Is the American Pit Bull Terrier really the most dangerous breed in the world? Let's find out in this article

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed of dog with excellent fighting qualities. He has a strong-willed character, a very passionate and strong-willed dog. Translated from English, pit bull terrier is a fighting bull terrier (from the English word pit - a pit for fighting) or a bulldog terrier. This dog is popularly called pit bull or affectionately called bull.

Are these animals so dangerous, because they have many positive qualities and can become a wonderful friend for their owner. Let's take a closer look at what features the pit bull terrier breed has and whether you should be afraid of it.

Contents of American Bandog

Along with other fighting breeds, American Bandogies are quite unpretentious in the conditions of keeping, but such pets will need to be provided with hygienic procedures and basic preventive measures to improve the dog’s health and eliminate the appearance of unpleasant odors.

Care and hygiene

The coat of dogs of this breed is short and coarse, so it is recommended to brush them daily using special brushes or rubber combs that remove dead hair well. Such procedures serve as an excellent prevention of any skin diseases, and also easily solve the problems of seasonal shedding.

It is necessary to bathe your pet only when soiled, preferably no more than once a month. The eyes and ears of the American Bandog require increased attention. Using cotton swabs, periodically clean the eyes and ears from dust and natural debris. Among other things, the dog needs to regularly brush its teeth and trim its nails.

What to feed a bandog

The strong, active and powerful American Bandog requires a special, fully balanced diet:

  • meat dishes should be presented with lean beef;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits in small quantities;
  • a variety of dairy products, including cottage cheese;
  • cereals in the form of buckwheat, oatmeal and rolled oats;
  • hard-boiled chicken or quail eggs.

Very good results are observed when feeding the dog with ready-made diets. It is best to use the following foods for this purpose:

  • Asana Pyrry Large Breed;
  • Asana Adult Large bred;
  • Almo Nature Nolistis Adult Dog Large;
  • Velcando Junior Maxi;
  • Нill`s Сanine Adult Advanced Fitness;
  • Royal Canin Maxi Adult-26.

To avoid obesity, it is very important to choose the right food composition based on the amount of protein, lipids and sugars. For adult pets, as well as large breed puppies, the optimal protein content is 17-32% with a reduced amount of lipids

Adult and large dogs will need at least 480 kcal per day. If such indicators are lower, then the pet becomes lethargic and inactive. However, too many calories are often the main cause of obesity.

Diseases and breed defects

The most common diseases are those that are characteristic of American pit bull terriers and mastiffs:

  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • rapidly developing cataracts;
  • elbow dysplasia;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • epilepsy;
  • oncology in the form of osteosarcoma;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • gastric pathologies;
  • autoimmune thyroiditis.

Breed defects include any deviations from established standards

In order to prevent the occurrence of viral and infectious diseases, it is very important to carry out vaccinations in a timely manner, as well as regularly feed your pet with special anthelmintic drugs.

Education and training

Raising and training the American Bandog should begin from the first days the pet appears in the house. This breed can be trained in accordance with several programs that can be presented:

  • standard OKD, aimed at raising a companion dog that knows all the basic commands and is accustomed to a muzzle;
  • the “Controlled Dog in the City” course, aimed at mastering basic commands and developing adequate behavior in an animal in an urban environment;
  • a behavior correction course aimed at ridding your pet of any unwanted behavior, both in the house and on the street, including unmotivated barking and damage to things or interior items;
  • a course of group classes aimed at training a pet in the presence of other dogs and strangers, which will allow the dog to form an adequate attitude to external stimuli.

If necessary, individual training programs for four-legged pets are used in accordance with the characteristics of its age and character.

Training rules

It is important that training is strict. It should start immediately after the baby arrives in the house. First you need to learn the basic commands, teach him to respond to his name. At the age of about a year, males begin to assert leadership. You cannot give in to your pet at this time. Females are easier to train and are not as aggressive.

Up to a year old, a pit bull needs to undergo a course of OKD. The protective guard course is not suitable for him. After it, the animal’s psyche changes and aggression appears.

It is important to pay attention to sports training. The dog's energy must be directed in the right direction, so strength training is required. Tires from a passenger car can serve as simulators. The dog wears it on a harness. The grip of the jaw is developed by rubber suspended by a rope from a tree.

You need to buy the following things:

  • standard and strict collar;
  • exercise equipment made from an old tire;
  • canvas harness for carrying heavy objects;
  • short chain or leash.

Care and maintenance

Pitbull is a domestic dog. The animal has no undercoat, so it will not survive outside. There are no problems in an apartment or house, the main thing is to regularly walk and exercise the dog so that at home the pet does not damage property out of boredom.

The wool must be treated with a special brush 1-2 times a week. Most pit bulls grind their claws down on their own while walking. But if this does not happen, then it is recommended to cut them with special nail clippers. Ears need to be constantly inspected and cleaned as they become dirty.


The puppy's daily food should be sufficiently high in calories 4-5 times a day.

It is recommended to follow the rules:

  • Give food at the same time;
  • Feed from one dish;
  • Monitor the purity of the water, it must be fresh.

The dog's diet should be varied. In addition to meat, the menu must include dairy products (with the exception of milk).

The meat is given raw or lightly cooked. In order to prevent helminthiasis, it is necessary to give the animal anthelmintic drugs.


This breed mostly does not have any health problems.


  • Puppies are vaccinated for the first time at the age of 2.5-3 months. A separate vaccination against rabies is also carried out. Pit bulls are vaccinated against Lyme disease, whooping cough, and against parasites only after consultation with a veterinarian.
  • The medication is administered to a completely healthy dog. In this regard, 14 days before vaccination, the animal should not have contact with other dogs and third parties.
  • It is imperative to minimize the risk of a cold and provide emotional stability. If you follow these rules, there will be no threat of combining vaccination with the incubation period of a particular disease.

It is better not to take your puppy outside for several days after vaccination. A walk is permissible if his health is completely stabilized. Vaccination of puppies for preventive purposes is carried out throughout the year, then repeated according to a schedule drawn up by the leading veterinarian.


American Pit Bull Terriers are predisposed to certain diseases.

Not all of them may develop these diseases, but it is important for those who intend to keep this breed to know about them

  1. Allergy. Maybe for fleas, dust, plant pollen. Food allergies occur less frequently to the following foods: corn, rice, beef, wheat. Food allergies can cause itching and discomfort.
  2. Hip dysplasia. May cause severe pain depending on severity.
  3. Hypothyroidism is a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which causes weight gain and deterioration of hair. Mostly occurs in middle-aged dogs and can be controlled by daily medication use.
  4. Heart diseases. These dogs are prone to congenital heart defects. But many of them do not express any symptoms of the disease.


Daily walks should last at least an hour. These pets are energetic and will enjoy playing. They respond well to exercise, training and cycling. With a lack of physical activity, a pit bull terrier will begin to languish and be sad. This will be reflected in chewed things in the house.

You need to start showing your pet the outside world as early as possible. It is necessary to take the puppy to different places, introduce it to people and animals.

  • Pitbulls have short hair, so they do not require special care. It is enough to comb your pet once every seven days.
  • During the shedding period, it is worth using a Furminator for dogs with short hair.


Like any breed, pit bull terrier diseases are genetically determined or caused by improper care and nutrition. He most often encounters:

  • Heart disease, which can be suspected by the dog's wheezing and coughing.
  • Dirofilariasis is an infection with heartworms.
  • Demodicosis is an infestation with mites that cause severe discomfort.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Allergies to grass, food, chemicals.

American Pit Bull Terrier breed standards and photos

The American Pit Bull Terrier gives the general impression of being incredibly muscular and strong, a stocky dog ​​of medium height and slightly elongated. The abundance of muscles is combined with agility, grace and mobility, the dog should not look sad or fat. An energetic and friendly look expresses immediate readiness to move, the dog enthusiastically accepts any proposal from the owner. Any manifestation of aggression towards a person is extremely undesirable.

  • The body is harmoniously built, with a strong and strong back, a short, muscular and slightly raised loin and a slightly sloping croup. The chest is wide and deep, reaching the elbow, the ribs are convex at the spine and flat at chest level, extended back.
  • The forelimbs are muscular, strong, with the elbows tightly pressed to the chest. Long, well laid back shoulder blade, straight, strong, short pastern. Hind legs with muscular and strong thighs, set wide and parallel. The angulation of the hock joints is clearly and well defined, the metatarsals are parallel, straight and laid back. The feet are round, with hard pads and strong nails.
  • The tail is of medium length, gradually tapers towards the end, continues the line of the back, is lowered and reaches the hock joint in a calm state. When excited, raised to the level of the back or higher. Should not bend at the end.
  • The head is large, proportional to the body, with a wide skull, tapering towards the muzzle. The cheekbones and cheeks are clearly expressed; when the dog is alert, small wrinkles form on the forehead. The muzzle is wide, tapering towards the nose, deep, and forms a slight depression at the transition from the forehead. The lower jaw is very deep and well developed. Dry lips, full set of strong teeth, scissor bite. The ears are set high, small, semi-dropping, ear cropping is allowed. The eyes are medium-sized, almond-shaped or round, set wide and low.
  • The coat is short, hard, shiny, without undercoat. Any color except merle.
  • The movements are fast, energetic, with good drive and reach, the topline at the trot moves slightly and elastically. The dog has a proud posture and expresses its readiness to play.

Character and psychological portrait

A pit bull's temperament is perhaps the most important aspect of the breed. The standard tells us that the essential characteristics of a dog are self-confidence, strength, and interest in life. And indeed, pit bulls move lively and cheerfully, with a confident posture; with their entire appearance they express their readiness for new and exciting feats. Pit bulls are interested in what is happening and are friendly; under no circumstances should they experience fear or aggression towards humans.

Modern trends in breeding and selling pit bulls involve presenting this breed not as an athlete and fighter, but as a companion, nanny and warmer, but the American Pit Bull Terrier is not such. This is not a soft plush toy, the maintenance of which can be compared to the maintenance of a decorative dog. The pit bull is a fighter dog, capable of going to the end in any challenge, despite psychological physical fatigue or injury. A dog that loves to win, is resilient, brave, strong and smart. These are the qualities that a modern American Pit Bull Terrier should have; they have been carefully honed by breeders over many generations. The distinctive feature that makes a Pitbull a Pitbull is self-confidence. Calmly dozing on the owner's lap, in a minute he will attack a bear or lion with complete dedication.

For many years, breeders considered the main breed characteristic to be the so-called “game,” the ability and readiness to fight. Aggression towards a person has always been unacceptable and is a disqualifying factor. Aggression towards other dogs is in the blood of APBT. Pit bulls must be sufficiently socialized and trained to be comfortable in public areas and especially at crowded exhibitions.

We can say that the character of a pit bull is largely created by the owner and the environment in which the puppy grows, which is why you can so often hear opposing opinions about their temperament. Of course, breeders also play a significant role in this, selecting dogs with certain characteristics for breeding, in particular by temperament. Some adhere more to the ADBA standard, while others believe that the pit bull should become a family dog ​​in the near future.

If you need a gentle, reliable and friendly dog ​​that can become a family pet or a friend for children, then the APBT is not the best option, unlike the American Staffordshire Terrier.


Pit bull terrier puppies require activity, responsibility and experience from the owner, so when deciding to have these energetic dogs in your home, think about whether you have enough perseverance to raise them properly.

The goals for purchasing a puppy are also important. If you need an affectionate pet, then pet-class puppies are also suitable. They will not become champions at exhibitions and are not suitable for further breeding, but they will become reliable and devoted companions who can brighten up their leisure time.

Bred-class and show-class puppies can claim prizes and victories. When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the playfulness and activity of the puppy, and if he shows aggression, then this is not the best indicator.

The origin of the puppy is 50% of success. If the puppy’s parents are dogs with adequate behavior and excellent health, then this is a guarantee of purchasing a quality puppy. Do not buy puppies from unverified individuals; only nurseries and reputable breeders can provide documents for puppies.


* We invite you to watch a video about the American Pit Bull Terrier breed. In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what an American Pit Bull Terrier looks like.

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The American Pit Bull Terrier or pit bull is considered an extremely dangerous and ruthless dog. Is it really? Let's try to understand in more detail, studying not only the history of the breed, but also the dog's disposition. As well as the habits characteristic of a pit bull, its distinctive external features and important nuances of keeping such a serious and incredibly strong dog.

American Bully character

Although American Bullies look like tough, tough guys, their appearance is nothing more than fertile ground for the emergence of frightening stereotypes. In fact, representatives of the breed are cheerful and balanced dogs that easily make contact and show genuine friendliness towards others. American bullies do not shy away from communication and affection; they will happily roll over on their back in front of you and close their eyes in anticipation of reverent strokes.

Animals are distinguished by an amazing ability to get along with all members of the “pack,” as they say, from young to old. Bullies are able to sense the “weather in the house” and defuse the tense atmosphere in a timely manner with a funny and clumsy prank. Representatives of the breed treat all family members kindly, but consider only one to be the owner. With him, dogs are incredibly gentle and strive at all costs to bring a happy smile on the face of their loved one. If you manage to find the key to the heart of a charming giant, be prepared for an obsessive (and sometimes manic) pursuit: American Bullies do not like to let their owner out of sight.

Due to their tendency to become attached to their family, these animals will not be able to spend most of their time alone. If spontaneous trips outside the city limits and the desire to put your thoughts in order in solitude are familiar to you, refuse to purchase an American Bully. These dogs need constant attention, but still they will not destroy furniture and continuously howl at a locked door in the short absence of the owner.

Please note: it is not recommended to often leave bullies in their own care. Over time, the animal will no longer see you as a leader whose words need to be listened to, and this is fraught with additional problems with the pet.

Despite their phlegmatic and good-natured disposition, “Americans” tend to dominate novice dog breeders. This is especially true for young male dogs who strive to defend their rights not only among their relatives, but also among people. Most often, bullies attempt to usurp power before the age of one and a half years. To avoid this, it is worth clearly defining the hierarchy from puppyhood, otherwise the intervention of a professional dog handler will be required.

If you don't have experience keeping fighting dogs, look at other breeds. American Bullies are not suitable for older people or those with a gentle character.

The animals are known for their highly developed hunting instincts, which makes them quite good candidates for the role of guard dogs. Often American Bullies lack the aggressiveness to be considered ideal guard dogs. Bully owners laugh it off: this is not necessary, because the frightening appearance of the dogs is enough to scare away strangers from the protected area. If any of the family members is in danger, the “Americans” turn into a killing machine literally at the snap of their fingers. At this moment, the bully does not care about the size of the enemy: the animal will protect loved ones to the last.

Representatives of the breed are ideal as family dogs. Animals show amazing love towards children and bravely tolerate their antics. Curiosity, playfulness, desire for pranks and adventures are the main reasons why these big guys find a common language with little family members. American Bullies are capable of engaging in vigorous play for several hours without snarling or biting in response to painful jolts.

Important: It is extremely undesirable to leave a bully alone with a small child. The impressive dimensions of the animal are quite dangerous

Well-socialized dogs get along well with other pets. An exception may be mature males who get involved in a fight for any reason - from territorial to sexual. This is especially noticeable during a walk, when the American Bully can show aggression towards its relatives. Cats, ornamental rodents and birds are not the best company for dogs. If possible, limit the American's contact with these pets.

Bullies cannot be called real “live”, but they are also not considered couch potatoes. Even an ordinary person can satisfy the breed's need for activity. A long walk (at least an hour and a half) twice a day is enough. Bully owners recommend occasionally going on a hike with their dogs: a new environment, active games and communication with the owner will give the pet a lot of positive emotions!


The American Pit Bull Terrier, photos of which are presented in the rich selection below, is a bright dog, varied in color. Her eyes reveal alertness, curiosity, love and devotion. Pit bulls are not a breed for everyone, because perseverance and a certain severity are required to tame his character.

Experts note that there is no uniformity among representatives of the breed, but in the photo you will determine for yourself all the features of dogs that are unique to them. These original, beautiful, lively dogs can make you fall in love at first sight.

When looking through photos of pit bulls, pay attention to their noses. They can be black, with markings, red, liver. It is worth noting that red noses are the “prerogative” of pit bulls only and are an indicator of the purebred dog. Meet the American Pit Bull Terrier!

How to choose a dog

To begin with, each breeder must clearly formulate for himself why he needs an American Pit Bull Terrier.

  1. Pet class – these puppies will make ideal pets. The average price for such babies is about 7 thousand rubles. These animals may well be used for further breeding. They are allowed to participate in exhibitions. Their parents may not have a pedigree, but sometimes such puppies appear in litters of elite dogs.
  2. Breeding class – these puppies are intended mainly for breeding. The price for such representatives of the breed is much higher and can reach up to 20 thousand rubles. This is a dog that meets all breed standards.
  3. Show class - such puppies are capable of making a brilliant career at shows. Real aristocrats, the pride of their breed - they can become the subject of envy and it is much easier to see them in a photo than in the city on a walk. The price for them can reach 45 thousand rubles.

Purchasing such a puppy is very problematic, since there are always huge queues for them in nurseries. And not every breeder will sell a baby that shows great promise

But you should not purchase a pit bull puppy based solely on its price. This is due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to predict the future of a young animal.

It is much easier to recognize a potential champion in the crowd when he reaches 6-8 months of age.

A situation may arise when a breeder persistently offers you a puppy for a high price, showing photos of its elite parents.

But remember that in this case the baby himself is not elite. A dog can earn such a title only after achieving high results at exhibitions.

Is it true that this is a dangerous and aggressive breed?

When training, it is important to pay attention to the skill of managing aggression. The owner learns to monitor the pet's behavior. The development of aggressiveness against people should not be taught.

Many people talk about the dangers of pit bulls. But if you look at the statistics, the number of attacks from representatives of the breed does not exceed 10 percent. It's more about the devastating consequences. Also, reputations are spoiled by owners who get dogs for protection, setting them on people and scaring everyone. But if the owner directs energy in a peaceful direction, the pet will perform well in agility, dog pulling and other sports.

Video: American Pit Bull Terrier: description and characteristics of the breed

Breed description, standards and appearance

The height of mini pit bulls ranges from 37 to 42 cm at the withers. Normal weight is between 15–22 kg. Color is black, white, red, cream, brown and gray. Sometimes there are white markings on the chest.

Miniature pit bulls are stocky dogs, athletic in build, dense, with pronounced muscles. They have powerful shoulders, which is why their front paws are placed in a “wheel” position. The chest is round and wide. The back has a slight arch. Other characteristics of the breed:

  • the head is rectangular, with a high and wide forehead, a flat skull;
  • straight muzzle, powerful jaws with large teeth and a scissor bite;
  • ears are set high, dense, drooping, usually cropped;
  • almond-shaped or oval-shaped eyes;
  • the body is large, with a straight back, powerful neck and broad shoulders;
  • the animal’s skin fits tightly to the body, without folds;
  • The coat is short and thick, without undercoat, waviness is not allowed.

Externally, mini pitas are very similar to another American breed - American bullies of the pocket subspecies. But the second ones are even more stocky and powerful, they have different origins.

American bullies are recognized by the main cynological organizations in the United States; there are also their kennels in our country. While mini pit bulls are rare representatives of the canine world.

Size and weight

The weight of adult males varies from 30 to 35 kg . Females are slightly smaller, weighing from 22 to 28 . Growth is usually directly proportional to weight if the animal is healthy and has no pathologies.

The following will clearly show how a puppy grows month by month:

MonthDescription (height, weight)
1Weight reaches 4 kg, and height 25 cm.
2The weight doubles, active growth occurs: 8 kg and 35 cm.
3It begins to look like a small bear cub, as it weighs 14 kg and reaches 40 cm at the withers.
4Weight 18 kg, height 45 cm.
5Weight up to 22 kg, height 52 cm.
6During adolescence, height and weight gain slows down. Weight remains 23 kg, height 55 cm.
7Almost does not change in weight, maybe gain a couple of kilograms. Height reaches 63 cm.
8Weight up to 29, height 65 cm.
9Weight up to 33 kg, height up to 70 cm.
10From 9 to 12 months, height and weight remain unchanged, namely 35 kg and 70 cm.

Diseases and health problems

In general, pit bull terriers are very hardy and powerful, and have fairly good health, but these athletes can also have problems, because... Dogs have some predispositions to certain ailments. Pit bulls often develop allergies, which are primarily associated with feeding that is inappropriate for the dog.

The canine hormonal system can also suffer, and problems associated with the thyroid gland often occur, namely, thyroid dysfunction. Because of this, pit bulls become very fat; the presence of a large amount of adipose tissue leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver.

Of course, no one is 100% protected from various infections, including pit bulls, so it is very important to go through all routine vaccination and deworming procedures with dogs, so as not to aggravate the situation and avoid many misfortunes. The dog's health is always in the hands of its owner

If the latter shows constant attention and care, monitors the condition and well-being of his pet, pays close attention to his behavior, and carries out regular preventive examinations, then problems with dog health arise quite rarely or do not occur at all. It is worth noting that the life expectancy of pit bulls varies from 12 to 15 years

What to feed a pit bull?

Pit bulls have a good appetite, you need to watch the portion size. Due to overeating, the dog gains excess weight and becomes less active. The owner himself chooses whether to give him a dry ready-made diet, homemade food or use a mixed diet.

Amino acids, proteins, and proteins keep you fit. Special foods rich in vitamins are “Astor Energy”, “Royal Canin Endurance 4800”.

With natural feeding, risk, buckwheat, and rolled oats are suitable. Millet and wheat groats cannot be offered. Every day an adult should consume at least 200 g of lean meat. This is rabbit, veal, turkey, beef. Cartilaginous dishes - tails, ears - will benefit. Fermented milk products are highly digestible - fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese. This type of nutrition will require vitamin supplements - “Gelakan Baby”, “Beafar”.

The size of the portion and the number of feedings is affected by the age of the pet:

  1. 1-3 months. Liquid porridge is offered. First based on milk, then on low-fat meat broth. It is worth feeding 4-6 times a day. Instead of one of the servings, you can give kefir or cottage cheese. Dosage at a time – no more than 100 g.
  2. 3-6 months. Number of servings – 3-4 times a day, no more than 250 g.
  3. From 8 months. Feeding occurs once or twice 800 g in the case when the size of the adult dog is small and a liter for a large individual.


Pit bull owners often encounter prejudice and hostility from others towards their pets. Meanwhile, these are wonderful animals, and the manifestation of malice on their part is nothing more than the result of the purposeful education in them of cruelty and aggression - qualities without which it is impossible to win a battle. The people themselves made the American Pit Bull Terrier like this.

Proper training and early socialization make it possible to obtain an excellent companion, a reliable guard and a loyal friend. A courageous pit bull will love and respect all family members and, in case of danger, will protect them at the cost of his own life.

Pit bulls are intelligent and quick-witted, so they learn easily and quickly remember commands. However, they are unusually stubborn and prone to dominance, so dog experts do not recommend this breed to inexperienced dog breeders. The ideal owner for a dog will be someone who practices fair and firm training coupled with consistent and gentle discipline. Training will require a lot of time and effort to socialize the dog and teach him obedience.

The dog, adapted to society, gladly takes part in any family activity and even in adulthood remains cheerful and cheerful. Most owners of this breed claim that these are the best dogs in the world.

Pit bulls love children and are quite tolerant of childish pranks. But you need to understand that this is a fighting dog and it was not created for games. The child needs to be taught that the dog should be treated with respect. You should not disturb her while sleeping or eating, or pull her ears or tail. Not a single pit bull will tolerate such treatment towards his person. For safety reasons, leaving children alone with a dog, even a small one, is prohibited!

An uncontrolled dog should be kept in a confined area, especially when it reaches sexual maturity. At this time, the dog is trying to become the leader of the pack, so he needs special control.


These strong pets were in great demand for protecting homes. They also became excellent assistants for hunters. Such dogs could easily cope with large wild animals.

But the main purpose of the pit bull , unfortunately, remained participation in dog fights. After the official ban on these bloodthirsty entertainments, the population of representatives of this breed also decreased significantly, since their numbers were carefully controlled.

When dog fighting became illegal in the United States and other countries , the media specifically spread horror stories about uncontrollable aggression or attacks by fighting dogs on humans. This was done in order to enlist the support of ordinary citizens to ban the breeding of pit bull terriers.

Nowadays, the pit bull terrier is no longer regarded as an aggressive killing machine. It is gaining popularity both in our country and abroad. Often these animals are used in police service. Since pit bulls have a good sense of smell, they search for drugs and explosives.

Additional information about the breed

The pit bull has powerful jaws and a constant need to chew something. Old non-studded tires, special hard treats, and molded rubber balls are perfect for dogs to play with.

It is important to provide your dog with toys in a timely manner so that he does not switch to his home environment out of boredom. On top of that, pitas are very affectionate and cannot stand long separation from their family. Prolonged loneliness can have a detrimental effect on your pet's health and character.

Prolonged loneliness can have a detrimental effect on your pet's health and character.

Pit bulls do not have an undercoat, so it is important to protect the dog from drafts and to purchase insulating clothing for it during the winter cold. In addition, pitas do not like to sleep on the floor. A special dog bed or sofa will not be superfluous.

A special dog bed or sofa will not be superfluous.

Key Features

  • Pit bulls require early obedience training and socialization so that they can overcome their stubbornness and desire for leadership at a young age. Their strength and stubbornness as adults can make relationships with them difficult.
  • The American Pit Bull Terrier is not suitable for those people who cannot pay enough attention to them.
  • Pit bulls should always be on a leash in public to prevent aggression towards other dogs. In the fight they do not retreat and fight to the end.
  • Pit bulls have powerful jaws, so they have a frequent need to chew. For chewing, toys that are sufficiently hard and durable are suitable for them, which they cannot swallow.
  • A Pit Bull will do best with an owner who can offer firm and fair training, but gentle and consistent discipline.

History of the breed

England and Ireland are considered the homeland of pit bull terriers. This breed was developed from bulldogs and terriers. Thanks to the bulldog genes, the pit bull terrier has strength and tenacity; the second ancestor endowed them with lightning-fast reactions.

European settlers who emigrated to America brought representatives of this breed with them. It was on American soil that the pit bull terrier was first officially registered as a separate breed.

Appearance and standards of a pit bull

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a powerful, athletically complex medium-sized dog with smoothly defined, well-developed muscles. Preferred weight: 16-28 kg for males, 14-23 kg for females

But for a pit bull, what is important is not exact matching of numbers, but correct body proportions and good condition

Head and muzzle

The pit bull's unique head is considered a key element; it gives the dog a sense of strength without being disproportionate. The head is wide, large; When viewed from the front, it has the shape of a blunt, wide wedge. When viewed from the side, the top line of the skull and muzzle are parallel and connected by a moderate stop.

The muzzle is wide, tapering slightly towards the nose. The jaw is wide and deep. The lips fit tightly. The nose is large and has wide open nostrils. Pigmentation may vary. Complete teeth with correct bite. The eyes are medium-sized, round or almond-shaped, widely spaced. Any color is allowed except blue and heterochromia. The ears are set high and can be cropped. Uncropped ones should be semi-erect, folded in the shape of a rose. The neck is of medium length, with a slight bend in the nape area.


The length of the body is slightly greater than the height; bitches come in an even more elongated format. The length of the forelimbs is approximately equal to 1/2 of the height. The chest is wide, but the width should not exceed the length. The back is strong and strong. The topline has a slight slope from the withers to the flat, wide back. The loin is slightly arched and the croup is moderately sloping. The limbs are strong, muscular, and set quite wide. The feet are round with curved toes. The tail is a natural continuation of the top line, gradually tapering to the tip. When relaxed, it is carried low and extends to the hock joint. When moving, it rises above the line of the back; in an excited state it can rise up, but should not be thrown back in a ring over the back.

Coat and colors

The coat is short, dense and shiny, the hair is smooth, moderately hard to the touch, there is no undercoat. Color: any shade or combination except merle.

The merle (merle) color appeared in the breed many years ago as a result of crossings with other breeds, such as the leopard dog. Interbreeding was aimed at improving qualities, but as a result, pit bulls encountered a lot of problems. The color is prohibited in the breed, since the presence of merle alleles is associated with the risk of developing a number of ophthalmological and ear diseases, as well as psychological, neurological, immunological and other health problems.

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