Weight standards for a French bulldog: from puppy to adult dog

One of the health problems that French bulldog owners face is obesity. In pursuit of weight normalization, many owners rely on tabular indicators from the Internet, without taking into account the characteristics of their dog and without consulting a veterinarian. For bulldogs, there are weight and height standards that set recommended limits. From the article you will learn: what is the normal weight for a baby bulldog and for an adult dog, how French puppies should gain weight, what diet a dog needs to avoid problems with excess weight.

Adult dog: weight norm

Like many other animals, French bulldogs have males that are taller and heavier than females. The RKF standard provides boundary values ​​for the breed:

  • male - from 10 to 16 kg with a height of 30 to 37 cm;
  • female - from 8 to 13 kg with a height of 25 to 32 cm.

Among other dogs of similar sizes, French bulldogs have quite an impressive weight. The decent weight of the relatively small size of the dog can be explained by the fact that the ancestors of modern bulldogs were fighting dogs, which were characterized by large muscle mass. For breeding work, European specialists chose the ferocious English bulldog, decorative terriers and pugs. Subsequently, another type of French bulldog was bred - the dwarf.

Final thoughts

French Bulldogs are mischievous, one-of-a-kind dogs that have melted the hearts of many. French bulldogs, with their many genetic health problems, may require more veterinary care than other dogs.

Article author: Aaliyah Diamond . DVM Candidate - Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. Aaliyah Diamond has more than a decade of experience in animal hospitals, working with dozens of species, from dogs and cats to elephants and snow leopards. Her lifelong passion for helping animals has led to her currently pursuing a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree at Cornell University and helping Counselor Pavlisi educate pet parents.

Table of weight by age depending on the gender of the dog

(age (in months)/weight (in kg)
age (in months)/weight (in kg)
1 month - from 1 to 1.5 kg (birth weight from 200 to 300 g.) 1 month - from 0.9 to 1.2 kg (birth weight from 170 to 280 g)
2 months — from 2 to 2.3 kg 2 months — from 1.5 to 2 kg
3 months — from 3 to 5.5 kg 3 months — from 1.8 to 4.2 kg
4 months — from 4 to 6.5 kg 4 months — from 3.5 to 5.4 kg
5 months — from 5 to 7.6 kg 5 months — from 4.5 to 6.3 kg
6 months — from 6 to 9.5 kg 6 months — from 5.4 to 7.5 kg
7 months — from 6.5 to 10.5 kg 7 months — from 5.6 to 8.6 kg
8 months — from 7.4 to 11.5 kg 8 months — from 6.5 to 9 kg
9 months — from 8.2 to 13 kg 9 months — from 7 to 10.5 kg
10-11 months — from 9 to 15 kg 10-11 months — from 7.5 to 13 kg
after a year - weight remains within 15-15.5 kgafter a year - weight remains within 12.5-14 kg

Growth phases: to what age do French bulldogs grow?

A newborn puppy weighs less than a kilogram, but from the first months it begins to quickly gain weight. With intense uncontrolled feeding, the baby will become plump, even fat. During this period, it is necessary to create a diet that will provide the puppy with all the necessary nutrients, but will not lay the foundation for obesity.

The French Bulldog puppy continues to grow rapidly until he is ten or eleven months old. Then the baby begins to grow in width and forms muscle mass. Fluctuations in weight gain slow down. First, the head develops and grows, then the chest and muscles. By the age of one and a half years, the exterior of the French bulldog is fully formed.

Important: the average standard indicators do not mean that all bulldogs should develop within the specified weight and height limits. Dwarf brothers weigh 6-10 kg less than usual, and the height at the withers is less than 25 cm.

Summary of the breed's pros and cons

Before purchasing such a pet, a dog breeder should study the characteristics of the pros and cons of the breed. True, looking at these charming dogs, it is obvious that they have more advantages than disadvantages.

The main pros and cons of the breed are presented in the table.

Have small dimensionsNeed clothes for walking
Loyal to the owner and his family membersCan't stand loneliness
Rarely barkSnore loudly
Brave and FearlessStubborn and touchy
No need for long walks or physical activityCannot tolerate heat and cold
Have a developed intellectThey swim poorly
Does not require much effort in care and maintenance
Do not show aggression towards strangers
They love children
They do not have a specific dog smell

Thanks to their universal character, French bulldogs will fit perfectly into any family, and attention, love and proper care will help your pet live a long and happy life.

Factors affecting a dog's weight

First of all, weight depends on the gender of the animal - males differ from females in height, weight and appearance - males are more masculine, muscular and aggressive.

In addition, the weight indicators are influenced by the following factors:

  • climate;
  • genetics - frequent obesity;
  • dietary features - small amounts or low-calorie foods;
  • concomitant diseases and pathologies of the dog - chronic diseases will prevent you from gaining weight;
  • puppy's diet - often babies raised on artificial formula do not gain weight as rapidly as those raised on mother's milk. Artificial ones most often do not become strong; they are distinguished by their grace and small size.

The final formation of a dog occurs by the age of two. Interestingly, a one-year-old puppy can be heavier than an adult two-year-old dog. By this age, the French become more muscular and fit.

Interesting: show animals should be more graceful and light than simple purebred pets.

Deviations from normal weight

One of the problems with weight is intense loss. The main reason is rickets. A consultation with a veterinarian is necessary to rule out other causes and obtain advice on the treatment of rickets.

This condition develops due to the lack of necessary minerals in the diet and disruption of the functioning of certain glands.

Important: puppies and young dogs are most often affected by the disease. In winter, the risk of developing the disease increases several times.

The main signs of rickets:

  • pronounced curvature of the paws;
  • thickening of joints;
  • characteristic sagging in the back area.

You need to start therapy as early as possible, it should only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Self-medication will cause more harm than good to a young dog and such problems will persist for the rest of his life. In treatment, it is especially important to establish proper nutrition for the French bulldog.


  • six meals a day are required for a puppy, two meals a day for an adult dog;
  • Feeding is carried out strictly at the same time - the regime is very important.

Another problem common to bulldogs is obesity. The main causes of obesity are overfeeding, an unbalanced diet, and a sedentary lifestyle of the dog.

Principles of obesity treatment:

  • reducing the calorie content of the menu by 30-40%;
  • increasing the dog's activity;
  • increasing the percentage of plant foods in the bulldog's bowl.

At the beginning, the dog will beg for an additional portion, so you should not give in to him. Soon he will get used to the new diet, his health will be in order. After all, obesity is always accompanied by: problems with the heart and joints, shortness of breath, and breathing problems.

As a rule, in case of obesity, additional studies are prescribed, since the cause can be not only nutritional deficiencies, but also certain diseases:

  • heart diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • genetic pathologists;
  • stress and depression.

How to treat obesity?

Due to overfeeding and insufficient activity in a city apartment, the dog begins to suffer from obesity. And this leads to apathy, breathing difficulties, heart problems, stress on the spine and joints of the limbs.

In this case, the dog owner needs to know how to feed the pet so that it loses extra pounds. In addition, it is necessary to increase the dog's physical activity.


The calorie content of food for a bulldog should be reduced by 30-40%.

At first, the dog will ask for more, begging you with his pained gaze, but do not give in to provocations. Once you endure this period, then it will be easier - the bulldog will get used to this diet and will no longer ask for more food.

Extend your walks outdoors. Play more outdoor games - you can use a ball or plastic bones for this.

It is advisable that the diet for the animal be developed by a veterinarian. Most likely, he will advise giving the dog low-calorie plant foods, such as boiled carrots, green beans, and cabbage. You will need vitamin supplements, which should also be prescribed by a specialist.

In addition, the veterinarian will probably advise examining an obese dog, since sometimes it is not only a sedentary lifestyle and good nutrition that lead to excess weight in a pet.

This condition can develop against the background of certain disorders in the body - these may be:

  • cardiac disorders;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • hereditary factor;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • stressful situations.


French bulldog puppies are perpetual motion machines. Sometimes babies simply forget to eat, so it’s difficult to overfeed them. When switching to independent nutrition, special attention should be paid to the process of introducing new ingredients. They are given in small pieces. It’s better to start with meat or porridge, gradually introducing vegetables and fruits. During this period, the general condition and stool of the baby are carefully monitored.

Small Bulldog food percentage:

  • 65% - protein;
  • 35% - carbohydrates.

Up to a year, the serving size should be 8-10% of the dog’s weight. If the baby eats ready-made food, then the choice is made from premium diets. It is worth choosing age-appropriate foods. Many producers have breed lines.

Brief history of origin

The history of the origin of the breed is very confusing. Dog handlers have still not come to a consensus as to which country bulldogs owe their origins to: England or France.

Some experts believe that the ancestors of these dogs are English bulldogs, which once participated in bullfights. According to another opinion, their ancestors are the now extinct Spanish bulldogs.

Initially, dogs were used to kill rodents in retail stores and sewing workshops. Later they became decorative dogs in the homes of aristocrats.

For a long time, among other breeds, they were considered a kind of canine elite. Now representatives of this breed are exclusively show dogs and companions.

Expert opinion

Leonid Rodin

Experienced dog breeder

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If once the ancestors of the modern French bulldog were able to attack bulls or catch rats, then their current descendants are unlikely to be capable of such feats. Serving as a companion to a person is the most suitable occupation for them. The spread of French bulldogs throughout Europe was connected, oddly enough, with the mechanization of production. English lacemakers, working in unheated rooms, warmed their knees with small dogs. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, when machines began to replace manual labor in Britain, they moved en masse to France, taking to their new place dogs trained to replace a heating pad. French bulldogs are occasionally seen in the company of celebrities. Lady Gaga and Leonardo DiCaprio, Hillary Duff and Hugh Jackman posed with them. But these dogs never caught on as an expensive attribute of star artists. They still remained a source of pride for modern heiresses of provincial seamstresses, who valued above all else the ability of French bulldogs to lie without moving and without interfering with the owner’s business.

This is interesting. In Russia, one of the first owners of French bulldog dogs was the opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. French bulldogs are small dogs with quite impressive weight figures.
  2. Males are larger and taller than females.
  3. Dogs are prone to rickets and obesity.
  4. Intensive growth of puppies continues until 11 months, then the dog builds muscle mass.
  5. Both natural food and ready-made food are suitable for nutrition.

How much does your French Bulldog weigh? How did he develop as a child? Have you ever had to deal with rickets or obesity in your pet? Share your stories in the comments, please. Your experience is very important to us and our readers.

What affects height and body weight?

Often the weight and height of French bulldogs lags behind normal values. This breed is prone to various diseases that affect the weight of the animal. This can be either obesity or dystrophy caused by rickets.

The weight and height of a French bulldog are mainly influenced by the dog's genetics. In second place is the influence of the nutrition of a small puppy , as well as how long he is breastfed.

It has been noticed that artificial puppies gain weight more slowly and ultimately grow not so large and massive.

After the puppy is weaned from its mother, the dog's diet plays an important role.

Thus, the following nutritional deficiencies will affect the weight gain of a French bulldog:

  • small amount of food in volume;
  • low calorie food.

As a result, the dog grows much shorter and lighter than standard standards.

Another factor in underweight can be chronic diseases of the animal.

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