a puppy between the ages of 2 and 6 months: this will make it easier for them to adapt to the family, and especially to children

Breed standard

The weight of adult Beaucerons is 35-50 kg. , height at withers 61-70 cm.

An elongated head rests on a strong, muscular neck. The skull is flat. The ears are medium length, semi-erect, triangular. Cupping is allowed. The eyes are in the shape of an elongated oval, dark. There are French shepherds with multi-colored eyes, most often these are individuals with a harlequin coat color.

Nose and lips are black. The jaws are powerful, the bite is cross-bite.

The back line is straight. The loin is strong and quite wide. The chest is voluminous. The tail is long, hook-shaped. When at rest, the Beauceron lowers its tail; when excited, the dog raises its tail up when running.

The legs are straight, with highly developed muscles. The paw pads are hard, the claws are strong, and black. Running - wide trot. The step is smooth and easy. It appears that the dog is moving without the slightest effort.

A distinctive feature of the breed is double dewclaws. This is not a disadvantage; on the contrary, without extra double fingers, a French Shepherd cannot be called a purebred. During exhibitions, increased attention is paid to this feature.

The coat reliably protects the Beauceron from the cold. All because of the thick, dense and hard undercoat. The average length of the guard hair is about 4 cm.

According to the standard, two types of color are allowed: 1. Black with red-brown markings. With the specified color, the black color should be very rich. 2. Harlequin - bluish-motley with tan. With this color, red, black and gray are evenly distributed. Dominance of black over gray is allowed.

Beauceron colors

There are several colors in dogs of this breed:

  • Black and tan, red stockings. Black thick, rich, red squirrel. Tan marks are located in the eyebrow area, on the sides of the muzzle, in the chest area, in the lower part of the neck, under the tail, and on the limbs.
  • “Harlequin” color (blue with spots and tan): the coat is gray-black with red tan marks, the spots are evenly distributed over the body, often the dominant color is black. Tan is no different from black individuals. The standard allows a small white spot in the chest area.

The defect of the breed is: height above or below the norm, light eyes or odd eyes (except for harlequins), rigidly erect ears, excessive eversion of the hind legs, nose with a cleft, color that does not meet the standards, etc.

Maintenance and care

It is not recommended to keep a Beauceron in an apartment. In such conditions, a large dog that requires freedom and space will not feel comfortable. Moreover, the owners of the apartment next to the Beauceron will also not be comfortable. The reason is not only the large size of the French Shepherd, but also that its coat has a strong, specific odor. This smell, especially in a small apartment, is acutely felt and remains on all things, on clothes...

The ideal option for keeping a Beauceron is a country house with a garden plot on which there is a spacious enclosure. You cannot keep a freedom-loving dog on a chain; he can become angry, aggressive and uncontrollable.

Even when kept in an open-air cage, the French Shepherd requires free walks with sufficient physical activity. Slow walks on a leash are not for the Beauceron. He should have the opportunity to throw out accumulated energy, run around, jump, and play active games. The walk lasts at least an hour.

Caring for representatives of the French breed is not at all difficult. The list of necessary procedures is outlined below:

  • We comb the wool once every 2 weeks. It is better to use a furminator for this. This procedure maintains beauty, removes dead hair and improves blood circulation in the skin.
  • Bathing is required 1-2 times a year. It is recommended to carry out water procedures outdoors in the warm season, using a hose and a special detergent for short-haired dogs. In a house or apartment, the smell of a Beauceron's wet fur will definitely not please the household, so the ideal option for bathing is outside.
  • We wipe and inspect the ears once a week. If we notice excessive accumulations of earwax, injury or inflammation, we contact a veterinarian.
  • The Beauceron's claws have to be cut off in rare cases; usually the energetic dog rubs them off on the road surface on his own.

The French Shepherd is unpretentious when it comes to food, but this does not mean that you can feed it somehow. Ready-made food should contain a full range of vitamins and minerals, which ensures balanced nutrition. You should not buy cheap dry food of low quality, opt for premium class food.

If you decide to feed your shepherd with natural products, keep in mind that 60-70% of the total diet is proteins. Be sure to feed your Beauceron lean meats, offal, cereals, and vegetables.

It is strictly forbidden to include in the diet: legumes, potatoes, river fish, smoked meats. Clean, cool water available throughout the day is a must for keeping a dog; it is especially important to monitor this during the hot summer months.

Pay attention to our article: What and how to properly feed your dog natural food


Selectivity in food is not typical for energetic and strong dogs. They will happily try dry food, caramel or sausage. However, you cannot feed them just anything. Remember, nutrition is the main factor in developing good health in a dog.

We recommend feeding an adult Beauceron with premium food (dry). The product is rich in vitamin complex. Dosage – 600-700 grams per day. It is better to feed the dog twice a day. But, the body of a young French Shepherd is shown to consume a lot of protein and amino acids. And the amount of these substances in dry food is minimal.

Beauceron puppies should be fed lean meat, cottage cheese, eggs (preferably boiled), boneless sea fish, soups, vegetables and offal (lungs, heart, liver, etc.).

It is forbidden to give the dog sweets (cakes, biscuits, cookies), stewed meat, semi-finished products (dumplings, cabbage rolls, dumplings), pasta, raw potatoes, etc. All this is difficult to digest and assimilate.


The average life expectancy of a Beauceron is 10-12 years.

How long a pet will live and its state of health largely depends on the owner. An attentive owner should visit the veterinary clinic with the Beauceron every year for a preventive examination, x-ray examination and tests. Thus, a health problem can be noticed at an early stage and treatment can begin on time.

It is also important to schedule vaccinations, deworming and treatment (especially in the spring and summer) for skin parasites. The French Shepherd is naturally blessed with good health. But a predisposition to certain diseases is still observed:

  • Retinal atrophy - without proper treatment can lead to cataracts or complete loss of vision.
  • Hip dysplasia – accompanied by lameness, unbearable pain, and at the last stage of the disease the dog is completely unable to move.
  • Volvulus – accompanied by vomiting and unnatural enlargement of the abdomen. If immediate action is not taken, the dog can die within just a few hours.


French Shepherds get along with everyone.
They love adults and children equally, are not averse to playing with their fellow cats and know how to respect the cat's tendency to independence. Beaucerons are not the best company for children under 6 years old. Children at this age perceive animals as a plush toy, and for dogs such treatment is offensive. How a pet will react to leprosy depends on the individual dog. One will leave silently, the second will bare its teeth.

The French Beauceron will not bite a child, but may knock over, push or growl if it is too annoying. Therefore, children are explained the rules for handling animals.

If a child behaves respectfully with a Beauceron, he will become his best friend and devoted protector.

French Beaucerons are reserved towards strangers. They will not attack a person, but they will not take their eyes off him until they are convinced that the stranger is not dangerous.


Restraint, independence, and the desire for dominance are the main character traits of the French Shepherd. In order for this dog to be a faithful, devoted and cheerful companion, the owner must raise him from puppyhood according to all the rules, avoiding aggression, rudeness and physical punishment in the educational process.

The owner must have a strong-willed character for the Beauceron to accept his leadership. The innate desire for dominance, which is observed in all representatives of this breed, must be eradicated. Otherwise, the Beauceron will grow up to be an uncontrollable and aggressive animal.

Reasonableness, rigor, patience and respect are what you need to give your French Shepherd. In return you will receive loyalty, friendliness, obedience. If there are children in the family where the shepherd is kept, they must be taught proper, respectful treatment of the dog. The child should know that teasing, hitting, pulling the Beauceron’s tail or ears is prohibited; a serious dog will not allow such treatment.

It is difficult for a stranger to earn the trust of a shepherd. The dog shows distrust of strangers, warily watches their actions, not letting them out of sight. All his actions are thought out; at the slightest attempt to attack the owner, the Beauceron will instantly rush to defend with maximum ferocity. But with proper training and education, he does not show excessive aggression unnecessarily and does not bark in vain. Representatives of the breed are ideal guards.

He gets along with other pets provided that they are ready to obey him. Otherwise, the Beauceron will defend its leadership by all means, trying to subjugate the animals kept in the same territory as it.


The Beauceron, the photo of which is presented above, is for us an exotic breed of French origin. He has wolfish independence, devotion, and a bit of aggressiveness. If you are a leader in life and an energetic person, then this dog is for you, and you will be on the same wavelength.

Training and education

The Beauceron is an excellent guard dog with high intelligence and a sharp mind. But because of his freedom-loving character and willfulness, he will never serve, only serve, and only when treated with respect. According to these qualities, the Beauceron is similar to the Groenendaels and Kangals.

If you take into account the above characteristics, representatives of the French breed are easy to train. They quickly learn and remember new commands. Thanks to their innate hard work, they are never lazy and do not shirk work or training. On the contrary, such dogs enjoy physical and mental stress.

The Beauceron should not be overloaded; the training sessions on the training ground should not bore the dog. Therefore, take care of the variety of classes and the sequence of training. Use praise and treats as encouragement. Early socialization is necessary. Without it, the bosseron will not learn to control its aggression and will not be able to adequately respond to the world around it.

Interesting Facts

  • The first year of a French Shepherd's life is equivalent to sixteen human years.
  • The Beauceron matures late, after about 2.5-3 years. Bitches reach maturity a little earlier than males.
  • The Beauceron is considered a very hardy dog, covering more than 80 km in a day. such a dog does not feel tired.
  • During the First and Second World Wars, Beaucerons served as messengers and also proved to be ideal bloodhounds for detecting mines.

Learning ability

The Beauceron's ability to learn deserves the highest rating (on a five-point scale, this quality is rated five out of five). She takes great pleasure in mastering and following her owner's commands. For this dog, training is not just a job, for it it is a vital necessity.

French Shepherd Beauceron: description, photo, character, care

Pros and cons of the breed

The Beauceron is a psychologically complex, serious breed. It is completely unsuitable for inexperienced people with weak willpower. As a pet, the French Shepherd is recommended for people with a strong character, reasonable, patient and adequate. The ideal owner of a Beauceron is the owner of a private country house who loves tourism and active recreation.

In any case, before you buy a puppy of this breed, familiarize yourself with its main pros and cons. This will help you make the right choice.


1. Excellent security and watchdog qualities. 2. Strength and endurance. 3. Devotion. 4. Unpretentiousness in food. 5. Easy to care for and not expensive to maintain. 6. Beautiful exterior.


The Beauceron is considered a guard and herding dog, although it should be understood. that the guard and the shepherd are different dogs. But the Beauceron perfectly mastered these two dog “professions” at once.

These dogs have one very interesting one. A unique feature is that on their hind legs they have a forked, so-called dewclaw. As a rule, in other breeds they are stopped, but in these dogs and in a number of other mastiffs they are left, especially if it is forked. It is this feature that is considered a sign of breed at exhibitions. This indicates the antiquity of the breed.

In the mid-18th century in Paris, a certain monk Rosier published a book on how to use dogs in rural life. The book was extremely popular at the time. This monk argued that it was precisely these short-haired dogs with cloven toes on their hind legs that must be used as guard dogs to protect the herd.

Beauceron - description and characteristics of the breed

FCI breed standard: No. 44

This standard shows that these dogs are quite strong and well built. Ideally adapted to completely different habitats.

Beaucerons are almost universal dogs. They were widely used by the French army and police. They served as signalmen. bloodhounds, detectives. They guarded warehouses and positions. But still, the first “profession” of these dogs is a shepherd.

It is very interesting to watch these dogs at work. When a dog is busy with its main business - herding sheep - only itself exists for it. master and herd

She will pay no more attention to any other person, except the owner, who gets in her way, than to a tree. A well-trained dog will never allow himself to bite a sheep or bark unless absolutely necessary, he simply silently turns the sheep in the right direction

The owner can safely leave the dog alone with the flock for several hours and not worry that some sheep will get away. Rest assured, the Beauceron will not allow this!

The appearance of the Beauceron immediately resembles both a Rottweiler and a Doberman. And not by chance. There is an opinion that these dogs were used to breed the Doberman breed. But despite the similarities, this is a shepherd dog.

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Once upon a time, all Beaucerons had to have their ears cropped. It was believed. that this must be done so that the ears are not injured during a fight with a wolf or other predator. Later. When predators practically disappeared from the dogs’ habitat, they continued to crop their ears out of habit, for “beauty.”

Currently, docking of tails and ears is prohibited in the European Union.

Therefore, if you plan to take your pet to an exhibition in Europe, then you will have to refuse ear cropping. But with floppy ears, a dog is no less cute.

Height, weight, color of an adult dog

Animals of this breed are of medium height, the height of an adult male reaches 63.5-70 cm, females are slightly smaller - 61-68.5 cm. Weight is up to 50 kg for a male and up to 48 kg for a female.

There are two types of coat color - black with red tan markings, or tri-color - gray-black with red tan markings (harlequin). Dark color is more valued.

Puppy weight by month

  • 2-3 months - 8.6 kg-14 kg
  • 4-5 months - 18.6 kg-23 kg
  • 6-7 months – 26 kg-28 kg
  • 8-9 months - 29.4 kg-31 kg
  • 10-11 months - 33.2 kg-34 kg
  • at the age of one year, puppies gain up to 36 kg


The health of the Beauceron, not spoiled by selection, distinguishes it favorably from other shepherd dogs. It is practically not characterized by diseases such as heart, liver and kidney diseases. Therefore, Beaucerons have a fairly high resistance to these diseases and live quite a long time. The life expectancy of this breed is up to 12 years. There is a misconception that if the breed is not crossed. then it is subject to degeneration. In practice, the opposite is true. Intelligence and health largely depend on one's pedigree.

Beauceron: description of the breed, characteristics of skills, care


The fur of these dogs is not particularly allergenic. If you take proper care of your coat. then for people prone to allergies, keeping this breed will not cause any inconvenience.

Who is the dog suitable for?

The ideal owner for a French Shepherd is an active villager . Dogs feel great in rural areas. They need a lot of space for free walking, physical activity, and the opportunity to use their working and intellectual qualities.

These dogs should not be kept in cramped city apartments or on a chain.

Red stockings are not prone to display unmotivated aggression , but if kept in a cage, lack of attention from the owner, or poor training, a metamorphosis can occur with a country gentleman. A dog can easily turn into an uncontrollable, angry beast.

Beaucerons have a genetically based program for protecting “their” animals; they easily get along with any living creature that lives in the neighborhood.

Red Stockings are loyal to children , but they should not be left alone with them. Like all herding dogs, they strive to control the movements of their charges, returning them to their place with a light nip. But what is a slight pinch for a sheep can be a serious injury for a child.

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